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Ask to Join The Chronicles of Necros: Knight Fall

" He's already been sent out a head of me. rallying the men." He said as he gently moved his hand around her shoulder. " I'll be fine I know my way threw multiple shortcuts and other things." He then let out a breath. " Do you really blame her. You imprisoned her, cut her arm and did Elyon knows what else to her.
"I know," Ethalind leaned back. She hummed and started to massage her own shoulders. She leaned into his hold with a tired sigh, "do you think you'll be able to get his body back? I want a proper funeral in his family's crypt".
"Night," Ethalind fell asleep. She drifted in her dreams and started to follow Octia. Her lips perking up as she saw where the girl was going. She soon relaxed after sending her found information to her queen. The forest not going to protect the archer in anyway.
Avian unconsciously moved a bit and put his arm around her. Holding her in a tight embrace.

" Good." Erin said " I'll dispatch soldiers at once." She said. " Sleep tight darling I'll see you sometime next week so we can finish that conversation."
Octia moved around barns as she rushed to her safe zone. She got off of her horse and sent it off in a different direction before moving to the meeting point. She kept her feet off the ground when ever she could.
Avian woke up and thought about how he was going to be able to get out of this situation. His eyes widedned when he saw how he was positioned. He quickly stood up and asked one of his servents to bring them food.

" Resmine I have a plan." He said telepathically.
Remember, my name's RESMIN. he said. I'm currently at the outskirts of Knight Fall with the High Councilor and the commanders ou sent me to find. I've alerted them of the situation. What's your plan, my liege?
Dulvac stood tall. He was now, clean shaven and dressed in uniform, that tight,y hugged his chest. However, unlike most commanders, he still acted like he normally did. That was something that would not change. He calmly awaited the counter attack, that was predicted.
Elona moved quickly when she was warned of another batch of burned and hurt foresters. She ushered them to the waiting cot before she started to work her magic. The white and gold robed woman rolling her neck as she stood up. She looked to her underlings with tired eyes, large bags sitting under them from her time without sleep.
Avian cursed as he was stuck here with the unconscious woman. A maid came in. Avian blinked as the maid looked very familiar by her side was a little boy with firery red hair.
"Excuse me have we met before?" he asked the maid.
"Yes lord Avian during the Serene rebellion eight years ago." She said She smiled lightly at him. " I was actually a nurse. Unfortanently I had this little boy out of wedlock."
Avian's eyes widened as he put two and two together. " I'm sorry." He said.
" Don't be." She said with a smile on her face. " He's been a blessing, and yes red is his natural hair color." She said before handing him a change of clothes. "See you later.
"What's the boy's name." He said. He wondered which bastard name replaced the sir Name.
" David Heart." She said as she and the boy walked out
Ethalind slowly woke up. She saw the boy and smiled peacefully. She hadn't heard any of the conversation but was just happy to be awake. Slowly the noble lady started to sit up, wanting to eat the food brought to them, "good morning".
" Good morning." He said as he smiled at her. "Any plans for today?" He asked. He knew he couldn't really do anything until she was fully recovered.
"Well I'd like to take you riding. I need to show you the land we have and then we need to talk about the rebellion," Ethalind hummed and gently ran her fingers over her side. She then made grabby hands toward the tray of food, "but for now let's eat".
"Alright." He said as he took a bite of his food. " So you want to talk about any plans the rebellion has so you can relay them to that queen of yours." He said. " I completely understand."
"No. I want to talk about why you don't just stop. I get it you want to make peace without being forced to but isn't it better this way? You don't have to be a king and have all of the troubles the title comes with because your brother holds it. You have a wife and a way to have heirs so why continue to fight," Ethalind raised an eyebrow as she took another bite of her food. She hummed at the taste and licked her lips, "I have another meeting next week with the queen so you'll have to stand outside the room".
" When they invaded I was in the great forest to try to push them out of there." He said as he looked at her. "Some say I did it to be a hero, others to show that Ragroth still willing to back them up." he let out a breath. " Truth is I did it to spite that bastard of a king. During his eight years on the throne he ruined our economy tarnished his father's legacy. Made people believe that the king was just a drunk." He said. " Who knows maybe if I stayed here when they invaded I would be dead at the moment, or forced to marry that bitch of a queen. But here I am. I have to show these people that their king is someone worth fighting with. Not a forced puppet of the Hethians but someone who is willing to give their life for his people. When I become king I'm going to do everything in my power to change this kingdom for the better. It probably won't be finished in my life time. Hell the people will probably call me the butcher of the Siren house but my children will be able to go much further than me. Do you understand." He asked.

" Also yeah I can only presume what that meeting is going to be about." He smirked a little bit. " Tell me how do her lips taste."
"Fuck off. You know you'd do anything to survive to. Plus it's not that bad. She could be an old hag. But instead she's a beauty," Ethalind hissed jokingly. She took another bit of her breakfast, sipping her coffee quickly before putting her cup back down, "and not bad."
He laughed a little bit. He looked at her as he tilted her head and kissed her lips passionately. " Who's better?" He asked as he rubbed her arm.
"Hmmm. It's a draw but she still has the edge on you," Ethalind winked before she relaxed into his hold. She sighed heavily and ran a hand over her stomach. Her eyes drifting over to portrait.

Elona was searching for someone to speak with. She didn't want to trouble her workers with her worries and thought it best to speak with another one of the concil.
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Ezequiel was working hard with the others, planning their strategy. He then realized he needed to speak to someone on the home front. "You there, one of the mages. Can you put me into contact with someone on the front through Comm Orbs? Commander Dulvac, Councilwoman Elona... anyone."
Elona had made her way back to her office. Deciding it would be best to try and make order of the papers. She sorted through slowly and carefully as to not label something wrongly. Three stacks done before another stack of papers was brought in.
Avian looked upwards as he held her embrace. " I'm a farther." He said absentmindedly. He shook his head and stood up he offered her his hand. " Are you sure you're up to riding." He asked.
"To who's child? I can go, just don't tell the doctor," Ethalind rolled her eyes as she sat up with a grit of her teeth. She stood and moved to her closet to get dress. A maid being ordered to follow her as she entered.
" To a bastard." He said. " And I'm not going to tell you anything else about it until this war is over." He said.
' Harry.' He telepathically said. "Is the way clear?"
" Yes." He said. " Though I think it'll be able to be clear for about a week. Maybe you should wait until after you come here before the battle. besides it'll give you enough time to rally enough men to fight for our side.'
" You're right." Avian said. "Resmine what news can you give me about the forest.'
Commander Dulvac's face appeared on the orb. "Currently we have silence. Where do you except them to attack, we're a bit blind as it is. As soon as we arrived a fog rolled in, and we're getting no sign of Hethians. It's a bit weird. Normally it would be a full on assault. This is troubling to say the least."
"Indeed." Ezequiel said. "I would expect three divisions to attack from the northeast, two from the southwest. That's what the intel says, at least. Perhaps they're waiting for the right time? Or perhaps they're gathering more troops?"
Elona face planted her desk. The healer had fallen asleep on a stack of unanswered papers. She snored loudly before her head hit the actual desk. Papers going flying from her shuffling. Elona didn't wake still, to tired from lack of sleep.

Octia kept moving through the night. She climbed onto a barn and into its upperloft. She curled up behind some hay and slipped into a light sleep.
"True, but from how I was trained, they waste no time entering the battlefield. Burst seems upset, signifiying they are near, but out of our reach. We're at a stalemate, and it seems like they want it this way. Be wary of any spies, or assassins. At this point, they could pull anything," Dulvac said scratching his chin. "I'll alert you when shots are fired, until then, keep us updated on anything that happens on your end." He added before ending the conversation p. Then from his jacket, he removed a small silver flask, and took a small sip from it.
Avian got dressed and waited by the door for her. He yawned a little bit but stayed calm and collected.

Daniel of Pyke was rallying his troops getting them ready for the coming battle.
Ethalind stepped out and thanked the maid quietly before walking to the door. She walked past her husband and grabbed his hand to drag him from the room. Her breathing calm and controlled, "let's go".
" Alright." Avian said as he fallowed beside her. "So Ethalind can you tell me about you're self?" he asked her as he smiled at the lady.
"Well. What is there to tell? I have three brothers and then my sisters, who are twins. My mother was a magic user as well and infact taught me almost everything I know. I've always been around only the upper rings of nobility. I enjoy reading and designing dresses," the lady hummed as she accepted a cup of tea from a passing maid. She sipped it to add fuel to her stomach.
"Correct," Ethalind hummed before she put the cup down and had the front door be opened. She stepped into the street and grimmanced at the slightly muddy steps, "you'd think people would have so wiped their feet but apparently not".
Avian decided to ignore that remark. He had to find away to get back to his men. ' Hey Resmin is there any news on that reverse spell?" He asked. " I have to get back to my soilders and quickly.'

He wrapped his arm around her. " So then." He said as he looked at her. " Can you ride a horse?"
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