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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers

“We can do it all! Maybe we could pull an all nighter! I mean, we don’t have school tomorrow, so we should start with games, then doodles, and then look at the stars! It would be a perfect night!” Laura said, suddenly very excited.

However, her dress was suddenly uncomfortable, and she wanted to take it off.
"Oh, well....I can't say that doesn't sound fun....." Even admitted, as he was happy Laura seemed excited for his ideas and in truth those things did seem to make up for a night to enjoy.

Though Even glanced on his suit and, while nice and he appreciated his mother's efforts, wasn't the most comfortable for something like this. So Even glanced to Laura as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Say, um....do you might if I take a minute to change into something more...casual?" Even asked, as he felt awkward changing clothes in the house of someone else but he had little other options. Still he wanted Laura's approval before he'd go to the bathroom or somewhere she'd allow to change.
“Of course! My dress is a bit uncomfortable as well.” Laura said.

Immediately she got up, and rushed to her room, putting on comfortable clothes. They weren’t even clothes, they were pajamas; a soft, black shirt and some red checkered pants. She walked downstairs, barefoot as she didn’t enjoy socks too well, and her hair was down, which wasn’t common for her.
Even gave a nod, before he'd excuse himself to the bathroom as he would first knock to make sure no one was there before he'd enter to change his clothing. He slipped on a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts with silver streaks to them. Even had a pair of white socks on, but no shoes though he had them on hand if Laura insisted.

Even would then head out to the living room as he sat on the couch and waited for Laura to return quietly.
Laura dashed over to Even the moment she saw him and grasped his shoulders.

“What game do you want to play? We have many games, and the Pokémon game from before.” Laura said excitedly.

She was giddy with excitement, and could do anything but contain herself
Even was a bit caught off guard when Laura came and grabbed his shoulders, but her good mood was a nice change of pace so he was not about to complain about it as he thought her request over.

"Well, I did have fun with that Pokemon game. We can do that, unless there is anything game you are dying to play that is co player?" Even replied to Laura as he had to admit either option seemed appealing to him.
“I’m fine with whatever, but you’re the guest! You pick, I’m gonna go make some popcorn and get candy.” Laura said.

As she finished the sentence, now racing to the kitchen, she was very reminiscent about a younger self, when she would constantly watch a horror movie with plans of snacks and chocolate milk.
"Alright...." Even said as he watched Laura race to the kitchen happily, which made the former delinquent smile as it was good to see Laura in an upbeat mood. Seems that things were looking good tonight, and he had to admit the snacks sounded nice; been too long since he had a night like this in his life.

With that, he would move over to the shelf where Laura seemed to keep her games or he guessed she did as he would scan to see what titles she had available.
After Laura had popped two bags of popcorn, she emptied them in a bowl, and grabbed a couple sets of full sized candy bars, including Harshey’s, Chomp, and NmN’s, many of which she loved. She headed back over to where Even was and set the popcorn and candy on the coffee table.

“Would you like something to drink?” She asked him.
Even glanced over as he noted the large and quite delicious assortment of snacks Laura laid out for him as she made an offer for a drink. Even had to think it over for a moment before he would turn to Laura to give his answer.

"I'll take a soda. If you don't have that a glass of water will be fine. Thank you." Even said as he showed his gratitude to the kind offer.
Laura ran over to her fridge, grasping a Caco Calo can from the fridge. She also grabbed herself the carton of chocolate milk and poured it into a glass, before rushing to join Even. She set his drink there happily.

“So, have you chosen a game?” Laura asked.
Even pulled out a copy of the Pokemon game they played with a smile on his face. Her library had many solid titles, but he had so much fun last time and was eager for more.

"I think Pokemon works for me." Even admitted as he handed the game to Laura.
Laura modded, putting the CD inside the cartridge. She handed him a remote control, and once the game started up on her Ysquare, she continued the game they were playing before. Her avatar appeared onscreen next to her Pokémon from before, Squirtle, and the same thing happened with Even and his Charmander.

“So, should we head to the first city?” Laura asked, as she looked around at the rest of the online trainers.
"Sounds like a plan...." Even said, as he figured that was a good place to start up as he saw his old Avatar and Starter boot up along with Laura's as he took a seat on the couch with his controller. Even took a sip of his water as he kept an eye for any online players but also decided to inspect his inventory.

He presumed they would not be much to it, since he and Laura only began recently, but a refresher always helped just so he knew what he had or lacked on hand.
"Do you have Pokeballs and a Pokedex? I'm pretty sure you should star with those items." Laura said, using a waving emote.

The characters looked so much like an anime show, that she couldn't even tell she was playing. That was more of a lie, they were like 3-D anime characters.
"Let me see.....I have the Pokedex yes. And it appears I have 2 Pokeballs. How many do you have?" Even asked Laura while he had his character wave back to Laura's own.

Even himself had not been as familiar with the show, given his struggles and real life drama but he had caught a glimpse of that kid named Ash from the show and his Pikachu so he could see the resemblance between the game and the show. Good recreation based on what he had seen.
"I have eight. Must've been a glitch." Laura said. "Hold on a second..."

She pressed 'A' to interact with Even's character. She pressed the 'Give' icon, and selected three Pokeballs. They were then transported to Even's inventory.

"That should do it." she said with a smile.
Lis nodded into Dylan’s side, growing relaxed and at ease from the sky and her surroundings. She grew somewhat drowsy from the events that occurred that night, and her breathing softly shifted shallowly. “Tonight was good,” she mumbled against her boyfriend, closing her eyes and humming a quiet and happy tune. “Thanks for being here with me. And thanks for being with me all the time,” Lis drawled sleepily with warmth to her tone.
Dylan smiled as Lis leaned into him, her speech slowly become more and more drawled. "The pleasure's all mine. You were my first friend here, after all." He ever so slightly squeezed his girlfriend in the hug in which the two were currently embracing, and as he listened to Lis' gentle heartbeat, her breathing slowed, as she laid back with heavy eyelids. Keeping as quiet as possible in order to not wake her, Dylan shifted his seating position and gently rested Lis' head on his lap, softly whistling a calm tune (Danny Boy, to be exact) as she slept.
Within several minutes of using Dylan as a pillow, Lis was shifting into a slumber as he whistled. Her eyes fluttered closed as she rested her head upon her boyfriend’s lap, and she was out cold in some numerous seconds. She fidgeted a bit against the bench before comfortably melting down into a somewhat fetal position on her side. Granted, the bench wasn’t any sort of mattress, but she made do and fit rather well on it - for an outdoor place to sleep, anyways. Her hand rested near her face and Dylan’s leg, fingers lightly curled as she snoozed away.
After the tune was over, Dylan looked down, and it seemed that Lis was.. simply out cold. Chuckling softly-- so as not to wake her-- he cradled her head gently while getting up from his seat. Dylan then carried his sleeping girlfriend on his back, gently slinging her arms around his neck and softly taking hold of the back of her knees in a piggy-back fashion. He had considered taking Lis back to her home, but a cold fact completely killed his train of thought: he had never been to her house before, so he didn't know where she lived. The formal had ended quite a while ago, and now, Dylan was on his way to his house, Lis still sleeping peacefully on his back, head rested against his shoulder. Opening the door, the boy found his mother, quietly snoring on the couch as always, a result of her work as a full time nurse. He climbed the stairs to his bedroom and gently set Lis down onto his bed, pulling out her handphone from her pocket before tucking her in and planting a small kiss on her forehead. Suddenly, Lis' phone in his hand began to vibrate, as the Caller ID read: Mom. Answering the phone, Dylan responded quietly, "Hello, Mrs. Fifer. I know this isn't who you expected to answer, but this is Dylan Sage; if possible, could you come pick her up at our residence? She fell asleep during the formal, so I carried her here."
Even watched as the on-screen exchange took place with Laura having her character generously give him 3 Pokeballs which upon an items check brought his total to 5 which indeed confirmed that the gift was given as Even had his character say "thank you" as a text enter option while he did the same in real life.

"That was nice, thank you. So then we head to the town?" Even asked as he clearly seemed to be enjoying this time together eager for their journey ahead.
Laura nodded.

“Yep! The map is similar to that in the game and the anime. We’re currently in the field, so we need to head a little ways through the woods a bit.”

As Laura finished, she made her character beckon for Even to follow her, and the. Took off in the direction of the woods.
"Makes sense to me, lead the way." Even replied as the plan seemed straight forward enough as soon enough he had his model not to Laura's own model as he quickly gave chase as they began their trip through the woods.

Naturally, Even had his model scan the area as they moved through it. For any wild Pokemon that could pose either problem or opportunity to add to their parties just to be on the safe side.
Lis’ mother understood with a somewhat exasperated laugh. She received Dylan’s address and began on her way to pick Lis up. It took several minutes before Mrs. Fifer pulled up near the curb by the Sage residence. Within the next few minutes, Lis was gently shaken awake, thanked and kissed Dylan goodbye - and gathered her things sleepily to her mother’s car. The ride home consisted of Mrs. Fifer excitedly pressing Lis about her boyfriend, to which Lis would provide half-awake answers. When she got home, she tossed her items on her bed, stripped from her dress in the bathroom, and took a warm shower for quite a few minutes. Then, she dried off and got dressed, neatly hung her dress up in her door, and tied her damp, silver hair into a braid. Finally, the teen collapsed on her bed after texting Dylan a “goodnight! tonight was beyond wonderful (:”.
After seeing Lis off, waving to her and her mother as they got in the car and drove away, Dylan smiled and headed back into his room. After taking off his tux and showering briefly, he toweled off and slipped into a sleeveless black tee and black athletic shorts before crawling into bed and scrolling through social media on his phone, which had now been bombarded with friends' pictures at the recent winter formal. Suddenly, his phone vibrated with a text message notification from Lis, and after reading the message, Dylan chuckled to himself and typed back a response. "I couldn't agree more; have the sweetest of dreams! ♥" He then fell back into his pillow, closed his eyes-- though the light was still on in his bedroom-- and air-played the piano, his fingers dancing along as he imagined himself playing a soft melody.
Upon walking through the forest, many bug Pokémon walking about. Laura looked to Even, before stating;

“If you want to catch a Pokémon, get close behind it and click ‘A’. Then you will be put into a battle. But you have to make sure they don’t spot you, and they’ll run away. You’ll have to sneak up on them again afterwards.”


After the formal had unfortunately come to an end, everyone had already left, and since none of his friends were around to offer a ride, he had just attempted to find his way home instead. Ezren sauntered his way through the dark, his eyes struggled to fixate on the bright streetlights, and the lurid shadows that lurked around them. Once he got onto another street street, he squinted his eyes upon a sign that pointed in multiple directions. He noticed a specific street name that stuck out to him. Then it clicked.
This is the street sign Lis and I walked past...
He looked down the Cul-de-sac, then shrugged, and proceeded down the narrow sidewalk to Lis's house. Although he hadn't been particularly prepared on what to say, all he really wanted was a ride back to his place.
Ezren approached the front door, he held his breath, then knocked lightly on the door.

"Sorry to bother you."
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Even heard Laura's advice as he glanced at the Bug Pokemon around them and decided to try it out. After all an addition to his party would be good to have and this was test to make sure he got the mechanic down now rather than run into an issue down the road.

So, Even had his character model quite cautiously move behind a lone Weedle. Careful not to have his character disturb it, he would have his character press "A" to lock in the battle sequence waiting to see if it worked.
"Ok Runt. Have a decent day today." Thomas told his younger brother, who looked up at him upset. "My name isn't runt....it's Oliver.... " This earned him a snack to the back of his head, as he yelped in pain. " Look Runt....I'll call you what I want....got it? " Thomas snapped, as Oliver nodded in reply. Thomas then shoved Oliver to the ground before getting in a car and driving away. "Ok....New school....piece of cake, as long as they don't ask questions...." Oliver told himself, walking in the building, looking around in awe.
Before Lis closed her eyes, her mother softly rapped on her door and announced that a friend of hers awaited outside. Lis rubbed her eyes before sliding out of her bed and stepping into a pair of leggings to look more presentable. She rested her hands in her hoodie’s pockets as she walked down the hallway and to the open door. Lis raised her eyebrows when she saw Ezren standing before her outside. “Oh, hey! What are you doing still dress up and awake?” Lis queried the familiar face.


After a few moments silence, Lis answered the door with quizzed look. Ezren's face flushed, and he started to shiver out in the cold.
He smiled then cleared his throat. "You see I don't really know how to get back to my house..." He echoed nervously. "Would it be an-er issue if I could stay here for the night?" Ezren tilted his head, then smiled, "Of course if that's okay with you."
The wind paced around him, which made his hair flow freely along with it.
Lis blinked once, taking a second to process his request due to her fatigue. When the lightbulb blinked, she responded with, “Oh.. I’m sure it’s not a problem.” The girl looked behind her shoulder to signal the “okay” from her mother, who in return shrugged and said, ”Fine by me.” Lis smiled softly, and ushered Ezren inside. “I believe you’ve stayed in the guest room before, so you can spend the night in there if that’s alright,” she spoke as she walked down the hallway to the extra room. Lis opened its door and looked to Ezren kindly. “If you need anything, just knock on my door and I’ll help you out.”