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Open The dark hallways decision making area

This is for my new rp The Dark Hallways, if you havnt checked it out I think you should.
This is just a chat room for the RP people to talk about there next decision before making it as in here, every decision counts. I will also like to note after you and your fellow detectives find the killer, the RP will be taken down so I can post another one, it is a series sort of thing and it is serious if you like murder mystery stuff, anyways have fun.
Name: Mielshtrix "Miel" Pabith Darastrix
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Position, if human: Crime Psychologist
Appearance: He has shoulder-length, wavy, blue hair. The tips of his hair is an icy blue, while the roots of his hair is a darker blue. He has a slightly icy white, almost paleness to his body, and his eyes are a icy blue with little darker blue specks in his irises. He is 6'4" (1.9 m), and has toned musculature. He weighs 200 lbs (90.7 kg), which is healthy for his stature. His face is very soft compared to other men, and some people get his gender mixed up because of his soft facial features. The only way anyone would know (and if they're blind to his attire) is if he speaks, which is very bass heavy.
Clothes: He usually wears a suit when he wants to wear something casual. His suit is a light blue dress shirt with a darker blue tie. He would also have a darker blue jacket on if he was cold (which he mostly is). His dress pants would match the color of the jacket, and his shoes would be dress shoes that are so blue, they look black (blue is the new black xD). His buttons on his jacket will be an ivory white, while the buttons on his dress shirt will be dark mahogany (*slams* this is ma-hogany!). He also has a hand-made twine around his neck and it dips lower than his collarbone dip. There are six charms on the twine, and they are Mystic Water, Never-Melt Ice, a Water Amulet, and an Ice Amulet, a Splash Plate, and an Icicle Plate, to signify the types he specializes in. He also had glasses for reading, as he is far-sighted. He also has a satchel with a really long strap. It goes well with his blue motif he has going on, being a navy blue with an ivory buckle.
Personality: His personality is calm and collected, as well as being cold to people he deems as not worthy of his attention. He's also extremely mature and will commonly look down on people who act immature, choosing to be distant when they talk to him. He's still nice, but it's a lot harder for people to break his exterior. Unlike his other siblings, he thinks outside of the box, what with his theories on how people react and behave, since he's extremely analytical. Because of this, he looks over the simple answers. He's extremely smart, but he's over-analytical, and that could be his downfall. He also can't see reckless strategies, even though his brothers were like that. It was just impossible for his mind to fathom. Computers and other electronic devices are very hard for him to use, so he just has books and brochures with him, since he doesn't know how to use a computer, nor want to know. He's quite stubborn, but will still take people's thoughts and opinions. The only thing that could break his personality is when he's done with swimming or skating. His mannerisms are very gentlemanly, but during an interrogation he could turn from polite and nice, to extremely demanding in a split second, making him a bad cop and good cop at the same time (if that could fool anyone after the switch). Although, this strategy isn't exactly the greatest to use, so he just tries to be extremely nice, and let the people push him around a bit before they finally cave in after seeing the evidence or his questioning gets persistent. He's also extremely detail-oriented and will go to great lengths to find all the details from a specific piece of evidence before moving on. He is also extremely observant and catches things, like hushed whispers and skittering from afar. He also hates seeing Pokemon and humans suffer and will help comfort them when they're distressed, angry, or hurt.
Backstory: He was born in Cocona Village, Oblivia, along with his three other siblings. His oldest brother, Pyros, his slightly younger brother, Stror, and his even younger sister, Shade. He is the second in the quadruplet, and always had a fascination of water and ice when growing up. His birth Pokemon, a Lapras (a birth Pokemon is a Pokemon that was born around the same time and the first Pokemon and human relationship that blossoms), had been by his side, even though they were the same age, she had a deeper understanding on how things worked. Because of the combination of a rapidly maturing Lapras taking care of him and his independence blossoming in childhood, his maturity quickly grew, surpassing his siblings. Fast forward to when he was 11, he went to a Kanto middle school. After 7 years went by, and each year he attended a high school in a different region and completed somewhat early (core regions: Kanto, Johto, etc.), he decided to go to college and he got a Ph. D. major in Psychology, and got a minor in criminal justice. He joined the police force and quickly shot up through the ranks and now works as a specialized interrogator and a detective.
Pokemon in party, if human:
Lapras - [type]Water[/type][type]Ice[/type]
  • Transport Pokemon
  • Nickname: Laplace
  • Female
  • Shell Armor
  • Is 3 inches taller than the average Lapras (8'02" or 2.5 m), so she's 8'05" or 2.6 m.
  • Miel's birth Pokemon and is very loyal to him and would do anything to keep him and the rest of her team safe.
  • Moves:
    • Surf - [type]Water[/type] | Special | Aids in helping the Pokemon carry people over the water, while also dealing some damage by summoning water to pummel the opponent. | Doesn't help in the investigation, but would help in traversing the landscape. Will also use it to put out fires that rage out of control.
    • Ice Beam - [type]Ice[/type] | Special | 10% chance to Freeze the target. | Used to stop people dead in their tracks by freezing their legs or creating a large wall of ice, but also have the ability to freeze a path to allow her to slide across faster than she would when swimming or waddling.
    • Thunderbolt - [type]Electric[/type] | Special | 10% chance to Paralyze the target. | Used to power up any dead electronics or stop people in their tracks.
    • Confuse Ray - [type]Ghost[/type] | Status | Causes Confusion. | Will use this move to disorient a fleeing foe, or disorient an attacker trying to attack her or her trainer.
Milotic - [type]Water[/type]
  • Tender Pokemon
  • Nickname: Milo
  • Male
  • Marvel Scale
  • Is an inch longer than the average Milotic (20'04" or 6.2 m), so he's 20'05" or 6.2 m.
  • One of Miel's Pokemon during his adventure in the Hoenn region when he was younger. He evolved him by increasing his sheen in Beauty, so he's naturally glossy and beautiful. He can be quite sensitive to arguments, and will use his natural power to end arguments and calm angry feelings.
  • Moves:
    • Aqua Ring - [type]Water[/type] | Status | Heal itself gradually (by 1/16 of its max HP). | Will use this to protect itself from some Fire-Type attacks.
    • Hypnosis - [type]Psychic[/type] | Status | Causes Sleep. | Depending on how powerful the target's mind and how open they are, he can cause them to fall asleep, help resurface old and slightly forgotten memories, and/or make them tell the truth. If they don't want to say the truth, this will not work.
    • Iron Tail - [type]Steel[/type] | Physical | 30% chance to lower Defense. | Will use this to smack an opponent or break something extremely tough or dense.
    • Brine - [type]Water[/type] | Special | Power doubles when target is at 50% or below health. | Will use this to take out already weakened enemies. Since it is just spewing out salt water, it will do more damage to people with open wounds. Great tool to use to search for any open wounds hidden on the body of an individual, even behind gauze bandages and clothes. This can also melt ice and will also use it to put out fires.
Alolan Ninetales - [type]Ice[/type][type]Fairy[/type]
  • Fox Pokemon
  • Nickname: Kyukori
  • Female
  • Snow Cloak
  • Is 2 inches shorter than the average Ninetales (3'07" or 1.1 m), so she's 3'05" or 1.0 m.
  • One of Miel's Pokemon during his adventure in the Alola region when he was just a tad younger. He found her as one of the abandoned runts of the pack and she used to be extremely shy. She is now extremely sociable and extremely cuddly, and Miel uses her to calm people down, and use her as a de-stressor.
  • Moves:
    • Dazzling Gleam - [type]Fairy[/type] | Special | Does damage. | Emits a powerful flash, so useful when blinding someone for a short time and causing damage to their eyes. Otherwise, when restrained enough, can light up the area for a short amount of time.
    • Extrasensory - [type]Psychic[/type] | Special | 10% chance to Flinch. | Will use it's strange, newfound mental prowess to attack others and lift objects (reminds me of the Gravity Gun from Gmod XD).
    • Aurora Beam - [type]Ice[/type] | Special | 10% chance to lower Attack. | Only uses on those who flee or attack.
    • Laser Focus - [type]Normal[/type] | Status | Causes the next move to be a guaranteed critical hit (unless protected via Ability or Lucky Chant). | Will use this when wanting to focus on an enemy's weakpoints.
Delibird - [type]Ice[/type][type]Flying[/type]
  • Delivery Pokemon
  • Nickname: Boto
  • Male
  • Vital Spirit
  • Is an inch taller than the average Delibird (2'11" or 0.9 m), so he's 3'00" or 0.9 m. Also has a slightly large tail sac.
  • Was specifically bred to be a Pokemon suited for crime scene investigation. Delibird was bred from a Male Pelipper and a Female Delibird, granting him the social side of his father and the Ability (and the side effect of being super hyper) from his mother. Was nicknamed Boto by Miel's sister, so he had to begrudgingly call his Pokemon that now. His sac carries varying envelopes and plastic baggies and other such items to hold all the evidence, and keep them all safe in his sac. He even has a rubber band to keep his sac closed just in case he needs to take flight. Along with gathering evidence, he could fly around the area and talk with the many bird Pokemon and ask them what they have seen. He's quite jolly and extremely approachable.
  • Moves:
    • Thief - [type]Dark[/type] | Physical | Steals an item if it isn't already holding one in its beak or wing. | Will use this to steal certain items from a person when they're not looking or preoccupied.
    • Fly - [type]Flying[/type] | Physical | Flies high, then takes awhile to come back down to attack. | Will use this to transport small Pokemon and small children a ways away or fly around and communicate with the birds. Will also scan the skies for anything, scouting about.
    • Defog - [type]Flying[/type] | Status | Removes Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Aurora Veil, Safeguard, Mist, Reflect, and Light Screen, and even removes literal fog from the area. It also lowers the target's Evasion. | Will use this to remove fog or anything else that's obscuring vision and is gaseous.
    • Quick Attack - [type]Normal[/type] | Physical | Some higher priority. | Will use this to catch up on someone fleeing when he's scanning the ground from the skies.
Vaporeon - [type]Water[/type]
  • Bubble Jet Pokemon
  • Nickname: Shama
  • Female
  • Water Absorb
  • Is 2 inches taller than the average Vaporeon (3'03" or 1.0 m), making her 3'05" or 1.0 m.
  • Has been with Miel since he started his journey in Kanto, a gift given to him from Professor Oak after he saw what wondrous progress he had made on his Pokedex, and would like to give him some help. That help was giving him two Eevees, who were siblings. This Vaporeon is very reserved and loves to cuddle, and helping the investigation by being in bodies of water, materialize into water, and spy around in the water, listening in on the conversations around them.
  • Moves:
    • Acid Armor - [type]Poison[/type] | Status | Sharply increases Defense. | Unique to only Vaporeon, will use this to become molecularly similar to water, and use it to spy.
    • Hydro Pump - [type]Water[/type] | Special | Does damage. | Will use this to push something or someone to a higher ground, away from something, or attack an opponent. Will also use it to put out fires.
    • Signal Beam - [type]Bug[/type] | Special | 10% chance to Confuse. | Will use this to signal Miel where something is by shooting it up in the air.
    • Helping Hand - [type]Normal[/type] | Status | Doubles the power of the next attack. | Will use it to aid her brother, Glaceon, or any other Pokemon.
Glaceon - [type]Ice[/type]
  • Fresh Snow Pokemon
  • Nickname: Glazi
  • Male
  • Snow Cloak
  • Is 5 inches taller than the average Glaceon (2'07" or 0.8 m), being 3'00" or 1.0 m.
  • Has been with Miel since he started his journey in Kanto, a gift given to him from Professor Oak after he saw what wondrous progress he had made on his Pokedex, and would like to give him some help. That help was giving him two Eevees, who were siblings. This Glaceon is quite protective and can be quite aggressive. He can help the investigation by sniffing out anybody they needed to find and quickly hunt them down, catching them and freezing them in place. Whatever father these Eevees had, only the Glaceon has the super strong sense of smell.
  • Moves:
    • Quick Attack - [type]Normal[/type] | Physical | Some higher priority. | Will use this to catch up on someone fleeing when he's on the scent.
    • Ice Fang - [type]Ice[/type] | Physical | 10% chance to Freeze and flinch (Chances are independent from one another). | Will use it to grab a hold of someone and potentially freeze them or cause them pain enough for them to make noise and cause attention.
    • Mirror Coat - [type]Psychic[/type] | Special | Will bounce back a Special move with double the damage. | Will only use this when being attacked.
    • Protect - [type]Normal[/type] | Status | Protects user from all damage, except Feint. | Will only use this for protection.
Other info: He's also bisexual. He loves ice skating and swimming. He can also understand most Water-Type and Ice-Type Pokemon, but can't translate the other types of Pokemon.
ok not gonna lie that is way better than mine, but the amount of pokemon could well... be less heh, sorry, I think it would not be adviced you have more than one trusted pokemon, if you have to many pokemon out at once or are using to many abilities, a trap or something could go off, are you sure you want to make this decision?
OK, your decision is made, there is now no going back, and be warned when entering a new area, there will be things that will jump out, these will have a 32% chance (I have a randomizer website I use for stuff like this ) to make 1 to 2 of your pokemon come out onto the field to protect your character
Ahh okay. This is going to be interesting.

Alright, so my character will try to gather as much evidence in one room as much as he can with his Delibird. His other Pokemon are there to aid in defending him or using their powers to aid in intel.

Here are Miel's skills:
  • Can track scuffles and footprints and can distinguish footprints from human to some species of Pokemon.
  • Can tell what direction an object is going from blood spatter.
  • Is detail-oriented and perceptive.
  • Works well in getting info.
What his cons are:
  • Occam's razor eludes him.
  • Tends to obsess over one aspect of the case.
  • Can't use electronic equipment without breaking it or making it unusable for a time.
  • Sometimes his anxiety comes to haunt him, making him unable to breathe from panic attacks unless he takes his pills.
Kind of forgot to add that he has anxiety and needs medication for it. It works, but he's dependent on it. He has to remember to take it once every 2 hours, since the dosage he got was lower than normal.
well, this is where I said personality will come handy, see, if your character is brave and is unmoved by fear, the chances of pokemon jumping out for your aid is lower, but if your character does not have pokemon pop out, a battle with ( if its a living thing )the enemy will begin and you need to manually get more pokemon
Alright, here's my character for this. Hope she's okay!

Chiharu Fujimoto
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Age: 26
Position: CSI (Crime Scene Investigator)
Trait: Methodological, by the book
Description: While in the field, Chiharu tends to stick with dark grey cargo pants. She keeps the pockets full with different chemicals and gear used to help identify clues of the crime scene she is investigating. She also wears a dark blue jacket with the letters CSI in yellow on the back. Underneath she wears a blue polo of the same dark blue color. Chiharu has short brown hair and blue eyes.
Backstory: The fifth born in a family of nine! Chiharu hails from Vermillion City. Her family was rather poor, with her father being a fisherman that was forced to continue fishing in an area that was still recovering from pollution. She is the first in her family to go to college, getting a degree in forensic sciences. Chiharu is fresh out of college, and has only recently started on the force. Chiharu has worked on a few cases before, but this will be the first homicide case she has been assigned to.

Name: Laudi
Gender: Female
Species: Cloyster
Age: 18 (which is a pretty good age for Cloysters)
4 abilities: Clamp, Spikes, Icicle Spear, Spike Cannon
Personality trait: Hardy, Loves to Eat
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 300 lbs (a little larger than your average Cloyster)
Description: Pretty much a normal looking Cloyster, usually carries a Sitrus Berry because she likes to snack. Has a large scratch Has the hidden ability Skill Link.
Backstory: Chiharu's first Pokemon, caught when she was just a Shellder. The two were friends before Chiharu official caught her, making the trainer laugh with the antics the Shellder would do with it's tongue.

Name: Dupo
Gender: Male
Species: Poliwrath
Age: 13
4 abilities: Vacuum Wave, Circle Throw, Waterfall, Hypnosis
Personality trait: Adamant, a little quick tempered.
Height: 4 ft. (A little shorter than your average Poliwrath)
Weight: 119 lbs.
Description: Once again, a pretty normal looking Poliwrath. Wears a bandanna on his right arm, a gift from Chiharu. His ability is Water Absorb.
Backstory: Chiharu's second Pokemon.

Name: Digdug
Gender: Male
Species: Dugtrio
Age: 12
4 abilities: Earthquake, Slash, Sucker Punch, Stone Edge
Personality trait: Careful, Alert to Sounds
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 73.4 lbs
Description: Nothing that really stands out about this Dugtrio either. Digdug's ability is Arena Trap.
That is wonderful, and also as a head-up to anybody else that wants to join, or if you two currently want to switch, you can be a pokemon detective, you are not limited to humans, and also your character should come in major handy if they know how to work chemicals properly. Also when your both ready you can both start roleplaying in the actual RP thread
@MiraMimikyu I am not the OP, but this is a murder mystery RP that Nightcore12317 has made, and it has a plot. Please don't try and make this about your character's. Is your Mimikyu going to solve the mystery of a dead man? What skills does your Mimikyu have?

And my Pokemon isn't inclined to stare at Mimikyu's like they are breakfast.
@MiraMimikyu Why did you make two introduction posts? Your first one is still on there, and you might need to ask Nightcore's permission if you want to have your Pokemon be the killer. He might already have the killer planned out.
@Nightcore12317 Does Chiharu find any clues in the stab wounds?
Yeah, she does, and I did a randomizer online and you found a bit of sand inside the wounds,

and I would like to address something that happened earlier, I have an ending plotted out, that is it, there is no plot per se, and I already have the killer set as me, ( NOT MY MAIN CHARACTER!!!!!) and I will also do the suspects, so please note that when I am playing multiple roles it is very difficult to keep track of what I said, so please know if I don't remember something, please post a copy and paste of the message on my account or here so I can remember,
well, depending on the 3 stab wounds I would say 1 is a slash wound and 2 are stab wounds, and the if she finds out the cause of death is up to you, things like cause of death or finding out who the killer is, it is all your choice, though let me make something clear, if you make one wrong choice as let's say, you choose the wrong killer, it is game over
oh pfft im so sorry, gee this is my first time doin' this, well, anyways, that is your decision, again, if you mess it up then important data could be lost, I will give you three tries to guess the cause of death, and anyways, about the thing you said in your post where you were confused about the body thing, I meant to say that it is theorized that the bodies are there (the bold was not to be rude !!) the bodies have not yet been found but it is thought they may be in the basement, and your goal is to look for them and find any extra clues.

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