Im Rex, Carmen is Carmen, Sem is Sem. This is before I saw Vexen's post. Talking about Carmen's typo, she flips out, and gets petted, and I display my own sucky typing abilities.
[02:08] im surprised no-one has found anything funny enough to post in one of the two chat topics...
[02:08] I've seen lots of funny stuff
[02:08] Hm?
[02:09] The Chat Log Topic and Out of Context topics?
[02:09] suprised no one has posted, ive seen a lot of funny stuff
[02:09] Why didn't you post it?
[02:09] "I've licked over 1000 pokemon" For example
[02:10] ...
[02:10] Because whehan I had happened, I had no idea how to copy-paste in
[02:10] cha
[02:10] chat
[02:10] is very hard...
[02:10] * Sem pets Carmen again
[02:11] * Carmen is pet'd~