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Private/Closed The Great Snowburg Love Festival! {RP}

Although usually an early riser, Aisa slept in some that first day of February. When she woke up she was tangled up in the blankets of her bed. After a moment she extracted herself from the tangle and looked around. She slipped on her cloak and stepped into the crisp morning air. Judging by the sun, it was probably a bit after 7:00 am. She sat in the open air for a moment, just enjoying the crisp breeze and the chilly air. There were slight clouds as she breathed out.

Today was the Grand Opening of the Festival, so she had nothing to do until the afternoon. The ceremony was at the beginning of the afternoon, and the Ice Cube Café wouldn’t open until after opening ceremony. That way the employees could enjoy it, too. So she had the whole morning free. She began by going back inside and opening up the metal box. Inside were various sorts of food. She picked out some berries and began to eat her breakfast. She was careful to close the lid of the box when she was done. After that she laid around lazily for a moment or two before getting bored and going outside. She should go over to the town and look around before things officially began. The stalls would be open, and she wanted to browse around.

Aisa dug into one of her boxes and pulled out a few small coins, which she put in her coat. The money she had hidden last night was to be saved... but she would bring some of this, just in case she found something she wanted. She checked to make sure everything was in order, then wiggled outside. She strolled into town, just enjoying the morning. She hummed happily as she walked.
Tempest, arguably a early riser despite his usual night owl tendencies, had gotten out and about by 7:10 on the clock. As usual. He realized he had left the TV on all night- it was now playing a news channel he had never heard of, with a Oricorio and a Riombee reciting what had gone on recently. "Ah, Alolan news." He let his thoughts become word, quick to turn off the television before he became too interested and made a fine dent in his schedule. He made the bed- there wasn't much he had to do other than smooth out the blanket and rearrange the pillows- and then he was off to get ready.

He opened the closet- as he remembered before, he wasn't looking for much to wear out to the town. Snakes don't wear shirts and shoes. He then opted for a blur scarf that was modeled after a Dragonair like Tempest himself- his mother had made it for him, embroidering the blue scarf with the small, white wings all by herself. He would pair it with his usual metallic, grey scarf, as he supposed it would be colder out in the morning as it was at night. He wrapped the scarves around his neck and grabbed his small, white bag- it was more of a big fanny pack, one he could strap around his body to keep it safer than it would be dangling from his jeweled tail. He then headed out the door, his key in his hand, in which he stuffed in his bag for safe keeping. Tempest floated down the hall and down the stairs, before coming to the lobby. The same Furfrou wasn't working the desk this time- it was a kindly-looking Nidoqueen, with a giddy expression.

"Hello sir! How may I help you?" The Nidoqueen asked, pressing her hand-like appendages together. "Ah, yes. I was just wondering what stalls are the most popular?" Tempest decided he would go out to the stalls- he was never one for souvenirs, but hey, it's a start. "Oh! The Colorful Carbink is extremely popular, and there's a few new stalls that they say are selling the 'newest' items- I would skip those personally, but try your luck I suppose." The Nidoqueen replied, placing her hands on the counter. "Thank you ma'am. I'll be off, then." Tempest nodded to the Nidoqueen, Exiting out the door and into the chilly, yet beautiful atmosphere of Snowburg.

He looked around- there wasn't much, as the stalls were still opening, so he found himself wandering. "Sugar Dates and Figs!" An eccentric seller pushed a handful of different foods in his face, and the Dragonair was quick to move on.
Lacy practically screamed with joy when she and Eros came across the Colorful Carbink. She stopped dead in her tracks and made a beeline for the store.

Oh my goodness!” She shrieked. “Forget breakfast, we have to stop here! I have to look my very best for the festival! I can’t pass up this chance!” Eros knew there was no arguing with her, Lacy did love her jewlery. She practically skipped into the shop, and began hopping around, admiring the various pieces that were set up.

“Lacy,” Eros reminded her, softly. “try not to break anything, please.” The Servine ignored him and continued browsing, giggling with excitement all the while. She seemed to have her eyes on the lovely selection of necklaces that were on display. Poor Eros only wanted something to eat, but knew better than to leave Lacy unattended in a place like this. She was known for being an impulsive shopper, and he couldn’t have her spending all her money in one place.


Previously g o a t
(Jeez some posts just popped up. AGAHAGGA)
Cosmos nodded. "Thanks a bunch, you're a real life saver." Cosmos enjoyed walking a longside Sam again as he did his rounds. Cosmos looked at all the stores and everything up for sale. There was a lot even though it was quite early.
Sam walked back home after the stops he made to the other stores that were open. He opened the door for Cosmos to walk in and made his way to the kitchen. "Make yourself at home. Would you like something to eat or drink?" Sam busied himself with making cookies for later. He had everything set up on the island counter. He wanted to have something sweet for later on in the day.


Previously g o a t
Cosmos walked in the house and flopped down on Sam's couch (I'm gonna assume you have one). "Oh, that would be nice, thanks. I haven't had breakfast yet." Cosmos started. "So, basically, I have multiple siblings, and because I was shiny, I was weird to them. They never were nice to me when we were kids and my parents hated me." Cosmos sighed, this was a heavy subject for him.

"My one brother, I mentioned him last night, he's the umbreon. He called me out of the blue and said he was attending the festival and couldn't get a room and needed to stay with my room. There is absolutely no way in hell I'll ever share a room with him. Ever. So yeah." Cosmos sighed again, but that was because that was a lot to say.
Sam had an open plan house. The kitchen looked right into the living room. The couch looked very comfy. It faced the kitchen and a fireplace. The fireplace was made of iron fencing. There was a flat screen tv mounted above the white fireplace. The fire place had a prominent place in the middle of the room. It devided the room up into sections. "So you thought you would ask if you could stay here. Well yeah I have the room. There are three other bedrooms besides mine anyway. You are welcome to anyone of them. I am sorry your family is how they are. I don't really know from experience. My parents were always loving." Sam had mixed different kinds of cookies. He had also made a thick frosting for the suger cookies.


Previously g o a t
"That's good." Cosmos stated. "They only treated me like that because they're shallow and I'm shiny." Cosmos sighed. "Brothers and sisters are hard to deal with, I tell you. Anyways, what are you baking?" Cosmos could smell the cookies baking and it smelled very good.
Alaf had always gotten up when the sun did. He loved to feel the sun on his face when he awoke. It was almost as if the sun rejuvenated him. The Leafeon got out of bed, he didn't care about the time, and left the room after putting on his hat, scarf, and boots. He knew that his online friends would win their little bet if he didn't interact with someone here. His goal was to get a random stranger to become his friend. If he did that, he would get bragging rights for as long as it worked. He went down the stairs and got some berries before he headed out into the cold. He still didn't like it. But the town was pretty at least, that could take his mind off of the cold.

Ravoni woke up, got some breakfast, and left the Inn. She looked for anyone to talk to, eventually convincing them to do something that would benefit her. She had found that she had a way with words. She had to in the house she grew up in.
"Well every year my parents would bake treats for the little ones and the workers who have to work instead of enjoying the festival. Well my parents are not able to make it this year. They are taking care of my grandparents. I am baking different kinds of cookies. I tend to do a few different kinds. I want to make sure that everyone would have one they would like." Sam took a batch of cookies out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool. He then replaced that batch with another. "When they cool down you can try one. There is always plenty. I love to bake and tend to have extra anyway."


Previously g o a t
"Oooh thanks~!" Cosmos poked his head over the couch to see the cookies. He just stared at them drooling for a bit before snapping out of it. "I've never had fresh baked cookies before, only store-bought ones. You are just amazing, you know that?" Cosmos smiled. He really needed to do something to return all the kindness this Espeon had given him.
Sam smiled at the way Cosmos seemed to be entranced by the sweet confections. "Oh this is nothing. This is just something I do to show this town that they are important to me. All of my fondest memories were made here." Sam had most of the cookies mixed. He now had to wait for the batch that was in the oven to start on the next. Sam used some of psychic powers to float a cookie over to Cosmos. "Here you go these ones are done cooling enough to eat. Go ahead and try them."


Previously EeviumZ
Eve chuckled. "Heh, you're on."
She then turned to Ainsley. "So... what exactly is happening at this festival anyway? I don't really know what's gonna happen." She shrugged lightly. "I just came when I heard the word festival."
Sam chuckled, did he not know that psychic pokemon can move things. "Well it is just something I learned after I evolved into an Espeon." For a bit of fun Sam made bags of frosting float so he could decorate some of the cooled down cookies.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
"Oh, you don't know?" There was a dreamy look on Ainsley's face as he explained, "It's the Snowburg Love Festival! Every year the citizens get together to decorate the town square to be a romantic setting and engage in activities for a whole week so everyone can find their soulmate! This year I finally managed to talk Pepper into going with me!"

"More like forced..." Pepper mumbled from his spot where he hadn't moved. Ainsley gave him a look, even though he couldn't see it.

"Anyway, do you guys want to head over there now? It's probably for the best before Mr. Sunshine over here melts into that table."
-The Colorful Carbink-

After a few more moments of browsing, Lacy finally resolved to speak to the owner of the stores, a Machamp.

“Excuse me,” she approached the storekeeper. “What kind of necklaces would you recommend for a lovely lady like me? And don’t worry about price. I’m quite flexible.” She smiled at that, and retrieved a small purse that she had tied around her tail to show what she meant. “I personally think jade compliments my complexion. You wouldn’t happen to have anything of the sort, would you?”

Eros simply waited a bit awkwardly a few feet behind her. He had no interest in buying anything.
Aisa trotted through town, eventually stopping by the Albino Lapras statue. She looked at it for a moment before sitting down by the base of the statue. She smiled sadly as the story of the Lapras reminded her of her own story. Of being taken away from her mother and abandoned in a forest. Of running, trying to survive in a confusing world. Of ending up on a ship that took her to another region. Of wandering until she finally found a friend here in Snowburg: Dania, the Flareon who ran Ice Cube Café. The Flareon had given her a place to stay, and a way to make a living. To be honest, she owed Dania her life.
"Well when I get upset I will sometimes make things go explodey. So yeah can be a bit dangerous at times." Sam finished the last batch of cookies as they were talking. He let them cool, while he took the time to start baging up the others into neat pouches to hold them. He made sure each one had a few different kind of cookies in them.
Gregory ate the last of one of his muffin before he watched a Servine walk into the store. His eyes narrowed lightly as he got somewhat of a bad vibe from her. "Let's see... for a Grass Type, I'd say anything with a decent color of light blue or yellow to compliment the green on your body, if you're after anything with gems in them, the minimum I can offer is 35 gold." The Machamp said bluntly.

Meanwhile, Colin calmly walked around town and noticed that the ice Cube cafe was closed. The Gallade simply shrugged it off and walked around the stalls to try and any other place that served drinks until he stumbled upon a little cafe run by what looked like a Cinccino, Colin smiled and walked inside. "Good morning." The Cinccino said with a smile. "Good morning to you. May I get a coffee with extra cream and sugar?" He requested. "Certainly!" The Cinccino replied as she went to prepare the coffee.
-Colorful Carbink- @Red Gallade

Lacy nodded at the suggestion, and payed no mind to the Machamp’s suspicious look.

“I will take this one.” She gestured to a necklace studded with some kind of cyan stone, turquoise possibly, and drew some gold out of her purse with a vine. She laid her payment before her and looked up at the storekeeper with a smile. “Will this about cover it?”
Gregory raised an eyebrow before he looked down at the cash and counted it. "Just about, yeah." He said as he went to put the money in the register while one of his hands slid the necklace to her. "Now remember, it's a necklace, not a revolution sign." He joked before he started to eat his second muffin.

"Here you go!" The Cinccino said as she placed the coffee in a to-go cup and handed it to Colin. "Thank you kindly." The Gallade said with a smile as he handed her some money. "Keep the change." He said with a smile before he walked out. "Have a nice day!" The Cinccino said with a wave before she resumed her business. Colin got out his phone with his other hand and texted Gregory. 'Where shall I meet you?' He asked. The Machamp sneaked a look at his phone and manged to write a response. 'Just behind the stall; I'll say I'm on break.'


Previously EeviumZ
Eve raised her eyebrows. Love was.. not her strong point, to say the least. She'd never found anyone that particularly liked her, let alone in that way.
"Well... I'm sure it'll be fun! We should get there... don't want to be late!" She gave the sleeping Pepper a light shake, albeit not too rough.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Pepper turned his head to look at the two with a light glare. "I hate love..."

"Nonsense!" Ainsley chirped, yanking Pepper off the chair. He groaned as he slumped off, then shook out his fur, sending out a light wave of heat. "Aight, let's get going I guess." He sighed, leading the way to the door like usual. "Yay! C'mon Eve!" Ainsley cheered, limping after his friend. Just like the other night, Pepper's body heat melted the snow around him, leaving a trail for the other two to walk along as they made their way to the Town Square.
Lacy gave a nod to the storekeeper, and happily tied in her new necklace. She admired the shiny stones for a moment, then turned to Eros with a smile.

“Doesn’t it look lovely?” She asked, tossing her head back to display the new purchase. “Now I’m completely ready for the festival. A little extra flair was all I needed.” With that, the two exited the store. Eros thanked the Machamp, as Lacy seemed to have forgotten to do so.


The pair of Pokémon left the store. Lacy stopped a few paces away from the Colorful Carbink.

“I think this is where we part ways, Eros. I'm going to grab breakfast and have a look around, see what there is to see. Maybe I’ll meet someone~.” She said with a dreamy expression. “I’ll see you around of course, but we should go separate ways for now.”

“A-Alright then.” Eros did his best to look sure of himself, but really he had no idea where to visit next. The Servine smiled at him sweetly, and sauntered away down the line of stalls.

Now what?


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
The Noivern saw another dragon type standing next to a pile of snow, looking lost. Bingo! He dove from the air, barreling into the snow pile and launching it everywhere. It landed in fluffy chunks all over anyone within a three foot radius as his massive body made contact with the soft, cold substance with a loud POOF!

A few of the victims being Ainsley, Pepper and Eve as they made their way through the shops, Pepper being the only one untouched as the snow that would've touched him melted before it even made it to its destination. "Hey!" The grass type yelped as a big chunk landed in his face. He shook it off, shivering a bit before looking to see a Noivern popping out of the remaining pile with a loud mischievous cackle and a huge smile.
Umbre was about to leave when he noticed a yellow and green pokemon look around as he entered the square. He looked like he could use a friend. Umbre walked over and stood a few paces away. "Hello my name is Umbre. You seem like you could use some company."
Eros leaped back in surprise when the bat Pokémon dove in front of him, kicking up a blanket of snow.

Eros shook off the powdery snowfall and shivered. He absolutely couldn’t stand the cold.

“W-Wha-?” Eros wasn’t exactly a short tempered Pokémon, and would like to give the Noivern the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps this was an accident? He tentatively approached the Pokémon that just nosedived in front of him, who seemed to be enjoying himself if anything. The Noivern was laughing mischievously.

“A-Are you alright?” Eros was surprised that a dragon type like the Noivern could bear being in the cold snow.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
The Noivern stood and shook off the remaining snow as a few more chuckles escaped him, his scruff now looking extra fluffy. He looked at the Eevee who questioned him and gave her a playful wink before turning to the Hakamo-o. "Yeah, I'm good, I couldn't help myself. They call me Divebomb! For obvious reasons." He chuckled again, his spirits high, as he'd gotten a whole group all in one go.

Pepper couldn't help but grin at the quirky Noivern, and let his own chuckle escape. Ainsley gave a hesitant smile at the sudden appearance, and stood a little closer to Pepper for warmth. "Hey, if you guys are cold, you could always stand close to Pepper over here. He's an awesome walking heater!" The fire type gave the verdant pokemon a look. "Excuse me?" Ainsley smiled innocently at his friend, a silent peace offering. Pepper sighed and rolled his eyes, but didn't protest. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind."

"Nice! Thanks!" Divebomb smiled, scurrying over to the flame pokemon and holding his chilly appendages over his body, instantly feeling the warmth he emanated. He gestured for the other undoubtedly cold dragon type to join them with a smile.
The Noivern, Divebomb as he had called himself, turned out to be quite charming. Eros found himself feeling uninhibited as he followed him to meet the Flareon, he felt quite welcome, in fact. Eros nodded in greeting to the two Eeveelutions in turn.

“Hello there.” He offered them a friendly smile. “Thank you for letting me borrow your, uh, heat, I suppose.” The dragon let out a chuckle. He could already feel the snow melting off of his body, and sighed gratefully. “Oh, I should introduce myself then. I’m Erosaki, but -er- please just call me Eros.”

All the while, Eros was doing his best to allow the Flareon some space, and not crowd them too much.
Alaf nodded to the Umbreon. "T-thanks," he studdered. He still shivered in the cold, disliking it more and more every second. Now he had company. It wasn't that Alaf hated other Pokemon, he just didn't seem comforted around them. He looked down at his boots that were covered in snow. It wasn't as if it was noticeable, but he could feel it through his boots. He would try to start up a conversation, but he didn't know what to talk about. All he ever did was play video games and chat online when he wasn't at work that is. He silently wished he was more interesting.
Umbre noticed how shy the grass pokemon was. "Well do you have a name or should I call you leafy boi?" Umbre hoped his sense of humor would not make the other eeveelution run or be mad. He was not trying to be rude. He just wanted to help ease the guy into it.


Previously g o a t
"Explodey? That's not very good!" Cosmos chuckled a bit. "Has that ever happened to you?" Cosmos smiled. He got to spend more time with Sam and he got to avoid his brother. He set his phone to ring because he knew Starlight would never call him again.
"Only a couple of times wgen I was first learning to use my powers. Though now a days I can use them ease. I tend to do somethings by hand because I enjoy doing them that way." Sam took the time to make sure each bag was sealed properly. He then took the same basket from before and placed them in it. He left the basket on the counter and handed a bag of cookies to Cosmos. "Here these are for you."
"Tomorrow. I do something like this for all two weeks of the festival. I have done it every year since I moved here. I love to see the joy when someone enjoys the food I make." Sam had reserved a few bag for himself later on. If the blue boi ate all of his he would gladly share.


Previously pæstella
Phoenix woke up and fluttered her eyes. She realised she had overslept. Naively, she sprung up from her pastel-purple canopy bed. She opened her closet- being the vain Pokémon she was, she had to dress to impress. She picked out a white beret and white scarf to match. Phoenix paced confidently down the hall and down the stairs before reaching the lobby.
Gregory looked around from his store to make sure he wouldn't get any more customers for a little while, so he put up a hand made 'On break' sign before he walked to the back of his stall. Colin noticed the Machamp and decided to follow him with a smile on his face. "Did you get the goods?" Gregory asked in a joking tone of voice which made Colin laugh lightly. "I was lucky I found you while it was still hot, here you go." The Gallade said as he handed Gregory the coffee. The Machamp took a quick sip of it and let out a sigh of clear satisfaction. "You're a lifesaver, cuz." Gregory said with a smile as he gave his cousin another hug.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Colin asked. "Nah, it's not the first time I made up an excuse to recuperate." Gregory said with a smile. "...but you're right, with the festival going on, those few customers I had may just well be the tip of the iceberg." He added before he went to walk back into his stall. "I'll see you soon then, cuz." Colin said with a smile and a wave as he walked off to the town square for anything interesting, his cloak swayed lightly in the breeze.

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