Well, if you haven't read the latest news, you could be a little screwed:
Shigeki Morimoto reveals that Thunder Punch will be a physical attack, while Hyper Beam becomes a special attack — physical and special are to be set by attack, rather than by type as in previous games. He states that the battle system will be changed "dramatically".
As we're training to a competetive level here in many respects, this does present an interesting problem. People playing Netbattle this time next year wont necessarily have that big a problem with it, as they'll be creating Pokemon in it to the specifications of the new and established set up.
We, meanwhile may have to attempt to second guess what the final results of this change will be.
It's certainly going to make the challenge more interesting, but I expect a lot tougher at the same time. Might be advisable to stick to planning over the next 2 months unless you want to have to start all over again when D/P comes out and you find that your Thunderpunching Alakazam is all of a sudden usless. Lol.
Also, while this challenge is limited to only the 386 Pokemon available within the third Generation, I haven't yet decided about new moves for those Pokemon being used.
I can rule 'em out if people want, but I guess that's going to have to be up to public vote. With this attribute shakeup though it's likely that a lot of the older Pokemon will get revamped move-sets to compensate, not to mention new attacks to make up for the uselessness of older ones it's something that could become a big part of using older Pokemon in D/P so it's a bit of a tough decision.