Snake blocked the attack but it didn't look like Arkady cared, if He got hurt. This wasn't normal for him. He yelled "dieeee" and then Kheod protected Volcan from getting cut by the claws in 3 spider's legs. "(Deep Breath) Volcan, we have to retreat to base. Don't worry, about those guys alive..." Kheod looked at Arachneo "...This guy will probably kill them all, maybe I can't feel any emotions to anybody but... I learned pretty well to see emotions of the others, greedy for Power boss, usually picking the fight Volcan, calm man, brave snake... That boy, I could see in his eyes that He was alone for a long time. He meet people, that he could trust and protect. But in this guys eyes, I see only blood thirst. It's not the same person" Then he noticed, Arkady had Scarlett eyes and now he had Golden.
"Hey, did we win" Arkady asked, Shadow came closer and looked at him with his gold eyes "No, but we are going to..."