Welcome to Hex City! A fun place to be...unless you're a villain! But leave it up to the Crisis Crew to save the city! Led by the brave Metal Arm...but heroes are wanted!
-Fine, you can be edgy. Buy joke's on you when no one cares about your dead parents.
-At least one other hero and one villain is required the start the RP.
-No swearing unless you absolutely must.
-No Superboys, please.
-being the weirdo I am, I SUPPORT SHIPS.
To let me know you've read the rules, say Tubba Blubba.
Name: Martin Adams
Superhero Name: Metal Arm
Age: 14
Superpower: His...er...metal arm can serve almost any purpose, including a discount Mega Buster and a built-in toolbox.
Appearance: Blond hair, metal mask, iron suit to fit his arm.
Origin: Lost his parents in a train crash, as well as his arm, which was replaced with a malfunctioning robot. And ta-da! Superhero!
Alliance: Good (Or Evil...or Neutral)
Personality: Laid back and loves chilling with his buds.
-Fine, you can be edgy. Buy joke's on you when no one cares about your dead parents.
-At least one other hero and one villain is required the start the RP.
-No swearing unless you absolutely must.
-No Superboys, please.
-being the weirdo I am, I SUPPORT SHIPS.
To let me know you've read the rules, say Tubba Blubba.
Name: Martin Adams
Superhero Name: Metal Arm
Age: 14
Superpower: His...er...metal arm can serve almost any purpose, including a discount Mega Buster and a built-in toolbox.
Appearance: Blond hair, metal mask, iron suit to fit his arm.
Origin: Lost his parents in a train crash, as well as his arm, which was replaced with a malfunctioning robot. And ta-da! Superhero!
Alliance: Good (Or Evil...or Neutral)
Personality: Laid back and loves chilling with his buds.
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