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Private/Closed Stranded in an Unknown Island Discussion


Previously Deathstalker62
(@LunarSilvally A few corrections; Only the frame of the hut had been built yet, stacked ontop eachother. The pillars determining height had been stuck in the ground. No rope had been used, instead I had something else planned. Cypher hadn't discovered yet that he still had Frost and Fang with him when he stranded. He was gonna use Frost's Ice to hold the framework together. By the way, you may want to check your messages, since I sent you a link to the new thread. Also, Cypher was carrying four logs. He just held two over each shoulder, the same way Gurdurr carried it in X and Sun)
Here we go

Name: Kia Mardy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Pretty short, around 4'9. Kia has pale skin and blue eyes. Her hair is long and curly, and brown with a silver tip at the end. She appears to have not so obvious freckles around her nose. She wears a yellow crop hoodie and a grey t-shirt underneath. She also wears black shorts with long grey socks to match her black shoes.
Personality: Kia is firm and stable, but can open up really easily. When she is angry she can get a bit out of control though, as she never lets anything get the better of her. When Kia gets in a battle she always goes all out on the opponent
Weapon(s): Whip, crossbow
Partner: Saikuk the Espurr ( Saikikkukyatto is Japanese - use translate for these!)
Pokemon: Chinchira the Minccino, Inu the Houndour.
Parents: Mya Mardy and Frill Mardy
Siblings: Riv Mardy
Group: West


Previously Deathstalker62
@Clunpsy You just go to this page and write your first post. My suggestion is to write it like the others did: What your character did before and during the crash, and ending it in them waking up on the shores of the island. Just as a suggestion.
I would like to suggest that if you nickname your Pokémon at some point in your post you should make it clear what species they are, otherwise it is extremely confusing

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Just a heads up, if this RP is still active: Dubkip_Playz attempted to create a sockpuppet for some inexplicable reason, and so their accounts were merged and set read only - which means they aren't relevant to this RP anymore.