"Sure, that sounds alright," Daniel agreed, turning around to face his pokemon, "Lopunny, take me to the pokemon centre."
Lopunny pushed Daniel so that his wheels rolled in tandem with Kane's footsteps, ensuring that none of the wheels caught Kane's feet.
"So, about today's contest," Daniel began, "What did you think of my appeal?" For the appeal round, Daniel had chosen to have his biggest and his physically strongest pokemon, Machoke, performing with his smallest, and cutest pokemon, Plusle. Twas a simple appeal, but one which had garnered him a lot of applause and praise from the judges.
Lopunny pushed Daniel so that his wheels rolled in tandem with Kane's footsteps, ensuring that none of the wheels caught Kane's feet.
"So, about today's contest," Daniel began, "What did you think of my appeal?" For the appeal round, Daniel had chosen to have his biggest and his physically strongest pokemon, Machoke, performing with his smallest, and cutest pokemon, Plusle. Twas a simple appeal, but one which had garnered him a lot of applause and praise from the judges.