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The Nuzlocke Challenge! Pokemon Hardmode!

yo yo yo I'm back

Aaaand it appears this thread has totally died. Let's get it back to it's glory days!

Just started a FireRed Nuzlocke, and it's been going well so far (I forgot how infuriating grinding was). I'm only at Mt. Moon, but no deaths so far at least!


Draxler, Charmelion (lvl 17)
Elise, Rattata (lvl 15)
Victor, Mankey (lvl 15)
Lewis, Paras (lvl 10)
Jasper, Pidgey (lvl 7)
Marius, Magikarp (lvl 5)

I forsee the training of Marius to be an arduous process.
Nuzlocke update time!

I've made a LOT of progress since last time. Unfortunately in Mt. Moon Elise the Rattata met her fate, critical hit Hyper Fang from another rat took her out. However, whilst this is indeed a sad occurrence, it is the only death so far! I've since received both the 2nd and 3rd gym badges, and now most of my team has evolved at least one stage.

Location: Celadon Gym
Badges: 3



Draxler, Charmeleon (lvl 32)
Victor, Primeape (lvl 29)
Lewis, Parasect (lvl 29)
Reggie, Persian (lvl 28 )
Matilda, Dugtrio (lvl 29)
Daryl, Jolteon (lvl 28 )

1. Elise, Rattata (lvl 15)

I've also got a fair few boxed 'mons that I can't be arsed to add. This run has really emphasised how Nuzlockes encourage you to use Pokemon that are outside your usual range. 4 out of my main team (excluding Draxler and Daryl) I've never used before on a playthrough.
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So it's been a while since I've updated here. I took a little break from my Soulsilver Nuzlocke, but I have recently returned to it, making some decent progress. I am now in Goldenrod City, training for the third Gym. (Ugh.) There's been much catching, battling, evolving, and team-shuffling along the way, so here's where my Pokemon stand as of right now:


Giles (the Drowzee)
Caught on Route 34
Level When Obtained: 10
Current Level: 13
Moves: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion

Paras (the Paras)
Caught in Ilex Forest
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 14
Moves: Leech Life, Stun Spore, Poisonpowder, Cut

Rocky (the Onix)
Traded for Bellsprout in Violet City
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 15
Moves: Tackle, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Screech

Royale (the Nidoran Male)
Caught on Route 35
Level When Obtained: 12
Current Level: 15
Moves: Poison Sting, Peck, Focus Energy, Double Kick

Viceroy (the Krabby)
Caught in Cherrygrove Town (Old Rod)
Level When Obtained: 10
Current Level: 15
Moves: Mud Sport, BubbleBeam, Vicegrip, Harden

Miracle (the Togepi)
Hatched from Pokemon Egg given by Mr. Pokemon
Level When Obtained: 1
Current Level: 15
Moves: Sweet Kiss, Charm, Extrasensory, Headbutt


Timothy (the Rattata)
Caught on Route 31
Level When Obtained: 4
Current Level: 11
Moves: Bite, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy

Enigma (the Unown)
Caught at the Ruins of Alph
Level When Obtained: 5
Current Level: 7
Moves: Hidden Power

Majesty (the Hoothoot)
Caught on Route 30
Level When Obtained: 3
Current Level: 10
Moves: Tackle, Peck, Foresight, Hypnosis

Griselda (the Geodude)
Caught in Union Cave
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 6
Moves: Tackle, Defense Curl, Mud Sport

Templeton (the Zubat)
Caught in Slowpoke Well
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 6
Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic

Hoppip (the Hoppip)
Caught on Route 33
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 19
Moves: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Bullet Seed

Beaks (the Pidgey)
Caught on Route 29
Level When Obtained: 2
Current Level: 17
Moves: Whirlwind, Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Cinder (the Quilava)
Given by Prof. Elm in New Bark Town
Level When Obtained: 5
Current Level: 18
Moves: Quick Attack, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember



I am quite pleased at the fact that none of my companions have died yet, although that is more due to luck and healing items than anything else. Also, I cannot quite make up my mind on my team, as usual. I am keeping my Krabby on my team permanently, though, because I was ecstatic to catch such a rare Pokemon in a Nuzlocke (5% likelihood of encountering!). I'm not sure if it's as good as my catching Chimecho in my Emerald Nuzlocke, but I am happy nevertheless. Anyway, I must go back to training, so I can hopefully make it through the fight with Whitney with minimal casualties.

Also, incase anyone noticed, I have not nicknamed Hoppip and Paras. This is because I have no idea what to nickname them as of right now... :'|
Quite some time ago I started a Nuzlocke on Pokemon Y. And now I stand outside the Kalos Pokemon League. Many Pokemon gave their lives to get me this far, and for that I am grateful. Currently I'm grinding like hell just to stand a chance. I'm shooting for everyone to be Lv. 68 before I challenge the Elite 4. Anyway here is the team that will hopefully bring me my first successful Nuzlocke:

Apocalypse the Yveltal, Ty the Pidgeot, Ness the Lapras, Baroness the Drapion, Titanic the Avalugg, and Octavius the Noctowl.
Alright, I just started a Randomized Nuzlocke on Emerald... with Moemon. Because why not. And my god, there have been so so many shenangians already. So sit back kiddies as I tell you a tale... Of resets, traps, yanderes, and so many deaths. And yes, this is generally what goes through my head when I play the game, especially when things are randomized. The insanity just brings it out of me.

Firstly I started off as a girl, and went and summoned Brendan to his room by attempting to touch his ball. Pokeball, I swear (this is relevant later, I promise). After the usual shenanigans of Birch freaking out over the most devastatingly scary Pokemon ever, a Zigazagoon, I have a look at the starters, and my options are Luvdisc, Houndoor and... THE GOD OF DEMOCRACY KABUTO ITSELF PRAISE THE DOME LET US BRING ORDER TO THIS RANDOMIZED HOENN AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This of course, meant that Brendan ended up with Luvdisc. Get rekt mate, The Dome, praise be unto her, knows Leaf Blade. Also, apparently Brendan's actual name is Sonja, so, reverse trap confirmed? After this, I try to catch my first three Pokemon. The Dome, praise be unto her, decided that all three were unworthy and murdered them all. Lugia included. So I go up against the first younger and... ahhh he has Latios. And all I have is Leaf Blade, this is going to take a while... except it also has effect spore, I fall asleep, and... my god falls in battle... and anarchy prevails... RIP The Dome.

So I started again, everything seems fine at first, until I notice that um, there's something kinda up with the textboxes, in that they are all blank. Yes, for some reason, I seem to have created a world in which everybody is mute, not just the protagonist. I was tempted to continue with the irony here, buuuut ehh.

Okay third time's a charm, right? This time I decide to play as a boy named Hien - I mean, this is an entire world filled with stupidly cute females, so Harem Run confirmed! I start this off by summoning May by touching her ball... wait. Damn what's with the rival's being traps here seriously? Anyway, the starters here are Abra, Slakoth, and Ampharos. Now while abilities are randomized (at least, so I thought), Slakoth would actually be pretty cool, I like Ampharos, and call her Soleanna. Weirdly enough, she still has Static... She utterly destroys May's Abra... and then proceeds to murder every single first encounter I have. And then, it dawns on me. This is a Harem Run. Every Pokemon I catch is a potential rival for Hien's affections. And Soleanna murdered every single one of them with crits. Oh my god, my starter's a Yandere. However, it was at this point that I realized that I'd forgotten to randomize their abilities, so I rerandomized the file again, almost. I set it up so that Ampharos would be another starter. Because I need Soleanna in my life.

So, fourth time... This time Soleanna has Suction Cups, so all the insanity is ready! My first catch is Courtney, a level 2 Camerupt with Pure Power and Earthquake. Yes, as far as I've played into the game, she has OKHOed literally everything. She's basically Saitama. My next catch is Quinn, a Cloyster, buuut I forgot that I'd poisoned her with Soleanna's sludge bomb, and she fainted in two steps. RIP Quinn, Soleanna claims another victim. I then caught... a level 3 Cascoon called Rei. Her only move is Dynamicpunch. Yuuuuuupppp... And at this point, Soleanna tried to learn Horn Drill. She already knew Fissure. She tried to learn two automatic OHKO moves. My god she's out for blood run! Run for your lives! So, I wander in to go help Wally, and Norman gives him a "Zigzagoon". We go onto the field and find it is in fact... a Magikarp. Yuuuuuup Norman's kind of a dick >> Due to the power of the plot, Wally still caught himself a Golem.

Next catch is the adorable Rafflesia, a level 5 rash Bulbasaur... who has Torrent. I think she's actually a Squirtle in disguise. I then catch a Geodude called Lady who knows Blast Burn, only to have her die to a Masquerain using Pursuit. RIP another trap. Soleanna can be heard laughing manically in the background. Outside of Rustboro City, I come across my first Legendary, Moltres, in the hands of a Fisherman... for some reason. Maybe the lake he was fishing out of is actually made of out fire? I dunno. My two catches for Route 116 and Rustuff Tunnel is a Horsea named Clair, and a Marill named Aqua. Unfortunately, Clair is soon murdered by a wild Suicune dammit (due to my stupidity - I was holding the turbo button and didn't realize that the Suicune had gotten a crit until it was too late), and Aqua's only move is Frenzy Plant currently, and I'm not sure I want to grind her up. But Rafflesia evolved into Ivysaur that was cool. Anyway, then it is finally time to battle Roxanne! And, er, well... OHKOs. OHKOs for dayz. Anyways I shall leave it there because this post is already way too long, hopefully there shall be more insanity to come! And please no more deaths, I lost three Pokemon before the first gym come on >>
Soooo....it has been a while since I've updated this. I took a break from this for a while, because I was not looking forward to the grinding for Morty's Gym battle. Speaking of which, I should probably mention that I did not beat Whitney without losing one of my dear friends to that pink monster of hers. Sadly, Giles the Drowzee is no longer with us. Thankfully, that is my only loss on this run so far, and I've made some new friends, but now I have to start training them again, because Morty's Gengar...I remember it, or more specifically, its Shadow Ball. I really need to prepare for that... :'|

Anyway, here's the roster:


Iormungr (the Dratini)
Received at the Game Corner in Goldenrod City in exchange for 2100 Coins
Level When Obtained: 15
Current Level: 19
Moves: Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Dragon Rage

Cinder (the Quilava)
Given by Prof. Elm in New Bark Town
Level When Obtained: 5
Current Level: 21
Moves: Quick Attack, Leer, Smokescreen, Flame Wheel

Royale (the Nidorino)
Caught on Route 35
Level When Obtained: 12
Current Level: 18
Moves: Poison Sting, Shadow Claw, Focus Energy, Double Kick

Rocky (the Onix)
Traded for Bellsprout in Violet City
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 18
Moves: Strength, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Payback

Paras (the Paras)
Caught in Ilex Forest
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 18
Moves: Leech Life, Stun Spore, Spore, Cut

Miracle (the Togetic)
Hatched from Pokemon Egg given by Mr. Pokemon
Level When Obtained: 1
Current Level: 18
Moves: Sweet Kiss, Charm, Extrasensory, Headbutt


Shel (the Sudowoodo)
Caught on Route 36
Level When Obtained: 20
Current Level: 20
Moves: Flail, Low Kick, Rock Throw, Mimic

Hoppip (the Hoppip)
Caught on Route 33
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 19
Moves: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Bullet Seed

Mino (the Tauros)
Caught on Route 38
Level When Obtained: 13
Current Level: 13
Moves: Tail Whip, Rage, Horn Attack, Scary Face

Viceroy (the Krabby)
Caught in Cherrygrove Town (Old Rod)
Level When Obtained: 10
Current Level: 18
Moves: Mud Sport, BubbleBeam, Vicegrip, Harden

Beaks (the Pidgeotto)
Caught on Route 29
Level When Obtained: 2
Current Level: 19
Moves: Whirlwind, Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Enigma (the Unown)
Caught at the Ruins of Alph
Level When Obtained: 5
Current Level: 7
Moves: Hidden Power

Griselda (the Geodude)
Caught in Union Cave
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 6
Moves: Tackle, Defense Curl, Mud Sport

Templeton (the Zubat)
Caught in Slowpoke Well
Level When Obtained: 6
Current Level: 6
Moves: Leech Life, Supersonic

Majesty (the Hoothoot)
Caught on Route 30
Level When Obtained: 3
Current Level: 10
Moves: Tackle, Peck, Foresight, Hypnosis

Timothy (the Rattata)
Caught on Route 31
Level When Obtained: 4
Current Level: 11
Moves: Bite, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy

Bellona (the Pidgey)
Caught on Route 37
Level When Obtained: 15
Current Level: 15
Moves: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Remy (the Rattata)
Caught in the Burned Tower
Level When Obtained: 13
Current Level: 13
Moves: Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Pursuit


Giles (the Drowzee)
Caught on Route 34
Level When Obtained: 10
Level At Time of Death: 16
Moves: Headbutt, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion
Cause of Death: Sacrificed to heal Cinder, Whitney's Miltank OHKO'd him with Stomp

As you can see, I'm pretty underleveled due to the number of Pokemon I have been raising. And yes, I did go through a LOT of Voltorb Flips to get that many coins for a Dratini. :arr:

So, its off to the grindstone. I will update sometime in between the 4th and 5th Gyms. Until next time!

EDIT: Also, I will find the Name Rater and nickname Hoppip and Paras as soon as possible. I just could not think of an appropriate nickname for either at the time. :'|
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So basically, I am doing a pokemon platinum nuzlocke and it is a blind nuzlocke. I have never played pokemon platinum before but I though it would be fun. Have you ever done a nuzlocke?
Quite the contrary, I'd say Platinum is easier than DP due to the major increase in regional Pokedex size, allowing for more variety.

I've attempted several Nuzlockes in my time, some of which I dropped due to just losing interest or becoming very busy and forgetting all about them, and those that I've completed I've made a trainer card for each. In my experience, you get out of what you put into a Nuzlocke. I recently did one of X wherein I named my Pokemon after U.S. Presidents, and I daresay it was one of the more emotional Nuzlockes for me from how attached I got to all of my Pokemon that had initially just started as a throwaway joke naming scheme(Chespin/Chesnaught Arthur, for example).

In my Black 2 Nuzlocke, I finished it with a grand total of 4 Pokemon left in my party. Sure I had some in the PC, but they were all pretty low-leveled and I just couldn't be bothered to grind them up. That one felt more of a chore to complete than anything due to how shallow I was of a player during it(namely sacrificing things left, right, and center just to save particular 'mons I wanted to keep around).

Nuzlockes can be fun. You can impose whatever sort of rules or limitations on yourself that you desire, and see how well you can fare despite them. I think they're a marvelous way to enjoy a game once hype and nostalgia wear off.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
When I do Nuzlockes I make my own side story with them the coincide with the main plot.

My first Nuzlocke was on Sapphire where a hate plague had struck Hoenn prior to my character moving there which turned all of the Trainers into murderous berserkers. The only ones besides the MC who weren't afflicted by this plague were the members of Team Aqua having been former members of Hoenn's navy who were out to sea during the time of the breakout. Their reasoning for summoning Kyogre wasn't to create more ocean habitats but to destroy Hoenn before the plague could spread to other regions. The MC opposed Aqua's plan because he knew the condition could be reversed having witnessed it first hand when May overcame the plague and quit being a Trainer because she was tired of the violence. I attempted to chronicle this adventure as a written let's play but I played the game faster than I could write the story so that idea was struck down pretty quickly.

My most recent Nuzlocke on the Virtual Console Blue went the way of Kanto being a lawless land run by Team Rocket who encouraged Trainers to fight to the death both as a means to keep Trainers too weak to oppose them and to weed out potential recruits who showed a talent for battling. This time around the MC was fighting to become Champion so that, as the most powerful Trainer in the land, he could enforce a no kill order. The Rival liked things as they were and thus tried on several occasions to kill the MC. In the Nugget Bridge battle he killed my Rattata with his own Rattata's Hyper Fang. In the SS Anne battle the Rival's Raticate was killed out of revenge but only made the Rival smug that he had bested the MC by taking away his moral high ground.

One day in the future I plan on doing a White Nuzlocke where the MC will be a villain protagonist intent on maintaining the might is right way of the Unovan Empire while N Harmonia and the Knights of Plasma will be a rebellion based on bringing peace to society by liberating Pokemon from the oppressive humans that ritualistically slaughter them. The reason N has new Pokemon in every battle is because MC will keep killing them. Cheren and Bianca are MC's partners in maintaining "order" and so there Pokemon will be mercifully spared since the MC is using them as sparing fodder. Ghetsis of course is an imperial agent working on the inside to thwart N's rebellion. Although now that I type this idea out I think it would actually work better as a Black Nuzlocke since N would be following his ideals which would summon Zekrom.
That's a really cool concept!
I'm also doing an Omega Ruby nuzlocke and my trainer card number was 9 which meant I got a Mudkip which is very good. I encountered a zigzagoon, a poochyena and a seedot so far and I expect a taillow for route 104.
I have completed a White 2 Nuzlocke, which I think I will always remember because I did a comic accompanying it so the story really sunk in and meant a lot to me. I should post it on here... :D
But yeah Nuzlockes are way more fun and meaningful if you put your own twist on the story. ;)
Hi! I've done quite a few Locke-Challenges in my life. I actually lost against the Champion in my Platinum Nuzlocke (I was unprepared). My favourite challenge I did was my Pokemon X Wonderlocke. It introduced me to what would become my favourite Pokemon, Manectric. I got a level 1 Elektrike in my first WonderTrade and he stayed on the Team until the end. I got a Houndour off of WonderTrade at one point in the challenge and I had a little story about how she and "Sparky" (the Manectrics unofficial nickname) were in a relationship. It was a ton of fun but in the final battle against the Champion's Gardevoir, Sparky was killed by a moonblast. I was devastated and felt genuinely sad for days. I feel like that's why challenges such as Nuzlockes and Wonderlockes are so enjoyable. You make your own story and your own characters and give your Pokemon their own personality and feel real sadness when they die in battle.
P.s. Sparky is currently residing in my AlphaSapphire with his bride, Cuddles, the Houndoom.
That is so sad. Manectric is my favourite hoenn pokemon

On my white 2 nuzlocke my Arcanine died because it was poisoned and I didn't realise. I'm such a bad trainer......
It was looking back poisoned in its dying breaths
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Nuzlockes are usually my default mode of play these days - I love the raised stakes so much that it feels like there's something missing from the gameplay when I'm not nuzlocking. Unfortunately I sometimes I can overgrind which ruins the feeling a little, but as long as I'm careful its great fun.

I'm currently nuzlocking through Blue which has been really awesome so far. Being not as familiar with Gen I mechanics means I have to think a bit more about what I'm doing and what Pokemon are more useful to use, its really cool. Sadly I've overgrinded a little out of sheer panic after losing three Pokemon to this one freaking Raticate, including my starter. Sad days indeed, but I've still got some solid Pokemon so hopefully it will all work out. I'm planning on after I (hopefully) beat the Elite Four, I'll hack in the surviving Pokemon from my team into Silver (at an appropriate level), and so on until I lose or my trainer takes over every region. Why they're trying to do that I have no idea, but whatever. Maybe they need the strength of the military's of several regions to take down a specific threat or something I don't know.

The most emotional run I've ever had was an Omega Ruby Wonderlocke. My starter was an Absol, and I was pretending that my trainer was rather scared of Pokemon but for reasons got forced into going on a journey anyway. I was pretending in my head after getting the Key Stone, she was thinking that after all they'd gone through maybe she and the Absol were finally good enough friends to get Mega evolution to work, since he'd help her deal with her fear and all... and then counter happened. Yeah. That hurt, a lot.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Since there were multiple threads re: Nuzlockes made after this one, I took the liberty of merging them. Keep discussion of Nuzlockes and other similar 'imposed difficulty' runs to this thread, rather than spawning a million threads for the same purpose, please.
Alright I'm starting a randomized, random type wedlocke. Since I just discovered this thread I think I'm going to post updates here.
Rules: 1. Only able to catch the first pokemon on each route,
2. dupes clause is in affect so if I encounter a pokemon I already caught I can go again.
3. It faints it dies.
4. I can only switch between the pokemon that is already out and it's partner/ lover.
Here we go.
So I've started a Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke.

The current team is
Fuego the Chimchar
Depression the Bidoof
Alberto the Starly
Voltage the Shinx

I love Depression's name. If he lives he'll make an excellent HM Slave.
My Youtube HG Randomized Nuzlocke team so far:
Kelly the Mewtwo
Metatato the Metang
Gent the Torterra
AspenTR33 the Kricketune
Zander the Grimer
Darcel the Eevee

Also have Hallelujah the Togekiss and Stormursa the Flygon.
My soul silver Radomized pokemon and type team wedlock as of now
The opposite couple ( Spain a female Fighting psychic Cacnea and China a male Dark flying Koffing)
The fighters couple(Somalia a fighting steel Plusle and Hungry the fighting Nosepass
Mongolia a female rock and steel Heracross

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
My most recent Nuzlocke on the Virtual Console Blue went the way of Kanto being a lawless land run by Team Rocket who encouraged Trainers to fight to the death both as a means to keep Trainers too weak to oppose them and to weed out potential recruits who showed a talent for battling. This time around the MC was fighting to become Champion so that, as the most powerful Trainer in the land, he could enforce a no kill order. The Rival liked things as they were and thus tried on several occasions to kill the MC. In the Nugget Bridge battle he killed my Rattata with his own Rattata's Hyper Fang. In the SS Anne battle the Rival's Raticate was killed out of revenge but only made the Rival smug that he had bested the MC by taking away his moral high ground.

Now that I've got VC Gold and Silver, I'm going to do a Gold Nuzlocke as a sequel to my Blue playthrough. It starts three years later just like the original plot but with a healthy dose of reality ensues. The MC from Blue became Champion like he wanted but realized that being the strongest Trainer in Kanto didn't mean he had the power to change people's hearts or their way of life. He failed at his goal! Disillusioned and ashamed, he exiled himself to Mt. Silver away from society. The Rival, now operating under the code name Blue, became the new Viridian Gym Leader to replace Giovanni and Lance became Champion to restore "order" in place of the now defunct Team Rocket. The plot of this Nuzlocke will be a Wild West theme where Johto is just as bad as Kanto but even criminals find it hard to get a foothold. Team Rocket is trying to regain their power, Lance's interference at Mahogony Town will be to sweep away the last remnants of a bygone age to maintain his position and authority, and in the middle of it all will be one lone Trainer who seeks to finish what "The Red Rebel" started three years ago. Silver's role will depend on how the playthrough goes, how many of my Pokemon he kills, and how far I get.
I’ve recently started a Nuzlocke with Pokemon Red. Right now, I’m grinding in Viridian Forest.

My Team

Level 11 Squirtle

Level 7 Pidgey
-Sand Attack

Level 7 Rattata
-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack

Level 8 Nidoran (Male)
-Horn Attack

Level 5 Weedle
-Poison Sting
-String Shot


Formerly Luxray901
started a nuzlocke on black. its going well so far. (i gave myself a pre 1st gym mercy rule to ease things up- if it faints before striaton gym is beat, it isnt dead. after that its gone)

at the castelia gym rn and only 2 have died so far.

pyrope (m pignite)
citrine (f herdier)
fluorite (m woobat)
obsidian (m blitzle)
sapphire (f tympole)
malachite (m simisage)

opal (f munna)
spinel (f patrat)

beryl (f cottonee)
agate (m sandile)

edit: black, not b2
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Im so happy now. I found this recently, right after I finished by emerald game Nuzlocke challenge. I lost about, -checking- 37 pokemon. No joke, most to gym 2. I'm now looking for another challenge. I can do firered, heartgold, diamond, black, white2, or Y. What should I do?
My apologies if this is considered a necrobump, but I'm unsure as to where else to put this.

Now, I have a story to tell...

On July 27th, 2013, roughly 4 and a half years ago, I started up a new HeartGold file with the intention of doing a nuzlocke challenge, my very first. I picked Chikorita and set out on my journey, catching Pokémon as per the rules. While the first part of my journey was not uneventful, I lost relatively few Pokémon up until the Radio Tower. However, disaster struck as 5 of my six Pokémon (Belate the Slowking, Amphi the Flaaffy, Roxi the Golem, Lief the Bayleef, and Dogas the Koffing) all fell to Archer. The resulting training was positively disastrous, claiming the lives of many Pokémon, including the lone survivor of the battle with Archer. This training, due to lack of motivation and the constant having to retrain new Pokémon, is the main reason this playthrough took nearly half a decade.

Finally, after over a year of training in the Ice Path, I emerged victorious, with a full team, and ready to challenge Clair. That team was...


Sadly, due to the length of time that has passed between now and then, I don't remember anything more about these Pokémon at this time in their lives than who they were; I will not be able to provide detailed movesets. However! I was proud of this team, for they had survived and were ready to take on the world. And so they did, defeating Clair without a loss and moving on. But it didn't last forever. Solaria the Sunflora was the first to fall, being vanquished by the Vaporeon of the Kimono Girls that she was supposed to defeat. Two more Pokémon died in the process of training up a replacement, until a Doduo was caught near Victory Road. More training subsequently ensued, in an effort to raise these Pokémon to levels to survive their toughest challenge yet: the Pokémon league. After another year of training and waning interest, my team had been brought to par, and could provide a match for even the finest. Or so I thought.


Will proved much trickier than I initially thought, since I had a Forretress, and he claimed Emultiple the Dodrio, my newest member, in a tough bout. This would not be the first time having Forretress would cause me to become overconfident, but it seems I didn't learn from my mistake. Koga and Bruno went smoothly, the former falling before Forretress like I intended, and the latter bending to Alakazam. Karen proved tougher, and took Jellisa the Tentacruel away from me on my way to Lance. Lance was, ironically, the easiest, as Gyarados set up two Dragon Dances before Ice Fanging through his entire team.

And thus, I was the champion. But it was not enough. To end my journey, I must collect all sixteen badges and defeat the strongest trainer in the world: Red.

Training still proved decently tough, as I still had not mastered the art of safe training. One more Pokémon fell in my attempts to train up a full team, but eventually I had six and proceeded to do battle with Janine. Two more, a Dewgong and a Donphan, my newest additions, perished, but my core four at this point remained untouched. Foolish as I was, I thought they were invincible. Foolish indeed...

One last Pokémon, a Quagsire, was lost in training to a selfdestructing Graveler. A second Quagsire replaced them, when I made the most foolhardy decision I possibly could have: Challenge Erika underlevelled. My team, looking like this:


seemed to match up very favourably against her - multiple Pokémon could hit her for weakness and Forretress would be an indomitable wall, right? My first warning should have been the gym itself; I ended up boxing Gyarados temporarily for an untrained Sandslash as none of my Pokémon could learn Cut (This was over a year ago, I'm not sure if one of them could and I just didn't want to or if they legitimately couldn't). Foolhardy as I was, my team was ravaged, leaving Nidoqueen as the sole survivor. She returned to Gyarados to pick up the pieces, and after many more months of training, managed to rebuild a team.


With a new team in place, carefully trained to their maximum, I set my eyes on claiming the six remaining gym badges. Lt. Surge was first, providing laughable resistance to my Choice Scarfed Nidoqueen. Brock and Blaine proved similarly easy, being defeated by Kingler alone. Misty was more difficult, and a combination of Gyarados, Fearow, and Hypno was required to handle it. Sabrina was the hardest of the five, and she defeated Fearow before falling to Gyarados and Hypno. Afterwards, I selected a Shroomish I had been lucky enough to find in Viridian Forest as my final member, and after quickly training her to meet her peers in level, I set off to fight Blue. And what a fight it was! I was lucky enough to not lose anyone, but every Pokémon was pushed to their limits, even Muk, who had done next to nothing so far. I claimed my Sixteenth badge from Blue and trekked to Mt. Silver, where my destiny awaited at the top. But first, more training was in order. After weeks of nonstop training, my team emerged battered and bruised, but stronger and ready for the end of the road.


The team:

Belle (Nidoqueen), level 75
- Earthquake
- Sludge Bomb
- Fire Blast
- Rock Climb

The longest-running member of my team, Belle's somewhat average stats left her slightly situational, but highly useful. I gave her the Choice Scarf to give me something with immediate speed, and the results were so successful that she beat Lt. Surge by herself with nary a scratch.

Lucky (Gyarados), level 75
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Thunder
- Dragon Dance

Surprisingly a blue Gyarados, Lucky proved to carry on the legacy of my past Gyarados very well. Thunder may look very out of place, but it's very handy for frying any water types (especially other Gyarados), which my team does somewhat struggle with.

Creep (Hypno), level 75
- Hypnosis
- Headbutt
- Psychic
- Nasty Plot

As the first Hypno I've ever used, Creep did not disappoint. Hypnosis was dicey, but worked often enough to allow her to pull off the rest of her strategy well. Headbutt was a good field move, netting me Shroomish and some others that went unused.

Poo (Muk), level 75
- Gunk Shot
- Mud Bomb
- Strength
- Acid Armor

I'm just going to say this bluntly: This Muk is the worst Pokémon I have ever used in any run I've done, ever. Muk's level-up moves are horrendous, and the TM moves he could've got weren't worth it, as Nidoqueen was just better overall. Additionally, he had absurd amount of trouble hitting anything with Gunk Shot, nearly always missing the first try and missing multiple times in a row way more often than I'd like. One of the only Pokémon I ever regret using, but it didn't die up until this point, so I guess that's something?

Sebastian (Kingler), level 75
- Crabhammer
- Surf
- Rock Smash
- Cut

Don't let the three HMs fool you, Kingler's a beast. with sky-high attack that dwarfs any of my other members and okay enough speed, Kingler could decimate anything that didn't resist water in two hits maximum, and became my go-to water spammer on the team, although Gyarados was still more useful in situations where I couldn't just click Crabhammer. Training this Pokémon was absolutely awful, however, as you won't get Crabhammer until level 56.

Toadette (Breloom), level 75
- Seed Bomb
- Dynamic Punch
- Spore
- Mach Punch

The most recent member, and grinding her was somewhat difficult due to my wanting to get Spore, but Spore was so worth it, and became the go-to reason to send her out. Being able to hit waters for SE damage was the main reason I was using her.

With my team prepared and ready, I thanked them for everything, knowing this would be the last time I'd battle with some of them. I thought of my long journey, and all the Pokémon I'd already lost, on my way to the top, and then, cloaked in snow, I saw him. The ultimate test.


Wordlessly, he called out his Pikachu. I had anticipated this and prepared Nidoqueen, still carrying her choice scarf. My trick was just as effective here, and Pikachu went down without even getting to attack. Red, still saying nothing, sent out Lapras, and I countered by switching out to Breloom as he did so. Just as I planned, I put it to sleep with Spore, as Breloom was thankfully faster. However, one attack was not enough to defeat Lapras, and it woke up the very next turn and finished off Breloom with a single Blizzard. I had already grown so attached to her in such a short time. Nidoqueen defeated Lapras, but then I was left with a tough opponent: Blastoise. After some deliberation, I switched out to Muk, praying he would be useful for the first time in his life, and Blastoise started firing away with Blizzard. It was enough to take Muk out in three hits, so maybe Muk could-


Muk couldn't.

Muk, summing up all of his usefulness throughout my entire run, missed. He got a second chance and hit, doing enough to where another Gunk Shot (or, you know, the first one hitting) would have defeated Blastoise, but Muk would never get that chance. I attempted to send in Nidoqueen again afterwards, hoping to finish it off, when disaster struck. Sadly, Nidoqueen didn't damage Blastoise hard enough through its resilient shell, and after a very long and successful journey, Nidoqueen fell. The rampant hailstorm failed to defeat Blastoise, and as I sent out Gyarados, Red healed. Gyarados unveiled his secret tactic, Thunder - although it took two tries to hit (but he'd more than made up for it over the course of this playthrough, unlike a certain someone) - dented Blastoise enough, and a Hydro Cannon allowed Gyarados to Dragon Dance, in case he survived. Not wanting to risk Thunder missing, as this Blastoise seemed adept at dodging, I went for Waterfall, and it left Blastoise on his last legs before Gyarados, the last of the old guard, the last of the Pokémon born in Johto to make it on this journey, was too swept away by Blastoise. He had done his job though, reliable to the end, and the hail finished off Red's biggest threat. With two Pokémon to Red's three, this looked very difficult. He sent out Snorlax yet, and I responded with Hypno, putting it to sleep before switching to Kingler to pound at it with Crabhammer. Snorlax didn't wake, and after two Crabhammers the hail took its toll. That's when I began to think this was doable, as the Pokémon evened out and Red's Venusaur made its entrance. I went back to Hypno and put it to sleep - I missed the first time, but Venusaur also went for sleep Powder, reminding me what Hypno's ability was. After it was asleep, I went for Nasty plot and-- it woke up. The rotten luck on Sleep was taking its toll on me, and a Sludge Bomb hurt, but wasn't enough to do Hypno in. Hypno finished off Venusaur with a supercharged Psychic, but knew her time was up as Red sent out his Charizard. She stayed in, attempting to get off a last Hypnosis, but Charizard proved too fast and Hypno joined the four others in blessed sleep. This was it. One to one. His Charizard versus my Kingler. My heart was pounding, this was the closest I've ever gotten, five years worth of adventures and training and lives lost, many other journeys beginning and ending as this one slumbered on or continued, all coming to a close here, on this mountain, either way. This was it, one last command. Screaming to the high heavens, I yelled my saving grace.


Kingler's aim was true, and Charizard was no match for the super-effective move. As he fell, Red faded away in the hailstorm, leaving me panting and mourning those that had fallen to allow Kingler, the last Pokémon between victory and defeat, to emerge victorious.

I did it. My first nuzlocke, won. And I couldn't have done it without this team at the end (well, except Muk). 50 Pokémon in total gave their lives over the challenge, and while some never had a chance to become heroes, others gave it their all and fought to their last breath. For each and every one of them, I am truly grateful.
I have done this challenge several times and I encourage anyone eager to push their limits to experiment. I also would suggest the alternative rules of "Female Nuzlocke" where you can only use female Pokemon, and the first Pokemon encountered in each zone rule only applies to the first female Pokemon you encounter. It adds an additional layer or hunting that also helps gain experience (or deaths and transferred Pokemon).
Nuzlocke Challenge is considered the most challenging of the "Base Challenges"

For those who are "TRUELY" Insane I encourage you to do the Nuzlocke B-Button Challenge. It follows all of the rules of both the Nuzlocke (posted by the OP) as well as B-Button Challenge that stipulates that you can ONLY use non-evolved Pokemon below 3 FT in Dimensions so eliminates most of the power-house Pokemon outside of many of the Fairy and Water Types; expect to grind 10+ Hours between each Gym.

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