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Ask to Join The Kanto League Tournament

For ooc conversation and character bios go here https://pokecharms.com/threads/kanto-league-tournament-3-0.19823/

Allen finished signing up. He looked at the person doing the registration. He gave her a cocky grin as he left. " I'm going to be the next champion." He said as he walked threw the pokemon center moving towards the exit. Allen walked outside to Paleborn City. The once bright cloudless day has turned into a thunderstorm. Allen whistled. " Hope it doesn't stay like this throughout the tournament." He said walking back into the center and taking a seat at a table near the entrance he ordered some hot tea as he waited out the storm and watch and see what the other competitors might be like.
"So this is Paleborn City..." Leon mumbled to himself as he walked into the city. He looked around the city for a few minutes before entering the Pokemon Center. 'I wonder if there are already other trainers in here that signed up for the tournament.' Leon thought to himself while completing his registration. As he walked out he looked around and noticed a blonde boy around his age but left without saying a word. Back outside he looked for a café and decided to get himself something to eat.
After Chan signed up, he walked towards the exit and he ended up outside in Paleborn city. Chan entered the Pokemon center. "I hope the trainers that have signed up are in here so I can get to know them." He spoke to himself. He noticed a boy around the center and walked up towards him. "Hello there! whats your name?"He asked politely.
‘Of course there’s a lightning storm!’ Corey passed Leon as ran into the center with only a red hood covering his head. He was denched due to the rain, the hoodie jacket being the only thing shielding him. Looking around, Corey’s focus went straight to the registration desk before walking up there himself. After signing up, Corey stepped aside and sighed as he looked through the windows. Hopefully the rain stopped soon so he could get something to eat. As for now, he took a moment to observe the other trainers that had gathered. He simply shook his head when he heard a boy declaring himself as the next Kanto Champion and looked back outside.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Ryan finished signing up in the Pokémon Center and decided to see who was going to be the competition. He sat down at a couch and saw the thunderstorm outside and was glad he registered early.

He saw a young kid head to one of the people that registered and someone rushing in from the rain. The person that rushed in registered and started looking at the windows while the person the young kid was talking to declared he was going to be the next champion. At the corner of his eye he saw the person looking at the window shake his head which caused Ryan to show a slight grin.

This'll be fun.

Ryan decided to leave his couch and walk over to the blond guy who said he was going to be champion.

"Oh yeah? Hmm, I wonder what Pokémon you have to make you say something so bold," he said, his face now unreadable.
As Leon finished his meal he got a call on his Pokegear. "Hello Leon, it's me. I just want to inform you that your Scyther has passed the durability test and is ready to battle. So when are you coming to pick it up?" "Ah thank you Professor. I have already arrived in Paleborn City so I need you to send it over to the Pokemon Center if possible. And one more thing... please tell my old man to keep his distance. I don't need him cheering me on." Leon responded to the Professor. "Sure thing Leon. Scyther is now ready to be picked up at the Center. I will call you after the tournamnet. Bye." the Professor ended the call. Leon entered the Pokemon Center once more as he overheard the boy from earlier introducing himself as the next kanto champion. After picking up his Scyther Leon walked towards the boy, who was already talking to two other boys. "You call that a bold statement? I would say he is just overconfident." He entered the conversation. "Ah sorry forgot my manners for a second. My name is Leon and I'm originally from the Torren Region." Leon introduced himself to the others.
Alan flashed Ryan a look as if to say "Was I talking to you." he then grinned before finishing his tea. " Trust me I have more skill than any of you posers. I bet you all originated here aside from Mr. Leon over there. none of the rest of you probably haven't dealt with other regions like" He said finishing his tea as he stood up. " I won the Seto league tournament barley losing against the champion and I'm going to show you hicks what a real trainer is like." He said as he stood up and started to walk towards the exit. He nodded at Leon before walking away.

Drew yawned as he looked threw the paperwork. Since joining the PLA after his three years as Viridian city's gym leader the older man now acted as ref and made sure rules were fallowed. He looked out the window of his temporary office into the storm that surrounded Paleborne. His loyal companion Nightmare helped with the papers. Drew looked and saw that Allen going to be in the tournament. " I hope some trainer can knock his ego down a peg."
Corey watched as the commotion began to unfold. It started with some boy actually take the time to stand up and walk over to the self-proclaimed Kanto champion. A few moments later, the guy he had ran past on his way into the center suddenly walked in. After collecting something, Corey watched as Leon also walked over too the little group.

From his point of view, this was pure entertainment. It got even better when Allen stood up and walked out into the rain. Corey let out a small chuckle before walked over to the remaining others. “I guess the so-called champion couldn’t handle a little talk.” Corey grinned before he removed the hood covering his head and ran his hand through his black hair. “No matter, I’ll be the one to put him in his place. The name’s Corey by the way.”
"Oh my.. that guy has quite the ego!" Leon turned around to see a person he had walked past earlier coming towards the group. "I see so I guess there is no lack of self-confidence at this tournament. Since you weren't here a minute ago Corey, I'm Leon." He paused for a second looking at Scythers Pokeball. "So... why do you all want to become the Champion? What are your motivations?"


Previously 5DigitNeb
Ryan glared at Leon for a quick second before showing a fake grin.

Dammit he blew my cover. Of course this Allen guy is egotistical and overconfident but it'd do you more good to not state it!

He turned back to Allen who started rambling about another region and widened his eyes as if he was impressed. However before he could try to make him reveal his Pokémon more he started leaving.

Is he trying to act cool? It's still raining! What an idiot...

He turned to Corey and he gave a half fake smile at him.

He seems a bit confident too but I do enjoy the smack talk over that egotistical guy.

"So, Leon and Corey, huh. You can just call me Ryan, 'cause ya'know, that's my name and all," he said. "Motivations for becoming Champion? Huh, I actually never thought of that. I just wanted to be a normal trainer but then since I kept on beating the gyms I decided to try and fight in the league. Nothing too special really," he said giving a truthful answer.
“Why do I want to be champion? Hm... I guess it’s because it’s time I get some recognition for being a top tier trainer. Becoming champion would solidify that fact.” Corey responded, respectfully speaking after Ryan was done. Beating all the gym leaders in Kanto was no easy feat, so he couldn’t underestimate him as well as everyone here.

“What about you Leon? Coming from another region just to take part in the Kanto league must have some motivation behind it.” Corey was a bit interested about the ‘Torren’ region, it wasn’t as talked about as some other regions were. Then again, Corey knew better than too underestimate Leon because he was from some unknown region.
"I see. My motivation is to prove myself to a certain someone. He is the champ of another region and won't let me challenge him unless I become the champ of another league so that is why I'm here. My home region Torren is a very rough place and currently our champ went missing so I can't challenge him and there is this thing that happened to one of our gyms and it's currently 'closed'." Leon replied. "Explaining more about it would be pointless 'cause you would be missing some major details I'm not allowed to tell so..."
Drew walked out into the rain. He opened his umbrella as he and nightmare walked towards the Pokecenter.

Allen found a dry place to stand. He slapped his forehead. " You went to far with that you fucking idiot." He mumbeled. " Now everyone probably thinks your a dick and a show off." He breathed heavily as he continued to walk. One of his pokeballs flashed as his Electabuzz appeared. He leaned against his friend for comfort. Unlike his polan the Poliwhirl which his farther gave him as well as his older brother James and more than likely his little sister Alice. Elect and him chose each other.

Drew walked into the pokecenter he saw the group of kids talking he thought back to his friends and rivals when he started out his journey. He walked to a counter and ordered three green teas and sat at a table. He let out Pol the son of his first Poliwrath Poli that died to save Drew many years ago. He lifted his drink and Nightmare and Pol did the same before drinking. He leaned back as he listened in on the conversation.
Chan felt a bit scared, all these trainers that are older than him , There probably gonna beat him. This is his first year in the league after all. He walked away from the trainers quickly and sat down. He let out his team and motivated them and trying to win.

Chan walked outside , and returned his team into there poke balls it was really rainy with thunder and he walked to the Café to grab something to eat.
‘Well he’s definitely hiding something.’ Corey simply shrugged as he knew better than dig into the personal information of someone he just met. He also saw that the young boy Allen was talking to earlier also left, probably due to their intimidating figures. Not only that, but some elderly man walked in as well. Corey didn’t think to much about that and ran his hand through his hair once more. “So, um, did you guys see anywhere good to eat on your way here? I haven’t anything in a hot minute and was hoping once this rain ends I could catch some dinner.” Corey looked at both Leon and Ryan, hoping they would have some answer. He wouldn’t mind searching but figured he might as well ask just in case.
A girl near Allen's age wearing a blue shirt and mini skirt sporting a blue hate and a red scarf wrapped around her neck walked into the center. She noticed the boys and some old man creeping on them and shrugged before walking to the registration and signing up. She shaked some of the water off of her black hair as she walked near the boys. " Hello there." She said smiling as she offered her hand to them. " I'm Emily pleasure to meet you all."

Allen walked into a small fast food place. He ordered a burger and a soft drink with fries. He continued to ponder his mistakes. " ain't like I'm good for anything." He said as he took a sip of his drink. "Mom and Dad only care about James and Abbie they could care less for me, If I die no one would care." He mumbled only to be shocked by Elect. " It's the truth." He said.
Elect used thunder punch hitting Allen right in the face making him fly into a wall. The patrons of the fast food joint looked at the electabuzz who stared back at them. "I'm okay." Allen said as he tried to get up. " I disserved that."

Drew continued to watch to drink his tea. He saw the girl that approached them. She looked vaguely familiar. He shook his head as he continued to drink his tea.
Clint reached finnally Paleborn City "Oh my, Why I always to be late. I have only a few minutes" he came to register himself and when he ended signing up then he started looking for a place where rain would't bother him, then he came to nearby fast food. Then he threw his poke ball and then Flareon jumped at him and he fell at the floor. "Okay, I'm also happy that I see you. Do you want something to eat, my friend" then he pointed at the entrence to Fast food.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Ryan ran his hand through his hair before sighing.

“No, I just got here, so I don’t know any places just decided to check out the competition.”

He noticed a girl come by and introduce herself. He took her offer and gave her a polite handshake before giving her a smile.

“Pleasure to meet you as well. My name’s Ryan, the guy with the hoodie and other black hair is Corey and he’s Leon. I assume you’re entering for the tournament as well, no?”
Chan started to feel he shouldn't of entered the competition yet, he should have challenged little leagues first. He knew he would be knocked out first.

A boy with his Machamp walked over to Chan.
"Heh....Stupid Child." whispered the boy. His machamp punched Chan in the face.

"Ouch!" shouted Chan.
The boy grabbed him.
"Please!" shouted Chan
Clint and his Flareon heard Chan's yelling and they quickly came to help.
"It would be better for you if you leave him alone" he said to boy and his Machamp.
"Don't tell me what to do with stupid kids"
Clint quickly took Chan from bully's hand then he said "Flareon, use Flamethrower" and Machamp Fainted. "I told you to go away. You pathetic waste of space" then Boy ran away. "it's okay now, kid. What's your name?"
Clint looked at Chan, he could be 3 years younger than him. Clint was worried of that guy returned becouse he would hurt Chan. "Are you hungry? I can buy something to eat for you, come on" Clint said to Chan then he returned Flareon to his pokeball. "If he will bother you again then call me, Okay. Me and Flareon will teach them a lesson"
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They reached place to eat and Clint sat down on chair and ordered a big meal for Chan and Moomoo milk then he looked at him and asked "What were you doing here before he attacked you? Nevermind, it's not important now, is it. You have someone here or place where I can take you" He asked becouse he didn't know what to do now.
"Yes." Emily said. She looked over them as she tried to figure them out. "I hope we all get along." she said as she sat beside them.

Allen stood up and rubbed his cheek. "You could've pulled it." He said as Elect moved beside him and helped him stand. Allen looked and saw two people talking. He was older than both of them. He walked back to his seat and sat down.
"Then let's go, I wanted to train my pokemons in combination attack but that can wait" Clint said to Chan then he ended his moomoo milk. He looked at Chan and he waited for reply, in the same time he saw that someone with Electabuzz sat to the chair next to them.
He walked closer,
"It looks like an eevee." Chan said
"But a bit different." He continued
"It must be shiny!" he shouted . He sent out his charizard to fight the eevee,
"Charizard Flame Burst!" he shouted .
The eevee was low on health. He threw an Ultra ball.

Ding , Ding and Ding. Captured!
Leon took a look at the girl but remained silent at first since Ryan already introduced him. A moment later he smirked at the girls remark about getting along. "Don't take this the wrong way but your idea of harmony is a bit unrealistic. I don't know if you forgot about this but this is still a competition and I for my part won't hold back on anyone. I don't care if you are young or old or if you are a boy or a girl, I won't treat you any different. All participants here have earned my respect just by making it this far and I don't intend to be as cold and arrogant as that boy earlier but I won't play best friends with you." Leon paused for a second. "Crap that got way too deep way too fast. Sorry for that sometimes the past gets the better of me and I just spill everything that's on my mind. But still... what I said is how I feel about. I hope I didn't offend anyone." After finishing the sentence Leon looked around and noticed a man that was around his dads age sipping tea. 'I could swear I saw him somewhere before.' He thought. 'Nah thats impossible!' He shook his head and turned back to the others. He wanted to ask a question as his Pokegear began to ring once more. The display said incoming call 'Yannick'. Leon picked it up "What do you want dad?" he said with a slightly disrespectful voice. "Show some respect to your old man kid! I got some infos for you from Torren. Apparently criminal activity started rising again since ..well you know... the champ disappeared." answered Yannick. "And what does this have to do with me? I'm at the Kanto League Tournamnet at the moment, I have no time to deal with them much less should a teenager be tasked with that." Leon responded. "I only wanted to ask you to visit a certain someone and get some information for me but it's fine. I'll send your brother..." Yannick wasn't finished but Leon interrupted him "If anything happens to him I'll make you pay! You could move your ass there! There won't be getting anyone past Michael anyway so you as champ can do whatever you want. But I already know you won't move an inch outside your champions room. Atleast call the Professor for me and tell him he should give my brother Bisharp and Flygon that way he should be safe. And now I've had enough of you trying to boss me around!" Leon ended the call.
''He seems a bit aggressive.' She thought 'Clearly has daddy issues.' She studied the boy seeing how she can use it to her advantage. She put on her nice face as she walked up to him
"Something wrong?" She asked.
"I doubt you want to travel to a different region right now and even if you want to my little brother is most likely already on the way. I would like it if you would stay out of my family matters." Leon slowly got suspicious about the girl.
She nodded and took a step back. "I study people. It helps me formulate strategies" she said as she realized he was growing suspicious. "I'll back off now." She said turning on her heals and walking towards the others
-In Viridian City-
Isabell: Hey, Vaporeon...
Vaporeon: Va-poreon?
Isabell: I want to go to the gym. But, nobody is here!
Vaporeon: *looks at the floor*
Isabell: I know, but you can not do much, right? Vaporeon, return. Pidgeot, come out and fly me to Clint!