As Danny and Melody were walking away Ken just thought, "I was born and raised in Kalos too, ya'know." "Welp, whatever. I'm heading to the fishing dock now!" exclaimed Ken. Ken than went running to the fishing dock and then he was stopped by a fisherman. "Woah, woah, woah! Where do you think you're going?" asked the fisherman. "Well, I'm going to go get myself a Water type at that there fishing dock, sir." replied Ken. "Not without one of these you ain't," said the fisherman, "Here you go." The fisherman than pulled out a fishing rod. "Thank you." said Ken as he was given the rod. Ken then, finally arriving at the fishing dock, took out his fishing rod and started fishing. *Three hours later* "Why is this taking so long?" Ken thought. Than out of nowhere a Corsola appeared. "Woah, well I guess I'm going to catch you!" exclaimed Ken. But as soon as Ken was going to chuck the Poke-ball a Marinae appeared and was about to eat the Corsola. "Holy moly!" exclaimed Ken and threw his Poke-ball at the Marinae instead. It was captured successfully. "Change of plans, eh." Ken thought.