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Private/Closed The Great Snowburg Love Festival! {RP}


Previously g o a t
That's the second eeveeloution to save me tonight, I should probably do that to some one else... Cosmos thought. "Oh, uh, thank you so much." Cosmos spoke. "Name's Cosmos. I'm here for the festival. I've got nothing to do all summer where I'm from, so I'm here. Nice to meet you, I guess."
Colin drank the last of his hot chocolate before he checked the time and decided to head out, once back outside, he immediately tugged on the sides of his cloak before he managed to get used to the cold weather. "I need to find a place to sleep before I become an ice sculpture." He muttered to himself.

"Is that who I think it is?" A hoarse and hardy voice asked in Colin's direction, this made the Gallade turn around in curiosity and went wide eyed upon who he saw. "No way..." Colin said, still surprised. "Greg?!" He asked as a wide smile grew on his face. "Bring it in, little cuz!" The Machamp offered as he opened all four of his arms, Colin replied with an instant charge and accepted the Machamp's hug. "It's so good to see you again Greg, what are you doing in Snowburg? I thought you said you weren't interested in love." Colin said. "I'm not; I came here because I heard there was a great jewelry store that needed extra hands." Gregory said as he waved his hands. Colin lightly groaned at his cousin's joke before he broke up the hug.

"What about you? I know you said you wanted love, but I didn't think you'd come here for it... did your sisters persuade you?" Greg asked with a light nudge to the Gallade. Colin simply laughed lightly as if he was caught red handed. "Yeah... I told them a thousand times, but those girls just wouldn't take no for an answer." He replied.

"They're just looking out for you... you should be glad they won the argument, even though I know how much you hate losing." Greg said with a light laugh as if what he said brought back a memory. Colin scoffed. "That was one time and you know it!" The Gallade snapped before he cleared his throat while his four armed cousin let out a hardy laugh before he put his hand on Colin's shoulder.

"Listen, I can tell you're gonna be here for a while. Why not crash at my place? I have a spare bedroom and all." The Machamp offered. Colin was caught off guard. "R-really?" He asked. "Of course!" Greg replied. "We're family, aren't we?" He asked rhetorically. Colin let out a light laugh as he picked up his bag. "Thanks cuz, that means a lot." The Galalde said as he went with his cousin to his house.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
"Yeah, me and my friend Pepper are here for it too. Having a Flareon buddy makes it a lot easier to travel in such cold weather, hehe." Ainsley mentioned softly, a little off-put by the lackluster introduction. He knew he wasn't that interesting, but at least he tried. He shrugged it off and looked over to his mentioned companion, seeing he'd taken to brooding, like usual. He sighed, turning back to the Sylveon. "Well, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we'll see you around at the festival." He smiled softly and made his way back to his table.

"Can we go now?" Pepper asked as Ainsley approached him. The verdant pokemon rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright. It's getting close to closing time anyway, I suppose. I just want to personally give my tip to our server and then we can go. She's done such a great job keeping up with the growing crowd, I would feel awful if I didn't compliment her on her tedious work." He smiled.

"Ugh," Pepper groaned, "fine. I guess that's fair." He sighed, kind of agreeing, even if he didn't show it. They both waited patiently for the Glaceon to come to collect the bill.
Aisa took the Braixen’s order and brought it back to the kitchen. When she came back out the Gallade had left, leaving his payment on the table. She collected this and gratefully put the tip in a pocket in her coat. She then walked over to the Flareon and Leafeon who looked like they were ready to leave. As she walked she wished that Mara hadn’t left. She had been a great help with waiting on the tables when it was as busy as this. Of course, she was happy that her Jxnx co-worker had a new job as a singer, but still... now they were understaffed, and just around Festival season too.


Previously g o a t
"You too, thanks a bunch!" Cosmos said. For a jetlagged, sleep deprived, and hungry Pokemon to meet two people already was good, he determined. Shame he didn't have money or he would've tipped her personally as well. His feelers wrapped around his phone and picked it up, and he was off.

He made it back to his hotel room, and turned off the lights and flopped on the bed like before, still mumbling about buying a purse or something when he went to bed.
Ravoni took a bite of the muffin. It was pleasantly warm. She glanced at her cocoa. The sprinkles, whip cream, and marshmallows were there. She saw no problem with the order. She grinned at the service. She liked it so much she considered a tip, something rare for her due to her stinginess. The Meowstic finished her muffin and drank her cocoa while she took out her wallet. The shiny Meowstic decided that it was fair, due to the fact she took her order so well and there were a lot of Pokemon rapidly coming in while she was the only waiter on duty. Yes, that was fair.

Alaf finished his hot chocolate and looked for the Glaceon. He never had the chance to thank her, and he wanted to do that before he left. Of course, he might be worrying too much about manners. He thought he was. All the other Pokemon here seemed so confadient and laid back. He knew that he looked like a nervous wreck, and he also felt terrified that he would look like a fool. Did the Glaceon think that he had bad manners due to the fact he didn't thank her? He hoped not.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Ainsley smiled at the Glaceon, speedy as always. "Hi! I just wanted to compliment you on your amazing service. You've done a wonderful job with such a large crowd, even all by yourself. Simply amazing." He handed her his tip, a bit more than was necessary, but he felt she deserved it after such a strenuous evening. "For you, my dear." He offered with a friendly grin.

Pepper couldn't help but smile at Ainsley's infectious kindness. He was always looking out for others. The flame pokemon just wished he would do the same for himself every once in a while. He looked to the Glaceon. She was kinda cute, even given the fact they were opposites in nature. He admired her hard work, he could relate to it in his own way. Remembering Ainsley's words, he was still not sure if he should bother, but decided to speak up anyway, cause whatever. "So, you goin' to that festival tomorrow too?"
Aisa teared up a little at the kind words. She tried to hide it, however.

“Thank you!”

She hesitated for a moment, then took the tip. She turned to the Flareon upon his question.

“Ah... I might be around for a little bit before lunch, but from then I’ll probably be here.”

She kinda wanted to chat more, but there were more customers to take care of.

“Thank you again, and I hope to see you around the festival.”

Aisa then trotted off towards the other Leafeon, stopping at the table where the Sylveon had been to pick up the money. She stopped over by the Leafeon, tilting her head to the side and smiling.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
The two nodded and waved goodbye to the grateful Glaceon with a smile as she went back to her work, and they took their leave. Pepper led the way out the door with a confident stride, while Ainsley gingerly limped behind him. The flame pokemon's intense body heat made the snow around him melt, making a nice trail behind him which Ainsley used to manage his way forward without getting any snow on himself. It was quite convenient for the grass type. He was hoping his companion could make some friends tomorrow by using his fire typing to warm everyone up. It was a foolproof plan, even if the other wasn't the slightest bit aware of it. Ainsley smiled to himself and his own genius. This festival was going to be so much fun, and he was determined to find Pepper a significant other. He'd signed himself up as his own personal cupid of his own accord, and though it would be a difficult feat with the way Pepper was, he was ready to work his magic!
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Eros and Lacy finished their drinks, left their payment on their table, (with a nice tip), and set out into the snow. They were headed for a place called Snowbush Inn, which was only a stone’s throw away from the Ice Cube Café.

“My compliments to the chef!” Lacy called over her shoulder as they left the cafe. Eros blushed with embarrassment a bit at his friend’s comment. (It was sure to draw some attention). He quickly herded the grass type out the door.


Snowbush Inn was a cozy place, akin to a log cabin in its architecture. A small fireplace made the lobby quite warm as the two Pokémon entered. They were greeted by a kindly Miltank who took their names, and led them to their respective rooms. Eros would be staying in room 18, and Lacy in room 19. After one final “good night”, the two retired until morning. Lacy’s snobbish complaints about the small size of the room could be heard through Eros’ wall. He chuckled at this. He always got a laugh out of her picky nature.

Eros made himself comfortable, and tried his best not to worry himself about the festival. It would be fun! Even if he was by himself. He didn’t actually have to meet anyone like Lacy had said, right? Right. He would be fine, he assured himself.
Tempest was by no means in a hurry- of course, he was just heading to his room. The stairwell was rather confining, but as said with the tight-fit lobby, it was nothing he had never encountered before. The hallways was a bit bigger, however, and he found his room with ease. Room 113, right? Didn't they say '13' meant bad luck? Oh well. Tempest could second guess himself later, he had a few better things to do. He pushed the key into the lock, and twisted it, pushing his head forward to open the door. He grabbed his suitcase- fit with a few bags with their straps wrapped around the handle- and wheeled it into his room before slithering in himself. He took the key out of the door, proceeding to lock it from the inside once it had been shut. He looked at the room- it was just like the pictures, surprisingly. A double-king sized bed, fit with a three or four fluffy pillows.

Tempest looked around some more. Elegant paintings aligned the wall, each in a order that was particularly pleasing. The same, pink-yellow artificial light filled the room, and gave the paintings more life. A flat screen TV was on the wall facing the bed, and around it were a few tables, and in the top left corner of the room, there was a rather big bathroom, with a closet on the top right corner.

It seemed like an alright set up- Tempest began to unpack, moving different scarves and other clothing articles into the closet. It wasn't like he could wear much, being a snake with no limbs whatsoever. He shrugged off the thought, placing his own laptop lightly on the bed, along with a bag containing his wallet, and a few other personal things. He then wheeled his suitcase near the closet. He floated onto the bed, sorting through his bag before picking up the remote with his tail and beginning to flip through the channels, each showing movies at this late of night.

Mad Machamp: Fury Road, Riolu Driver, John Litwick- man, these people loved their action movies. Tempest decided to let Riolu Driver play- it was his favorite out of the options he had. He then plugged up his laptop, and set his bag down, deciding now was a good time to get some rest.
Alaf managed to look at the Glaceon while he spoke. "I-I wanted to say t-thank you for giving me directions. I was unable to say that before you went to another Pokemon, and I am ready to pay." He looked down again, unable to stop his habit. He wished he was curled up on his bed, watching a funny or adventure movie, or playing his new game. Of course, he didn't mind being with other Pokemon, he was just uncomfortable around others, especially strangers.
“Hey, no problem! Glad to help!”

She collected the money and smiled once more before continuing with work. The Leafeon was very polite. She soon lost her train of thought when she saw the Meowstic. She quickly went to another table and picked up the money there before resignedly going over to the Meowstic’s table.

“Anything else I can help you with, ma’am?”
Alaf placed some more money on the table, unable to give the Glaceon a tip due to him taking to long thinking about how much he had to give. Hopefully, tips were fine here instead of frowned upon. He lept off of his chair and exited the building, the bitter cold nipping at him once more. He hated it. However, he was no longer lost.

Ravoni looked at the Glaceon. "I'm ready to pay," she said silkly, her athoratoric look still there. She took out her money, a little extra for a tip and handed it to the Glaceon.
“Thank you, ma’am. Have a nice day, and enjoy the festival tomorrow!”

Aisa finished up with that it of work and slipped into the kitchen for a moment. The head chef glanced at her.

“Long night?”

“Yes... not a bad one, but a busy one and a long one.”

Aisa curled up on the floor for a moment. The Flareon looked down at her.

“You ahould Go home and get some rest, Aisa. I’ll have Benji deal with it.”

Upon hearing his name the Scraggy who was washing pans in the sink perked up.

“On it, boss!”

Benji threw the rag he was using into the sink and leapt to clean himself up a bit before going out of the kitchen. Aisa gave a sigh of relief. Now she could go home and rest.

Crestfall Inn - w/

As the evening steadily progressed into the night, the air became colder, at last giving off a chill potent enough to overtake the warmth of Naamah’s internal heat; her Fire-Type perks would assist her no longer against the icy night. As she trudged through the snow – partially melting the white coat into slush with her fiery steps – a sense of regret filled her. Scolding herself for heading out later than she’d planned to. If she’d just stuck to her schedule she would now be in a warm, toasty room in the ‘Crestfall Inn’ – if she recalled correctly – instead of dragging luggage through the unfavorable outdoors.

It couldn’t be far now, she could feel a faint warmth in the air as the town of Snowburg crept into view; revitalizing her and melting away the irritation caused by traveling. As the cold snow transitioned into an equally cold cobblestone path, she could at least find gratefulness for no longer spending the extra energy pulling her feet through the snow. Besides, the cold environment had transitioned into a warmer décor; beautiful decorations lined the homes she passed on her way to the inn she’d reserved a room at.

After a short walk around town – taking in the pleasant change of scenery – Naamah found her destination and eagerly made her way inside. The warmth of the inn greeted her and washed away the chill of the night; compelling the Salazzle to stay indoors until the sun would break through and announce the end of the night. Ehem! The not-so-subtle throat-clearing attracted Naamah’s attention towards the origin of the sound; a Kabuki-trimmed Furfrou that seemed to be desiring some rest, judging from the expression. “Oh- evening,” Naamah mused in response to the admittedly rude call to attention, “sorry for coming in so late, though, I guess I can be a bit nocturnal from time to time. You don’t mind, do you?” She asked, leaning onto the counter, “I’m Naamah, I reserved a room at this lovely place.”

The Furfrou didn’t seem too thrilled by the appearance of another late guest and was eager to get this sorted out; providing no response and simply typed away at the laptop to get Naamah checked in. Something that mildly bothered the Salazzle, being used to all the attention she wanted back at her den. “Well, you’re no fun. Maybe loosen up a little, wanna go grab a drink tomorrow?” Once again, no response to the question as the Furfrou had only an interest in handing over the room key. “Your room is 109.”

“Eh- right then,” Naamah responded, taking the key to her room and proceeded towards the stairs with a scoff.
Benji walked into the main room, ready to help anyone still there. Meanwhile, Aisa removed her cloak, revealing some straps which held a magnetic device on her back. She took this off and hung it up on a peg nearby. She then got her cloak back on, said goodbye to the head chef, Dania, and headed for the door. She stopped just before opening the door to wave goodbye, then hurried out into the chilly night.

It was a short walk to her ‘house’ on the border of town, but she found her eyelids beginning to shut as she trotted along. The lights of town were pretty, but they were annoyingly bright just now. Aisa yawned, her tongue curling out in a very cute way. Just up ahead, slightly to the North of town, was her home. The small dome-like structure was glistening in the moonlight. She had built a snow-sculpture out by the front in the shape of a heart. That we she had at least SOME decoration. She crawled in at the low tunnel-like doorway and into her house. It consisted of a single room, with a pile of blankets and pillows to one side and a few boxes to the other. They were all wooden, except one which was made of metal. They were all pretty scratched up, but she still liked them.

Aisa was about to plunk down into bed, but decided to take her coat off first. She pulled it off and draped it over one of the boxes. She stood wearily for a moment before remembering to take the money out of the pockets. She pushed one of the wooden boxes to the side, and dug into a small patch of slightly less firmly packed snow that had been hidden beneath. She pulled out a small pouch and opened it. She put in the tips she had gotten that evening, then closed the bag and hid it again. Then, thouroghly tired out, she staggered over to her bed of pillows and blankets and crashed. Moments later she was sound asleep.
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The Leafeon blinked snow from his eyes, visibility getting harder due to the constant snowfall. Of course, he was not used to the snow, so seeing would be harder for him. It didn't help that it was night. Alaf sighed as he walked forward, struggling to get out of the cold. He eventually found his residence during his stay at Snowburg, Snowbush Inn. He quickly entered, the heat renewing his energy once more, and closed the door so then the heat would not leave the building. He padded over to the Milktank at the front desk, not paying much attention to the scenery. "G-good evening miss, m-my name is A-alaf, and I-i'm residing here during my stay."
The Milktank smiled at the nervous Leafeon and said in a southern accent, "This way." Hooves clopping on the wooden floor, the Milktank led Alaf to room twelve, one room away from the cursed room. "There ya go, have a nice stay sugah." She went back down to the desk after handing Alaf the keys. The Leafeon entered the room, not paying attention to how it looked or how big it was, he plopped down onto the bed and fell asleep.

Ravoni walked through the streets, making her way to Cozy Cabin Inn. She disliked the options of the inns, all of them being cabins. She at least thought Snowbush would be a bit different, even if she wouldn't like to stay there personally. All the inns just seemed copied to her, no imagination. Something that made her slightly angry with the town. She made her way to the Inn and checked in, receiving room 301. She bid the Amphros farewell and went up the stairs to her room. Seeing that her things were already here due to the fact she ordered her bags to be brought to her room before she came, Ravoni unpacked a little before she went to sleep for the night.
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Previously g o a t
Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring. Cosmos reluctantly opened his eyes to the sound of the alarm clock he set. Despite being a Pokemon that's usually pretty energetic, he oversleeps a lot. Cosmos rolled over to check what the time was. 7:01am. Good, I didn't oversleep. He got up and opened the blinds to let the sun in and chilled for around 15 minutes before grabbing his phone and his wallet (didn't want last night to happen again T-T) and heading downstairs to the lobby.

Once he was there, the Ampharos spotted him. "Good morning, Cosmos. Looking fine this morning, I see," the Ampharos joked. Cosmos sighed wondering whether or not he should correct Ampharos. "Anything wrong?"
"I'm a guy." Cosmos responded quickly. The Ampharos jaw dropped and his face turned red.
"Oh, I'm sorry, sir."
"That's fine. Anyways, do you know what's happening at the festival this morning?" Cosmos quickly changed the subject.
"I sure do. All the stalls open today, and the opening ceremony is this afternoon."
"Thanks!" Cosmos walked away, the Ampharos said nothing.

Cosmos plopped himself in the lobby chair. He could eat breakfast here or go find a restaurant or cafe to eat at. He looked at his phone for restaurant nearby.
-Snowbrush Inn-

Eros was awoken from a restful sleep by none other than his dear friend, Lacy. Although he hesitated to call her that now, after his rude awakening so early in the morning. Using her vines, she poked and prodded him to wake up.

“Akiiiii,“ She whined. “I’m hungry! You’re going to find breakfast with me at the festival. Wake up before I starve!” Eros groaned at the use of his nickname, but finally rose out of bed, shaking the sleep out of his eyes.

“Mhmm?” The dragon grumbled. “Yes. Breakfast. One moment. Please.” Then collapsed back into bed.


It took a few more minutes, but at last Lacy managed to get her friend up on his feet. She insisted they hadn’t a moment to lose, and so hurried out the door of the Inn. Eris couldn’t help but wonder how she could have so much energy this early, but was hardly in a position to protest.
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Sam took his time getting ready for the day. He had a lot of fun last night putting up some last minute decorations. His home was not like some of the ice types who share the town with him. His home was made of brick and wood. It was a more modern style then some of the other homes around. Most were pretty much the same as the next one. Sam had large frosted glass windows that looked out upon the frozen lake in his backyard. The snow around his home sparkled in the morning sun.

Sam took the time to get ready for the day. He groomed and dressed in a black scarf around his neck. For breakfast he fixed himself some homemade oran berry muffins. He took the rest of them and put them in a tan whicker basket and covered them with a towel to keep them slightly warm as he walked out the festival grounds.

Umbre took a look around. The morning sun shown brightly on the metallic decorations of the festival. Hearts was the main theme of everything. Umbre had spent his morning running. He would not stop for some love festival. He is very active and wanted to stay that way. He ran to main square where most of the stalls were located. In the center was a great statue of a white Lapras. Those who know her story, would be honored to stay in this town.

Legend says there is a village founded by an albino Lapras. She wanted to create a place where everyone is welcome. Pokemon from all over took refuge in her town. Now pokemon have set up similar towns based on her example. She had been an inspiration for many pokemon.

Umbre loved this story, and hoped to find a town like the one the legend described. Well he did find a place that is very close. The pokemon here are very kind. They care about one another. They go out of their way to make sure they have the best town for everyone. Pokemon from all over come to enjoy the festival of love that the town puts on every year.


Previously g o a t
Cosmos decided to go out to eat, and to stretch his legs. He gripped his phone and wallet harder to not drop them, and walked out. The hotel was a bit far away from the main plaza, which made it cheap enough to afford for Cosmos, so he had a bit of a nice walk to go on. He walked through the cobblestone streets admiring the decorations. "It sure is a nice morning!" He said to no one in particular.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Ainsley was up and ready to go, he was just waiting on Pepper to wake up at this point. "Come ooooon Pepper! The festival is going to start soon!" He pleaded with the fire type as he shook him.

"Okayyyyy, fiiiiine," Pepper groaned, literally rolling right out of the bed and somehow managing to land on his feet with his eyes still closed. "M' up..." He yawned, then rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, finally opening them to see Ainsley in his face with an excited smile. He blinked slowly, not at all surprised.

"Yay! Let's go get some breakfast and then we can join in on the festivities!"

"Mm... breakfast..." Was all Pepper could manage as he followed his excited friend downstairs to the dining area of the Inn.

Meanwhile, a rather large Noivern was flying and circling around the festival, looking down at all the people who had already gathered there. He didn't sleep a wink that night, so he'd had a lot of coffee this morning. Now he couldn't stop moving! And thinking! And laughing! He was scouting the crowd for a possible prank opportunity with a big playful grin.
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As the sun rose once more to grant the town with another day, Colin laid fast asleep in a common bed within a decent house, he woke up as his eyelids could tell it was brighter than the pitch black night from earlier. "Morning already...?" He asked himself as he slowly got up and yawned. The Gallade reluctantly got out of bed and made his way downstairs into the kitchen, he noticed a written note on the door.


If you're reading this, then you've likely slept in. Can't say I blame you; must've had one hell of a trip just to get here, anyway, I'm out at the Colorful Carbink jewelry store if you ever need any jewelry (if the boss isn't around, I may even give you a "Family discount").
Help yourself to anything in the fridge, but please let me know if we're short on anything at all, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Best of luck out there!
Your cousin, Gregory.'

Colin smiled at the note and set it aside on the table before he checked what was in the fridge. He knew he was welcome, but it was someone else's house, so he simply helped himself to two slices of toast with jam and prepared some coffee.


Previously g o a t
(My internet died for a while. Ugh. Luckily I copied my post lol)

Cosmos was walking through the streets when he heard his phone ring. He brought the phone to his face, picked up the phone, and held it to his ear. "This is Cosmos, who are you?"

"Sup gay boy~" A familiar voice snapped. Cosmos sighed.
"Starlight, I told you to not call me ever."
"Yeah yeah but I'm coming to that stupid festival." Cosmos sighed again. Of course he would come to the festival.
"But how?" Cosmos asked. "How'd you get the tickets?"
"Dad paid for them."
"Dad paid for you to come see me?" Cosmos said, very shocked.
"Not to see your stupid fluffy ass, to see hot chicks." Starlight chirped. Of course dad would pay good money for one of his sons to go pick up chicks.
"Of course you would come all that way just for that. Did you get a room?"
"No, dad cheaped out and said I had to share one with you." Starlight groaned. Cosmos became visibly upset that he would have to share a room with Starlight. "I'll be here tonight. You better not stop me from getting a date or you'll be kissing the pavement instead your fluffy boyfriends. Bye."

Just like that, the phone call ended and Cosmos's morning was ruined. He now had to share a room with someone who he hated and cut contact with for many years. He put his phone on silent and went about trying to find a stall that sold purses.


Previously EeviumZ
Eve dragged herself out of bed, yawning. She was not an early riser.
Putting on her usual blue scarf, she decided to tie it differently than usual. The knot was fairly messy - due to her body structure - but it looked somewhat nice today.
She made her way down to the dining room, where she saw a Flareon and Leafeon. The Flareon looked relatively tired, while the Leafeon looked quite excited.
She decided to make some form of social contact, and walked over.
"H-Hello. I'm Eve. Who are you guys?" she asked curiously.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
"Tired..." Pepper mumbled without even bothering to look at who the new voice came from. He flopped into a chair, clutching his coffee as if it were his only source of life. And in his mind, it pretty much was in that moment.

Ainsley bopped him in the shoulder lightly to get him to pay attention, then looked at Eve with a smile. "Hello there Eve, good morning! I'm Ainsley, and this useless lump here is Pepper." Pepper groaned in response to the introduction, taking a sip of his coffee and giving Eve a lazy wave. "I don't do mornings..." He mentioned simply after a moment.

The grass type rolled his eyes at his companion, then looked back to the Eevee. "Anyway, you're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. You here for the festival too?"


Previously g o a t
Cosmos walked through the street looking visibly distraught. NO way am I sharing a room with that umbreon, He thought. He just had to get a different room or another place to stay or that festival or it would be no fun. He saw the "Colorful Carbink" jewelry stall, which he thought might have something there. He walked up to the stall to see a machamp working the stall. "Good morning, do you sell like purses or something?"
At the Colorful Carbink, Gregory sighed as he polished up one of his creations before he set it on a shelf. The Machamp turned around to see a Sylveon walk up to him and sighed with slight annoyance. "Didn't hope I'd get a customer so soon in the day... I had to skip my coffee." He thought to himself before he put his lower arms on the counter.

"Purses you say? We should have a few in stock, especially ones with certain ornaments of your choosing, they're on the shelves on the left if you wanna have a look." Gregory said in a clearly bored tone of voice.


Previously g o a t
"Ok, thanks." Cosmos said. "I don't need any special ornaments or anything, just something to carry all my stuff." Cosmos looked at the selection and pointed at one. It was just pink leather, nothing special. My feeler put my wallet down on the stall and opened it. "How much is this one?"
Gregory raised an eyebrow at the simplicity of the Sylveon's choice compared to his own chance of expanding his creativity, but it was too early in the morning for him to complain, so he happily shrugged it off. "Without ornaments, I'd call that a simple 15 gold." He said as he sat up slightly to prepare the cash register.


Previously EeviumZ
Eve nodded. "Yep! I don't really know much about it, but it sounded fun, so here I am! I'd be happy to go with you guys. I'm really excited!" This was a rare bit of genuine excitement, as Eve normally was relatively introverted.
She gave Pepper a light grin. "You're telling that to the Pokemon who has slept for seventy-two hours straight on two different occasions. Beat THAT!" She laughed, beginning to have fun.


Previously g o a t
Cosmos noticed the Machamp was bothered. "Sorry for bothering you so early in the morning." Cosmos reached in his wallet and grabbed the gold. "Here ya' go. Have a good morning!" Cosmos's feelers took the bag and put it on so that the strap was around his neck. Having something to carry all of his items would be so convenient. He put his phone and wallet in the purse, waved to the Machamp, and walked off. Now what to do about that room crisis... Sam though. Aha! Sam! Maybe he'd let me stay at his place. If only I had his number....
Sam walked along the street. He had a basket balanced on head. He passed out fresh muffins to the pokemon who had gotten up so early to open their stalls. He walked to the "Colorful Carbink" inside he found Gregory, the owner. "Hey Gregory it is good to see you this morning. I brought fresh oran berry muffins. I know how hard you guys work every year for the festival. Also I know you probably have not had your morning coffee yet so I have a thermos filled. You are welcome to it."
Gregory simply took the money to put in the register. "Meh, at least your order was a simple one." He replied to his apology as he drummed his fingers on the counter. "You too." He said as the Sylveon made his leave.

Meanwhile back at the house, Colin happily ate his breakfast and decided to text Gregory, he got out his smartphone and texted. 'Morning cuz, how's work for you at this hour?' Gregory noticed the next and began to show clearer signs of a smile, with no other customers early in the morning, he decided to text back. 'Quiet for now, but the boss insisted I come in early, that made me skip my morning coffee...'

Colin pouted lightly as he sipped his own coffee, the widened his eye as his brain came up with an idea. 'Want me to get you a coffee then?' He texted. 'Omg, please do, extra cream and sugar if you will!' The Machamp replied.

On that note, Colin simply sipped the last of his coffee, put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his wallet, he walked over to the door and donned his cloak before he stepped out, the city was pretty at night, but it was definitely prettier in broad daylight. "Not bad." He said as he decided to go to the cafe he went to last night.

Back at the Colorful Carbink, Gregory quickly put his phone away at the sight of another individual... who appeared to have muffins with him. "Oh, hey Sam." The Machamp simply greeted before he smiled and took the muffins off his... paws? "Oh, thanks man." He said as he took the thermos and took one sip from it. "Man, this week's already turning out good; First I get to see my cousin after so long and now this!" He added.
"Well you know me. I do this every year around this time. I don't see any sense in opening as early as some of you guys do so I thought I would do something to cheer you guys up. Well I will see you later. I have a few more shops to take goodies to. I will see you later." Sam walked out of the jewelry store and found that the guy he helped find his hotel yeaterday was outside. "Hey you are Cosmos right. How are you this morning? Did you sleep well in your room?"


Previously g o a t
Cosmos jumped a little at the sudden voice and turned to see who it was. Sam! "Good morning, Sam! I slept fine. Look, this thing happened and I may or may not need to stay at your place." His cheeks turned slightly red. "It's a bit long to explain right this second."
"Well why don't you walk with me. I have a few more places to stop by, then we can go have a bit coffee and talk it over." Sam was concerned. He hoped everything was ok with Cosmos he hoped it was nothing seriously wrong.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Pepper finally looked at the Eevee who had joined them, his eyes opening all the way for the first time that morning. "Woah. That's an epic nap. I tip my hat to you." He said with a grin. "Now that I know there's a worthy opponent out there I'm gonna have to step up my snoozin' game." He found this the perfect opportunity to plop his head down on the table to commence the snoozing.

Ainsley chuckled, giving Pepper a nudge. "Not right now, you dummy, we have things to do today!" Pepper's only response was a goan, muffled by the tabletop his face was pressed into.

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