Kate, grinning as she watched her Pokemon's hard work be shown off, knew it would be time to go all out. Azurill, watching Raichu and Gardevior approach, came closer and closer to the ascending duo, until eventually... it missed completely. Azurill kept going down, faster and faster. At the same time, Mincinno kept digging underground, faster and faster, until eventually reaching the other end of the battlefield. Once it's reached the right spot, it launched right out of the ground, as Azurill was fell, trying to land by its side. And, at the moment the two pokemon were united once more in the air, they heard their command from Kate. "Alright guys, let em' have it!". Instantaneously, Azurill launched a beam of a thousand clear bubbles, and Mincinno spat out a barrage of seeds from its mouth, sending the combo straight towards their opponents. Kate and her pokemon knew this would that this move had to hit, or they would be out of cards up their sleeves, but unlike her Pokemon, Kate cheered as they released the fury, in awe by the sight of their teamwork.