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The Groudon Blaze Cup


Former Moderator
OOC- (NAIC? Never actually in character? whatever) Held items are typically A-OK, as long as it's not like, a revival herb comeback or 6 focus bands that miraculously all work. Simple things, people, like berries or Choice items are pretty fine. Just remember what pokemon has/used what as a held item. And be sensible about it.

Oh, and typically, no Legendary items like Soul Dew or Adamant Orbs or whatever. They'd be completely useless on normal pokemon anyway.
((OOC. I've been getting alot of messages asking me who is partnering with who. I'd like to say that this is a double battle tournament not tag battle. One trainer using two pokemon. I apologize for the mix up.))

Alex hopped onto the cable car and rode down until he came to the foot of the mountain. As he came to the dessert he began to feel the sand and wind sting his face. He dug through his backpack and pulled out a pair of bright red dome shaped goggles on a green band. As he slipped them over his good eye he took a look around trying to see the battlefield.
"Hm. It must be farther in. Gabe, Terry, come on out!"
He threw two pokeballs into the air and Gabe and a giant green turtle the size of a mini van appeared.It also had a big tree on it's back. A Torterra.
"The goggles look great! Now you look like mini me! So What's the plan?"Gabe sqwuaked.
Alex laughed. He needed a joke, he was really nervous. That trainer he saw battling was in the dessert too.
"Okay Gabe, Terry and me will go along behind you on the ground to the battlefield. It's a little hard to see so stay close enough so that I can hear you."
Terry snorted,"Don't they give you a map?"
"Weeelllll...I lost it."
As Alex climbed into the tree on Terry's back they argued back and forth about the map until they spotted the battlefield.
"Forest area?" cerebus asked himself "Must be at the bottom of the mountain then." He said. Cerebus was getting psyched, the tournament was gonna start!

As Cerebus squirmed trought the people trying to get out. And when he finnaly got out he could start moving. Cerebus looked around, "Best get down with the cable cart first then." Cerebus muttered to himself. Pushing trough more persons to get to the cart, it gave an annoying buzzing noise as it was moving down.
After about 5 minutes the cart got to the bottom of the volcano.

Cerebus then sprinted from the cable cart terminal to the forest.
"And...I'm early, nobody here but the bugs."
After Nolan had finished registering, he sighed and headed down the mountian, slightly nervous of the Tournament. The woman at the desk gave Nolan a strange look as he slowly walked out like he did earlier.

"Man, this is our first tournament, we might not do too well Zdani" Zdani turned away, still rather ticked about what Vybuch had done. Vybuch said nothing and frowned, rubbing the large bruise on her head.

"Come on, you guys are going to have to battle together, you're the only two pokemon I have." Nolan headed back to the cable car, trying to push through the crowd of people gathered around for the Tourney.

"Man, there wasn't this many people three hours ago..." Nolan grunted as he finally got to the cable car. When he finally reached the other side of the mountain base. He started towards the forest. There he saw a boy standing there.

"Hey, are we early?" Vybuch gave a puzzeld look over to the trainer. Zdani nudged his pokeball, wanting to go back to sleep.

OOC: I'm actually a bit unclear where everyone one is really, as far as I know there are a group of trainers watching a battle and me and cerebus are at the same place...And Alex is battling in the dessert, but that's about it.
Liam suddenly noticed someone looking at him from below. It was the guy he was ment to be battling. Liam jumped down from the rock and him and Stantler approached the trainer.

" I'm Liam from Goldenrod City, It looks like we are battling each other down at the springs" Said Liam " Shall we go?"
The trainer jumped off the rock and head toward him. His Stantler followed.

" I'm Liam from Goldenrod City, It looks like we are battling each other down at the springs" Said Liam " Shall we go?"

"I'm Kai. I'm from Olivine City. Looks like we're both from Johto," Kai replied. "Let's go."

This field will be perfect for Wanoko... Kai thought as they walked to the field.


Resident Furry
After a few moments flight, Tony reached the Ash Field. His opponent wasn't there yet, so he recalled Blitz and allowed Seth back out of his Poke Ball.

"You know I hate it in there," the Buizel growled.
"Yeah, well its the best place for you to be when we travel on Blitz," Tony sighed.

He pulled a Manga book out of his backpack, and handed it to the Buizel. It would keep him occupied until he and Flynt would team up for their battle. To this day, he still had no idea if the Buizel even understood the words, or just liked the pictures. He could name off some characters, but that was probably from hearing Tony talk about them. Tony frowned, he hated standing around, his opponent better get here soon!
OoC: Not quite Black Wolf.

BiC: While Luke and Lillith were lounging about in the trees, they heard a voice saying "And...I'm early, nobody here but the bugs."
Luke lost his balance and fell out of the tree with a "Sweet Mother Of A-" before landing face first in the dirt. "Ow." Luke muttered before getting up and waving to the trainer. "Hi, my name's luke and this is Lillith," he said, Lillith jumping to the ground gracefully," Showoff. " he muttered to her. "Anyway, I don't think I'll be battling you yet I think I saw my face next to a bug catcher's. Sorry if I'm rambling." he said to the Trainer.


A small chime over the intercom and a "Jake Laurey, please come to the front desk." from the Nurse told Jake his Pokemon were ready. Jake stood, closing his book and recollected his Pokemon from the nurse with a smile, then stepped outside, taking a red and white Pokeball from his belt. As he tossed it into the air, a bright flash of white light revealed his Aerodactyl, Soar. As he climbed onto the Rock type's back he said to her, "Alright Soar, take us down to the foot of the mountain, a battle waits down there. The Fossil Pokemon raised both wings, bringing them down in a single, mighty flap to lift of and began riding the winds to the desert below. As they made their landing, Jake saw the boy who had been with the Shiny Charizard, now sitting on a Torterra apparently arguing with the immense tortoise.

"Hey you! Are you the one I'm supposed to be battling?" Jake called to the boy.
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The other trainer was named Kai and he was from Johto as well. The two went over to the cable cart to get a ride down to the arena. "return Stantler!" called Liam as he put his pokemon back in his ball.
Once they reached the Springs they saw the arena immediately. It was a spring itself with several floating platforms to give non swimming pokemon somewhere stand in battle. At each end was a platform for each of the trainers to stand on.
"well here we are." said Liam.
OOC: Short post. >_<

Kai looked around in awe when they reached the field. It was gorgeous. Kai was in love with water. If he had the chance, he would visit Lake Verity in Sinnoh. Kai started to head to his side of the field.

"Ready to start, Liam?" Kai proclaimed as he reached for a Poke Ball on his belt.
I'm as ready as ill ever be Kai!" yelled Liam across the field. "Ok, come on out Krill and Joy!"

OOC: yeah a extremely short post but its because Im not saying what species they are until you say like your pokemons nicknames so we dont have any unfair advantages. Ok lets get this show on the road!
"Wanoko, Sakura, take the field!" Kai announced. Bright white lights appeared as a Feraligatr and a Gorebyss dived into the water.

OOC: Can't attack until I know what species. xD Go ahead and attack Dyslexic, I don't mind.
OoC: Alright, Black Wolf and I are having a chat in the forest area (I think :-\ ),apparently you havn't Noticed me fall out of the tree yet, Dyslexic and Blisk have already started their battle, I think Tailon and Flygon are going to battle in Cacturne heaven (Desert), Tonyotter is heading to the ash fields of fallabor town. I think I've got everyone ??? , If not tell me and i'll edit
OOC: acidhead everyone is about to start their first battle of the tournument. They are on several different fields that are stated in flygonmasters last post. Just make your dude go and battle someone who hasnt got a partner yet.

Bic: Both of Liams pokemon appeared, Krill the swampert and joy the blissey. "Ok looks like a fair match, Krill use stealth rock and Joy use wish!" Krill immediately throw jagged stones all over Kai side of the arena.

OOC: sorry for a late response my computer just died so im on ipod.
OOC: Oh yeah, flygon master, is this 6 on 6 or what?

With stones everywhere, there might be a problem for Kai's other Pokemon. Blissey then used Wish. Sparkles flew everywhere.

"Ok, Wanoko, use Brick Break on that Blissey. Sakura, use Aqua Ring," Kai commanded.

Wanoko leaped out of the water and onto the platform Blissey was on, just as Sakura lay underwater, flashes of light appearing as Sakura covered herself in a veil of water.
Alex heard someone call over the wind, "Hey you, are you the one I'm supposed to be battling?"
"Oh Arceus! Please don't be the Cacturne guy. Please don't be the Cacturne guy! Oh crud."
He tried not to act as nervous as he really felt. He was hoping he wouldn't have to battle him this early on.
"Alex, this isn't that guy you told me about is it?"
Alex nodded, jumped down from the tree and walked toward him making sure his scar didn't show too much. "I am if you're name is...um"he glanced at his poketch "Jake? I'm Alex, I never got to thank you for stopping Carly."
He held out his hand in thanks.
((OOC:4on 4 battles everybody))
Wanoko's arm bounced off the protective shield that appeared around Blissey.

Sakura was able to finish her Aqua Ring before Swampert's Surf hit. Because they were underwater, the blow was softened due to the resistance and the fact that Sakura was a water type. Sakura's body glowed for a moment as part of the damage dealt was healed.

"Wanoko, dive into the water before Blissey can retaliate! Sakura, use Psychic and throw Swampert onto one of the platforms that are floating."

Sakura's eyes glowed a light pink as Swampert was covered in a pink glow. Swampert was thrown out of the water.

Wanoko jumped up into the air to get back to the safety of the water.


Jake reached to shake the trainer's hand and replied, "Wasn't a problem, she almost toasted that guy, couldn't let that happen," Jake lowered his hand to his belt, and held up a Pokeball, "Anyway, it seems a battle is in order." Jake finished as he stepped away.

As he stood at his end of the field, Jake threw the Pokeball into the center of the field, releasing a golden, six tailed fox. "Sneaks, Soar, show him what you can do!" Jake called to the Vulpix and Aerodactyl, as the Fossil Pokemon, leapt onto the field in a single flap and the Fox Pokemon got into position.
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OOC:Oh man do I feel stupid, thanks blazikid and Dyslexic xD Hmm, who should I battle...

"Ey, are you okay pal?" A trainer fell out of the tree directly to the right of Nolan. The trainer didn't seem to notice him call out and looked at the other trainer. Nolan whipsered to Zdani.

"Oi, I think we're in the wrong place, jeez does this happen with everyone's first tournament?" Nolan walked away and took Zdani back into his ball. He started to whistle, feeling half awkward, and half nervous. For a couple of minutes, Nolan wandered around until he happened across the ash fieild, there he saw another trainer standing with a Buizel reading a book.

"Hey, are you the one I should be battling?" Nolan smiled and walked to greet him

"I'm Nolan, nice to meechu" Vybuch started to stare at the Buizel, wondering how it could read...

OOC:Nice to have things finally start
"good block Joy, now Krill quickly show 'em your protect!". The powerful Psycic attack was stopped just in time and was defected by swampert's shield. "Now Krill swim to the bittom of the pool and use earthquake while underwater!"
The water starting sloshing as Swampert used Earthquake. Both Wanoko and Sakura were not touching the floor, so the Earthquake didn't have much of an effect. Suddenly, a powerful wave hit them both and forced them up against the side of the spring.

"Wanoko, try Brick Break one more time on Blissey! Sakura, Attract Swampert!"

This time Wanoko flew up into the air and struck Blissey's head as it came down. Big hearts appeared next to Sakura and flew into Swampert. Swampert fell in love with Gorebyss.
"come on Joy you can take a hit like that!" usually a normal type would have been severely damaged by that hit but thanks to blisseys huge defensive stats it could take a few more of them."Now Joy quickly use seismic toss while it cant get away far!" Joy grabbed a tight hold of Wanoko and it couldnt get away. Then the blissey jumped high in the air and fell heavily tiwardd the ground wuth wakono in its grasp.

" Ok Krill, if you cant attack one, go for the other!" Krill then sped off towards where the other two had just plumeted into the ground.
Alex called back Gabe and threw out a premiere ball. A blue and black penguin appeared in a flash of light. Polly my Empoleon.
"Polly, Terry battle stations! I'll take the first attack! Polly whirlpool and Icebeam, Terry razorleaf on the Aerodactyl!" Polly formed A huge cyclone of water making it bigger and bigger until it encicled the field then she fired an azure beam at the water forming a giant wall around the arena, then Terry launched a huge flurry of ravor sharp leaves from his tree at Soar.
OOC: Flygon master, RPs are supposed to be 3rd person, so you shouldn't be using "my" unless it's dialogue.

Having pulled off a successful Brick Break, Wanoko was helpless to the Seismic Toss. Wanoko attempted to get away, but Blissey was to fast, despite the damage it had just taken. Blissey and Wanoko flew up into the air and landed with a huge THUD.

Swampert's heading toward them and fast. "Wanoko, use Aqua Tail to escape from Blissey!"

Wanoko's tail suddenly became engulfed in water and using its tail, the Big Jaw Pokemon propelled sky high.

"Now come down with another Brick Break!"

Sakura began to glow due to Aqua Ring. It was soon back to full strength.

"Sakura, use Ice Beam to freeze Swampert before it can reach Wanoko!"


Resident Furry
Eventually, a trainer appeared. He introduced himself as Nolan, and began staring at Seth. The Buizel looked up at the man, and shooed him away with his paw.

"I'm Tony, lets get this over with quickly," Tony sighed.

He pulled two of his Poke Balls off his belt, and prepared them to be sent out. On the red halves, their names were stated, Jake and Blitz. Normally Tony would have started with Andre and Mike, but he was only allowed four Pokemon per battle, those two would have to wait.


The boy, Alex, recalled his Flygon and released an Empoleon, then immediately started, forming a wall of ice to strike as Torterra launched a Razor Leaf at Soar. "Soar, cut down that ice with Steel Wing, then use Thunder Fang on Empoleon, Scamp, burn those leaves and Torterra with Fire Blast!" Jake commanded in retaliation.

Both Pokemon quickly complied, Soar's wings glowing white as she took of and made several massive slices through the ice, causing it to crumble, before zooming in to bite down on Empoleon's wing with electrocuted fangs. At the same time, Scamp leapt up to intercept the razor sharp leaves and sent a torrent of searing flames in the shape of the star through them, burning them to a crisp before it reached their creator.
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Joy was about to be hit by anither brick break. " Joy use another protect!". Joy immediately git its shield ready for the blow.
"now Krill Turn around and stop sakuras attack by useing you own ice beam on the gorebyss's attack!". The two ice beams shot towrds each other at a devastating speed moments away from colliding....
"All right, might take a while to start though..." Nolan sent out Zdani and was unsurprisingly asleep.

"Vybuch you know what to do" Vybuch stood over Zdani and whistled as loud as she could. At this point, Nolan was hoping Zdani wouldn't be too pissed off to fight. Thankfully, he wasn't. One the blue halves, their names were stated, Vybuch and Zdani, Czech for Explosion and Illusion.

"These are the only two pokemon I've got, we'll see how this turns out!" Nolan grinned a wicked grin, "So who should start first?"
Wanoko's arm bounced off the shield, yet again.

They can't keep using that or else it will become less accurate over time. Eventually, if they keep it up, it won't be able to use it at all. "Wanoko, use Hydro Pump on Blissey to get it into the water!"

Swampert had turned around and launched its own Ice Beam. Kai remembered it was infatuated.

"Sakura! As soon as the beams hit, get to the surface and use Rain Dance!" The beams hit each other with a loud explosion under the water, creating a huge splash. The South Sea Pokemon sped for the surface. Reaching the surface, Sakura used Rain Dance. It suddenly started pouring, drenching the Trainers.

"Sakura, swim right up to Swampert and use Water Pulse!"

Sakura sped up next to Swampert with blinding haste due to its ability Swift Swim. It summoned up energy in its mouth and launched a pulse right at Swampert. At point blank range and the fact that Swampert was part Ground, the Water Pulse was extremely powerful. Swampert flew into the side of the spring.

"Sakura now use Ice Beam!"

While this all was happening, Wanoko summoned up vast amounts of water in his mouth and launched it at Blissey.
Alex had to react fast, "Polly counter with metal claw then grab it by the head, Terry take the hit then strike back with Frenzy plant!!" It was a desperate move but he and Terry had gone over it. If push came to shove they would use Terry's astronomical defense to set up a powerful counter attack. Polly's wings glowed a silvery white as she brought her metal claw up under the Aerodactyl's head and slammed it with an uppercut and grabbed it by the head. Right in the line of Frenzy Plant. When the fiery star hit Terry he stumbled then roared as huge wooded vines tore towards the other pokemon


Resident Furry
Tony nodded at the boy, before allowing his own two Pokemon out. His second duo, Jake the Lucario, and Blitz the Flygon. Jake's fur stood out more then anything, crimson where is should be blue. Tony had made sure to take the tattered remains of a Team Magma shawl from him, so he didn't have to worry about it.

"I'll start," Tony sighed, "Combination Number One."

The two Pokemon nodded, and prepared the first attack Tony had created with them. The Lucario powered up and fired an Aqua Sphere at his enemy, which was then powered up by the Flygon's DragonBreath. The burning sphere flew at the Pokemon at the other end of the battlefield.


Jake thought quickly, calling out, "Scamp, use Flamethrower, burn that little forest and Empoleon, Soar, Rock Smash, then Fly on Torterra!" Jake called, now on the defense.

Soar swung her tail mightily, slamming it into the stomach of the regal penguin with extreme force, releasing herself from its grip at the same time, she then flapped mightily several times, lifting herself above the range of the incoming vines, then coming down in a powerful dive bomb on the Continent Pokemon. All but simultaneously, Scamp lit up the battlefield with a massive wave of roaring flames, engulfing the vines and causing them to begin burning to the ground before taking aim at the Emperor Pokemon and unleashing a secondary wave of renewed flame.
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Joy was hit hard by the feraligatr's attack and was thrown under water. Swampert couldnt get away from a pokemon with the swift swim ability while it was raining. He was hit by two very powerful attacks, but just when it looked like Krill was no more a beam from above shone down on krill and he suddenly looked much healthier. It was joy's wish!

"Ok Krill we might not be able to outspeed that thing normally but lets use our moves to advantage!"."Krill use surf at the bottom of the spring to launch yourself out of the water!".

Krill did as he was commanded and was propelled out into the open air at lightning speed. "sorry About this Joy but sometimes sacrifices must be made!"."Now Krill, Use a maximum powered ice beam to freeze the entire spring!"

A massive icy ball appeared between Krills hands and was launched at the spring incasing everything under water in thick ice including Joy. "Now use earthquake on the frozen pool!"

A huge rumble was heard and there was a huge explosion of ice. "lets see 'em get out of that one." Liam muttered to him self confidently.
Swampert was about to launch an Ice Beam.

"Sakura, Wanoko, get out of the water!"

Sakura managed to get out of the water in time because of Swift Swim, but Wanoko wasn't so lucky. He was trapped under the ice, but he started to glow faintly.

Torrent "Wanoko, use Brick Break to break the ice! Ice was crumbling all around Wanoko due to an Earthquake. Wanoko was able to free himself.

"Wanoko, return! Go Houndoom! Use Flamethrower!" Fire engulfed the field as the ice melted.

"Houndoom, return! Come on back out Wanoko!" Wanoko appeared in the white light.

"Liam, time for one of Wanoko's special moves that he has. Wanoko, use Dragon Dance! Then Crunch!" The Big Jaw Pokemon began dancing in a weird fashion, increasing his attack power and speed. Feraligatr jumped towards Swampert and engulfed Swampert's entire arm in its powerful jaw, crunching down onto the arm furiously.

Sakura glowed once again due to Aqua Ring.

"Sakura, use Psychic on Blissey. It's weak from the Ice Beam and Earthquake. Finish it off!" Sakura's eyes glowed pink as Blissey was lifted into the air and thrown into the water.
Both of Kai pokemon managed to survive, although that houndoom that he switched in and out suffered super effective damage from stealth rocks and will experience a similar fate when it switches back in. Liam loved it when people forgot that stealth rocks was in play.

Gorebyss launched a psychic at Joy who was badly damaged by it team mates move. "Joy quickly use wish!". A beam of light propelled into the air just before the psychic hit and KOd Joy.

"Good work Joy, now say hello to Stantler!". The same stantler from before moved into the field casually."Ok Stantler use thunder on the water!"."If that doesnt get one of them I dont know what will." Bolts of electricity shot out from stantlers horns and wrecked havoc all over the arena hitting everything it its path thanks to the conduction of electricity to water. Krill looked right at home in the storm of thunder as he was clearly not being affected at all.
"Wanoko, quickly jump out of the water! Sakura, you too!" Both Pokemon escaped. Except Sakura was headed right for the water again.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. Use Ice Beam to try and defeat Swampert!" Sakura launched an Ice Beam before landing in the electrified water. Wanoko had landed on a platform and was safe. The Ice Beam hit Swampert right in the face.

"Great job, Sakura. You tried your hardest. Come on out Hera!" Kai exclaimed as he returned Sakura to its Poke Ball and threw another. After a bright light subsided, the Heracross appeared.

"Hera, use Brick Break on Stantler!" The Single Horn Pokemon flew across the field and smashed Stantler on the head.

"Wanoko, use Hydro Pump to finish off Swampert!"
The gorbyss was defeated but managed to hit Krill in the face with an ice beam. The Heracross took super effective damage from stealth rocks just like the houndoom before it, but then hit Stantler in the head with brick break. Heracrosses arm got stuck in Stantlers horn and couldnt get it free. Without enough time to avoid it Heracross was put to sleep by Stantlers hypnosis.

"Stantler use dream eater!". Stantler then started to feed off the herracrosses dreams."That should make up for the loss of health."

Luam looked over to where Krill was about to be hit by one of the feraligatrs moves. "Quick Stanler stop it with a thunderbolt!".
Stantler then turbed around and shot a yellow beam at the crocodile pokemon. Since the feraligatr was occupied with Krill it was too late when it noticed the electricity hurtling towards it.

The thunderbolt hit feralugatr at the exact moment the swampert was hit with hydropump causing devastatingl blows to both sides.