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The adventures of Shard

Shard's awekening this morning was not one of the most gentle ones he had experienced. His Crobat crashed into his side, hard.

Will you guys please let me sleep? Shard thought to his pokemon. Ever since he was born he had had the ability to talk to pokemon by thought, which was the reason that he never kept his pokemon in their pokeballs. He just understood them too well to do something like that.
Shard was fourteen years old, short for his age and physically weak. He made up for that with intelligence and the ability named above.
Crobat flew up and faced Shard.

Sorry. It was Treecko's fault. Haunter had tricked him that I had woken him up in the middle of the night.

I'm not tricking anyone! Haunter shouted and flew at Crobat, tumbling away into the bushes they had camped by.

Shard sat up. Viridian Forest was so beutiful in the morning. The sun was shining a little between the trees, small rays of sunlight came into the opening where they had slept. Shard heard a small stream at his left, behind some bushes, and the sound of a Pidgey twirping happily.
Shard looked around at his pokemon. Vibrava was sleeping on his right side, she had always been a real sleepyhead. Scyther had apparently gone out hunting, as it was one of her favorite things to do, hunt in the forest. Treecko and Buizel had gone down to the stream, buizel swimming happily and Treecko just washing off the dust of yesterday's long walk. It was typical of him to start a fight, then let it move on to the hands of another, like he had done with Haunter and Crobat, who were chasing each other in the treetops.
Shard gave a huge yawn and stretched, then went down to the stream to sit with Treecko and watch Buizel splash delighted around in the water.

'Morning, Treecko said as Shard sat down by him.

Good morning, Shard replied. How long have you been awake?

Since dawn. Scyther accidentally pushed me off my branch when she went hunting.

Shard didn't reply to this, he simply sat and watched Buizel hyave fun in the water, taking part in his joy.
Crobat and Haunter came down by Shard. Apparently they had settled the fight. Vibrava also woke up, flew around a little, then landed in Shard's lap. Buizel swam up to us and curled up himself by Shard's side.

Now all of us are here except Scyther, Crobat said.

Wrong. There she comes, Shard replied.

Scyther came, hovering over the stream, to sit down with them. They sat there, completely still, and enjoyed the forest in the morning.
I hope you don't mind me posting, but ironicly my name is shard.

cool story. it's nice to see something this cool on my first day of actually staying on the forums.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I'd advise you to read the rules and the board descriptions prior to posting, Shard. Then you'll probably realize that this post of yours might be considered SPAM.

First warning.
OOC: Hope you don't mind if I join.

Randy trudged through the forest looking for a good place to camp. Larvitar was by his side and was on the look-out for wild pokemon who might attack. Randy looked down and smiled. He noticed Larvitar was alert and has his guard up. Randy smiled.

"It's ok Larvitar...no-one's in these woods anyway."

Just than Larvitar and Randy spotted a pokemon out the corner of their eye. Randy couldn't make out what it was, it moved too fast and dissapeared.

"Did you see that too?" Larvitar looked up and nodded.

They scanned the trees looking for a trace of the mystery pokemon. They both spotted a Scyther on a branch in a nearby tree. It looked as if it had followed them all morning.

"Woah a Scyther...that would make a great addition to my team."

Larvitar grunted in disapproval. The Scyther noticed it had been spotted so it started running deeper into the forest. Randy gave chase keeping a distance so he wouldn't startle it.He heard a stream to his right and spotted a small pidgey playing with an Oran Berry. Him and Larvitar hid behind a bush and noticed someone who looked like a trainer playing with pokemon by the stream he had heard. He counted five pokemon. He saw a Haunter and Crobat fighting, and sleeping Vibrava, a Treeko washing itself in the stream and the Scyther from earlier. Randy than spotted a Buizel in the water and decided it was also his, so that made six.

"That has to be a trainer." Randy whispered.

Larvitar looked up puzzled. Randy looked down and smiled.

"Don't worry I wasn't talking about you."

Larvitar grinned from ear to ear and continued to watch the trainer. Randy got up from his knees and walked to the stream, Larvitar following close behind.He than cleared his throat and spoke.

"Excuse me is that your Scyther?"

The trainer turned his head startled by the sudden noise.

OOC: Hope you don't mind the little autoing near the end.
OOC: Where is the grammar thread? O_o No really.

Shard looked up at the trainer who had talked to him. Apparently he was a bit older than Shard himself.

Who is that? Buizel wondered.

I don't know, I'll find it out, Shard replied.

"Hello. Yes, this is my Scyther. Or in a way. I haven't captured it, but it's still my friend," Shard answered and stood up. "these are my other pokemon, Cro..."

Boring! Haunter screamed and gave Scyther a hard push down in the chilly stream. Then he quickly flew away, laughing frantically.

I'll get you for that! Scyther yelled as she rocketed off after Haunter, ready to strike.

No, no! Stop that! Vibrava said worriedly as she sped off after the two others, disappearing into the forest.

Could you two even try to behave?!? Shard yelled after them, but he wasn't sure if they got the meassage. Or heard it at all.
Shard sighed and turned back to the other trainer. He appeared to be around seventeen, had blue hair and a red headband. He had a red and yellow vest with a white undershirt and black and yellow shorts. He seemed a happy and nice person, at least by Shard's first impression.
Then he realised that a Larvitar had been following the other trainer. It appeared to be a little shy. Shard reached out to it with his mind.

Hello there!
(I hope my company is appreciated, and that my grammer is a good example)

"Alright Duskull, let's try this one more time. SHADOW BALL!" Brendan ordered to the floating skull. Duskull launched the desired attack, but it was only the size of a gumball. It flew through the small clearing and tried to knock a small target out of its post. However, it only caused it to move back and wobble on the spot. Brendan and his Machop (who always stayed out of its pokéball) congratulated him anyway; it was a major improvement compared to last week. He then began to take down the targets scattered across the area while Machop helped and Duskull watched

Brendan was a rather tallish boy with a thin frame; he wore a red and black tracksuit, a matching headband, yellow half-gloves, and black sneakers. The only thing that made him unique was his pure white hair. He also had the method of using metal targets that he could set up almost anywhere to help his pokémon get better accuracy, and what better place was there to practice than Viridian Forest. As he took down one of the last targets, he suddenly heard three things whistle past somewhere near him. He looked all around and saw that one of the targets was lying on the ground; the stick it was once attached to was now cut in half. Brendan took a closer look and saw that it was cut perfectly. As Brendan examined the two pieces, he realized this looked like the same cuts made when he trained his Scizor when it was a Scyther. Concluding that a Scyther was nearby, he or she must have been in a hurry and caused the cut accidentally. Brendan wondered if it was a wild Scyther or it belonged to a trainer. Brendan tried to imagine what the Scyther was doing. Was it fleeing from two other pokémon, was it chasing them both, or was it chasing one but being chased by the other.

"Dusk!" Duskull suddenly squeaked. Brendan whirled around in time to see Duskull run away into the trees. Two seconds later, a purple shadow of a pokémon floated in the same direction. Brendan recognized it as a Haunter, another pokémon that he used to own before evolution took over. It clearly was laughing about something, barely even looked at where it was going. It was followed close behind by the Scyther that made the cut on the stick, enraged at the Haunter for some reason. A Vibrava followed them both. This was something much more interesting as Brendan has never seen a Vibrava in motion before. Brendan then started after all three of them, knowing that his Duskull was at the front of the line. About 100 yards ahead, Brendan (well Machop to be more precise) found Duskull hiding in a tree. Brendan returned him to his pokéball and let out a small sigh, relieved that small dilemma was resolved.

He then became aware of a stream somewhere ahead of him, and there were voices too. Brendan pushed through the bushes to see a Treeko, a Buizel, a Crobat, and the trio he spotted earlier. There were also two trainers here; one was a short kid with a very small build, possibly fourteen as well. There was also a much older person, dressed in ranger uniform and with a Larvitar hiding behind his leg. Brendan began wondering what to do next. Should he join the trainer and ranger in whatever they were talking about, or sit back and watch?

(I'll give you guys the honor of deciding how my presence is felt ;))
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OOC: Wow Brendan nice length xD...I usually just do 2 paragraphs, sometimes more.

Randy shook his hand in a friendly manner. He than turned his attention to the Scyther thrown in the stream.

"Wow quite the energetic pokemon you got there." Randy chuckled. "So it's not quite yours you say?"

Randy glanced at the Scyther with waterdrops now rolling down his scythes.

"He looks awfully well trained for a somewhat wild Scyther."

Randy noticed this new trainer staring at his larvitar.

"Haha how rude of me. This is Larvitar, he a little overprotective of me." Larvitar straightened up and stepped in front of Randy with a bold look on his face. "Haha see what I mean...he thinks he's tough but he's a real softy."

Randy looked at the new trainer.

"Hmmm what did you say your name was again?" Randy never got the answer.

Larvitar had sensed something in the bushes behind Randy. His arm started to glow as he prepared for a Dynamic Punch attack.

"No Larvitar, it's ok." Larvitar looked at Randy with a puzzled look. "It's probably one of this trainers pokemon, I'll go check it out."

Randy started creeping to the bushes still with his guard up just in case.
OOC: Brendan; Welcome in!
Randy; Why did you quote your post?

Shard looked at Randy sneak towards the bushes. Yes, he had also sensed a slight motion in the bushes.

You guys know who or what it is? he asked of his pokemon.

I think I saw a white haired human male, Vibrava answered, but I didn't pay much attention. I think I also spotted a Machop by his side.

Shard turned around at Vibrava. He was always suprised of how formally his Vibrava liked to speak, so different from most of his other Pokemon.

And you two didn't see anything? he asked Scyther and Haunter.

You think I could spot something in a high-speed chase like that one? Scyther said.

And the greatest part was that you never caught me! Haunter started. Loser! Loser!

You asked for it! Scyther shouted, enraged, as she flew at Haunter, who skillfully avoided. The two set off on a chase, once more.

Shard sighed, then turned to Randy.

"It's not one of mine," Shard said to Randy. "I have six, and they're all here. Well, except for Haunter and Scyther. Vibrava said she saw a white haired boy there."

"Why don't you just come out," Shard then said to the mysterious character in the bushes.
(I always make my introductions that long to describe my character through clues)

Brendan was surprised on being spotted so soon. The bushes moving could have given away that something was there, but how would they know he was a human? Taking a quick peep, he saw that the younger boy looked towards his Vibrava as if he was talking to him (or her), so he assumed that the Vibrava belonged to him. He then stood up and walked out of the bushes just before the ranger was upon him.

"Um, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I ran into some of your pokémon a minute ago and followed them here, I'm Brendan" he explained, slightly embarrassed from the odd entrance.

"Mach," Machop said, coming out of the bushes trying to make his appearance more attractive. Brendan then noticed the Larvitar who tried to look bold, once again, hid behind the leg of its owner. Machop, a bit more social, walked over to greet it.

"Is there anything going on here? Didn't know rangers patrolled this area." Brendan asked.
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OOC: Lol yea sorry, I didn't notice I quoted it and Brendan I'm guessing Chainsawking reads the "Mainstream RP thread." xD That's why I think he described me perfectly before I described myself, but I didn't mind it.

Randy was a little surprised by the sudden movement of a white haired trainer in the bushes.

"Woah." Randy laughed, "Hey I'm Randy, and you are?"

Randy reached his arm out to shake the trainers hand. Just than a Machop came out the bushes in a more noticeable way. The Machop spotted Larvitar and quickly made his way over to greet him.

"Haha, this is Larvitar." Randy smiled. "He's a little overprotective but as you can see now he's a bit scarred."

Larvitar pouted at the comment, he wasn't entirely ok with being called a wuss. He quicky gained his posture and approached the Machop with poise. Randy chuckled.

"He's always trying to impress me."

The new trainer than said. "I didn't know Rangers patrolled this part." Randy looked up.

"No I'm not patrolling, I'm looking for a new pokemon for my team...but so far no such luck."

Randy turned his attention to the Scyther in another brawl with the floating Haunter.

"I was going to try to catch that Scyther but it turned out to be his." Randy than chuckled again. "Wow how rude of me, I introduce my pokemon but not me. I'm Randy pleased to meet both of you."

Randy than looked puzzled.

"Hmmm I know I asked you earlier, directing his attention to the white haired trainer, but I still never got your name."

By this time Larvitar and Machop were making acquaintances with the other pokemon. All seemed well.
(I think I introduced myself already ???, never mind)

"Brendan Savem, I've been coming here often for training over the last two weeks" He introduced, getting more confident around this ranger by the second. "New pokémon eh? I don't think you will find many rare pokémon around here, except a group of Pikachu. Besides, I thought rangers used capture stylers." Brendan said, and then stopped, realizing that he was rambling.

"Well we can't depend on stylers to provide a pokémon in the right place at the right time," Randy said (I hope you don't mind the autoing). Machop, who turned his attention slightly to the other kid, suddenly stepped back in surprise. Brendan looked towards what Machop was looking at and saw that the other trainer was looking at Machop the same way he looked at his Vibrava. (To clear up confusion, Shard is talking to Machop telepathically. Same apology as before, but to Chainsawking. I will let you decide what is being said)

"But enough about us two Randy, who's this guy with the Vibrava over here?" Brendan asked.
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OOC: Oops sorry, I read your previous post over and realized you did introduce yourself xD sorry. Oh, I don't mind little autoing like that. That's ok.

"Haha...you did introduce yourself, I was confused by all the names." Randy laughed. "Sorry."

Randy looked at the other trainer look at Brendan's Machop with a weird look on his face.

"Hmmm I wonder what he's doing." Randy had whispered to himself.

Machop stepped back and looked at the trainer with an akward face also.

"Haha, wow are they having a staring contest?"

Larvitar burst into an uncontrolable laughter although the joke wasn't really that funny. Randy just stared at him with a blank look on his face. Larvitar looked up and felt ridiculious as if he knew what Randy was thinking. Randy smiled.

"Wow Larvitar you sure know how to brighten a place up."

Randy focused his attention to both the trainers now.

"Hmmm I still never got your name..."

Randy announced directing the comment to the trainer still staring at the Machop.

"So now, what do you guys say we head out to the next town, I would really like to check it out."

Randy stared at them with hopeful looks.
"We can even stop to grab a bite to eat, my treat?"

Larvitar's head did a 360 as he heard the word "eat". Randy chuckled.

"Yea I know Larvitar your hungry."

He focused his attention to Brendan now.

"Maybe we can have a few battles there with some trainers."

Now Larvitar ignored Randy, as tough as he acts Larvitar hates battles.
OOC: As long as you don't make me do something that really could change the flow, I have nothing against autoing. Besides I was about to write something like that myself :)

Shard wasn't at all surprised as the trainer stepped out of the bushes. Vibrava had only given a brief description, but the trainer looked pretty much as Shard had expected him to, since Vibrava had also shared what she had seen of the trainer. There were some minor exceptions though, but nothing more than could be waited. After all, Vibrava had been chasing after the much faster Haunter and Scyther.

Shard was not offended of the fact that the new trainer started conversating with Randy rather than with him. Shard was used to being left out, and often liked to just sit and listen to others. Maybe he could find out something interesting by just listening.

Then he realised the new trainer's, whose name appeared to be Brendan, Machop. He wondered if Brendan's Machop would be more keen on a conversation than Randy's Larvitar had been.

Hi there, he said to Machop. Machop was startled by Shard's sudden appearance in his mind. Who wouldn't be? Are you Brendan's Pokemon? Shard asked. Machop nodded slightly. Apparently it was still a bit too shocked to start directly speaking to Shard. Is he a nice guy? Shard asked, not really wanting to go in on more complicated conversations. Again Machop nodded, more confidently.

"Hmmm I still never got your name..." Randy said, pulling away Shard from his discussion with Machop. "So now, what do you guys say we head out to the next town, I would really like to check it out."

Shard turned to his Pokemon.

Is that all right with you guys? he asked them. Fine with me, Treecko said. Sounds great! Buizel happily exclaimed. It'll do, Crobat replied. Vibrava only nodded. Haunter and Scyther were still too locked in combat to care. They'll just have to take it, Shard decided.

Shard turned back to Randy and Brendan. "We all think it's fine. Haunter and Scyther were of course a little bit too concentrated in their battle to get the question, but the majority said yes."
(nice pics you have in the character thread chainsawking, but where are the other pokémon Shard has?)

As the boy said this, Brendan looked up to see Haunter taunting Scyther up close as Scyther kept slicing through Haunter with Slash, but to no avail. The chase continued again, when Scyther changed tactics and tried to hit Haunter with night slash. Machop meanwhile decided to have a bit of fun, picking Larvitar up and holding him up high with one hand. Larvitar struggled at first in an attempt to get down, but relaxed as Machop began to toss him a couple of inches up then catching him again, all with one hand.

"I'm not sure if I got your name, but what was it?" Brendan asked the boy

"Shard" he replied, Brendan took a second to wonder whether he knew what caused the odd reaction Machop made.

"I can see we all have a good collection of pokémon here" Brendan commented, "but I have to ask, what skills do you two have in battling?"
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OOC: Oh Brendan, Shard said the Scyther isn't really his but it travels with him so that's probably why if you don't see it in the mainstream.

Randy looked at Larvitar seemingly having a good time with Brendans Machop.

"We all think it's fine. Haunter and Scyther were of course a little bit too concentrated in their battle to get the question, but the majority said yes." Shard had explained.

Randy looked to Scyther now trying to attack Haunter with a slash attack but of no avail. Randy smiled, seeing all the pokemon play made him happy. It made him think of the time when he was a Pokemon Breeder for about a month.

"Awesome." Randy said.

Randy took the other 3 pokeballs off his waist and threw them into the air.

"Come on out guys."

After 3 bright red flashes the pokeballs returned to Randys hand and 3 pokemon appeared. One was Houndoom, Randys first pokemon. Another was Dragonair, one Randy bred from an egg himself. The last was Electrike, a gift from Lt. Surge on one of his trips to the Kanto Region.

"Hmm some of my skills of battling are, hmmm not really sure." Randy laughed. "Well I like fast pokemon so I use agility to my advantage."

Randy looked up into the sky, dawn was creeping up on him and his newly accounted friends.

"We should get moving, it's going to be dark soon." Randy exclaimed. "Cmon guys let's go."

Larvitar jumped on his shoulder, not in the mood for a long walk.

"This forest is known for it's dangerous Beedrill and Dusktox at night."

OOC: Sorry for just one paragraph...didn't have much to say. Don't wanna start walking without you guys.
(Scyther is in the mainstream, its Treecko, Buizel, and Vibrava that's missing)

Brendan managed a faint smile, he had an encounter with Beedrill early in his adventure, and that was in daylight. Brendan wondered what the recent Dustox would do. Brendan also decided to release his pokémon so they could stretch a bit. Brendan took out three pokeballs and called out his Duskull (as seen before), Scizor, and Dragonite. Scizor flew up to join Scyther and Haunter in their chase. Dragonite crouched down so it was level with Dragonair. Duskull was about to join the trio in the sky, but seeing Haunter and remembering its earlier experience caused it to hide behind (or in if you want) Brendan instead.

"This isn't all of my pokémon, just the ones I have on me right now. If you want to know how skilled I am," Brendan said, reaching into a side pocket in his shoulder bag. "Then you might want to see these." Brendan finished as he took out a large case and opened it to reveal badges from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. "Shard, I believe the six that were out since I are yours. Am I right?" Brendan asked, somewhat hoping that neither he nor Randy would go fan-boy about the respective gym leaders of the badges Brendan earned from them.

(Those who find the bios I made of Brendan some time ago would know what other pokemon he has)
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OOC: Ok I saw the Scyther but yea where's Buizel, Treeko, and Vibrava?

Randy stared at the badges shining in the little sunlight left peeking through the trees. He tried to hold back his urge to ramble on about all the badges he had but he just couldn't hold it in. Randy threw his backpack on the floor and kneeled down to unzip his side pocket.He than pulled out a gold case decorated with little diamonds. He than stood up and brushed off his knees.

"Sorry about that, it's just I kinda collect badges too." Randy smiled.

He than he clicked a button on the side of the case and it clicked open.It revealed all 8 badges from the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. Than it showed 4 from Sinnoh.

"I have all 8 from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn but I only have 4 from Sinnoh." He smiled from ear to ear. "I don't really travel to Sinnoh alot but I'm working on a trip, than again these ranger hours have me all tied up."

Randy looked up to the sky.

"Wow now it's really getting dark, we should go."

Just than he heard a rustle in the bushes but it was too dark to see in the trees.

"Electrike use Thunderbolt in the sky to shed some light." Randy said.

A bolt of electricity shot from Electrike and sparked the sky for about 10 seconds. During that time Randy was able to make out what the pokemon was. It was a swarm of Beedrill and Dusktox, about 15 of each.

"Dragonair use Dragonbreath, Electrike use Thunderbolt, and Houndoom use Flamethrower."

Those 3 attacks combined knocked out at least 10 of each but those 20 that fell, it seemed as if 30 took their place.

"This is going to be fun." Randy said in a tone not normal to him or the others.
(I hope chainsawking agrees to this)

In the minor he had, Brendan managed to study each badge, picturing him earning those badges when he got the chance to go to Sinnoh. At the same time though, they reminded him that a small incident was the reason he was here and not in Jubilife or somewhere like that. Then the swarm appeared, Beedrill and Dustox were swarming from behind him, one almost tried to stab him in the small of his back when Machop used mach punch to make it miss. Scizor who stopped the treetop game and came down with glowing claws to plow through groups at a time with metal claw. Dragonite was having a few problems with attacking efficiently due to its large size, but that did not stop him from trying dragon rush. Duskull used different tactics and used confuse ray to keep the Beedrill from overpowering them. Shard also helped with his six pokémon, using a multitude of moves. Eventually, the swarm turned tails and ran.

Brendan panted, not that it exhausted him the sudden attack only surprised him. "What was that all about?" Brendan asked as he sat down and began to stitch up a tear on his clothing, "Beedrill usually attack those that approach their nests, but that's on the northern side of the forest. They shouldn't be coming down here," he explained, although he was sure that Randy knew this already as a ranger.
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Randy woundered the same thing. He knew they don't travel this far into the forest unless they feel threatened. Also, why were the Dusktox help them. During his Ranger studies Dusktox and Beedrill were enemies, but Beautifly and Butterfree were good companions. He just thought they would attack in separate groups not together.

"Hmmm not sure, maybe when I was chasing that Scyther I ran past a nest or maybe when you were chasing our pokemon." Randy said, his voice not in the mysterious tone anymore.

Randy thought about his Ranger training. He thought about anything that might spark their binding together to attack us. He thought of nothing that might help.

"Sorry guys, I can't think of anything. That was some quick thinking we all did. That was a huge swarm, expecially since they combined." Randy explained.

"Either way, were fine now so we should get a move on." Randy announced.

Randy started to march down the unmarked road looking at his map with Electrike charging electricity for light. Randy looked back at the other two trainers still standing there.

"Haha, you guys coming?" Randy asked.
Brendan was still looking at where the Beedrill and Dustox came from. It was in a northern direction, and that was where the nests were. Brendan wondered if there was something driving them southwards. It still did not explain the cooperation the bugs had.

"Haha, you guys coming?" Randy asked. Brendan turned his head and saw that Randy was using his Electrike for a light. Brendan then got up, returned all but Machop and Duskull to their pokéballs.

"Duskull, why not help out with will-o-wisp?" Brendan suggested, the ghost pokémon responded by letting a small blue flame come out of one of its eyes and hover several inches in front of it, it then grew several inches; enough to bathe four square meters of the path in a blue glow. "Shard, does your pokémon know any moves that might help shed some light?" Brendan asked
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OOC: Damn you guys, don't post so much without me! :) The three missing pokemon are missing because I ran out of time on the computer. I'll add them today.

"I can see we all have a good collection of pokémon here" Brendan said, "but I have to ask, what skills do you two have in battling?"

Shard thought about it. He didn't battle very much at all. "I guess I use different tactics depending on the pokemon I use. Scyther, Crobat and Treecko tend to be more agile. I concentrate on confusion with Haunter, stat reduction with Vibrava and Buizel... Well I just randomly attack with him. Hahaha..."

Shard watched Randy and Brendan send out their pokemon and was pretty impressed. Brendan sent out a Duskull, a Dragonite and a Scizor, which Shard realised was what his Scyther would eventually evolve into. Randy sent out a Houndoom, an Electrike and a Houndoom. Shard looked admiringly at the magnificent dog. He had long wished to get one himself, but his parents hadn't gone on a cruise to Johto yet.

Shard crept closer as Randy and Brendan started comparing their badges. Both appeared to have quite many, in special cases. Shard had heard a lot about the Gym leaders of Kanto, especially since they lived so close to the one in Viridian, but he had never tried them out. The Gym leaders were supposed to be the strongest trainers in Kanto. Shard wasn't at their level yet.

Suddenly there was a movement in the bushes. Randy ordered his Electrike to use Thunderbolt so they would get some light. In the sudden flash Shard could make out a swarm of Beedrill and Dustox, closing in on them. Allright guys, settle your fight and help us out! Buizel was the quickest to respond. It fired off Water Gun right into the swarm. The attack seemed to have some effect, but the fallen bugs were immedeatly replaced. Vibrava blasted away with Sonicboom, and Treecko suddenly disappeared, only to reappear in the middle of the chaos, using Pound to beat down Beedrills and Dustoxes. Haunter and Crobat helped Duskull by using Confuse Ray to keep down the attackers. Scyther went completely wild and started using Slash all around, dancing up, slashing, ducking, slashing. It was a sight to see.

In the end the battle ended with a victory for the humans and their pokemon. Randy and Brendan appeared to be confused that the Beedrills and Dustoxes had cooperated, as they were natural enemies. A thought struck Shard. Did you two perhaps run into a Beedrill's or Dustox' nest? he asked of Haunter and Scyther. The two looked at each other. Perhaps... Haunter replied, ashamed. Well that's just great! Shard began. You two disappear for a moment and return with a flock of angry bugs! Well done you two!

Shard saw that Randy and Brendan were getting ready to go. "Shard, does your pokémon know any moves that might help shed some light?" Brendan asked. "Unfortunately, no," Shard replied. "Vibrava could use Dragonbreath, but it might set the forest on fire. I don't want to risk that."
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