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Ask to Join Tales of Aquearias

“They all dead,” Valkry growled lowly as she tugged onto some fabric to wrap it around her mouth. She grabbed her axes and to try clear some rubble from potential hidy holes. She pushed away some rubble so it would be easier to put out, looking for any signs there would be life in the chaos.
David tried to stop the fires as he looked for survivors. He wondered what could've done this. He finally stopped one of the fires and moved to another one.

Abigail found a few injured people. She quickly got to work tearing her clothes to stop the bleeding. "Orcashi lady." She shouted. You wouldn't by chance have some medicine would you? " She asked as she tried to heal them
“I got bandages yes,” Valkry rumbled as she rushed over. She tugged out bandages from her pack and crouched down to help Abigail with her work, “how many are passed out. I’ll see if I can get some fresh water over here to clean out the wounds.”
"It seems that these two are out." She said pointing to two of them. " This one is barley breathing and his leg seems crushed." she pointed to the third one " Do they have Venta rout here?" She asked. " Back home we are able to crush it into a past that helps injures." She smiled at the Orcashi
“I don’t know it so I can’t say,” Valkry rumbled before she stood up to help with clearing more of the fire, “I’ll see if I can go find anything. Try not to kill any of them though I doubt you that you purposely will. Need anything just shout, I’ll be here”.
She nodded. She watched Valkry leave as she continued to heal up the wounded. While she learned from her mother the art of healing she was only so good at it. She let out a cool breath as she took a step back. David walked up to her. " How are they?' He asked.

She shook her head. "too early to tell." She said.
"Are you done with the stalkerish routine?" He asked. " You know I hate it."
She gave him a wide grin. " Yeah I know, I do it because it get's on your nerves. Your Orcashi friend... Acquaintance seems nice. And cute." David shook his head. "She's all yours if you want to try and crack that." He said as he started to help the wounded. His medical skills were a lot worse than Abigale but he wanted to do something."
Valkry heaved up a chunk of fallen structure and pushed it away from rubble that could house survivors. She hissed quietly when flames nipped at her knuckles but continued to chuck large stones away from the people stuck beneath. The orchashi felt the smoke weave around her, it’s burning creator barely kept from her skin by its short reach. With another kick she dislodged a piece of masonry, pulling forth the smaller form of a passed out woman from beneath.
David saw a fire and went towards it. He saw Valkry and the woman. "Do you need a hand?" He asked as he started to walk towards her. His mind racing to think of a way to stop the fire as his walk turned into a jog. He wondered how many people here were still alive.
“I wouldn’t mind one,” Valkry rumbled as she pulled the sleeping weight onto her shoulders. Her knees nearly buckled as she accidentally missed stepped into uneven ground but the hunter caught herself, “How are the others? Any of them pass”?
He pulled out a person in the collapsed building. " I don't know yet." He said as he held the person close to him. "Abigale is doing everything she can to make sure that they live."
“Then let’s head back so we can move out more,” Valkry gave a curt nod, feet pressing hard against the ground as she carried the human woman to the temporary safe grounds that had been set in place. She set the passed out being down beside another and turned to head back out.
David put his person down as he fallowed her. " Have any idea what might've cause this?" He asked as he walked back into the building as he looked for another person keeping his head down
“None. Could have just been caused by accident and then everyone panicked,” she hummed as her brain mulled the question over. She then turned her head to look at him abit, standing to her full height, “or maybe that elf we saw did it. Maybe something else happened. What ever did though. Doesn’t concern me”.
He rolled his eyes as he picked up another person. "If it doesn't concern you then leave." He said. " You've already escorted me here. I can go the rest of the way by myself." He said as he started to bring the person to safety.
“I believe you miss heard me,” Valkry lended a hand in carrying the person and offered a rare grin to her companion, “the fire concerns me. It’s original purpose does not. I will help these people but it won’t be me that will the city’s attacker. That’s a job for a hero”.
"heroes are far and few between." David said. "It takes actual people to do stuff." He said looking at her. His red hair was damped with sweat. He carried the person out before collapsing from over working.
Valkry set the man up against a safe pile of rubble before she charged to run back out into the smoking ruins of the once beautiful town. She pushed away more rubble, cleaning routes as she looked for survivors of the disaster. She knew she’d have to check the tunnels at some point but they would most likely be intact.
David got up and moved back to the building. He helped clean up the rubble. He keok his eyes opened. He knew he couldn't handle much more do to his stamina. "What are you thinking?" He asked
“There might be a safe place in the form of the tunnels under the city. I’m not sure how far down they reach and if they were untouched but there might be a surging group under there,” Valkry hummed and slowed to a stop infront of her usual contact area, “I’ll go check to see if I can open the door”.
The orcashi pushed away more rubble before she pulled at the sealed trap door. She growled as she tore it open, arms strained completely. Valkry tossed away the reminants of entry way and with a nod to her companion, she stepped further in.
David fallowed close behind her drawing his blade as he watched for any movements. " I got your back." He said. He looked around for anything he could use as a light source.
Valkry let her hand lead her down the side of the staircase. The stone was rough beneather her finger tips but held purposely placed marks as a form of thrives cant, directions to the different ways that the tunnel led to.
"These look ancient." David said as he noted the design. "They must've been here when the town was built." He gently touched one of the tunnel walls. He looked at the choices. "Which one?" He asked as he felt a breeze of wind coming from the furthest tunnel.
Valky hummed to let him know she agreed before she pushed forward, taking a turn to avoid the oblivious trap. Her fingers brushed over the wall again and she took another right then a left before another left. Her pattern seemed to be completely at random, dodging around things.
He fallowed her at the exact pace barley able to see the traps that she was avoiding. " So what do you think of Abigale?' he asked as he continued to fallow. He noticed a small flicker in one of the walls. He stopped for a second to look at it. 'clearly a trap.' he thought before continuing.
“She’s protective of you,” Valkry took another sharp turn, hooking a right past a faux hidden entrance. Her feet splashed in some puddles and she looked further down the dimly let halls, “That for sure I notice. Other then that? Fine enough. I don’t tend sticker about those that don’t carry much weight or stake in my life”.
He nodded. "Well she is protective she just puts on that stalkery vibe since she knows I hate it." He said as he moved with her he noticed a few wall carvings. He walked closer to them as he tried to make them out. "Weird." He thought. He turned slowly as a shadow moved to attack him. He kept his mouth closed as he parried the attack. The dark beast sank into the shadows. " We need to move." He said.
“Then let’s,” Valkry rumbled, breaking out towards a sprint. She pulled out some string from her bag, wrapping it around her fists before she pulled out her hand axes. She took one sharp turn after another, trying to reach some place.
David fallowed quickly behind her. He heard the beings move behind him causing him to go faster. He turned in the opposite tunnel as he pulled his blade all the way out. He looked back to see where the beasts were only to hit a wall. " fuck." He cursed He moved his blade close to him as he put his torch into the darkness. He saw shadow like beings quickly scurry away from it. "So fire is their weakness." He thought. He looked at the flame and knew he didn't have long left.

three of the shadow beings fallowed closely behind Valkry as one jumped towards her.

Abigale worked on helping the people as she heard a noise. She turned her head and saw something moving towards her. She walked closer to it. "Hello." She said as she took her whip out and prepaired herself as she did one of the people she was trying to heal got dragged off.
Valkry ducked down, scraping the string wrapped hand against the wall. Sparks bounced from where the metal clashed with the stone and lit up immediately area for a moment with tiny fireworks. Her other hand grabbed one of her axes but she misjudged the distance, missing the shadows form with her swipe.
The orcashi hissed in pain, swiping another line of sparks towards the two shadows. As she created the new arc of flickering light she had brought her fist down harder and longer, thus making a larger trail. Valkry didn’t care that some of the bursts of heat started to burn at the dry fluff of her fur clothing and purely focused on survival.
the remaining beings moved back watching the Orcashi from the shadows wondering what it's next move might be. Two of them hissed at the orcashi as another one licked it's blood soaked lips.

the shadows lounged at David. He tried to block the coming attack only for one of them to bite his arm tearing off a chuck of flesh. David hissed in pain as blood dripped from his wound. He raised his blade as he charged at the beasts knowing it might be his last putting every bit of power he had into the fight.
Valkry smirked and stood to her full height. She stuck her arm out, lashing the twine covered fist to cause another array of sparks. The chuckle that rose in her throat sounded more like a growl, “Well it’s good to know you things have atleast one fear. Even if it’s just some tiny sparks”
They moved back hissing as it looked at the Orcashi. They climbed the walls circling around her licking their lips. They stayed away from the small sparks of light.

David ran threw the shadows with blood dripping from his wound. He was able to Perry the attacks unable to get a hit on them.

Abigail tried hitting one of the shadows only to be sliced across the stomach. Her clothes took most of the blow. Unfortunately it caused her to move back as blood dripping from the wound.
Valkry started to walk back towards where her companion was, slashing out more sparks though her hands payed the price. She grit her teeth though the rough scratches formin along the ski but kept the wire dry so that sparks could work their magic.
In a blind rage David was able to get past the horde of shadow beasts cutting the last one in half. He breathed heavily as he threw the torch he was carrying into the tunnel burning the shadows that were behind him. "Valkry where are you?" He asked as he placed his blade into the fire before taking it out as an orange flame surrounded the blade. " These things seem to be afraid of fire. " He did his best to ignore the pain searing in his arm and hands as he kept the flaming sword close keeping an eye on the shadows

One of the shadows got behind her before lounging towards the Orcashi.

Abigale yelped as she felt one of the beasts slash at her back. She couldn't see where the beasts were coming from. She turned her head quickly as she heard a loud scream as one of the bodies where dragged away.
Valkry grinned, listening for the snarling of the beasts to get close enough. She spun, slamming the hilt of her axes into the beast as she lit up another wave of sparks against the walls dried stone bricks.
The beasts snarled as they looked at her. They then communicated with each other before three jumped at her from different directions when the sparks died off.

David tried to block an attack by the beasts only to get impaled by one of their hands. The beasts laughed as they got ontop of him as he tried to defend himself from the onslaught.

Abigale smirked as she finally understood her enemy. She used her whip gently pressing against the side of it to change it's direction as the side of the whip made contact with one of the shadow beasts. " Where the hell are the others at." She said before taking out another one protecting one of the injured.

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