KoL fights in the Pikachu Cup:
63CG-WWWW-WW2K-J6W4 - Spamming Ground-type moves predictably is ineffective
WFRG-WWWW-WW2K-J9UV - Ampharos's secret weapon is revealed
5TQW-WWWW-WW2K-JB4L - Ampharos's not-so-secret weapons are revealed
ZHRW-WWWW-WW2K-JGC7 - Cosplay Pikachu debuts, resulting in a slap-fight
BCAW-WWWW-WW2K-JJYF - A very unconventional team appears - and loses
I will edit more matches into this assuming I don't get too bored of doing this, since the repetitiveness of it combined with the absolutely idiotic 30-second time limit to pick your moves makes this tournament quite brain-dead.