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The Birthday thread!

Thanks all :D

Got a great card from my Aunt and Uncle, had Yoda on the front. Open it up and what resonates around the room?

"When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmm? Woohoeeewoohohooho!" :D


Feathered Overseer
Staff member

(A day late I know but the forum was down or something)

Anyway, I hope you had a good one!
Rawr I should totally be asleep right now ^^;

But I'd like to wish Jet a very happy 17th birthday (though the clock hasn't turned over where he lives) and a happy belated birthday to Sem. :)
Of course, those who try to make me feel old by continuously reminding me about how old I am shall be shot by my Blaster and then hit by my Reflector.

*Mumbles something about wanting to keep his birthday on a low profile*


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
You is not old! Some of us *Cough* are in our early twenties

Happy Birthday Jet!

I won't shower you with sparkles or anything, since you want it low profile ^^
Have a great day.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
JETTY-KUN!!!! Or rather... Plapti/Plaps/Plap/Edward/Ed/Jetters/Jet/Fachion/Erpeste/Anything else he goes by, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Or rather just 我祝你一个非常不好的生日!:D (hopefully that shows as actual Chinese characters and not with random odd jwiofhproi letters)

Also, no using any online translator, plz. ^^


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
YAR HAR! Happy Birthday, Jetters! Here's hoping lots of people send you birthday cheers and make you feel embarrassed :D

Seriously now, hope it was a good one. You're still too young to be worried about being old. Give it another two years or so :p

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Wheeeee, it's, like, 10:36 where I live, so meh. XD

Anyways, happy b-day, Shado! The only person who comes onto chat often who's younger than me! :D


Feathered Overseer
Staff member


*Showers you with glitter*

And since I can't double post...


*Showers you with sparkles before stealing your hair*
I want to wish a dear friend of mine a very happy birthday. By the time she reads this, I'll be in school. =p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!!!!(Aka Midnight Shadows.) I hope you have a great day and I'll send you that haiku later today when I get home.
Weeeeeeeeeeee! Happy Birthday Midnight!

Sweet sixteen is sweet! Have a good day! (Yes, I needed four exclamation points to show the excitement of the day)

*Carmen goes to Middy a cake and some presents


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Yes yes, as the others have already said, hope you are currently having a great birthday, Dani. You deserve all the best not just today, but everyday. Take care ^^

*Gives you a Reese Pieces Treatza Pizza* x3


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Happy Birthday Middy, hope you're enjoying it. Consider that lv 100 Gyarados I sent you a birthday present of sorts, even though it isn't much.
Daaaaaaaniiiiiii *golden axes*


That's the handywork of LoN right there. Also, be sure to check RX's thread.
Just so you know, this was all Zacky's idea, he came to me and asked if I thought it was a good idea, and I got everyone together (kind of). So, have an amazing birthday, and every other day as well. *showers in Houndoom and Sneasel while cooking a dinner over the Bidoof fire*

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
*kinda late* Anyways, happy birthday, Dani! Too bad I don't have a prezzy for you like the others did, but meh. XD

*huggles Dani-chan*

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