can you make backie for my new spirte?
Sure, I'll make what you requested. (I don't mind the edit.) I never made a walkie before...this is not urgent
um can you make me an intro sprite/walking sprite for: Image
i hope don't mind the edit
Sure, I'll make what you requested.Hey, SweetSmoochum, sorry to add to your workload, but I have a request, if you have room.
Could you please make a backie of the character you made for me before? She's in my thread, if you forgot what she looks like.
Thank you!
wow good job on the walkie and i will think about it a comic and a fan fic that mite be fun
Thank you.about time there be a female fisher looks super good w2g
can you make backies for the other girl too?
You're welcome & thank you.Thanks so much! I love them!
I also like the fisherchick, it's awesome!
You're welcome. That's really good for a scratch sprite.
hay Ashley. You did well with the female fisherwoman it looks great! I would love to request something but it seems strange. do you do right handed backies if not i could settle for normal backies of disnix(the guy in my sig)
good night ashley(but when you read this it could be good morning or afternoon).
Ah good to know. And thanks, complements always bring out the best in me
And I know what you mean, Harry Potter 7 is un-putdownable (heheh made a new word.) Good luck to you on finishing it. Oh and at the end of the book-*bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*. Anyway
You should make some Harry Potter sprites! THAT would be interesting to see
Edit: I finished PSP Naruto's request. I hope you like it. I made both lefty and righty so I guess he's ambidextrous now. (I'm a lefty.)
OMG!! I'm lefty too!! I felt lonely thinking that I haven't met any other lefties in a while (there are 2 other lefties in my class, out of 44 kids)
And your sprites are as awesoem as always ;D
Oh man. I'm upset now. I already made a Marley sprite and her overworlds. (The Fr/Lg overworlds of her look really similar to the DP ones.) They are on the other computer. If I can get it to work, I'll post it here asap. Okay? Please don't be upset with me. :'(can you make a marley spirte?
That made me feel really bad. :'( Next time you want to use someones sprite, you should ask them or make a request from them. If you wanted me to make you a sprite that looks similar to my Flannery sprite, but have the hair color and the outfit different I would have done it for you. I wouldn't have minded, but that hurt my feelings. :'(Sorry Smoochum for ripping your art. :-\ I didn't read the rules clearly and im sorry if you thought I stole anything, I guess I should have asked. :-[
Thank you. (It was hard to find good pictures of the characters.)I think they are awesome! I love the way you did their hair
Thank you. I finished your request. I hope you like it.I don't think so... But I love those sprites, very well made and they look like they would be in the real Pokemon games. Keep up the good work! =^.^=
Sure. Here it is. I hope you like it.can you make a mug shot of sailor Saturn ?