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Private/Closed The Heart of The Volcano (Discussion)

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So, I haven't seen many RP's I've been into lately, so I figured I'll start one myself. Sorry if it's terrible. Anyway, here's the plot, yada yada yada.
Ok, so... Essentially it's the apocalypse. For the last couple years strange creatu- monsters, have been invading and attacking cities around the globe. As of late though, they have overwhelmed even the military, navy, army, everything. The entire planet is in danger of a mass extinction. All major cities have been evacuated and the survivors are in hiding in smaller, off-the-radar underground shelters. Though there is one hope that is believed to be able to end this entire crisis. The only thing known about said hope lies at The Heart of The Volcano. It is said there lies the key to destroying all of these monsters and giving humanity hope once more. This is where you come in... Unfortunately for you, by random selection of all teenage - young adults, you've been selected to be one of those venturers to go to the Volcano and save humanity. No big D. It's not like the last 143 groups to try failed or anything...

1. Follow charms rules, I mean come on, do I even need to put this here?
2. No super powers... HOWEVER, things like incredible fighting skills, intelligence, strength, gadget master, marksman, you know things that regular people could theoretically have are allowed.
3. ROMANCE, yea that caught your eye didn't it. Nothing past kissing if that's gonna be a thing.
4. Violence of any kind is fine, but no super descriptive details or Kratos type stuff.
5. Swearing, don't care. Just not "*&$^% piece of #(*#& you (*$%#(... #*%$*( you!!!!
6. Please only join if your willing to RP till the end, otherwise you might ruin it for other people.
7. Type "Confusion" in Other to prove you read these.
Now for sign up sheets:

Skills/Abilities (If any):

And here's mine...

Name: Zack Hunter
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Skills/Abilities (If any): Expert martial artist, especially with his twin katanas. Pretty well in shape.
Zack is quick tempered, especially when put in sticky situations, leading to him often making some bad decisions. His emotions are easily tampered with, which is why he steers clear of relationships most of the time. Brave, Bold, and Heroic. Determined not to die.
Appearance: Zack has light tanned skin, Tiger orange dyed hair, Crimson red eyes behind a pair of white sports sunglasses, usually always wearing an amber red athletic shirt with an orange-reddish fire emblem on the chest, behind a scarlet red sports jacket, neon orange basketball shorts, and dark red sneakers. All of which, have tears here and there. He's really in shape, not super muscular or anything but does have a six-pack (IDK why, but it feels cringy writing that). He also has a few scars all over his body. A small ruby on a keychain that hooks to his pocket.
Other: I didn't read the rules.
Questions: None.

Alright, sorry for all the reading I just put you through, but if you're still here, than, well good luck, I guess.
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Name: Mika Harte
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Skills/Abilities (If any): She has a remarkable memory as well as keen eyesight with terrific aim, if she has enough practice with the weapon. She carries a metal compact bow as well as a quiver of arrows, which she makes herself.
Personality: She has a hard time expressing her emotions and is a stringent rule-follower, which can make her come off as cold. However, despite her docile nature, she is secretly a dreamer and quite the adrenaline junkie.
Appearance: She has straight, black hair that reaches down to about her mid-back, stormy gray eyes, and fair skin. She usually wears a white dress shirt, or what used to be one; it's become blemished with dirt and ash since its design. She wears this with black leggings, as well as a black denim jacket that she leaves unbuttoned. She most often wears black ankle-high, converse-style shoes and black fingerless gloves that allow her to hold a strong grip on her bow while retaining some dexterity.
I didn't read the rules (This physically hurt to type XP)
Questions: How far has technology decayed/advanced since the apocalypse?
@DragonFlye to answer your question, it takes place about 2-3 years in the future, so technology relatively the same, and it hasn't really decayed. Finding an electronical device isn't rare, but it isn't common. And well, no wifi. RIP. Your character can have anything techy and a little futuristic.
Also you're accepted! I'll probably wait for 2 maybe 3 more people before I make the thread though.
Name: Lira Flaboy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Skills/Abilities (If any): None
Personality: Lira does her best not to get in the way, she has always thought of herself as a liability and is quite timid. She works hard and really wishes she could find herself useful in something but is so far unsuccessful.
Appearance: Lira is tall and skinny. A head of bouncy curls are chopped off just above her shoulders, colored different hues of light and dark blonde. Her eyes are a dull blue color, always tired and full of worry. Her skin is pale almost giving off a frail look and freckles dot her cheeks and shoulders. She wears a long sleeved purple shirt, almost too big for her, and ripped blue jeans as well as beat up black sneakers.
Other: Didn't read the rules
Questions: What is the age group recruited?

Name: Ricardo Dorvet
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Skills/Abilities (If any): Skilled in combat (Kick-boxing style), also just generally athletic
Personality: Ricardo is carefree and stolid, he appears to be distant and selfish at first and makes himself quite clear that his only goal is to care for himself. On the inside he is extremely devoted and loyal, and is quick to snap on touchy subjects. He doesn't like to talk.
Appearance: Ricky has a strong build. His hair is styles in a pompadour, it is thick and dead straight- appearing in pitch black color. His eyes are large and Almond shaped, bright aqua green coloring with burst of blue specks. His skin is quite tanned and small scars dot his whole body, though he is extremely muscular and his body is well defined. He wears a black tank-top, exposing his arms; and black shorts with white sneakers and the occasional baseball cap.
Other: Didn't read the rules
Questions: None
What is the age group recruited?
IF YOU READ THE RUL- I'm kidding. Not that kinda guy. just like, 15-21 or so.
Also, both characters are accepted. :D

Btw extra info on where the RP starts. Everyone is recruited to the sorta "Exit Area" place, where everyone is equipped with what they need, meet each other, and then set out. As for a generic map of the landscape: The underground shelter is located in kind of a desert wasteland, so after some traveling (not much) they get to a forest, then in the middle of said forest need to cross a raging river leading to a waterfall (creative, I know), than they get to an abandoned city, filled with dense fog and infested with the "creatures", finally they get through that and scale a mountain, enter the Volcano, do the thing, and yea. I make that seem a lot shorter than it is, but it will probably be pretty long.
Name: Raden T (Last name is T)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Skills/Abilities (If any): Can build quite a bit from almost any type of electronic. He also is pretty handy with a knife.
Personality: A jokster at times, but when things get rough he becomes a hardcore leader without a tone mistake for authority
Appearance: Kinda lanky, but in a good way. His body might not be as strong as others, but he makes up for it in his own way. His eyes are blue with dirty red colour hair. Raden wears a vest holding many kinds of electronic devices and a pair of jeans under it. His right arm is mechanical.
Other: Would it be a problem if I skipped the rules?
Questions: Check other.
@Glaceon trainer everything looks good, though I have no idea if you actually read the rules or not... You'll know what I mean if you did. But after you do (if you haven't already) then you're good to go.
I'll also start work on making the thread.
No, I was answering your question. LOL. I made this so confusing. Basically, your character sheet is fine, and if you read the rules you're fine. Your question confused me is all.
You know what. I'm editing the rules. I have no idea if someone has or hasn't at this point. XD. If you've (actually) read the rules. Don't worry, you're fine and accepted. If you haven't plz read them.
'Ello! Me again.
Name: Evelyn Ratorae
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Skills/Abilities (If any): Brilliant at close-combat. Also, very talented at pulling all-nighters. S'not like she's been doing it for, like, ever. Sleep? What's.. what's that?
Personality: Evelyn is a bit high-strung, and always on edge- just about prepared for anything. She doesn't have a good sense of flirting, which proves good for her. She doesn't like the idea of a romantic relationship. However, she's looking to improve her status on friendly relationships! Given that her best friend was her dagger, she's a bit odd, but wants to make friends. She's humorous, although her jokes may seem a little dark. She gets rather anxious at times, proven by her raggedly-bitten nails.
Appearance: Short and thin, Evelyn is rather average looking. Her hair is black and messy, obviously not well groomed, however it's often hid by her hood. She wears a simple black cloak that reaches just above her knees, accompanied by some dirty-looking pants that fit her rather tightly. The hood of the cloak often hides her pale complexion, as well as her dull blue eyes. She often gets weird looks because whO WEARS CLOAKS ANYMORE? She has a simple belt at her waist, where her dagger lay at her hip. Clearly not the kind of person to spend hours on her look, she's beautiful in her oWN WAY, OKAY?
Other: c o n f u s i o n
We actually weren't going to start in a plane... But it the underground base. However, I flipping love that idea, so we are going with it. Pretend that part about Zack walking down a hallway was just him walking down a row in a ginormous plane.
Btw extra info on where the RP starts. Everyone is recruited to the sorta "Exit Area" place, where everyone is equipped with what they need, meet each other, and then set out. As for a generic map of the landscape: The underground shelter is located in kind of a desert wasteland, so after some traveling (not much) they get to a forest, then in the middle of said forest need to cross a raging river leading to a waterfall (creative, I know), than they get to an abandoned city, filled with dense fog and infested with the "creatures", finally they get through that and scale a mountain, enter the Volcano, do the thing, and yea. I make that seem a lot shorter than it is, but it will probably be pretty long.

That's kinda the map so to speak. But basically, everyone travels through the said map, fighting off "creatues" (lack for a good name), getting through hard-to-get-through obstacles, making bonds, then eventually getting to the Volcano where they stop the invasion, and yup. That's the plan "for now".
So since dirt hasn’t posted in the entirety of the RP, I’ve decided to kick him/her from the RP. I really hate doing that, but if it slows everyone else down than I need too. Sorry. Also I was asked if @Kyle From Hoenn could join, so I allowed since I know he’ll post. Though, if he doesn’t by the end of the night then I’ll just have everyone start. Sound good?


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Name: Kyle Winds
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Skills/Abilities (If any): Doing back flips is a skill right? (XD) Well anyways he's really good with any long distance weapons. Close combat don't wanna try it you can one shot him probably.
Personality: That one guy who's a Sasuke wannabe just hiding his feelings since nobody ever listens. In the end if he gets anyone to listen you'll find out he just keeps feelings bottled up on the inside making him look serious on the outside but really he's just a guy with alot of feelings.
Appearance: A normal hoodie gray with white stripes on the sleeves. He doesn't really wear his hood so his hair is black, his eyes are stormy gray. Normal jeans torn on the knees. Lastly normal body type (skinny not so skinny that you see his bones .-.). His skin is a mix between black and white.
Other: Don't talk about his past or his skin tone around him.
Questions: Can I have a quick summary or am I just gonna have to read?
So, all these spooky-dood monster things (Volcas) are terrorizing humanity because why not? The only way to get them to.. yanno. Stop, is by going into the Heart of the Volcano, where supposedly there's some magical... thing that can get rid of them all! Maybe.
So the people do the obvious thing, they send people to go get it, but oops, everyone dies. They tried again (like a bajillion times) and each time was a failure.
Humans, aka "we-suck-at-learning-our-lesson", decide not to give up, but to do it agAIN! So our characters get to go get.. slaughtered.

sorry this is so meme-y im really tired

but yeah so all our characters (Zack, Mika, Raden, and Evelyn) have met in a little room before we get sent to our death.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
So, all these spooky-dood monster things (Volcas) are terrorizing humanity because why not? The only way to get them to.. yanno. Stop, is by going into the Heart of the Volcano, where supposedly there's some magical... thing that can get rid of them all! Maybe.
So the people do the obvious thing, they send people to go get it, but oops, everyone dies. They tried again (like a bajillion times) and each time was a failure.
Humans, aka "we-suck-at-learning-our-lesson", decide not to give up, but to do it agAIN! So our characters get to go get.. slaughtered.

sorry this is so meme-y im really tired

but yeah so all our characters (Zack, Mika, Raden, and Evelyn) have met in a little room before we get sent to our death.
Wow that was great but also heart breaking good job making a meme it just needs an animation xd