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Ask to Join The Omaled Reigon

((OOC: No double posting, that could get the thread locked. please try to merge the two posts)
"Hey, Alex, no one really one. I was taken over by robot ant thingys thanks to Team Whats-its-name." Eli said. He turned to the orange Azurill. "Wait, i must've caught a Shiny pokemon for you. What luck!" Eli said, with a smile on his face. "Wait yeah, thats not even a shiny..."
The "Azurill" let out a cry and shocked all three of them "thats No azurill, That's a Dedenne! They have similarities bcause they are both fairy types is my guess." he pets his new friend "I think we're gonna be great friends Dedenne."
Mokuba smiled as he looked on, before walking towards Eli, Alexander and Tripp. "Hey, at least let me have a battle. I'll tell you right now, I don't give up so easily." He said, smiling. "You ready?"
Minun Busted out of his pokeball and Cheered, "Min Min!! Minun nun!!" Minun was cheering on both sides, knowing it was the Cheering Pokemon. "Minun! Minun! Mi Mi Nun!!" He yelped. "Heh, Let the Battle Begin!" Eli shouted. "Mokuba vs. Alexander!"
Snow started to fall from the sky. "Watch out battlers! It's starting to Hail!" Eli shouted, holding Nega. Nega shouted "Minun! Nun nun!" waving his arms.
((OOC: Please don't refer to yourself in the 1st person. RP Rules say all posts must be in 3rd person. and let them make sense.))

Eli and Nega watched as the battle went on, Hail falling on the battlefield. Nega was cheering like crazy.
Eli and Nega Started to cough because of the smoke. They saw a figure. "Nega, use Thunder shock on that figure..." Eli said frightened. Nega did as he was told.
The smoke dissipated, giving a clear view of the masked figure. "Charmander, Dragon breath!!!" The two forces collided, but both had been cut out by each other, leaving behind a bit of dust and rubble.
A Woman wearing Flashy clothes walked up behind Pyro. "You did great Pyro, For a Newbie." She said. "I am Faush Eon, Leader of Team Glamour. Hand over your pokemon. Go Cubchoo."
The Aura Sphere missed Cubchoo, and Faush Eon said, "Cubchoo! Sheer cold!" Cubchoo's sheer cold blinded everyone as Faush Eon grabbed Rowlet's, Pikipeck's, Plusle's, and Fletchling's pokeball and ran then said. "Pyro, Team Glamour is OUT! NOW!"
Eli checked his belt. "Hey! My pokeballs are gone! Someone stole my Pikipeck and Rowlet!!" he yelled.
Eli saw Totodile launch a water gun at the Riolu. He jumped in the way, getting soaked. "Thanks a lot Totodile. Any way, i'm Eli!" Eli yelped to the kid.