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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

"Oh, no you don't." Fredrick chuckled, raising his arms. Suddenly, the black liquid hidden beneath the sand sprung up and enclosed the magi playing in a large black room of liquid shadows, with no sand remaining. "Liquid Shadows: Eclipse Prison." he said when the room finished forming.

"Nice one, Fredrick!" Cyrus called.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah panicked a bit when her sand beneath her feet became liquid shadows, but she returned focus to the ball as she just hit it up in the air for one of her teammates to send over to the boys.

"Oh that is dirty!" Savannah called out, crying foul over the tactics of the boys side but none the less would have to adapt now. She was not gonna let this move be a game breaker for them, they still could win and this game had only began.
"Hmph, you really think that's going to stop us?" Ara said, "You're forgetting, as long as we still have Ethernano, we can still use our magic. You haven't won this game just yet!"

Ara then jumped into the air, and exclaimed, "Ice Make: Tennis Racket!" Ara's hand then formed itself to turn into a frozen racket, and she slammed the ball directly at the boys side.

But what the boys didn't know is that Ara had sprinkled some of her water on the ball, so whoever came in contact with the ball would have one of their arms and hands frozen, which would leave them immobilized for a good time. You guys played dirty, so I will as well!

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
The volleyball headed directly toward Orion. Orion has to think fast. “Racket huh?” Orion mumbled to himself. “In that case, Fate of the Divine Hero: Hercules!” Orion chanted quickly, summoning the hero with the club. “Hit the ball up into the air!” Hercules have a grunt and hit the volleyball up into the air like ordered baseball style, allowing the next player to ether do a set or a smash.

Suddenly, Hercules’ club began to ice over, forming ice and frost. Orion glared at Ara. “One of your tricks I see?” Orion said as he stared down his housemate. The frost grew into the club and over Hercules hand. “You good Herc?” Orion called out to his spirit. The spirit gave a grunt and nod as he was still active and in commission.
"You guys started it!" Ara exclaimed, "I'm just doing what feels right! Now, speaking of which...."

Ara then jumped over towards where the ball was, and exclaimed, "Ice Make: Multiple Volleyballs!" Dozens of ice volleyballs then surrounded the area, each looking identical to the original volleyball, except for in texture and shape.

Ara then looked back at Savannah, and exclaimed, "Savannah! Layer all of these volleyballs with some of your sand!" The plan was to have every ball look identical, so the boys couldn't tell which one to hit and hopefully the real one would land them a point. Ara turned her hand back into a racket, this time one of a greater size so she could hit all of the volleyballs. Each of the fake volleyballs, however, were coated in the frozen water, so if the boys were to hit them, they would become immobilized.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion arched an eyebrow. “If we’re playing like this then fine,” Orion claimed as he gave a smirk. This was actually getting fun. “Hercules, gate close.” Hercules, with another grunt, disappeared while his arm is still frozen. Orion, in the meantime, pulled another key, Diamond this time. “You’re not the only one to control water and ice,” Orion claimed. “Gate of the Sea God, Neptune!” Orion quickly chanted again, having little to no break. If this keeps up, Orion will be out of energy before he knows it.

The giant merman gave out a scowl. “Why did you call me, I was in a middle of a drea-“ One of the fake ice volleyballs hit Neptune on the head. Frost grew over his head, but Neptune quickly dissolved it, being able to manipulate ice and water himself. Neptune quickly turned around in a glare, “Who did that?!” Neptune said, clearly fumed. “Neptune! Above you!” Orion said quickly as a barrage of volleyballs bombarded. Neptune looked up and easily smashed many of the volleyballs to bits with his trident shots, though there were still many left.

“Neptune,” Orion called out as he dodged another fake. “For revenge, create the same decoys they made! And throw them over!” Orion exclaimed. “You can leave then!” Clearly, Neptune complied quickly. Creating dozen of fake volleyballs with frozen water in them, just like Ara’s, Neptune hit them over with his tail. As soon as he was done, Neptune smiled at Orion. “See ya!” With a flash, he disappeared. Great. At least his team made the same attack back. But Orion couldn’t find the real volleyball yet. Hercules must’ve hit it quite hard. Either way, Orion can’t set or hit the volleyball as he technically did already. By rules, someone else must touch the ball before Orion could hit again. The trouble was where the ball was though.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah nodded as she did her best to focus on Ara's volleyballs rather than Neptune's as she began to cover them with sand to help add to the illusion effect Ara had in mind.

"Sand-Make: Sand Coating!" Savannah called out as she generated several thing coverings for each of Ara's volleyballs that Orion had not dealt with yet to add to the illusion and try to mask the real one.
Viper scanned the area, doing his best to try and spot the real ball in the sea of fakes. However, Ara & Savannah's efforts had made that rather difficult. Not helped was this sudden smoke that oddly only appeared on the boys side of the volleyball court and made it harder for them to see.

Mist that Zara had generated, Viper cast a half second glare at Zara who merely shrugged as if to say "what, all is fair in love and war" as Viper refocused as he tried to find the real one.
Ara increased the size of her other hand (Luffy from One Piece style), and grabbed all of Neptune's fake volleyballs. "You think I'd fall for my own trick!" Ara exclaimed. All of Neptune's volleyballs would then dissolve into Ara. She would then swat her giant racket hand at the multiple volleyballs still in the air at the boys teams.

There's no way in hell I'll lose to you guys! Ara had sure to hit all of the volleyballs as hard as she could.
Brendan grit his teeth as the game became increasingly difficult, these girls weren't playing around but Brendan also had a trick up his sleeve. If we can't find the right one, why not just hit all of them? Brendan asked himself with a smirk.

The blue-haired mage swiped channeled some of his magical and swiped his right arm up and left arm down and created a golden shield that almost looked like it was created out of bubbles. Brendan then channeled some more magical energy and extended both arms, pushing the shield and sending all of the balls back over the net.

"That was a close one for sure, but you'll have to do better!" Brendan called out to the other team even though they had almost just given them a point.
While all of the commotion was going on Elaine sat back and watched the game unfold before Brendan managed to deflect all of Ara’s fake balls and the real ball back “well looks like it’s my time to shine” Elaine said smiling before using her magic to slow down everything in the area of the field and using her speed to run over to the balls and hitting each one up into the air and then back at the boys side of the court before running back to her position at the back of the court and recalling the slow field causing the balls to jet back to the boys side of the field.

Eliza turned to Elaine “you know that your magic gives you an unfair advantage in nearly every sport right” Eliza said in regards to what Elaine just did,

“Yea I know. Why do you think I’ve never lost in a game of sports?” Elaine replied proudly with a grin before turning to face Brendan “is that better?”
"It's kinda funny in a way. Somehow, we turned volleyball into a sport where the objective isn't to score the most points, but rather who can score first!" Fredrick laughed, also expanding his arms with his liquid and slapping half the balls away. "Also, if we're doing impressions, get a load of this! Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" His body suddenly liquified and split into three Fredricks, then morphed back almost immediately. "Still a work in progress... Also, working on a name for it."

Cyrus bounded into the air and kicked two balls up with him, spiking them down with a strength-enhanced blow to each. That wasn't the only trick up his sleeve, however, as Jeanne found out when one shattered her Light Make barrier and landed beside her. Thankfully, it was a fake and liquified into the sand. "Cyrus's made them heavier! Be careful!" She warned.
OOC: Elaine, Cyrus and Fredrick, are you all immune to ice-based attacks? Cause last thing I remember is that Ara put FREEZING WATER on every single ball. Water which froze HERCULES stiff. Sorry, just had to rant. Continuing on.

"Got it!" Ara exclaimed as she jumped in front of the other ball that Cyrus spiked, and immediately turned herself into water. The ball would go through her, but, thanks to water pressure, the ball would slow down as it went through her, so it would then just fall into the ground and disintegrate.

Damn! It looks like both sides will be coming up with how to use our magic until the other side loses! Ara chuckled a bit, and then said, "Is that all you got? I thought you guys would have a little more kick than that."


Previously Sarah316
Savannah would nod at the warnings as she generated a sand hammer and began to knock the balls back to the other side that came at her. This game had evolved past that, this was war now and Savannah was determined to do what she can to help her team win.

Naturally the impact with the volleyballs caused her hammer to freeze a bit, and their heavy weight made them harder to hit over than usual but Savannah had found a way to manage as she would wack every ball that came her way back over to the boys side.
Viper glared as he would generate a tail made of poison magic before he leaped in the air and would smack as many of the volleyballs knocked back to their side as possible. Naturally the ice would cause the tip of his magic tail to cool and freeze, but Viper counted on the poison to corrode the ice effect. It worked, but not to the degree Viper would have liked.

Zara would continue to bounce any volleyballs that had come her way as she slowly generated more of her vision-obstructing smoke towards the boys side in an effort to give her team the advantage. Naturally Zara's arms began to freeze, so she aimed to use a burning gas in an effort to try an elevate this effect.
Brendan grit his teeth and requiped into his Glacier King Armor and activated his Meteor spell to shot across the course to hit any balls his teammates would miss. Since he was wearing this armor, he was able to hit the ball without being froze by Ara's magic.

"Guys, we have to find the correct ball or else this'll go on forever! Does anyone have any sort of magic that can help us distinguish the true ball?" Brendan asked as he continued to dart around the court and hitting balls that were about to go out.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
“Got it,” Orion called out. Silver key in hand, Orion summoned another. “Gate of the Sorceress, Circe!” With a bright light and bell chimes, Circe appeared with her witch like outfit. “Locate the real volleyball amongst the fake.” Orion commanded his spirit. Circe went into action with her Eye Magic. Her eyes flowed as she searched through the balls to find the real one.

After a few solid seconds, Circe pointed towards one of the balls. “That’s the one,” Circe claimed. Orion stared at where her fingers pointed. The ball was coming back down to the right side of the field.
Viper followed Circe's words as he glanced at the ball she identified as the real one which was coming back down to his spot on the field. Viper would proceed to jump in the air as he would then use his magic-generated tail to slam it into the ball to the girls side of the field to deliver a spike.

"I got it!" Zara called out as she saw Viper's incoming spike and managed to bounce the ball into the air, in an effort to set up a better shot for one of her teammates.

"It's in the air! Middle of the field!" Zara called out as she had hit the ball a little bit behind her as well as high in the air in an effort to try and clarify which one was real in the literal volley of fakes.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah glanced up at the ball Zara had hit, the real one, and would keep her eye on it as she began to create a new Sand-Make.

"I got this!" Savannah called out as she jumped in the air and finished her sand-work.

A sand rocket launcher, which Savannah just loaded mid air with the volleyball and aimed it at the boys side. Savannah had a pleased grin on her face.

"Eat this!" Savannah called out as she fired the volleyball at the boy's side like a rocket.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
The volleyball came towards the boys field at an immense speed. Circe, luckily, had already went back to the Celestial Realm then. As for the mortals who can’t go back, Orion exclaimed, “Watch out!” Orion ran and dove out of the way, not wanting to be the target of the rocket launched volleyball.

The volleyball unfortunately can’t in contact with the ground, giving the serving team the point. In this case, the girls team as they were the servers. Along the way, the volleyball destroyed the Liquid Prison that Frederick had made. This gave access for Ara, Angela, and Savannah to the environment.


Previously Sarah316
"Oh yeah!" Savannah cried out as her rocket shot had given her team the first point, which was a point of pride for the Sand-Make mage as she returned to the ground and once more felt the soft sand under her soles.

However, Savannah knew this game was far from over and prepared herself for the next round, now that the boys were down a point she expected them to come out harder than before.
"Congrats! That was a good round." Fredrick called as Cyrus shrugged with a mixed expression of annoyance and pride on his face. "So then, shall we continue?"

Fabian wasted no time preparing his next spell, thinking what the next move might best be.

"Well, someone's waiting to get their butt kicked." Jeanne teased, looking back toward her team. "Let's show 'em what we can do, ladies!"

"BRING IT!" Cyrus roared, getting pumped.
Brendan took his original position once again and tightened his wrist bands, "Dang it, right after we found the real ball too." Brendan muttered, disappointed but he knew it was only one point.

"Alright guys! Let's make sure that's the only point they score!" Brendan exclaimed, also trying to pump everyone up again.
Eliza went and picked up the ball from the boys side of the field before making her way back over to the girls side “well now that I know we can use magic I suggest you be on your guard” Eliza said before making electricity emit from her hand and engulf the ball, Eliza threw the ball up into the air and jumped up after it “grt ready” Eliza said before hitting the ball with as much power as she could gather at that moment, as Eliza hit the ball the sound of thunder filled the air as the electrified Volleyball shoot towards the other teams side of the net
"I got it!" Brendan shouted as he requiped into his Lightning Emperor Armor and then bumping the ball over the net with his forearms, simultaneously taking the electric charge out of the ball.

"Get ready for anything!" Brendan exclaimed, looking back at his team and requiping back into his beachwear.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Angela saw Brendan had hit the ball back over to the girls side. “I got it!” Angela exclaimed. As the ball got closer to Angela, the Plant Mage bumped the ball. With no magic as of right now. Her plant magic is more useful when their ball is coming out of bounds, where all the seaweed were laying. Angela bumped the ball over to one of her teammates, setting up for a set or another bump over the net.
Zara smirked as she saw Angela set up a shot, as she would bump the ball over the net towards the boys side of the field. Naturally, Zara had infused some of her magic to produce this stinky gas once she made contact with the ball which she counted on making things just a bit more uncomfortable for the boys. Naturally, Zara's little ploy would be a sent she could mask or make prominent at will which naturally would depend on which side of the net the ball would be on. Zara had no intention to sabotage her own team of course.
"Nosferatu: Crimson Chains!" Fabian commanded, several chains of red energy lashing out at the ball as it flew toward his team's side. The force of the blow sent the volleyball upwards, where it seemed to hover a moment, before beginning it's plummet down to the sand below.

"I got it!" Cyrus called, bounding up after an Astral Engine Strength command. He then punched the volleyball with all his might, although, he did get a whiff of the gas the ball had produce, and began to feel nauceous. Landing a little roughly, he tried to regain his composure.
Cyrus' shot was so strong, that he was able to get a point for the boy's team.

Both sides then started getting serious (like they weren't already before), and both sides started using their strongest spells (again, like they weren't already before). But this time, the serves started creating a crater around the game. The crater slowly got bigger and bigger after every single serve, not even the ocean was safe from this as the sheer force of the spells didn't even allow anything to get near the mages. Beach umbrella's, and other beach necessities were being flung around, even some of the civilians were caught by the massive force and were pushed aside.

After some time, most of the mages should've almost been running out of etherion and we're getting tired. Ara knew she definitely was. She then looked around the beach, and noticed the massive damage they were causing to the beach.

"Um....guys!" Ara exclaimed, "Should we stop this, or....?"
Brendan had really gotten into the game and didn't even notice the massive destruction they were causing on the beach. Sure, he knew he was getting tired, but he wanted to win no matter what.

The mage's "trance" was broken once Ara called out to them about stopping. "Why would we sto--" Brendan stopped himself as he looked around and his jaw almost hit the floor. "Uh... Yeah, we should probably stop." Brendan quickly concluded, not wanting to be arrested for destroying the beach.


Previously Sarah316
"Stop what?" Savannah asked, as she had still been on that competitive adrenaline before she took note of the carnage their little volleyball game had caused which caused her to sweat and give Ara a sheepish grin.

"Oh, that...y-yeah we can just call it a draw or something..." Savannah said as she knew if this match had continued it would end up destroying the beach which would only cause more problems.
Perona, who had taken note of the carnage caused by the other mages "game" of volleyball, let out a sigh as she glanced over to Fallon.

"We have way too many...explosive personalities in this guild now." Persona complained with her usual dry, annoyed tone before she would resume her current chapter of her book.
Barry then casually walked up beside the volleyball gang. He was wearing a black swim trunks. Barry was pretty buff. "You guys got really carried away in your game of volleyball huh." He said casually. "There are craters and stuff everywhere and I think most other people here ran away." He said, looking around the beach.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah glanced at Barry, trailing on a bit because he was more...well built, than she would have guessed before she shook her head and gave the Dragon Slayer a sheepish grin once she had seen the carnage in more detail around them.

"I-I suppose we might have gotten a...a bit carried away." Savannah admitted as she hoped no one else who had been here had gotten hurt from their game.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion snapped out of his trance as he heard everyone around him snap out of their own trance of determination of the volleyball game. Orion looked around him as everyone else did and mouthed an O shape. The crater had practically no sand left and made a dent within the earth. First things first was to try to fix it. “Gate of the Sky Holder, I open thee: Atlas!” Orion called out his bronze key. “Hey Atlas,” Orion said. “Sorry for not calling for a while, but can you fix this crater?” The titan calmly said, “I’ll try. But I don’t know.” Orion have a small smile. “Just do you best!” Orion encouraged. Though he did hope the spirit can fix it. He did not want another complaint for Ender Eye
Angela stared aghast at the damage the group had done. With an awkward chuckle, Angela tried to break the mood. “Hehe good game everyone!” Good game? They practically destroyed the beach.

Angela slowly walked over to Brendan. She whispered to the Mage. “What do we do now,” Angela asked. She toyed with some of the seaweed awkwardly after realizing the mess Ender Eye has made.
Sabrina looked at the older ones to see they had practically destroyed their section of the beach. Luckily, Sabrina’s and Serebus’ section weren’t caught up in the destruction so they continued to enjoy themselves. “Whelp,” Sabrina began. “Those guys went up and destroyed the beach.” Sabrina said to Serebus as she gave a small giggle, embarrassed for the older mages.
Fallon had already flipped over to his back side so he can give an even tan. He was so into the tan that he didn’t really pay attention much to what was happening, though he could hear the commotion though. Too ingrigued with his tan, Fallon gave a slight nod with a small “mhm” and went back to his tanning.
Brendan looked at Angela and sighed, "I don't really know. I guess we just let Orion's spirit clean up a bit." The mage whispered back.

"As for activities, we could check out the attractions in the hotel, hang out here for a while, or even go to the marina and check out what is over there." Brendan said, just shooting out ideas. He didn't really care what they did as long as he got to spend some time with Angela.
Viper, who had himself gotten into the competitive atmosphere, took note of the carnage and let out a sigh as he glared at everyone.

"Only could we somehow turn a volleyball game into war." Viper said in a deadpan expression as Zara walked over and gave Viper a pat on the back with her usual, fun-loving smirk.

"I think it was a match for the ages, something to take pride in. So long as you clean up your mess there's no harm done." Zara said before she began to walk over to Ara, Viper had a scowl at the implication this was "their" mess when she was in the game as well. Zara gave a playful grin to Ara.

"Good game, I knew you being leader was the right call." Zara said with a wink.

Serebus turned with a giggle herself, having not seen something as simple as a volleyball game turn into a war zone.

"Are they usually like this?" Serebus asked, the young girl having not much experience with these Ender Eye mages to make a call like that.
Ara looked at Zara, and blushed a bit from her comment. "T-thank you," Ara said a bit flustered.

Ever since the incident, and even before that, with the talk that she had with Zara, Ara has been feeling quite strange around Zara. When she escaped into the mountains, all she could think about was Zara and Orion, which caused her to be extremely flustered.

No, no! I shouldn't think like that! I...I have to remain calm. Ara then took a deep breath, and she then looked at the destroyed beach. She then raised her hand into the air, which caused the water from the ocean to rise as well. She then swept the water around the craters, causing the sand to form over itself.

This should keep me preoccupied. Ara didn't know how to handle these feelings. Ugh....why did I have to be a combination of flaws from my mom and dad?
"Ugh...The only other time I've felt this sore was activating Overdrive for the first time..." Cyrus muttered as he slouched toward the blanket he and Jeanne set up to rest on. Jeanne followed him and sat beside him, equally exhausted.

Fredrick said nothing, but he too was tuckered out from the game. Fabian, however, seemed a little less winded, and was enjoying the view of the ocean from where he stood.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
After with both the efforts of Atlas fixing the earth broken crater and Ara filling it with sand, the beach was fixed. Luckily, Ender Eye had managed to escape another file complaint from the Magic Council. “Thank you Atlas,” Orion said gratefully towards the bronze key. With a bow, the Sky Holder disappeared back into the Celestial Realm.

Orion padded over to Ara and Zara. “Thanks for fixing the crater Ara.” Orion said with a sheepish smile. “I guess we all got carried away.” Orion gave a slight chuckle at their mess. “Anywho, nice game you two!” Orion said as he held his hand out to shake both women’s hand.
Angela mumbled to herself. Now that it was still too dangerous to stay at the beach, Angela wanted to take more precautionary actions. “How about....” Angela said aloud to no one in particular just yet. “We explore the town? I heard this town had lots of vendors and is quite well known for their food stands.” Angela said. “It’ll be fun!” Angela interlocked fingers with Brendan and dragged him along without his consent. Once Angela is determined, she will do what it must to fulfill.
Sabrina gave a small hum to herself. She began to try to recall everything that has happened after she had joined Ender Eye. “Mm yeah,” Sabrina started off. “Pretty much.” Sabrina said with a smile and giggled to how obnoxious the teens were. Sabrina took notice to a side cove down along the beach. “Hey Serra,” Sabrina nicknamed Serebus. “There’s a cove over there.” Sabrina mentioned as she pointed down along the beach. “Wanna go exploring?”
"Good job, Orion, Ara!" Brendan called out to his friends as they repaired the beach, he was surprised at their quick, but skillful work.

Brendan looked toward Angela as she made her suggestion, but before he could say anything, his face turned a bright red as Angela grabbed his hand, "Oh.. Uh.. Alright." Brendan said as he continued to be dragged to the town.