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The Hurt & Heal Game: Diamond/Pearl-style

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Beequeen - HP 263 Heal
Buoysel - HP 370
Munchlax - HP 42Hurt
Lucario - HP 87

First off, thanks for the tip daxx0r. Second of all, Stop kidding yourselfs :p I'm pretty sure it's going to be Beequeen and Buoysel in the top two, so if you want when that happens, you can just cut her (as of it would take forever to hurt her down there) So don't think I'LL find it unfair because I couldn't care less. I'm just very astonished and proud she made it as far as she did *hugs Beequeen*


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
LOL. Not kidding myself, Bock. Just wanting to keep everyone happy ^_~


Beequeen - HP 262 HURT
Buoysel - HP 371 HEAL
Munchlax - HP 42
Lucario - HP 87

Beequeen - HP 264 HURT
Buoysel - HP 371
Munchlax - HP 42 HEAL
Lucario - HP 85

PS. I hereby claim the 54th page of the Hurt and Heal game in the name of sir Galahad! (Don't ask me why XD)
Beequeen - HP 267 Heal
Buoysel - HP 378
Munchlax - HP 37 Hurt
Lucario - HP 80

*looks at phobia topic and, realizes no one likes bee's* lol is that why people are hurting you XD I don't like real bees myself but, I pick pokemon on what I like and attribute that to the way they look, and I think beequeen looks cool.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I don't hate bees, though - not as creatures at least. Bumblebees are incredibly adorable, and wasps/hornets/etc. are very interesting to look at. I just don't like being near them because I have an irrational fear of being stung, aka. a phobia.

No comment on what I think of Beequeen.


Beequeen - HP 266 HURT
Buoysel - HP 379 HEAL
Munchlax - HP 37
Lucario - HP 80

Beequeen - HP 265 HURT
Buoysel - HP 379
Munchlax - HP 38 HEAL

Lucario - HP 80

I have a similar relationship to ants... They're fascinating, but I don't want to be near them :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Beequeen - HP 262 HURT
Buoysel - HP 381 HEAL
Munchlax - HP 39
Lucario - HP 80

Oh, hey. I claim page 55 in the name of pizza!
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