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Ask to Join The Kanto League Tournament

'I see so she is that type of person.' Leon couldn't help but smirk. 'As good time as any to get some rest.' he thought to himself and left heading for his hotel. In his room he laid down on his bed and looked for footage of the trainers he just met, on his tablet. "Oh well should have thought that there is nothing on them available to the public. Guess I should see for myself." Leon turned on some music and decided to take a nap.
"Congrats for catching a shiny pokemon" said Clint when he was returning Golbat to his pokeball "I will return to the city now."

After Chan cought his Eevee, Clint came to the City and watched his phone, he started to look at old photos, later he came to the Pokemon Center to heal his pokemons. He sended out his Flareon. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I thought once that you like your pokeball". Flareon glares at him and turned around. "Don't act childish now okay. I'm sorry, do you feel better now" Clint asked his pokemon. Flareon turned to him and jumped at him. "Okay, We should go now to pokemon center and maybe we will call to Vaporeon after this" after Clint said that, Flareon smiled at him and quickly ran to pokemon center.
"Not too fast"
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"Did I just???" stuttered Chan
"Did I just catch a shiny eevee!?" He shouted.
He was really happy to have caught his first shiny!
"Hey I'm going to the PC to get my eevee in my team! Because you know you can only hold 6 pokemon at once." He said
As Peter, or Pj as his family usually called him, was running frantically towards Paleborn City, he was accompanied by his Eevee, Sandslash and Golbat trying to get as fast as they could through some pokemon that were slowing them, Pj commanded "Golbat! Use supersonic and get those pokemon out of the way! Sandslash! Hit them with Sand Attack!" As the pokemon stopped for a moment, Pj used that time to fastly move through the road the pokemon were blocking. (Some Minutes Later...) "Guys... We finally got to Paleborn City! What hour is it... GUYS WE GOTTA MOVE NOW WE GOT 5 MINUTES TO ENTER!" Pj ran to the pokemon center, as Nurse Joy asked Pj "Are you ok? Seems like you're in a rush." Then Pj explained he was coming to the pokemon league and that if he still could enter, Nurse Joy gladly said that she would get them all in, and thanks for joining.

After entering, Pj was on his way to the cafe to get some food, and saw a group of people gathered, he suddenly got in the conversation and said. "Hey my name is Peter from the Unova region and I just got here! Whats up?
Corey had just been standing there as he watched the scene unfold with Leon and the others. It seemed whoever was on the other end of the phone call had gotten Leon a bit tilted. It was probably something family related if Corey had correctly. As for the girl, Ryan already introduced him so Corey just stayed quiet while they conversed. Once Leon left, Corey was about to head out himself when some other guy showed up. ‘Where are all these people coming from?’ He didn’t have time for this ‘meet and greet’ when there was a tournament the next day.

“Nice to meet you Peter, I’m Corey, that’s Ryan and she’s Emily.” He quickly introduced everyone before pulling out his phone to check the time. It was getting late now and Corey still hadn’t eaten yet. “Well, thank Arceus for technology.” Corey mumbled as he began to search for the nearest restaurants on his phone.
Clint came inside to pokemon center after Great enter of Pj. Flareon took one of Seats and Clint came to Nurse Joy. When he left his pokemons he looked at Flareon who was looking around at the people. "Don't worry, We are stronger than we look, remember. This schould be great Event, don't you think" he said to his Flareon and he heard as a Group of people was talking about him. "Who is he" "I don't know, he looks very young" "That kid can't defeat us"

"Look Flareon, I think that we got a Fanclub and we even didn't start any battle here" said Clint to his pokemon then he saw that from group, that bully who was bothering Chan, was coming to him.
"Now I know, why I'm so popular"
Chan rushed to the Pokémon centre to heal his Pokémon and to put Eevee in the party, Who should he replace?
He was thinking about Gengar , So he decided Gengar is going back to the lab.

"Welcome to the team Eevee!" Shouted Chan,
"Eev!"Replied the Eevee,
"Time to level you up!" He Continued.

He Went outside and started training Eevee against wild Pokémon.
"Hi there, stupid kid. It's time for you to pay" said bully
"And you are... Who" Clint said to him
"Don't tell me that you not remember me, but you have to know him" and then a big, muscled guy came to them. "Big G, let's show him"
"So you took care of him... I was eating a sandwich now, do you want that leftovers too" Big G didn't understand Clint Joke and he sended Golem and Fearow "2v1, it's nhonorable, you know" and then his Flareon rushed at his opponents. Battle was very fast, and Big G lost to Clint. "Hm, you were lucky" said bully but Big G told to him. "He won fair, and you lied to me" then they went outside. "Clint is asked to pickup his pokemons" said Nurse Joy.
"Okay let's go, I promised you something if I remember" Clint said to Flareon and he took his pokeballs.
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He came across a wild Dratini,
"Go Eevee!" Chan Shouted
The Wild dratini used water pulse.
"Eevee use quick attack!" He shouted
The wild dratini was middle on health and used dragon rush and Eevee was low.
"Eevee finish it with swift." He shouted.
Chan won the battle.
Clint was Reading the book and Flareon was bothering him. "I know that I promised you, but you saw it yourself. She didn't pick up her phone, maybe she's doing something important, how do you think" Clint said to his Friend but pokemon didn't stop jumping and stared at him with eyes looking like after Baby-doll eyes move.
Paul a young man from a far away region entered the Pokemon Center and silently filled out his registration. 'I wonder if he is already here..' he thought to himself and left the Center. Paul decided to walk around town and scout out the competition. He decided to watch everything from the roof of the local hotel. His Jolteon came out of its Pokeball. "Let's see what the competition has in store for us." He said to Jolteon.

Leon woke up from his short nap and decided to take his pokemon out for some training in the nearby woods.
The rain was lighting up to reveal a night sky filled with stars.

Emily cracked her neck as she sent out her Nidoking and Clefable. " Let's do some training." She said smiling as she made the two of them start fighing each other so they could train. She shouted orders as she watched them making sure they could land each hit and return just as much damage.

Allen walked out of the restaurant when the rain stopped. He whistled before heading to the hotel. He had enough of this day. He had to get ready for the tournament tomorrow and hopped beyond hope that he would be able to win it.
The rain finally started to peter off, and Jenny stood up in the cave. Her and Halie had managed to get to Paleborn City early, and had signed up for the tournament quite early. The farmgirl had gone for a ride on her Rapidash in the nearby woods when the storm had blown through. Halie could take a little rain, but the fire-type wasn't exactly the biggest fan of water. Jenny looked up at the night sky.
"Goshdern it, Halie! It looks laik th' whole day ended up passin' by!" Jenny said, holding on to her hat. The Rapidash whinneyed slightly, nuzzling the farm girl.
"Aw, it's okay. We better go on an' git back ta th' city. That tournament's up'n tomorrah, and ah wanna be ready fer it!" Jenny exclaimed. She hopped onto her Rapidash, which let out another whinny before riding back into Paleborn City.
"Well it's time."

Bailey stepped out of Victory Road and into Paleborn City. It was time for him to get ready for the Pokemon League. "Alright you can do this. You can do this. Have no fear. You came this far. You can still win this..." He thought to himself.

Bailey began walking, seeing many trainers there. He felt a weird uplifting, staring at the Hall of Fame. "I'll be there soon."
Jenny rode into town and noticed that she was not the only person on the street. A pink-haired teen was also there, seemingly just entering from Victory Road. As Halie slowed to a walk, the Rapidash and her rider slowly caught up to the trainer.
"Well, howdy! Fine night, ain't it?" Jenny asked brightly. Sure, you couldn't see the stars in the city, and even outside the city the stars weren't as bright as back on the ranch, but the weather still felt nice. Jenny wondered if the teen was here for the tournament as well. He had to be pretty tough, coming up from Victory Road and all.
Allen awoke early the next day. He looked over at Elect both of them shared a suttle glance as if to communicate to each other without saying a word. After a quick breakfast Allen ran to the stadium with two hours to spare. He cracked his head as he and Elect were ready for the tournament. He hoped that maybe he could try and talk to the people who witnessed him making an ass out of himself.

Drew watched the battle from the box office The glass infront of him gave him the best view of the stadium. To his right were two screens placed on both of the opponets area that way the PLA rep could tell if anyone was cheating. He checked everything one last time before sitting down infront of the Microphone.
" GOOD MORNING PALEBORN." He said into the stadiums PA system with a lot of enthusiasm " Today is the first of the tournament, For any of you who have been out all night camping outside the stadium to get a good seat I hope the bugs were worth it. " Today two hundred and fifty six trainers will enter the ring and only sixty four will make it to the next day." He turned off the Pa and breathed loudly before starting again. "And while you early birds wait for the next couple of hours I'll play some music starting with." He looked at the playlist and immediately groaned when he saw who the first singer was. " Lady Arbok. Don't forget you can go to the gift shop and get an autographed pokeball from one of the many champions of Kanto." He said as he pressed play and some trashy pop song came on. He leaned back and took a sip of an ice cold coke.
Leon was still tired after getting out of bed. 'I shouldn't have trained that late. I hope Scyther could rest enough to battle. I really need it for the 1v1 battle today.' Leon was lost in his thoughts. He decided to look after Scyther and called it out of its Pokeball. "You have to be kidding..." Leon was a little annoyed by the fact that Scyther was still asleep. "I guess it's my fault but still..." He called Scyther back and made his way to the stadium thinking about who to choose instead of Scyther. 'Let's see Scyther, Alakazam and Snorlax are still asleep and exhausted from the extra training they got. I should refrain from using Magmar and Rhydon since Water is a very popular typing. Guess it will be Gengar.' Leon finally arrived at the stadium and took a seat in front of the large screen that will be presenting the matchups.

Paul decided to walk to the stadium early so he could keep on analyzing the other trainers and their personalities. He already choose Pidgeot to fight for him in the first round.
*YAWN!* As Pj and his pokemon woke up from a good night's rest, they prepared for the day, they were excited and confident that their training would work. Eevee jumped on Pj's shoulder after he was ready. Then they went to the cafe to get some eats. Then he had to think which pokemon he would bring with him for the tourney today, this round would decide the 60 something players of about 500 something. "Hmm... Which of you guys should I bring?" He then decided to bring Eevee, Clefable, Dewgong, Dragonite. Ninetales and Golbat. He wanted to bring them all but he could only carry 6 pokemon at a time, so he told them to go to stay at the pokemon center meanwhile, since they could train and maybe help even some pokemon and watch him battle. Butterfree, Raichu and Sandslash waved goodbye after Pj left them with Nurse Joy, she wished him good luck. He then went straight to the Participants Area, he desperately waited for the bracket to go up on the screen, with Eevee on his shoulder.
Drew yawned before checking the clock. "Alright people it is game time." He said threw the PA system. "In ten minutes the new Kanto League tournament will begin. " All competors please look at the screen as you will be assigned an opponent. " He let out a breath. " All non combatants are you ready to watch some battles." He shouted in his overly enthusiastic announcer person." The crow clapped and cheered as they were ready for the tournament to begin.

Allen looked at the screen as he saw his picture and the man he was to fight.
‘I need to stop doing this!’ Corey panted as he finally reached the trainer lounge, an area where the competitors usually gathered before the matches. There was also a pathway that led straight to the battlefield. Like a few others, Corey had also spent a good part of the night working out strategies for the tournament. The first round being a one versus one was his main priority. Choosing the right pokemon would be the key to victory.

Looking up at the screen, Corey smirked as he saw that he would be going second, right after Leon. Though Corey planned to watch the battle, internally he would be strategizing for his battle next. As for his opponent, their name was Alberto. He looked around but had no luck in finding his opponent. It seemed he would have to wait a little longer to meet his opponent. As for now, Corey found a well positioned sofa, facing one of the many monitors showing the battlefield and sat down on it.
"So we are up first. Let's do this Gengar." Leon was full of exitement. His opponent was a man called Russel. Both walked into the arena and the referee explained the rules.
Russel: "So kid are you ready to be sent home?"
Leon: "You better not underestimate me old man!"
L: "Go Gengar! Open up with Shadow Ball!"
Dragonite was too slow to dodge and got hit.
R: "Come on Dragonite don't be that slow! Use Thunder!"
L: "Gengar use Hypnosis and then Dreameater!"
Gengar was way faster than Dragonite and managed to put it too sleep before it used Thunder.
R: "What!? How is your Gengar that fast?"
L: "Did you really expect to be at an advantage in everything just because you use a pseudo-legendary? I pitty you for your foolishnes. Gengar end it with Shadow Ball!"
The hit connected and Leon won the match.

Paul was watching and was impressed by the level of speed that Leons Gengar posseses. He looked at the screen and noticed that he was next so he stepped into the arena. His opponent was Julian who used his Primeape.
P: "Go Pidgeot!"
J: "Go Primeape! Use Cross Chop!"
P: "Pidgeot dodge into the air and attack with Aerial Ace!"
Pidgeot hit its opponent head on but the hit was non lethal.
J: "Jump and use Thunder Punch!"
P: "Fighting an air battle against a flying opponent isn't what I would call smart. End it with Quick Attack!"
Primeape fainted and Paul won the battle.
(So sorry for not doing this earlier, also some pokemon of mine will have moves obtainable only on past gens)
As PJ waited for his battle to begin he waited anxiously for his battle, thinking he didnt want to be beaten. He saw he was going to go after a guy called Zeth. Oh man I cant lose this battle! I know who is going for this battle already...
Some time later...
As the announcer started shouting "And now its Peter vs Zeth! Please go to the battlefield soon!" Pj holded the pokeball in his hand strongly, hoping it would win the match for him after a lot of training. The announcer shouted "And now, throw your pokeballs!" Pj and his opponent throwed their pokeball strongly, releasing Pj's Clefable, Zeth's pokeball had released his Golem. "Let the battle begin!" All the audience and stadium cheered for both of them. Pj started thinking his strategy I got a problem... Golem is a bulky pokemon like Clefable, I need to hit it hard for it to faint... "
Pj: Now Clefable! Use Calm Mind and use it fast! Clefable closed its eyes and concentrated, but it was in a dangerous position, a strong hit could damage it seriously.
Zeth: You playing like that? Ok Golem rock polish now!
Pj: Pj realized that a heavy slam with rock polish could be dangerous... But he could use this to his advantage. Clefable had finished using Calm Mind. "Clefable! Use Calm Mind again!
Zeth: You sure you wanna do that? You're a noob! Golem use rock polish and Heavy Slam later! Golem rapidly went towards Clefable trying to slam down on it, if it landed, Pj could lose the match.
Pj: "Clefable! Get Ready!"Golem got closer and closer. Pj knew this was the moment. Clefable! Use Drain Punch!
Narrator: As the power of the moves conflicted with each other, creating incredible friction between Clefable and Golem, a blast emerged with smoke, with the 2 pokemon inside of it. The Golem was lying on the round, with Clefable standing up like nothing had happened with a smile, returning to its trainer and giving him and Eevee a hug.
Pj: "Hey Zeth, nice battle. I liked your strategy. Good luck next time.
Zeth: "You, I hate you! I wasted my time in this stupid tournament!"
Narrator: Pj returned to his assigned place, waiting to see the others battle, he decided later to return to the Pokemon Center.
“Well I guess I’m up.” Once Leon’s battle had finished, Corey got up and headed over to the battlefield. He hadn’t caught a look at his opponent until now. Alberto, a young adult, stood across the field, grasping a poke ball in his left hand. “Good luck but I’m going to have to send you home early.” Though Alberto sounded cocky, Corey sensed a bit of hesitance in his voice. ‘Trash talk? I can do that too.’ Slightly smirking, Corey reached for a specific pokeball on his Pokébelt. With his other hand, Corey lifted up one finger. “I’ll end this in one hit. Plain and simple.” As he said that, the murmuring in the crowd got louder as they seemed to enjoy their little conversation.

A moment later, the announcer gave the words to start the battle. Simultaneously tossing their pokeballs, their pokemon were soon revealed. Corey had chosen Machamp while his opponent chose Golem. ‘Damnit! He tricked me!’ Corey noticed his opponent had realized the predicament he was in. Alberto must’ve really been worried about his pokemon being knocked out in one hit to send out Golem. It was a good choice, especially considering the Golem’s ability had to be ‘Sturdy’, preventing the megaton pokemon from being knocked immediately. However, if he wanted to win, that was not the best option.

“You know what, since I feel bad for your disadvantage, you can attack first. Go on ahead, do your worst.” Corey grinned as he placed his hands in his pockets. The crowd didn’t know how to react as on one hand, letting his opponent get a free attack sounded stupid. On the other, they seemed to enjoy Corey’s calm, confident demeanor. Either way, the roaring of the crowd and Corey’s cocky expression pissed Alberto off. “Golem use...” Alberto hesitated once more, the pressure starting too reach him. “Use double-edge!” The crowd roared as they saw the mighty pokemon rush towards Machamp, using perhaps it’s strongest attack.

It was a direct it and Machamp was sent flying backwards before skidding to stop. Alberto smirked as he heard the crowd grow quiet as Machamp had failed to get back up. “One hit my ass! Look at you now!” Alberto began to laugh as Corey just stood still, his calm expression unchanging. He simply shrugged before tilting his head to Machamp. “Yo, you can get up now. Hurry up and this.” Slowly, Machamp began to get up, though heavily damaged, it remained confident like it’s trainer. “Oh yeah, use dynamic punch.”

Alberto’s laughter slowly halted to a stop before he watched the Machamp begin making its way towards Golem, one of it’s fists glowing with an immense orange aura. “Wait what?” Before Alberto could even utter a command, Machamp delivered a dynamic punch directly on the Golem’s face, a loud cracking sound echoing throughout the arena. Alberto watched in shock as Golem flew past him, crashing into the boundary wall at the edge of the battlefield. After the dust settled, Golem lay defeated in the pile of rubble. “But how?”

“Double edge. Think about it.” Corey said through the cheering crowd, while also silently thanking Machamp before returning his partner. Sure ‘double-edge’ was an extremely powerful move, but it also had its side effects. Though the recoil may have been little, it was enough to disturb an ability like ‘sturdy’. Corey didn’t wait for Alberto to realize this before he turned around and began walking away. Suddenly he stopped and looked back, and raised his hand, lifting the same finger he had earlier. “Like I said, one hit...” Corey grinned at his enraged opponent once more before heading back into the trainer lounge.
" Cocky son of a bitch." Drew whispered before slightly moving his lip upwards. " I like him." He looked threw the papers and announced the next match. He cracked his head as he looked at the stadium remembering when he was just a rocky trainer thinking he was hot shit because he got eight badges. He had no idea back then how difficult it would be to actually win it. Not to mention a loud mouth cocky arrogant bastard seemed to fallow him to almost every league tournament he was in.
He watched as a man with a farfetch defeated a Charizard. He laughed "Alright folks next match is between one of the youngest Chan vs …" He said giving the name of the two and showing their pictures on the screen.
Chan first was going up against Jackie his bully who had hurt him before.
"Lets do this! Go Pidgeot!" shouted Chan very excited to battle.
"Go Blastoise!" Shouted Jackie .
"Pidgeot use Wing attack!" Shouted Chan.
"Blastoise Hydro pump!" Screamed the Opponent.
The moves collided and pidgeot got flung back by how strong the move was.
"I'll save you for later! Return Blastoise." Said Jackie.
"GO RATICATE!" He shouted.
"Hmm, A switch?" Asked Chan
"Use Hyper Fang!" Shouted Jackie
It hit pidgeot because of how great his jump was.
"Pidgeot use Gust and Twister to combine!" Shouted chan
The attack was so powerful surely Raticate is low.
"Raticate! Quick attack!" It missed Pidgeot
"Finish it off with Wing attack!" shouted Chan
Raticate Fainted.

"Ugh, Go Machamp!" Shouted Jackie
"But....Hes not effective??" Asked Chan
"Use Brick Break!" Shouted Jackie.
Pidgeot Fainted

The Battle Raged on as each pokemon fainted. ( I cant be bothered to write it out sorry I'm going to London in a few minutes)

"Go Blastoise!" Shouted Jackie.
"I'm keeping you out Nidoking." Said Chan
"Blastoise use Hydro pump!" shouted Jackie
Nidoking was low from before so he fainted.
"Go Charizard!" Shouted Chan ( By the way eevee was not in this fight )

"Charizard Flamethrower." Shouted Chan.

"Blastoise Use Hydro Pump."
The moves collided an created a Smokescreen
Luckily Charizard could see through.
"Charizard use Seismic Toss!" Charizard Threw Blastoise into the air.
Blatoise must be low.
"Blastoise use Skull bash." shouted Jackie.
It hit charizard.
Chan won the Battle.
"YEESSS!" Shouted Chan.
Jenny was relaxing in the competitor's lounge, watching the matches excitedly. Yep, the people here sure were tough!
"Well, I'll be durned..." Jenny said as she watched Pj win. Her Growlithe, Ruddie, was also out and watching the matches as well, and he looked quite excited. When Pj returned, Jenny walked over to him.
"Hey, that was a purdy good fight that ya did there! Good job." Jenny said happily. "Mah name's Jenny! Yer Pj, right?"
Clint was watching Chan battle "I knew that he can win this match" then he thought about rest of battles "the others were strong too, I think that will be great tournament" he said to himself "There is one more battle that we want to see, yes Flareon. Better for her if it will be something" then he smiled at his pokemon.
Drew looked at the battle. '" Okay people while we will give the win to the little boy I must stress that it is one on one at the moment. If anyone else switches out their Pokemon this round you will be disqualified." He said into the speaker. "Alright people next round Isabelle vs..." he said
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Clint was very disappointed, after all she lost becouse she didn't made it to the stadion "That was a waste of time, Let's have fun from next battle" he said then he looked at the stadion and then he saw something else "Oh no, My popcorn has ended. Just a perfect day"
It appears that Isabelle is a no show." Drew announced. He looked threw the list to see who was next. Next up Marius van Hellsing vs...." his voice trailed off as he blinked at the name as if in disbelief. "Emily Cortez." He said.

Emily walked on to the stage and smiled sweetly at her opponent.
Van Hellsing smirked as he sent out a Golbat. Emily did a small spin before bringing out wiggletuff. She smirked as she noticed where the man's eyes were. ''Men are so easy to manipulate.' she thought.
She moved two fingers and tapped her hip. Wiggletuff nodded as it rolled into a ball and slammed into the Golbat.
Van Hellsing snapped back "use..." His voice trailed off.
"Too late sweet heart." She smirked. "Blizzard." Snow slammed into the bat slamming it to the ground before wigglytuff used another Gryro ball koing it.
The man was dumb founded as she returned Wigglytuff to it's pokeball and skipped off.

"Alright." Drew announced. "After that one side match the next round will be between Bailey and..." He said announcing the next fight.
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Bailey looked up at the screen. "What? I'm up? Awesome!!" He stood up and grabbed his pokeballs. "Alright...gotta get ready to face my opponent. I hope they don't choose a pokemon that'll overpower my little squad." He ran to the league, mostly out of breath. "Oh my god, I need to exercise!!!"
Allen watched the battles from a bench with no one else on it. He typed down potential ideas about how to beat them. According to the list he was near the end of the first round.

"To beat an enemy you must know them." A voice said Allen looked to his left and saw an elderly man. "This is a good spot. Most people think nosebleeds but you're able to see everything and barley anyone to yell and scream." The old man said.

Allen nodded in agreement. "I'm Allen Leuric." He said.
"Leuric." The man said before giving him a sly smile. "You can call me Merlin."
Clint came to an arena and looked at his opponent "You there, tell me. Why do you want to become a Champion...for fame, show everyone else that you are stronger than them... Or maybe there is something else" he said to him. His opponent didn't answer, he probably thought what was Clint thinking in when he asked him. "Go, Dodrio"
"Let's go, Hitmonchan" Shouted Clint then he sended Hitmonchan from Quick ball. The Battle wasn't long, the two pokemons had collided their moves once and Dodrio fainted. "Hey, that was good battle. I hope we could battle again like that" Clint said and he left the Arena.
He returned to the bench where he was sitting before and he saw two guys who were already sitting on it he was looking for his Flareon and when he found him, he glared at him. "Why you..." he quickly came to the people who were sitting there "Morning, How battles are going" he asked them.
Well, if it was PJ or not, it seemed to Jenny that he wasn't really wanting to talk to her. The cowgirl shrugged, then looked out at the arena. It appeared to be her turn in the tournament. Jenny returned Ruddie to his Pokeball and strode confidently into the arena. She paused with a hand on her hip. Her opponent approached as well, a young man with combed brown hair and glasses. He, too, looked quite confident.
"So. Yer mah opponent, huh?" Jenny asked. The young man nodded.
"My name is Trail. Trail Clark. It's a pleasure to meet you." The young man said.
"Well, ah'd say th' same!" Jenny said, taking a Pokeball from her belt. She tossed it in the air before catching. "So, we gonna fight 'r what?"
"Very well." Trail said, adjusting his glasses. He too grabbed a Pokeball, pointing it in front of him. In a flash of light, the virtual Pokemon Porygon appeared in front of him. Letting out an electrical cry, it looked ready to fight.

"Well... Ah don't reckon ah've ever seen a Pokemon like that befir..." Jenny said, scratching her head. Shrugging, she smiled and sent out her Pokemon as well. In a flash of red light, a Tauros appeared in front of Jenny. "This here is Maurice! He's one of mah Tauros, an' he tends to get real mad. So prepare yerself!"
With that, the match began.

"J-Peg, Tri Attack!" Trail commanded.
"Maurice! Hit 'im with yer Return attack!" Jenny said simultaneously. The Tauros charged forward, but wasn't able to close the gap in time. The Tri-Attack struck the bull-like Pokemon head on, but it just kept charging. Maurice slammed the Porygon, knocking it back. The digital Pokemon skidded back.
"Now hit 'im with Return again!" Jenny said. Maurice snorted and charged again, but this time Trail was ready.
"Thunder Wave!" Trail commanded. The Porygon let out a weaker electric attack which Maurice charged through once again, slamming the Porygon back even farther. It struck the wall of the arena and crumpled down, and for a moment Jenny thought she had claimed victory. But slowly, the Porygon got back to it's feet.
"Maurice, finish it with another one of yer Return attacks!" Jenny commanded. But this time, instead of charging forward, the Tauros remained where he was. "...Maurice?"
"He's paralyzed." Trail said. Sure enough, when Jenny looked closer she could see small sparks darting all around Maurice's fur, preventing the Tauros from moving. Pushing his glasses up his nose, Trail pointed at the Tauros. "Hyper Beam."

A small sphere of energy began to form at the tip of the Porygon's beak, quickly growing larger. A perceptible humming noise could be heard.
"M... Maurice! Git outta there!" Jenny said, panic quite evident on her face. The Tauros looked terrified as well, struggling to move but failing. Suddenly, the Tauros was able to move! Maurice tried to jump out of the way, but it was too late. The Hyper Beam attack was released. A white beam of pure energy was blasted from the Porygon, hitting the Tauros almost head on. The large bull Pokemon was launched across the arena, hitting the ground hard before sliding to a stop. Trail sighed, going for his Pokeball.
"That was close. One more strike, and you might have-"
"Hey! We're... we're not outta this yet, y'hear?!" Trail looked up in surprise to see Maurice slowly get to it's feet, looking worse for wear. But a fire was still in the Tauros' eyes. Jenny smiled confidently, crossing her arms.
"Maurice! Ah think it's time fer yer Return attack, wouldn't yew say?" Jenny said. Maurice snorted, then charged.
"J-Peg, Tri-Attack!" Trail commanded. But when he looked back at the digital Pokemon, it looked exhausted. The recharge time!

Halfway towards the Porgyon, Maurice suddenly froze. Paralyzed again!
"Come on, J-Peg. Anytime you'd like to use Tri-Attack would be great!" Trail said, nervous. The Porygon looked up at the Tauros, focusing a little. It began to power up to use Tri-Attack, but Maurice's paralysis wore off again.
"Go!" Both trainers yelled simultaneously. There was a loud crash, and a huge cloud of dust was kicked up. Jenny held her hands and her breath, waiting for the dust cloud to dissipate. A single bead of sweat dripped down Trail's face.

The dust dissipated to reveal Maurice, pinning the Porygon to the wall of the arena. The Tauros backed up a little and the Porygon sank to the ground, clearly out of the fight. Jenny cheered happily, running over to her Tauros. The crowd went wild! Even Trail managed a smile as he recalled his Porygon.
"Y'did it, Maurice!" Jenny said, throwing her arms around the Tauros. Maurice snorted, and rested his head on Jenny. "Ah knew y'could!"
"Good match." Trail said, polishing his glasses. "I suppose we should get off the field now, though."
"Right!" Jenny said, recalling Maurice to his Pokeball. The cowgirl quickly ran off to the competitor's lounge, her face beaming.
Allen looked at the screen. " Looks like I'm up." He said as he stood up. He raised an eye brow when he looked at the picture of the man he was going to fight. The man had golden hair and wore a toga. He just shook his head as he went onto the battle field.

" Zeus I will honor though." the man said before looking at him. " I am Heracles." The man said as he grabbed a pokeball. " Sorry but I must win this battle." He said before throwing his pokeball revealing a Charizard.

Allen let out a breath. " Great I have to deal with a nut job." He said under his breath. He threw his ball to bring out Elect. " Let's get rid of this weirdo."

Both pokemon looked at eachother before Charizard used flamethrower. Electabuzz went underneath the blast as hit the Charizard with a thunder punch only to be knocked right into the wall by dragon tail. Elect spat out blood as he looked at the Charizard. "That's some tail." He said as he got up.
Elect lifted up his hand as electricity was discharged through out the stadium. The Charizard flew threw the electricity as it grabbed elect and flew him up into the air spinning around before slamming into the ground. Elect spat out blood as it tried to hit the Charizard only to be let go and hit by another dragon tail making him fall to the ground. He heard Allen say he yield. He knew his master wouldn't want any more harm to happen to him. He smiled only to be hit by a blast burn. he took the brunt of the attack making him fly into wall as his fur and skinned burned.

Elect let out a loud cry as he tried to get up only to fall to the ground as his eyes slowly closed as he heard Allen shout his name he tried to say something as his heart slowly beats until it stopped.

Allen rushed over to Elect He looked at his burned friend. " Come on return." He said only for the ball no to recall him. Tears started to form in Allen's eyes as he knelt down and checked Elect's pulse he didn't feel a thing. " Medic." He shouted.

"It's over." Drew said a taste of bitterness in his mouth. "Winner Heracles."


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy entered the arena, he told Ren and Blaze to wait by the entrance for him. He walked up to his opponent who sent out the Venasaur. Bellamy sent out Fearow, the Venasaur used vine whip, but Bellamy shouted "Dodge and use Brave Bird, then use Steel wing straight after" Fearow did as commanded and instantly caused the Venasaur to faint. He had won he walked back over to Ren and Blaze. He then started to walk to the stands as Ren jumped on his shoulder and Blaze walked alongside side him.
"Alright." Drew said. "This round is over. The next round will be in an hour. Relax until then." He said before exiting the announcer box. He took out his phone. "Can someone tell me why the fuck we aren't throwing that Heracles in prison." He said into the phone.

Allen sat beside Elect as he was in surgery. Luckily the paramedics we're able to get to him in time. Anger went threw his bones as he thought about revenge. The man clearly went to far.

Emily walked to the trainers lounge. She grabbed some food before eating.
"Oh mah gosh..." Jenny said, shocked as she watched Allen's defeat. She covered her mouth and sat down when the Electribuzz failed to be recalled to it's Pokeball. How... how did something like this happen? This terrible accident... Jenny had to get up and go for a walk, not being able to watch the next match. This was terrible! She couldn't even imagine what would happen if she were to lose one of her Pokemon, like Maurice or Ruddie. She'd probably die herself...

Having calmed down on the walk, Jenny walked back to the trainer lounge. They had set up some food, and Jenny helped herself to some snacks. Ruddie was out of his Pokeball, sitting happily next to Jenny and completely oblivious to the whole situation. Another trainer, a girl, was nearby.
"Ah... howdy..." Jenny said. "Is that seat taken?"
Ruddie bounced over. barking happily.
Em looked up to see a cow girl talking to her. " No it isn't." She said as she motioned for Jenny to sit down. " I'm Emily Cortez." She said giving her a smile. She noticed the pokemon. " I take it he's yours." She said as she leaned in her chair and continued to eat keeping eye contact with Jenny making sure to be respectful towards her.
Clint came to that Heracles guy "Hi there, You were to rough for that trainer over there, You know" Clint said to him and he was still smiling at him "I just hope that they won't... You know, kick you out of this. It would be a shame. When we meet in battle if you will be good enough answer me, Why you want to be a Champion" and he left him alone.
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