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The Norris Ranch (Verdanturf Town. Hoenn Region.)

It was just like any other day for Nicholas, caring for the various Pokemon owned by his parents. Working at a ranch was no easy task, and Nicholas would often fall asleep on the job due to fatigue. There had been many Pokemon up for adoption at Norris Ranch that day, but for some strange reason very few people even came by to see what Pokemon were being given away.

Nicholas placed his hand on his forehead, feeling his sweat-soaked bandanna. The day was much warmer than normal, but the air of Verdanturf was always so clean and refreshing that it kept Nicholas awake at work. "Boy, I sure do envy you Munchlax." He was giving Munchlax a bath out in the open. "You get to sit out in the sun and have someone else give you a bath. Say, wanna trade places for a bit?" He chuckled, looking to Munchlax as it exclaimed in protest. "Munchlax!" It was obvious that the Munchlax was content being bathed. Nicholas finished up with Munchlax's bath, and proceeded to dry him off with a towel. He dropped down to its level, staring it straight in the eyes as he explained something to it. "Now remember, Exeggcute is not food. If you try and eat one of them again I can't be responsible if you get hurt." He gave Munchlax a quick pat on the back as it waddled away with a grin about its face. Nicholas took a long breath and fell onto his back in the grass, falling asleep within a few moments.

Ninetales walked about the Ranch with her head held high, looking around the Ranch she felt she was the leader of. Suddenly, she spotted Nicholas passed out in the grass, the soap covered sponge across his forehead. She rolled her eyes and took a few long strides over to Nicholas and nuzzled him gently until he woke up. As Nicholas sat up, Ninetales sat down in the grass, her tails wagging slightly. Nicholas smiled at Ninetales, giving her a quick hug before he stood. "Hello Salia, having a good day so far? I hope Solo hasn't been troubling you too much." Before she could even bark out a response Nicholas looked at his Poketch. His jaw dropped, and he ran towards the main building. "Oh man! Two hours!? If Mom finds out about this she's going to dock my pay again." As Ninetales followed him she snickered a bit, giving Nicholas a push as he ran. "Yeah yeah, I know I'm not running fast enough." He picked up his pace, and finally came to the door. He looked around, noticing nobody was in the adoption center. He let out a sigh of relief and stood behind the counter, waiting for a customer to come in.

(( I hope I did decent. I don't have a lot of Forum RP experience. ))
Kalseng was kicking off all manners of mud and dirt from his shoes, which were now splattered with grass stains. He knew that he shouldn't walk through mud and tall grass with his shoes on, but it was better than his bare feet. Kalseng chuckled to himself softly as he approached the breeding center.

The air around Verdanturf was always so crisp, fresh and clean. Kalseng could smell all the different aromas that wafted gently through the air. He could smell a Roserade dancing about, but couldn't see the magical creature anywhere. The grass gently tickled the trainer's ankles, as his seafoam green cape danced around his calves. Kalseng looked around at the wonderful scenary. The path was speckled with trees, each tall and proud, with thick bases. He could smell the sweet maple trees, and on accasion the nutty smell of an oak would tease Kalseng's nose.

The sky was the perfect shade of blue with the sun diffusing the entire outer city with light. Kalseng's dark green sunhat made of cloth protected him from any blinding sunlight as he stared up at the sky. Very few clouds drifted through the sky, presenting the perfect weather for a walk.

Kalseng's worn-in jeans collected grass stains quickly from the lush grass. Soon the stains had built up to the same color as his long-sleeve shirt. None of this bothered Kalseng in the least, for he was a travelling bard and storyteller. He could wander through hell if it meant having a better story to tell. He had always wanted to see what a pokemon breeding center was like, and if he found a good or cute pokemon, he might even adopt it.

Kalseng took a look at his Dratini egg, which he always carried with him. It was cradled in the nook of his left arm, as one would hold a baby. It was being kept slightly warm by the sun, and a bit more by Kalseng's own body heat. Kalseng wasn't looking for them to take the egg, he was just hoping one of them could provide him with answers as to the basic needs of a Dratini egg. The breeding and adoption center came into view not too long after Kalseng examined his egg.

The siding was a blue-tinted vinyl, splattered with various things in small quantites, but not a lot of splatter. The roof was a claming green color, matching Kalseng's entire wardrobe. It also matched the color of the grass and trree leaves, which was difficult to do with regular paint. Maybe they left the roof upside-down on the grass, and it was grass-stained that color. Who knows? Kalseng saw a sign hanging above the single door which read 'Breeding and Adoption Center'. The words were carved into a hanging wooden sign, wth fancy extras such as pictures of pokemon playing about a stream, underlines and even a few trees. The windows were not nearly as old as the rest of the building, easily under a year old, each cleaner than your average window.

Kalseng saw the work and dedication someone had put into keeping htis place together, and how someone had also negelcted the sides of the house, but Kalseng didn't mind. The rest of the care and effort easily made up for it. Kalseng reacehd for the door handle with his right hand, and pulled it open. A bell was apparently set to ring as people walked in and out of the building, and said bel chimed as Kalseng walked through the door.

"Hello?" Kalseng's voice echoed through the almost empty room. He saw a particularly sweaty worker standing behind th e counter, and Kalseng approached him. "Hello there, my name is Kalseng, and I would like to look around for a pokemon I might want to adopt." Kalseng smiled sweetly at the worker. "If you could, would you mind helping me figure out what to do while I care for my egg?" Kalseng hoisted the egg up wiith his arm, presenting it to the man, and then returned it to its original cradle. "I'd really like to do everything in my power to make sure this little guy hatches with perfect health." Kalseng was genuinly concerned, and hoped that he owuldn't be too much work for the exhausted worker.

[[OOC: Wow, that was a lot of description. Ah well, it's what I do. Sometimes...]]
OOC:Hope you don't mind if I come along.

Zack trudged through the bushes and trees around him. He looked down upon Cubone while Cubone looked back with a furious look on his face. "Hahahahaha I know this wasn't the brighest of ideas but its alot quicker to the breeding ground and I need to find out how Riolu evolves." Cubone still looked furious. "Ok..." Zack rummaged through his bag and found an Oran Berry. "Here you go...this should get your mind off of things..." Cubone happily took the berry and began to chow down.

Just than he saw an old building with lots of pokemon but one in perticular stood out. It was a ninetails and it was walking galiantly tword one of the breeders. The breeder gave it a hug and began to run tword the building. As Zack approached it there was a big sign that read "Breeding and Adoption Center" with pictures of pokemon playing by a small creek. "This must be the place" he whispered to Cubone. He looked at Zack with a relieved face and smiled. As he peered through the window of the door Zack saw another of what seemed to be a trainer talking to the breeder he saw.

As Zack opened the door he heard the chime of a bell.(Slight autoing...hope you don't mind) The trainer and breeder both looked my way and Zack smiled and said "Hello!" Just than Cubone ran up to the other trainer and pulled on his pants, than he pointed tword the egg with his bone.

OOC:I think this sucked bad xD
(i hope you don't mind if i join in)

Just that second, there was a loud crash as yet another trainer made his way into the ranch, this time making more of an entrance. Lloyd had been in such a hurry that he didnt see Zack standing at the door, therefore ran into the back of the other trainer. Cubone stared down at the odd boy who had just come in and prodded him with his bone, he didn't move, just groaned. After a few seconds of complete silence, Lloyd got up slowly with blood trickling down his confused face, he looked down at the boy he just knocked over and his face went pale.

'OH MY GOD, are you alright?' he asked hurriedly, again there was just a mild groan. 'I'm so sorry, i was in such a rush to get my...um...pokémon I didn't see you' Lloyd attempted to help Zack to his feet as Kalseng and the breeder stared at him, Cubone joined in after a while of enjoying watching the boy struggle. Zack made it to his feet and luckily wasn't hurt too bad, he looked around for a while before remembering why he was there. 'I am really sorry' Lloyed repeated through his blue bandana. 'Are you okay?'

(i hope i did alright, i'm kinda new to this whole thing)
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OOC:Nice it's good that you didn't auto me too much just ask next time. I'm not trying to get you mad it's just more polite.

Zack rubbed his head just as he got to his feet. "Yea I'm fine...hopefully Cubo here didn't hurt you..." Just than Cubo crossed his arms and smiled. "Hahahahaha he thinks he's the best pokemon out there so any damage he does he's proud of....so are you a breeder here?" Zack shifted his weight to his right foot and raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. "I need to find out how my Riolu can evolve so it can take place in the pokemon league when I get to Johto."
Kalseng watched the rowdy trainer slam into the other, and the Subone, apparently named Cubo, prod the fallen trainers. Kalseng did all he could to not laugh, and by the time he had fought the urge to laugh completely, the trainer was asking about his Riolu. Kalseng knew how Riolus evolved, because he had seen one evolve. He waited for the breeder to respond to Kalseng's own question before going over to the trainers.

"Umm... Excuse me?" Kalseng was approaching the two trainers, taking small steps as his shoes made little to no noise crossing the floor. "I believe that Riolus evolve when they are absolutely fond of their trainer, and then only evolve in the daytime..." Kalseng said softly. He then turned to the breeder. "Am I right?"
Zack jumped as he heard the trainer near the breeder at the desks voice right behind him. "Wow didnt hear you coming." "I believe that Riolu evolves when they are absolutely fond of their trainer, and then only evolve in the daytime..." he said. "Wow thanks now I can finally evolve him and take place in the Johto Pokemon League." Zack turned his attention to the trainer in front of him now. "So what're you doing at a breeding zone?" Zack smiled and said "You seem to know alot about pokemon...are you going to become a breeder?"
[[OOC: Me? I'm going to reply like you're talking to me.]]

Kalseng jumped a little at the question. Him, a pokemon breeder? No way. Never. He was a travelling bard... No way he could be a pokemon breeder...

Could he be a pokemon breeder? "M-me?," Kalseng stuttered because of how strange the question posed was. "No. I'm just a travelling bard and storyteller." Kalseng replied, his voice melodic and somewhat deep. "I'm only here to learn what I can about hatching Dratinis and maybe get a pokemon or two." Kalseng explained.
OOC:Yea you we haven't really introduced ourselves yet so I didn't use any names...

"Oh nice how'd you get the egg? Is it an interesting story?" Zack smiled at his own little joke. "Wow how rude of me...I'm Zack and this little guy is Cubo." Cubo was running around at that time and bumped right into the strangers leg. Cubo fell right on his bottom and looked up at the towering figure in anger. He took his bone and starting pounding the trainers leg. By the look on the trainers face he felt nothing. "Hahahahaha don't mind him. He just shaken up by people alot bigger than him." Zack looked at the trainer in wounder..."What was your name again?"
(oh god, sorry)

Lloyd watched the two trainers talk and ushered in his zangoose, who was heavily breathing from the running that they had to do.
'sorry 'bout that zangoose' Lloyd gently said to him. zangoose looked at Lloyd in an uneasy way and then smirked. Lloyd backed off, he didn't want to anger his zangoose, him and his zangoose were tight but when zangoose smirked like that, Lloyd could tell he was annoyed. Lloyd quickly tried to distract him; 'Look! there's a friend over there for you to play with!' Lloyd jeered pointing at the cubone

(sorry, if i'm autoing, tell me off and i'll fix it)
OOC:No I'm not going to tell you off.If you auto me and I don't like it I'll just ask you to modify it ok?

Zack turned around to look at the Zangoose at the doorway. "Wow nice Zangoose..is that yours?" Zack peered at the other trainer near the doorway. "Hi I'm Zack...what's your name?" Zack moved to the middle of the room so he can face everyone now and said "We should all become good friends." Cubo walked up to Zangoose and they started to talk. After a while they laughed and began to run around so Zack knew CUbo made a good friend.
(okay, thanks)

'Hi, I'm Lloyd' Lloyd held out his hand with a purple fingerless glove on then peered at the two pokemon running around and playing ' Yeah, thats my zangoose, he seems to get on really well with your cubone! haha' Lloyd joked.
OOC: No problem

Zack shook his hand, "Awesome...my Cubo loves to meet new people and pokemon...although he always trys to beat them up first." He chuckled "So what're you hear for?"...Zack than suddenly turned my attention to the other trainer in the room...hmmmm that trainer there needs to hatch his Dratini egg but I still never got his name...and I just found out how to evolve Riolu...but I'm going to stick around some more..."

"We should get to know each other more..." Zack looked at them both with a hopeful look on my face. "I love meeting new trainers and so does my other pokemon...they always wanna meet new friends." Zack looked at Cubo. "Hahaha just like Cubo does."
Kalseng was about to share his name with the other trainer when she ever-so-rudely wakled to the middle of the room. Kalseng twitched a little bit in anger, and walked up to her. "My name is Kalseng," He explained tartly "But you can call me Kal. Everyone does." Kalseng continued. "It's very nice to meet you." Kalseng said politely.

"Haunter..." Kalseng called softly. He forgot about him, and Kalseng had no idea what even brought about the thought. It was probably seeing all of the cheerful pokemon. But Kalseng digressed in thoughts. His haunter appeared next to him, fading out of invisibility. "There you are. These are new people. That one is Zack, and that one is Lloyd." Kalseng gestured to the two individuals and then turned to the trainers.

"So why are we here, and what are we doing?" He asked the two trainers.
OOC: Aww I tried to make space to look at everyone xD

"Ok cool so what do you say we leave...and maybe even go train somewhere?" Zack turned his attention to the breeder at the desk. "He looks like he's asleep...maybe a hard day at work." I chuckled. "We can come back later..." Zack waved for Cubo to come but he was too busy playing with Zangoose. "So what do you say guys...in the forest there were lots of Beedrill. We can fight those..."

OOC:This sucked I had nothing else to say xD.
"No," Kalseng resopnded. "I'm fine. I'll just wait here. You guys can go on ahead and train. I'm came here for a reason." Kalseng figured he could go out with the breeder and assist him while he found a good pokemon and got good notes on how to care for a Dratini egg. He knew what he had to do, and if he left now, he'd just be rude. Kalseng made soft tapping noises as he approached the desk, silently hoping for the breeder to come to.

Kalseng decided waiting was okay, and he swung up on top of the counter, kicking his legs.

[[OOC: Maybe don't have him fall asleep. And I'll wait for you to come back, Norris.]]
OOC:Ok I'll just study the pokemon outside than xD.

"Hmm hang on second thought..." Zack reached for the pokeballs on his waist."Come on out everyone!" Just than a line of pokemon appeared next to Cubo...in that line consisted of a Scyther, Sandslash, Cubone, Charizard, Gabite and Riolu landed in Zacks arms because he was only and infant. "Well guys go outside and play with the other pokemon but be nice...Im going outside to train with Riolu so he can evolve." Zack turned around to face Kal. "Well Kal come get me when the receptionist comes to...I'll be out front." He than turned and walked out the door. The sound of the bell echoed behind him.
Nicholas mumbled a bit in his sleep, finally coming to. He noticed Kalseng in the store, and called to him. "Oh my... I'm sorry... I must have fallen asleep again." He yawns, continuing his speech. "In any case, is there something I can do for you?" He removed his bandanna, letting his hair loose.

(( Sorry, I was asleep and at school all day. Couldn't exactly reply. ))
"Why yes," Kalseng replied. He jumped down off of the desk and straightened his clothing. "I wanted to come here to adopt some pokemon. And, if you have time, I'd like to learn how to care for a Dratini egg." Kasleng hoisted up his Dratini egg to show the breeder. "By the way," Kalseng added, putting the egg back in its cradle. "My name's Kalseng. What's yours?" The trainer asked, extending his right arm to the breeder.
Nicholas extended his hand, shaking the hand Kalseng had extended. He wipes it off on his shirt. "Sorry about the sweat, I was working all day until I... Fell asleep." He walks over to a fridge, grabbing a bottle of water for a drink. "The name's Nicholas Norris. We have quite a few Pokemon up for adoption today." He strokes Ninetales back as she looks over the counter. "As for the Dratini Egg, it all depends on your lifestyle. There's more than one way to care for an egg, it's just that some methods work better than others." He finishes the bottle of water, tossing it into the trash can.
[[I'm a postaholic, so be ready for my posts at a moments notice.]]

"Cool. It's nice to meet you Noland." Kalseng smiled at the man. "May I see the pokemon you have up for adoption? After that I'd really appreciate it if I could get some kind of mini-lecture thing on how to care for Dratini eggs." Kalseng was grinning like a child in a candy shop. How much could he learn from this sweaty man? A whole lot. Maybe one day, he could breed pokemon.

This was a thought. Maybe after all of this, he could be an apprentice breeder here. Should he ask? Sure, why not? What's the worst that could happen. "A-and maybe..." Kalseng continued with a quieter voice. "You could take me on as an apprentice breeder?" Kalseng felt silly and began blushing. He turned away. What ridiculousness. How could he be a breeder? He was only fourteen, and he was a bard and storyteller. But then again... He did love pokemon...
Nicholas looked around the room in a confused manner, then replied. "Noland? Who's Noland." He shook his head, continuing his conversation. "Well, we have a Vulpix, Munchlax, Raticate, Growlithe, and there's still more. Feel free to look around." He picked up a Munchlax that just walked inside, placing it on the counter with a bowl of food. He laughs, staring at Kalseng. "Well, I'm sure we have an opening for another breeder. I'll warn you though, it's not an easy job." He eyes Kalseng, coming to a realization. "You seem to be only a little younger than me. Tell me, how did someone with no experience in raising Pokemon from their egg get something as rare as a Dratini egg?" He tries to maintain a straight face as Munchlax runs back and forth on the counter with his food in hands.
Kalseng realized his blunder quite quickly. He then tensed himself up as the munchlax was placed on the table, and he realized who he was dealing with. He was dealling with one of the strongest people he had ever met. Munchlax easily came in at over 100 pounds, so for a man to pick him up so easily... This would be a hard job.

"Sorry, I got confused for a moment there. I meant nicholas," Kalseng explained. "Those pokemon aren't really doing it for me... Can I see the rest? All though, I'll take that Munchlax into consideration." Kasleng responded. "Is there really room!? I'd love to work here, no matter how hard it is!" When the breeder brought up the dratini question, Kalseng's head drooped. "I took it from an injured mama dragonite who was fighting with a malicious Salamence. She and I both knew it'd be safest with me, so now I have it." Kalseng was very happy with all of these questions, and even more excited that he could be a breeder.
Tilted his head slightly, smiling. "For a Mother Pokemon to surrender her egg to a Human she hardly knows is a rare occurrence. It's not every day Pokemon trust us that easily." He looks about the room, crossing his arms over his chest. "Tell you what. Go ahead and look around. You can adopt any Pokemon you see." He hears a quiet a growl, then corrects himself. "Except of course for Salia here, she's my closest friend." He smiles, patting the Ninetales on the forehead gently. "You can even raise whatever Pokemon you choose as your first job. Of course, you'll be put to work."

(( GO ahead and choose whatever Pokemon you want. I don't want to make up a loooong list. Haha. ))
Kalseng thought for a moment as to what pokemon he wanted. He had maybe wanted some kidn of ghost pokemon, but they were often creepy. Although, they'd be fun to raise. What about an Ice type? He could raise one of those! Maybe a snorunt! Snorunts were fun! Kalseng decided on that.

"How 'bout a snorunt?" Kalseng offered. "And I could learn about this egg, too! I can take two jobs! I'm built like a freaking horse!" Kasleng smiled ear to ear. This would be so much fun.
Leans on the counter, laughing a bit. Snorunts weren't easy to raise, and were known to be mischievous. He decided not to tell Kalseng, seeing as he would soon find out Snorunt would be quite the challenge for a beginner. "Alright, Snorunt is quite a Pokemon. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it. Hold on one moment while I go get one." He walks out of the room and opens a door. A chilly fog comes out of it, so the room was obviously freezing. Ninetales walked around in front of the counter, keeping a vigilant eye on Kalseng.

After a few moments Nicholas returned carrying a small, cone-like Pokemon. He places it on the counter, and it just stares at Kalseng. "It's a female. Go on, see if she likes you." He called out for Ninetales, and she walked back around the counter, satisfied with Kalseng. She nuzzles Nicholas, obviously showing her approval.
[[OOC: Small note. You difted from current tense to past tense. It's past tense. And your first sentence was missing a subject.]]

Kasleng reached his hand out to the snorunt, in an attempt to make contact. The snorunt pulled away, and then appoached again, sniffing his hand, like a dog would. The small pokemon climbed up onto his palm, and Kasleng pulled the small pokemon up to his chest. "Hey little guy," Kalseng said sweetly. "I'm gonna be raising you now, I guess." Kalseng smiled gently at the small creature, who jumped up to Kalseng's shoulders, and crawled up into his hat. He stood up inside, lifting the hat from it's owners head, and it jumped to counter, and ran around like crazy.

"Snorunt! Snorunt!" The little pokemon cheered as it ran around. Kalseng noticed how the cheer was slightly higher-pitched than most snorunts'. The little guy couldn't see where it was going, and it tottered off the edge of the counter. Kalseng stretched out his hands, and caught the little guy. He brought the snorunt up, and turned to Nicholas.

"The call was higher-pitched, so it's a girl, right?" Kalseng didn't know a lot about pokemon, but he did know somethings.

[[OOC: PLease let it be a girl. I kinda want her to be.]]
(( Thanks for that. As I said before I haven't done much Forum RP. ))

Nicholas laughed at the two. He tied his bandanna back on his head, then looked to Kalseng. "Well, I did say she was a female didn't I? Anyways, it looks like you two will get along well. Just be careful, because if you don't watch her carefully she's likely to get into trouble. We have a lot of Pokemon here who aren't very well mannered, and would definitely harm her if she got in their way." Nicholas grabbed something from under the counter, it was a uniform for the Ranch. He placed it on the counter and smiled at Kalseng. "Well, here's your uniform. If you want to get to work right now, feel free to follow me. I'll give you a tour of the ranch." Nicholas walked out the door into an area swarming with Pokemon. Ninetales followed him closely, taking her long, confident strides.

(( Better this time right? ))
[[Better than last time, yes. If you don't get banned, I promise you'll improve. I was doing one liners, originally. Don't fear the 10X post count. It's easy, if you're a postaholic like me.]]

Kalseng saw the other two trainers standing ther, but he figured nothing was a problem. He put the snorunt down, and took his hat back. He threw his hat on the ground, and stipped off his shirt and cape. he then took the uniform and put it on, tying a green bandana around his forehead. Once he was done, he picked up his clothes and the nesting snorunt, and took them with himself. He walked out the door, following Nicholas on the tour.

Outside the doors, it was beautiful. There were long, rolling plains fenced in, but the entire property had to be at least a mile wide. The grass was a beautiful shade of green, and on the right-hand side of the estate was a deep, blue, pristine pond with a wide beach. On the far end of the property were some rocky outcroppings with a cave tucked away inside them, each area was open and filled with pokemon. Kalseng could only stare in awe, making oooohs and ahhhhs at everything.

[[OOC: I'll wait for you to type out the whole tour, Nicholas. MWAHAHA, I'm so evil. I give you permission to auto my character for movements and slight responses, like little yesses and nos. Don't go too overboard, and keep the autoing within reasonable limits.]]
((Must up post count....lol, and Ranches are cool like that too! OH and Kal, I love the litttle "If you don't get banned..." touch.. XD))

Cody sat on the fence of the ranch, his T-shirt blowing in the ever present breeze of Verdanturf. Cody had recieved no invatation, nor permission to be on this ranch. He just saw it, and decided to go. This was Cody's nature, usually the easygoing type. Something about staring out at a field of Pokemon was calming. Even his hyper-active Aipom Silver seemed to calm down here, and was now casually sitting on the fence aw well.

The breeze blew Cody's hair gently, his gym shorts as well. This wasn't the usual attire for someone in his twenties, but Cody didn't care. In fact, at the moment, all Cody wanted to do was run straight down the center of the field. But that's a little too much, even for him. Instead, he scratched the tiny monkey on his head, who in response, jumped on Cody's. Today qualified as one of the calmest day's of Cody's life.

((That's a sudden end...oh well...))
Nicholas took a deep breath as soon as he stepped outside. He looked to Kalseng, laughing a bit. "Impressed eh?"
Kalseng stood in awe, nodding to Nicholas whilehe mumbled out the words. "It's like nothing I've ever seen before. I can't wait to see it all up close."
Nicholas gave Kalseng a friendly pat on the back, and held his arms out to the side. "Well, this is the first area. There are many Pokemon who are content with short grass and brush, so you'll find mostly small Pokemon here." He held his finger out as a Pidgey landed on it. Nicholas fed the Pidgey a handful of seeds, and watched as it flew off to hide in the brush. "This is where you'll most likely start off working. The breeds in this are usually friendly, so they're perfect for starters." He motioned for Kalseng to follow as he walked toward a dark cave.

When the two finally reached the entrance to the cave, they felt cold air blowing out from the inside. "This is where we keep the Pokemon that require very low temperatures to survive and reproduce. If you aren't outside the Ranch, this is where Snorunt will be staying. Don't worry, she'll be a lot easier to find than you would think." He shivered a bit, awaiting a response from Kalseng.
Kalseng had his arms crossed over his chest, and had just finished looking around the cave. "Are you sure? I don't want to lose her already."
Nicholas smiled and gave Kalseng a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm certain of it. There's a bond that a Pokemon and its breeder share that only exists between them. Now let's get out of here before I freeze to death. Nicholas walked out of the cave with Kalseng following closely. Their next destination was what appeared to be a shoreline.

As they got closer to the Beach, a large number of Krabby and Corfish could be seen skittering across the sand. Nicholas sat down in the fine sand, watching a rather small Krabby attempt to snatch the bandanna right off his head. Before long, a mother Kingler snatched the Krabby and skittered across the beach with her large claw ready to snap at anything that dare touch her child. Nicholas took in a deep breath before speaking. "This is the beach of course. You'll find a that you can't see many of the Pokemon. That's because they all hide under the sand or between rocks," Nicholas paused for a moment as an extremely large Wailord appeared in the distance. It let out a thundering cry before retreating back underwater. "Ah yes, we do have two Wailord here. It's a miracle we can even fit them within the ranch." He stood up, stretching his legs a bit. "Well, we best be off to our next destination." He walked toward a large cave where loud cries could be heard. Ninetales let out a yawn, and kept following the two around while Nicholas gave the tour.

When they had reached the cave, Nicholas began to speak. "This will have to be the last place I show you for now, because you need a bit more experience to get around the other areas." He nodded to Ninetales as she inhaled for a bit and blew a bit of flame into a lantern Nicholas had grabbed. "As a fair warning, many of the rock Pokemon in here are extremely territorial, but I'll be able to fend them off." He took a step forward, accidentally kicking what he thought was a rock. An angry grumble could be heard as a Geodude began to hover in the air, staring directly at Nicholas. "Oh... Sorry Rocky, I was being careless. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." The Geodude moved away from the group, still grumbling angrily to itself. Nicholas wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. "That was a close call, usually Rocky hits me for that. Now, we better leave before the residential bully shows up." It was too late though. As the two began to walk toward the exit, an enraged roar could be heard through the cave. A Steelix came into view, its large jaws wide open just above the two humans. Ninetales made quick work of the situation, scaring Steelix off with a large burst of flame. Nicholas began to run and motioned for Kalseng to follow. They reached the exit of the cave, and Nicholas extinguished the lantern. He looked to Kalseng, and explained the situation. "Steelix was previously owned by Team Rocket, so it goes without saying that he wasn't treated well. We hope he'll warm up to us in time, but the damage Rocket has done may be permanent. Tell me, what do you think of the Ranch so far?"

(( I'd have included you if I saw your post before I started this one, but maybe Kalseng can point you out to me or something. ))
Kalseng turned to Nicholas, entirely content with the trip. Nicholas was standing between him and the fence, and taht was when Kasleng saw him. Cody? It was! It was Cody! Kalseng answered Nicholas hurriedly. "It was great, can you hold on?" Kalseng sprinted off, and tackled the trianer sitting on the fence.

"Cody!" Kalseng cried, hugging him. Kalseng stood back up, and straightened his clothing. "I haven't seen you since the festival!" It wasn't long before Nicholas came trotting up. "Oh! Nicholas, Cody. Cody, Nicholas." Kasleng gestured to the two of them respectively, and brought them both in for a hug. "This is gonna be a great day huh?!" Kasleng aksed, practically somethering the two against his chest.

[[OOC: Sorry for the not-so-greatness. I'm kinda hoping to get better, but I didn't have a lot to go off of. And I'm exhausted. So Nicholas, when are you normally on the internet?]]
Nicholas chuckled a bit, he was surprised by the group hug. "Ah, so this must be a friend of yours eh. Well, welcome to Norris Ranch Cody. Your friend Kalseng here just took a job as an apprentice breeder." He broke off from the group, sitting down in the grass while Ninetales dropped into the grass and placed her head in his lap.

(( Would have done more, but I'm leaving room for Cody. Hrmmm. I'm on between 7:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. ))
OOC:OMG Keeping up with a page and a half isn't easy

Due to all the training Zack didn't hear all the commotion. He only notice when he saw Kalseng tackle a trainer with an Aipom off the fence of the breeding zone. Than he saw the breeder. "Wow Rio he's awake...let's go over there." Zack and Rio made there way to the fence and joined the group of people.

"Hey Kal awesome Snorunt where'd you get it?" Zack asked his eyes full of delight. Zack looked in the direction of the breeder and the other mysterious trainer. "Oh sorry my name is Zack, What's you guys name?" Zack shifted his weight to his right foot and squinted due to the rays of the sun.

OOC:Ehhh kinda sucked but yea I had to think of something quick to keep up xD
(sorry i disappeared last night)

Lloyd had a peer outside the door, 'what's going on? he thought to himself. He hadn't noticed that everyone had moved outside as he was too busy trying to remember what he was there for. Zangoose was tugging at his side for attention, he wanted to train, turns out that he had saw Zack train and so wanted to join in. Lloyd walked over to the fence where all the other trainers were, and Zangoose followed.

There was now another trainer, with an aipom on his head. He looked at the trainer who seemed to be in his twenties and then at the others, there was Zack and the other trainer from inside, along with the breeder who was asleep earlier. Lloyd slowly trudged along to the fence where the gathering was, his black shorts and back shirt rustled in the wind. 'Heh, seems to have gotten windier, eh Zangoose' Lloyd stated to the pokémon who was tugging onto his leg, nearly ripping the odd green sock he was wearing. He had lost the other yellow one and liked them odd anyway, also wearing odd coloured flourecent laces on his red hi-tops just to match, or not match as it were.

(grrrr, i couldn't think of anything, so i decided to describe my character)
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"Umpf!" Cody grumbled as he was thrown off the fence by Kalseng's tackle. " C'mere buddy!" Cody cried a bit too loudly at Kalsengs hug. By now, Silver had landed and was running back to the group of Cody, Kal and Nicholas. Again, Silver made himself right at home by leaping on Cody's head. thud Nicholas was on the ground, with a Ninetails in his lap.

"So you're a breeder now eh?" Cody said patting Kalseng on the back, possibly a bit too hard for the unexpecting body. Kal nearly fell over. "But my tackle is still better." Cody said with a sincere smile. Silver had thus ran off into the ranch, and was finding mulitple new friends. Soon enough, a horde of Aipom and Ambipom were following him through the ranch. From the sky, it probably looked like the movement of some disturbing virus."Just hope this 'power' doesn't go to his head.." Cody laughed, climbing back up on the fence.
Zack reached the fence with the whould group of trainers."Wow quite the energetic little guy you got there." Zack said pointing to the Lead Aipom in a whole group of Monkeys.Kinda looks like an epic battle is going to take place. " Zack chuckled at his own little joke. Zack than extended hs hand for the other trainer to shake. "Hey I'm Zack...nice to meet you." Zack looked up to the sky where some Tailows and Starly were flying overhead. "Wow it's a really nice day out today. There must be alot to do in a Breeding and Adoption Center." Zack said now reffering to the breeder.
[[OOC: I'm watching the Olympics. We kicked Brazil's ass at futball.]]

Kalseng smiled, his grin splitting his face, entirely too hapy to see Cody. He fell down, almost overpowered by Cody's hand. He knew that Cody was relaxing, and Kalseng hoped to high heaven he could just be a breeder here. What he wouldn't give for a day without him battling, without Team Rocket, without anything disturbing his time here. When inquired as to his breeder status, Kalseng replied, "I guess so. I mean, Nicholas, and I'm taking care of a Snorunt now. She's back in the Icy cave." Kalseng said, gesturing to the much too cold cave.

Everyone was there now. Kalseng normally did well when around others, but right now, he was extremely comfortable around cody and nicholas, so he retreated when the other two approached him. They began talking, and Kalseng practically filtered them out. He listened after they spoke for a while, and sorted out their respective messages. Kalseng responded quietly, hoping not to attract a lot of attention.

"Y-Yeah... it looks like there's a lot to do here..." Kalseng's voice trailed off, but he tried to continue without saying too much. "It'll keep me busy for sure... But I can handle it..."
(wow, i am bad)

Lloyd watched as all the trainers talked and the pokemon played. So much had gone on while he was racking his brain. Lloyd stayed in the background and didn't utter a word, he didn't want to seem stupid or silly, so he sat on the fence and listened. Zangoose sat next to Lloyd and eyed all the other pokemon up, except for cubo, they had made quite good friends.

Lloyd soon realised that the other trainer inside the breeding center who he never had a chance to meet was becoming uncomfortable, he seemed to be carrying a Snorunt now, maybe he was a breeder? after listening to the conversation, it semed so. He wondered what being a breeder was like, having pokemon all around you, watching them play, grooming them...

(sorry, i didn't know what else to put, BTW: i'm on a completely different time zone to you guys, forgive me if i'm a bit late, i'm about 6 hours in front)
Kalseng watcfhed the trianer jump up onto the fence, swinging his legs. Kalseng hadn't seen the zangoose ever enter a pokeball... Did he even capture it? Did the pokemon live with him without being his own? Kalseng wondered this, and then turned to Nicholas.

"Nicholas, if I were to release my pokemon, could I breed them, too?" Kalseng asked. He put his hands on his pokeballs, ready to release them. "Would you mind if I let them roam the ranch while I bred here? I would see at the end of my time here if they wanted to stay with me, if I ever leave..." Kalseng's voice trailed off again, this time from lack of a train of thought. Those are typically needed for thought to continue.