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Ask to Join The Mixed World

Susie jumped out of Dingodiles way, and flinched as the dart hit her. She slowly turned over to Gunvolt. “I’LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER.” It barely seemed to have an effect. She looked back towards Dingodile. She switched her weapon to the Devilsknife, showing no emotion. “Heh...hehehehehehahaha.....” Susie began laughing. “I’ll always be your friend and be proud of you no matter what....thats what you said....” She lowered her weapon. “That was just another lie....you thought I’d hurt the kid....you really don’t trust me huh....” She dropped her weapon. “...I guess....no one actually REALLY wants to be my friend....” She smiled sadly, turning away. “I’ll just leave. Sorry.” She switched her weapon to her Mane Ax, throwing it at Vian. “Use it wisely kid.” She said, and began walking away, her head hanging down.
"There is little to be proud of when you intimidate someone who tried to do the right thing. I am willing to give you another chance, if you are willing to take it atleast. I still want to be your friend, as long as you don't attack the ones who are there for you. Biting the hand that feeds you is not a smart thing to do." Dingodile took some deep breaths before opening his arms for a hug. "Whaddaya say, mate? If ya really need to throw out some agression, just tell me and we can spar."
"I doubt it." Susie growled. " you really don't wanna be friends. You just pity me, don't you... " Susie mumbled. "I can't help you guys..." Vian walked over. "You can though...you gave me something to defend myself with...." He mentioned, holding her ax up. "Here. I can do it on my own!" He said, handing it back. Susie didn't say anything, just turned away. " you all are just tricking me... "
"Why would I pity you? If anything, I'd be a bit jealous of you. You have friends back home who care about you, you have a killer axe and you have something that made Claw look past your appearance and willingly be near you. We're all stranded here, regardless of age, race or allignment. If there was an allignment selection, I'd be stuck here alone because I did more despicable things in my life than you can imagine. If we want to survive, we need to stick together. You have three choices. One; join us and we'll try our best to not let this happen again. Two; roam around alone and hope for the best or three and the most dangerous choice; join the group of Claw and the cups and wonder how long it will take for you to get done in. If we were tricking you, I'd have ripped your throat out during that fight. I didn't because I don't want to hurt you nor will I come the raw prawn with you." Dingodile tried to sway Susie to stay, mostly because he'd be damned to let her think something that wasn't true.
Susie began growling again, tightening her grip on her ax. "M-Maybe don't use t-that...." Vian said, trying to pull it away. Susie swung the ax again on reflex, this time it cutting through Vians shoulder as he cried out. "DON'T ***KING TOUCH ME YOU LITTLE ***T!" Suise roared , and Vian began crying. Teal ran over, pulling him back to check on his wound. "She's a jerk!" She told Vian. " y-yeah....I don't know h-how she has any f-friends... "
Dingodile sighed. "Vian, Teal. Shut up and let me handle this. You are not helping this situation in the slightest." His voice growled and his teeth gnashed. "When I am done, I will apologise for my behaviour if you two apologise to Susie and give her a chance. Respect her boundaries, just like you do with me. She's no different from me, the only difference between us is how easily you all accepted me and refuse to accept her. Give her a chance and keep your mouth shut before you say something rude again. And to answer your question, she probably has friends because they respect her and they aren't dumb enough to insult her to her face. Remind me to teach you proper etiquette around creatures like us after this is done. And Susie, if you can't calm down, fight me."
“No! I’m not forgiving her!” Teal snapped. “Look, what do I need to do?” Susie sighed. “You cant make us like you! You hurt my friend!” Teal shouted, and Susie sighed. She lifted her ax, and suddenly slashed down, stabbing it into her own leg, causing Teal to flinch, and Vian to make a confused noise. Susie winced. “I-Is....that enough....?”
Dingodile said nothing and walked over to Susie, pulling the ax out of her leg and used it to cut his remaining pant leg to make an improvised bandage. If Dingodile wearing pants wasn't unnerving enough, now he was wearing shorts. "This should stop the bleeding a bit, though it might need to be cauterised if it gets too dangerous. Sit down and I'll talk with Teal." He smiled at Susie, harboring no ill will against her. He walked away from her and went to talk with Teal. "Look Teal, I am not mad at you but I want to ask one thing of you. Try to imagine you in Susie's shoes for a moment. All alone and surrounded by people who hate her for trying to protect herself. I can't blame her for lashing out, and I probably am responsible for this situation. Just, try to keep your cool a bit. Okay?"
Teal rolled her eyes. “She still hurt my friend. Vian is all I have left now, what can I do when I get home? Nothing.” She glared at Susie. She walked away, Vian slowly standing and walking after her. Susie looked down as she sat on the ground, sighing. She was glad her hair covered her eyes, slight tears forming in them.
Mugman perked up. “Cuphead, Vega, I’ll be back.” He said, throwing a smoke bomb down and disappearing. “..Huh. There’s a lot of negative energy around....” Cuphead commented. “He must be trying to find the source.”
"She's still worthy of a shot at friendship. You atleast have someone left, she has none left. Neither do I, but I don't care if I kick the can here. She hurt Vian out of frustration, those cups killed Gold on purpose. Try to release your anger on them, feel free to bite them." When Teal walked away, he sighed and went back to Susie. "They'll come around, I hope they will atleast. Sorry for the attack by the way."


Vega's eyes shimmered. "Negative energy huh? Think our little squid girl is involved? I'd be more than willing to help finish the job." His voice was drenched in bloodlust as he kept sharpening his claws. "They have a monster girl around, but she doesn't seem to have any weapons like flamethrowers on her."
“Heh....they wont come around....I can tell.....” She wiped the tears from her eyes, looking towards Dingodile. “You don’t have to be sorry....I don’t deserve being here....or in my own world.....maybe it’d be better if I just....vanished. Disappeared, without a trace.” Her gaze turned over to her ax. “It wouldn’t be too hard to do....”
“Well, the tiny squid is part of it.” Cuphead said, concentrating. “And, that monster girl you talk about....I think it may be her as well.”
"Don't say that. They accepted me, I don't see why they can't accept you. Yeah, you're a bit impulsive but you're still young. Accidents happen, I've destroyed many test subjects when I was young, an axe swipe really ain't that big a deal when compared to my actions. Us monsters will always be shunned, so we should stick together. Finishing it with your axe won't help your situation, save it for one of those cups. If you put up a fight against one of them or the clawed dude, I'm sure you'll be accepted." Dingodile didn't want to place a comforting hand on Susie's shoulder given what happened last time, so he just settled for a kind smile.


"Tell me, is that monstro involved as well? I'd love to hear him suffer!" Vega could barely surpress his sadistic urges and began to shiver in glee.
“...yeah. Not with the squid though...but with the monster. We should check it out!” Cuphead shouted. “You ready?” He asked, pulling out his smoke bomb.
Susie stared up at Dingodile silently. You couldn’t tell her emotion, due to half her face being covered. She just stayed quiet.
"I am always ready to let the ugly pay for their sins, and that group is the most repulsive thing I've ever seen." Vega wiped some paint off his mask and nodded. "¡Vamonos! ¡Con rapidez!"


Dingodile sat down, allowing Susie to think things over. "You're not half bad y'know, yer the only one aside from Tiny to be able to toss me aside like that." He said in hopes of relieving some tension between them.
Cuphead threw the smokebomb down near them. “Here we go!”
“.....” She suddenly looked around quickly. “I have a feeling we’re being watched.” She said, switching her weapon out to the Brave Ax. “Hey! Kids! You don’t have to trust me, but be on guard at least!” She shouted. Vian shakily nodded, and Teal shrugged, but they pulled their weapons out.
Dingodile jumped up and grabbed his flamethrower. "Susie, do you think you could create sparks with your axe? I want to try something, see if I can suck up fire to use as my own." He asked as he began sniffing the air. "Great, perfume. I know that smell all too well."


Vega could not wait any longer and although the travelling by smoke bomb was an odd experience, he quickly regained his senses and crouched down. "Alright, what's the plan amigo?"
Susies ax began glowing, a magical fire setting on it. “Here ya go. Use it careful though, magic is hard to control.” Cuphead glanced over. “They know we’re here, so let’s try to use the element of surprise.” He said quietly. He looked over into a tree, seeing Mugman up there, waiting as well.
"Sweet." Dingodile sucked the flames up and looked at the meter on top, the tank was somehow filled to the brim. "Break out the butter, I'm gonna make toast!" He let out a hearty laugh as he looked around, looking for his victims.

Vega nodded. "Got it." He sneaked off and climbed a nearby tree, in a great location to jump down on Teal and Vian. Tonight, we're eating calamares!
Susie looked over at the younger group members, walking over. “Stay alert. I’m going to protect you.” She told them. Mugman saw that she was distracted, and quickly shot at her. The shot missed though, and her soul appeared. “That was close....” She thought. She held her hand over her soul as a somewhat shield for it. “Hmm....” Cuphead found this intresting.
Dingodile saw the shot aimed at Susie and traced its trail back to the gun, which appeared to be in a tree. He ran over to it and set the tree ablaze, not really caring about what would happen to the forest as long as Mugman burnt to a crisp. "Set the fire, spread the fla-ame! You'll know my na-ame!" He began to sing a couple of lines as he kept an eye on Mugman, ready to set fire to every tree he'd jump to.

Vega's eyes narrowed as Susie protected his inital targets. If we can't have her, no one can! "Flying Barcelona Attack!" He jumped down with crossed arms before spreading it right as he was about to land, this attack would cause some nasty damage to anyone bearing the full brunt of it.
Susie picked the younger kids up, dodging out of the way. Mugman jumped down, switching his gun to peashooter, shooting at Dingodile. Cuphead saw his chance, and shot at Susie’s soul. Susie couldn’t dodge, and it hit her soul, causing her to scream in pain, dropping Teal and Vian. Her soul cracked a bit, and she fell to one knee.
"BURN!" Dingodile shot three fireballs into the sky before firing at Mugman, dodging most bullets but getting hit by some. Either his natural thick skin negated some damage or Dingodile was high on adrenaline, he kept walking forward and billowing out flames.

Vega landed on his feet, and noticed Susie was hurt. A mocking grin graced his face as he walked towards her and lifted her head up. "Hello chica, remember me? If only you picked the right side down there, now you'll have to suffer with the rest of the filthy and repulsive creatures. Although I understand why you are attracted to this group, didn't the saying go 'birds of a feather flock together'? Nice floating heart by the way, mind if I steal it?" Filling the air with mocking laughter, Vega slashed at Susie's soul, unsure of its importance but more than willing to destroy it.
Mugman dodged repeatedly, laughing. Susie screamed out again, her soul cracking more. It began wavering, the glow it gave off dying down. Susie looked up at Vega, whimpering. “D...D-Din...Dingo...dile.....” She choked out. “H-Help....”
"I'll deal with you later!" Dingodile shouted after seeing Vega attack Susie. The fireballs came down from the sky onto Mugman's position as the burning tree caused the nearby grass to ignite as well. He ran over to Susie and shoot a fireball directly at Vega, who was caught off guard and took a solid hit. The fire burned his shirt and mask due to the paint and his claw got hotter and hotter.

"Maldición!" Vega took off his mask and his shirt, revealing a purple snake tattoo on his chest and circling his left arm. He bared his teeth at Dingodile. "You! You'll be seeing red by the time I'm done with you!" He dashed forward with incredible speed and slashed at Dingodile with his hot claw, slicing his chest although blood did not shoot out due to the wounds getting cauterised by the heat.
Susie fell to the ground, not moving. Mugman and Cuphead nodded to each other, spiltting up. Mugman ran over to Teal and Vian, aiming at them and grinning. “Heh! Hostages acquired!” He shouted. Cuphead however, ran over to Susie and aimed at her already damaged soul. “Same here! Yo, Vega! We got the other ones, what now?” He asked.


Previously Manu456Alola
“No you don’t!” Gunvolt said, as he changed his dart to Naga and shot four bolts, two at each cup brother, and dashed in front of Teal and Vian, deploying his Flashfield to protect the two kids, hoping Dingodile would take care of Susie.
The brothers fell back. Cuphead and Mugman both switched to change shot, charging their shots up. “So....who should we get rid of first...?” Cuphead asked. “I dunno....what should we do Vega? Your our boss now.” Mugman called over. Susie attempted to stand, but Cuphead simply used his free hand to scratch her soul, and she collapsed again.
Vega looked at his claw that got some blood of Dingodile on it. "Interesting, all blood is so beautiful even when its owner isn't." A cruel grin stretched upon his face as he raised his claw. "Allow me to have a bit of fun before finishing this monster off" Vega was about to press the hot iron against Dingodile's eye when his target decided to bite down on his hand and breaking the bones inside of it. Vega let out a bloodcurdling scream as his hand got crushed under Dingodile's bite force and his attacker pulled a pin out of his flamethrower.

Letting go of Vega's hand, if it could be considered one, Dingodile slammed his tail into Vega's stomach before firing off a wall of flames, burning through 70% of his tank in one shot. "RUN!" He stopped firing and picked Susie up, slinging her over his shoulder before fleeing. Vega took off his claw and fitted it on his healthy hand. "You want orders? Kill them! iMátalos!" He shouted as he ran through the forest, rage, sadism and pain fueling his every move.
Teal and Vian couldn't move, staying behind Gunvolt. Mugman stayed put, keeping his aim at Gunvolt, while Cuphead ran off after Dingodile.

Susie was oddly light, for some reason, and she didn't fight back against Dingodile. She just stayed quiet, which was unlike her.
Dingodile ran through the bushes, worried about Susie's lack of weight. Looking behind him, he saw Vega closing in on him with Cuphead following right behind. He fired his flamethrower and set the bushes ablaze, though Vega just jumped over them. A fireball quickly made him change directions though, as he did not want to get scorched by it.

Dingodile ran further until reaching a dense cluster of bushes, he hid Susie's body there and stood guard to face Vega. "Hey, pretty boy! You want me right? Come get me!" He ran deeper into the woods, a furious Vega right behind him.
“Heh, IDIOT.” Cuphead thought, seeing where he hid Susie. He walked over. “Well, I can see why he likes ya. You both are freaks.” He said, grinning. He held his hand under her soul. “Well, goodbye kid.” He said happily, but stopped. He pulled his hand away, Susies soul staying above his hand. “Oh...well that’s interesting.” He thought. “I give you one chance to heal.” He growled. “I have an idea for you...”
Vega leapt forward, kicking Dingodile in the back of his head and using him as a springboard. The matador landed with grace imbedded in his bones whilst Dingodile struggled to keep standing. "We have some unfinished business, you and me. I promised myself to spill your blood until you can no longer stand and I never break any promises." He flashed a sadistic smile as he dashed towards Dingodile.

Expecting a repeat of their first fight, Dingodile charged at Vega with his shoulder ready to bash into him. Vega jumped over the charging creature and slashed at his shoulder, spilling first blood. Dingodile turned around and growled, Vega was much more agile than him. That's when he saw a familiar red straw near the place where he hid Susie. Fueled with rage, he fired a fireball at Cuphead and a spray of flames at Vega.
Cuphead dodged out of the way. “He’s mad...” He thought, grinning. “Maybe I should make this fun!” He threw a smokebomb down.
Mugman stared at Gunvolt. Vian and Teal kept hold on their weapons. Cuphead silently appeared behind Teal, grabbing her arm and throwing another smokebomb down. Vian didn’t notice, glaring at Mugman.
Cuphead appeared again, holding onto Teals arm. “Yo, Vega, look what I found!” He shouted, and Teal looked around. “What the...” She mumbled.


Previously Manu456Alola
“Gack!” Gunvolt exclaimed as he saw Cuphead disappear with Teal from the corner of his eye. Trying to make sure that wouldn’t happen to Vian, he did a flip backwards, grabbing him, before transferring the electricity from his Flashfield into his hand. He then fired an electric blast from his hand at Mugman, trying to keep him away.

Dammit, where did Cuphead go? How far away can these guys go with those pesky smoke bombs? The Azure Striker thought. For now all he could do was keep Mugman at bay.
Mugman dodged the shot. “Woah, your feisty eh?” He chuckled. Vian noticed Teal was gone. “W-What?! Teal!? Where did she go!?” He shouted.
Cuphead kept a hold on Teal, walking towards Dingodile, but only a few small steps. “Hehehe...you always fail to protect your friends...” He taunted. Teal growled, trying to pull away. “Let go of me you stupid-“ She tried shouted, but Cuphead stuffed a cloth in her mouth to muffle the sound.
Vega looked at Cuphead and grinned. "Estupendo. Let's round this up!" As he turned around to face Dingodile though, a fist met his face and knocked him onto the ground. Dingodile took Vega's claw, picked him up by his throat and pointed his flamethrower at his victim's face. "I atleast try, you don't even give a crap about your allies. If you do, let Teal go and I will let this scum go. If you don't care, I will burn his face off, replace my dinner with him and chase you down until you're dead!" Dingodile snapped as Vega desperately tried to escape, his claw was in the possession of Dingodile and it was impossible to get it without getting attacked. After all, reaching for his belt was obvious enough as it is.
“Let him go first.” Cuphead growled. Teal managed to spit the cloth out. “DINGODILE DONT LISTEN!” She yelled. “Shut up.” Cuphead growled at her, covering her mouth with his hand. Teal bit down, causing him to yelp and pull away. He looked at Vega, unsure of what to do. “Well....how about if you don’t let him go...something much worse will happen.”
"A life for a life? I've got no trouble with that. Nothing you say can scare me, I've got nothing to lose. Let her go or I'll add your brother to my hitlist. And if the hand of your little friend means anything, I am not afraid to get physical." Dingodile growled as Vega tried to focus on his breathing, struggling would just tire him out and with a kick to the stomach he'd risk getting killed anyway on accident.
“LET HIM GO. OR ELSE I WILL NOT HESITATE.” Cuphead growled. Teal began kicking at him, trying to pull away. “Yo, Agent 3. Tell him to let my friend go.” He told her. Teal looked at Vega, then Cuphead, and finally at Dingodile. She didn’t know what to do.
"Like your 'friend', I am a creature of my word. If I wanted to kill him, I would've done it already. I don't trust you though, and I have every reason to. You once sided with us before going all demonic, so don't blame me for being cautious. How about we release them at the same time? I am honorable enough to keep my word and give you some time to flee, but I can't say the same about you." Dingodile bared his fangs as his finger twitched on the trigger.

"Don't you have any weird magic to freeze his hand or something? You are a demon for crying out loud!" Vega yelled before the flamethrower nozzle got bashed into his stomach and returned to aim at his head.

"Shut up, or I will kill you regardless of the deal." Dingodile hissed as Vega clutched his stomach.