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SSBB: Preferred Control Method

Your preferred controller method?

  • Wiimote

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Wiimote + Nunchuk

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Classic Controller

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • GCN Controller

    Votes: 23 67.6%

  • Total voters


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Simple poll I've been intrigued enough to do :p

Which control method do you use in SSBB for whatever reason?

I've tried out all four now and while the standard Wiimote control method was fairly good IMO (all things considered), and the classic controller has potential, I've found that I still prefer the Gamecube controller when playing (feels most natural after Melee). I'm tempted now to buy a new Wave Bird since my original... kinda got destroyed ^^;

So, what about the lot of you?

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I've played Brawl with both the Wiimote, Wiimote=Nunchuck, and with the Gamecube controller, and I'm still most familiar with the Game Cube controller. Playing Brawl with the Nunchuck is just too, erm, unusual for me, and the Wiimote just seems too skinny and, well, FLAT. Plus I sometimes accidentally press the shield button at times when playing with the Wiimote, and so I'll lose more easily that way.

Yes, Gamecube controller all the way, just because I'm so used to it.
I've got to say, the GameCube controller is my way to go. It just feels more natural, I dunno why, it just does. And, it's kinda sentimental, as it's the controller I played Melee with. I'll do the Classic Controller, too, but it's still a bit "flat" (as Shiny puts it). Using the Wii Remote is just odd, and using Wii Remote-Nunchuk is even more weird, as it just feels wrong, being as you're technically using two controllers for a game that needs you to be quick.
I tried the Wii Remote. The buttons are too close together and I could never seem to jump when I wanted to. Since I wasn't about to do Wii Remote+Nunchuk and I don't own a Classic Controller, so Gamecube Controller it was.
Well, I haven't tried out the gamecube controller yet but after a few days of practice, I got used to Wiimote Nunchuck combo. However, I'm still having trouble with smash attacks, so I'm probably going to use the gc controller again.
I use the Gamecube controller because I am just use to using it. I could easily pick if up from SSBE, and I just think the Wii Remote, is a little flat, and difficult to handle.
Gamecube Controller all the way. With all the time spent playing Melee, it'd take an ice age to get use to a new control scheme. Though I can see how the Classic Controller would be nice substitute from the GC Controller. Maybe I'll try that out now...
I also prefer the Gamecube Controller but I'm getting more used to Wiimote=Nunchuk. The buttons make sense to me and its not difficult to use.
The wiimote itself is just...weird.
I use my Wavebird because the controls are now set up the same. :3 I did use the lone wiimote, but I'mma taunt-lover and the lone wiimote taunt system drives me maaaaad. Ditto with the Wiimote+Nunchuck.​
i like to use the lone wiimote, and the gamecube control kinda, the wiimote=nunchuk is just way wierd, and i won't even bother with the classic controller
Oh the glories past lived with the Wavebird, plus smash attacks are sooooo much easier using the C stick then trying to jam a direction plus A. The GC controller just has a much more natural feel to an arcade style fighter (which coincedentally, is what SSBB is so much like) ;D
I haven't used any methods of control aside from the GameCube controller (because my friends and I are GCN snobs) but I imagine I would prefer the GameCube over anything else simply because of the years spent on Melee using it.

The GameCube controller to me was perfect as a means of gaming. It felt right, it was comfortable, you got used to it quickly and the analog sticks feel just right.
considering that I played the gamecube controller obsessively recently on melee (while I was waiting for brawl) I just play way better with it than with any other...and I just haven't tried other controls much...I didn't do terrible with the nunchuk+wiimote, but still, my dash+up c-stick rocks on characters that I can pull it off with (medium speed characters, unlike bowser and sonic...fox does it well...)
Because Linkachu said I could ^^

I'm so excited that I finally have Brawl and I've always wanted to reply here.

When I heard everyone say that the Gamecube Controller was better, I believed it. So I dug up my Gamecube controller only to find that we didn't get it along. I played one Brawl with the GCC and hated it. I play with the Wiimote and the nunchuk because it feels natural. Mind you that's only because I haven't and never will play Melee. The GCC felt huge, bulky, and highly uncomfortable in my hands and it was hard to do attacks. So yeah the Wiimote + Nunchuk works for me ^^

Edit: I bet everyone is probably saying "You gave up too soon on the GCC." But...the Wiimote and nunchuk is more natural. Plus I don't have a wireless GCC and I don't like being tethered.
Carmen, you are now shunned from the cookie table.

Gamecube control FTW! I just can't play with any other method. None of it feels right, especially after Melee.
To me, the Gamecube controllor seems the most compact, and easiest to reach all the buttons when you need to.
The one time I did try the wiimote and nunchuck, it worked out alright, but it felt like I was cheating on my Gamecube controllers...

Of course, I'm just strange like that.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I play with the Gamecube controller as well, after several years and over 2,500 hours of total play time on Melee. I haven't tried any other control method and I don't think I ever will either - I'm just too used to playing with the Gamecube controller now.


Yes, even I think that the GCN controller is the best out of the four. This is because it has a more comfortable grip than the others.

AND I am used to playing with it...
I actually like using just the Wiimote. That's how I started to play it, and now anything else just feels wrong now :-\. I would use the Classic Controller, but it won't let me use the arrow pad for movement, so I can't stand using it.