This is a list of some of the Pokemon that I am breeding and are free to be traded out when hatched. If you want one of the following, please notify me with your friend code so we can trade away.
Pokemon I am Breeding:
Pokemon I am Breeding:
- Oshawott
- Treecko
- Munna (HA)
- Charmander
- Froakie
- Fennekin
- Chespin
- Chikorita
- Riolu
- Gible
- Squirtle
- Dunsparce
- Vulpix (HA)
- Shroomish (HA)
- Budew
- Noibat
- Pawniard
- Eevee
- Absol
- Elekid (HA)
- Phantump
- Farfetch'd
- Espurr
- Fletchling
- Gastly
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