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Ask to Join Star Wars: After Order

"Wait... Supreme Leader Kylo Ren?" The man asked, confused. "Since when was the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren? I thought that the Supreme Leader was a guy called Snoke?"
The man, having lived on Endor for a few months, had no idea of any of the events that had transpired recently in the galaxy.
"And... And hold on a second. His real name is Ben Solo? As in, the son of Han Solo? The Rebel pilot." The man said. He was having trouble processing this information.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Yes,I am not really sure too. All I know I felt through Force or Ewoks told me. It seems like Kylo killed Han before few months and that Snoke was killed by a Jedi called Rey. They told me that my Master died. But I dont belive it. I dont want to." Mickey said to a uninformated man
With that, the man's eyes widened. He leaned forward, looking at Mickey intently.
"You felt all that through the Force?!" The man said. He stood up, looking Mickey up and down again. "Really?"
The man assumed a thoughtful look, and began to walk away from the young cyborg.
"That's quite interesting..." The man said. He began to walk back towards the clearing where the First Order had landed. "I think I'll have to write that down..."
Suddenly, the man froze, staring up at a particular destroyed tree. He ran over to it, and climbed it quickly. It was the same tree that Captain Zek Phasma had jumped into and removed the book.
"My... my notes! They stole my notes!" The man exclaimed, looking up at the Star Destroyer. "What?!"

As Cham approached Dantooine, another ship showed up on his scanner.
"Kark... El'ia, get ready to blast that thing." Cham said. But to his surprise the ship hailed them instead, claiming to be a Jedi. Cham responded.
"Excuse me, but your story is full of kark. The Jedi Order's dead, and has been since the Clone Wars. Why should we trust you?" Cham asked.


Previously m1h4jl0
"What just happened?"asked Mickey staring at man,which name he still didn't knew,while he was climbing up the tree.
"Can I help you,sir? It seems like you lost something."said Mickey now kindly to him
"No... Not lost. Stolen." The man said, jumping down from the tree. He sighed sadly, and sat down at the base of the burnt tree. "It seems those First Order fools stole my notes. Not that it matters. I guess I'll just have to end up starting all over again."
The man looked up at Mickey, his disappointment changing to curiosity.
"Well then. What about you, young Mickey? What brings you to Endor? The lush foliage? The natives?" The man asked.
“I sensed the death of Snoke recently,” he said. “Ren killed him. Ren is out to get me. If you wanna stay alive, turn your ship around and get as far away from this place as possible. There are Stormtroopers scanning the whole system. Anyone down there is in trouble if they associate with the Jedi Order or the Rebels.”
As Cham listened to this wacko ramble on, and on, he got more and more confused. Sensing people's death? Ren was out to get him? Cham supposed he should be lucky that this guy hadn't just assumed that they were part of the First Order, otherwise they might've been blasted to oblivion by now. Kylo Ren was looking for this guy? Heck, they had just left Kylo Ren back there, supposedly! Cham switched to a private frequency to communicate with Zek, so that this dude wouldn't listen in on them.
"Well, Phasma? What's the game plan?" Cham asked.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Well I came here to live in secret because they still think I am dead. And I need to rest because of all this operations. I have to learn how to control my new body."said Mickey.
He didnt wanted to show him his replaced parts parts. They were too important to him. He couldnt live without them.
(sorry for late response)
"I do have a plan. Let me just flick a few switches..." Zek flicked 2 switches. "Alright!" The two TIE fighters changed into normal freighters, and the symbol on Zek's fighter disappeared. "We made upgrades to sneak into anywhere we're not wanted. Plus, Ren couldn't get across the galaxy faster than us. I see no destroyers! It's a bluff" The captain flew down to the spaceport, blasters at the ready, just in case. He ran right into the space port. The cantina there was open, but they probably didn't want to go there. Maybe it best to stay in the port. It'll look suspicious if we do though. It'll probably be better to go to a cantina. He started up his com. "We have to go to a Cantina. It'll look suspicious if we just sit around. Plus there are private booths here. It'll be fine. Like I said, I've got a flipp'n lightsaber!"
Cham shook his head as he landed the TIE fighter-now-cargo ship. He had never seen a TIE fighter able to that before. The First Order probably used it in stealth missions or something, but it was nothing compared to the Shooting Star. Cham sighed, grabbing his Bowcaster as El'ia unbuckled herself.
"Cham... What are we going to do?" El'ia said, grabbing his arm. "We don't have any money. How are we supposed to do anything?"
"I guess we'll just have to rely on Phasma." Cham said, lowering the entrance ramp. "But why he wants us to meet him at some Cantina, I dunno."
The pair of Mirialans walked out of their ship, only to be met with by an armed Trandoshan flanked by two sketchy human. The lizardlike humanoid leered at Cham and El'ia, then hissed in a grating voice.

"We be the collectors of the landing tax." The Trandoshan said.
"Landing tax...? I don't recall a landing tax..." Cham said, his voice steady. His hand rested on his holstered blaster.
"It goes to support local businesses. A real charitable act." The Trandoshan said smugly, smirking at Cham.
"We don't have any money, so scram." El'ia said.
"Well then. We'll just have to pay with something else, now won't we?" The Trandoshan said to El'ia, smiling evilly. The next few actions seemed to pass in a blur. Cham drew his gun and fired, but the Trandoshan was fast. The shot only hit the Trandoshan in the shoulder, causing the lizardlike alien to stagger. El'ia was just as quick as Cham, dropping the human on the right while Cham blasted the human on the left before he could level his rifle. The Trandoshan tried to rush Cham, only for a blast from El'ia to knock the humanoid on his butt. Cham looked at El'ia.
"What?" El'ia asked. "My blaster's got a much bigger kick then yours."
Cham shook his head, then started to head towards the nearest Cantina. Hopefully Zek and his buddy would already be there. El'ia caught up a moment later, shoving something in her pocket.
"What's that?" Cham asked. El'ia shrugged.
"Our buddies back there were kind enough to leave their money on themselves. Is it really stealing if you're stealing from a thief?" El'ia asked. Cham just shook his head.

On Endor...

The man nodded, but didn't ask anything.
"In that case, those guys are probably after me. I wasn't exactly the most subtle, i guess. People must have caught on." The man mused. "Or maybe, they could be after something else entirely."


Previously m1h4jl0
"It is only sure that here isnt safe for both of us. And they might come here now because of missiles I fired few minutes ago. So I think we better go and hide somewhere. It is big forest here at last." said Mickey
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Zek sat down at one of the booths. He looked around. It didn't seem like there were many people here. Probably away. Cantinas were much more popular at night. There were a few bounty hunters though. He decided to mind his own business. He saw Cham and El'ia walk in and ARC-6 follow them. 'Hmmm. No droid detector I guess' Zek thought. He invited them over. "OK. So, I'm on a mission to get to the Rebellion, and you guys... Actually, what were you guys gonna once you escaped?"
Cham and El'ia sat down across from Zek, with El'ia scanning the cantina cautiously. Cham looked over at Zek and glared at him. It looked like the Mirialan was about to go off on Zek, but El'ia shook her head. Cham sighed, then looked up at the ex-stormtrooper captain.
"I don't know what we are going to do. Whatever takes us as far away from the First Order as possible. That was slightly easier before you guys decided to blow up the New Republic." Cham said, just loud enough so only they and no one else could hear. Even so, he glanced around to make sure they weren't being listened to. Which, of course they weren't. Cham sighed angrily. "What I want to know is why you neglected to tell me that you had a way to shut down the tractor beams. I left my ship back there because of that."
El'ia sighed as well and shook her head.
"Cham, give it a rest. We can't change that now." El'ia said. That being said, she looked back at Zek. "Why are you so intent on trying to find the Rebellion? If they found out who you really were, they'd probably kill you."
"They took in Finn, didn't they? I mean, I'd probably have to join the After Order first." Zek expected them to know what the After Order was. All they were, were a group of people who quit the First Order to join the Rebellion. They thought they were going to capture them, so they sent them away. Afterwards, The After Order communicated with them and told them that they were safe, and against the First Order. Now, according to Zek's last check, they were heading to the new resistance base. "Please tell me you know what the After Order is. You do know what it is. Right?"
"Finn was just a stormtrooper. He wasn't the son of Kylo Ren and Phasma." Cham said through clenched teeth. El'ia, however, looked confused.
"After Order? No, I don't think I've ever heard of them. Are they a part of the Rebellion or something?" El'ia asked. Unlike Cham, El'ia had a bit more respect for the Rebellion. She was the one that had convinced Cham to do smuggling jobs for the Rebellion while the Republic had still been a thing. But since both the Rebellion and the Republic had been decimated, the pair had stayed away from both the Rebels and the First Order. But even when they had talked with the Rebellion, El'ia had never heard of the After Order movement.
"They are a group of people who quit and escaped the First Order. They made a group of themselves and are starting to help the rebellion. The Rebels are still out there. Just some place the First Order don't know yet." Zek got out the ancient text that he had gotten from Endor. He read the text. 34 ABY, Nelona, 6. I have discovered the place of the hidden kyber crystal fragment. Those were words Zek hadn't heard since the days of the resistance.
"Yeah, whatever..." Cham muttered. He looked around the cantina again, before standing up. "I need a drink."
El'ia handed him some credits she took off the thugs that had tried to rob them, and Cham walked over to the bar. He looked pretty upset. It was just hitting him that, for real, the ship that he had spent years working on, living in, and smuggling in, was now gone. Gone forever. Cham sighed, ordering a drink. He stirred it depressingly.
El'ia, on the other hand, looked a bit interested in what Zek was saying and reading. She was going to ask more about the After Order movement, but saw that he had become interested in the book he had. It looked old and worn.
"What's that?" El'ia asked.
"Oh just an Ancient Jedi Text of some kind" Zek closed it up and looked at the front cover. "The journal and notes of Crater, Jedi Knight? That's weird. The only Jedi left is Rei of the rebellion." He turned his attention back to El'ia. "I feel real bad about your ship. You know, Shadow is still at the destroyer. Maybe he could get it back." Zek opened up his com. "Shadow are you there? We need you to do a favor for us."
El'ia's eyes widened.
"C... Crater?" El'ia asked. She leaned forward, trying to take a look at the notebook. Could it belong to the Crater that worked with her and Cham? N... No. No way. That would be impossible! How would- Crater was no way a Jedi Knight. He was about as far away from a Jedi Knight as you could get! Yeah, the human was a good gunner, a good shot, and had great reaction times, but that didn't make him a Jedi Knight. El'ia looked up at Phasma. "Where... where did you find that book?"

The man shrugged, standing up. He looked up at the Star Destroyer again, then back to Mickey.
"Do you have a place in mind?" The man asked.
"I found it on Endor. When I captured you and Cham." Zek said. "I should probably go tell Cham about his ship. Or should I keep it a secret? What do you think?"

(That's your queue, @It's *That* Guy).


Previously m1h4jl0
"Well,there are not much places on Endor we can be. We can go in my treehouse,but I think they can find us easily. There is Ewok village too,they are good if you want to speak with them,but if you want to live with them,they start to be crazy. So i suggest some other planets. Like Hoth or Tatooine or any other places in outer rim." said Mickey as answer on man's question.
"Endor..." El'ia echoed, sitting back in her seat. She looked shocked, but the thought was quickly shaken from her head when she heard Zek's next comment. El'ia violently shook her head.
"No, don't tell him. He'll get his hopes up, and if you somehow fail getting the Shooting Star back, he'll actually never forgive you." El'ia said. Still, the early news was hard to process. Crater... a Jedi Knight? That's... that's actually not possible...

Unbeknownst to Cham or El'ia, their Trandosian friend entered the Cantina. And he did not look happy. Surprisingly, he didn't look very hurt either. The Lizardlike humanoid scanned the Cantina, growling softly. They were in here. He could smell them. Evidently, he had brought some more help with him as well. Five others, a mix of human and other species, entered the Cantina behind him. The group spread out around the Cantina looking around, but the Trandosian was the first to find them. It was El'ia, actually.
"Hello, girly." The Trandosian growled. El'ia looked up, and her confusion quickly turned to shock. The Trandosian grabbed her by the throat and lifted her out of the booth, slamming her against the wall while completely ignoring Zek.
"You're gonna pay for that stunt back on the landing ramp." The Trandosian hissed, while El'ia struggled to breath.
"Oh no she won't!" Zek said grabbing out his lightsaber. He cut through the arm of the Trandosian, and El'ia dropped to the floor. He nodded at her to get out her blaster. The other five came over when they heard the shrieks of their boss. Three of them got to El'ia and two to Zek, mainly because, well heck, he's holding a lightsaber. Zek forced one of them across the room into a wall and the other he leaped up and behind him and stabbed him in the back.
The Trandosian let out a screech and fell to the floor, clutching his stump of an arm. Two of the thugs tried to take on Zek, only to be quickly dispatched. Patrons of the Cantina began yelling and running about, and Cham looked up to see what all the fuss was about. The remaining three thugs opened fire at El'ia, but the Mirialan woman reacted quickly and ducked behind a booth before she could get hit. Cham, finally realizing the situation, drew his bowcaster and opened fire on the thugs. The blast hit the thugs hard, blasting two of them back into the wall. The third one was unaffected, however, and turned to open fire at Cham. The smuggler quickly ducked behind the bar as blaster bolts shattered glasses and plates. El'ia jumped out from behind her cover, lighting up the last thug with a barrage of blaster bolts. The Trandosian stopped his screeching, and looked up at Zek. The pain on his face transformed to one of rage, and he drew a vibroblade dagger from his belt.
"DIEEEEE!" The Trandosian screeched, lunging at the ex-Stormtrooper Captain.

The man shook his head at Mickey's last suggestion.
"No. I'm afraid I can't leave this planet just yet." The man said. He looked Mickey up and down, then shook his head and smiled. "Plus, I don't think you'd be very good at keeping a low profile. No, I have a place. It's a cave, not far from here. I've set it up quite well."
The man began walking into the forest, then turned and looked back at Mickey.
"Well. Would you like to come as well?" The man asked.
"Oh jeez!" Zek said dodging the dagger. He used his flame gauntlets and burnt the Trandosian's dagger, and split him with his lightsaber. "Alright that's dealt with! Maybe we should get out of here." Zek chucked the gut at the counter a tip. "Sorry for the mess." Zek left to get his ship, but as he walked out the door, he was grabbed by a hand.

(@It's *that* guy!, that's your queue)!


Previously m1h4jl0
"I am not sure. I don't even know what's your name. And caves are not safe places belive me. I have been on much scarier planets and I know how scary creatures exist. And if I can ask why you can't leave Endor" Mickey asked him and climbed up on Cannon again just to chech something


Previously Shadow_Pup
Satro was sitting in the bar when he noticed a commotion he turned to see who it was, when he saw them he looked down at the contract he was just given by a First Order officer and realised it was the three of them, Zek, Cham and El'ia. He quickly and silently left the bar and parkoured his way to the roof of the building opposite to the door. He prepared his DLT-19X rifle and aimed at the door he'd have to be quick if he wanted to get all three at once.
"Don't go out side" he told him "there is a sniper aiming at the door, he knows you guys are wanted dead and wants the bounty, I mean so do I" he explained "but maybe I'm lieing about this" he added with a smirk before standing up and walking outside
Cham slowly peeked his head out from behind the bar, making sure that the coast was clear. Seeing as it was, he slung his bowcaster across his back again and ran over to El'ia. She was fine, if not a little shaken up from when the Trandosian had started strangling her.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Cham asked.
"It was nothing... Just our buddies from the landing area." El'ia said. Something grabbed her ankle, and she looked down to see the Trandosian, somehow still alive from being cut in half and losing an arm, grabbing her ankle.
"You... you..." With that, the Trandosian sighed and collapsed. El'ia pulled her foot away, looking slightly disgusted. Cham shook his head and went over to Zek, just in time to hear the pilot say something about how they already had prices on their heads.
"Wait... what?" Cham looked over at Zek. "How... how do we have prices on our heads already? We just escaped!"
Cham took out his bowcaster again.
"Are we going to have to blast our way out of this?" Cham asked as El'ia reloaded her blaster. Some of the patrons of the Cantina seemed to have overheard the pilot about them having prices on their heads, and looked around greedily.

"Don't worry. The cave I've been staying in is safe. I've been living in it for the past few weeks, it's fine." The man said. He smiled softly and started to head into the forest. "My name? It's just Crater. I can't leave yet. I've got some stuff to do here still..."


Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey jumped of Imperial Cannon and followed him trough forest very carefully with his left arm (mechanic one) on his pocket. He wasnt very sure that it is safe here. He was ready to fight.
'I suppose I cant know why he cant leave so I dont wanna ask'thought Mickey
"You know I have been in this forests for long time and I still havent seen any kind of caves nearby. It is hidden then,right?" Mickey asked Crater still following him all deeper in forest


Previously Shadow_Pup
Satro was bored of waiting so he decided to re-enter the bar, when he entered he saw that his contract had left, he grabbed the bar tender and asked "Where are they?" the bartender said they were going to some cave, Satro said "Thank You" and let him go. As he turned he was stopped by a group of stormtroopers, "where are they criminals" Satro responded with a Vibro dagger to the troopers throat and used his blaster to kill the other three. He then turned and headed off in search of caves.
"Oh yeah thanks," He said nodding at the guy who apparently wanted to warn them about a sniper. "Hey wait hold on! You don't happen to have a freighter that could get us out of here? I mean if you were to turn us in, I could just kill you!" He said calmly, putting his hand on his lightsaber. "So what will it be? Help us, the guys that will give you a bigger reward? Or the first order, the guys that will kill you afterwards?"
"If I wanted to kill you I'd just set you on fire, like the other Jedi I killed" he said with a sigh as he turned around and looked at him "and exactly why would I help you? And don't gimme any of that 'you'd be helping people' bs, I want money" he stopped and pondered a little "and a lot of it seeing as I could get kill for it"
"OK! Name your price. 1 million credits? 1.5 million? What will it be?" Zek was desperate for a helping hand. If he couldn't find a pilot to take all of them together, then they would be separated. They might as well work together, it'll at least be a way to get out of getting killed straight up!
Crimson nodded "sounds good, I could get some new guns" he said with a nod "now let's go, I'm gonna be leaving in 10 mins so if your guys aren't there by then I'm going with out you" he told him "docking bay 17 don't forgot" he left the cantina and faded off into the crowd of people as he wandered towards his ship
"Yes! OK 10 minutes." He rushed over to the other two. "We have a pilot who can get our ships out of here, as well as get us to where we want to go," He said. He started to use the force to put his whole ship into docking bay 17. It was a big effort, but he ended up doing it. "I'll meet you guys over there then!"