Hello, is this thing on? Wait it is, ok. Hello, there Celestial being. I see that you are one of the many who have answered my call. I, the almighty Terrelius, have given you the power of creating your own dimension. In return, you give me warriors from that dimension to fight in my arena. Capiche? Ok, glad you agree. Now go, my new friends, go make domains for your imagination and make warriors for that domain. I bid you all a good day.
Hello and welcome to Terrellius's Interdimensional Arena RP Discussion. This is a relatively original concept loosely based on different things. Now, of course, there are some things I must address before you create a character. This roleplay is about world-building, and being able to make compromises in the fighting. Now, of course, there will be several different types of matches(Fights).
How Fighting will Occur: A character will take an action and the opposing character will parry it or dodge it and then attack. Do not always think that your character can dodge.
Regular Match: A regular match is to make the other unconscious. You cannot kill them. Whoever makes the other unconscious wins. If both characters are unconscious then it is a tie.
To the Death: Like it says to the death. Whoever kills the other wins. If they are both killed then it is a tie. Your characters will never fully die. They will be regenerated.
Triple Threat/Fatal Fourway/Fiveway etc. : A regular match with more people you must make all others unconscious.
No Weapons: Regular Match Just No Weapons
No Powers: Regular Match just no powers
Team Match: Get a team and fight another team. You can however accidentally or intentionally hurt your teammate. (Password: Walruses) Same rules as Regular Match besides that.
You can mix and match so you can technically have a Fatal Fiveway Team Match With No Weapons or Powers To The Death.
Now Obviously you want to know how to make my character or dimension. Well here it is.
Name of Dimension:
Dimension Backstory:
Key Concepts: (Such as anything we need to know like "everything here can turn into a monster of some kind or species of that dimension.)
Key Places and Descriptions:
Alliance: (Hero, Villain, Lone Wolf, Etc.)
Physical Appearance:
Element: (Anything you can think of)
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: (1-10)
Defense: (1-10)
Speed: (1-10)
Magic: (1-10)
Charisma: (1-10)
Stamina: (1-10)
If you break any of these rules you will get a warning. (Some rules may cause me to give you two warnings or even zero.) I might give you an extra chance if I'm feeling in a good mood. You will be kicked out at the third warning. If you are kicked your character will be either completely deleted or killed off.
Also if you have any questions please do ask. If you have any suggestions or constructive critisism please do tell.
Created Dimensions and Their Characters:
@Clite of Dragonbow
@JayBird Joe
@Lazy Millenial
Hello and welcome to Terrellius's Interdimensional Arena RP Discussion. This is a relatively original concept loosely based on different things. Now, of course, there are some things I must address before you create a character. This roleplay is about world-building, and being able to make compromises in the fighting. Now, of course, there will be several different types of matches(Fights).
How Fighting will Occur: A character will take an action and the opposing character will parry it or dodge it and then attack. Do not always think that your character can dodge.
Regular Match: A regular match is to make the other unconscious. You cannot kill them. Whoever makes the other unconscious wins. If both characters are unconscious then it is a tie.
To the Death: Like it says to the death. Whoever kills the other wins. If they are both killed then it is a tie. Your characters will never fully die. They will be regenerated.
Triple Threat/Fatal Fourway/Fiveway etc. : A regular match with more people you must make all others unconscious.
No Weapons: Regular Match Just No Weapons
No Powers: Regular Match just no powers
Team Match: Get a team and fight another team. You can however accidentally or intentionally hurt your teammate. (Password: Walruses) Same rules as Regular Match besides that.
You can mix and match so you can technically have a Fatal Fiveway Team Match With No Weapons or Powers To The Death.
Now Obviously you want to know how to make my character or dimension. Well here it is.
Name of Dimension:
Dimension Backstory:
Key Concepts: (Such as anything we need to know like "everything here can turn into a monster of some kind or species of that dimension.)
Key Places and Descriptions:
Alliance: (Hero, Villain, Lone Wolf, Etc.)
Physical Appearance:
Element: (Anything you can think of)
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: (1-10)
Defense: (1-10)
Speed: (1-10)
Magic: (1-10)
Charisma: (1-10)
Stamina: (1-10)
- Usual Pokecharms Roleplaying Rules.
- No controlling the story. (Don't make problems that involve your characters all the time. And don't try to be a part of everything. It gets kind of annoying.)
- No OP characters.
- Don't skip time at all. This could ruin a perfect spot for a plot point, make the timeline all messed up, and generally annoy some people. (Especially me.) Ask before you time skip in case other people are doing something. (We will ask you to delete the post that may have broken this rule.)
- Be Active.
- Please be patient with others and don't double post.
- Please have decent grammar.
- Be patient with the creator he is only really on at night so you may need to find other ways to pass the time when he's out.
- Don't go too far with a relationship keep it to kissing but nothing too explicit.
- When making a character or a dimension make it original. (Blatantly copying a character or a dimension. You can have some things that are based on a character such as personality. Or have SOME or LITTLE TO NOTHING based for your dimension)
- Do not make your own story inside the roleplay. I may permit it if it is exposition and is in one post explaining how you got there.
- Have at least three lines in your first paragraph and if you change paragraph, unless if it's a quote, it must be at least two lines.
- Don't always think your character can win a fight. Allow someone to make the case of why they would win.
- Try not to argue. If it gets too out of hand I will try to break it up as best I can. If you believe a person is treating all of the other characters unfairly please do directly message me.
- If you don't want to make a dimension then ask someone else to use their dimension. Just know I will only be allowing minimal amounts of those.
- Try to keep the blood and gore almost completely off the table. PG-13 guys.
- Whenever a post is directed to under 4 people mention them in your post so they know it's for them and it may help them post faster.
If you break any of these rules you will get a warning. (Some rules may cause me to give you two warnings or even zero.) I might give you an extra chance if I'm feeling in a good mood. You will be kicked out at the third warning. If you are kicked your character will be either completely deleted or killed off.
Also if you have any questions please do ask. If you have any suggestions or constructive critisism please do tell.
Created Dimensions and Their Characters:
Name of Dimension: Dimension-T3S96 (Klyntar Dimension)
Dimension Backstory: A race of humans with superior intelligence, known as the Klyntar created their own dimension eons ago, they created many genetically enhanced subspecies of humans as the different species.
Key Concepts: Each subspecies has a particular stat that is genetically enhanced, all species, however, are extremely tough and have strong regenerative capabilities. Except for the Titans who were created by the Klyntar as their personal hitmen, bodyguards, soldiers, anything. The Titans are seen to be genetically perfect, except they aren't the best at having a decent conversation.
Key Places and Descriptions:
Password: Walruses
Name: Unit - ST1L35 (Stiles) (ST=Sub Team/L=Legionnaire, so he is in ST1 and is L #35)
Gender: Male
Species: Titan
Dimension: Klyntar Dimension
Age: 25
Alliance: Lone Wolf
Physical Appearance: 7'2", very muscular but still quite lean in build, he has white hair and yellow eyes. He also has a scar across his chest (caused by a weapon made of Dryanthium an indestructible element that was made by the Klyntar) and a wolf tattoo across his back.
Backstory: He was a hitman for the klyntar, he was one of the very first and he eventually began to chose when and when not to follow orders, the Klyntar didn't like him gaining self-awareness and tried to have him destroyed, he escaped and hid out until the summons to join the event went out, he found a dimensional portal and made his way through.
Element: None
Powers: Superhuman strength/speed/durability, cellular regeneration, has a computer chip in his brain, this contains a database of information and is his main weakness, of ot short circuits his brain will be fried. His other weakness is to the element Dryanthium, it is the only thing that can kill him or scar him.
Weapons: None
Clothing: He wears black combat trousers, black boots, a black tank-top, and shades.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength - 10
Defense - 10
Speed - 10
Magic -7
Charisma - 1
Stamina - 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Shadow Fox (real name is Bellamy)
Gender: Male
Species: Spedron
Dimension: Klyntar Dimension
Age: 18
Alliance: Anti-Hero
Physical Appearance: 6'4", lean yet slightly muscular, brown hair and green eyes, with a fox tattoo on his neck.
Backstory: Bellamy is a hero for hire on the home planet of the Spedron, he does work for anyone who will pay him and isn't ashamed of what he does.
Element: Shadows
Powers: Super Speed, Shadow manipulation and cellular regeneration.
Weapons: Dual Daggers
Clothing: White trousers and short-sleeved t-shirt, white trainers, a red and black overcoat and a geometric fox mask.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength - 4
Defense - 10
Speed - 10
Magic - 10
Charisma - 4
Stamina - 10
Password: Walruses
Dimension Backstory: A race of humans with superior intelligence, known as the Klyntar created their own dimension eons ago, they created many genetically enhanced subspecies of humans as the different species.
Key Concepts: Each subspecies has a particular stat that is genetically enhanced, all species, however, are extremely tough and have strong regenerative capabilities. Except for the Titans who were created by the Klyntar as their personal hitmen, bodyguards, soldiers, anything. The Titans are seen to be genetically perfect, except they aren't the best at having a decent conversation.
Key Places and Descriptions:
Password: Walruses
Name: Unit - ST1L35 (Stiles) (ST=Sub Team/L=Legionnaire, so he is in ST1 and is L #35)
Gender: Male
Species: Titan
Dimension: Klyntar Dimension
Age: 25
Alliance: Lone Wolf
Physical Appearance: 7'2", very muscular but still quite lean in build, he has white hair and yellow eyes. He also has a scar across his chest (caused by a weapon made of Dryanthium an indestructible element that was made by the Klyntar) and a wolf tattoo across his back.
Backstory: He was a hitman for the klyntar, he was one of the very first and he eventually began to chose when and when not to follow orders, the Klyntar didn't like him gaining self-awareness and tried to have him destroyed, he escaped and hid out until the summons to join the event went out, he found a dimensional portal and made his way through.
Element: None
Powers: Superhuman strength/speed/durability, cellular regeneration, has a computer chip in his brain, this contains a database of information and is his main weakness, of ot short circuits his brain will be fried. His other weakness is to the element Dryanthium, it is the only thing that can kill him or scar him.
Weapons: None
Clothing: He wears black combat trousers, black boots, a black tank-top, and shades.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength - 10
Defense - 10
Speed - 10
Magic -7
Charisma - 1
Stamina - 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Shadow Fox (real name is Bellamy)
Gender: Male
Species: Spedron
Dimension: Klyntar Dimension
Age: 18
Alliance: Anti-Hero
Physical Appearance: 6'4", lean yet slightly muscular, brown hair and green eyes, with a fox tattoo on his neck.
Backstory: Bellamy is a hero for hire on the home planet of the Spedron, he does work for anyone who will pay him and isn't ashamed of what he does.
Element: Shadows
Powers: Super Speed, Shadow manipulation and cellular regeneration.
Weapons: Dual Daggers
Clothing: White trousers and short-sleeved t-shirt, white trainers, a red and black overcoat and a geometric fox mask.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength - 4
Defense - 10
Speed - 10
Magic - 10
Charisma - 4
Stamina - 10
Password: Walruses
Name of Dimension: Aurei Caelum
Dimension Backstory: One of the oldest dimensions in existence, Aurei Caelum (often referred to as simply Aurei) has been home to the Luxien race since it was established. For as long as anyone can remember, it has been ruled by a royal council - composed of one Luxien of each elemental division. However, in the past several centuries, the race has been growing more corrupt as the council grows prejudiced towards certain things.
Key Concepts: It appears to be floating within an endless sky, with several floating islands connected to one main island. Each island has its own purpose: some for residences, some for education, some for recreation, etc. No other species is allowed in, due to a magical barrier. This is due to the fact that Luxiens were hunted for their souls - the sources of their magic - during a period of time thousands of years ago.
Key Places and Descriptions: Will finish later
Password: Walruses
Name: Alison Silverstone (Allie)
Gender: Female
Species: Luxien (Ice Elemental Division)
Dimension: Aurei Caelum
Age: Approximately fifteen in human years
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: She stands at a height of 5'7 and has very pale skin, due to her element. Like all members of the Luxien race, she has pointed ears and brightly colored eyes and hair - bright blue, in her case. She has a pair of wings, which appear to be made of millions of suspended ice crystals.
Backstory: [REDACTED]
Element: Ice
Powers: Ice creation and manipulation, basic psychic abilities (due to unnatural soul), flight (due to wings), enhanced strength and senses
Weapons: None. She simply creates them with ice as she sees fit.
Clothing: All Luxiens wear clothing according to their element, and Allie is not an exception despite choosing not to associate with them. She wears a knee-length white dress with a light blue satin belt, containing a crystal snowflake emblem on the front. She wears a simple blue pendant on her neck, and a pair of silver earrings.
Now Here Come The Stats: (Yes, I know I'm barely beneath the limit, but her power is actually a weakness too. It'll make sense later.)
Strength: 7
Defense: 8
Speed: 7
Magic: 10
Charisma: 8
Stamina: 8
Password: Walruses
I'm sure most of you know about her anger issues if you know what I mean. If you haven't been RPing with her before, TL;DR: She has very little control over her power due to an imperfection in her soul and will accidentally use it if her emotions run high. If angered, she can enter a fight-or-die subconscious where she is consumed by hatred and anger. While in this state, she has no control and her power is extremely heightened, but she will lose power fast. Once she consumes her energy, she will pass out or possibly even die if the strain was big enough and be severely weakened once she wakes.
Dimension Backstory: One of the oldest dimensions in existence, Aurei Caelum (often referred to as simply Aurei) has been home to the Luxien race since it was established. For as long as anyone can remember, it has been ruled by a royal council - composed of one Luxien of each elemental division. However, in the past several centuries, the race has been growing more corrupt as the council grows prejudiced towards certain things.
Key Concepts: It appears to be floating within an endless sky, with several floating islands connected to one main island. Each island has its own purpose: some for residences, some for education, some for recreation, etc. No other species is allowed in, due to a magical barrier. This is due to the fact that Luxiens were hunted for their souls - the sources of their magic - during a period of time thousands of years ago.
Key Places and Descriptions: Will finish later
Password: Walruses
Name: Alison Silverstone (Allie)
Gender: Female
Species: Luxien (Ice Elemental Division)
Dimension: Aurei Caelum
Age: Approximately fifteen in human years
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: She stands at a height of 5'7 and has very pale skin, due to her element. Like all members of the Luxien race, she has pointed ears and brightly colored eyes and hair - bright blue, in her case. She has a pair of wings, which appear to be made of millions of suspended ice crystals.
Backstory: [REDACTED]
Element: Ice
Powers: Ice creation and manipulation, basic psychic abilities (due to unnatural soul), flight (due to wings), enhanced strength and senses
Weapons: None. She simply creates them with ice as she sees fit.
Clothing: All Luxiens wear clothing according to their element, and Allie is not an exception despite choosing not to associate with them. She wears a knee-length white dress with a light blue satin belt, containing a crystal snowflake emblem on the front. She wears a simple blue pendant on her neck, and a pair of silver earrings.
Now Here Come The Stats: (Yes, I know I'm barely beneath the limit, but her power is actually a weakness too. It'll make sense later.)
Strength: 7
Defense: 8
Speed: 7
Magic: 10
Charisma: 8
Stamina: 8
Password: Walruses
I'm sure most of you know about her anger issues if you know what I mean. If you haven't been RPing with her before, TL;DR: She has very little control over her power due to an imperfection in her soul and will accidentally use it if her emotions run high. If angered, she can enter a fight-or-die subconscious where she is consumed by hatred and anger. While in this state, she has no control and her power is extremely heightened, but she will lose power fast. Once she consumes her energy, she will pass out or possibly even die if the strain was big enough and be severely weakened once she wakes.
Name of Dimension: Midnight
Dimension Backstory: REDACTED
Key Concepts: Most of it is in here. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nHaCYBXMFe2PHafzNBLj0P5d3SdkerLGksxHtoT-LFo/edit?usp=sharing (Midnight Multidimension Info)
Key Places and Descriptions: Somewhat all in there
Password: Walruses
Name: Mack
Gender: Male
Species: Humanesque creature
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 25
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Blonde Hair, Green eyes, 6'0, with a slightly more muscular build.
Backstory: Unapplicable (It's a secret.)
Element: Earth/Water
Powers: He has a Liquid form and a Hardened Form. The Liquid Form Takes a lot to hold intact. If he goes for too long he will eventually go unconscious. For the most part, the liquid form is immune to any regular punches, however, it does boil in extreme heat and if you punch enough you can disassemble him causing him to have to reform. The hardened form increases his defense and is easier for him to turn into.
Weapons: A gun and a knife.
Clothing: Jeans, A white shirt and a brown sweatshirt over it.
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 7
Defense: 2-8 (Depends On his Form)
Speed: 7
Magic/Power: 10
Charisma: 6
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Chris Bohm
Gender: Male
Species: Midnightian Human
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 28
Alliance: Anti-hero
Physical Appearance: Dark brown hair standing at 6'3 he has a slightly muscular build. His stone gray eyes hold almost no emotion when you stare into them and his features are mostly defined.
Backstory: (Will explain in a story I'm writing)
Element: Fire/Steel
Powers: He can explode many types of metal. The easier to combust the less power it takes to explode it. He can also combust without doing damage to him or his clothes. He is mostly immune to fire and explosions.
Weapons: He carries around a baseball bat that is made out of a metal that can combust, however it reforms itself and he can continue to use it.
Clothing: He wears black sweatpants, black socks, and black shoes. He usually wears a brown leather jacket and a white t-shirt underneath it. All of his clothes are fire and explosion-proof.
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 8
Defense: 8
Speed: 4
Magic/Power: 7
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Ozzie Fitzway
Gender: Male
Species: Midnightian Human
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 29
Alliance: Villain
Physical Appearance: With a more muscular build and long flowing brown hair. His green eyes could captivate anyone.
Backstory: Will explain in the story I'm writing.
Element: (Anything you can think of)
Powers: With a stroke of his guitar he can summon plants and make warriors out of them.
Weapons: His Guitar
Clothing: A sleeveless rock band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of sandals
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 10
Defense: 8
Speed: 5
Magic: 10
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 5
Password: Walruses
Dimension Backstory: REDACTED
Key Concepts: Most of it is in here. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nHaCYBXMFe2PHafzNBLj0P5d3SdkerLGksxHtoT-LFo/edit?usp=sharing (Midnight Multidimension Info)
Key Places and Descriptions: Somewhat all in there
Password: Walruses
Name: Mack
Gender: Male
Species: Humanesque creature
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 25
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Blonde Hair, Green eyes, 6'0, with a slightly more muscular build.
Backstory: Unapplicable (It's a secret.)
Element: Earth/Water
Powers: He has a Liquid form and a Hardened Form. The Liquid Form Takes a lot to hold intact. If he goes for too long he will eventually go unconscious. For the most part, the liquid form is immune to any regular punches, however, it does boil in extreme heat and if you punch enough you can disassemble him causing him to have to reform. The hardened form increases his defense and is easier for him to turn into.
Weapons: A gun and a knife.
Clothing: Jeans, A white shirt and a brown sweatshirt over it.
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 7
Defense: 2-8 (Depends On his Form)
Speed: 7
Magic/Power: 10
Charisma: 6
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Chris Bohm
Gender: Male
Species: Midnightian Human
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 28
Alliance: Anti-hero
Physical Appearance: Dark brown hair standing at 6'3 he has a slightly muscular build. His stone gray eyes hold almost no emotion when you stare into them and his features are mostly defined.
Backstory: (Will explain in a story I'm writing)
Element: Fire/Steel
Powers: He can explode many types of metal. The easier to combust the less power it takes to explode it. He can also combust without doing damage to him or his clothes. He is mostly immune to fire and explosions.
Weapons: He carries around a baseball bat that is made out of a metal that can combust, however it reforms itself and he can continue to use it.
Clothing: He wears black sweatpants, black socks, and black shoes. He usually wears a brown leather jacket and a white t-shirt underneath it. All of his clothes are fire and explosion-proof.
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 8
Defense: 8
Speed: 4
Magic/Power: 7
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Ozzie Fitzway
Gender: Male
Species: Midnightian Human
Dimension: Midnight
Age: 29
Alliance: Villain
Physical Appearance: With a more muscular build and long flowing brown hair. His green eyes could captivate anyone.
Backstory: Will explain in the story I'm writing.
Element: (Anything you can think of)
Powers: With a stroke of his guitar he can summon plants and make warriors out of them.
Weapons: His Guitar
Clothing: A sleeveless rock band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of sandals
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
Strength: 10
Defense: 8
Speed: 5
Magic: 10
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 5
Password: Walruses
Name of Dimension: Kimina
Dimension Backstory:
Key Concepts: there are two species: humans. And skeletons, skeletons are people, but dead, they lose muscle, in turn, making them weaker
Key Places and Descriptions: City of Volaic
A huge city that takes on the form of a futuristic metropolis
Password: Walruses
Name: Kao the skeleton
Gender: Male
Species: Skeleton
Dimension: Kimina
Alliance: (Hero, Villain, Lone Wolf, Etc.) Neutral
Physical Appearance: a 5"5 skeletal being in a well-made black leather jacket, some baggy black pants, and sunglasses
Backstory: oh, he simply died after being shot in the head multiple times
Element: (Anything you can think of) Space-time manipulation? (Not as OP as it sounds)
Powers: bones, blasts, teleportation, moving someone (i will ALWAYS ask someone I fight before using this) multi dodging
Weapons: none
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
1-10) 5
1-10) 5
1-10) 10
1-10) 10
1-10) 10
1-10) 8
Password: Walruses
Dimension Backstory:
Key Concepts: there are two species: humans. And skeletons, skeletons are people, but dead, they lose muscle, in turn, making them weaker
Key Places and Descriptions: City of Volaic
A huge city that takes on the form of a futuristic metropolis
Password: Walruses
Name: Kao the skeleton
Gender: Male
Species: Skeleton
Dimension: Kimina
Alliance: (Hero, Villain, Lone Wolf, Etc.) Neutral
Physical Appearance: a 5"5 skeletal being in a well-made black leather jacket, some baggy black pants, and sunglasses
Backstory: oh, he simply died after being shot in the head multiple times
Element: (Anything you can think of) Space-time manipulation? (Not as OP as it sounds)
Powers: bones, blasts, teleportation, moving someone (i will ALWAYS ask someone I fight before using this) multi dodging
Weapons: none
Now Here Come The Stats: (You can have up to 48 points in total)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
Password: Walruses
Name of Dimension: Haram
Dimension Backstory: it was never documented how long it existed. Perhaps a millennium or maybe billions of years. it is a host to a series of life that evolved to survive its harsh conditions.
Key Concepts: everyplace in this dimension is susceptible to spontaneous storms.
Key Places and Descriptions: An area known as "the pits" is a desert that constantly has oil leaking out to surface. this oil is permanently on fire and has created an atmosphere almost entirely of smoke. plants are massive as their roots are needed to protect them from the storms
Password: Walruses
Name: Atarax
Gender: Male
Species: Wayer
Dimension: Haram
Age: 96 (Wayers live 4 times as long as humans)
Alliance: Villain
Physical Appearance: A Wayer is a mix between a bull, goat, and human whose main features changer based on subspecies. Atarax is 6'0" in height and weighs 300 lbs. he has a muscular build. he has the head of a black bull with a very hairy body. He has two long horns with one slightly chipped. His feet are hooved and have a long slender tail.
Backstory: Ash Wayers have a tough time living with other species, because of there habit of creating unsafe living conditions there are usually ostracized to the pits. they did not have much of a leader until Atarax came about. He leads the younger generation of Wayers and plans to unify Wayers worldwide.
Element: Fire
Powers: Atarax has the power to create soot, smoke or gunpowder from his body. He can also choose to ignite his materials to make quick explosions. Atarax is also able to turn his body into a gas.
Weapons: sometimes he uses a Warhammer
Clothing: He is adorned in iron-plated armor. when not fighting he wears garb draped over his body. the garb is purple with pictures of horns made of fire, the symbol for Ash Wayers.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength: 10
Defense: 10
Speed: 4
Magic: 6
Charisma: 5
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Gachichi
Gender: Female
Species: Wayer
Dimension: Haram
Age: 356
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Standing at 4'4" she is not much to look at. her body is skinny and lacks any hint of muscle. she is a goat humanoid with two very short horns poking from her head. also covered in hair though it is light brown and starting to grey. her tail is no longer than one foot.
Backstory: There are very few prominent figures in Haram. Wayers tend to work in small tribes and many are openly hostile to each other. It was the emergence of Gachichi that a powerful leader came into being. For a long time, she managed multiple relationships with each tribe and was key to preventing a series of wars. She leads her people through the most horrid disasters and helped improve the basic standard of living. In her prime Gachichi was truly a legend. Now in her olden days, the Wayer tribes have separated once again, but this time her influence is small. With the older generation, she plans to unite the tribes once more to obtain peace before she passes.
Element: Earth
Powers: Gachichi as the power to create sand from thin air, she also has masterful control over sand and can create a full sandstorm in a matter of minutes.
Weapons: none
Clothing: She wears an orange garb that has the picture of a hand-shaped rock breaking apart, the symbol of a sand Wayer.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Speed: 4
Magic: 10
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 2
Password: Walruses
Name of Dimension: Haram
Dimension Backstory: it was never documented how long it existed. Perhaps a millennium or maybe billions of years. it is a host to a series of life that evolved to survive its harsh conditions.
Key Concepts: everyplace in this dimension is susceptible to spontaneous storms.
Key Places and Descriptions: An area known as "the pits" is a desert that constantly has oil leaking out to surface. this oil is permanently on fire and has created an atmosphere almost entirely of smoke. plants are massive as their roots are needed to protect them from the storms
Password: Walruses
Name: Atarax
Gender: Male
Species: Wayer
Dimension: Haram
Age: 96 (Wayers live 4 times as long as humans)
Alliance: Villain
Physical Appearance: A Wayer is a mix between a bull, goat, and human whose main features changer based on subspecies. Atarax is 6'0" in height and weighs 300 lbs. he has a muscular build. he has the head of a black bull with a very hairy body. He has two long horns with one slightly chipped. His feet are hooved and have a long slender tail.
Backstory: Ash Wayers have a tough time living with other species, because of there habit of creating unsafe living conditions there are usually ostracized to the pits. they did not have much of a leader until Atarax came about. He leads the younger generation of Wayers and plans to unify Wayers worldwide.
Element: Fire
Powers: Atarax has the power to create soot, smoke or gunpowder from his body. He can also choose to ignite his materials to make quick explosions. Atarax is also able to turn his body into a gas.
Weapons: sometimes he uses a Warhammer
Clothing: He is adorned in iron-plated armor. when not fighting he wears garb draped over his body. the garb is purple with pictures of horns made of fire, the symbol for Ash Wayers.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength: 10
Defense: 10
Speed: 4
Magic: 6
Charisma: 5
Stamina: 10
Password: Walruses
Name: Gachichi
Gender: Female
Species: Wayer
Dimension: Haram
Age: 356
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Standing at 4'4" she is not much to look at. her body is skinny and lacks any hint of muscle. she is a goat humanoid with two very short horns poking from her head. also covered in hair though it is light brown and starting to grey. her tail is no longer than one foot.
Backstory: There are very few prominent figures in Haram. Wayers tend to work in small tribes and many are openly hostile to each other. It was the emergence of Gachichi that a powerful leader came into being. For a long time, she managed multiple relationships with each tribe and was key to preventing a series of wars. She leads her people through the most horrid disasters and helped improve the basic standard of living. In her prime Gachichi was truly a legend. Now in her olden days, the Wayer tribes have separated once again, but this time her influence is small. With the older generation, she plans to unite the tribes once more to obtain peace before she passes.
Element: Earth
Powers: Gachichi as the power to create sand from thin air, she also has masterful control over sand and can create a full sandstorm in a matter of minutes.
Weapons: none
Clothing: She wears an orange garb that has the picture of a hand-shaped rock breaking apart, the symbol of a sand Wayer.
Now Here Come The Stats:
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Speed: 4
Magic: 10
Charisma: 10
Stamina: 2
Password: Walruses
Name of Dimension: Zuxentilion Entities
Dimension Backstory: This Dimension is made up of 3 entities, which represent the good aspects of the multiverse(good feelings and wills, light, other cliches) the bad aspects(bad feelings and wills, darkness, etc) and neutrality and balance. The entities are around 100,000,000,000,000 years old, being that they were some of the first lifeforms in existence, growing in power, and creating their realm around, but it wasn't created until around 2,000,000,000 years ago
Key Concepts: Creatures here are created of the flesh and powers of the entities. Their creations are original for the most part, but being around for a long time, they have drawn some ideas from other worlds. Mostly humanoid figures, not humans. All creatures, even if not humanoid, are intelligent enough to have a language and speak.
Key Places and Descriptions: The Main areas consist of the Great Border, which is the place where all of the main entities' lands coexist. That is where it is most peaceful, and the creatures and races there all live, from the different lands. The lands of the good entity are where the nice, friendly, and protecting races live, and the lands are known as the Enlightened Plane. The bad entity's land is known as the Enveloped Crevice, a little bit of a canyon where the more shady and scary looking races and creatures live. The neutral entity's land is considered the most populated. The creatures and people here mostly act civil, like normal society. This area has the most intelligent of all the places, and it is the most productive of the realms. It is known as the Indifference.
Password: Walruses? Walrui? Walrupeople?
Name: Krakell
Gender: Male
Species: Guardian Great Serpent
Dimension: Zuxentillion Entities
Age: 1900 (These guys live a long time, this guy is considered a young adult)
Alliance: Hero, as in he is a guard animal, enlisted to protect Indifference
Physical Appearance: He's around 1000ft in length, and 25 meters in diameter. His head is big and hard, covered it what seems like a silvery metal. His eyes are glowing, electric blue, and the rest of his body is covered in plates of the same type of material. The material is his skin. he as a crystalline horn which is light grey.
Backstory: Ever since youth and coming out of the egg, he's been under guard training. He's been relatively tame and rather friendly. After coming of his age, he was ranked up to Main Guard, one meant to protect his city.
Element: Light.
Powers: He can fire and manipulate light from his horn. Normally he just fires rays of it, but he can also create damaging light showers and waves. He can also levitate, but, I mean, it's only for movement purposes. I mean, he CAN fly, but it'd take him a while to get that high, and I think the arena is too enclosed to let him get too high. He's also Massive, so, uh.... yeah.
Weapons: Crush blades activated by his bite.
Clothing: Just the silvery plates on his head and body. Oh, his head plates have a red mark in the shape of a star, representing that he's the Main guard.
Strength: 10
Defense: 10
Speed: 8
Magic: 8
Charisma: 2
Stamina: 10
Password: Heavy: "What is thing ahead?" Scout: "Uh, not important probably." Heavy: "Uh... SCOUT! RUN" Scout: "Why- OH MY FREAKING GOD. THAT'S A LOT OF WALRUSES!"
Dimension Backstory: This Dimension is made up of 3 entities, which represent the good aspects of the multiverse(good feelings and wills, light, other cliches) the bad aspects(bad feelings and wills, darkness, etc) and neutrality and balance. The entities are around 100,000,000,000,000 years old, being that they were some of the first lifeforms in existence, growing in power, and creating their realm around, but it wasn't created until around 2,000,000,000 years ago
Key Concepts: Creatures here are created of the flesh and powers of the entities. Their creations are original for the most part, but being around for a long time, they have drawn some ideas from other worlds. Mostly humanoid figures, not humans. All creatures, even if not humanoid, are intelligent enough to have a language and speak.
Key Places and Descriptions: The Main areas consist of the Great Border, which is the place where all of the main entities' lands coexist. That is where it is most peaceful, and the creatures and races there all live, from the different lands. The lands of the good entity are where the nice, friendly, and protecting races live, and the lands are known as the Enlightened Plane. The bad entity's land is known as the Enveloped Crevice, a little bit of a canyon where the more shady and scary looking races and creatures live. The neutral entity's land is considered the most populated. The creatures and people here mostly act civil, like normal society. This area has the most intelligent of all the places, and it is the most productive of the realms. It is known as the Indifference.
Password: Walruses? Walrui? Walrupeople?
Name: Krakell
Gender: Male
Species: Guardian Great Serpent
Dimension: Zuxentillion Entities
Age: 1900 (These guys live a long time, this guy is considered a young adult)
Alliance: Hero, as in he is a guard animal, enlisted to protect Indifference
Physical Appearance: He's around 1000ft in length, and 25 meters in diameter. His head is big and hard, covered it what seems like a silvery metal. His eyes are glowing, electric blue, and the rest of his body is covered in plates of the same type of material. The material is his skin. he as a crystalline horn which is light grey.
Backstory: Ever since youth and coming out of the egg, he's been under guard training. He's been relatively tame and rather friendly. After coming of his age, he was ranked up to Main Guard, one meant to protect his city.
Element: Light.
Powers: He can fire and manipulate light from his horn. Normally he just fires rays of it, but he can also create damaging light showers and waves. He can also levitate, but, I mean, it's only for movement purposes. I mean, he CAN fly, but it'd take him a while to get that high, and I think the arena is too enclosed to let him get too high. He's also Massive, so, uh.... yeah.
Weapons: Crush blades activated by his bite.
Clothing: Just the silvery plates on his head and body. Oh, his head plates have a red mark in the shape of a star, representing that he's the Main guard.
Strength: 10
Defense: 10
Speed: 8
Magic: 8
Charisma: 2
Stamina: 10
Password: Heavy: "What is thing ahead?" Scout: "Uh, not important probably." Heavy: "Uh... SCOUT! RUN" Scout: "Why- OH MY FREAKING GOD. THAT'S A LOT OF WALRUSES!"
Name of Dimension: Mainaluis Ragnam
Dimension Backstory: Mainaluis Ragnam is a dimension populated by tens of thousands of species much like our own, each of them living in harmony and working with each other. Eventually, the most advanced of these species, the Manisallens were able to harness the power of feral animals, taking their essence and merging it with their own. However, the merging had to be mutual, both the creature and the Manisallens agreeing to merge. It became a tradition for youth to befriend an animal, a train together before merging their essences once they are of age.
Key Concepts: Once merging, the Manisallens will take some of the physical traits of their animal partner, more common ones like sharper teeth and animal ears, with the rarer changes being growing a tail and more fur.
The species are similar to that of our own, many sharing names or only having slight changes. Manisallens are equivalent to humans.
When channeling their animal's essence an aure on the appearance of that animal can be seen glowing around the figure.
Key Places and Descriptions: (Working on at the moment, will complete soon.)
Password: Walruses
Name: Alan Lupraga
Gender: Male
Species: Manisallen (Wolf Essence)
Dimension: Mainaluis Ragnam
Age: 17
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Alan stands at 6 feet, 5 inches. He stays fit from his fairly regular training keeping a fairly lean body, something like a swimmer's build. His eyes are a dark green and his hair is something of a blackish-grey color and looks fairly shaggy and unkempt. Because of this, it can be hard to see the wolf ears that lay on the top of his head. His sharper canines are more obvious, as he can often be seen smiling, no matter how bleak the situation he's in. He has two claw mark scars that rest on his right eyebrow.
Backstory: Alan was raised along with other Manisallens to track down a group of people that have created a technology that forces animals to merge with any Manisallen that wants to. The group started using their powers to attack innocents and steal more of the animals to continue their experiments. After a deadly fight with one of these terrorists, Alan was left injured, and the only way he could survive was if he merged with his wolf partner earlier than intended. Because of this, Alan survived, but his body is still adjusting to his new powers.
Element: Earth
Powers: He can summon upon the spirit of his Partner to temporarily increase his Strength and Speed, while his defense and Stamina will suffer as a result. Because of the merging, his senses have increased as well, allowing him to hear better and sniff out certain scents with ease.
Weapons: Staff
Clothing: Alan wears fairly rougher looking clothing, always prepared for a fight. His outfit consists of a pair of black boots, second-hand combat pants, and a well worn gray tank top. He also often wears and black sweater that he discards before a fight.
Strength: (1-10) 10
Defense: (1-10) 8
Speed: (1-10) 9
Magic: (1-10) 5
Charisma: (1-10) 8
Stamina: (1-10) 8
Password: Walruses
Dimension Backstory: Mainaluis Ragnam is a dimension populated by tens of thousands of species much like our own, each of them living in harmony and working with each other. Eventually, the most advanced of these species, the Manisallens were able to harness the power of feral animals, taking their essence and merging it with their own. However, the merging had to be mutual, both the creature and the Manisallens agreeing to merge. It became a tradition for youth to befriend an animal, a train together before merging their essences once they are of age.
Key Concepts: Once merging, the Manisallens will take some of the physical traits of their animal partner, more common ones like sharper teeth and animal ears, with the rarer changes being growing a tail and more fur.
The species are similar to that of our own, many sharing names or only having slight changes. Manisallens are equivalent to humans.
When channeling their animal's essence an aure on the appearance of that animal can be seen glowing around the figure.
Key Places and Descriptions: (Working on at the moment, will complete soon.)
Password: Walruses
Name: Alan Lupraga
Gender: Male
Species: Manisallen (Wolf Essence)
Dimension: Mainaluis Ragnam
Age: 17
Alliance: Hero
Physical Appearance: Alan stands at 6 feet, 5 inches. He stays fit from his fairly regular training keeping a fairly lean body, something like a swimmer's build. His eyes are a dark green and his hair is something of a blackish-grey color and looks fairly shaggy and unkempt. Because of this, it can be hard to see the wolf ears that lay on the top of his head. His sharper canines are more obvious, as he can often be seen smiling, no matter how bleak the situation he's in. He has two claw mark scars that rest on his right eyebrow.
Backstory: Alan was raised along with other Manisallens to track down a group of people that have created a technology that forces animals to merge with any Manisallen that wants to. The group started using their powers to attack innocents and steal more of the animals to continue their experiments. After a deadly fight with one of these terrorists, Alan was left injured, and the only way he could survive was if he merged with his wolf partner earlier than intended. Because of this, Alan survived, but his body is still adjusting to his new powers.
Element: Earth
Powers: He can summon upon the spirit of his Partner to temporarily increase his Strength and Speed, while his defense and Stamina will suffer as a result. Because of the merging, his senses have increased as well, allowing him to hear better and sniff out certain scents with ease.
Weapons: Staff
Clothing: Alan wears fairly rougher looking clothing, always prepared for a fight. His outfit consists of a pair of black boots, second-hand combat pants, and a well worn gray tank top. He also often wears and black sweater that he discards before a fight.
Strength: (1-10) 10
Defense: (1-10) 8
Speed: (1-10) 9
Magic: (1-10) 5
Charisma: (1-10) 8
Stamina: (1-10) 8
Password: Walruses
@Clite of Dragonbow
@JayBird Joe
@Lazy Millenial
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