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Private/Closed Team Plasma in a New Region

Lady screeched and beat at Ego's back, "Put me down! Put me down!"

"You're acting more like a child then Tyler," Ego snapped. He dropped Lady on her feet where she stood dumbstruck as Ego crouched down to Tyler's level, "Hey kiddo."

"...Hi Mr. Skyland..." Tyler said slowly, "What's wrong with Mrs. Skyland?"

"Tyler, I'm afraid you're having a memory problem," Ego said softly, "That's Lady. You're seventeen years old and she's sixteen, turning seventeen in a week."

Tyler still looked confused, "I don't get it."

Ego chuckled, "Yeah, I thought you wouldn't. Listen, how about you and I go back to my house, okay?"

Tyler didn't like the sound of that, "If I'm having memory issues, then wouldn't it be better if we go to that lab the other girl was talking about?"

Ego glanced back and whispered low enough that Lady wouldn't hear, "We'll go there first, but we have to pretend we're going to my house, okay?"

Ego heard Valmont, changed his mind and nodded, "That would be a better idea."
"I'm back," Taylene groaned as she collapsed on the couch.
"I see nothing went as planned," Colress said to her, "What happened?"
"Tyler lost his memory," Taylene replied, too annoyed to give a more detailed explanation.
Colress sighed. "You tried to convince them to come here, right?"
"Yup. Didn't help. I'm guessing that they went to a different 'lab'."
"Lab? This isn't a lab, though."
"I had to tell them that so they'd come."
Now that Taylene thought about it, she realized she should've said hospital, but that would be a lie that Lady wouldn't forgive.
"Why do we need them, anyway?" she asked Colress with interest.
"We need them," Colress answered simply, making it quite obvious he wasn't telling her something.

Amy was worried about Tyler. "What do we do now?" she asked, mostly to herself. She was pacing around the building, kicking every piece of rubble in her way.
"then follow me" Valmont said as he headed to the exit while still being supported by Phobos, before exiting he said to Ego "why don't you bring Tyler with you on Zard, Since you are the oldest here and know how to deal with him in this situation"
"No clue," the professor answered, "I'm just as confused as the rest of us."

Royal squirmed out of her sister's grasp, let Bella out of her ball, and started playing with her. "I guess the party's over. Now what?" She asked the Jumpluff. The Cottonweed Pokemon simply shrugged.
Phog couldn't help but notice Flow's stare. "What's your problem? We got our point across. So what if we didn't manage to capture anyone? Them being stereotypical heroes, they'll come and follow us to the "raid". They aren't very strong, it's just that champion and his teen mom. Wait..." He just thought of a nasty plan. "Teen mom...and where's there is a child...get the child, get the mother. Get the mother, get the father...and there goes our problem! See Flow? This is why I hired you. You make me go off into pointless spiels."

"Mmm...sir, you realize your talking to a cat."

"Two things Asha, One: Psychic cat. Two: We're all sociopaths here. Talking to a cat is the least of everyones worries."

"Ah...Um..." Phog brought up a good point.
Ego glanced back to Grace, "I can't put her back in her pokeball like that. I'll need to take her to the nearest Pokemon center that isn't in pieces." Zard placed Grace in Ego's arms and picked up Tyler instead. Tyler looked excited, "He's a dragon!"

Ego snorted, "Man, Valmont, take some videos of him acting like he's eight again. Good blackmail video right here."

Flow purred, and licked the side of Smog's face. New favorite human right here. Maybe once she had a chance to take over the world again, she'd keep him as a pet.
Flow gave him a look that clearly said, "If you give me that serum I'll make sure you're the first to die". It made Sully shiver as an Espeon shouldn't be that expressive.
"So we flying or what? If anyone needs a Pokemon to fly with, I got one I could spare," Marilynn asked.

Royal took out a phone that her parents gave her for her and Mari to share and started videotaping Tyler. She laughed, and Bella snickered behind her.
"we can get there by walking but that's up to you, after a battle like that not all of us has the energy to walk" Valmont said as he and Phobos exited the building and waited for the others
Zard huffed and swooped his long neck under Valmont, and while he held Tyler with one hand, claw....thing, he balanced Valmont with the other. He was a huge fire dragon, carrying a few puny humans wasn't going to bother him.

Ego gave her a sad smile, "Thanks kiddo, but this was an outside of battle injury...and wasn't caused by a Pokemon. She might need surgery."

Grace tried to lick Amy's hand nonetheless.
"Well, OH SNAP-" Marilynn yelled unexpectedly, "Amaryllis fainted! I don't think she'd have the energy to fly. Edward is the only one able to fly right now, sorry."

She let the Crobat out of his ball. Edward picked his trainer up by the shoulders, and followed Zard.

Bella floated and motioned for Royal to grab her feet. The Jumpluff floated after Edward and Zard with her trainer in tow.
"ok I need you to go to the northwest of this city, you'll find a mining are there, just land next to it ok?" Valmont asked Zard

Phobos sent out Sylvan and rode on his back, "ok pal I need you to follow that charizard ok?" he asked Sylvan, the Serperior nodded and slithered after them
Zard would have nodded, but was worried about throwing Valmont off. He grunted instead. They land shortly, and Zard nearly falls over from trying to balance both the excited, childlike Tyler and Valmont.
Valmont got off of Zard and headed over to a near by tree, Phobos arrived shortly after with a shock on his face.
"this mining site.... THIS IS WHERE I MINE!" he said with confusion, "I know..." Valmont replied as he pulled a lever disguised as a tree branch, two bushes separated to reveal a stone staircase.
"ALL THIS TIME YOU WHERE LIVING NEXT TO WHERE I WORKED?!" Phobos asked in a raging and furious tone.
"pretty much...." Valmont said before his eyes widening, he ran to hide behind Zard as Phobos came running after him
"Oh, we have plenty of serum! It's just hard to make, so I've been stockpiling it. Notice how I only gave Beauty a half dosage? And how the beam was roughly triple her size? Imagine a Aggron using Iron head at full dosage. It could knock down a skyscraper!" Asha was obviously very excited about it all. "And before I can make another batch, I need more blood. Me and Phog heard about an smuggling ring around there. We can take them down and take the Pokemon with us."

"One question Asha, why did you tell them about that? Not that it didn't work out for me, but I'm curious."

"Well, Phoggy, I want to talk to them again. And get a couple evaluation s on them..."

"And why do you need those?"

"That's my little secret." She said with a smirk. Phog dismissed her. She never gave clear answers.
Royal burst out laughing, "Oh. My. Arceus. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?" The bluenette doubled over, laughing so hard that her sides hurt.

Marilynn ignored her sibling's maniacal giggling and watched Valmont. "I don't know if this was planned or not," she muttered to herself.
Lady glanced to her dad, "Grace is uh..."

Ego winced, "Nurse Joy said they may have to...amputate her leg." He sighed, "Grace hates to sit down, let alone be stuck staying still entirely."

Lady cuddled Potchy and Lavander, "Potchy's still really small."

Ego glanced down at the Mightyena, "Yeah. Kiddo...Tyler will be fine. Trust Valmont, alright?"

"Heh," Lady said, "I never thought I'd hear you tell me to trust someone."

Flow was bored. Bored, bored, bored.

"Let me down!"

Sully was fun to throw at walls sure, but the psychic cat wasn't having all that much fun. She dropped Sully abruptly and forced Alexander to come stand by her with the same powers she abused too much.
finally after Phobos has calmed down Valmont walks down the staircase, there was one big room, with a serum making machine in the corner, a TV and a Bed in the other, a counter with a microwave, coffee machine, medical cabinet and a minibar in the 3rd corner and a desk which looked exactly like the one he used to have back at plasma HQ, the place had hints of caffeine in the air but where barely noticeable

Alexander had a worried look on his face, "um......nice kitty? good kitty? please don't hurt me?" he had been watching all that was happening to Sully and didn't want to end up like that
Marilynn snickered to herself as she dragged her breathless sister into Valmont's base. "I'm still suprised the coffee smell isn't enough to knock someone out," she commented to nobody in particular.

Royal held Bella up to her and took several deep breaths. She looked at her sister and pouted, "Be nice."
Flow purred, but forced Alexander to stay still as she snatched his wallet from his back pocket with her mouth. She shook it out vigorously and after every last paper had fallen out, she used her tail to grab all of it, and let go of Alexander. She snickered and bounded off towards Phog. Flow wanted a new pair of sunglasses.
"Alexander was a bit embarrassed that a pokemon just robbed him, but didn't mind it since he had more in his bank account

Valmont tried to reach for the coffee machine but stopped himself, instead he went to the minibar and got himself a box of apple juice and handed some to the others, he sat onto his desk and started to type before saying "Tyler do you mind me asking you some questions?"
"Nah," Tyler said with a grin, "Lady likes to play this game too. Except she demands answers," he giggles, "You're all 'I am a adult and will act like one!'" He said in a mocking tone.
"so Tyler, do you remember your full name, your pokemon's name and your childhood friend's full name? if yes then can you tell me?" Valmont asked as if to identify something.

Phobos looked around in the base, he noticed some kind of formula on the wall above the bed and examined it
Amy looked around. It was a nice place to stay in for a while, but not a long time. She hoped Valmont was able to help Tyler get his memory back. She kept pacing around the room, too worried, annoyed, and upset to sit down.

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
InkHeart had just witnessed the most interesting battle of his Pokemon career thus far. He felt bad for not helping, but his Pokemon where at a fairly low level, and those... Wait- Team Plasma?! What the- they where disbanded years ago by 2 trainers in the Unova region. What where they doing here? Confused, Ink approached the others, crowded around a middle aged male. "Um, hi, like I said, I'm InkHeart. First off, sir (Ooc: Tyler) are you okay? Second off, what the hell is Team Plama doing here?
"Tyler...uh..." He frowned, "...um...I...I can't remember. But my last name is Fear. I have a Purrlion named Dusky, she likes to wonder off a lot. Belle says it's because she hates her pokeball that my mom keeps. Oh! And Belle is Lady Bella Skyland, but I call her Belle because it's prettier." He blushed slightly, "Don't tell her I said that, she'd think I liked her or something."
Marilynn snickered a bit at Tyler's response. She leaned over to Royal and giggled, "He's acting like you."
Royal proceeded to pinch her sister's cheek. Hard.
Rubbing her sore cheek, Marilynn laughed, "He is!"
Valmont nodded and looked at the computer screen, he typed a bit before heading to the medical cabinet and rummaged through it, "he has a special type of Amnesia where he remembers very old things but he forgot most of his memory afterwards, "he also will have hard time memorizing anything new to his mind" Valmont added before cursing under his breath as he fails to find what he is looking for
Tyler rubbed at his face, a look of confusion coming over it, "What's on my face?"

He traced one of the servers like scars and winced, "What's wrong with my face?"
"Scars," Marilynn explained, ignoring the fact that he wouldn't remember anything new, "A bit over a year old."

Royal said, "There's nothing wrong with your face. It's just a bit scratched up."

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
"Anterograde Amnesia, huh. That sucks," Said Ink and proceeded to sigh. "Are you sure there's nothing you can do for him, sir? I mean, Anterograde Amnesia, like most Amnsesias, can be reversed, but it's really rare, am I right?"
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Amy started pacing faster, looking at the floor. "Will you be able to get rid of the amnesia?" she asked Valmont, hoping the answer was yes. She still couldn't believe that Tyler forgot so much of his life.
Tyler frowned, "Scars? Like the ones Allie has from when she fell in the lake?" His expression turned sad, "The kids at school keep making fun of her for it. I tried my best to be nice and try and make friends with the other kids, but they just started laughing at me. Allie told me just to ignore them, but I kept trying to make friends."

Tyler looked excited, "But then Belle came into town and beat them up! It was so cool! She was like WHAM! And POW! She almost got expelled for it, but I told the teachers that she was helping me."

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
"Hmm. For some, it's takes something to awaken their memories. Like a toy or- that's it!"

He turned to Lady.

" Can you ask Tyler to send out his Pokemon? Maybe the memory of them being with him now could help!"

Admin edit: Be more mindful of your posts, please. Third person, past tense.
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Valmont looked back at Amy and said "i have a solution but there is one problem, I ran out both the solution and temporary solution...... i know some pills that can restore a tiny amount of one's memory which can be found at the hospital... someone will have to go get them while i work on the permanent solution, just tell them Valmont set you, Ive been going there every now and then for checking my Caffeine levels, they practically became rich from my visits...."