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Open The Forest of Deception

"Me, FAINT? That's a funny idea, but sure." He said, boldly. " Let me see what I have on me." He pulled out a clear orb with smog in it. "Ah, good ol' Smoke Ball. But it looks cracked."
Dewdrop watched the smoke in the sphere. It whirled and boiled and Dewdrop was absolutely mesmerized. "Woah. That's the prettiest thing I've seen in a long time. But why do you have it? I thought only trainers had those. (@SlyRiolu and @Whatever3500 please, please watch the one liners. This is my first roleplay and I do not want it to get shut down)
Rose looked at the ball uneasily. It looked realy strange and she didnt want to go anywere neer it. She saw the eevee go up to it memorised."h-how did you get that?" She studdered.
"My Trainer gave it to me to hold. It's so we get through caves easier." he said, holding it up. "But it looks pretty rough." You noticed a charm of half of a star.
Rose came closer for a better look and saw the dramage on the ball."they why do you still have it? It is realy creepy" she said as she backed up from it again. Thinking of her trainer she started to fiddle with her half moon neclace
"Because we were just going through a cave. Now I'm here." he replied, in a semi-confused voice. The smoke in the orb floated around in circles, infinitely looping and turning, just like the forest and it's trees.
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"You know over confidence can be your down fall you don't always know the strengths of others. So it is quite a possibility that you might faint." Ivara said to the emboar.
"Seems kind of right. But, it's fine. My moveset has enough power to defend against almost any Water, Ground, Psychic, or Flying type." He said, considering what Ivara had said. "What's most important right now is that we find a way out of this forest."
"Hm alright I'm guessing since you said move set you do synergies with your moves. Becuase you said almost any super effective moves." Ivara guessed.
"Yeah, my Brick Break and Strength combo can knock out almost anything in a dozen or less tries." He boasted. "By the way, my name is Blaze. What's yours?" Blaze asked.
"Ivara I use psychic and bone ruch can block mostly any any attack we both have our own fighting styles yours seams more attack then offense though." Ivara replied.
"Nice name, also, my Trainer mostly used Mocha, a Dragonite, for Defense. Other than that, her team is pretty offensive." Blaze replied, looking around at the trees. I wonder, he thought, if I sent a flare up, would someone see it?
((Okay sorry about this, but what happened when I left?))
Calix got up. She had somehow fallen over out of nowhere, and when she got up, Ivara had disappeared. "What?!!" Calix said to no one in particular
Name: Aqua
Pokemon Species: Squirtle
Gender: Male
Appearance: A regular Squirtle
Age: Cannot remember (The forest plays tricks on your mind)
Owned or Wild: Wild
"Lets see where the river takes me today" Aqua said to himself. Every day he would swim along to river to scavenge for food, but every day the river seemed to move, change its course. Aqua thought he had mapped every single course it could take, putting a Den at every end on both sides just in case, but the river would not just let him win. More possibilities opened up each month, as if it was some sort of natural clock. This day the river was mostly straight, but he couldn't be sure.
Dewdrop fell over for no reason. "Is.… is the ground tilting?!" She gasped. Indeed, it did seem like the forest was turning itself upside down. "Wah!" Dewdrop shrieked and slid into the depths of the trees.
Calix got up, the fell again. Something was wrong. Then she realized what the something was. The ground was starting to tilt. "What's going on!?" Calix started to freak out. Then she got onto a tree and sat on the trunk, temporarily safe from the definite hazard of falling into a bunch of trees as the ground turned ninety degrees and stayed there
"Ookay. That was scary," Calix muttered, "What now, flying porcupines?" She looked up at the sky and saw something she didn't know was possible. A bunch of porcupines had just gathered up in a small cluster and started floating in the air. Calix cursed her luck, the carefully descended the still-vertical surface.
Blaze held on to the boulder, wondering whether to drop down or not. He did, and thudded from tree to tree. Blaze noticed the porcupines as well, and shot a Flamethrower concentrated into a ball shape at them.
Dewdrop was desperately holding onto a tree branch. "Help!" She shouted, hoping someone might hear her. Everything was upside down, backwards, wrong. Dewdrop made up her mind to get out of this forest as fast as physically possible.
Aqua felt the ground moving. Normally the tricks that the forest played would not effect him, but this one did. The water itself began to move to one side. He felt like he was falling. "No!" If he lost the river, he lost his dens. If he fell out, the river would have moved by the time he got back and he would loose his home.

He held on for dear life but it was too hard. He couldn't go on. He fell sideways for what seemed like hours until he hit he body of another Pokemon
Dewdrop lost her grip. The Eevee started screaming, as was customary when one was falling from a great height. Then, she hit the river. Coughing and spluttering, Dewdrop managed to swim to the surface. Upon doing so, she beheld a most glorious sight that took her breath away. The trees were moving to form a maze of a sort. The Eevee forgot to tread the water and slipped out of what remained of the river to resume her long descent to wherever the forest ended. Or would have, if she had not bounced into a particular Emboar…