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StellarWind's Sketches

Wow Stel.
That is.. awesome. That is truly awesome. What a great way to revive your art thread :O

I love the sleek design, and I love the soft shading. And.. Yeah. Wow.
Now this is a way to make a grand return! It almost looks just like it would in the anime. I can picture Ash going into space (0.o) and seeing this guy. I can't wait for you to make more pokemon look realistic!

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Thanks for the comments, Belle and Brendan. XD


Cresselia VS Darkrai... in the style of Spy VS Spy. XD
Thats some really awesome revival there Stel (hope you dont mind me shorthanding your name there), The bacground work is excellent and the design is great, the arms remind me of DNA strands quite a bit. The Spy v.s. Spy spoof is brilliant, great work :D

PS: Welcome back as well.
OMG my hurts because of all the EPICNESS in this revival, loving the spy spoof, like the stand red you used there, and the colored deoxy guardian forme rocked.
Yay! StellarWind's back! I wanted to post ages ago to tell you how EPIC these were, but it was locked...

So anyway...


Administrational Edit: I've seen a lot of silly typos around my name, but Stallerwind REALLY takes the cake. XD

Aura again: Yay! Cake!
That Spy vs. Spy thing is great- reminds me of those old film noir-type movies with the shady detective and the lovely lady client.
I love how Darkrai look in this. His collar thing is just.. So cool. Love it. I love it :B[/size]
The Spy vs Spy thing killed meh. XD Too awesome for words, just expressions that can't be written.... :o

Love your epic return by the way, Deoxys hovering in front of a green planet, [size=1pt]Stel also wins for making the planet GREEN[/size], is cool. Although the no definite arms bug me. But things with no arms always bug me, so it's no big deal.
[startrek] Okay, maybe I'm just a Trekkie, but Deoxys is an alien from Star Trek when you draw it. Like one of those seriously epic ones that pwn souls. [/startrek]
Right... shading on Deoxys is great aswell, and the bg is pretty spiffy too. Spy vs. Spy Pokemon'd... yeah, those two would be it. If they would ever use Legendaries for funny stuff. I know this is probably unintentional, but it looks like Cressilia is holding a Sailor Moon wand...*Lazerbeem'd* Boy, am I a geek or what?​

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Whoa. Mass amount of comments here. I'm not used to it in this thread. ^^; Thanks to all of ye. ^^

Chibi: I'm obsessed with helix patterns and you kinda can't pull off the nifty helix arm patterns with typical arms.

Rayn: Nah, Deoxys isn't human-looking enough to be a 'trek alien. XD Star Trek used to be freaking awesome around the TNG era, and proceeded to steadily get worse and worse. x-x Ah well.

Also, the Sailor Moon Wand was PERFECTLY intentional. XD In the picture I based this on, Black Spy was holding a bomb in one hand and White Spy was holding a stick of dynamite. Since I based Cresselia on White Spy, I had to give her some kind of a stick-like object, and given the fact she's a total Sailor Moon reject... XD

Anyway, this update isn't nearly as epic - it merely features my newest RP character, Glenn Hendrix, and what is soon to become his Rotom. XD

Oooh Dark-looking Rotom=epic winnage. *follows the trails of lightning* and it's coming out of his guitar, moar winnage. Btw, I love the design on Glenn's shirt.
[size=8pt]Wow, Stel, you're humans are improving really quick-like :3
Even from the Gardenia picture you drew you can see that.
But, if it's alright, I do have a few tips if you want them :B

Nothing too big, really, just a few anatomical things.
The arms- you just have too keep in mind that the forearm plus the palm of the hand is the same length as the distance between the elbow and the shoulder. You can try and check it on yourself if you like, and notice that the fingers extend beyond that length. The middle finger is about as long as the palm, and you can assume the length of the others based upon that. And the length of the.. other part of the arm (can't remember what you call that x: the not-forearm.) is as long as the width of the shoulders. The shoulders themselves depend on the size of the head- or vice versa. Each shoulder should be one head-width away from the center of the neck. I usually base the body I draw on the head because I find it easier.
Now, the legs.
If you've ever seen someone REALLY flexible bending themselves over, you'll see that their torso and head are about the same length as their legs. HOWEVER, people can't bend completely in half because of those pesky hipbones. As a result, the legs will look longer on the flexible people. In a drawing, the legs should be as long as the Shoulders to the hipbones. Not counting the feet, of course. But the foot should, theoretically, be as long as the head is tall. I think. I can't remember because I never draw feet- my sketchbook is too small to fit more than the torso and the legs up to the knees.
I think you got most of the anatomy down-pat, but just in case I threw a bit of everything in there P:

Anyway. I know that huge chunk of text looks really fugly, but maybe it'll help :3

That aside- I love that Rotom. Love it.
And plugging it into the guitar was a stroke of genius :3
And the guitar itself I adore, mostly because I can't draw inanimate objects and that one is total win.
Great job Stel
Okay, 2 things.

1: I LURV THE GARDEVOIR. It's like, edited enough for it to be "real," yet awesome enough to still be called Gardevoir.


It requires more minerals.

I have to agree with Belle. Your human anatomy is seeing some definite improvement, and as always,you have proceeded to make a Pokemon far more intimidating than it can ever hope to be on a kid-friendly game. I love Rotom's ectostatic charges resembling blades. They may have been blade like before, but the scythe-like curves add some more threat to it. Also Hendrix's Shirt with a tribal Giratina. awesome =D
Hendrix is awesome. Name, shirt, hair, guitar, Rotom pal, he's got it made. Rotom FTW, I like how you added little details around the eyes, much more interesting than the official orange guy. Guitar form would be epic... now I want to go play Guitar Hero...hmm...yeah.​
*steals epic Rotom*




Anyway, that drawing is Pwnage! I wuv it! The Rotom looks more freakish, Nintendo should make it more like that instead of a orange thing with blue sparks (epic fail). Hendrix is pwnage too. Can't really sum it up more that that.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
My favourites have to be the starters looking realistic, they just look awesome. I don't think I'd like to meet them in the wild, but I like them none the less.

Only thing I can really say is what has already been said about human anatomy, but as my human-drawing ability is severely lacking I'm not one to talk :p

I enjoyed looking at all of your drawings, they're really interesting as well as good. I shall look forward to more.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Thank you all for your comments. ^^

Belle: Humans are a bitch to me in particular in art, ESPECIALLY when it involves limbs. Thank you for the random advice... I'll try to keep it in mind more when drawing peoples. ^^;

Haileyvoir: Yes. It is. It's going to kill you and all you hold dear. Run, little piggies. Run.

RX: It's one hell of an honor to see a comment from you in my thread. ^^ Thankyou.

Aura: Rotom has been classified as having a body consisting of Plasma - which suggests it's sort of in a permanent state of being not quite matter but not quite energy. I envision it being capable of transforming into a more energy-like form when possessing appliances but condensing into a small, more solid dynamo-like construct (its 'physical core's appearance) when it wishes to conserve energy. The mild circuitry patterns i imposed on their faces are simply a... thing I have about them. XD



This was giftart for an awesome artist friend of mine, whom I've known for ages and yet barely did any giftart for. I had to remedy the situation. xD
Holy crap.
Those pokemon are amazing Stel.
Darkrai has never looked so epic.
And I think I might have to love Shaymin now.
Well. Toxicroak still freaks me out a little but that picture and that pose are just amazing.
What a great gift :3[/size]
.....Holy crap Stel. You've just totally made pokemon look elegant in epic ways.

Mind if I ask what Irene is holding? It might be a gah-I-should-have-known-that moment, but I don't care. I was also about to ask about that Darkrai, but the little teeth necklace gave it away ^^ (Darkrai claws ftw)
I have to admit, the only one I reconized at first was toxicroak. Then Belle helped me recognize Darkrai and Shaymin. All of them look realistic, although you might need to make Shaymin's leaves a bit more visible, I could barely see it tucked away underneath all of that fur.

But your art continues to amaze me! I just wish you did requests.
GAH I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT!!! *hits herself in the head with such force that she flies back and topples down the nearest set of conveniently placed stairs*
Shaymin puppy = win. Yay for puppies! Toxicroak looks nice, many thanks for making the markings more like markings vs. a loin cloth. That always creeped me out. Darkrai looks cool with realisic fur/hair stuff, what ever it's supposed to be in official stuff is weird. And the neck teeth are awesome. Hmm... would a mutated Darkrai have a whole jaw of neck teeth, like those sets of shark teeth at museums?
I Lol'd at the Gallade caption " Tonight we dine in the TORN WORLD!"
As well as Giratina snapping at Arceus and the Unown spelling. XD
I agree with Rayn, The Gible vs. Trpinch Scream fight is quite funny XD.

The Deoxys Guardian forme is so awesome. They should put that in a pokémon game it's so good.
But they likely will not. D=
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Thanks again for ze comments.


I love Explouds, which is ironic given how much I hate the rest of that line. As with many other creatures, I see them as pseudo-archosaurid, but their jaw mechanism reminds me more of snakes.
I see you've given up on the lopunny.

Irrespective of that- this is amazing.
As always, you pay so much attention to detail and the result is really pleasing.
I suppose I'll have to reconsider my unease with explouds.
They bug me D:
The fact that this one's mouth isn't bigger than the rest of it's body does help though :3[/size]


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Exploud looks awesome!

His pose and details are really great, he certainly looks epic XD
I've always liked him, but never been a fan of his two other forms either...
I really like the detail on his face, especially his eye. It's really well done.

Edit: Thanks Shado, I knew there was a typo somewhere! XD
Hmm. If they weren't just a sound Pokemon, I think that the dex would've said they could eat really big things... But it doesn't. I've always thought it was some sort of mutated dinosaur, in a way. Very glad it has a mouth that can fit its face, instead of a jaw-to-the-floor cartoon dealy. Nice work.
That looks soo frelling awesome! I already loved Exploud, and this just made it that much sweeter. Keep up the great work!
Your pictures are awesome!!! Seriously!!! I liked the picture of Darkrai, Shaymin, and Toxicroak, and Deoxys guardian forme looked wicked!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Have I mentioned I love seeing horns on things?
I do.
I love the way you interpreted lapras as having horn thingies instead if swirly tentacle thingies that make it look like Princess Lea.
Seriously though, that's kickass.[/size]


*hugs Stel* These pics are so awesome Stel that words to describe how awesome they are fail me.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I said it in chat and I'll say it again... Awesome!!!

I love how you've done Lapras, especially the horns. The straight-horned variant is very interesting, it would certainly look quite intimidating. Great drawings as usual, you amaze me with the details and designs every time.
Stel i wish they would hire you to redo pokemon to look better, you rock man and i mean it, but can i ask you a question, could you give me tips on how to draw scales please?