Is it just me being crap (because I don't ever battle against real people), or is Colosseum's Battle Mode really insanely hard? There are 5 factors which bother me:
1. Hold items. You're only allowed one of each type of item. Only 1 x Leftovers, 1 x Focus Band... and you have to choose which pkmn has it at the very start, when you register your team. You can't swap items in between the different trainer battles .
2. No healing. The only healing you can do is automatic from a held berry, or from a move your pokemon has. Ugh.
3. 1 hit KO moves. These seem to be a special feature of the harder Colosseum trainers' move sets, and I've virtually never seen them used before - I actually had to look up Guillotine because I didn't know what it did. I feel that they're not fair, because they negate all strategy - your pkmn could have the highest Def & Sp Def stats possible at Level 50, and still get knocked out immediately. Great.
4. Very little predictability, owing to the fact that you choose 3 or 4 from your team of 6 rather than sending out the whole lot. Most of the trainers have some patterns, like for example the last trainer in the Under Colosseum Double Mode has a Plusle and Minun, a Volbeat and Illumise, and a Solrock and Lunatone. She'll always send out one matched pair then the second (which made her remarkably easy to beat considering the previous rounds - Ground against Plusle & Minun, Fire against Volbeat & Illumise, and Water against Solrock & Lunatone - not much strategy needed). But it's not like the Elite 4, who have known movesets and only 2 or 3 possible starters.
5. Trainers with "impossible" Pokemon. A lot of the trainers' movesets involve one or more egg moves. There's a trainer who has 6 Pokemon all with Wish, only one of whom learns it by level-up. How long would it take a non-cheating "real person" trainer to breed 5 Pokemon all with a particular egg move? You couldn't use the trick of guaranteeing the move by the mother and father both knowing it, because we're talking about moves that can only be learned as egg moves in the first place... ARGH!
All of these factors add up to why I'm finding it so utterly impossible. The 1 Hit KOs are particularly painful. There was one trainer (the 2nd one, Rider Orden) in the Under Colosseum Double Battle who has 6 Pokemon all with at least one 1 Hit KO move, and a Smeargle which has at least 2! I got round it just by using my level 50 Magneton @Leftovers and simply being faster than any of his pkmn. But that's not working against this Walrein.
Anyone know a GOOD & COMPLETE Strategy Guide for Battle Mode? I'll even pay (or my long-suffering partner will pay for the privilege of not living with a stressed-out psycho blethering about Pokemon moves he's never heard of :shock.
1. Hold items. You're only allowed one of each type of item. Only 1 x Leftovers, 1 x Focus Band... and you have to choose which pkmn has it at the very start, when you register your team. You can't swap items in between the different trainer battles .
2. No healing. The only healing you can do is automatic from a held berry, or from a move your pokemon has. Ugh.
3. 1 hit KO moves. These seem to be a special feature of the harder Colosseum trainers' move sets, and I've virtually never seen them used before - I actually had to look up Guillotine because I didn't know what it did. I feel that they're not fair, because they negate all strategy - your pkmn could have the highest Def & Sp Def stats possible at Level 50, and still get knocked out immediately. Great.
4. Very little predictability, owing to the fact that you choose 3 or 4 from your team of 6 rather than sending out the whole lot. Most of the trainers have some patterns, like for example the last trainer in the Under Colosseum Double Mode has a Plusle and Minun, a Volbeat and Illumise, and a Solrock and Lunatone. She'll always send out one matched pair then the second (which made her remarkably easy to beat considering the previous rounds - Ground against Plusle & Minun, Fire against Volbeat & Illumise, and Water against Solrock & Lunatone - not much strategy needed). But it's not like the Elite 4, who have known movesets and only 2 or 3 possible starters.
5. Trainers with "impossible" Pokemon. A lot of the trainers' movesets involve one or more egg moves. There's a trainer who has 6 Pokemon all with Wish, only one of whom learns it by level-up. How long would it take a non-cheating "real person" trainer to breed 5 Pokemon all with a particular egg move? You couldn't use the trick of guaranteeing the move by the mother and father both knowing it, because we're talking about moves that can only be learned as egg moves in the first place... ARGH!
All of these factors add up to why I'm finding it so utterly impossible. The 1 Hit KOs are particularly painful. There was one trainer (the 2nd one, Rider Orden) in the Under Colosseum Double Battle who has 6 Pokemon all with at least one 1 Hit KO move, and a Smeargle which has at least 2! I got round it just by using my level 50 Magneton @Leftovers and simply being faster than any of his pkmn. But that's not working against this Walrein.
Anyone know a GOOD & COMPLETE Strategy Guide for Battle Mode? I'll even pay (or my long-suffering partner will pay for the privilege of not living with a stressed-out psycho blethering about Pokemon moves he's never heard of :shock.