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DPPt/HGSS Team Help:

This team I'm considering is for the Baby Cup this upcoming December. Help would be appreciated :)

Note: I do not have any of their stats as of now, and only one has movesets.

My Sweeper


Blaze Kick
Bullet Punch
Hi Jump Kick

My Wall


My Annoyer




Jolly/Adamant/Anything else?




Bearded Trout Warrior
Drifloon @ Leftovers
Calm Nature
Aftermath ability
-Ominous Wind
-Silver Wind
-Baton Pass

Lets you absorb more than a few hits, chance at raising all stats with both attacks, and Baton Pass lets you transfer whatever stat increases you may have gotten to another party member... surely anyone would like a boost to all stats XD
Silver Wind also offers coverage against dark types.

Vulpix @ Brightpowder
Calm Nature
Flash Fire Ability
-Extrasensory/Dark Pulse
-Confuse Ray
-Will-o-wisp / Hypnosis

Burning something and then stealing more than half of its chance to attack, this set makes a great annoyer for Vulpix.
Flamethrower for STAB and filler. makes for a good finisher
Extrasensory/Dark Pulse both offer a 20% Flinch chance
Confuse Ray 50% chance of making your opponent attack themselves, compound with flinch and they'll only have a 40% chance of attacking at all
Will-o-Wisp Will be taking 1/8 of their health every turn and halve their attack power.. combined with confusion and flinch, you've got a wonderful annoyer.
Hypnosis if you'd rather put them to sleep. Not much more innaccurate than Will-o-Wisp at 70%, this will prevent your opponent from attacking for a number of random turns... I kind of like the burn more, because you can burn as many opponents at once as you want.

Shinx @
Adamant Nature
Rivalry Ability
-Ice Fang

Attract with the rivalry ability... anything you can attract will have a 50% chance of being incapable of attacking, and it won't wear off until they switch, or if you can't attract them [and they aren't genderless] you get a 20% power boost to all of your attacks.
Spark Powerful STAB and 30% paralysis rate
Crunch Coverage and not bad chance at lowering defense
Ice Fang 10% chance to flinch, 10% chance to freeze, and offers ground coverage.

Buizel @
Adamant Nature
Swift Swim
-Rain Dance
-Brick Break
-Pursuit / Aqua Jet

Rain Dance will double your speed and give Waterfall a significant boost in power
Waterfall will be your main attack, with a flinch chance and power of 180
Brick Break Will let you hit anything that waterfall can't, I belive.
Pursuit in case you're playing a switchy opponent, you can use this on the turn you send buizel out for a quick KO
Aqua Jet is an alternative, but with your speed doubled, I don't think you'll need it much.. maybe to quickly KO a threat that wouldn't switch out on you, and for speed if you don't have rain up.
I wouldn't suggest a damp rock because you've also got a vulpix which could suffer from the rain. That said, I don't know what to give it XD

Cacnea @
Neutral Nature [Docile, bashful, serious, and two more I can't remember x_x]
Sand Veil ability
-Sucker Punch
-Focus Punch
-Energy Ball

Sucker Punch Powerful priority attack.. unfortunately, Cacnea isn't Dark like its evolution, so no STAB. This attack requires your opponent to be directly attacking you to work.
Focus Punch Set up some guessing games with Sucker Punch, if your opponent decides to switch pokemon, and you think they'll try to set up with Swords Dance, agility, etc. Catch them with a Focus punch for what's likely to be a OHKO
Energy Ball prevents you from being physically walled, and gives you a solid reliable attack compared to the other two.
Grasswhistle really inaccurate at 55% damage, but could pay off really well with Focus Punch in your arsenal. Put them to sleep, and unless they have early bird, they're open to focus punch next turn unless they specifically switch to a ghost.

Phanpy @ Sitrus Berry
Impish Nature
-Ice Shard
-Body Slam
-Rock Slide

Ice Shard for priority, and unexpected type.
Earthquake for powerful STAB
Body Slam For the 30% paralysis rate
Rock Slide You'll almost certainly be faster than your opponent if body Slam paralyzes them... and a 30% flinch compounded with Paralysis makes for quite a combo

Togepi @
Neutral nature
Serene Grace ability
-Water Pulse
-Shadow Ball
-Rock Smash/Secret Power

Ancientpower 20% chance of raising all stats
Water Pulse 40% confusion rate
Shadow Ball 40% Special defense down, rasing all attack powers except Rock Smash
Rock Smash is weak but will -ALWAYS- lower defense with serene grace, making it increasingly more powerful every turn.
Secret Power comes with a 60% paralysis rate, which can offer a very complimentary delay for Ancientpower to activate.
How about a Muscle Band for Buizel?

As a note, Aqua Jet will do a minimum of ~80% to Onix with Aqua Jet, without the Muscle Band.

And for Shinx, not like it could face other users of Attract, but the chance you get Attracted, the Destiny Knot does an auto Attract. So, it has some options.

Hardy and Quirky are the other two.

Togepi could use the Life Orb to boost its moves.

And to Riolu:

Riolu@Life Orb/Muscle Band/Focus Sash/Salac Berry
Adamant Nature
Inner Focus Ability
-Force Palm/Brick Break/Sky Uppercut/Cross Chop/Reversal
-Crunch/Shadow Claw
-Swords Dance/Rock Slide/Quick Attack/Endure/Substitute

I like Force Palm because of the 30% chance of Paralysis. All the other moves there are good though.
How Riolu gets Earthquake is beyond me, but it gets the nod.
Crunch and Shadow Claw deal with Ghosts.
Swords Dance is obvious.
Rock Slide to abuse Flinch.
Quick Attack for Priority.
Endure and Substitute to scount for moves and set Reversal up.

Muscle Band and Life Orb are all good items.
However, coming in on an attack that could kill you, you can survive with the Focus Sash and use a Full Power Reversal.
The Salac Berry gives you a needed Speed boost if you plan on using it with Endure or Substitute.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Togepi could use the Life Orb to boost its moves.
That Togepi I suggested is meant to live as long as it can, hoping that ancientpower activates ^^;
Life orb rather defeats that.