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the arrow game ^ < v

From in the fire...

^ No clue who J00 is.
< All the clones and the real one, which you still can't tell the difference, walk out the fire, remember I'm fireproof, and start using the Lion's Barrage on Aura, Ari, and Psycho.
V If you're Psycho, Ari, or Aura, I'm using Lion's Barrage on you.
^ Shall be hyperjacked into space
< Will have no choice but to eat ^ if he survives this one
Should ^ escape the vacuum of space, v must serve him fried.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ If burning you solves nothing then I have something that will
< Evil Space Monkeys! Go forth and destroy every Cacti you see! The Monkey who kills the real Cacti will be promoted and rewarded with a bowl of mixed fruits.
V If you aren't the world's enemy, feel free to join the man hunt


< likes the new color. Matches one of my ties.
V I sue j00. Whatcha gonna do about it?!
^ OK I win the lawsuit.
< OK. My clones are gone so I unleash my secret weapon! The Sharingan Eye!!
V Didn't know I could use Sharingan so I defeat all the Evil Space Monkeys with the Lion's Barrage! Burnage!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Basically, Cacti thinks he's Uchiha Sasuke. In reality Cacti is an idiot.
< Wishes Naruto didn't get cancelled on Cartoon Network just before Shippuden
V Agrees that CN does not respect its anime or anime fanbase
^ For once, I agree with Psycho. About CN.
< I do Jutsu, while you use a katana and Evil Space Monkeys.
V Is Psycho still trying to kill me?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Grabs Cacti by the neck
< Pika boo! I see you!
V If Cacti begs for forgiveness I may let him live as my pet. What do you say?
^ You know what I say? CHIDORI!!!
< Just blasted a hole in Psycho like Kakashi did to Haku.
V Will say how Psycho feels about his hole... Wait he can't talk.


^ Psycho says that you should have hit him in the groin.
< *looks at the "Start your journey now, my Lord" ad with the cleavage and such*
V Blast a hole in Psycho Monkey again.
< Is still using Sharingan so Psycho can't touch this. " Can't touch dis."
V Is informed of Psycho's 3rd hole in his chest.
^ I ain't dead. Psycho is. ;D
< Needs no protection because I'm not worn out from Sharingan. I've got the Uchiha Blood.
V Will tell me if I should blast Psycho with Chidori...AGAIN!!!MUWAHAHAHA!!!
^ I suggest you don't...for your own good.
< Thinks the only people who've posted a lot in this thread have been Cacti, Aristotle, and Psycho.
V It's not a good idea to anger Psycho >_
^ Does it matter to anger a dead Monkey?
< Doesn't think It matters if I anger a dead Monkey.
Does V think angering a dead Monkey is a bad idea?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ If I had I'd be dead as I'm allergic to pineapples
< Is very ashamed of his behavior today :-[
V Feel free to make fun of my incompetence

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Just throwing it out there
< Is laughing because my dog just walked in on my dad while he was taking a shower
V Slap me. I need more oxygen to get to my brain


^ You can't talk. REMEMBER?! Mr. Cacti Chidori'd you thrice.
< might go on a sue spree.
^ Hola. Will you be my slave?

< Is finding pictures to post here.

V Will look at my recently posted pics in the Member Pic Thread.
^ Uh, I dunno.
< *Is annoyed at Invader Catty, a n00b spamming the chat*
V Summon a mod to the chat quick D=

(The last line your actually supposed to do =p)
^ had her wish granted some time ago
< saw that whoever was summoned to the chat to deal with the problem has overdone it
v must explain themselves