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Open The Journey Of A New Trainer: Daniel's Story

Upon closer inspection, Daniel noticed that the thing that had garnered the poochyena and the mightyena's interest was another member of their species. A small poochyena, who appeared to have a large wound on her chest was being backed against a wall by the others, all of whom seemed angry.

Daniel hobbled forward, ordering Snivy to go with him as he approached the biggest mightyena in the pack. He wasn't just going to stand by and let them hurt that poor little poochyena...

"Snivy, use razor leaf!" he ordered, to which the grass type obeyed.
Mojo started attacking the Poochyena, avoiding the one that was hurt. He took down one with Dragon Tail, then knocked out another with Headbutt and another Dragon Tail. Myth stood back, driving the pokemon away from the wounded Poochyena and toward Mojo.
"Keep going with the razor leaf!" Daniel ordered, "Take 'em all out!"

"Vy!" the pokemon cried obediently, shooting sharp little leaves at the attacking canids.

Daniel wanted to help that injured poochyena... But how? Until the others had cleared off, it simply wouldn't be safe for him to try and get it. He wouldn't be able to get in there fast enough, on his crutches...
Myth looked toward Daniel, and kicked her way out of the crowd of dogs. "Got any medicine?" She asked, as Mojo retreated toward the injured Poochyena, keeping the others away from it. Mojo fainted three more Poochyena before going on defensive, using Protect to block a hit.
"I have a potion, but that's it," he answered, "C'mon Snivy!"

Snivy nodded in understanding and dashed forward, snatching up the poochyena, since he knew that Daniel was unable to, on account of his crutches.

"Let's get her to a pokemon centre," he ordered.
Myth nodded, and shouted at her pokemon, who was battling a Mightyena. "Mojo, we're going to the center!" The Jangmo-o finished the battle, then ran back to Myth, panting from the intense battle.
Helena quickly walked over to Daniel, as she said in a concerned tone, "Is everyone alright? I heard something; something like a fight that was going on here." The Droiton was concerned at the Jangmo-o, who was panting from the battle that he saw. He quietly said while his repair claw protruded vertically from his right shoulder, "Droi... Droi." His left eye slowly turned over towards a Poochyena, who was with the Snivy. His claw lightly poked Helena in a friendly gesture, as he asked her, "Droiton, Droi?" His claw wiggled in a downward motion; as if he was attempting to convey a message to her. He observed the Poochyena, as he knew that she was badly injured; judging from the wound he noticed on her chest.
"Looks like this little lady was being picked on by these guys," Daniel replied, as his Snivy came to him, carrying the poochyena in his little stubby arms, "She needs the pokemon centre, and now!"

Daniel motioned for Snivy to follow him as he hobbled in the direction of the town's pokemon centre, crutches squeaking every time he hit the ground.
Jake looked at gib and gib knew exactly what to do. Gib walked over to the snivy and helped him carry the poochena "gibble gibble gib!" He said enthusiastically
Clint silently followed after the excitement. Spike stuck close to his side. neither trainer nor pokemon wanted to get involved. he walked behind Daniel as they made their way to the Pokémon Center.
Helena trailed behind Clint while the Droiton continued to gently poke at her arm with his repair claw. She quietly said, "Hmm, do you need something buddy?" The Droiton nodded, as his claw pointed over at Clint's direction. She responded to the his body language, "Huh, I suppose that you might need something from him?" He happily nodded at her again, as she walked with quick steps to catch up to Clint. She said to Clint in a collective tone, "Well, umm... I think that my little buddy wants to talk to you or something."
Clint stopped and turned to face Droiton. He squated down a said calmy, "What do you need?" He was suprised that the Pokémon wanted to talk to him, but as a budding Pokemon researcher, he couldn't deny Droiton's request.
The Droiton replied in a quiet tone, "Droi... Droiton. Droiton Droiton." Helena attempted to piece together what he said to Clint, as she thought to herself, "Huh... what's my buddy saying to him now? It's a bit hard to understand him, and even then... I suppose that he's going to be playing a game of charades with him real soon." The Droiton knew that he was going to have to utilize his body language to effectively transmit his message to him.

He quickly thought to himself, "Okay... so I gotta tell him, and maybe ask him about the Treecko since I want to talk to him, but how? I have to think about something quickly, he just asked me a question already! Oh, I got it! Alright, let's get to work now." He turned towards Helena for a brief moment, as he quickly tapped his right shoulder with his repair claw. She nodded at him, as she thought to herself while listening to the code he signaled off at her, "Okay... four knocks, then one, then three and finally three again. Alright, let's see... so there's a T, an A, an L, and a K. Oh, so he's saying talk, but what could he be wanting to talk about? Could it be about something here, or maybe is it his Treecko that's right behind him?"

She looked over at Clint, as she said to him in a confident tone, "Alright, I suppose that he wants to talk about something. I think he might be wanting to talk to your Treecko possibly." The Droiton nodded at her in a gentle motion, while he retracted his claw back into his right shoulder.
Mojo walked beside Daniel, glancing at Poochyena every now and then. Myth followed them calmly, making sure that her pokemon wouldn't get into trouble.
Snivy managed to carry the poochyena all the way to the pokemon centre, and with some help, was able to hop up on the counter and hand her over to the city's Nurse Joy.

"She was being attacked by some other poochyena, and a really big mightyena," Daniel explained.

Nurse Joy nodded. "Alright, I'll get to work on her right away. Where's her pokeball?"

"She's not my pokemon, so she doesn't have one," Daniel answered.

Nurse Joy nodded, lifting the poocyena onto a stretcher.
Spike climbed off Clint's shoulder and gave a slight wave. "Treecko," he said smiling towards the Droition. The small grass type tried to give off a relaxing aura. He didn't want Droiton to be afraid.
Mojo sighed as he saw Poochyena on the stretcher, knowing it would be safe now. He turned to leave the center, and Myth opened the door for him, staying inside the center. The Jangmo-o strutted over to Droiton and Spike, smiling at them.
Gib sat down kinda sad that he had nobody to talk to jake looked over to gib "hey buddy what's wrong" he asked worried for his Pokémon gib just sat and looked longingly and the other Pokémon
Mojo saw Gible sitting in the distance and waved to him with his tail, trying to get him to come over to the group. He smiled encouragingly, hoping to talk with it more.
The Droiton winked over at the Treecko that smiled towards him, as he tapped Helena's right arm. She said in response to the tapping, "Is there something you need buddy?" He nodded over at her, as his claw lifted up and pointed down at the ground. She placed him down next to her right leg, as she knew that he didn't want to always be carried around like a baby.

The Droiton gave off a smile at her, as he shuffled towards the Treecko. His stubby legs slowly alternated movements, as he was not used to walking around by himself. He said to the Treecko in a calm tone, "Droi, Droiton." His claw waved over at him in a short, friendly motion; as he had a content look at him.
Jake put the pieces together and looked at gib then at mojo "go on" he smiled at gib "he wants to talk to you" gib got up and walked to the door that was being held open by myth "thanks" jake smiled at myth as gib walked over to mojo "gibble gib?" He asked trying to start a conversation
"No prob." Myth nodded at Jake, walking over to sit in a chair not far from the door. Mojo spun in circles excitedly a few times, then settled down. "Jang! Mo Mojo! Jang jang?" (Hello! I'm Mojo! Who are you?)
"Gib gib gibble" gib shook spikes hand with his tiny one as he smiled he then turned and looked at mojo "gib gib gib gribble gib(I'm gib nice to meet you)" gib said. jake stood back and looked at myth "hey I don't think I cought your name earlier I'm jake" he said with a smile
"I'm Myth." Myth replied, watching her pokemon interact with the others. Mojo thought for a second, and said "Jangmo-o mo!" (Watch this cool trick I can do!) He began hitting his spikes with his tail, making odd metallic noises.
Jake looked back at myth "I like your name" he smiled he saw that mojo was doing and thought of how gib would react "gib gib gib gibble gib (cool but look at this)" gib when underground then flew back up 5 meters in the air
The Droiton walked up to the Treecko, as he glanced at his hand that he had out. He slowly processed it to be a handshake he wanted to do. He slowly reached to the Treecko's hand with his right hand, as he shook his hand with the Treecko's. He replied to him in a calm tone, "Droiton, Droi."

He heard odd, metallic noises that came from the Jangmo-o's direction, as his claw slowly rose up towards his head. He smiled at the Treecko while he thought to himself, "Well, I like this guy, he's pretty nice and not mean unlike those other guys back in that town. Aside from the weird noise that's going on, this is actually pretty fun talking to him."
"Thanks." She said absentmindedly, still keeping an eye on Mojo. Mojo gasped in admiration, watching the Gible soar into the air and forgetting about his trick. "Jang... mo jang jang mo?" (Woah... is that one of your battle moves?)
"My name is Clint," Clint said sticking his hand out towards Drioton's trainer. Spike nodded and smiled at Droiton. "Treecko!" He was saying it was nice to meet Droiton. Clint looked and smiled at his pokemon's politeness.
"Mo...Jangmo-o, jang jang, jangmo jangmo." (Um...Headbutt, screech, dragon tail, and protect.) Mojo sat down also, facing toward everyone else so no one was behind him.
"Jang!" (Sure!) Mojo jumped to his feet and looked around for something he could use the attack on, his gaze settling on a pile of rocks. He ran up to the heap, and his tail started glowing purple as he spun around, connecting with it and making some of the rocks shatter, while the rest flew in different directions.
A few small pebbles hit gib but that didn't faze him one bit "gib gib gib (woah I've seen green dragon tails but never a purple one)" jake smiled as he watched the Pokémon interact
"Jangmo jangmo." (Pretty cool, huh?) Mojo said, frowning at the pile. He had hoped the rocks would go farther. Mojo walked back to Gible, staying optimistic. He glanced curiously at the other pokemon, wondering what they were talking about.
(OOC: I'm assuming that we can translate Pokémon speak now.)

The Droiton replied to the Treecko in a content tone, "Droi Droiton." [Translation: It is nice to meet you too friend.] A vision suddenly came to the Droiton soon after, as he saw a scene of himself getting hit by some rocks that flew over! He saw himself falling unconscious from the second rock that struck him, as he gasped at the Treecko!

He knew that he had a small window of time to react to the vision that he saw; before the vision would become a reality. He quickly waved his left arm in a swift motion, as a blue barrier formed around his body! He saw the rocks flying at him, as he quickly curled up into a cube! The rocks slammed against the barrier, as they shattered and fell towards the ground!
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Spike ran to dodge the rocks. He rushed back to Droiton. "Treecko Treecko, (Are you okay?) he asked the small pokemon.
"Watch it!" Shouted Clint, becoming slightly agitated.
Mojo hissed at Clint and darted into the bushes, peeking out to make sure Droiton was unharmed. Myth noticed what had happened and stomped out of the center, ignoring the rocks everywhere and looking around for Mojo.
Daniel hobbled out of the way, instead deciding to go and sit by one of the tables, as he waited for an update on the poochyena's condition. Despite having only met her a few minutes ago, Daniel was still worried about her... She had been in pretty bad shape, and what would possess other members of her kind to attack her in such a vicious fashion? Surely, if she'd just infringed on their territory, they'd have given her a quick bite attack and sent her on her way...

"I hope that poochyena will be ok..." Daniel mused aloud, as Snivy sat in his lap.