Here we go
Name: Kia Mardy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Pretty short, around 4'9. Kia has pale skin and blue eyes. Her hair is long and curly, and brown with a silver tip at the end. She appears to have not so obvious freckles around her nose. She wears a yellow crop hoodie and a grey t-shirt underneath. She also wears black shorts with long grey socks to match her black shoes.
Personality: Kia is firm and stable, but can open up really easily. When she is angry she can get a bit out of control though, as she never lets anything get the better of her. When Kia gets in a battle she always goes all out on the opponent
Weapon(s): Whip, crossbow
Partner: Saikuk the Espurr ( Saikikkukyatto is Japanese - use translate for these!)
Pokemon: Chinchira the Minccino, Inu the Houndour.
Parents: Mya Mardy and Frill Mardy
Siblings: Riv Mardy
Group: West