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The Nuzlocke Challenge! Pokemon Hardmode!

Hmmm...no ones updated since my last post. Well I've been grinding, my team is at a respectable level and no ones died. Hopefully it stays this way.
So far I've beaten down my father.
Surfed up an found group of trainers.
Got annoyed by some Expert
Returned the Meteor
Trained in the Desert.
Now I'm walking in the rain.

My team-
Jenkens the male Swampert lv37
Banna the female Slaking lv36
Cajun the male Sableye lv35
Subs the male Minun lv35
Madusa the female Seviper lv36
Anne the female Vibrava lv36

(In the pic I show at the bottom my 6 resverves....do you guys think I should switch any of my main's with the back-up? You know and train them?)


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Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Warned for double-posting, Snortale.

Read the rules and follow them please.
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Yaay! Nuzlocke gets a second chance on LeafGreen! Started out with Fiji the Charmander. Caught Chiss the Mankey, but he died against the first god damn Rattata I battled -.-; Captured Ceylon the Caterpie and evolved her into a Butterfree before demolishing rival Leon. Trained by killing Caterpies and Weedles in Viridian Forest. Battled Brock, with heavy losses; Ceylon died. I was hoping to use her against Misty but Brock destroyed that dream. Ironically I was able to defeat Onix with Fiji's Metal Claw ^^

Added Maximus the Nidoran to my party to fill up the hole Ceylon left. Trained in Mt. Moon, and here I am. To sum it up:

Fiji the Charmeleon, male, lv. 20
Maximus the Nidorino, male lv. 21

Chiss the Mankey, male, lv. 3
Ceylon the Butterfree, female, lv. 12
May your souls rest in peace. You will be missed.
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Weeds said:
Yaay! Nuzlocke gets a second chance on LeafGreen! Started out with Fiji the Charmander. Caught Chiss the Mankey, but he died against the first god damn Rattata I battled -.-; Captured Ceylon the Caterpie and evolved her into a Butterfree before demolishing rival Leon. Trained by killing Caterpies and Weedles in Viridian Forest. Battled Brock, with heavy losses; Ceylon died. I was hoping to use her against Misty but Brock destroyed that dream. Ironically I was able to defeat Onix with Fiji's Metal Claw ^^

Added Maximus the Nidoran to my party to fill up the hole Ceylon left. Trained in Mt. Moon, and here I am. To sum it up:

Fiji the Charmeleon, male, lv. 20
Maximus the Nidorino, male lv. 21

Chiss the Mankey, male, lv. 3
Ceylon the Butterfree, female, lv. 12
May your souls rest in peace. You will be missed.

with any luck you can get a Paras soon to help with misty. Hope it works out!
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Jeydis said:
Weeds said:
Yaay! Nuzlocke gets a second chance on LeafGreen! Started out with Fiji the Charmander. Caught Chiss the Mankey, but he died against the first god damn Rattata I battled -.-; Captured Ceylon the Caterpie and evolved her into a Butterfree before demolishing rival Leon. Trained by killing Caterpies and Weedles in Viridian Forest. Battled Brock, with heavy losses; Ceylon died. I was hoping to use her against Misty but Brock destroyed that dream. Ironically I was able to defeat Onix with Fiji's Metal Claw ^^

Added Maximus the Nidoran to my party to fill up the hole Ceylon left. Trained in Mt. Moon, and here I am. To sum it up:

Fiji the Charmeleon, male, lv. 20
Maximus the Nidorino, male lv. 21

Chiss the Mankey, male, lv. 3
Ceylon the Butterfree, female, lv. 12
May your souls rest in peace. You will be missed.

with any luck you can get a Paras soon to help with misty. Hope it works out!

Thankee, thankee ^^

Unfortunately I didn't get the Paras, but I hope to capture a Bellsprout after Nugget Bridge. Leon shouldn't be too much of a problem, Maximus will take care of his Wartortle :)

I'll keep you updated when I keep playing. Good luck to all of you! :)
Progress I beat Erika, got several new Reserves, and learned to play the Pokeflute apparently fat sleeping Pokemon are strong music critics. Currently Training to take on Koga. And Mum nearly killed my Flower!

Jole the Jolteon (Male) - Don't get me wrong I debated back and forth between Jolteon and Flareon despite naming him Jole, obvious who won out.
Flower the Gloom (Female)- My mom took my game and decided to play it (she was trying to make fun actign like she knew what she was doing) Flower nearly fainted after mom finally figured out that poison powder only works the initial time, I got her to switch out just in time. Anyway trying to decide on a moveset for it so I have to wait until I evolve it to Vileplume (Unless it faints before then of course)- But I am glad it was alive can you imagine its obituary "Flower- Killed by players mother. Let it Rest in Peace." what a way that would have been to die but its alive.
Dug the Dugtrio (Male)
Elizabeth the Nidoqueen (Female of course) (Decided on Super Power over Crunch.)
Shells the Wartortle (Male).

Recent Deaths (New ones after Bumbler the Beedrill, and Batman the Zubat)
Pecker the Pidgeotto (Male)- Stupid crits
Alien the Clefairy (Female)- Again stupid Crits and it was taken to the moon base.
Roll the Voltorb- Crit during training after just being added.


Recent Pokemon added but currently not on main team since I just don't feel like using them at least yet may have to in the future.

Abraham the Snorlax (Female). -The nickname came before I realized it was a girl lol, may change it to match the Gender
Chris the Cubone (Female).
Musky the Doduo (Female).
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Time for an update. I spanked Leon so hard he won't sit in a week (srsly) and he gave me some lousy fame checker. Got lucky and captured Ocelot the Bellsprout after nugget bridge. Trained him on the way to Bill's house and also caught a backup Caterpie, Oopoona.

Ocelot spanked Misty as hard as the rest of the team had Leon. Sleep Powder + Vine Spank... Eh, Whip combo was a winner. Ocelot evolved into a bag of gunk thanks to Starmie. Beat up a Rocket and recieved Dig. While in the grass on the way to day care man I encountered Tige, my Meowth. But later on (on the route after the underground) I found a stronger one so I killed (wtf?) Tige and captured PJ, my new Meowth. (By the way PJ is named after the magnificent Prince John from Robin Hood. Oodelally! A crown! How exciting!)


PJ the Meowth, male, lv. 16
Ocelot the Weepinbell, male, lv. 21
Maximus the Nidorino, male, lv. 23 (should I evolve him or keep him for moves + takes less exp to level? Y/N?)
Fiji the Charmeleon, male lv. 22

Chiss the Mankey, male, lv. 3
Ceylon the Butterfree, male, lv. 12
Tige the Meowth, male, lv. 12
You will not be forgotten. May your souls rest in peace.

Oopoona the Caterpie, male, lv. 8
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Weeds said:
(By the way PJ is named after the magnificent Prince John from Robin Hood. Oodelally! A crown! How exciting!)
You, sir, are made of win. For that reference at least xD "I like that. Put that on my luggage."

But did you actually kill your other Meowth off? I have a duplicate Tentacool in the box, there isn't anything wrong with another of the same species.
You both seem to be building fantastic teams...but I got good news and horrible news (sniff) my Seviper Madusa was killed in battle against Winona her Skarmory wiped her out....can't figure out how a 38 lost to a 31....she swept the three pokemon the leader used before it that Skarmory got 3 crits in a row! WHATS THE CHANCES OF THAT!

..........ah well....may she rest in piece....good news is the game seems to have rewarded me I found somewhat rare and good mons as my first run in's right after.

Malanno the Absol lv35
Kushina the Vulpix lv28....also does anyone remeber where you find fire stones in Emerald? I'm going to need one before I have get to the much hard fights in a short bit.

I benched Subs and Cajun, I didn't want to but I had to, I don't want them to die....but their low HP and defence will get them killed later on by a bigger badder mon....Well these next four are all lv40.

Jenkens the male Swampert
Banna the female Slaking
Rosso the male Cradly
Anne the female Vibrava

Muhahaha my team is becoming fearsome and we will decimate mulitplied but the tens of thousands for each of my fallen comrades!


Well here's a pick of my current team-


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Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

LoN said:
Weeds said:
(By the way PJ is named after the magnificent Prince John from Robin Hood. Oodelally! A crown! How exciting!)
You, sir, are made of win. For that reference at least xD "I like that. Put that on my luggage."

To be completely honest PJ's the one who's made of win ^^

LoN said:
But did you actually kill your other Meowth off? I have a duplicate Tentacool in the box, there isn't anything wrong with another of the same species.

I know. It was an impulsive and very foolish thing to do. Poor Tige...

Now I'm contemplating wether or not I should evolve Maximus. What do you guys think?
Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

Thanks, I think that'll come in handy. Unfortunately my dear Maximus is precisely lv. 23 so I just missed Thrash :( Personally I never liked that attack very much, and since this is Nuzlocke I'd rather avoid confusion.

I was also thinking about evolving him before Lt. Surge because even if he doesn't get any ground attacks at least yet it would be fun to toy around with the electric type gym leader (yes, I have a twisted humor in that way ^^)
Just started this on Plat a bit ago, and I'm only a few steps away from entering Eterna Forest. No deaths yet, but the current team is:
Naboo the Prinplup(F, 17)
Corellia the Staravia(M, 15)
Bidoofus the Bidoof(M, 5)[you can tell who I'm HM slaving >>]
Leopold the Buizel(M, 14)
Horace the Shellos(M, 11)

EDIT: Horace is now 15 :>
Progress : I beat Koga, made my way to saffron, beat the fighting peoples got Hitmonchan, went to cinnabar caught a Growlithe, got Kabuto, and Aerodactyl. Then I defeated team Rocket and Sabrina. Now I am training to battle Blaine


Shells the Blastiose- Male
Elizabeth the Nidoqueen- Female
Petrie the Aerodactyl- Male
Jole the Jolteon- Female
McGruff the Crime Dog (Growlithe)- Male
Flower the Gloom- Female

I think my team is coming along nicely still deciding on a moveset for Flower, and waiting until 49 for McGruff evolves so it will learn Flame thrower and extreme speed. Allot of my Pokemon need stones.....
I have others but 6 is a full roaster here lies the others.

Chris the Cubone- Female
Kelly the Ryhorn- Female
Buzzaldera the Electabuzz- Female
Abrahama the Snorlax- Female
Roxy the Lapras- Male
Shovelcut the Diglett- Female
Jerry the Electrode- No Gender
Hiddenbox the Ekans- Male
Ninja the Kabuto- Male
Musky the Doduo- Female

Some new deaths have happen let them rest in peice

Batman the Zubat- Male
Pecker the Pidgeotto- Female
Ailen the Clefairy- Female
Bumbler the Beedrill- Male
Roll the Voltorb- No Gender
Dug the Dugtrio- Male - Ice punch crit
Muhammad the Hitmonchan- Male -Stupid Pursuit........
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DID IT I BEAT THE ELITE! Here's my team
Jenkens my Swampert
Anne the Flygon
Malanno the Absol
Rosso the Cradly
Kushina the Ninetailes
Banna the Slaking

and the Elites where haaarrrd, Wallace however was easy. A pic of my team at the bottom......now I'm not done yet, I going to do this with one of my Plat's next.

EDIT: Started Plat, destroyed my rival Gavin twice, caught two team members, decimated Roark and his Craniodos, now heading to Floroma and the windworks.
My current team-
Alpha the male Monferno
Deka the female Luxio
Rho the male Onix

Team photo for plat is the second one


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Re: Journey through the Dark Cave

You beat the league?! Wow, that's impressive! Even Nuzlocke himself didn't pull that off!

As for my own update, nothing much has happened. Trained the team, PJ in particular. Pay Day and Pickup are a lot of fun ^^ Beat my rival and obtained Cut and Flash. Also I caught Keiko the Spearow and Carla the Diglett. Both will be benched. Team same as before, only around lv. 25. Heading up against the dear Lt. Surge, who shouldn't be much of a problem, unless I have some paralysis/confusion mishaps. I'll brief you guys on that later.
I suggest using the digglet for Srg if you don't want any looses....that's how I beat surge every time, his attack's never have any real effect other than sonicboom. Yeah I beat them, my team was in their sixtys when I finally faced them, I already knew the types the league ran and planned for it.....the loads of full heals and status/health healers I bought before I entered helped alot also (also look at my team their somewhat ballanced at least)

As I said I'm doing this on Plat now, using what I learned from my last run...hopefully none of my poke's die this time.
Well training in Eterna Forrest, going to get each of my team to around 24 for I face the second gym and her Roserade.

TEAM: Alpha the male Monferno, Deka the female Luxio, Rho the Onix, Epsilon the male Drifloon, Sigma the female Bunery (a pokemon I never thought i'll use)
here's a team pick.


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Just owned Jupiter at the TG Eterna Building. No deaths still.

Kotaro the Rotom(22)
Naboo the Prinplup(F, 18)
Bidoofus the Hm Slave Bidoof(M, 5)
Horace the Shellos(M, 17)
Corellia the Staravia(M, 23)
Leopold the Buizel(M, 16)

Stallone the Probopass(M, 15)

EDIT: Horace and Bidoofus have died. May they rest in peace. And by they, I mean Horace. No one cared about Bidoofus. They have been replaced by Maul the Gible(M, 19), a Male Level 9 Togepi whose name escapes me, and a yet-to-be-named Cranidos(I saved right in front of the fossil-reviving guy). Stallone and the Togepi have been boxed. Also, with the exception of Corellia and Kotaro, bump everyones levels by 3.
Snortale said:
I suggest using the digglet for Srg if you don't want any looses....that's how I beat surge every time, his attack's never have any real effect other than sonicboom.

Lt. Surge was no problem whatsoever. kept on and caught Norris the Machop, who was added to my team. (Obviously I'm naming my pokes after people that have had a great influence on me, first PJ now the undying Chuck Norris...) Maximus was given a Moon Stone for the extra power. PJ evolved, meaning he is now a Prince of Persian (that must've been my lamest pun ever...). I cleared Rock Tunnel and I'm hoping to capture either a Vulpix or a Ghastly. The latter should be impossible to miss. ^^

Current team:

Norris the Machop, male, lv. 26
Ocelot the Weepinbell, male, lv. 28
PJ the Persian, male, lv. 28
Fiji the Charmeleon, male, lv. 28
Maximus the Nidoking, male, lv. 28

My team could use some female touch...
Okay training to face the Hearthome gym. Caught a new member, boxed Sigma the Bunery since this poke I caught will be a better normal type.
Can anyone guess the connection between my teams names?
Alpha the Monferno lv 24 male
Rho the Onix lv23 male
Epsilon the Drifloon lv24 male
Deka the Luxio lv23 female
Beta the Munchlax lv 15 female

heres there pic


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Snortale said:
Okay training to face the Hearthome gym. Caught a new member, boxed Sigma the Bunery since this poke I caught will be a better normal type.
Can anyone guess the connection between my teams names?
Alpha the Monferno lv 24 male
Rho the Onix lv23 male
Epsilon the Drifloon lv24 male
Deka the Luxio lv23 female
Beta the Munchlax lv 15 female

heres there pic
Greek Alphabet
Started this on the good ol' Red version.
Which is like hard already. (Like seriously, Wrap takes your turns!)

Current Team:
Clear - Wartortle lv 18
Buzz - Beedrill lv 16
Bucky - Rattata lv 16
Pizzachu - Pikachu lv 15
Nero - Pidgey lv 15
Nake - Ekans lv 12

Brock was easy with a Squirtle. Crits are evil. Hyperfang is BEAST. No EXP Share = sad panda days. Especially when Beedrill doesn't learn anything till 14 and you caught a Kakuna. ...I'm lame and save pretty much all the time so my team doesn't die XP.
Well I decided to start a nuzlocke run on my platinum game so I could play on the metro on the way to work. 1st try got me to the Eterna city Galactic hideout and I got wiped out by that crazy lucky Skuntank. Seriously someing like 6 crits and one of em dealt alot more damamge then I thought it should. needless to say I was pissed.

But I decided to restart (and grind like mad before facing the beast again.) and i just beat Roark with a bidoof. Simple+Defence curl and rock smash alll the way home.


This has increased my already present love for bidoof.
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Did you know that in Red version, Gust and Karate Chop are Normal type? Did you know that Karate Chop pretty much crits all the time? Machops are now scary. But now I have a Mankey that can do teh haxor crit move now!
I beat Misty with Pizzachu. Thunder Wave'd Starmie and it was easy when it couldn't Bubblebeam everything to death.
Rayn_Shyu said:
Did you know that in Red version, Gust and Karate Chop are Normal type? Did you know that Karate Chop pretty much crits all the time? Machops are now scary. But now I have a Mankey that can do teh haxor crit move now!
I beat Misty with Pizzachu. Thunder Wave'd Starmie and it was easy when it couldn't Bubblebeam everything to death.
Ah classic Red is so random :p
I've read the comic, now i'm joining the challenge on my platinum. I started with a male chimchar (now level 7) named Sherlock. I caught a Female bidoof at level 3 a couple minutes ago named McPlumpers ( I couldn't think of a name :/). Just before i wrote this post, I caught male Starly named MacTavish at level 2, now level 3. I'm incredibly early into the game, so nothing interesting happened yet.
Hmmm I think my last update on my quest on Plat was me going to face Fantina. She's alot easier in Plat that Pearl and Diamond, swept her, killed my rivil minutes later...he ain't got nothing on me. Box Rho, he's now residing as backup next to Sigma the Bunery, a Ralts I caught, and a Roselia. Traveled up, battled and trained against some Unknown (next going to catch one, never will, unless I want to complete the dex...and I don't). About to battle Maylene with my new fifth slot (not going to use it but I do have a new fifth slot).

Introducing my new pokey Delta the unisex Porygon lv25


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I played a little late into last night, in route 203 i captured a male zubat, nicknamed 49er (Caught him at 11:49 PM... figured the game could use a lame pun or two), in oreburgh gate i caught Phillip the male Psyduck. I decided to see if my team was under-leveled for the gym, and took on that first trainer. He almost killed Phillip, so trained in Route 207, where I found a Machop and named him Cpt.Falcon. I explored the milk-carton shaped houses in Oreburgh, traded Machop for an Abra named Kazza. After the training, Sherlock, MacTavish, McPlumpers and Kazza evolved.

Phillip took out Geodude, McPlumpers destroyed Onix and Cranidos. No deaths so far (Ftw).
Current team Levels:
Sherlock the Male Monferno-- Lvl18
McPlumpers the Female Bibarel--Lvl16
MacTavish the Male Staravia--Lvl15
49er the Male Zubat--Lvl15
Phillip the Male Psyduck--Lvl13
Kazza the Male Kadabra--Lvl16
In storage I have Balboa the male Geodude-- Lvl 6.
EDIT: Kazza died because I overtrained him, forgetting he was received from a little girl. I caught Harvey the male Buizel, put him on my team and put Mc Plumpers into the PC. I'm training for Gardenia, so I might as well train my PC pokes.
Current team :
Sherlock the male Monferno--Lvl22
MacTavish the male Staravia--Lvl20
49er the male Zubat--lvl17
Phillip the male Psyduck--Lvl17
Harvey the male Buizel--Lvl17
Balboa the male Geodude--Lvl16

In my PC, I have Buddy the budew, McPlumpers the Bibarel, and McMuffin the Pachirisu ( I was hungry when i named her. 8D)
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It's been a while since my last update. I caught Malastare the Vulpix, who is now a Ninetails (male also, my team is very boring gender-wise). I evolved Ocelot, Norris and Fiji, meaning my team is now fully evolved. I beat Erika and Giovanni with ease as well as the Fighting Dojo in Saffron. Made my way down to Fuchsia and caught some neat pokes in Safari Zone (I counted every area of the Safari Zone as a different zone, so I caught four new pokes, can't remember what they were though ^^;). Currently training for Koga, as I remember he was a BEAST in my current runs of FR/LG.

Current Team:

Ocelot the Weepinbell, male, lv. 33
Fiji the Charizard, male, lv. 41
Norris the Machamp, male, [insert random level between 33 and 41]
Maximus the Nidoking, male, [insert random level between 33 and 41]
PJ the Persian, male, [insert random level between 33 and 41]
Malastare the Ninetails, male, [insert random level between 33 and 41]
Progress: I have 5/8 badges. Im on my way through that one fog route to Celestic Town.

Deaths ( D: ): McMuffin the Pachirisu. I was training her on that route east of Hearthome. Stupid Artist and his fancy Mime Jr had critical hits. and... Sherlock, the Lvl37 Male Infernape... My starter... F YOU, GIRAFARIG.

New Pokemon: E-V the Female Eevee, Morris the male Marill, Wally the Male Dustox, Sam the female Shellos(East), and Pat the male Pichu.

Evolutions: Sherlock (Monferno to Infernape (... D:)), 49er (Zubat to Golbat to Crobat), Buddy (Budew to Roselia to Roserade), Phillip (Psyduck to Golduck), E-V (Eevee to Jolteon), Balboa ( Geodude to Graveler to Golem), and Wally ( Wurmple to Cascoon to dustox).

Current team: 49er (Lvl 35 Male Crobat), Balboa (Lvl32 male Golem), Buddy ( Lvl 34 male Roserade), Phillip ( Lvl 36 male golduck), E-V ( Lvl 35 female Jolteon), and Tiny (Lvl 17 female Ralts).

In the PC: Mcplumpers ( Bibarel), Harvey ( Buizel), Morris (Marill), MacTavish ( Staravia), Wally (Shellos (East)), and Pat (Pichu).

Rest in peace, McMuffin and Sherlock...

EDIT: 49er, Balboa, Buddy, Phillip, E-V, and Tiny... all died... I had no chance against Cyrus without Sherlock... Everything tried failed, and tiny was killed in one shot. I kept most of the deceased Pokemon in a PC box... I'm going to play through the rest of the game with my party, without the nuzlocke rules. After that, i'll trade all of the pokemon into my SoulSilver game, and take revenge on the Nuzlocke challenge. Long story short, I lost. All of the PC pokeys were dangerously under-leveled.
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That's why you save before you battle big bosses like that.

Also, my personal Nuzlocke has started! I'm very early in, so my team is not advanced:

Yamori, Lvl 7
Billy, Lvl 4
Just finished Firered. The 4 where easier then I thought the only trouble I got was Dragonite, Hitmonchan, and Alakazam no one fainted thank goodness.

Final Team Roaster

Shells the Blastiose- Male
Elizabeth the Nidoqueen- Female
Petrie the Aerodactyl- Male
Jole the Jolteon- Female
McGruff the Crime Dog (Arcanine)- Male
Flower the Vileplume- Female

Reserves and deaths.
I have others but 6 is a full roaster here lies the others.

Chris the Cubone- Female
Kelly the Ryhorn- Female
Buzzaldera the Electabuzz- Female
Abrahama the Snorlax- Female
Roxy the Lapras- Male
Shovelcut the Diglett- Female
Jerry the Electrode- No Gender
Hiddenbox the Ekans- Male
Ninja the Kabuto- Male
Musky the Doduo- Female

No deaths have happen, let all that have gone to the great beyond rest in peace

Batman the Zubat- Male
Pecker the Pidgeotto- Female
Ailen the Clefairy- Female
Bumbler the Beedrill- Male
Roll the Voltorb- No Gender
Dug the Dugtrio- Male
Muhammad the Hitmonchan- Male .......

Gonna start again on Soul Silver today.....
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Luckii said:
That's why you save before you battle big bosses like that.

Also, my personal Nuzlocke has started! I'm very early in, so my team is not advanced:

Yamori, Lvl 7
Billy, Lvl 4

Using saves to not lose pokemon is cheating and defeats the purpouse of the Nuzlocke run.

Wiped out against the Kadabra right before the Skuntank in the Eterna Galactic building. Really need to be patient and grind more.
Im too lazy to retry Platinum, so i've decided to start on my LeafGreen this morning.
I just beat my rival on route 22, and entered Viridian Forest.
My Team:
-Fred Fred: Lvl12 Bulbasaur
-Pip: Lvl9 Pidgey
-Mafia: Lvl10 Mankey
-Tut: Lvl 9 Rattata
-Butters: Lvl6 Caterpie
I just got my 6th badge.
On that route before Mt Moon (route 3 or 4), i caught Nickles the Nidoran(Female). In Mt. Moon, team rocket killed Butters the lvl 11 Butterfree. Once outside, i found ColMustard the Sandshrew. He beat the crap out of most of Carl (my rival)'s pokemon. Nickles was killed in the battle. Mafia helped me get my 2nd badge. North of Vermilion, I caught Mr. Mittens the Meowth. ColMustard destroyed Lt. Surge. Carl killed Mafia the Primeape, one of the greatest Pokemon ever at level 30. No deaths happened since Mafia.

ColMustard-- Lvl53 Sandslash
FredFred-- Lvl 50 Venusaur
Pip-- Lvl 48 Pidgeot
Mr. Mittens-- Lvl 44 Persian
Weegee-- Lvl 47 Lapras
Columbo-- Lvl 43 Snorlax

PC pokeys:

Tut-- Lvl 20 Rattata
Jim-- Lvl 21 Kadabra
Edwin-- Lvl 25 Eevee
Dudley-- Lvl 37 Hypno
I've started my own adventure following the Nuzlocke rules on emerald. I'm almost up to versing Brawly and my team is
lvl12 Aron
lvl15 Lombre
lvl12 Poochyena
lvl14 Wingul
lvl17 Marshstomp nick named -flippers- (Forgot to nickname others :/).
So far I haven't had any casualties so it's looking good.
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I think I cursed myself because right after that post I versed Brawly and he wiped my entire team with his makahuta, I totally destroyed his machop and meditite but that dam makahuta is a little tank. I've started again and my team is
Mudkip level9
Poochyena level4
Haven't reached Petalburg yet.