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Private/Closed Team Plasma in a New Region

((ooc: Sure. Sorry if it bothered you))

Royal dropped Princess and squeezed the life out of Amy. She let out the cheer she had been holding back, and a few tears slid down her face from sheer joy. Once she had gotten that out of her system, she chirruped, "Okay, now we head to Repaca City for the next gym battle, right?"
Amy's hips hurt a bit because of Royal's squeezing, but she didn't mind. After all, it was because of joy.
"Yeah, I can't believe it!" Amy squeaked, while jumping up and down, hyped.
Royal let out a big squeal, and started running circles around the room. Unfortunately, her rainboots had no friction, and she fell down on her bottom. She laughed it off, and scrambled to her feet. She then turned to look at Illey, "Do we have to go through the puzzle again just to get out?"

((ooc: OMG 242 posts. That's a lot 0_0))
((ooc)) I guess I'll be Illey for this...

"Of course not," Illey laughed, opening a door at the back of the battle field revealing a slide made of ice, "If you slide down there, you'll get right back to the outside of the gym!"
Amy sighed in relief. "Phew, we get to go on a slide! I thought we had to go through the ice again!"
She went through the door and slid down the freezing cold slide, shivering.

Wow, on the 7th page already!
((ooc: Can I be out-of-battle Ella?))

Royal giggled as she sped down the frigid slide. She had returned Princess to her Pokeball prior. Once at the bottom, she grinned, "That was fun!"
((ooc)) Sure you can, you made her character!

Amy grinned as she stood up after falling down from the long slide.
She brushed herself off and said, "I think we should heal our pokemon before leaving to Route 2. We did just do a gym battle, and our pokemon didn't recover yet."
"Yeah!" Royal beamed, before bolting for the Pokemon center. She asked Nurse Joy to heal her Pokemon, and a few seconds later, Royal's team was healthy as can be. She thanked the Nurse, then rushed outside to meet with Amy and Lady.

((ooc: What about Lady? We can't just leave her behind))
Amy went into the pokemon center too and asked Nurse Joy to heal her pokemon. A minute later, all her pokemon were healed. She went back outside to Royal and Lady.

((ooc)) She said in an earlier post that we can bring Lady into Route 2 if we go there while she isn't here, but maybe we should wait until she comes back? I don't know... I think it would be better if we wait for her, though.
((OOC: I'm sure you won't see this till later, but it is totally chill to drag me along. I rarely leave mid-battle (when I am in the battle) so as long as I'm not in a battle you can just drag me along lol. I don't know if Lady will be able to beat the gym leader with out fire fang on Potchy anyway lol. I'm hoping to find a vulpix or a growlithe...or a Bunnery. Lol anyway...))

Lady went a healed Potchy before letting him out of his pokeball. His ears flattened against his head and ducked his tail below him. Lady sighed and picked him up, "It's okay. We really didn't have a chance, I was only trying to see her team, and now that we know her full team from both Royal and Amy's battles, we should have an easier time. I'll come up with my own strategy and we'll come back to win, okay?"
Potchy licked her hand before he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Lady smiled and walked out to where Amy and Royal waited.
Phobos entered the pokemon center to heal his pokemon before challenging the gym leader, he accidentally overheard Lady talk about her loss which he asumed was against the gym leader, "hey excuse me Miss but are you going to challenge the gym leader?" He called out as he followed her
Lady turned, her eyes catching sight of a rather terrifying guy. She forced herself to remain calm, he may look scary but she highly doubt he was mean. Potchy didn't seem to think so either, as he just popped open one eye at the guy and yawned. Lady smiled at him, "No, I just lost to her. Are you going to challenge her?"
"Why yes I am, I'm Phobos by the way" he said as he offered his hand for a hand shake, a friendly smile on his face, his poke ball has fallen off his belt since he didn't fasten it on there and his Pancham, Zen popped out
At the sight of a pancham, Potchy jumped up, flopped and fell from Lady's arms. Lady looked surprised, but just laughed it off and shook Phobos' hand, "I'm Lady Skyland, nice to meet you!"
Potchy sniffed the Pancham and his tail wagged .
Potchy jumped on Zen and licked his face. Lady giggled at the sight, "You really like him, huh Potchy?"

Potchy barked in agreement, but let Lady pick him up again, "I've got to go join my friends. Good luck with your gym battle!"
Last edited:
((ooc: Woke up like half an hour ago))

Royal let Bella, Princess, and Walter out of their Pokeballs. She squeezed them all in a big group hug and exclaimed, "Thanks guys, you were AMAZING!"
Phobos laughs as he sees Zen making friends with the dark type, then he asks "you guys heading to route two? mind if I tag along?"

---at plasma HQ---

after wrapping his head in bandages Valmont walks over to his desk and starts typing a few backup notes before heading of to the room with the grocery bag but forgetting the white board and Lunar, he enters the room and closes the door behind him, the umbreon just sits there next to Marilynn's desk staring at the white board and occasionally looks back at the door before returning his focus to the board
"Yep!" Royal chirped, "And from there, we'll go to Repaca City, right?" She returned Princess and Bella, wanting to walk with Walter.

Marilynn glanced down at Lunar, then followed his gaze to the door. She then saw the whiteboard and thought that Valmont would want it and Lunar back. She saved her document, returned Cobalt to his Pokeball, then picked up the board and motioned for Lunar to follow her. She went over to the door that the Umbreon was staring at.
Lady nodded to Royal, but turned back around when she heard Phobos. She smiled brightly, "Of course you can join us. I'll be coming back to the gym sooner or later, once Potchy and I are ready to try again."
Potchy barked in agreement.

Tyler heard footsteps, but stayed where he was at still. He honestly had no idea what he was doing, but he tried to make himself up again, but faultered. There really was no point in getting up.
Lunar followed Marilynn over to the door, as they reached the door it opened and Valmont was about to exit but stopped when he saw her, "oh Marilynn, I was about to come and take my board but looks like you already brought it, thanks" he said, the umbreon entered the room which was the old lab that was closed after the new bigger one was built, despite its horrible conditions there where many newly made and highly advanced machinery visible in there
Marilynn muttered, "You're welcome," then spun around and went back to her desk. She looked over her work. "A little more info couldn't hurt," she thought to herself as she went to the changing area of the HQ. She chose a white, ruffled summer dress and slipped on some black flats. She briskly exited the HQ, let Edward out of his Pokeball, and Flew to Kaequerie City. The scientist cracked a small smile as she saw Lady, Amy, Royal, and a new trainer. She returned Edward, and she let Cobalt out.

Royal spotted 'June' a few feet away and threw up her hand in greeting. "Hey June! Guess what?" the young girl grinned.
Potchy growled at 'June'. Lady frowned, "Don't growl at her. You didn't do that till Grace did, don't be a copy cat."

Potchy gave her a 'you're a hypocrite, using your dad's battle combos'. Lady pulled out his pokeball, "Time out for you. You're too heavy to be carried anyway."
Potchy barked as he was flashed into his pokeball. Lady grinned at 'June', "sorry about that!"
'June' rolled her eyes. She then said, "Are you heading to Route 2?" Royal nodded, then held up her new Freezer Badge. "I just won at the first gym! Now we're heading to Repaca City to challenge my momma!" the blue-haired trainer cheered. Marilynn's green eyes widened. She hurriedly looked for the notepad, then scribbled down, "Daughter of a gym leader-Royal"
Valmont walks into the room, "you ready Lunar?" he asked the eeveelution, to which it nodded, it then entered a machine and used moonlight, suddenly all the machines turned on since everything in the room was powered by Lunar light, he then placed 4 packs of Protein, 8 packs of Iron and 12 packs of vitamins in different machines, " now to wait 4 hours for the process to finish" he muttered to himself as he exited the room

Phobos looked over at 'June' then waved, "hi! im Phobos" he said
"Hello," the young scientist said. She looked over Phobos' appearance, and decided that she should battle him later. Royal put her new Badge back in her bag, then started to run towards Route 2. "C'mon!" she shouted.
Lady frowned for a split second as June wrote something down, but her smile came back a second later, "Your mom is the second gym leader?"

Lady's holocaster started to ring, but she clicked it off- she'll talk to her dad later.

Tyler got up, and went down stairs. He couldn't help but feel relieved when he was called by one of the Admins to a meeting.

"Tyler," The Admin said snarkily, "Take a seat."

He did , and the Admin pointed to him, "You, George and Issac will be heading to Route two. Marylinn is with the trainers she's done research on so far-"

"She hasn't let anyone see it," Tyler interjected.

The Admin smirked, "She left her computer on."

Tyler frowned, but stayed silent. The Admin continued, "We used the last name listed to search Lady Skyland, and have revealed a fun fact." He grinned, "She's the daughter of Eho Skyland, former Unova police chief and Kalos Champion. And the perfect ransom ticket."

Tyler felt his blood go cold, "Ego Skyland is dangerous. Isn't it risky to go after his kid?"

The Admin frowned, "Marylinn is going to be ordered via holocaster to sepetate Lady from the rest of the group. As long as the rest of the group doesn't know, everyone will think that Lady left, but if it makes you feel better, we will have Marylinn confirm to them that she stayed behind to beat the first gym."

Tyler's heart sank.
Valmont was surprised that the process was over a lot faster than expected, he went into the room and got out with a flask filled with a syrum, "now only if those pokemon downstairs haven't escaped I would have had a pokemon to test it on...." he grumbled as he changed into his everyday clothes to get some fresh air, syrum and a copy of the formula in his pocket, he went down and was heading towards the door when he noticed the admins and Tyler, "now that I think of it.... maybe we have some test subjects" he whispered to himself with a smile on his face
Royal nodded proudly, "Yep! And she's really tough!" Her face fell a bit, and her pace slowed a tad. Marilynn tagged along with the rest of the group, Cobalt slightly worried about the youngest member's suddenly morose attitude.
Tyler stood, "There is no way I'm going through with your stupid plan. I'd rather not get on the bad side of Ego Skyland."

"Are you quitting?" The Admin asked sharply. He grasped the handle of his own gun. Tyler's hands shook, "No."

The Admin glared at Tyler, "Then sit down." Tyler did sit down, and stared at the floor. The Admin pulled out his holocaster and called Marylinn.
Valmont walked over to the admins and Tyler, "greetings gentlemen, I couldn't help but notice that you are planning on kidnapping Ego Skyland's daughter, you could never know what would happen so I decided to be a bit of a help" Valmont said as he pulls the flask out of his pocket and shows it to them
The Admin waved a grunt to talk to Valmont, and continued to speak to Marylynn, "Are you alone? Or wearing headphones?"

The grunt looked to Valmont, "And what would that be, Sir?"
Marilynn turned into an alley next to the Pokemon Center. "I'm alone, sir," the green-eyed scientist answered.

Cobalt whimpered, wanting to cheer the blue-haired child up. Walter let out a small coo of worry as well. His body cooled down a tad.
"a syrum ive been working on for a while now, theoretically this should make low level pokemon be able to take on and possibly beat pokemon of much higher levels, all I need is a pokemon to test it on, if it works then congrats you get to use it in the mission" Valmont said as he hands the grunt the flask
The Admin smiled, "Good. We have a plan to hopefully defeat our only threat in the region. Also, did you know that Lady Skyland is the daughter of the Kamon "Ego" Skyland? Former Kalos champion? Anyway, we need you to sepetate Lady from the rest of the group- there can't be any witnesses."

The grunt's eyes glowed, "Wow! That's genius!"