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Ask to Join Star Wars Sparks of Rebellion

"With pleasure." The Mandalorian said. Activating his jetpack, he flew into the crowd of stormtroopers. His first kill of the minute was slicing off a trooper's head with his sword. After that, he sheathed said sword, and switched to one pistol and his assault rifle. He flew around the room, gunning down stormtroopers as he saw them.
"That's in the past. No need dwelling on it." Dylan began firing rounds at the troopers, killing them rapidly. He took out a knife and went melee, slashing at the armor and finishing it off with a blast to the chest.
Danny landed his TIE in a small incline by the battle. He pulled his E-11 out a ran towards the battle. He shot his blaster rapidly and picked off a few more troopers.
Ace took down the last two troopers with his dual blasters. He then pulled over to the computer and pressed a button. The elevator descended as a giant cylinder came down with a bunch of data boards in it. Ace did a quick scan of what they needed.
"No... no... no... there we go! Section 9-Q!"
"Alright." The Jedi grabbed the data board in section 9-Q and swapped it with the fake board. He tucked the real data board in his cloak where the fake one had been.
"Alright, we got the data. We make a break for it now, correct?" Skirata asked, aiming his rifle, now being held in both of his hands, at the elevator they had come from. If the General was right about a Gen'Dai, he wasn't going to take any chances. Even more so if this really was Durge. If it was, some payback would be nice.
"Right. Or, more accurately, we jump for it." the Jedi said, nodding towards a window. Ace blasted it, allowing the Jedi to walk out to the edge and see the terrain. "There's the ravine. On my count, we jump." The ravine was dark, but it clearly would have no water.
Danny continued his assault on people he used ta call friends. He dropped his shoulder and charged him, hitting him to the ground with his shoulder. He fired point-blank into the trooper's face. he turned to retreat back to his ship, but was shot in the left leg. HE collapsed to the ground and writhe din pain. He attempted to crawl back to his TIE.
"Patch, cover me!" Splice said, running towards the injured Danny. Patch used the AT-ST's legs as moving shields for Splice. When the medic arrived at the TIE, Patch moved away to the battlefield once more. Splice pulled Danny into cover. "Stay calm. I'm a battle medic. I treat the wounded. And that definitely looks like a wound. Let me have a look."
"Okay, I hope I've been helping," Danny grunted he took off the armor on his right knee and let Splice treat his wounded leg. This wouldn't stop him from fighting, so, he grabbed his E-11 and shot several shots in the direction of the battle.
"Ready when you are, General." Skirata said, readying his jetpack.

Tyrann sprinted over to Splice and the wounded TIE pilot. "Take your time treating him, I'll cover you." As the Togorian said that, he looked over to see three troopers approach carrying riot shields and vibroblades. Giving a snarl-like smile, he stood up to face them. "These three are mine." He said. His tail moved to a pocket on his belt, and pulled out a small piece of metal. Surprisingly, a purple beam emitted from the hilt. It was a lightsaber. The Togorian continued to hold the lightsaber in his tail, and wielded his rifle like a blunt, two-handed weapon. He activated the electro-bayonet piece and charged the stormtroopers. He quickly slammed the shield away from one, using his rifle, and impaled another with the lightsaber. He then electrocuted the stormtrooper who's shield he ripped away, killing the man. He then turned to face the last one.
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(Patch is in the AT-ST. Splice is the one healing Danny.)
"Don't worry, you have been." Splice said. "Now stop moving so I can treat your wounds carefully."

"Good. Dylan?" the Jedi asked the last member of the team.
"Okay," Danny dropped his gun and layed back down. He watched the AT-ST that he had given them. Hmm, I wonder what We want from this base? Danny questioned himself.
"Then... MARK!" the Jedi said, running and leaping off the edge. Ace followed. While falling, Ace pulled a switch from his belt and pressed as soon as Dylan and Cade were clear.
The button sent a signal to the fake data board, which detonated right in the face of their Gun'Dai pursuer. The Citadel's top floor went up in smoke, along with the command center and all the data kept there.
Tai begun moving to the AT-ST using his jetpack but as he did that a stormtrooper who was on the ground pointed his blaster at Tai. Right before Tai could reach the AT-ST the trooper fired the blaster with the bolt hitting Tai's jetpack causing it to burst into random action throwing him into the air and pushed him back down into the ground causing serious injuries.
Splice was shocked. He had just finished up with his last patient, and now there was another injured combatant. "Danny! You're healed the best you can be on the battlefield! I'll need heavy and more advanced equipment to do more! Cover me while I make for the next injured!"
Skirata leaped off the edge, right behind Ace and the General. He went head first, going down as fast as he could. As he neared the landing point, he used his jetpack to land safely at the bottom of the ravine. Cade took out his rifle, aiming it around.
"Let, me get to my ship first, I'll provide air support." Danny said as he got up and sprinted towards his TIE. HE opened the hatch and hoped in. The TIE started abruptly started and hovered slightly in the air. HE pointed his guns at the battle and ascended further into the air.
Danny fired his ships blasters into the battle. He watched as more Storm Troopers faced their demise. Although ineffective A couple troopers used their last breath to fire their blasters at Danny.
The Jedi and Ace fell down towards the ravine.
"Not yet..."
The two fell past the cliffs, falling into the ravine.
"Not yet...!"
The two fell towards the ground.
The General blasted the ground with the force, creating a counter-force that could hold Ace and Dylan in midair. The Jedi slowly reduced the power, gently bringing the group to the bottom of the canyon.
"There." Master Ka'lar said, ending the technique. "We're done here. Tell the others and we're pulling out."
"Roger." Ace said, opening the comm. "This is Lieutenant Ace! Infiltration Team has the intel and have made the jump! Mission accomplished! Pull out!"
Krudge was not very happy with the situation. He had finally got up the elevator shaft after nearly being crushed by the thing, and they had already left. Then something blew up. His armour was destroyed in most places, and his regenerative skin was starting to heal. The process was painful, especially at the roots. And he wasn't sure how long it would take to escape the ruins of this place. He'd basically had the entire book thrown at him by now, and he figured it couldn't be worse. But he was alive, and moving. That counted for something. There was a choice now, and that was whether he wanted to run after them and probably end up far worse for wear, or retreat. But to where? From his position in the debris he could not see them.
"Are we going to move the Mandalorian, or should we keep tending to him here?!" Tyrann asked as he cut down the third stormtrooper's riot shield with his lightsaber. After doing so, the Togorian raised his Bo-Rifle and shot the trooper, killing him. "Either way, I've got your back." Tyrann said, as in the distance, B-6 gave covering fire to the clones, who should be retreating.
"We're pulling out. Let's try to bring him to the cruiser." Splice said, running towards his allies. Spike was pushing Slug towards the evac point while Dom was giving cover fire. Patch drove the AT-ST over to Splice and Tai and crouched down.
"Need a lift?"
"Yes, please!"
Splice hauled Tai inside the AT-ST and Patch started to move. Spike had just decided to push Slug using the hovercart so they could flee while returning fire to the pursuing troopers. Falco jumped onto the side guns of the AT-ST and crawled inside.
"Danny, pick up the Togorian and his droid! We're pulling out!" Splice said over the comm.
"I don't think a TIE Fighter has room for three. We'll escape on our own. Get out of here!" Tyrann said, as he hit a stormtrooper down with the butt end of his gun. He fell back as his droid covered him, and he climbed to the top of a small building near the exit, where there was a small cliff. Tyrann lifted his droid up, and tossed him down the cliff, following right after. As they neared the ground, the Togorian used the Force to slow their descent as they landed safely. "General, can you give me your coordinates? B-6 and I should be nearby." He said, over the comm.
"Understood." the General said. "We're on the move, so I'll give you where we're going instead. We're headed to..." Master Ka'lar gave the coordinates. "It's a local outpost where we'll be able to regroup. Me and my team are going to get picked up from there by the last member of Excelsior Squad. Just make sure you're out of the area. Tell us when you've surpassed 700 feet of the base. Then we can move to the final phase of the plan."
"Okay, I'm pulling out," Danny said as his TIE accelrated towards the horizon," Let's head home." He sat back in his seat as he sped of towards the others."Requesting permisson to land," Danny's TIE hovered over the outpost.
"Permission granted." Patch, who was now at the base, said. He saw the others coming up as well. "Everyone's accounted for."
"Good." The General said, opening his comm to a new frequency. "The deck is clear. Ten of Hearts, you are clear to engage."

"Roger." a clone said, flying above the base in his ARC-170. "Ten Hearts Leader, roll call."
"Ten Hearts One, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Two, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Three, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Four, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Five, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Six, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Seven, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Eight, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Nine, checking in."
"Ten Hearts Squadron, full bombardment!" Ten Hearts Leader said over the comm, as he and his squadron flew towards the Citadel with bombs armed. The fighter team bombarded the citadel, destroying everything within a 600 feet radius. "Citadel's down! Mission accomplished!"
Tyrann had made it to the outpost shortly after all the others. He had hidden his lightsaber back in his pocket, and slung his Bo-Rifle along his back. He approached the others, saying: "I'm ready for the next phase of the plan."

Skirata walked to the others. "Speaking of the next phase of the plan, what is it? Do we sneak our way off Lothal, or cause even more havoc?" He asked, cracking his knuckles. He got what he came for, and more. He was ready to leave the planet, but another chance to hit the Empire where it hurt was a good reason for him to stay.
"Depends on what you want to do." the Jedi said, turning and watching the fireworks. "Beautiful, ain't it? One step closer to a world free of Imperial tyranny. Anyways, like I was saying, it depends. Since Ten Hearts have completed the final phase of the plan, we've got nothing left here on Lothal for now."
Ace was radioing the last member of Excelsior Squad to come down and pick the team up.
"This raid was just part of something bigger." the General said as a Clone dropship came down and Excelsior Squad entered. Spike could be heard telling Wing what happened in the mission. "We'd love to have you aboard for the rest of it. If you'd join us, of course. Contact us using this comm device..." the Jedi tossed a pack of small comm devices to Cade to distribute. "...and we can arrange a pickup for you to return to us during the next fight. Nevertheless, thanks for the service, brave fighters." Master Ka'lar saluted the soldiers as he walked back into the ship. He saw that Splice was setting up a man in one of the not-normally-used seats. "Why's he here?"
"Tai Venth was hit hard during the fight and sustained serious injuries. I'll need the heavy equipment to get him in good condition."
"Makes sense." the General responded. "I'll have the medical bay set up for you upon arrival."
Splice grabbed the roof handle after he had gotten Tai secured. Wing lifted the ship off, and they started flying towards the Republic cruiser that was being hidden from Imperial scanners just outside the atmosphere of the planet.
Skirata nodded, and handed one of the comm devices to Tyrann. "What now?" The Togorian asked. "Simple. We head back to my ship. My bosses want to have a meeting with you." Cade replied. As Skirata turned around, Tyrann pressed a button on his wrist, and, at his hut, all of his droids moved out. They moved through the town, and waited outside of the "Rogue Wolffe." "Be prepared for a small unit of droids. I sent them there." Tyrann said. Cade simply nodded, and they headed back to the small town.
(Now, switching the perspectives of my characters...)
On the planet of Cybassi, two Jedi stood at a command table. One of them was a girl who looked about 16 and had an impressive look of experience on her face.
"Master Ka'lar has reported mission success. He has the data drive. We can move to the next phase of the plan. Great job, master."
"We can't celebrate just yet. Even if we've made this mission a success, there are still four other things we need before we can launch our attack."
"That is true. But the citadel objective was the hardest objectively-"
"That doesn't mean things can't change. When I fought the Chancellor, he went from the weakest to the strongest man in the room in seconds. I still remember how he decimated my fellow Masters. Things can change at any moment. And with this successful attack, as well as the destruction of the Death Star by the Rebel Alliance, security is sure to be practically air-tight."
"Very true. Then what do you suggest we do next..."

"...Master Fisto?"
Danny descended upon the outpost. He landed and opened the hatch of his TIE. The hatch screeched,with indicated it needed to be fixed. He took of his helmet and said," What's our plan?"
The "Rogue Wolffe" lifted off, leaving Lothal's atmosphere. After making sure he wasn't being tracked, Cade initiated the Hyperspace Jump to Hoth. After landing on the planet, he showed the Togorian and his droids to a local rebel General. "General, a request?" Cade asked. The General nodded, and motioned for Skirata to follow him to a quiet area of the hangar they were in. "We met up with another rebel cell, they seem to have a plan in motion. Do I have your permission to assist them?" He asked. The general agreed, and Cade went to his ship.

Before he activated the comm device John had given him, he decided it was time to put on his old armor. While he also treasured his current set of armor, he wasn't going to be in hiding much longer. It was time to strike with his brothers, with other clones. He proceeded to the armory of the Rogue Wolffe, and opened up a tightly-locked security locker. After opening it, he removed his Mandalorian armor, and put on the pieces of his old armor. After he put on all of his armor, he set the Mandalorian stuff in the locker, locking it again. He then opened up the comm. "General Ka'lar? This is Cade. I have my own ship, and I am ready to rendezvous with you and the Legion."
(OOC: I'll post a picture of what Cade looks like now in the discussion.)
"Well, I'll figure it out when I get there, I believe we're going to Hoth." He popped back into his TIE and took of. He entered space and flew towards Hoth. He indnitiated his hyperdrive and sped towards the ice planet. He entered the aymosphere. He was already feeling chills."Damn, why is it so cold here?" He said over his comms link.
Vivian passed a drink down to the customer as more and more piled in. She wiped off the counters keeping her pistol hidden at all times. She poured a drink for a customer as storm troopers began entering. They sat at the bar and ordered a few drinks. She was never fond of either side. One side rebelled against the entire empire and the other side kills anything in their path. After handing out the drinks it was time to close. She locked up and walked down the street to one of the sandstone homes. She entered and locked the metal door behind her. As she sat at her desk the empire technology began to shine red. She had smuggled these parts off ships and it took years just to put together a working imperial terminal. Vivian opened up a few bounty contracts and began her work.
The General had just returned aboard the ship and was discussing strategy with his best friend, Commander Jack. A transmission came in from Cybassi.
"Jedi Master John Ka'lar here. Go ahead, Home Base."
"Jedi Knight Margot Venei calling in. We've updated our intel and deduced what your next target will be."
"Go ahead." the Jedi said.
"Hearts Fleet and Spades Fleet are going to be working together for the Ion Cannon objective." Home Base told them. "While this is happening, I'll be leading Diamonds Fleet to the Carrier objective."
"Confirmed." the General said. "May the Force be with you, my old Padawan."
"May the force be with you too, Master." Master Venei said before signing off. Another transmission came in. It was from Cade Skirita.
"General Ka'lar? This is Cade. I have my own ship, and I am ready to rendezvous with you and the Legion."
"This is General Ka'lar. I read you. It'll be good to have you back, soldier. We've got two varying objectives at the moment. As soon as you can, meet us at these coordinates." The Jedi gave the coordinates for a distant region of space. "If you can't travel that far, then we can wait for you to board the Red Heart."
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"That's a negative General Ka'lar. The Rogue Wolffe can make it that far. I'm inputting the coordinates now." Cade replied, as the Rogue Wolffe left Hoth's atmosphere. The ship made the jump to hyperspace, and Cade relaxed in his chair, propping his legs up against a console. After a short wait, the Rogue Wolffe exited Hyperspace, and Cade awaited further instructions.
"Well, I guess everyones leaving, can i get coordinates of our objective?" Danny said as he fiddled with his ships controls. Renegade had just enetered Hoth's atmosphere, but it was already starting to freeze. Danny waited patiently for the coordinates.
"Copy that. We'll meet you there." the General said. "We ready to get moving?"
"The crews of the Red Heart and Black Spade are ready to make the jump to lightspeed." Commander Jack replied. "Permission to jump?"
"Permission granted."
"Alright, folks!" the clone said. "Making the jump to lightspeed in three... two... one...!"
The two cruisers blasted off towards the remote region of space.

Arriving, they found themselves behind an asteroid. This was to make sure they weren't spotted too early. An old ship from the Clone Wars was being transported by a squad of Imperial fighters. The ship had an ion cannon on it. The mission objective. Jack headed towards the lower decks. He was to lead the Ten Spades squadron for a reconnaissance mission. The General remained at the command center, checking for any incoming transmissions.