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Ask to Join The Escapists: Prison Break

Running behind the SWAT team, Pro spoke. "The one called Michael attacked me and tried to steal thing from here, we fought and set of a couple grenades"
Then he pointed to Aspen "She heard the noise and came to investigate"
And finally pointed to Harold "And he was just about to escape through the hole in the wall"

The swat team surrounded them. "Take this one to solitary" one said to Pro, cuffing Mike.
"Me?" Pro asked "He tried to kill me, he can overpower me!"
But the SWAT team had already gone to the other two.
"Well come this way i guess" Pro murmered

The SWAT Guys went to Harold, "Escaping huh?" one asked, holding out a pair of handcuffs "Come here, hands in front of you"
Another turned to Aspen "You too"
Harold looked at the aisle, and then looked back at the SWAT guys harold then thought to himself "Grab a weapon shoot them, but they out number me" Harold got up he then walked towards them, and put his hands in front of him.
Michael looked at the officer "I have no intent of escaping Pro" he said quietly "but my plan has begun" he willingly let the man put the cuffs on not putting up a fight at all. He walked a step closer to the direction of solitary "well are you going to bring me to solitary or what" he said.
"Of course I am, after you tried to kill me!" Pro retorted, bringing Michael across the prison and to the solitary cells "You will be spending a long time in there..."
He forcefully pushed Michael in

"Were you, or were you not, trying to escape" SWAT 1 asked while his partner cuffed Harold
"bye bye" he said his voice starting to sound normal again as he entered the solitary confinement grinning his plan has only just begun. The door shut as he begun laughing like a maniac.
"You really didn't need to point out the second part, we would never have known" SWAT 2 commented "Eh, whatever, we won't punish you for that. I think 24 hours of Solitary will do"
"You are wearing a Bulletproof Vest..." SWAT 2 commented
"THATS NOT THE POIN- oh never mind" SWAT 1 sighed as he went to take Harold to Solitary
All This Time Soras Stood In The Shadows, He Shook His Head As 2 Prisoners Went To Solitary Confinement, And 1 Was About To Be Brought To The Same place, He Snuck Behind The SWAT Team Members That Were Left, Pulled Out His Whip, And Said
"You Know, You Should Watch Your Backs. Night-Night." He Then Proceeded To Knock Them All Out, Leaving Only Pro Tector Standing, He Laughed And Said "Hey Protector, Prepare To Go To Sleep!" He Then Went To Whack The Guard With His Whip.
"Because SWAT Armour, which includes helmets, is apparently nothing compared a whip" Pro sighed as he sidestepped the whip, picking up a gun from SWAT 2.
SWAT 1 had returned to the area "What happened?" he asked
"That guy happened" Pro said, pointing at Soras.
"Call the others" SWAT 1 ordered "I'll take care of this"

"We need help" Pro called through SWAT 1's walkie talkie "SWAT 2 and 3 are down! I repeat SWAT 2 and 3 are down!"

SWAT 1 caught the whip with one hand, and pointed his gun at Soras with the other. "Stand Down" he ordered "Or else"
Soras Smirked
"Well, I know What CAN GET PAST THE ARMOUR!" He Pulled Out His Cup Of Molten Chocolate, And Poured It On SWAT 1's Helmet, It Melted The Helmet, And Knocked Out SWAT 1 Instantly, He Picked Up The Gun and His Whip, And Whacked Pro On The Head, Saying "Take That, You Sucker."
"So this is how it all ends..." Pro said, blood trickling down his forehead "not by gun or knife, but by a Cup of Hot Chocolate and a shoddily crafted Whip"
At that moment, something in Pro's mind snapped "NEVER!" He shouted, his eyes turned blood red as he ran forwards, he grabbed a vest of grenades which SWAT 1 had been wearing, and dived towards Soras
"I'll get you if it's the last thing I do" Pro shouted, losing all sense of reality. He activated all of the grenades and leapt on top of Soras, pinning him to the ground

Michael sat in solitary thinking as he whispering "Corrupt the pure, disrupt the peace, break the boundary, let hell loose" he kept on repeating that over and over and over and over continuously. Soon it started to evolve into a psychotic laugh and eventually started screaming "CORUPT, DISPRUPT, BREAK, LET HELL LOOSE" soon he calmed down continuing to whisper something else "Revelations 6:12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red" he soon became as still as a statue, looking dead.
Soras Had An Idea, It Was Crazy, But It Was His Best Shot, He Quickly Tricked The Guard Into Thinking he Was going To Punch, But Instead He Kicked Protector Off Him, And Smirked, Saying
"Hey, Protector, One Of The Other Guards Told The Warden To Shorten Your Pay!"
"For one thing the Warden is on vacation" SWAT 2, who had kind of woken up pointed out "And for another, I think he had more to worry about that"
Pro had somehow gotten his hands on a sledgehammer, and was currently busting up walls and floors, cracks lined the facility, and the roof began to fall, but it was actually lucky for him.
His Grenades fell off of the vest he was wearing, and all landed at his feet. Then they went off.

For weeks onwards, it was spoken of of a tragedy not seen since the days of Samantha Lotker (Read @DarkEmporer's Character Bio). Brave officer Pro Tector was wounded physically and mentally, and was admitted into a Mental Ward shortly after the incident.
Michael walked to the door of his cell "I told you before" his voice was direct but insane "I've no intention on escaping" he went to the back of his cell and sat back down.
Soras Smirked
"Well, I'm Planning To Escape Tonight, Can You Guys Meet Me In The Vents Tonight? I'll Explain Then." He Looked At The Girl "C'mon, get Out Of There."