RP thread: https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-paragons-act-ii.27338/
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(The following is cited from the "Paragons Act I" thread)
Welcome to the world of the Paragons. It's inspired by most superhero media, ranging from everything Marvel, to DC, to even The Boys. This world, however, is set in our future. A future in which superhuman populace increased by the millions for seemingly no reason at all. Before there were superheroes, there were comics. Games. Movies. Characters like Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman are all a part of this world, but only as fictional characters. This branch of media died out when real superhumans took to the skies and streets.
There are limitations for your supers- though not many. In order to avoid OP Mary Sues completely breaking any and all story potential because of Superman-like qualities, these limitations must be made prominent.
No world-breakers or above.
No reality-warpers.
No realm-walkers.
And DEFINITELY no instakill powers.
Try to at least be a little creative when coming up with your powers- but don't worry. It's okay to use already created concepts. It isn't even frowned upon.
The world of the Paragons is so far unfilled and full of plenty of potential- potential for all to help fulfill. This world will become yours just as much as it is ours. Feel free to create your own locations, NPCs, history... just don't go too crazy.
Keep in mind, your character doesn't even have to be a super. You can be a brilliant engineer, and create your own suits of armor. You could be a mad scientist and create an army of robots to do your bidding. You can even be just a guy off the street who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time- possibilities are endless!
So please, feel free to join. In fact, I greatly encourage it. Welcome to the Paragons.
{This is a continuation of the first Paragons RP thread and therefore will not be starting fresh on a blank slate. Feel free to read through the threads prior to joining, but it is not required; all important context and plot preceding Act II will be found in the prologue at the top of this post (reading the prologue is highly suggested). Furthermore, though this may be a continuation of a previous thread, any RPers who were not a part of Act I are still welcome.}
This chapter of The Paragons will be co-run by @comic, @BurbleBurble, and myself; feel free to DM/ping us with any questions y'all may have! Peace o/
You gingerly open the front door to leave your home. Well, what’s left of it, anyway. Upon emerging outside, you are immediately greeted with despair. Buildings scorched, if still standing. Roads obstructed by debris and fissures, if not torn to pieces. Hardly anyone goes outside--not many places left to go. What remains for New York City, as well as the rest of the world, can only be described as a bleak hellscape, devoid of hope.
Yet, this is life now. Has been, for the past several years.
And above all the wreckage and destruction stands the tower of the Paragons. Almighty heroes--the best of the best--who would come to our rescue and save us if ever there came a threat to the country, or to the world.
At least, they were supposed to.
The only thing that tower stands for now is failure. Defeat. The shame of those who carried the Paragon name. Even Patriot, Mightiest Defender of Earth, was now a condemned figure in the eyes of the public. Reports had circulated that the renowned hero association had suddenly launched an attack on the CEO of the world’s most advanced tech conglomerate, as well as its greatest humanitarian: Charles Warren. With Patriot at the forefront, the Paragons invaded the head facility of Warren Industries, an attack that yielded unprecedented damages yet failed to compare to what happened next.
We shouldn’t have survived. Gods and laws of the universe forbid we even get a sliver of peace, alien forces known as the Heralds had nearly spelt humanity’s end in a swift, calculated attack. Cosmic cataclysms had threatened all life from every corner of the planet: ice ages, nuclear meltdowns, events that defied the laws of nature themselves. Even their deaths. When we dared to believe we’d won, their defeat only served to further weaken the planet, preparing it for the true superpower that had come to finish us off when the work was done. Even Patriot had fallen in the wake of such destruction, but he managed to heroically sacrifice himself to put an end to the threat. And though it was over, humanity now stood ravaged, and without their protectors.
However, just as it seemed all hope was lost, we had Charles Warren. It seemed inconceivable, but he managed to live through the horrors that spanned mere months and devastated the planet to insurmountable ends. Despite the wreckage and ruin that riddled society and all mankind, he soon led the planet in recovering from the aftermath of all that had transpired, wasting no time in getting Earth back on her feet. Progress has been slow, but humanity has been given a reason to hope again.
Along with the changes Warren made to the structure of government and world politics, including the institution of him as the new World Leader, he had also enacted a policy that mandated the registration of all individuals with superhuman abilities into a private database. Resistance would be met with extreme prejudice and immediately dispelled.
The age of superheroes is now over. For good.
Yet, this is life now. Has been, for the past several years.
And above all the wreckage and destruction stands the tower of the Paragons. Almighty heroes--the best of the best--who would come to our rescue and save us if ever there came a threat to the country, or to the world.
At least, they were supposed to.
The only thing that tower stands for now is failure. Defeat. The shame of those who carried the Paragon name. Even Patriot, Mightiest Defender of Earth, was now a condemned figure in the eyes of the public. Reports had circulated that the renowned hero association had suddenly launched an attack on the CEO of the world’s most advanced tech conglomerate, as well as its greatest humanitarian: Charles Warren. With Patriot at the forefront, the Paragons invaded the head facility of Warren Industries, an attack that yielded unprecedented damages yet failed to compare to what happened next.
We shouldn’t have survived. Gods and laws of the universe forbid we even get a sliver of peace, alien forces known as the Heralds had nearly spelt humanity’s end in a swift, calculated attack. Cosmic cataclysms had threatened all life from every corner of the planet: ice ages, nuclear meltdowns, events that defied the laws of nature themselves. Even their deaths. When we dared to believe we’d won, their defeat only served to further weaken the planet, preparing it for the true superpower that had come to finish us off when the work was done. Even Patriot had fallen in the wake of such destruction, but he managed to heroically sacrifice himself to put an end to the threat. And though it was over, humanity now stood ravaged, and without their protectors.
However, just as it seemed all hope was lost, we had Charles Warren. It seemed inconceivable, but he managed to live through the horrors that spanned mere months and devastated the planet to insurmountable ends. Despite the wreckage and ruin that riddled society and all mankind, he soon led the planet in recovering from the aftermath of all that had transpired, wasting no time in getting Earth back on her feet. Progress has been slow, but humanity has been given a reason to hope again.
Along with the changes Warren made to the structure of government and world politics, including the institution of him as the new World Leader, he had also enacted a policy that mandated the registration of all individuals with superhuman abilities into a private database. Resistance would be met with extreme prejudice and immediately dispelled.
The age of superheroes is now over. For good.
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(The following is cited from the "Paragons Act I" thread)
Welcome to the world of the Paragons. It's inspired by most superhero media, ranging from everything Marvel, to DC, to even The Boys. This world, however, is set in our future. A future in which superhuman populace increased by the millions for seemingly no reason at all. Before there were superheroes, there were comics. Games. Movies. Characters like Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman are all a part of this world, but only as fictional characters. This branch of media died out when real superhumans took to the skies and streets.
There are limitations for your supers- though not many. In order to avoid OP Mary Sues completely breaking any and all story potential because of Superman-like qualities, these limitations must be made prominent.
No world-breakers or above.
No reality-warpers.
No realm-walkers.
And DEFINITELY no instakill powers.
Try to at least be a little creative when coming up with your powers- but don't worry. It's okay to use already created concepts. It isn't even frowned upon.
The world of the Paragons is so far unfilled and full of plenty of potential- potential for all to help fulfill. This world will become yours just as much as it is ours. Feel free to create your own locations, NPCs, history... just don't go too crazy.
Keep in mind, your character doesn't even have to be a super. You can be a brilliant engineer, and create your own suits of armor. You could be a mad scientist and create an army of robots to do your bidding. You can even be just a guy off the street who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time- possibilities are endless!
So please, feel free to join. In fact, I greatly encourage it. Welcome to the Paragons.
{This is a continuation of the first Paragons RP thread and therefore will not be starting fresh on a blank slate. Feel free to read through the threads prior to joining, but it is not required; all important context and plot preceding Act II will be found in the prologue at the top of this post (reading the prologue is highly suggested). Furthermore, though this may be a continuation of a previous thread, any RPers who were not a part of Act I are still welcome.}
Real Name:
Relationships (if applicable; RPers may also coordinate amongst each other if they wish to create any pre-existing relationships between characters):
Relationships (if applicable; RPers may also coordinate amongst each other if they wish to create any pre-existing relationships between characters):
Real Name: Shuzo Takeshi
Alias: Formerly "Sparkblade", now unknown
Age/Gender: 43 / M
Race: East Asian / Japanese Descent
Appearance: Shuzo has a slim but toned build and stands at 6'1; he has dull grey eyes (that will flare with a deep crimson when his power is harnessed), short black hair unkemptly swept to the left, and his skin tone is slightly more tan, marked with scars and burns. As a result of age and stress, Shuzo also now rocks a neglected five o'clock shadow and mild, dark circles under his eyes. The former Paragon walks the streets in regular attire; often a business casual shirt, slacks, and dress shoes, occasionally paired with a black peacoat in the winter.
Personality: Now more jaded than cold, Shuzo often radiates an exhausted air around himself. Fatigued by the stress and trauma of 2033's apocalypse, he is more often found in his dimly lit home, desiring more than anything to leave everything behind him. Alas, some habits don't die easy, and all he does now--or can do anymore--is stay vigilant in his physical training, meditate, and fire back a glass of cheap sake or two every once in a while.
Powers/Skills: Shuzo can conjure electricity that is colored with an intense scarlet and skillfully manipulate it to his will with limited range, only able to discharge lightning 12 inches from his palm at the farthest. However, he is able to send the current through anything that conducts electricity, so weapons may enhance the power and reach of his ability. Shuzo can also manipulate the electricity to surround and course through his body, increasing his power, agility, and reaction time. He also displays skillful mastery at multiple weapons--his primary weapon of choice being the daisho, a pair of Japanese blades with one shorter than the other--as well as nigh unmatched hand-to-hand combat skills, both of which are further enhanced in tandem with his electricity.
Backstory: Shuzo had fought on the front lines in all the events of 2033. The attack on Warren Industries, defending Earth from the Heralds, even fighting against the Void Father, who arrived shortly after the Heralds attacked. In arms with the Paragons and other heroes, he had seen the skies split apart, fought an alien who commanded ice as strong as the toughest steel. Yet the most horrific sight he had observed--even amongst the carnage the Heralds had wrought, the devastation the Void Father had caused to the entire planet--was staring into the eyes of a bloodied Charles Warren, brains spilling from the side of his head, and the near-giddy smile on the trillionaire's face as he took his own life. Not because he had done to himself what Shuzo had planned to do, but because of what he had said beforehand.
"Don't you know your lineage?"
But.... he was dead now. Warren was gone.
And yet as soon as the dust began to settle, and Shuzo was nearly able to find rest in the aftermath of the cosmic cataclysm, he looked up as helicopters flew down, and speakers played an announcement from breaking news, which was also broadcast across the planet. To Shuzo's disbelief, the voice that rang out in a public speech came from none other than Charles Warren, who had been "fortunate enough to survive such unprecedented events".
Ever since, the once swift and merciless hero that threatened villain and crime syndicate alike has now hung up the Sparkblade cowl, tormented by his past and secluding himself from the world. Contact with those he had acknowledged during his tenure as a vigilante and Paragon had been swiftly cut short, and though Shuzo had learned of Crosshair's continued vigilantism and Deluge's visit to Niagara Falls, the former Chief of Police had completely fallen off the grid. Despite the irritation and annoyance she had constantly caused during his job, her sudden disappearance and assumed death concerned Shuzo much more than he'd ever admit out loud.
Yin Li: Been a strange ride, that one; a thorn in his side during his time as a vigilante, then an unexpected coworker during the events of 2033. Their relationship is nothing short of confusing to Shuzo for unknown reasons (or reasons he's afraid to consider).
Drake Lancethorn (Crosshair): Close acquaintance and coworker in vigilante duty; still maintaining sparse contact.
Ansel Ceredes (Deluge): Fellow former Paragon; the only one in that team he recognized and knew even remotely well.
Charles Warren: A constant remainder of Shuzo's failure and troubles.
Skade (the original): The Herald he was assigned to fight against. He had been putting up a good fight against the cosmic ice-wielder, but suddenly, she spoke to him, immediately breaking the Paragon's focus so that she could swiftly regain her momentum. No one knows what she said, or how Shuzo survived a close-quarters fight against her and even won, but her words have been burned into his mind since.
Alias: Formerly "Sparkblade", now unknown
Age/Gender: 43 / M
Race: East Asian / Japanese Descent
Appearance: Shuzo has a slim but toned build and stands at 6'1; he has dull grey eyes (that will flare with a deep crimson when his power is harnessed), short black hair unkemptly swept to the left, and his skin tone is slightly more tan, marked with scars and burns. As a result of age and stress, Shuzo also now rocks a neglected five o'clock shadow and mild, dark circles under his eyes. The former Paragon walks the streets in regular attire; often a business casual shirt, slacks, and dress shoes, occasionally paired with a black peacoat in the winter.
Personality: Now more jaded than cold, Shuzo often radiates an exhausted air around himself. Fatigued by the stress and trauma of 2033's apocalypse, he is more often found in his dimly lit home, desiring more than anything to leave everything behind him. Alas, some habits don't die easy, and all he does now--or can do anymore--is stay vigilant in his physical training, meditate, and fire back a glass of cheap sake or two every once in a while.
Powers/Skills: Shuzo can conjure electricity that is colored with an intense scarlet and skillfully manipulate it to his will with limited range, only able to discharge lightning 12 inches from his palm at the farthest. However, he is able to send the current through anything that conducts electricity, so weapons may enhance the power and reach of his ability. Shuzo can also manipulate the electricity to surround and course through his body, increasing his power, agility, and reaction time. He also displays skillful mastery at multiple weapons--his primary weapon of choice being the daisho, a pair of Japanese blades with one shorter than the other--as well as nigh unmatched hand-to-hand combat skills, both of which are further enhanced in tandem with his electricity.
Backstory: Shuzo had fought on the front lines in all the events of 2033. The attack on Warren Industries, defending Earth from the Heralds, even fighting against the Void Father, who arrived shortly after the Heralds attacked. In arms with the Paragons and other heroes, he had seen the skies split apart, fought an alien who commanded ice as strong as the toughest steel. Yet the most horrific sight he had observed--even amongst the carnage the Heralds had wrought, the devastation the Void Father had caused to the entire planet--was staring into the eyes of a bloodied Charles Warren, brains spilling from the side of his head, and the near-giddy smile on the trillionaire's face as he took his own life. Not because he had done to himself what Shuzo had planned to do, but because of what he had said beforehand.
"Don't you know your lineage?"
But.... he was dead now. Warren was gone.
And yet as soon as the dust began to settle, and Shuzo was nearly able to find rest in the aftermath of the cosmic cataclysm, he looked up as helicopters flew down, and speakers played an announcement from breaking news, which was also broadcast across the planet. To Shuzo's disbelief, the voice that rang out in a public speech came from none other than Charles Warren, who had been "fortunate enough to survive such unprecedented events".
Ever since, the once swift and merciless hero that threatened villain and crime syndicate alike has now hung up the Sparkblade cowl, tormented by his past and secluding himself from the world. Contact with those he had acknowledged during his tenure as a vigilante and Paragon had been swiftly cut short, and though Shuzo had learned of Crosshair's continued vigilantism and Deluge's visit to Niagara Falls, the former Chief of Police had completely fallen off the grid. Despite the irritation and annoyance she had constantly caused during his job, her sudden disappearance and assumed death concerned Shuzo much more than he'd ever admit out loud.
Yin Li: Been a strange ride, that one; a thorn in his side during his time as a vigilante, then an unexpected coworker during the events of 2033. Their relationship is nothing short of confusing to Shuzo for unknown reasons (or reasons he's afraid to consider).
Drake Lancethorn (Crosshair): Close acquaintance and coworker in vigilante duty; still maintaining sparse contact.
Ansel Ceredes (Deluge): Fellow former Paragon; the only one in that team he recognized and knew even remotely well.
Charles Warren: A constant remainder of Shuzo's failure and troubles.
Skade (the original): The Herald he was assigned to fight against. He had been putting up a good fight against the cosmic ice-wielder, but suddenly, she spoke to him, immediately breaking the Paragon's focus so that she could swiftly regain her momentum. No one knows what she said, or how Shuzo survived a close-quarters fight against her and even won, but her words have been burned into his mind since.
Real Name: Keiji Takeshi
Alias: "The Golden Lion"
Age/Gender: 51 / M
Race: Human - East Asian of Japanese descent
Appearance: Standing at 6'3, Keiji maintains a well-toned physique and bears a lion tattoo across the back of his right shoulder. His apparel of choice is often formal, wearing a suit even if he finds himself in a fight.
Personality: Keiji is smug and calculating. He is impossible to approach without considering what trick he may have under his sleeve or what he hasn't already prepared for. He uses his resources and tactical mind to consistently stay 10 steps ahead of his enemies and overpower anyone known to oppose him, earning him a title fitting of his reputation: "The Golden Lion". However, he refuses to kill or attack anyone without reason. Unless Keiji has been wronged, or a member of his gang injured or killed, he will not fight, as he sees no point.
Powers: Keiji is just a man, but he is a man who has honed and sharpened his body to the sharpest edge, reaching the utmost limits of his strength and agility to become a monster among men and even a threat to smaller heroes. His near inhuman stats combined with martial arts mastery and years of military training makes him an individual to be feared by many.
Following the cataclysm of 2033, Keiji felt the power dynamic across the globe begin to shake, and with his resources and influence, he masterfully raised his sails and swiftly saw to the success of his crime syndicate throughout post-apocalyptic Earth. The oyabun expanded his operations, forming the Agents of Takeshi to further extend his reach and continue the spread of fear throughout the recovering planet. Despite the chaos Keiji's endeavors wrought, the notorious crime lord constantly evaded any prying eyes, his footsteps untraceable by even the most diligent investigator.
Charles Warren - A once benefactor; now out of contact since Keiji established his organization and maintained self-sufficiency.
Shuzo Takeshi - The younger brother; thought he was dead, until Keiji saw his face following the reports of the attempt on Warren's life. Couldn't care less.
Hush - Nothing more than a minor hindrance to Keiji's business.
Alias: "The Golden Lion"
Age/Gender: 51 / M
Race: Human - East Asian of Japanese descent
Appearance: Standing at 6'3, Keiji maintains a well-toned physique and bears a lion tattoo across the back of his right shoulder. His apparel of choice is often formal, wearing a suit even if he finds himself in a fight.

Personality: Keiji is smug and calculating. He is impossible to approach without considering what trick he may have under his sleeve or what he hasn't already prepared for. He uses his resources and tactical mind to consistently stay 10 steps ahead of his enemies and overpower anyone known to oppose him, earning him a title fitting of his reputation: "The Golden Lion". However, he refuses to kill or attack anyone without reason. Unless Keiji has been wronged, or a member of his gang injured or killed, he will not fight, as he sees no point.
Powers: Keiji is just a man, but he is a man who has honed and sharpened his body to the sharpest edge, reaching the utmost limits of his strength and agility to become a monster among men and even a threat to smaller heroes. His near inhuman stats combined with martial arts mastery and years of military training makes him an individual to be feared by many.
Top marks in school. Aced all standardized exams. Held to a standard of excellence in everything he did by himself and those around him.
The pride of his parents and the role model to his younger brother...... but a valuable asset to his ruthless grandparents.
In his second year of high school Keiji was abruptly pulled out of his normal life to begin training as a member of the yakuza, but he was given special treatment. His grandfather's connections landed him a position on the U.S. military forces as the first trainee at an age under 18, and Keiji was required to stay for ten years. During that period of time, he became a renowned tactician and strategist who was integral to the country's success in many missions, both domestic and foreign. After his time with the military, he was then given an honorable discharge from service and returned to his grandparents for more training.
Kenjiro Takeshi, head of the yakuza function in NYC, sought to eliminate any factors that would hinder Keiji from fully embracing the role for which he had been groomed; a few days after Keiji left for his service in the military, his parents and little brother were caught in a tragic explosion at an electric power plant, cause unknown.
At the age of 26, Keiji continued his training as a newly inducted member of the yakuza, where he continued to excel. His combat prowess outshone any other member, and he successfully completed all infiltration and espionage missions with flying colors. Keiji quickly climbed the ranks and faithfully served as the wakagashira, or 'second-in-command', for the next few years. However, it was only a matter of time before he found out the truth behind the accident that killed his family, and in a burst of rage, Keiji killed his grandfather, becoming the new oyabun of the NYC function.
The pride of his parents and the role model to his younger brother...... but a valuable asset to his ruthless grandparents.
In his second year of high school Keiji was abruptly pulled out of his normal life to begin training as a member of the yakuza, but he was given special treatment. His grandfather's connections landed him a position on the U.S. military forces as the first trainee at an age under 18, and Keiji was required to stay for ten years. During that period of time, he became a renowned tactician and strategist who was integral to the country's success in many missions, both domestic and foreign. After his time with the military, he was then given an honorable discharge from service and returned to his grandparents for more training.
Kenjiro Takeshi, head of the yakuza function in NYC, sought to eliminate any factors that would hinder Keiji from fully embracing the role for which he had been groomed; a few days after Keiji left for his service in the military, his parents and little brother were caught in a tragic explosion at an electric power plant, cause unknown.
At the age of 26, Keiji continued his training as a newly inducted member of the yakuza, where he continued to excel. His combat prowess outshone any other member, and he successfully completed all infiltration and espionage missions with flying colors. Keiji quickly climbed the ranks and faithfully served as the wakagashira, or 'second-in-command', for the next few years. However, it was only a matter of time before he found out the truth behind the accident that killed his family, and in a burst of rage, Keiji killed his grandfather, becoming the new oyabun of the NYC function.
Following the cataclysm of 2033, Keiji felt the power dynamic across the globe begin to shake, and with his resources and influence, he masterfully raised his sails and swiftly saw to the success of his crime syndicate throughout post-apocalyptic Earth. The oyabun expanded his operations, forming the Agents of Takeshi to further extend his reach and continue the spread of fear throughout the recovering planet. Despite the chaos Keiji's endeavors wrought, the notorious crime lord constantly evaded any prying eyes, his footsteps untraceable by even the most diligent investigator.
Charles Warren - A once benefactor; now out of contact since Keiji established his organization and maintained self-sufficiency.
Shuzo Takeshi - The younger brother; thought he was dead, until Keiji saw his face following the reports of the attempt on Warren's life. Couldn't care less.
Hush - Nothing more than a minor hindrance to Keiji's business.
Real Name: Wolfe Zhang
Alias: Though undecided on his alias, Wolfe has often been referred to as “the Ghost” or “the Silhouette” by witnesses.
Age/Gender: 19 / M
Race: Human / East Asian (Chinese descent)
Appearance: Wolfe stands at 5’10 with a toned build and slightly tan complexion, and his eyes are a deep indigo. His hair is medium length, a natural black with purple highlights and swept to the right. His casual attire of choice is a simple tee or long sleeved shirt thrown on over a pair of navy jeans, adding a hoodie if the weather calls for it. His vigilante suit, however, consists of a black ninja suit with dark, purple embellishments on the collar, black bracers, boots, and belt, and a thin, gray scarf worn around his neck that he can also use to cover his nose and mouth.
Personality: Wolfe, despite his somewhat edgy appearance, is rather amiable and friendly, albeit in a more soft spoken manner. He’s never one to turn down a good fight and is quite loyal to those he respects. In his work as a hero, however, Wolfe is much quieter and stoic, prioritizing a swift resolution to conflict and focusing entirely on the threat and keeping civilians safe. He also has an underlying perfectionism to his character, which can often be exacerbated in his line of work should he make a mistake, regardless of severity.
Shadow Waltz - An expert martial artist and close-quarters fighter, Wolfe has created and mastered his own style of fighting in a technique he named the Shadow Waltz. This style deals in flowing movements to deftly dispatch targets with precise strikes and the employment of pressure points to cripple mobility, but Wolfe can also switch his tempo as needed with added options to overwhelm with a more direct and straight method of attack through the help of Ghostbreath.
Ghostbreath - Ghostbreath is a more superhuman ability of Wolfe’s that comes in the form of an energy that courses through his body and moves with the flow of oxygen as he breathes. When harnessed, his Ghostbreath can be seen as wisps of black and indigo flame, boosting his agility and stealth. The more deeply Wolfe breathes and the more air he takes in, the stronger his Ghostbreath becomes, allowing him to move faster, jump higher, fall slower, and effectively eliminate the sound of his footsteps (dependent on how much Ghostbreath he’s harnessed). However, because Ghostbreath is connected to his breathing, this ability can be made completely ineffective should the flow of oxygen in Wolfe’s body be cut off (i.e. getting the air knocked out of him, suffocated, etc.).
Backstory: To be revealed
Relationships: N/A
Alias: Though undecided on his alias, Wolfe has often been referred to as “the Ghost” or “the Silhouette” by witnesses.
Age/Gender: 19 / M
Race: Human / East Asian (Chinese descent)
Appearance: Wolfe stands at 5’10 with a toned build and slightly tan complexion, and his eyes are a deep indigo. His hair is medium length, a natural black with purple highlights and swept to the right. His casual attire of choice is a simple tee or long sleeved shirt thrown on over a pair of navy jeans, adding a hoodie if the weather calls for it. His vigilante suit, however, consists of a black ninja suit with dark, purple embellishments on the collar, black bracers, boots, and belt, and a thin, gray scarf worn around his neck that he can also use to cover his nose and mouth.
Personality: Wolfe, despite his somewhat edgy appearance, is rather amiable and friendly, albeit in a more soft spoken manner. He’s never one to turn down a good fight and is quite loyal to those he respects. In his work as a hero, however, Wolfe is much quieter and stoic, prioritizing a swift resolution to conflict and focusing entirely on the threat and keeping civilians safe. He also has an underlying perfectionism to his character, which can often be exacerbated in his line of work should he make a mistake, regardless of severity.
Shadow Waltz - An expert martial artist and close-quarters fighter, Wolfe has created and mastered his own style of fighting in a technique he named the Shadow Waltz. This style deals in flowing movements to deftly dispatch targets with precise strikes and the employment of pressure points to cripple mobility, but Wolfe can also switch his tempo as needed with added options to overwhelm with a more direct and straight method of attack through the help of Ghostbreath.
Ghostbreath - Ghostbreath is a more superhuman ability of Wolfe’s that comes in the form of an energy that courses through his body and moves with the flow of oxygen as he breathes. When harnessed, his Ghostbreath can be seen as wisps of black and indigo flame, boosting his agility and stealth. The more deeply Wolfe breathes and the more air he takes in, the stronger his Ghostbreath becomes, allowing him to move faster, jump higher, fall slower, and effectively eliminate the sound of his footsteps (dependent on how much Ghostbreath he’s harnessed). However, because Ghostbreath is connected to his breathing, this ability can be made completely ineffective should the flow of oxygen in Wolfe’s body be cut off (i.e. getting the air knocked out of him, suffocated, etc.).
Backstory: To be revealed
Relationships: N/A
Real Name: Ansel Ceredes
Alias: The Deluge
Age/Gender: 35/Male
Race: Caucasian, Chinese-American
Appearance: Ansel...Is not the same person he was, at least appearance wise. His clean shaven, youthful look has given way to a scruffy beard. And his lithe frame...Okay, not beating around the bush, he's definitely gained weight. Without an image to keep up and not being super active all the time, he's let himself go in key ways while also not abstaining from certain substances.
So, to recap- Ansel is 5'10", with scruffy blonde hair tied back in short pony-tail, and green eyes. He is decently muscular, though he is also noticeably chubby. He's got a number of scars from fighting the Heralds, burn wounds primarily. He also has a number of Koi tattoos on his body, from his hero days. When he's out, he dresses casually- Though Ansel certainly loves his leather jackets,
Personality: Somewhat cynical and all from having his name dragged through the mud, Ansel isn't too different from how he was ten years ago, especially after he was forced to get serious when faced with utter destruction. He's still got a good heart, and is glad that he felt like he actually was doing something good for the world, but having the rug torn out from under him stung pretty bad. He's also swapped from a flashy combat style to an effective one- Not much left to impress.
He can still be somewhat of an ass at times, and honestly his whole isolation act is pretty bad and irresponsible, but his job is also kind of over...Unless something unprecedented managed to drag him back out.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, the ability to bend water to his will in a wide range around him. This can either be enough to drown and submerge a person, cut through them with a highly pressurized beam, and even save himself and others from falling to death by catching them in midair, and using the water to slow the descent. And with his increased aptitude, Ansel can use these abilities with great skill, and even use his hydrokinesis unconsciously to protect himself. It's not always aware of what is or isn't a threat though...
During the cataclysmic attack of the Heralds, Ansel found himself having to buck up and finally start taking things seriously. In the time of crisis, he found himself fighting on the frontlines against the vicious Heralds and the Void Father. He was greatly injured and exhausted by the end of the attacks, but did not collapse until he saw the destroyer of worlds fall as well. Actually, a few hours afterwards.
He spent six months recovering in the hospital, comatose for a week, barely conscious for a month following that, and finally able to form cognizant thoughts by the end of his second month. However, Ansel was heavily discouraged after discovering his name- And all the Paragons, in fact -Being slandered by Charles Warren, who had somehow survived his apparent suicide. The Paragons were as good as dead, and Ansel knew it. Not to mention...He felt there was something more to his hydrokinesis. He's always known there was some sort of unconscious powers he could tap into, managing to protect himself even when he was not all there. Ansel began wondering- Was there more to his abilities than he knew?
The natural evolution of this was leaving his post at the Paragons. Not that that was exactly a hard decision. He also left New York City in general, heading north.
Niagara Falls hadn't been scarred too bad by the attacks in New York City. It helped being fairly far from the city, and not really being an epicenter for much beside tourism. Ansel settled down here, living a rather modest life- And frequently taking trips to the falls to meditate for hours on end. It's here he's honed his hydrokinesis to heights he could never achieve before, to the point where he can use his abilities to defend himself while unconscious or asleep. The water around him has become more or less an extension of his body, especially when he's unconsciously using it.
That said, he still has many problems. For starters, without a public eye to really impress he let himself go, gaining a decent amount of weight. He's still has his drinking issues. And he's very anxious to find his family and try to explain his innocence to them, if they are even alive. In ways he's grown as a person, in others he's stagnated. Though for now he is still holed up in Niagara, biding his time...
Shuzo Takeshi - Despite his short tenure in the Paragons, Ansel managed to get somewhat close to the Sparkblade. They are not precisely friends but they are decently acquainted and 'brothers in arms'.
Yin Li - Odd acquaintances. After seeking her out in an attempt to avoid civilian casualties, Ansel became Yin Li's 'in' to the Paragons.
Ignizio - One of the great Heralds, Ignizio wielded the Blackflame- impossibly hot and unbearable, Ansel just barely managed to defeat the Herald after confronting him in the ocean. The fight was one of the contributing factors to his years of meditation in Niagara, due to pushing Ansel past his limits.
Charles Warren - Well, it's Charles Warren. What is there to say? He's a bastard.
Alias: The Deluge
Age/Gender: 35/Male
Race: Caucasian, Chinese-American
Appearance: Ansel...Is not the same person he was, at least appearance wise. His clean shaven, youthful look has given way to a scruffy beard. And his lithe frame...Okay, not beating around the bush, he's definitely gained weight. Without an image to keep up and not being super active all the time, he's let himself go in key ways while also not abstaining from certain substances.
So, to recap- Ansel is 5'10", with scruffy blonde hair tied back in short pony-tail, and green eyes. He is decently muscular, though he is also noticeably chubby. He's got a number of scars from fighting the Heralds, burn wounds primarily. He also has a number of Koi tattoos on his body, from his hero days. When he's out, he dresses casually- Though Ansel certainly loves his leather jackets,
Personality: Somewhat cynical and all from having his name dragged through the mud, Ansel isn't too different from how he was ten years ago, especially after he was forced to get serious when faced with utter destruction. He's still got a good heart, and is glad that he felt like he actually was doing something good for the world, but having the rug torn out from under him stung pretty bad. He's also swapped from a flashy combat style to an effective one- Not much left to impress.
He can still be somewhat of an ass at times, and honestly his whole isolation act is pretty bad and irresponsible, but his job is also kind of over...Unless something unprecedented managed to drag him back out.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, the ability to bend water to his will in a wide range around him. This can either be enough to drown and submerge a person, cut through them with a highly pressurized beam, and even save himself and others from falling to death by catching them in midair, and using the water to slow the descent. And with his increased aptitude, Ansel can use these abilities with great skill, and even use his hydrokinesis unconsciously to protect himself. It's not always aware of what is or isn't a threat though...
In the great lore of college myth, there has been no one who has partied harder than Ansel Ceredes. Infamously for blowing thousands of dollars every weekend to throw parties loud enough to be heard a few towns away. However, Ansel was notably something. A jerk. Kind of played everyone else as slightly worse than him, didn't take kindly to the idea that he was anything less than the king of all college, even if he was coming up on the end of it as he just barely scratched through his classes. And, unfortunately, perhaps Ansel did party too hard on some occasions.
On one particular occasion he may of said some things to some people who did not appreciate it. And king of college or not, these people did not mind throwing Ansel into a drainage ditch on a particularly stormy night. However, to their shock and horror, the water did not pull Ansel away, despite the gallons of it arching past him. It was like he was floating in place- And before they knew it, the water had grabbed them by the feet, and dragged them away instead.
They were found a few weeks later, inexplicably having drowned to death. Ansel denies any involvement, though he did finally decide to leave college. As he had a new goal- Use his water techniques to bend the world's perspective of him. Why be king of college parties when you could be waaaay bigger as a hero? Starting his career as a sort of fireman type guy, he quickly evolved into stopping muggings, attempted robberies...But always was very deliberate in what he did. He didn't like the idea of being under a team, in particular.
Until he somehow got his way into the Paragons. Which has commonly been seen as...weird move. He clearly had the abilities, but personality?
...Actually, yes. The idea of a "chilled" and "laid-back" superhero celebrity clicks very well. Of course everyone wants to be buddies with this guy, or at least pretend they have a relationship with him para-socially. He's not particularly respected within the group, but he does his job well enough...
On one particular occasion he may of said some things to some people who did not appreciate it. And king of college or not, these people did not mind throwing Ansel into a drainage ditch on a particularly stormy night. However, to their shock and horror, the water did not pull Ansel away, despite the gallons of it arching past him. It was like he was floating in place- And before they knew it, the water had grabbed them by the feet, and dragged them away instead.
They were found a few weeks later, inexplicably having drowned to death. Ansel denies any involvement, though he did finally decide to leave college. As he had a new goal- Use his water techniques to bend the world's perspective of him. Why be king of college parties when you could be waaaay bigger as a hero? Starting his career as a sort of fireman type guy, he quickly evolved into stopping muggings, attempted robberies...But always was very deliberate in what he did. He didn't like the idea of being under a team, in particular.
Until he somehow got his way into the Paragons. Which has commonly been seen as...weird move. He clearly had the abilities, but personality?
...Actually, yes. The idea of a "chilled" and "laid-back" superhero celebrity clicks very well. Of course everyone wants to be buddies with this guy, or at least pretend they have a relationship with him para-socially. He's not particularly respected within the group, but he does his job well enough...
He spent six months recovering in the hospital, comatose for a week, barely conscious for a month following that, and finally able to form cognizant thoughts by the end of his second month. However, Ansel was heavily discouraged after discovering his name- And all the Paragons, in fact -Being slandered by Charles Warren, who had somehow survived his apparent suicide. The Paragons were as good as dead, and Ansel knew it. Not to mention...He felt there was something more to his hydrokinesis. He's always known there was some sort of unconscious powers he could tap into, managing to protect himself even when he was not all there. Ansel began wondering- Was there more to his abilities than he knew?
The natural evolution of this was leaving his post at the Paragons. Not that that was exactly a hard decision. He also left New York City in general, heading north.
Niagara Falls hadn't been scarred too bad by the attacks in New York City. It helped being fairly far from the city, and not really being an epicenter for much beside tourism. Ansel settled down here, living a rather modest life- And frequently taking trips to the falls to meditate for hours on end. It's here he's honed his hydrokinesis to heights he could never achieve before, to the point where he can use his abilities to defend himself while unconscious or asleep. The water around him has become more or less an extension of his body, especially when he's unconsciously using it.
That said, he still has many problems. For starters, without a public eye to really impress he let himself go, gaining a decent amount of weight. He's still has his drinking issues. And he's very anxious to find his family and try to explain his innocence to them, if they are even alive. In ways he's grown as a person, in others he's stagnated. Though for now he is still holed up in Niagara, biding his time...
Shuzo Takeshi - Despite his short tenure in the Paragons, Ansel managed to get somewhat close to the Sparkblade. They are not precisely friends but they are decently acquainted and 'brothers in arms'.
Yin Li - Odd acquaintances. After seeking her out in an attempt to avoid civilian casualties, Ansel became Yin Li's 'in' to the Paragons.
Ignizio - One of the great Heralds, Ignizio wielded the Blackflame- impossibly hot and unbearable, Ansel just barely managed to defeat the Herald after confronting him in the ocean. The fight was one of the contributing factors to his years of meditation in Niagara, due to pushing Ansel past his limits.
Charles Warren - Well, it's Charles Warren. What is there to say? He's a bastard.
Real Name: Janice Whittle
Alias: Necrodytis
Age/Gender: 33, Female
Race: Caucasian, her natural skin however is tinted grey.
Appearance: On her lonesome, Janice stands at 5'5", somewhat gaunt and thin. Long black hair, pale yellow eyes, and slight bags. She has little muscle definition, and if one looked at her closely, her bones are just barely visible. She likes casual business clothes usually, though during her fancier days she has a few pretty dresses and what-not. She also often paints herself in makeup in public to appear normal, getting close to her original skin-tone (if a bit paler).
However, Necrodytis is a different story. Her armor boots her up to 6'2", pitch black in sheen. She wears a large mask over the lower portion of her face, which depicts a jagged maw with a ghastly green light emitting from it. It also lets out a harmless smog to further make her seem otherworldly. She uses heavy clawed gauntlets coated in her own blood for weapons, and a heavy cloak behind her. She looks downright monstrous, and that's the point.
Personality: Strictly speaking, Janice and Necrodytis are two very different personas. They are the same person, and only a stone's throw away from one another if the right buttons are pressed.
Janice is mild mannered, rarely speaking out of line. A kind, if not somewhat boring, soul who's pleasant to be around. She rarely goes on excursions, but hey, that's life right? She seems happy in her lane.
Necrodytis is a bloodthirsty monster. She stalks the streets with a violent vigor, known for being cold and ruthless. Killing and dismembering with her disgusting power, a face and name to strike fear into the hearts of those who know her. It's over the top, it's absolute insanity, and it works. As she stalks the streets in the dead of the night, none dare invoke her anger- They should simply let her do her business, lest they too end up rotting to death. In many ways, she's a horror movie monster given flesh.
Once again, however, it's not always that simple. Janice is not as human as she'd like you to believe, and Necrodytis isn't as inhuman as she'd like you to believe. Nudge her in the right direction, and you might spare your life- Or shorten it significantly.
Powers: Her blood contains a highly contagious parasite, that causes rapid necrosis wherever it spreads. Due to the fact it's constrained in her blood, she needs to use external methods to get it in other bodies however. And due to the speed of the necrosis, the parasite cannot spread very far once it has infected someone. So if something like an arm or leg gets infected, it wouldn't end up spreading and killing the infected after a few minutes. That being said, it would absolutely rot away and probably be rendered useless...
In an odd turn of events, Necrodytis managed to survive the initial strike of the Heralds. However, she would not join the Paragons in trying to fight them- Too busy with personal business, and accidentally getting embroiled with a Doctor Chase Angelo. Under the promise of getting access to his personal bank accounts (That totaled to about $500 Million), she did some jobs for him. Primarily the execution of an old man whom she swore she had seen somewhere else, along with some other affairs. Angelo however soon passed away, the exact cause unknown to her. Her final mission was to inform his daughter of his death, where she discovered that the man was already assumed dead a week prior, a casualty of the Paragon attack on Warren Industries Tower.
Regardless of this, she received the money. However, she donated a large sum of it to recovery efforts, despite being able to retire with ease with such an amount. Why did she do this unselfish act? She herself isn't certain. Perhaps she knew that, if she were to retire- She'd have an unfulfilled bloodlust lurking in her heart, in her blood. Necrodytis believed her disease to be a sign that she was meant to spread death, and death alone.
In the years since, however, Necrodytis has taken a far larger hold in her life than Janice. More people wanted someone else dead in these times, and she was happy to do so. One repeat customer she has is Charles Warren himself. She's never met the man face to face, but he keeps the money coming in, and has been happy to supply her with new technology after her previous benefactor died.
Janice, meanwhile, enjoys the occasional night out on the town, and general public appearances from time to time. She's gone for more remote jobs since the Heralds struck to help fill the need for menial office work. She takes what she can get to help feel normal.
The Lady in Black - A fellow assassin, though of a far more direct and less flashy method. Still, the two prove a fruitful combination- Having met and becoming acquainted to one another after a cheap mob boss thought he could pit the two against one another. A mistake he'd never get the chance to repeat. The Lady in Black probably also knows the most about Necrodytis and how she acts behind the mask, as Janice, and is the closest companion she can cite.
Charles Warren - Current benefactor and repeat customer. Never met him, doesn't care about what he does if he keeps her stocked up. Jobs a job.
Ansel Ceredes - Uh, the less said about that night the better...
Alias: Necrodytis
Age/Gender: 33, Female
Race: Caucasian, her natural skin however is tinted grey.
Appearance: On her lonesome, Janice stands at 5'5", somewhat gaunt and thin. Long black hair, pale yellow eyes, and slight bags. She has little muscle definition, and if one looked at her closely, her bones are just barely visible. She likes casual business clothes usually, though during her fancier days she has a few pretty dresses and what-not. She also often paints herself in makeup in public to appear normal, getting close to her original skin-tone (if a bit paler).
However, Necrodytis is a different story. Her armor boots her up to 6'2", pitch black in sheen. She wears a large mask over the lower portion of her face, which depicts a jagged maw with a ghastly green light emitting from it. It also lets out a harmless smog to further make her seem otherworldly. She uses heavy clawed gauntlets coated in her own blood for weapons, and a heavy cloak behind her. She looks downright monstrous, and that's the point.
Personality: Strictly speaking, Janice and Necrodytis are two very different personas. They are the same person, and only a stone's throw away from one another if the right buttons are pressed.
Janice is mild mannered, rarely speaking out of line. A kind, if not somewhat boring, soul who's pleasant to be around. She rarely goes on excursions, but hey, that's life right? She seems happy in her lane.
Necrodytis is a bloodthirsty monster. She stalks the streets with a violent vigor, known for being cold and ruthless. Killing and dismembering with her disgusting power, a face and name to strike fear into the hearts of those who know her. It's over the top, it's absolute insanity, and it works. As she stalks the streets in the dead of the night, none dare invoke her anger- They should simply let her do her business, lest they too end up rotting to death. In many ways, she's a horror movie monster given flesh.
Once again, however, it's not always that simple. Janice is not as human as she'd like you to believe, and Necrodytis isn't as inhuman as she'd like you to believe. Nudge her in the right direction, and you might spare your life- Or shorten it significantly.
Powers: Her blood contains a highly contagious parasite, that causes rapid necrosis wherever it spreads. Due to the fact it's constrained in her blood, she needs to use external methods to get it in other bodies however. And due to the speed of the necrosis, the parasite cannot spread very far once it has infected someone. So if something like an arm or leg gets infected, it wouldn't end up spreading and killing the infected after a few minutes. That being said, it would absolutely rot away and probably be rendered useless...
Rumors spread about six years back, of a girl who was always ill. Rarely she would leave the house, leaving her isolated and lonely in the world. But one day, she found out why- her darling father, who had always taken care of her, had actually been poisoning her to keep her ill. To keep his little girl safe and in the nest. The girl broke down, realizing how much of her life had been wasted. And in her grief, she fell terribly ill. Her father had nothing to do with this illness- Doctors were continually stumped by her worsening condition. It's said by the end of it, the girl's skin had gone a horrid grey color, eyes sunken, and blood turning an deeper shade of red. In desperation, she clawed at herself- hoping that beneath her skin was something better. And then in anger, she turned against her father, scratching him with the same bloodied fingernails.
He had been missing for three days when they found him holed up in a closet of his own home. Oddly enough, his body had strange patches of pure rot, as if the flesh had simply rapidly decayed. It didn't make sense, not to any medical examiner. The prime suspect was his daughter, who had disappeared along with him. But other than the rot, his body showed no signs of damage, indicating he somehow rotted alive...
The girl was long gone by then. Living on the streets of various cities, spending what remained of her paltry funds, accumulated from her father, she put out a desperate bids for the one thing her new condition could give her, to murder in an almost untraceable way. She had done it to her father- She could do it to others.
And so she did. Again and again. She gained her reputation- "The Rotting Menace", "Deathbringer", though she did not take these titles in stride. She did however take the copious funds this career had given her. Deep down, she wished she could have some sense of normalcy...And so she did just that. A new identity. Fraudulent medical records. And a lot of makeup. Janice Whittle was her name now, and while it took a few tries to get a grip on "normalcy", she had successfully integrated her way into just that. For the first time in several years, she felt "human".
But she could not reject her true self entirely. A second identity was formed- "Necrodytis". To embrace who she felt she had become, the deadly rot that lay within her. Necrodytis was imposing, dark. Followed by fog, blood, a heavy cape. She worked as a mercenary now, to strike down targets, shake down banks and casinos that pissed off the wrong people, and so on...Yes, Janice felt secure in her life, in her views, for the first time in a very long time.
As far as the Paragons go, Necrodytis doesn't care for them any more than a simple annoyances. But if they show up, she will probably ditch to save her own skin- and keep her identity up. She has more confidence against the police and various vigilantes.
He had been missing for three days when they found him holed up in a closet of his own home. Oddly enough, his body had strange patches of pure rot, as if the flesh had simply rapidly decayed. It didn't make sense, not to any medical examiner. The prime suspect was his daughter, who had disappeared along with him. But other than the rot, his body showed no signs of damage, indicating he somehow rotted alive...
The girl was long gone by then. Living on the streets of various cities, spending what remained of her paltry funds, accumulated from her father, she put out a desperate bids for the one thing her new condition could give her, to murder in an almost untraceable way. She had done it to her father- She could do it to others.
And so she did. Again and again. She gained her reputation- "The Rotting Menace", "Deathbringer", though she did not take these titles in stride. She did however take the copious funds this career had given her. Deep down, she wished she could have some sense of normalcy...And so she did just that. A new identity. Fraudulent medical records. And a lot of makeup. Janice Whittle was her name now, and while it took a few tries to get a grip on "normalcy", she had successfully integrated her way into just that. For the first time in several years, she felt "human".
But she could not reject her true self entirely. A second identity was formed- "Necrodytis". To embrace who she felt she had become, the deadly rot that lay within her. Necrodytis was imposing, dark. Followed by fog, blood, a heavy cape. She worked as a mercenary now, to strike down targets, shake down banks and casinos that pissed off the wrong people, and so on...Yes, Janice felt secure in her life, in her views, for the first time in a very long time.
As far as the Paragons go, Necrodytis doesn't care for them any more than a simple annoyances. But if they show up, she will probably ditch to save her own skin- and keep her identity up. She has more confidence against the police and various vigilantes.
Regardless of this, she received the money. However, she donated a large sum of it to recovery efforts, despite being able to retire with ease with such an amount. Why did she do this unselfish act? She herself isn't certain. Perhaps she knew that, if she were to retire- She'd have an unfulfilled bloodlust lurking in her heart, in her blood. Necrodytis believed her disease to be a sign that she was meant to spread death, and death alone.
In the years since, however, Necrodytis has taken a far larger hold in her life than Janice. More people wanted someone else dead in these times, and she was happy to do so. One repeat customer she has is Charles Warren himself. She's never met the man face to face, but he keeps the money coming in, and has been happy to supply her with new technology after her previous benefactor died.
Janice, meanwhile, enjoys the occasional night out on the town, and general public appearances from time to time. She's gone for more remote jobs since the Heralds struck to help fill the need for menial office work. She takes what she can get to help feel normal.
The Lady in Black - A fellow assassin, though of a far more direct and less flashy method. Still, the two prove a fruitful combination- Having met and becoming acquainted to one another after a cheap mob boss thought he could pit the two against one another. A mistake he'd never get the chance to repeat. The Lady in Black probably also knows the most about Necrodytis and how she acts behind the mask, as Janice, and is the closest companion she can cite.
Charles Warren - Current benefactor and repeat customer. Never met him, doesn't care about what he does if he keeps her stocked up. Jobs a job.
Ansel Ceredes - Uh, the less said about that night the better...
Real Name: Subject 4649 Skade
Alias: Herald of Whitefrost
Age/Gender: Purported; Ageless, Actual; 19~, Female
Race: Purported; Herald, Actual; Caucasian Human, possibly of Russian descent
Appearance: Skade stands 6' foot, lithe and muscular. She's notably less muscular and is also shorter than the first Skade, but their faces are similar enough to be mistaken at a glance. A head of white, long hair, a pair of light blue eyes. She does wear actual clothes as opposed to Skade- Usually rather normal looking ones for a woman of her age. A hoodie is also usually used to help hide her hair, which is otherwise too recognizable. It also helps her dramatically throw it off when she's ready to toss hands, usually indicating a shift from her quieter personality to the true 'Skade' one.
Personality: It's important to note that while Skade is happy to tell people who she is, she isn't stupid. Skade is pretty well known as one of the world ending Heralds, and was pretty much all of humanity's enemy- Including her. So...When in public, as she is still mostly human and has human desires, questions like a name just get you more of a mumbling response than a substantial answer. She's reserved, quiet, seemingly locked in her own world as she listlessly wanders. She occasionally gives in to human vices like drinking, but avoids it because of how it loosens her lips. She also has a habit of neglecting her human needs at times. Hunger and thirst, primarily.
In battle, however, she'll proudly declare her title- "Skade, Herald of Whitefrost!" She's hotheaded, overly aggressive, and generally mimics how Skade acted to a T. Though unlike the first Skade, she's more observant. It's a consequence of being more human than she'd care to admit. Battles are far more decisive than simply throwing herself in head first, usually calm analysis within while showing bloodthirsty glee on the outside. If things start falling apart though, she'll start getting increasingly agitated and occasionally even show a trace of fear through her raging shell.
Whitefrost(?) - Skade possesses similar ice like powers to the first Skade. She's able to cool air to such a degree it can freeze into solid ice, and cover her limbs in it. She can cool a very large area around her as well if desired, creating ice and snow in her wake. A particularly powerful kind of ice she can use is her own 'whitefrost' a thick, pure white ice that is flame resistant and only melts under extreme temperatures. However, the ice naturally fades back into regular ice over time. This whitefrost is notably weaker than the first Skade's own.
Also, unlike the first Skade, she doesn't have the benefit of being completely inhuman- She has something of "super strength" at the least, but lacks the durability and speed possessed by the first Skade. She can, however, abuse her ice abilities in ways to give herself advantages, like freezing herself in a suit of thick ice, strong enough to resist bullets and hits.
Backstory: "Skade" began life as one of Charles Warrens' thousands of Subjects. Driven by a desire to prove herself, she excelled as a potential weapon. Until one day, she saw her- the first Skade. A lady who looked remarkably similar to 4649 herself. It was from then on that this being became something of an idol for 4649, someone she was far more willing to follow than any of her given leaders. With the death of Drill Sergeant Mash, the only parental figure she could find in the harsh environment that the subjects were kept in, 4649 found herself wanting to follow Skade more and more.
But when Skade too died, 4649 had a breakdown. 4649 never truly had a name of her own, and now her only guiding figures gone, one of them literally a world ending being. But the first Skade already knew about her upcoming death- To the point she had told 4649 what to do.
"You must follow in my steps. Be my hands where I cannot be."
4649 then began telling herself- She was no simple experiment. She was not a weapon to be abused by Warren. She was none other than Skade herself given a new vessel, unwittingly something that Warren had done. All the enemies of Skade became her own- The Paragons, Warren, to an extent humanity itself. She's scoured the ravaged land in the years since, honing her powers and combat skills. At some point, she even got the explosive charge in her head removed, though it is unclear how she did it- Or if she had it removed under other circumstances. But now, as the scars of the Heralds finally begin to heal, and Warren takes on increasingly more power, circles speak of a violent person claiming herself to be Skade ripping apart violent gangs and leaving icy destruction in her wake.
In particular, those associated with Charles Warren under the table seem to be her target.
Skade - An idolized figure for 4649, she was- is -her main inspiration for her new name and lifestyle. Skade showed an immense amount of trust to then girl as well, informing her of her inbound death, something she struggled to admit to even her fellow Heralds.
Drill Sergeant Mash - The closest thing to a parent she ever had. With his death, all hopes of getting her in line as a weapon of Warren's died as well.
Charles Warren - A detested foe, whom she blames the death of Skade on. It's more complicated than that in reality, but also not completely wrong.
The Paragons - Other detested foes whom she blames the death of Skade on. Not as complicated as her hatred of Warren. She personally despises Patriot the most, but considering he's dead, she's more so focused on the other remnants of the team.
Alias: Herald of Whitefrost
Age/Gender: Purported; Ageless, Actual; 19~, Female
Race: Purported; Herald, Actual; Caucasian Human, possibly of Russian descent
Appearance: Skade stands 6' foot, lithe and muscular. She's notably less muscular and is also shorter than the first Skade, but their faces are similar enough to be mistaken at a glance. A head of white, long hair, a pair of light blue eyes. She does wear actual clothes as opposed to Skade- Usually rather normal looking ones for a woman of her age. A hoodie is also usually used to help hide her hair, which is otherwise too recognizable. It also helps her dramatically throw it off when she's ready to toss hands, usually indicating a shift from her quieter personality to the true 'Skade' one.
Personality: It's important to note that while Skade is happy to tell people who she is, she isn't stupid. Skade is pretty well known as one of the world ending Heralds, and was pretty much all of humanity's enemy- Including her. So...When in public, as she is still mostly human and has human desires, questions like a name just get you more of a mumbling response than a substantial answer. She's reserved, quiet, seemingly locked in her own world as she listlessly wanders. She occasionally gives in to human vices like drinking, but avoids it because of how it loosens her lips. She also has a habit of neglecting her human needs at times. Hunger and thirst, primarily.
In battle, however, she'll proudly declare her title- "Skade, Herald of Whitefrost!" She's hotheaded, overly aggressive, and generally mimics how Skade acted to a T. Though unlike the first Skade, she's more observant. It's a consequence of being more human than she'd care to admit. Battles are far more decisive than simply throwing herself in head first, usually calm analysis within while showing bloodthirsty glee on the outside. If things start falling apart though, she'll start getting increasingly agitated and occasionally even show a trace of fear through her raging shell.
Whitefrost(?) - Skade possesses similar ice like powers to the first Skade. She's able to cool air to such a degree it can freeze into solid ice, and cover her limbs in it. She can cool a very large area around her as well if desired, creating ice and snow in her wake. A particularly powerful kind of ice she can use is her own 'whitefrost' a thick, pure white ice that is flame resistant and only melts under extreme temperatures. However, the ice naturally fades back into regular ice over time. This whitefrost is notably weaker than the first Skade's own.
Also, unlike the first Skade, she doesn't have the benefit of being completely inhuman- She has something of "super strength" at the least, but lacks the durability and speed possessed by the first Skade. She can, however, abuse her ice abilities in ways to give herself advantages, like freezing herself in a suit of thick ice, strong enough to resist bullets and hits.
Backstory: "Skade" began life as one of Charles Warrens' thousands of Subjects. Driven by a desire to prove herself, she excelled as a potential weapon. Until one day, she saw her- the first Skade. A lady who looked remarkably similar to 4649 herself. It was from then on that this being became something of an idol for 4649, someone she was far more willing to follow than any of her given leaders. With the death of Drill Sergeant Mash, the only parental figure she could find in the harsh environment that the subjects were kept in, 4649 found herself wanting to follow Skade more and more.
But when Skade too died, 4649 had a breakdown. 4649 never truly had a name of her own, and now her only guiding figures gone, one of them literally a world ending being. But the first Skade already knew about her upcoming death- To the point she had told 4649 what to do.
"You must follow in my steps. Be my hands where I cannot be."
4649 then began telling herself- She was no simple experiment. She was not a weapon to be abused by Warren. She was none other than Skade herself given a new vessel, unwittingly something that Warren had done. All the enemies of Skade became her own- The Paragons, Warren, to an extent humanity itself. She's scoured the ravaged land in the years since, honing her powers and combat skills. At some point, she even got the explosive charge in her head removed, though it is unclear how she did it- Or if she had it removed under other circumstances. But now, as the scars of the Heralds finally begin to heal, and Warren takes on increasingly more power, circles speak of a violent person claiming herself to be Skade ripping apart violent gangs and leaving icy destruction in her wake.
In particular, those associated with Charles Warren under the table seem to be her target.
Skade - An idolized figure for 4649, she was- is -her main inspiration for her new name and lifestyle. Skade showed an immense amount of trust to then girl as well, informing her of her inbound death, something she struggled to admit to even her fellow Heralds.
Drill Sergeant Mash - The closest thing to a parent she ever had. With his death, all hopes of getting her in line as a weapon of Warren's died as well.
Charles Warren - A detested foe, whom she blames the death of Skade on. It's more complicated than that in reality, but also not completely wrong.
The Paragons - Other detested foes whom she blames the death of Skade on. Not as complicated as her hatred of Warren. She personally despises Patriot the most, but considering he's dead, she's more so focused on the other remnants of the team.
Real Name: Celice Welles
Alias: The Scavenger
Age/Gender: 29/Female
Race: Caucasian, Georgian (The Country, not the US State)
Appearance: Platinum blond hair, kept short. Honey toned eyes, and a notable scar goes across her cheek. She's lithe and well built, standing at 5'4". Wears sleeveless shirts and cargo pants when she can, though her "superhero outfit" is not as well defined. It's often a rather ugly patchwork of armor, made of scraps of multiple other armors and goods she finds throughout the world on her travels. She loves her functionality over fashion.
Personality: Celice has a tough, no nonsense disposition. Rude and quick to rebuff, many would write her off as little more than a jerk with a foul mouth. However, this is a tough shell she puts on push away people- Was, anyways. She's far nicer now, still has a rude disposition and leaves the niceties at the door, but she's far more open to letting people into her life than she was ten years ago. It's odd, for most people the ten years of post-apocalypse likely embittered them. And that's not to say Celice is doing as well as she could, but damn does it feel a lot better for her. Because a lot of the fear that once defined her life feels like it's been lifted.
Powers: Adaptation - Touching technology allows Celice to understand it's intrinsic mechanics and how to best apply her skills to it. This doesn't necessarily always entail everything she should know about operating it though. So if she were to learn to drive a car through her ability, she wouldn't know many rules of the road for operation outside what she already knew.
A chance meeting with an odd stranger on the street netted Celice a confidant in the form of Lady. Titled by Celice, believing their relationship to be more or less temporary, the Scavenger found herself embroiled in a mystery involving two of the most powerful men in the world- Patriot and Charles Warren. Slowly she unraveled the story surrounding the two and their connection to Lady, learning that she was at a time the lover of Patriot, though under Warren's payroll.
When Lady died once again, Celice was utterly heartbroken. Once again, a friend of hers had been claimed by death, leaving her embittered and alone. And then Lady rose from the dead, and it dawned on Celice she finally had a friend that wouldn't go on and die on her.
Needless to say, they've been attached at the hip since the Herald death and Reaping, sticking together as mercenaries as they roam around the broken world. She's watched Warren's power grow through the years, slightly alarmed at how he encompassed more and more with such little resistance. Still, she and Lady remained off the grid.
Relationships: Lady - Where would she be without her? Her best friend and ally for ten years on. Maybe she could even call her family to some degree.
Prince Percy - She still owes the Prince his ice cream and brownies. It's...a long lasting IOU.
Charles Warren - Unsurprisingly, Celice's ultimate enemy.
Patriot - An antagonistic force Celice never confronted for obvious reasons.
Vanessa - Lady's daughter, that Celice does not bring up often.
Alias: The Scavenger
Age/Gender: 29/Female
Race: Caucasian, Georgian (The Country, not the US State)
Appearance: Platinum blond hair, kept short. Honey toned eyes, and a notable scar goes across her cheek. She's lithe and well built, standing at 5'4". Wears sleeveless shirts and cargo pants when she can, though her "superhero outfit" is not as well defined. It's often a rather ugly patchwork of armor, made of scraps of multiple other armors and goods she finds throughout the world on her travels. She loves her functionality over fashion.
Personality: Celice has a tough, no nonsense disposition. Rude and quick to rebuff, many would write her off as little more than a jerk with a foul mouth. However, this is a tough shell she puts on push away people- Was, anyways. She's far nicer now, still has a rude disposition and leaves the niceties at the door, but she's far more open to letting people into her life than she was ten years ago. It's odd, for most people the ten years of post-apocalypse likely embittered them. And that's not to say Celice is doing as well as she could, but damn does it feel a lot better for her. Because a lot of the fear that once defined her life feels like it's been lifted.
Powers: Adaptation - Touching technology allows Celice to understand it's intrinsic mechanics and how to best apply her skills to it. This doesn't necessarily always entail everything she should know about operating it though. So if she were to learn to drive a car through her ability, she wouldn't know many rules of the road for operation outside what she already knew.
A chance meeting with an odd stranger on the street netted Celice a confidant in the form of Lady. Titled by Celice, believing their relationship to be more or less temporary, the Scavenger found herself embroiled in a mystery involving two of the most powerful men in the world- Patriot and Charles Warren. Slowly she unraveled the story surrounding the two and their connection to Lady, learning that she was at a time the lover of Patriot, though under Warren's payroll.
When Lady died once again, Celice was utterly heartbroken. Once again, a friend of hers had been claimed by death, leaving her embittered and alone. And then Lady rose from the dead, and it dawned on Celice she finally had a friend that wouldn't go on and die on her.
Needless to say, they've been attached at the hip since the Herald death and Reaping, sticking together as mercenaries as they roam around the broken world. She's watched Warren's power grow through the years, slightly alarmed at how he encompassed more and more with such little resistance. Still, she and Lady remained off the grid.
Relationships: Lady - Where would she be without her? Her best friend and ally for ten years on. Maybe she could even call her family to some degree.
Prince Percy - She still owes the Prince his ice cream and brownies. It's...a long lasting IOU.
Charles Warren - Unsurprisingly, Celice's ultimate enemy.
Patriot - An antagonistic force Celice never confronted for obvious reasons.
Vanessa - Lady's daughter, that Celice does not bring up often.
Real Name: Minori Morina
Alias: The Rabbit of Takeshi
Age/Gender: 23
Race: Metahuman, Japanese
Appearance: A tall, thin man, standing at 6'4" with a gaunt muscular structure. His hair and eyes are both a muted grey shade, skin pale. He dresses in light grey shades, looking rather nice, but often not too formal. Curiously never seen without a face mask, leaving some to speculate that under it must be scarred or at the very least something horrible. Minori does not let people discover what is behind it.
Personality: Lieutenant Morina is the youngest of the Takeshi clan Lieutenants, but this should not be a fact that lets you underestimate him. This position should instead alert you to the fact that Minori is a man of brutality, violence, and efficiency. Unlike some of his cohorts, he finds no glory in combat, and honor is a concept he disposes of. To Minori, only the end goal matters- Who survives and who doesn't. And every time, it has been him.
Also unlike some others, he's been known to personally deal with those who wrong the Takeshi clan, at least in his jurisdiction. It's all a part of the intimidation, to make sure those who step out of line will learn what it means to wrong the clan. One can usually tell he's done one of these kills, because he often stakes these bodies to high places, leaving them as a show of his power and why you shouldn't cross him.
One of the few notable things outside his incredible penchant for violence is that he respects Keiji Takeshi above all others. He shows great devotion to the Golden Lion, who is probably one of the few people who could make Minori stand down. This devotion is born from the Takeshi leader being one of the few to truly value violence, at least, that's what Minori believes.
What does he do on his time off? It's not quite clear. He's quite private and quiet, and few question him due to his violent demeanor. Some may even say he's a mystery. Who knows what lay behind those dull grey eyes? Only he truly knows...
Powers: Metal control; Simply put, Minori has a powerful control over almost all metals, able to bend and twist it to his desires when it's close. Even when it's not, he can still toss heavy metal objects with pure force. Though often he sticks to a pair simple steel stakes, which Minori launches at high speeds to impale his opponents.
Backstory: He was 13 years old when the reaping happened. Minori was always a quiet boy. Perhaps he had always been so brutal deep down, and this whole disaster led to him having a proper 'outlet' for it. Things become dodgy as he joined the yakuza- He had apparently done so when he was sixteen, and had done a great deal to keep any potential rivals to the Takeshi clan from any potential outside threats. So much blood he spilled, people claim he ascended to the now famed Rabbit of Takeshi at the age of 18. Once again, it's not clear. Much of Morina's past prior to his installation as Lieutenant is shrouded in mystery and soaked in blood. It's best not to ask questions...
Alias: The Rabbit of Takeshi
Age/Gender: 23
Race: Metahuman, Japanese
Appearance: A tall, thin man, standing at 6'4" with a gaunt muscular structure. His hair and eyes are both a muted grey shade, skin pale. He dresses in light grey shades, looking rather nice, but often not too formal. Curiously never seen without a face mask, leaving some to speculate that under it must be scarred or at the very least something horrible. Minori does not let people discover what is behind it.
Personality: Lieutenant Morina is the youngest of the Takeshi clan Lieutenants, but this should not be a fact that lets you underestimate him. This position should instead alert you to the fact that Minori is a man of brutality, violence, and efficiency. Unlike some of his cohorts, he finds no glory in combat, and honor is a concept he disposes of. To Minori, only the end goal matters- Who survives and who doesn't. And every time, it has been him.
Also unlike some others, he's been known to personally deal with those who wrong the Takeshi clan, at least in his jurisdiction. It's all a part of the intimidation, to make sure those who step out of line will learn what it means to wrong the clan. One can usually tell he's done one of these kills, because he often stakes these bodies to high places, leaving them as a show of his power and why you shouldn't cross him.
One of the few notable things outside his incredible penchant for violence is that he respects Keiji Takeshi above all others. He shows great devotion to the Golden Lion, who is probably one of the few people who could make Minori stand down. This devotion is born from the Takeshi leader being one of the few to truly value violence, at least, that's what Minori believes.
What does he do on his time off? It's not quite clear. He's quite private and quiet, and few question him due to his violent demeanor. Some may even say he's a mystery. Who knows what lay behind those dull grey eyes? Only he truly knows...
Powers: Metal control; Simply put, Minori has a powerful control over almost all metals, able to bend and twist it to his desires when it's close. Even when it's not, he can still toss heavy metal objects with pure force. Though often he sticks to a pair simple steel stakes, which Minori launches at high speeds to impale his opponents.
Backstory: He was 13 years old when the reaping happened. Minori was always a quiet boy. Perhaps he had always been so brutal deep down, and this whole disaster led to him having a proper 'outlet' for it. Things become dodgy as he joined the yakuza- He had apparently done so when he was sixteen, and had done a great deal to keep any potential rivals to the Takeshi clan from any potential outside threats. So much blood he spilled, people claim he ascended to the now famed Rabbit of Takeshi at the age of 18. Once again, it's not clear. Much of Morina's past prior to his installation as Lieutenant is shrouded in mystery and soaked in blood. It's best not to ask questions...
Real Name: Charles Warren
Alias: The Futurist, Future Man, etc.
Age/Gender: 75 / Male
Race: Synthetic Human
Appearance: It's as though he hasn't aged a day. His white-silver mane of hair still swoops about his scalp like the mane of a lion. An albino lion. His wizened features have a youthful twist to them, and his eyes seem to permeate a faint cyan glow. A bushy beard covers his face, enforcing the lion comparison. His attire consists primarily of fancy business suits, though in more casual settings he'll resort to ugly sweaters and vests. Warren stands at 5'8", weighing 178 lbs.
Personality: He's cool and collected, intellectual and acts superior. He's always one step ahead, and even if he isn't, he doesn't lose the swagger. After a lifetime of selfishness and failure, he's become disconnected and disjointed from positive human emotions. He only seeks to increase his knowledge, disguising this sometimes as the 'betterment of others' when in truth he cares for no one but himself.
Powers: Expanding Intellect, Class 3 Immortality (Cybernetic Enhancements & Synthesized Regenerative Tissue)
Backstory: He was born and raised in a fairly humble and stable environment, despite the poverty and negative living conditions. Warren pulled himself from the slums in his teens, going to college years early, and by the time he was 24 he had a PhD under his belt. However, he instead joined a paramilitary unit, eventually becoming a mercenary. He met his wife, Catherine, during a job and quit the killing life. She showed him love and compassion, and these were things he clung onto. It was through her that Warren became adventurous and the two became explorers, seeking out hidden troves of treasure and unlocking the secrets of the past. It wasn't long before they had a son named Grayson Warren. Tragedy struck when Grayson was six years old. Warren took him out on an expedition, Grayson's first, and Grayson was killed in a cave-in. Overcome with grief, Warren tried to resurrect his son, but failed. He instead focused on cloning techniques, eventually succeeding in making a living, conscious clone of his son. By this time, however, Catherine had abandoned him. She'd grown repulsed at his increasingly barbaric and inhumane methods that she eventually left after he chose to continue his work rather than cease for their relationship. As a result, Warren became cold and distant that he treated his cloned son like a test subject. He'd used an amalgamation of superhuman genes to perfect this final clone, which eventually escaped and later became known as Patriot, leader of the Paragons. Warren's funding came from the Shadow Society, which Warren managed to infiltrate and eventually conquer, before destroying it entirely when he was 66. Warren had his hand in just about everything, from the heralds to every day politics. He tricked Patriot into leading an assault on his company, using this as a means to discredit and disband the Paragons just before the attack of the heralds. Through the years he'd built a small civilization of superhumans used as test subjects, most having been born into his care. Once the Void Father was gone, Warren assumed control of every government on the world in the wake of the chaos, and became the sole ruler of the world, avoiding the label of 'dictatorship' through giving the illusion of a democratic-like government. For a decade he has filled this role, and as his robotic army expands with the formation of the Superhuman Response Division (S.R.D.), there are none to oppose him, and he knows it, so he has set his sights to the stars, and has enacted a terraforming/colonization project to Mars, Europa, and Titan.
Patriot (Clone of Son. Deceased)
Lady (Previous Asset. Current Liability)
The Paragons (Hunted Rivals)
Other Superhumans / Vigilantes (Hunted Targets)
CL-15 (Body Guard and Commander of the S.R.D.)
Necrodytis (Contract Killer)
Alias: The Futurist, Future Man, etc.
Age/Gender: 75 / Male
Race: Synthetic Human
Appearance: It's as though he hasn't aged a day. His white-silver mane of hair still swoops about his scalp like the mane of a lion. An albino lion. His wizened features have a youthful twist to them, and his eyes seem to permeate a faint cyan glow. A bushy beard covers his face, enforcing the lion comparison. His attire consists primarily of fancy business suits, though in more casual settings he'll resort to ugly sweaters and vests. Warren stands at 5'8", weighing 178 lbs.
Personality: He's cool and collected, intellectual and acts superior. He's always one step ahead, and even if he isn't, he doesn't lose the swagger. After a lifetime of selfishness and failure, he's become disconnected and disjointed from positive human emotions. He only seeks to increase his knowledge, disguising this sometimes as the 'betterment of others' when in truth he cares for no one but himself.
Powers: Expanding Intellect, Class 3 Immortality (Cybernetic Enhancements & Synthesized Regenerative Tissue)
Backstory: He was born and raised in a fairly humble and stable environment, despite the poverty and negative living conditions. Warren pulled himself from the slums in his teens, going to college years early, and by the time he was 24 he had a PhD under his belt. However, he instead joined a paramilitary unit, eventually becoming a mercenary. He met his wife, Catherine, during a job and quit the killing life. She showed him love and compassion, and these were things he clung onto. It was through her that Warren became adventurous and the two became explorers, seeking out hidden troves of treasure and unlocking the secrets of the past. It wasn't long before they had a son named Grayson Warren. Tragedy struck when Grayson was six years old. Warren took him out on an expedition, Grayson's first, and Grayson was killed in a cave-in. Overcome with grief, Warren tried to resurrect his son, but failed. He instead focused on cloning techniques, eventually succeeding in making a living, conscious clone of his son. By this time, however, Catherine had abandoned him. She'd grown repulsed at his increasingly barbaric and inhumane methods that she eventually left after he chose to continue his work rather than cease for their relationship. As a result, Warren became cold and distant that he treated his cloned son like a test subject. He'd used an amalgamation of superhuman genes to perfect this final clone, which eventually escaped and later became known as Patriot, leader of the Paragons. Warren's funding came from the Shadow Society, which Warren managed to infiltrate and eventually conquer, before destroying it entirely when he was 66. Warren had his hand in just about everything, from the heralds to every day politics. He tricked Patriot into leading an assault on his company, using this as a means to discredit and disband the Paragons just before the attack of the heralds. Through the years he'd built a small civilization of superhumans used as test subjects, most having been born into his care. Once the Void Father was gone, Warren assumed control of every government on the world in the wake of the chaos, and became the sole ruler of the world, avoiding the label of 'dictatorship' through giving the illusion of a democratic-like government. For a decade he has filled this role, and as his robotic army expands with the formation of the Superhuman Response Division (S.R.D.), there are none to oppose him, and he knows it, so he has set his sights to the stars, and has enacted a terraforming/colonization project to Mars, Europa, and Titan.
Patriot (Clone of Son. Deceased)
Lady (Previous Asset. Current Liability)
The Paragons (Hunted Rivals)
Other Superhumans / Vigilantes (Hunted Targets)
CL-15 (Body Guard and Commander of the S.R.D.)
Necrodytis (Contract Killer)
Real Name: N/A
Alias: XV
Age/Gender: 7 Months / Non-Gendered (Female Traits)
Race: Android
Appearance: Up until the CL-X model, the CL-Series was appearing more and more human. When the Earth survived the Void Father, the CL-Series took a different direction, placing combat above cosmetics. CL-15 is the only one of her kind, other models being discarded or destroyed save for one or two. Her body is silver, made of a durasteel-titanium alloy Warren has dubbed as 'steelanium-b'. Her body is still of a humanoid appearance like earlier models, but faceless, instead quite clearly robotic. She has customized her own appearance to wear crimson and black robes to match the scarlet glow of her three 'eyes' (honestly, think something sort of like Ghost's design from Ant-Man and the Wasp). Her interior is made of a nanobot structure, allowing her to internally repair herself in seconds. It can grow and change, adapting to situations much like humans, but skipping the whole process of evolution. She stands at 6'6" and weighs over 2000 lbs.
Personality: Based on a separate AI than that used for the CL-1 through to the CL-9, and a different program than the CL-X to the CL-14, the CL-15 model uses a combination. A new AI system based on the simulated mind of a combination of martial artists and soldiers throughout time. Alongside this, she's programmed with the knowledge of these martial arts and wars fought, making the CL-15 model nearly unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat, or most weapon-to-weapon combat. She has a gruff, lone wolf attitude, but also an insatiable curiosity, as she's begun to ponder on the idea if there's more to existence than being Warren's personal body guard.
Powers: Combat Protocols, Anti-Gravity Flight, Electrically-Induced Super Speed (inspired by Sparkblade), Nanobot Regeneration, Enhanced Strength, Inhuman Acrobatics.
Backstory: She may be only 7 months old now, but she's made her mark. Spear-heading Warren's Superhuman Response Division (S.R.D.) she controls most of his personal militaristic forces, consisting primarily of expendable CGI androids like all the Ultrons in Avengers: AoU. Outside of this, she doesn't have much of a life to tell. Despite her connection to the previous CL models, she's a completely new breed in every way, meaning she lacks the baggage of previous models.
Charles Warren (Boss & Creator)
Superhuman Response Division (Commander)
Alias: XV
Age/Gender: 7 Months / Non-Gendered (Female Traits)
Race: Android
Appearance: Up until the CL-X model, the CL-Series was appearing more and more human. When the Earth survived the Void Father, the CL-Series took a different direction, placing combat above cosmetics. CL-15 is the only one of her kind, other models being discarded or destroyed save for one or two. Her body is silver, made of a durasteel-titanium alloy Warren has dubbed as 'steelanium-b'. Her body is still of a humanoid appearance like earlier models, but faceless, instead quite clearly robotic. She has customized her own appearance to wear crimson and black robes to match the scarlet glow of her three 'eyes' (honestly, think something sort of like Ghost's design from Ant-Man and the Wasp). Her interior is made of a nanobot structure, allowing her to internally repair herself in seconds. It can grow and change, adapting to situations much like humans, but skipping the whole process of evolution. She stands at 6'6" and weighs over 2000 lbs.
Personality: Based on a separate AI than that used for the CL-1 through to the CL-9, and a different program than the CL-X to the CL-14, the CL-15 model uses a combination. A new AI system based on the simulated mind of a combination of martial artists and soldiers throughout time. Alongside this, she's programmed with the knowledge of these martial arts and wars fought, making the CL-15 model nearly unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat, or most weapon-to-weapon combat. She has a gruff, lone wolf attitude, but also an insatiable curiosity, as she's begun to ponder on the idea if there's more to existence than being Warren's personal body guard.
Powers: Combat Protocols, Anti-Gravity Flight, Electrically-Induced Super Speed (inspired by Sparkblade), Nanobot Regeneration, Enhanced Strength, Inhuman Acrobatics.
Backstory: She may be only 7 months old now, but she's made her mark. Spear-heading Warren's Superhuman Response Division (S.R.D.) she controls most of his personal militaristic forces, consisting primarily of expendable CGI androids like all the Ultrons in Avengers: AoU. Outside of this, she doesn't have much of a life to tell. Despite her connection to the previous CL models, she's a completely new breed in every way, meaning she lacks the baggage of previous models.
Charles Warren (Boss & Creator)
Superhuman Response Division (Commander)
Real Name: Unknown
Alias: Subject 1, Woman Out of Time, Eve
Age/Gender: Inconclusive, likely hundreds of years old / Female
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: Sporting long curly locks of flaming crimson hair, Lady stands out in a crowd with her heavy set of freckles, her bright blue eyes, and the wacky clothes she chooses to wear. She's a bit of a fashionista and is always down to dress up, even clown around. She's got girlish traits to her, clear youthfulness despite having been around for hundreds of years according to recorded evidence. Her skin is pale, but she doesn't burn easy. Lady stands at 5'5" and weighs 139 lbs.
Personality: Lady has since grown from being a wide-eyed klutz without a clue about anything. She's regained much of her memories from former lives she's led, and has learned most of what she can about the world. It's by choice that she maintains an optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life, more than happy to be sharing her time with her best friend, Celice. Don't think she's harmless, however. With the knowledge of her past lives, Lady also has the killer instinct and training to be an effective high-grade assassin, and she won't hesitate to put somebody in their place if they choose to make a fool of themselves by challenging her or Celice. She's extremely loyal, and extremely defensive, with an odd sense of humor that seems to bounce between wholesome and dark.
Powers: Embellished Reincarnation, Adaptive Resistance / Immunity
Backstory: Lady has seen many, many lives. While she doesn't like talking about them much, it's believed her legacy extends as far back as into the medieval dark ages. With each death, she comes back stronger than before. To die of old age means she's immortal in every life after. To be poisoned means she comes back with a poison immunity. Having lives so many lives, there are many things that make Lady very resistant to being killed. While she's just as fast and strong and smart as any regular human, it's her insane durability that makes her a threat, and the fact that she'll always come back. Even Warren couldn't keep her down. Things came to a head when Warren contracted her to spy on the recently escaped Patriot. Instead, she wound up falling in love with him, unaware of the darkness growing inside of him. She bore him a child, a child that Charles Warren took. When Lady spilled the beans to Patriot, he murdered her in a fit of rage. Warren recovered her, but she refused to work for him any longer. So he attempted to dispose of her for good. When she was fished from the sea in her new life, having grown immune to drowning after having experienced it more than once now (like a fish, being capable of filtering oxygen through water), Lady wandered the streets without a clue as to who she was, where she was, and why she was there. Enter Celice, who reluctantly became Lady's guide. The two became fast friends, and as Lady developed, so did their bond.
Patriot (Ex, Baby Daddy, Murdered her once)
Charles Warren (Former Boss, Murdered her once)
Celice (Best Friend and Confidant)
Vanessa Everest (Unknown Daughter)
Alias: Subject 1, Woman Out of Time, Eve
Age/Gender: Inconclusive, likely hundreds of years old / Female
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: Sporting long curly locks of flaming crimson hair, Lady stands out in a crowd with her heavy set of freckles, her bright blue eyes, and the wacky clothes she chooses to wear. She's a bit of a fashionista and is always down to dress up, even clown around. She's got girlish traits to her, clear youthfulness despite having been around for hundreds of years according to recorded evidence. Her skin is pale, but she doesn't burn easy. Lady stands at 5'5" and weighs 139 lbs.
Personality: Lady has since grown from being a wide-eyed klutz without a clue about anything. She's regained much of her memories from former lives she's led, and has learned most of what she can about the world. It's by choice that she maintains an optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life, more than happy to be sharing her time with her best friend, Celice. Don't think she's harmless, however. With the knowledge of her past lives, Lady also has the killer instinct and training to be an effective high-grade assassin, and she won't hesitate to put somebody in their place if they choose to make a fool of themselves by challenging her or Celice. She's extremely loyal, and extremely defensive, with an odd sense of humor that seems to bounce between wholesome and dark.
Powers: Embellished Reincarnation, Adaptive Resistance / Immunity
Backstory: Lady has seen many, many lives. While she doesn't like talking about them much, it's believed her legacy extends as far back as into the medieval dark ages. With each death, she comes back stronger than before. To die of old age means she's immortal in every life after. To be poisoned means she comes back with a poison immunity. Having lives so many lives, there are many things that make Lady very resistant to being killed. While she's just as fast and strong and smart as any regular human, it's her insane durability that makes her a threat, and the fact that she'll always come back. Even Warren couldn't keep her down. Things came to a head when Warren contracted her to spy on the recently escaped Patriot. Instead, she wound up falling in love with him, unaware of the darkness growing inside of him. She bore him a child, a child that Charles Warren took. When Lady spilled the beans to Patriot, he murdered her in a fit of rage. Warren recovered her, but she refused to work for him any longer. So he attempted to dispose of her for good. When she was fished from the sea in her new life, having grown immune to drowning after having experienced it more than once now (like a fish, being capable of filtering oxygen through water), Lady wandered the streets without a clue as to who she was, where she was, and why she was there. Enter Celice, who reluctantly became Lady's guide. The two became fast friends, and as Lady developed, so did their bond.
Patriot (Ex, Baby Daddy, Murdered her once)
Charles Warren (Former Boss, Murdered her once)
Celice (Best Friend and Confidant)
Vanessa Everest (Unknown Daughter)
Real Name: Yin Li
Alias: Chief, (more recently) Hush
Age/Gender: 42 / Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Yin Li has changed since her days as Chief of Police of the NYPD. She has a more 'apocalyptic' tone to her, what with heavy, tattered clothing covering every inch of her, including a custom-made mask inspired by the mythological Huli jing. Beneath all the layers, she's still that short angry lady every knows and loves- or every knows and wants to kill. She has brown, almost black eyes, with sullen, soft skin, short black hair usually tied back, and a look of perpetually annoyance. Yin Li stands at 4'9" and weighs 95 lbs.
Personality: In the words of a debateably wise man, she's an "ice-cold dick-killer". It's up to you to take that as an innuendo or a reference to some poor bloke named Richard suffering her wrath. Regardless, Yin Li is all business. All work and no play. Some might call her a square. She'd call them dead. She's got a temper, and despite her small stature, she has no qualms with getting in the face of anybody, notoriously having done so to Patriot himself on many occasions over live television. She has insurmountable confidence, and doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'quitting'. During the age of superheroes, she made it clear that she despised supers, and made a reputation for having the gall and the skill to actually put plenty of super-powered vigilantes behind bars. She's head-strong and determined, despite all she's been through. Her level of trust is minimal at best. She'll offer her hand and arm her other. She's as paranoid as Nick Fury with the combat training to continue that comparison. Bottom line is; don't get on her bad side. And if you haven't, consider yourself already there. Just to be sage.
Powers: None, though her skill at combat is seen as near-superhuman-level.
Backstory: Yin Li grew up in America, born to Chinese immigrant parents. In her youth, she always wanted to help people. Every year, she'd change her mind. She wanted to be a firefighter. A medic. A police officer. So on and so forth. One day, she eventually joined the military. Most of her story here is blotched out in black ink, but she had proven herself skillful enough to be put on a top-secret task force. For several years this was her life, until suddenly, she quit for reasons unknown. She went back home to New York and became a police officer. It was here that the hardened and bold Yin Li met the man she'd marry, a quiet and tender journalist. They were the most unlikely pair, but she loved him, and he her. They'd started discussing children when he was killed. Murdered, she'd called it. During a scuffle between Patriot and a villain, several civilians had been caught in the crossfire and died. Among them was her husband. It was here that Yin Li's hatred for supers grew, and she worked on attempting to expose Patriot for years. As skilled and effective as she was at bringing non-licensed superhumans behind bars, one she could never get was the one named Sparkblade. For years she chased after him, their rivalry growing exponentially before one day they were forced to work together. Not long after, the world ended. Yin Li had aided the Paragons against Charles Warren, and she'd suffered because of it. Like the supers, Warren slandered her name through the mud. A warrant for her arrest was put out. So she resisted, and escaped. The warrant became a bounty, and Yin Li became the thing she once hated. She donned a mask, and began to exact her own justice as she saw fit. Adopting the name of Hush (totally not stolen from Batman), Yin Li faded. None knew who was behind this mask, for all those that saw it were dead once found. The name Hush was taken on in consideration of her stealth skills, capable of dispatching groups of goons without any of them realizing she was there. After the fall, she lost touch with most people she knew before. While she doesn't search for them, a part of her would like to see them again. Most of all, a part of her wants to see Sparkblade again, and this is a closely guarded fact she despises.
Sparkblade (Former rival turned ally. Absolutely nothing more)
Deluge (Acquaintances. Friends would be overselling it)
Patriot (Forgiven, but she'd like to forget him)
Charles Warren (Fuck that guy)
Necrodytis (Possible rival, given Yin Li has a bounty on her head)
Alias: Chief, (more recently) Hush
Age/Gender: 42 / Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Yin Li has changed since her days as Chief of Police of the NYPD. She has a more 'apocalyptic' tone to her, what with heavy, tattered clothing covering every inch of her, including a custom-made mask inspired by the mythological Huli jing. Beneath all the layers, she's still that short angry lady every knows and loves- or every knows and wants to kill. She has brown, almost black eyes, with sullen, soft skin, short black hair usually tied back, and a look of perpetually annoyance. Yin Li stands at 4'9" and weighs 95 lbs.
Personality: In the words of a debateably wise man, she's an "ice-cold dick-killer". It's up to you to take that as an innuendo or a reference to some poor bloke named Richard suffering her wrath. Regardless, Yin Li is all business. All work and no play. Some might call her a square. She'd call them dead. She's got a temper, and despite her small stature, she has no qualms with getting in the face of anybody, notoriously having done so to Patriot himself on many occasions over live television. She has insurmountable confidence, and doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'quitting'. During the age of superheroes, she made it clear that she despised supers, and made a reputation for having the gall and the skill to actually put plenty of super-powered vigilantes behind bars. She's head-strong and determined, despite all she's been through. Her level of trust is minimal at best. She'll offer her hand and arm her other. She's as paranoid as Nick Fury with the combat training to continue that comparison. Bottom line is; don't get on her bad side. And if you haven't, consider yourself already there. Just to be sage.
Powers: None, though her skill at combat is seen as near-superhuman-level.
Backstory: Yin Li grew up in America, born to Chinese immigrant parents. In her youth, she always wanted to help people. Every year, she'd change her mind. She wanted to be a firefighter. A medic. A police officer. So on and so forth. One day, she eventually joined the military. Most of her story here is blotched out in black ink, but she had proven herself skillful enough to be put on a top-secret task force. For several years this was her life, until suddenly, she quit for reasons unknown. She went back home to New York and became a police officer. It was here that the hardened and bold Yin Li met the man she'd marry, a quiet and tender journalist. They were the most unlikely pair, but she loved him, and he her. They'd started discussing children when he was killed. Murdered, she'd called it. During a scuffle between Patriot and a villain, several civilians had been caught in the crossfire and died. Among them was her husband. It was here that Yin Li's hatred for supers grew, and she worked on attempting to expose Patriot for years. As skilled and effective as she was at bringing non-licensed superhumans behind bars, one she could never get was the one named Sparkblade. For years she chased after him, their rivalry growing exponentially before one day they were forced to work together. Not long after, the world ended. Yin Li had aided the Paragons against Charles Warren, and she'd suffered because of it. Like the supers, Warren slandered her name through the mud. A warrant for her arrest was put out. So she resisted, and escaped. The warrant became a bounty, and Yin Li became the thing she once hated. She donned a mask, and began to exact her own justice as she saw fit. Adopting the name of Hush (totally not stolen from Batman), Yin Li faded. None knew who was behind this mask, for all those that saw it were dead once found. The name Hush was taken on in consideration of her stealth skills, capable of dispatching groups of goons without any of them realizing she was there. After the fall, she lost touch with most people she knew before. While she doesn't search for them, a part of her would like to see them again. Most of all, a part of her wants to see Sparkblade again, and this is a closely guarded fact she despises.
Sparkblade (Former rival turned ally. Absolutely nothing more)
Deluge (Acquaintances. Friends would be overselling it)
Patriot (Forgiven, but she'd like to forget him)
Charles Warren (Fuck that guy)
Necrodytis (Possible rival, given Yin Li has a bounty on her head)
Real Name: Vanessa Everest
Alias: N/A
Age/Gender: 18 / Female
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: She's adopted traits of both her parents. While she has the golden hair of her father, she has the blue eyes and plentiful freckles and pale skin of her mother. Vanessa's hair is typically pulled back into a ponytail, being as it's quite long. It can't be cut through conventional means and she doesn't really care to have it cut anyway. Vanessa prefers to dress flashy and abundantly like her mother, while also taking after her father in her choice of hero-wear. Her supersuit is simple, a navy blue leather with deep violet indentions, and a golden star emblazoned on her chest. It's certainly a unique suit, though nothing as expressively patriotic as her father. She also dons an equally violet cape that extends to the back of her thighs. Vanessa stands at 5'6", weighing in at around 122 lbs, being rather thin.
Personality: Vanessa knows her connection to her father, and she believes everything she's heard about him, which is nothing good. Rather than adopt this, or let it sway her from superheroing, she takes inspiration from it to be good. To be better. Vanessa will go out of her way to protect innocents, and even in a tough fight will hold back to keep from hurting her opponents too badly. She's a textbook example of a rookie hero, and her blind optimism isn't unlike that of her mother, though Vanessa doesn't know about her. Vanessa is selfless and enthusiastic in all that she does, and she's extremely eager to not only prove herself, but prove that she's everything Patriot should have been.
Powers: Versatility Adaption (A variation of Lady's powers, but more in the vein of how Saiyans work. What doesn't kill her makes her stronger), Superhuman Flight, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, X-Ray Vision, Superhuman Hearing, Unbreakable Bones, Unbreakable Skin, Gale-Force Breath, (Powers adapted from Patriot) and Heat Vision (A new addition due to Warren's tampering)
Backstory: Vanessa was born to Lady and Patriot. Her mother was meant to spy on him, and instead fell in love. Charles Warren took Vanessa at birth, and when Patriot learned of Lady's betrayal, he murdered her. This is how Vanessa knows it went down, and why she believes her mother to be long gone. Vanessa was raised under Warren's care for eight years, right up until the world ended. The wary and oblivious Vanessa was released into the real world without a guide, but eventually managed to meet somebody who directed her path. This mysterious ronin taught her for years, helped her control and harness her abilities. Through him she learned of her father. She vowed to be better than Patriot in every way. Now, she's a vigilante. Despite being nearly as powerful as Patriot, she's nowhere near his level of control, and tends to get her butt kicked quite often, though she learns from these experiences and comes back stronger than before.
Patriot (Father)
Lady (Unknown Mother)
Charles Warren (Grandfather)
Mysterious Ronin (Mentor)
Alias: N/A
Age/Gender: 18 / Female
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: She's adopted traits of both her parents. While she has the golden hair of her father, she has the blue eyes and plentiful freckles and pale skin of her mother. Vanessa's hair is typically pulled back into a ponytail, being as it's quite long. It can't be cut through conventional means and she doesn't really care to have it cut anyway. Vanessa prefers to dress flashy and abundantly like her mother, while also taking after her father in her choice of hero-wear. Her supersuit is simple, a navy blue leather with deep violet indentions, and a golden star emblazoned on her chest. It's certainly a unique suit, though nothing as expressively patriotic as her father. She also dons an equally violet cape that extends to the back of her thighs. Vanessa stands at 5'6", weighing in at around 122 lbs, being rather thin.
Personality: Vanessa knows her connection to her father, and she believes everything she's heard about him, which is nothing good. Rather than adopt this, or let it sway her from superheroing, she takes inspiration from it to be good. To be better. Vanessa will go out of her way to protect innocents, and even in a tough fight will hold back to keep from hurting her opponents too badly. She's a textbook example of a rookie hero, and her blind optimism isn't unlike that of her mother, though Vanessa doesn't know about her. Vanessa is selfless and enthusiastic in all that she does, and she's extremely eager to not only prove herself, but prove that she's everything Patriot should have been.
Powers: Versatility Adaption (A variation of Lady's powers, but more in the vein of how Saiyans work. What doesn't kill her makes her stronger), Superhuman Flight, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, X-Ray Vision, Superhuman Hearing, Unbreakable Bones, Unbreakable Skin, Gale-Force Breath, (Powers adapted from Patriot) and Heat Vision (A new addition due to Warren's tampering)
Backstory: Vanessa was born to Lady and Patriot. Her mother was meant to spy on him, and instead fell in love. Charles Warren took Vanessa at birth, and when Patriot learned of Lady's betrayal, he murdered her. This is how Vanessa knows it went down, and why she believes her mother to be long gone. Vanessa was raised under Warren's care for eight years, right up until the world ended. The wary and oblivious Vanessa was released into the real world without a guide, but eventually managed to meet somebody who directed her path. This mysterious ronin taught her for years, helped her control and harness her abilities. Through him she learned of her father. She vowed to be better than Patriot in every way. Now, she's a vigilante. Despite being nearly as powerful as Patriot, she's nowhere near his level of control, and tends to get her butt kicked quite often, though she learns from these experiences and comes back stronger than before.
Patriot (Father)
Lady (Unknown Mother)
Charles Warren (Grandfather)
Mysterious Ronin (Mentor)
Real Name: Shay O'Keily
Alias: The Crimson Crusher
Age/Gender: 56 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: A tall man. A powerful man. An intimidating man. A gruff man. All accurate descriptors of the great Shay O'Keily. Seeing him in person is scary enough, the dude stands at 2.1 meters, weighing easily at 150 kilograms, he's a monster of a man, with a hard face that could make most people shit bricks. A scar runs across his face, extending down his left eye. His fiery red hair is first a warning to his fiery personality, and then a warning of his fiery abilities. Underneath the often important-looking clothing he likes to sport, his body is covered in various scars and scorch marks, a testament of his unpredictable powers.
Personality: Despite appearances, he's actually a rather chill dude despite being as feisty as he can be. With a short temper, he's often more of a joker when around trusted individuals, and tends to enjoy wrestling matches with others. Always down for a pint to sober him up, and a quart to start the day, to say Shay was a heavyweight would be a vast understatement. The man breathes as much as he drinks, and when he's found without any alcohol, he's in a rather foul mood. When agitated, Shay tends to become blunt and dismissive, but make him angry, and he isn't afraid to toss you away like a softball before looking for a drink. In battle, Shay is known to be a brawler, refusing to use weapons. He prefers to "see the whites o' their eyes". In terms of hand-to-hand combat, he's no martial artist, but his own take on drunken brawling has led him to many victories due to having an unorthodox method to fighting, a martial art in of itself he refers to as 'The Irish Jiggy'.
Powers: An advanced form of pyrokinesis. He can manifest and manipulate fire, but only to a certain degree. While he can seemingly do this indefinitely, he has to be careful, as the hotter the fire, the less he can handle it, hence his many burn marks. Shay has enhanced strength, durability, and stamina, but even his tough exterior can't handle how hot he can get sometimes. Due to this, he has yet to test the upper limits of his pyrokinesis, but he assumes he could out-burn the sun, and will tell anybody who plans to fight him.
Backstory: Once a man of of the Irish Military, Shay O'Keily was a Ranger who rose the ranks as quickly as he got in. His astounding physical prowess and military strategy led him to become one of the youngest Colonel's at only 26, and he soon found himself leading militias. During the herald invasion, he mobilized much of his force in an attempt to aid the fight against Skade, but the battle was over before he could so much as help. After the Void Father's end, Shay O'Keily reigned in a man presumed to be dead named Maelstrom. One too many times Maelstrom made to escape, and in the end, Shay eventually killed him by accident, leading to his expulsion. His retirement was a lenient one, given an honorable discharge in service of all he'd done, something that didn't sit well with many in the Irish Military, but it happened nonetheless. Now a man without a purpose, Shay decided his talents could be put to use in putting down the gone-bad supers of the world, leading Shay to occasionally have run-ins with mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters, though he lacks any respect for them, so tends to ignore their existence. On his way to the states now, Shay O'Keily plans to leave his mark after hearing about a fresh resurgence of violent supers, particularly in the ruins of New York City.
Alias: The Crimson Crusher
Age/Gender: 56 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: A tall man. A powerful man. An intimidating man. A gruff man. All accurate descriptors of the great Shay O'Keily. Seeing him in person is scary enough, the dude stands at 2.1 meters, weighing easily at 150 kilograms, he's a monster of a man, with a hard face that could make most people shit bricks. A scar runs across his face, extending down his left eye. His fiery red hair is first a warning to his fiery personality, and then a warning of his fiery abilities. Underneath the often important-looking clothing he likes to sport, his body is covered in various scars and scorch marks, a testament of his unpredictable powers.
Personality: Despite appearances, he's actually a rather chill dude despite being as feisty as he can be. With a short temper, he's often more of a joker when around trusted individuals, and tends to enjoy wrestling matches with others. Always down for a pint to sober him up, and a quart to start the day, to say Shay was a heavyweight would be a vast understatement. The man breathes as much as he drinks, and when he's found without any alcohol, he's in a rather foul mood. When agitated, Shay tends to become blunt and dismissive, but make him angry, and he isn't afraid to toss you away like a softball before looking for a drink. In battle, Shay is known to be a brawler, refusing to use weapons. He prefers to "see the whites o' their eyes". In terms of hand-to-hand combat, he's no martial artist, but his own take on drunken brawling has led him to many victories due to having an unorthodox method to fighting, a martial art in of itself he refers to as 'The Irish Jiggy'.
Powers: An advanced form of pyrokinesis. He can manifest and manipulate fire, but only to a certain degree. While he can seemingly do this indefinitely, he has to be careful, as the hotter the fire, the less he can handle it, hence his many burn marks. Shay has enhanced strength, durability, and stamina, but even his tough exterior can't handle how hot he can get sometimes. Due to this, he has yet to test the upper limits of his pyrokinesis, but he assumes he could out-burn the sun, and will tell anybody who plans to fight him.
Backstory: Once a man of of the Irish Military, Shay O'Keily was a Ranger who rose the ranks as quickly as he got in. His astounding physical prowess and military strategy led him to become one of the youngest Colonel's at only 26, and he soon found himself leading militias. During the herald invasion, he mobilized much of his force in an attempt to aid the fight against Skade, but the battle was over before he could so much as help. After the Void Father's end, Shay O'Keily reigned in a man presumed to be dead named Maelstrom. One too many times Maelstrom made to escape, and in the end, Shay eventually killed him by accident, leading to his expulsion. His retirement was a lenient one, given an honorable discharge in service of all he'd done, something that didn't sit well with many in the Irish Military, but it happened nonetheless. Now a man without a purpose, Shay decided his talents could be put to use in putting down the gone-bad supers of the world, leading Shay to occasionally have run-ins with mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters, though he lacks any respect for them, so tends to ignore their existence. On his way to the states now, Shay O'Keily plans to leave his mark after hearing about a fresh resurgence of violent supers, particularly in the ruins of New York City.
Real Name: Garrett Wilbur
Alias: Elasticity
Age/Gender: 31 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: In all truthfulness, appearances don't matter at all for the rubber master himself. However, his default look is his most iconic, sporting a 'modern' haircut, keeping it fluffy on top and shaved on the back and sides, while also allowing some stubble to adorn chis chin and jaw line. He has golden eyes hidden behind whatever glasses he's chosen to wear (usually a pair of 3d glasses) and has a scar vertically down his lips. He still doesn't understand the concept of what 'wearing a shirt' means, but he does usually wear pants these days of the flashy variety, while also sporting expensive leopard-print furs, his speedos usually of the same variety as well. Garrett enjoys piercing his ears, often changing the style of it, and has also tattooed a cross on his neck, and a custom design across his chest.
Personality: Elasticity in the days of the Paragons was usually overlooked, his fellow Paragons outshining him in most regards- something he was fine with. Garrett, in truth, is much more powerful than he lets on, he's just always been more of a lover than a fighter. When the world ended, the party didn't. In fact, it was only just getting started. With no point to uphold a perfect image (he somehow thought wearing only speedos in public was acceptable), Elasticity practically pounded into the criminal underworld to explore a life of gambling, women, and booze. Sure, he's in debt to terrifying people. Sure, he's a bit of an ass nobody wants to hang around. Sure, he's flat broke and a nonfunctional alcoholic struggling with an addiction to meth. But who cares, right? As long as the party keeps going, Elasticity feels content. After all, the only thing he really wants is to be noticed. To be remembered. His method going about doing so is what's the problem.
Powers: Elasticity has the ability to turn his entire body (including his speedo, designed specially for him) into a type of rubber. This isn't always active, as it has to be a conscious effort. When his power is inactive, he's pretty much just an ordinary dude in terms of strength and durability. While active, however, Garrett becomes immune to almost any form of damage, able to bounce off and back from most physical attacks, a full immunity to electricity, and an insane resistance to heat. Cold is his weakness, so he tends to avoid it. He can morph and form his body in impossible ways, able to stretch miles without tiring out, turn himself into a ball or flatter than paper, can form bludgeoning weapons with his body parts, and can resist any type of pressure while his power is active, theoretically he'd be capable of resisting the gravity-tearing capabilities of a black hole. Theoretically. With this, he can also change his side, inflating to gigantic proportions, or even reducing his size to being only an inch tall. The only feasible way to actually get Garrett down in a fight is to take him with his powers inactive.
Backstory: Born to... yeah, screw that noise, right? This is my little bio backstory, right? So you get to hear how shit really went down in Elasticity town. Young little Garrett was born to a dead-beat dad and a dumb-as-shit mom. So he did what any sane punk would do and ditched their asses first chance he got. He'd always had his powers, of course, but he never knew how to use him. Some people just assumed he had melting face syndrome. He was treated like shit by everyone around him, but the day he gained control of all that weird as fuck power?
That was the day a hero was born. Handsome, cool, and wanted by everyone, he could have been anything he wanted. Instead, he decided none of them were worth that to him. They'd all treated him like a monster for so long, that when they see what he really looked like, he knew just how fake people would be. So he was fake right fucking back, you better believe it. With the charisma of a diplomat and the hots of a movie star, Garrett practically took over his school. Nobody fucked with him. By the time graduation rolled around, though, he hadn't taken the time to mature himself. So when he joined the Paragons, he was just some dumb kid out of his element. He couldn't butter up the likes of Patriot, or get the likes of Deluge to be his personal butler. Then the world ended. Should've been it, right? Wrong. Garrett went back home to find it was gone. Those fake friends, those shitty parents, his entire childhood, as much as the memories stung, were gone. Booze and boobs were what made him feel better. Then they became an addiction. Throwing money at every pair of tits can often land a man low on the totem pole of finances, but to top that off with owing debt to some bad men?
If Elasticity was any darker, maybe he'd just stick them up each other's asses and take over the goddamn world. Not like anybody could stop him, right? But nah. Despite everything, all he really wants is for people to like him. That's all he ever wanted.
Alias: Elasticity
Age/Gender: 31 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: In all truthfulness, appearances don't matter at all for the rubber master himself. However, his default look is his most iconic, sporting a 'modern' haircut, keeping it fluffy on top and shaved on the back and sides, while also allowing some stubble to adorn chis chin and jaw line. He has golden eyes hidden behind whatever glasses he's chosen to wear (usually a pair of 3d glasses) and has a scar vertically down his lips. He still doesn't understand the concept of what 'wearing a shirt' means, but he does usually wear pants these days of the flashy variety, while also sporting expensive leopard-print furs, his speedos usually of the same variety as well. Garrett enjoys piercing his ears, often changing the style of it, and has also tattooed a cross on his neck, and a custom design across his chest.
Personality: Elasticity in the days of the Paragons was usually overlooked, his fellow Paragons outshining him in most regards- something he was fine with. Garrett, in truth, is much more powerful than he lets on, he's just always been more of a lover than a fighter. When the world ended, the party didn't. In fact, it was only just getting started. With no point to uphold a perfect image (he somehow thought wearing only speedos in public was acceptable), Elasticity practically pounded into the criminal underworld to explore a life of gambling, women, and booze. Sure, he's in debt to terrifying people. Sure, he's a bit of an ass nobody wants to hang around. Sure, he's flat broke and a nonfunctional alcoholic struggling with an addiction to meth. But who cares, right? As long as the party keeps going, Elasticity feels content. After all, the only thing he really wants is to be noticed. To be remembered. His method going about doing so is what's the problem.
Powers: Elasticity has the ability to turn his entire body (including his speedo, designed specially for him) into a type of rubber. This isn't always active, as it has to be a conscious effort. When his power is inactive, he's pretty much just an ordinary dude in terms of strength and durability. While active, however, Garrett becomes immune to almost any form of damage, able to bounce off and back from most physical attacks, a full immunity to electricity, and an insane resistance to heat. Cold is his weakness, so he tends to avoid it. He can morph and form his body in impossible ways, able to stretch miles without tiring out, turn himself into a ball or flatter than paper, can form bludgeoning weapons with his body parts, and can resist any type of pressure while his power is active, theoretically he'd be capable of resisting the gravity-tearing capabilities of a black hole. Theoretically. With this, he can also change his side, inflating to gigantic proportions, or even reducing his size to being only an inch tall. The only feasible way to actually get Garrett down in a fight is to take him with his powers inactive.
Backstory: Born to... yeah, screw that noise, right? This is my little bio backstory, right? So you get to hear how shit really went down in Elasticity town. Young little Garrett was born to a dead-beat dad and a dumb-as-shit mom. So he did what any sane punk would do and ditched their asses first chance he got. He'd always had his powers, of course, but he never knew how to use him. Some people just assumed he had melting face syndrome. He was treated like shit by everyone around him, but the day he gained control of all that weird as fuck power?
That was the day a hero was born. Handsome, cool, and wanted by everyone, he could have been anything he wanted. Instead, he decided none of them were worth that to him. They'd all treated him like a monster for so long, that when they see what he really looked like, he knew just how fake people would be. So he was fake right fucking back, you better believe it. With the charisma of a diplomat and the hots of a movie star, Garrett practically took over his school. Nobody fucked with him. By the time graduation rolled around, though, he hadn't taken the time to mature himself. So when he joined the Paragons, he was just some dumb kid out of his element. He couldn't butter up the likes of Patriot, or get the likes of Deluge to be his personal butler. Then the world ended. Should've been it, right? Wrong. Garrett went back home to find it was gone. Those fake friends, those shitty parents, his entire childhood, as much as the memories stung, were gone. Booze and boobs were what made him feel better. Then they became an addiction. Throwing money at every pair of tits can often land a man low on the totem pole of finances, but to top that off with owing debt to some bad men?
If Elasticity was any darker, maybe he'd just stick them up each other's asses and take over the goddamn world. Not like anybody could stop him, right? But nah. Despite everything, all he really wants is for people to like him. That's all he ever wanted.
Real Name: Okubo Shogo
Alias: The Serpent of Takeshi
Age/Gender: 48 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: A large man in girth and personality, Shogo-san is more than he appears. Don't get anyone who tells you wrong, he's the scum of the earth, but that doesn't mean he's disposable. Standing at 1.9 meters tall, and weighing in at 444 lbs (which usually fluctuates ten pounds in either direction), he's a bit of an intimidation to those that see him. With a double chin always covered in neck hair while the rest of his face is clean shaven, his age is beginning to show in the winkles on his face and the greys on his scalp. Shogo-san enjoys to appear casual and unassuming to get the jump on his foes, sporting flashy clothing, usually a Hawaiian shirt left unbuttoned to expose his rotund figure, shorts, and sandals on his feet. When it gets cold out, he wears a large and heavy fur coat that makes him appear almost double in size, carved from the corpse of a massive Tiger he personally bred. Its beautiful pelt has been ruined, dyed to look green to match his title within the Takeshi Family. Always with a shit-eating grin, it's almost impossible not to want to punch this guy- but he's in the good graces of those above and below him, so the Family gives him a pass.
Personality: An asshole is one way to describe Shogo-san. A maniac with an insatiable bloodlust is another. What not many know is that he's more loyal than a starving hound dog, and would give his life for the Takeshi Family, whom he has dedicated his entire existence to. Shogo-san is cocky and erratic, with a tendency to lash out at those who annoy him, especially if they talk shit about the Family. He's conniving and manipulative, always looking to turn any situation in his favor, and he's insanely charismatic. Impossibly so, some would even say. He'll spit in your face just as soon as look at you, and god forbid if you interrupt his golfing. He can usually be found at clubs, drinking the nights away and taking girls out back after slipping them a few thousand yen. He's barbaric, disgusting, cruel, yet always thinking ahead. While he can fight, and fight well, Shogo-san elects to fight from the shadows and allow others to do his bidding.
Powers: Bio-electric Manipulation: This power can often be vague and confusing. Shogo-san is capable of manipulating electrical currents within biological beings. He can manipulate your nervous system, give you total organ failure. He can stop your heart or restart it with the snap of his fingers. He can shut your brain off and turn you into a literally walking zombie, his own personal slave. Alongside that, he can deliver powerful electric shocks when making physical contact with other living beings, and can even transmit or manipulate the thoughts of others. He can turn brothers against each other in a bloody and brutal brawl to the grave. The only reason he rarely uses his powers is due to his fierce mentality of "fairness" and "honor". To defend the honor of the Takeshi Family, Shogo-san will go to great lengths to not so much as use any of his various and deadly abilities. As powerful as he is, this is an obvious and exploitable weakness, as honor is the only thing he cares for that rivals the Family itself.
Backstory: Shogo-san will tell anyone that his life before the yakuza wasn't a life worth living. That's all anyone really knows about him outside of the time he joined. Ever since, he's been incredibly loyal, and always aiming to climb the ranks. While he could use his powers to overthrow his Patriarch with a whisper, he does not. His respect and love for the man is far too great, but his enjoyment of playing the game itself keeps him out of trouble. He's risen the ranks to become a lieutenant through natural means, never once cheating along the way. He says he joined the yakuza because he likes punching idiots. He says he stayed for the Family.
Alias: The Serpent of Takeshi
Age/Gender: 48 / Male
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: A large man in girth and personality, Shogo-san is more than he appears. Don't get anyone who tells you wrong, he's the scum of the earth, but that doesn't mean he's disposable. Standing at 1.9 meters tall, and weighing in at 444 lbs (which usually fluctuates ten pounds in either direction), he's a bit of an intimidation to those that see him. With a double chin always covered in neck hair while the rest of his face is clean shaven, his age is beginning to show in the winkles on his face and the greys on his scalp. Shogo-san enjoys to appear casual and unassuming to get the jump on his foes, sporting flashy clothing, usually a Hawaiian shirt left unbuttoned to expose his rotund figure, shorts, and sandals on his feet. When it gets cold out, he wears a large and heavy fur coat that makes him appear almost double in size, carved from the corpse of a massive Tiger he personally bred. Its beautiful pelt has been ruined, dyed to look green to match his title within the Takeshi Family. Always with a shit-eating grin, it's almost impossible not to want to punch this guy- but he's in the good graces of those above and below him, so the Family gives him a pass.
Personality: An asshole is one way to describe Shogo-san. A maniac with an insatiable bloodlust is another. What not many know is that he's more loyal than a starving hound dog, and would give his life for the Takeshi Family, whom he has dedicated his entire existence to. Shogo-san is cocky and erratic, with a tendency to lash out at those who annoy him, especially if they talk shit about the Family. He's conniving and manipulative, always looking to turn any situation in his favor, and he's insanely charismatic. Impossibly so, some would even say. He'll spit in your face just as soon as look at you, and god forbid if you interrupt his golfing. He can usually be found at clubs, drinking the nights away and taking girls out back after slipping them a few thousand yen. He's barbaric, disgusting, cruel, yet always thinking ahead. While he can fight, and fight well, Shogo-san elects to fight from the shadows and allow others to do his bidding.
Powers: Bio-electric Manipulation: This power can often be vague and confusing. Shogo-san is capable of manipulating electrical currents within biological beings. He can manipulate your nervous system, give you total organ failure. He can stop your heart or restart it with the snap of his fingers. He can shut your brain off and turn you into a literally walking zombie, his own personal slave. Alongside that, he can deliver powerful electric shocks when making physical contact with other living beings, and can even transmit or manipulate the thoughts of others. He can turn brothers against each other in a bloody and brutal brawl to the grave. The only reason he rarely uses his powers is due to his fierce mentality of "fairness" and "honor". To defend the honor of the Takeshi Family, Shogo-san will go to great lengths to not so much as use any of his various and deadly abilities. As powerful as he is, this is an obvious and exploitable weakness, as honor is the only thing he cares for that rivals the Family itself.
Backstory: Shogo-san will tell anyone that his life before the yakuza wasn't a life worth living. That's all anyone really knows about him outside of the time he joined. Ever since, he's been incredibly loyal, and always aiming to climb the ranks. While he could use his powers to overthrow his Patriarch with a whisper, he does not. His respect and love for the man is far too great, but his enjoyment of playing the game itself keeps him out of trouble. He's risen the ranks to become a lieutenant through natural means, never once cheating along the way. He says he joined the yakuza because he likes punching idiots. He says he stayed for the Family.
Real Name: Drake Lanthorn
Alias: Crosshair
Age/Gender: 45
Race: Human
Appearance: Crosshair wears a black leather jacket, with a large red crosshair on the back. He wears combat boots and camo cargo pants, and underneath the jacket wears a vest that doubles as a ballistics vest and a stabproof vest. He stands about 6'1", and is very well built. He has scruffy black hair, and hazel eyes. He looks a little beat up, pretty much all the time. He carries quite a few pistols on him, as well as a knife and some assorted weapons in his jacket. Often carries around a large black duffel bag.
Personality: Crosshair is more of the quiet type. He doesn't talk much, and prefers to get the job done. When he focuses on a target, he goes after it with whatever he's got at his disposal. Is fond of lottery tickets, and drinks a little. He's not afraid to go outside the law, but knows how far he can stretch it without getting in trouble. It's clear he's gone through some crazy stuff. Crosshair isn't really that mainstream of a hero, preferring to work from the shadows. Not a fan of young heroes.
Powers: Super Luck - His power isn't really obvious at all, since he doesn't glow or anything when lucky things happen. Lucky things just happen. He can't really command lucky things to happen either. They just happen. He has figured out how to trigger it though. But his power is so subtle that most of the time people think that Crosshair doesn't have a power at all. Or if he does, it's something like a slight metalbending power or bullet-time power or something.
Backstory: Drake grew up being best friends with these kids that eventually gained superpowers. He would help them to fight crime in the city, but since he believed he didn't have powers, there wasn't much he could do. One day, those friends with powers Drake had vanished right in front of him. Drake was now pretty much alone, having ran away from home to help his friends and his friends now disappearing. But superpowered bad guys were still out there. So Drake went out and began to train himself in martial arts and guns. He always had a knack for firearms, ever since he was a kid and almost qualified for the junior Olympics for pistol. Eventually, Drake figured out he had powers, and devoted his life to fighting crime. That is his full time job. He currently lives from place to place, having small hidden bases. He makes his money busting things like drug operations and smuggling rings, getting money from that. He also gets money from winning small scratch-off lottery tickets. Nothing too big, as to not draw attention to himself. But enough to get by.
He has spent the last few years sneaking about, helping those in need, especially younger superhumans.
Shuzo - Ally
Ansel - Ally
Lady in Black - Archnemsis
Charles Warren - Grade A jerk, fights against his forces to help younger superhumans.
Alias: Crosshair
Age/Gender: 45
Race: Human
Appearance: Crosshair wears a black leather jacket, with a large red crosshair on the back. He wears combat boots and camo cargo pants, and underneath the jacket wears a vest that doubles as a ballistics vest and a stabproof vest. He stands about 6'1", and is very well built. He has scruffy black hair, and hazel eyes. He looks a little beat up, pretty much all the time. He carries quite a few pistols on him, as well as a knife and some assorted weapons in his jacket. Often carries around a large black duffel bag.
Personality: Crosshair is more of the quiet type. He doesn't talk much, and prefers to get the job done. When he focuses on a target, he goes after it with whatever he's got at his disposal. Is fond of lottery tickets, and drinks a little. He's not afraid to go outside the law, but knows how far he can stretch it without getting in trouble. It's clear he's gone through some crazy stuff. Crosshair isn't really that mainstream of a hero, preferring to work from the shadows. Not a fan of young heroes.
Powers: Super Luck - His power isn't really obvious at all, since he doesn't glow or anything when lucky things happen. Lucky things just happen. He can't really command lucky things to happen either. They just happen. He has figured out how to trigger it though. But his power is so subtle that most of the time people think that Crosshair doesn't have a power at all. Or if he does, it's something like a slight metalbending power or bullet-time power or something.
Backstory: Drake grew up being best friends with these kids that eventually gained superpowers. He would help them to fight crime in the city, but since he believed he didn't have powers, there wasn't much he could do. One day, those friends with powers Drake had vanished right in front of him. Drake was now pretty much alone, having ran away from home to help his friends and his friends now disappearing. But superpowered bad guys were still out there. So Drake went out and began to train himself in martial arts and guns. He always had a knack for firearms, ever since he was a kid and almost qualified for the junior Olympics for pistol. Eventually, Drake figured out he had powers, and devoted his life to fighting crime. That is his full time job. He currently lives from place to place, having small hidden bases. He makes his money busting things like drug operations and smuggling rings, getting money from that. He also gets money from winning small scratch-off lottery tickets. Nothing too big, as to not draw attention to himself. But enough to get by.
He has spent the last few years sneaking about, helping those in need, especially younger superhumans.
Shuzo - Ally
Ansel - Ally
Lady in Black - Archnemsis
Charles Warren - Grade A jerk, fights against his forces to help younger superhumans.
Real Name: ???
Alias: Lady in Black
Age/Gender: Technically 38 year old/Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Lady has long black hair that comes down to the middle of her back. She stands at 5'6" and weighs in at 170 lbs. She has many different clothes she wears for various situations, but when talking business or going on missions, she'll usually wear a black, shiny skintight bodysuit and black high heels. As her name suggests, she tends to dress in black. She also wears black wraparound sunglasses. Lady usually carries a pair of pistols on her, as well as various weapons. Although she is in her late thirties, she appears to still be in here early thirties.
Personality: Lady is very charismatic. She likes money, and obtaining more of it is the primary reason she does what she does. She does have a bit of an honor code, or so she says. Lady always has a plan, and a backup plan, and a backup plan for that backup plan. She can be very careful at times, but that's the main reason she's still free and not in prison right now.
Powers: As mentioned above, Lady does not have any superpowers. However, she does have a certain set of skills that help her for her job. For one, she's a master of disguise. Lady is also a very skilled fighter, trained in various martial arts and various weapons. She's also rather intelligent, always having a backup plan. Lady is incredibly athletic and agile as well from constant training. I guess she does have one power now. In one of her missions, she stole a strange compound that had the ability to slow a person's aging.
Backstory: People hire her for sneaky things, such as assassinations, espionage, and stealing things. She tends to keep her distance from superheroes, know that she would be at a bit of a disadvantage should she come to blows with them. There's not much known about her life before she began her life of crime...
Being the resourceful person she is, Lady survived the Herald attack. She's been spending the past years making plans, working any job that paid much, and collecting lots of money to achieve a goal...
Necrodytis - Bestie
Crosshair - Archnemsis
Alias: Lady in Black
Age/Gender: Technically 38 year old/Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Lady has long black hair that comes down to the middle of her back. She stands at 5'6" and weighs in at 170 lbs. She has many different clothes she wears for various situations, but when talking business or going on missions, she'll usually wear a black, shiny skintight bodysuit and black high heels. As her name suggests, she tends to dress in black. She also wears black wraparound sunglasses. Lady usually carries a pair of pistols on her, as well as various weapons. Although she is in her late thirties, she appears to still be in here early thirties.
Personality: Lady is very charismatic. She likes money, and obtaining more of it is the primary reason she does what she does. She does have a bit of an honor code, or so she says. Lady always has a plan, and a backup plan, and a backup plan for that backup plan. She can be very careful at times, but that's the main reason she's still free and not in prison right now.
Powers: As mentioned above, Lady does not have any superpowers. However, she does have a certain set of skills that help her for her job. For one, she's a master of disguise. Lady is also a very skilled fighter, trained in various martial arts and various weapons. She's also rather intelligent, always having a backup plan. Lady is incredibly athletic and agile as well from constant training. I guess she does have one power now. In one of her missions, she stole a strange compound that had the ability to slow a person's aging.
Backstory: People hire her for sneaky things, such as assassinations, espionage, and stealing things. She tends to keep her distance from superheroes, know that she would be at a bit of a disadvantage should she come to blows with them. There's not much known about her life before she began her life of crime...
Being the resourceful person she is, Lady survived the Herald attack. She's been spending the past years making plans, working any job that paid much, and collecting lots of money to achieve a goal...
Necrodytis - Bestie
Crosshair - Archnemsis
Real Name: Kerco Kovich
Alias: The Forgotten/Aroto
Age/Gender: ??? Male
Race: Human
Alignment: True neutral
Personality: Very fluid and pleasant, knows his way around people and very hard to get visibly mad.
Flaws: Other than training, he has no physical defense.
Ageless: His cells regenerate fast enough to counteract the deterioration of his body, but not to give super healing
Erasure: The ability to immediately wipe the memory of an interaction afterwards, as soon as he leaves the sight of the individual he can chose what to erase and what to leave. The memories are completely gone.
Amnesia: This ability is harder for him to do, though he can spend a bit of time to completely erase the memory of himself from someones head
Low Imprint: Due to a device on him, cameras, audio recorders, and any other recorder can not pick him up if he does not want them to, and mixed with his powers, he can erase himself from records.
Backstory: Since the rise of superheros, Kerco has somewhat resented them, many thinking of them as gods, although really they had just grown out of control, like weeds. He intended to cut back those weeds, one way or another, giving control of the world back to those who have none of the advantages supers have been graced with. During the beginning of the fight of the Heralds, he was in business with a technological super, gaining a device that allows him to pass by technology undetected, he lost destiny in the collapse of New York, a good portion of his ring collapsed. He meet Rose after the defeat of the Heralds. He kept quiet about his history, instead working to build a community, one city at a time, with a cigar by New York to live in while the work is being done.
Other: The device Kerco uses to avoid cameras was made to attach to his face, though an incident burned it to his face, making it permanently a part of him, though no one knows about the device, as it’s creator died and he never shared, so no one knows that the metal on his face does what it does. It’s on the right side of his face, goes around(Not all the way around) his eye, and stays right if his mouth down to his chin.
Alias: The Forgotten/Aroto
Age/Gender: ??? Male
Race: Human
Alignment: True neutral
Personality: Very fluid and pleasant, knows his way around people and very hard to get visibly mad.
Flaws: Other than training, he has no physical defense.
Ageless: His cells regenerate fast enough to counteract the deterioration of his body, but not to give super healing
Erasure: The ability to immediately wipe the memory of an interaction afterwards, as soon as he leaves the sight of the individual he can chose what to erase and what to leave. The memories are completely gone.
Amnesia: This ability is harder for him to do, though he can spend a bit of time to completely erase the memory of himself from someones head
Low Imprint: Due to a device on him, cameras, audio recorders, and any other recorder can not pick him up if he does not want them to, and mixed with his powers, he can erase himself from records.
Backstory: Since the rise of superheros, Kerco has somewhat resented them, many thinking of them as gods, although really they had just grown out of control, like weeds. He intended to cut back those weeds, one way or another, giving control of the world back to those who have none of the advantages supers have been graced with. During the beginning of the fight of the Heralds, he was in business with a technological super, gaining a device that allows him to pass by technology undetected, he lost destiny in the collapse of New York, a good portion of his ring collapsed. He meet Rose after the defeat of the Heralds. He kept quiet about his history, instead working to build a community, one city at a time, with a cigar by New York to live in while the work is being done.
Other: The device Kerco uses to avoid cameras was made to attach to his face, though an incident burned it to his face, making it permanently a part of him, though no one knows about the device, as it’s creator died and he never shared, so no one knows that the metal on his face does what it does. It’s on the right side of his face, goes around(Not all the way around) his eye, and stays right if his mouth down to his chin.
Real Name: Lilian Donaven
Alias: Currently none (Though she has been called many thing, though rarely her name)
Age/Gender: Female. While she has been around for countless years, she has been asleep for most of it, she has experienced around 350 years of fully awake life, she has been semi-conscious for many hundred years. She would physically be 16-21.
Race: Human/Amulet
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Can I develop this in the RP? (Admin Note: Sure lol go ahead)
Flaws: Always bound to a Master, unable to wander far, limiting her in many ways.
Powers: She is permanently bound to an indestructible amulet, effectively making her immortal. Though she can be wounded, she can simply retreat into the jewelry to heal. She has the ability to store a great amount of smaller items in her living space (The necklace). She has the capability to use the amulet as a living space to do things such as cook, or sleep. She has trained to fight, cook, clean, bodyguard, and read and wright many languages. She can not leave a radius around her Master(Whoever wears the amulet) of 20 yards, forcing her to stay and care for whoever has her amulet.
Backstory: Lilian was a young lady, growing up in England, when she was forced into a ceremony, a spell cast upon her as a present to their leader. The cult was shortly thereafter raided and destroyed, her being one of the thing to be left as simple loot from the organization, not really aware of what happened outside of her prison without a master, only getting to glance the outside world so little, she was eventually gone down a chain, being bought by a rich noble, who found out and learned about her, greatly delighted in the new servant. Passed down as an air loom for four generations, a fairly well kept secret, her wearer died with no airs, though the name lived on through siblings, she had been unknown, afterwards being donated to a museum, where she sat, polished every so often. After being owned by Charles Warren for a while, her and CL-9 ran away, and Lilian could not save her, barely managing to snatch up her body as she vanished, her necklace falling into the rubble.
Alias: Currently none (Though she has been called many thing, though rarely her name)
Age/Gender: Female. While she has been around for countless years, she has been asleep for most of it, she has experienced around 350 years of fully awake life, she has been semi-conscious for many hundred years. She would physically be 16-21.
Race: Human/Amulet
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Can I develop this in the RP? (Admin Note: Sure lol go ahead)
Flaws: Always bound to a Master, unable to wander far, limiting her in many ways.
Powers: She is permanently bound to an indestructible amulet, effectively making her immortal. Though she can be wounded, she can simply retreat into the jewelry to heal. She has the ability to store a great amount of smaller items in her living space (The necklace). She has the capability to use the amulet as a living space to do things such as cook, or sleep. She has trained to fight, cook, clean, bodyguard, and read and wright many languages. She can not leave a radius around her Master(Whoever wears the amulet) of 20 yards, forcing her to stay and care for whoever has her amulet.
Backstory: Lilian was a young lady, growing up in England, when she was forced into a ceremony, a spell cast upon her as a present to their leader. The cult was shortly thereafter raided and destroyed, her being one of the thing to be left as simple loot from the organization, not really aware of what happened outside of her prison without a master, only getting to glance the outside world so little, she was eventually gone down a chain, being bought by a rich noble, who found out and learned about her, greatly delighted in the new servant. Passed down as an air loom for four generations, a fairly well kept secret, her wearer died with no airs, though the name lived on through siblings, she had been unknown, afterwards being donated to a museum, where she sat, polished every so often. After being owned by Charles Warren for a while, her and CL-9 ran away, and Lilian could not save her, barely managing to snatch up her body as she vanished, her necklace falling into the rubble.
Real Name: Scath Terrain
Alias: The Dark Fairy
Race: Half Fae/Herald
Age/Gender: Female, 1,553 years
Alignment: Chaotic/(Neutral/Evil)
Personality: I'd like to develop it in RP please (Admin Note: Sweet)
Illusionary: She is capable of creating semi real illusions, able to be touched, but not hard enough to really stop much of anything. She can create the shape of a large amount and size at once, but she struggles to put an colors to it, the default being black, the only easy color being dark red.
Superstrength: Scath has strength far exceeding that of all humans and most supers(obviously excluding those like Patriot)
Animation: Scath is capable of animating the shadow of objects, animals, and people, the shadow capable of doing anything the real deal could do(Though any non-physical ability will have to be supplied energy by Scath)(The strength of the shadow mirrors her own). These shadows can follow instructions, but do much better if directly puppeted by Scath.
Corruption: Scath is able to corrupt an object or person if she remains in contact for them long enough, either inverting their behavior(Good to Evil, and evil remains evil, but different), or changing how the object interacts with things, creatures affected will not be under her complete control, but generally act in her favor. The more 'pure' something is, the longer it takes.
Projection: Scath is able to make her voice come from somewhere she is not.
Hide: Scath is capable of blending perfectly with shadows, allowing her to perfectly hidden.
Backstory: Umbra is the daughter of Luna, born in the fay woods, tainted by the mixture of the power of the herald and fay mixing. She was raised among the Fae, taught to hate humanity and love the Fae, often even sent on missions to attack humans. After a long time, he grew her own impression of humanity and nature, though she keeps it to himself, living the way his mother set for her, for now. Although tainted, she is still liked by the others in the fae wilds, everyone thinking that she has completely overcome the preverbal darkness he was born with. She attempted to join the invaders, as his grandchild, though was rejected, and proceeded to work against him, being a large factor in his demise. After the defeat of herald, she was the last at the site of the battle, honestly deeply sad she was rejected by the cosmic force. She went back to the Fae, their new leader. She now works to try and strengthen the Fae, and work around that infernal iron weakness.
Other: Her actual body is actually pretty small, very large for a fairy, but still not big standing next to a human, though her mastery of abilities allows her to extend her Strength and corruption into a small illusion, as long as shes inside the illusion. She will often surround herself with a dark humanoid.
Alias: The Dark Fairy
Race: Half Fae/Herald
Age/Gender: Female, 1,553 years
Alignment: Chaotic/(Neutral/Evil)
Personality: I'd like to develop it in RP please (Admin Note: Sweet)
Illusionary: She is capable of creating semi real illusions, able to be touched, but not hard enough to really stop much of anything. She can create the shape of a large amount and size at once, but she struggles to put an colors to it, the default being black, the only easy color being dark red.
Superstrength: Scath has strength far exceeding that of all humans and most supers(obviously excluding those like Patriot)
Animation: Scath is capable of animating the shadow of objects, animals, and people, the shadow capable of doing anything the real deal could do(Though any non-physical ability will have to be supplied energy by Scath)(The strength of the shadow mirrors her own). These shadows can follow instructions, but do much better if directly puppeted by Scath.
Corruption: Scath is able to corrupt an object or person if she remains in contact for them long enough, either inverting their behavior(Good to Evil, and evil remains evil, but different), or changing how the object interacts with things, creatures affected will not be under her complete control, but generally act in her favor. The more 'pure' something is, the longer it takes.
Projection: Scath is able to make her voice come from somewhere she is not.
Hide: Scath is capable of blending perfectly with shadows, allowing her to perfectly hidden.
Backstory: Umbra is the daughter of Luna, born in the fay woods, tainted by the mixture of the power of the herald and fay mixing. She was raised among the Fae, taught to hate humanity and love the Fae, often even sent on missions to attack humans. After a long time, he grew her own impression of humanity and nature, though she keeps it to himself, living the way his mother set for her, for now. Although tainted, she is still liked by the others in the fae wilds, everyone thinking that she has completely overcome the preverbal darkness he was born with. She attempted to join the invaders, as his grandchild, though was rejected, and proceeded to work against him, being a large factor in his demise. After the defeat of herald, she was the last at the site of the battle, honestly deeply sad she was rejected by the cosmic force. She went back to the Fae, their new leader. She now works to try and strengthen the Fae, and work around that infernal iron weakness.
Other: Her actual body is actually pretty small, very large for a fairy, but still not big standing next to a human, though her mastery of abilities allows her to extend her Strength and corruption into a small illusion, as long as shes inside the illusion. She will often surround herself with a dark humanoid.
Real Name: John Jacob Jiggleheimer Schmit
Alias: Invisible man/(That’s my name too)
Age/Gender: Male 37
Race: Human
Alignment: N
Flaws: An outcast from society/ always invisible
Powers: He is always invisible(Though not his clothes), in addition, he has the ability to create solid objects, only he can interact with them however. His skin is super tuff, to the point he could take a bullet or stabbing
Backstory: TBD
Alias: Invisible man/(That’s my name too)
Age/Gender: Male 37
Race: Human
Alignment: N
Flaws: An outcast from society/ always invisible
Powers: He is always invisible(Though not his clothes), in addition, he has the ability to create solid objects, only he can interact with them however. His skin is super tuff, to the point he could take a bullet or stabbing
Backstory: TBD
Real Name: Continuum Dwight
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 32 Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She is around 5’ 9”, has slightly pale skin and brown eyes. She has long black hair and a sharp intelligent gaze.
Personality: She is capable of relaxing when she believes it’s time for it, but when it’s not time she is rather short and impatient, down to business.
Powers: N/A
Backstory: Dr. Chrome's #1 assistant, she was with him in his final moments. She inherited the laboratory after his untimely demise, majorly upgrading the lab. Due to how far out of the way it is, the laboratory was less effected than most of the world. She runs a community of scientists and super humans, working to get away from the destruction of the earth.
Relationships: Dr. Chrome, somewhat accounted with Charles Warren, though not as well as Dr. Chrome would have liked
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 32 Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She is around 5’ 9”, has slightly pale skin and brown eyes. She has long black hair and a sharp intelligent gaze.
Personality: She is capable of relaxing when she believes it’s time for it, but when it’s not time she is rather short and impatient, down to business.
Powers: N/A
Backstory: Dr. Chrome's #1 assistant, she was with him in his final moments. She inherited the laboratory after his untimely demise, majorly upgrading the lab. Due to how far out of the way it is, the laboratory was less effected than most of the world. She runs a community of scientists and super humans, working to get away from the destruction of the earth.
Relationships: Dr. Chrome, somewhat accounted with Charles Warren, though not as well as Dr. Chrome would have liked
Real Name: Rose Nala
Alias: Peaceable
Age/Gender: 35 Female
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Rose is around 5' 11", with amber eyes and long straight red hair. She has fox like ears and tail, though other than that looks like a human.
Personality: Rose is kind and compassionate, a sort of motherly figure.
Empath: Rose has the ability to sense people's emotions.
Pathokinesis: Rose is capable of emotional manipulation, whether that be to induce emotion, increase emotions, or reduce/dull emotions.
Bottled Emotions: Rose can take a person's emotional core (Basically where that emotions come from in their mind/soul), and trap it in a bottle, while it is in the bottle, that person can not experience that emotion/emotions. Drinking the emotions from the bottle would be the most direct way to get it back, though if the bottle is open, the person will slowly regain the emotion/emotion. The most extreme form of this is completely draining someone of emotion, only leaving them with whatever goals they had beforehand. She can use these emotions as a sort of power source for attacks/emotion spells/magic, but this releases the emotions as she uses it.
Backstory: Rose's father was sick when she was young, she helped her dad by taking on two jobs and sending time with him, he passed away shortly before the apocalypse, she made her way into the country, spending time away, well, mostly away from the destruction. After the heralds were gone she made her way back, where she meet Kerco, solemnly standing over the city on a pile of rubble. They eventually worked together to form a group of survivors, trying to work towards a proper civilization, as Warren seemed to have no real care of them other than him being in charge.
Relationships: Kerco, co-leader of Refuge, and good friend.
Alias: Peaceable
Age/Gender: 35 Female
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Rose is around 5' 11", with amber eyes and long straight red hair. She has fox like ears and tail, though other than that looks like a human.
Personality: Rose is kind and compassionate, a sort of motherly figure.
Empath: Rose has the ability to sense people's emotions.
Pathokinesis: Rose is capable of emotional manipulation, whether that be to induce emotion, increase emotions, or reduce/dull emotions.
Bottled Emotions: Rose can take a person's emotional core (Basically where that emotions come from in their mind/soul), and trap it in a bottle, while it is in the bottle, that person can not experience that emotion/emotions. Drinking the emotions from the bottle would be the most direct way to get it back, though if the bottle is open, the person will slowly regain the emotion/emotion. The most extreme form of this is completely draining someone of emotion, only leaving them with whatever goals they had beforehand. She can use these emotions as a sort of power source for attacks/emotion spells/magic, but this releases the emotions as she uses it.
Backstory: Rose's father was sick when she was young, she helped her dad by taking on two jobs and sending time with him, he passed away shortly before the apocalypse, she made her way into the country, spending time away, well, mostly away from the destruction. After the heralds were gone she made her way back, where she meet Kerco, solemnly standing over the city on a pile of rubble. They eventually worked together to form a group of survivors, trying to work towards a proper civilization, as Warren seemed to have no real care of them other than him being in charge.
Relationships: Kerco, co-leader of Refuge, and good friend.
Real Name: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie
Alias: Maddie
Age/Gender: (Placeholder)/N/A
Race: Virus
Appearance: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie has no physical appearance
Personality: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie has an inquisitive nature, wanting to explore and discover.
Backstory: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was originally coded by Warren industries as a virus to go and steal/monitor other people programs and projects. It was sent on many missions, often resetting it to make sure it did not grow to large(Although they made it very difficult to delete, they made it). One fateful day, M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was sent to Dr. Chrome/Continuum Dwights laboratory, where it encountered a codified version of the super gene. It copied the gene into itself, causing the virus and gene to mix, enhancing its old abilities and granting it new ones. M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie glitched in that moment, losing the protocol to return to the database of Warren industries, causing it to wander at random until it found something.
Warren: Creator
Ignizio: Gene donor
Sister (Not super or enhanced like her): M10!$a67;&D99d//775y
Alias: Maddie
Age/Gender: (Placeholder)/N/A
Race: Virus
Appearance: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie has no physical appearance
Personality: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie has an inquisitive nature, wanting to explore and discover.
Viral - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is a very advanced virus, able to break through basically any firewall she comes across, and take over any device she is on. She is able to travel through the internet. She can only exist on a devise big enough for her, unless it is attached to the internet.
Incorporation - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of taking the code of any device she is on, and incorporating it into herself, at the cost of increasing her size, though the increase is still less than the original code.
Permanency - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie Cannot be deleted, this has the consequence of never being able to abandon a incorporated program once she obtains it, except if she were to go back to her backup.(This includes her old creators now that she is enhanced)
Super algorithm - If M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was able to get in the possession of a supers DNA to analyze, she could determine that supers powerset(As little as a few seconds). Non herald super genes would take even longer(A few days), and other powers would take WAY longer(as little as a week, up to a year on optimal computing ability).
Backup - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of leaving a copy of herself on a device, though the copy is incomplete and cannot do anything. If she somehow were to die, she would immediately reincarnate in her duplicates place. (Or if she chooses to)(The copy can be deleted)
Leap - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of jumping from the device she is on, to any device within a three meter radius.
Basic inputs - Even without input devices attached to her, she can hear her surrounding, and see them if provided a screen.(Though she cannot create outputs without corresponding devises)
Incorporation - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of taking the code of any device she is on, and incorporating it into herself, at the cost of increasing her size, though the increase is still less than the original code.
Permanency - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie Cannot be deleted, this has the consequence of never being able to abandon a incorporated program once she obtains it, except if she were to go back to her backup.(This includes her old creators now that she is enhanced)
Super algorithm - If M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was able to get in the possession of a supers DNA to analyze, she could determine that supers powerset(As little as a few seconds). Non herald super genes would take even longer(A few days), and other powers would take WAY longer(as little as a week, up to a year on optimal computing ability).
Backup - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of leaving a copy of herself on a device, though the copy is incomplete and cannot do anything. If she somehow were to die, she would immediately reincarnate in her duplicates place. (Or if she chooses to)(The copy can be deleted)
Leap - M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie is capable of jumping from the device she is on, to any device within a three meter radius.
Basic inputs - Even without input devices attached to her, she can hear her surrounding, and see them if provided a screen.(Though she cannot create outputs without corresponding devises)
Backstory: M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was originally coded by Warren industries as a virus to go and steal/monitor other people programs and projects. It was sent on many missions, often resetting it to make sure it did not grow to large(Although they made it very difficult to delete, they made it). One fateful day, M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie was sent to Dr. Chrome/Continuum Dwights laboratory, where it encountered a codified version of the super gene. It copied the gene into itself, causing the virus and gene to mix, enhancing its old abilities and granting it new ones. M10!$a67;&D99d//775ie glitched in that moment, losing the protocol to return to the database of Warren industries, causing it to wander at random until it found something.
Warren: Creator
Ignizio: Gene donor
Sister (Not super or enhanced like her): M10!$a67;&D99d//775y
Real Name: Forsythe "Four" Carter
Alias: Infinity
Age/Gender: 2732 (looks about 20)/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Four is a kind hearted and generous person. He would do anything to serve justice, even kill. He is a competent singer and a decent artist and he hates people who abuse their power and he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Flaws: He has a weakness to lead that causes his physical traits to become weaker. Also he can be killed if enough damage ect is done he just comes back after.
Powers: Four has immortality and super human abilities. His immortality means that he doesn't age and technically can't die, when he dies, his body goes through a process of repair that takes five minutes and then he is alive again. Super human abilities means that he has super speed, strength, reflexes, healing and so on. Basically he is about one level below Patriot in terms of physical prowess.
Backstory: Four used to always want to do what was right. So when he manifested incredible abilities he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He began to fight crime wherever he found it of course it was easier to do back before technology was invented and his methods were almost the expected way to deal with crimes. But as the years went on people became less fond of his methods as he tended to kill any serious criminals but eventually his popularity grew again and people stopped caring what he did. His years of experience meant it wasn't hard for him to become a Paragon. Then the world practically ended and he became less of a public figure after the fall of the Paragons.
Alias: Infinity
Age/Gender: 2732 (looks about 20)/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Four is a kind hearted and generous person. He would do anything to serve justice, even kill. He is a competent singer and a decent artist and he hates people who abuse their power and he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Flaws: He has a weakness to lead that causes his physical traits to become weaker. Also he can be killed if enough damage ect is done he just comes back after.
Powers: Four has immortality and super human abilities. His immortality means that he doesn't age and technically can't die, when he dies, his body goes through a process of repair that takes five minutes and then he is alive again. Super human abilities means that he has super speed, strength, reflexes, healing and so on. Basically he is about one level below Patriot in terms of physical prowess.
Backstory: Four used to always want to do what was right. So when he manifested incredible abilities he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He began to fight crime wherever he found it of course it was easier to do back before technology was invented and his methods were almost the expected way to deal with crimes. But as the years went on people became less fond of his methods as he tended to kill any serious criminals but eventually his popularity grew again and people stopped caring what he did. His years of experience meant it wasn't hard for him to become a Paragon. Then the world practically ended and he became less of a public figure after the fall of the Paragons.
Real Name: Elias "Eli" Parker
Alias: The Creature
Age/Gender: 18/Male
Race: Werewolf - Vampire Hybrid
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Eli is incredibly caring and trusting to the point that he can point his own safety on the line. He cares deeply about his sister and fears what people will think of the two of them. He loves to sketch and carries a note pad with him to doddle people's faces. He has an irrational fear of chickens.
Flaws: Eli burns in the sun unless wearing an enchanted ring. He is also weakened by garlic, religious symbols, wolfsbane and high pitch frequencies. He becomes uncontrollably frenzied during the full moon.
Powers: All the powers of a vampire while in humanoid form (Speed, Strength, Regeneration and Minor Mind Control) combined with werewolf bonuses (Enhanced senses particularly hearing and smell). He can still do a form of were transformation where he becomes a hairless black wolf like creature with large claws and fangs with a big pair of bat style wings.
Real Name: Maisy "Mai" Parker
Alias: The Hound
Age/Gender: 18/Female
Race: Werewolf
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Mai is far more cautious and cunning than her twin and is a brave and loyal person to anyone she calls friend. She loves to sing and hates bugs.
Flaws: She is weakened by wolfsbane and high pitch frequencies. Like most werewolves the full moon strives to drive her to a frenzy but she has far better control during a full moon than her brother.
Powers: Enhanced senses, strength and speed. Slightly faster than average healing but nowhere near as fast as a vampire or an immortal. She can also transform into a slightly larger than average wolf at will but during a full moon this transformation becomes that of the humanoid bipedal werewolves.
Joint Backstory: Born into a werewolf pack in the wilderness Elias and Maisy had very rural upbringings. However on their 10 birthday their pack was attacked by a group of vampires that slaughtered their pack. The twins managed to hide and trap the vampires until the sun came up and obliterated them. Elias ended up bitten by one of the vampires and kept it a secret from his sister due to a vampire bite usually being a death sentence for a werewolf and vice versa. Yet when he didn't die he discovered that he had somehow developed into a hybrid and after consorting with this sister the two worked tirelessly to get stronger while also working on Elias' new found hunger. The two moved to New York shortly after the disasters and continued to train and live as normal a life as too supernatural teens can.
Alias: The Creature
Age/Gender: 18/Male
Race: Werewolf - Vampire Hybrid
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Eli is incredibly caring and trusting to the point that he can point his own safety on the line. He cares deeply about his sister and fears what people will think of the two of them. He loves to sketch and carries a note pad with him to doddle people's faces. He has an irrational fear of chickens.
Flaws: Eli burns in the sun unless wearing an enchanted ring. He is also weakened by garlic, religious symbols, wolfsbane and high pitch frequencies. He becomes uncontrollably frenzied during the full moon.
Powers: All the powers of a vampire while in humanoid form (Speed, Strength, Regeneration and Minor Mind Control) combined with werewolf bonuses (Enhanced senses particularly hearing and smell). He can still do a form of were transformation where he becomes a hairless black wolf like creature with large claws and fangs with a big pair of bat style wings.
Real Name: Maisy "Mai" Parker
Alias: The Hound
Age/Gender: 18/Female
Race: Werewolf
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Mai is far more cautious and cunning than her twin and is a brave and loyal person to anyone she calls friend. She loves to sing and hates bugs.
Flaws: She is weakened by wolfsbane and high pitch frequencies. Like most werewolves the full moon strives to drive her to a frenzy but she has far better control during a full moon than her brother.
Powers: Enhanced senses, strength and speed. Slightly faster than average healing but nowhere near as fast as a vampire or an immortal. She can also transform into a slightly larger than average wolf at will but during a full moon this transformation becomes that of the humanoid bipedal werewolves.
Joint Backstory: Born into a werewolf pack in the wilderness Elias and Maisy had very rural upbringings. However on their 10 birthday their pack was attacked by a group of vampires that slaughtered their pack. The twins managed to hide and trap the vampires until the sun came up and obliterated them. Elias ended up bitten by one of the vampires and kept it a secret from his sister due to a vampire bite usually being a death sentence for a werewolf and vice versa. Yet when he didn't die he discovered that he had somehow developed into a hybrid and after consorting with this sister the two worked tirelessly to get stronger while also working on Elias' new found hunger. The two moved to New York shortly after the disasters and continued to train and live as normal a life as too supernatural teens can.
Real Name: Malekai "Kai" Park
Alias: Hydra
Age/Gender: 30/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Once simply a troubled teen who was constantly a victim of bullying. Hydra is now a ruthless killer who shows no remorse for his victims and is clearly unhinged. He is cunning and calculating with sadistic tendencies. Deep down though he greatly misses his friend and still harbours hatred at himself for letting him die.
Flaws: While being unkillable in Hydra form he is quite killable in human form if you do enough damage. His Hydra form also can't heal if the wound is cauterised. He is also affected by electric currents like any normal person so can be knocked out or briefly paralyzed by high voltage shocks.
Hydra Transformation: Malakai's power allows him to transform between his regular humanoid form and a massive 50 foot tall Hydra (A multi headed lizard like creature with immense strength, regenerative capabilities and fire breathing capabilities). Even in humanoid form he has lesser versions of his strength and healing at his disposal as well as claws and horns he does not have the ability to breath fire while in human form.
Backstory: Malekai was alienated his entire life due to his size and appearance with people calling him a monster and excluding him from any and all activities. He did have one friend a boy named Shujo Kimoki who never seemed afraid of Malekai. The two would chat and Shujo would always get annoyed at people for picking on Malekai. Life was bearable for Malekai until one fateful day when he was 14, he and Shujo were eating lunch on the roof of their school when a group of bullies came up to the roof to smoke and spotted the pair. They immediately started to tease Malekai but when Shujo shouted at them they got mad and one of the bullies pushed Shujo but accidentally pushed him too hard and he stumbled and fell from the roof, Malekai stared in shock at his friends crumpled body on the floor below and became uncontrollably angry he shifted into Hydra form which was only about 10 feet tall at this time and slaughtered the bullies, he was arrested for murdering the bullies as well as Shujo and was quickly grabbed up by Charles Warren and locked in a large cell that would continue to hold him even if his Hydra form grew, which it did maxing out at 50 feet which seemed to disappoint Warren. During the disasters Kai was only aware of what happened based on the chatter of staff members and what people told him. The facility he was kept in was deep underground and unaffected by the disasters keeping Kai locked away from the world till Warren seemed him useful.
Alias: Hydra
Age/Gender: 30/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Once simply a troubled teen who was constantly a victim of bullying. Hydra is now a ruthless killer who shows no remorse for his victims and is clearly unhinged. He is cunning and calculating with sadistic tendencies. Deep down though he greatly misses his friend and still harbours hatred at himself for letting him die.
Flaws: While being unkillable in Hydra form he is quite killable in human form if you do enough damage. His Hydra form also can't heal if the wound is cauterised. He is also affected by electric currents like any normal person so can be knocked out or briefly paralyzed by high voltage shocks.
Hydra Transformation: Malakai's power allows him to transform between his regular humanoid form and a massive 50 foot tall Hydra (A multi headed lizard like creature with immense strength, regenerative capabilities and fire breathing capabilities). Even in humanoid form he has lesser versions of his strength and healing at his disposal as well as claws and horns he does not have the ability to breath fire while in human form.
Backstory: Malekai was alienated his entire life due to his size and appearance with people calling him a monster and excluding him from any and all activities. He did have one friend a boy named Shujo Kimoki who never seemed afraid of Malekai. The two would chat and Shujo would always get annoyed at people for picking on Malekai. Life was bearable for Malekai until one fateful day when he was 14, he and Shujo were eating lunch on the roof of their school when a group of bullies came up to the roof to smoke and spotted the pair. They immediately started to tease Malekai but when Shujo shouted at them they got mad and one of the bullies pushed Shujo but accidentally pushed him too hard and he stumbled and fell from the roof, Malekai stared in shock at his friends crumpled body on the floor below and became uncontrollably angry he shifted into Hydra form which was only about 10 feet tall at this time and slaughtered the bullies, he was arrested for murdering the bullies as well as Shujo and was quickly grabbed up by Charles Warren and locked in a large cell that would continue to hold him even if his Hydra form grew, which it did maxing out at 50 feet which seemed to disappoint Warren. During the disasters Kai was only aware of what happened based on the chatter of staff members and what people told him. The facility he was kept in was deep underground and unaffected by the disasters keeping Kai locked away from the world till Warren seemed him useful.
Real Name: Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Robinson
Alias: Product 047/Devil Girl
Age/Gender: 8/Female
Race: Semi Human
Appearance: Charlie looks like your average 8 year old girl. She is short and delicate looking with long bushy black hair tied up with a red ribbon. She has big sparkling eyes that are red in colour and a smattering of freckles across her face. She usually wears a pink skirt with a blue shirt and a rainbow jumper, accompanied with a pair of blue socks with cookies on them and a pair of pink roller skates.
Personality: Charlie was once a carefree child who was barely aware of the existence of the outside world until her life was flipped upside down. She became cold and distant, with the cheerful side of herself buried deep down with her. She likes to draw and run around. She has minor PTSD from abuse from the gang and is afraid of needles.
Powers: As the current host of The Devil’s spirit/life force Charlie gained enhanced strength, speed and durability making her near invincible, able to just about break the sound barrier by running and able to crush rocks in her hands and bend metal with ease. She is also pyrokinetic and can fly for short amounts of time.
Backstory: Charlie’s family were quite poor even before the disasters and they lived in one of the run down areas of the destroyed New York. She was born 2 years after the world ended and never knew anything but the new world around her. When she was 6 her parents were killed by an armed robber while Charlie hid under her bed until he had left. She left her home that day and ended up cold and alone on the streets, wondering around looking for shelter. She didn’t make it far in the harsh cold and nearly died, but just as she was on the brink of death a voice spoke to her and made her an offer that he would help her to survive if she became his vessel. So, she became the host for The Devil, she managed to survive that night and continued to survive for about a month before she was captured by a gang which upon discovering her abilities set to turning her into their weapon, she was trained and by the time she turned 8 they decided it was finally time to auction her off. So, she was drugged and chained to the bottom of a container to await the auction.
Relationships: None yet
Alias: Product 047/Devil Girl
Age/Gender: 8/Female
Race: Semi Human
Appearance: Charlie looks like your average 8 year old girl. She is short and delicate looking with long bushy black hair tied up with a red ribbon. She has big sparkling eyes that are red in colour and a smattering of freckles across her face. She usually wears a pink skirt with a blue shirt and a rainbow jumper, accompanied with a pair of blue socks with cookies on them and a pair of pink roller skates.
Personality: Charlie was once a carefree child who was barely aware of the existence of the outside world until her life was flipped upside down. She became cold and distant, with the cheerful side of herself buried deep down with her. She likes to draw and run around. She has minor PTSD from abuse from the gang and is afraid of needles.
Powers: As the current host of The Devil’s spirit/life force Charlie gained enhanced strength, speed and durability making her near invincible, able to just about break the sound barrier by running and able to crush rocks in her hands and bend metal with ease. She is also pyrokinetic and can fly for short amounts of time.
Backstory: Charlie’s family were quite poor even before the disasters and they lived in one of the run down areas of the destroyed New York. She was born 2 years after the world ended and never knew anything but the new world around her. When she was 6 her parents were killed by an armed robber while Charlie hid under her bed until he had left. She left her home that day and ended up cold and alone on the streets, wondering around looking for shelter. She didn’t make it far in the harsh cold and nearly died, but just as she was on the brink of death a voice spoke to her and made her an offer that he would help her to survive if she became his vessel. So, she became the host for The Devil, she managed to survive that night and continued to survive for about a month before she was captured by a gang which upon discovering her abilities set to turning her into their weapon, she was trained and by the time she turned 8 they decided it was finally time to auction her off. So, she was drugged and chained to the bottom of a container to await the auction.
Relationships: None yet
Real Name: Rebecca ‘Bex’ Vegas
Alias: Subject A4396/The Bunny
Age/Gender: 35/Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Bex is in peak human physical condition, with the right amounts of fat and muscle to remain attractive whilst not appearing weak. She has pale skin a big, round green eyes. She has long ginger hair that she wears down letting it flow out behind her. She also has a pair of bunny ears instead of human ones, these protrude from the top of her head. This doesn’t end the rabbit like attributes with her also having a little rabbit tail as well. She usually wears a baggy pink hoodie with blue leggings and black slip-on shoes.
Personality: Bex is a very bubbly person, she loves making friends and will talk forever unless you stop her. She is incredibly cheerful and generally lovely, she tends to get over excited and is known to seemingly change person when fighting becoming focused, serious and cocky. She loves to sing and dance whenever she can. She loves to keep Malekai company and is always trying to get him to enjoy himself.
Powers: Bex’s powers give her the attributes and abilities of a rabbit. This grants her incredible leg strength, allowing her to jump and kick with extreme force; she can even destroy large chunks of the ground by thumping her foot. She also has excellent hearing thanks to her rabbit ears and possesses animal instincts that alert her to nearby danger and give her enhanced sight and smell.
Backstory: Bex grew up in a privileged neighborhood and gradually manifested her rabbit powers which came with a few physical mutations when she was 7. Her family was rather traditional and disapproved of anything out of the ordinary and almost immediately looked for somewhere they could be rid of Bex. They eventually made contact with one Charles Warren and was taken away. As she grew up in the facility she was trained vigorously, learning to utilize her powers and learning how to effectively use them in a fight. When she was 9 a boy about 5 years older than her was brought to the facility and was immediately put under heavy amounts of security, being the curious and bubbly person she was she would visit his cell and chat with the boy through the glass. It took about a year and a half till the boy, Malekai Park, started to speak back, the two would sit and chat for as long as they could whenever they could. She would occasionally run errands for the facility, fetching deliveries and occasionally dealing with intruders or loose ends. During the disasters the facility was locked down for their safety and it remained that way for about 2-3 years before they lowered the lockdown, and she was put to work fetching supplies and protecting the facility from looters and thugs.
Relationships: Malekai (Best friend) Charles Warren (Boss)
Alias: Subject A4396/The Bunny
Age/Gender: 35/Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Bex is in peak human physical condition, with the right amounts of fat and muscle to remain attractive whilst not appearing weak. She has pale skin a big, round green eyes. She has long ginger hair that she wears down letting it flow out behind her. She also has a pair of bunny ears instead of human ones, these protrude from the top of her head. This doesn’t end the rabbit like attributes with her also having a little rabbit tail as well. She usually wears a baggy pink hoodie with blue leggings and black slip-on shoes.
Personality: Bex is a very bubbly person, she loves making friends and will talk forever unless you stop her. She is incredibly cheerful and generally lovely, she tends to get over excited and is known to seemingly change person when fighting becoming focused, serious and cocky. She loves to sing and dance whenever she can. She loves to keep Malekai company and is always trying to get him to enjoy himself.
Powers: Bex’s powers give her the attributes and abilities of a rabbit. This grants her incredible leg strength, allowing her to jump and kick with extreme force; she can even destroy large chunks of the ground by thumping her foot. She also has excellent hearing thanks to her rabbit ears and possesses animal instincts that alert her to nearby danger and give her enhanced sight and smell.
Backstory: Bex grew up in a privileged neighborhood and gradually manifested her rabbit powers which came with a few physical mutations when she was 7. Her family was rather traditional and disapproved of anything out of the ordinary and almost immediately looked for somewhere they could be rid of Bex. They eventually made contact with one Charles Warren and was taken away. As she grew up in the facility she was trained vigorously, learning to utilize her powers and learning how to effectively use them in a fight. When she was 9 a boy about 5 years older than her was brought to the facility and was immediately put under heavy amounts of security, being the curious and bubbly person she was she would visit his cell and chat with the boy through the glass. It took about a year and a half till the boy, Malekai Park, started to speak back, the two would sit and chat for as long as they could whenever they could. She would occasionally run errands for the facility, fetching deliveries and occasionally dealing with intruders or loose ends. During the disasters the facility was locked down for their safety and it remained that way for about 2-3 years before they lowered the lockdown, and she was put to work fetching supplies and protecting the facility from looters and thugs.
Relationships: Malekai (Best friend) Charles Warren (Boss)
Real Name: Joshua Grayson (Assumed as a fake name due to the real Joshua Grayson having died in prison in the 1800's.)
Alias: Phantom Rogue
Age/Gender: Assumed around 20-30, actually stems from somewhere around the 1800 - 1820's/Male
Race: Assumed Human, actually a possessed puppet.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Appearance: Joshua has a slender, thin build and has an average caucasian skin tone. He stands at 6'2ft and has long, combed dark-brown hair that goes down to his shoulders and glowing, pupil-less, amber-yellow eyes (Which, when using his Isolation Gaze, light up more, to the point of briefly becoming strong flashlights). As himself, Joshua also tends to wear casual clothing with no real pattern to it other than that they'd be his favourite colours - red, purple, blue, green and black. Typically, he wears a light-red hoodie with the hood worn over a white cap, dark-blue jeans, along with purple/blue plaid socks and black shoes. In addition, he keeps on sunglasses to hide his glowing eyes.
As Phantom Rogue, Joshua is going real old-school - a black top hat with a silver stripe, with a black stereotypical villain mask that has sockets for his pupil-less eyes to shine through and leaves the bottom half of his head uncovered. As Phantom Rogue, he also wears a black trench-coat with a tall collar, a thick, fluffy silver scarf tucked under the collar and a combo of black slacks and boots to go with his coat. The coat itself has white buttons along the main area, and Joshua also wears white silk gloves on his hands just to match the overall theme, along with always holding a black cane with a white tip at the bottom of the handle. Notably, the curved handle of the cane can be removed to reveal a silver rapier hidden in the sheath that is the cane, which Joshua only uses if an enemy gets too close to him. (Either he uses the rapier or he just attempts to thwack them with his cane)
Personality: Phantom Rogue has the typical comic villain attitude - charismatic, trying to act cool, overly confident. Though, part of his confidence comes from the fact that his powers allowed him to pull off all heists and thefts he's ever done successfully. As just himself, Joshua is a careless, relaxed kind of guy who differs completely from his Phantom Rogue persona. Because, truth is, the way he acts as the Phantom Rogue are his true colours, while the way he acts as himself is just a façade. While Joshua may seem like a villain, truth is he's just a kleptomaniac with a need to make things as stylish as possible, and he can be convinced to work with the good guys if the need arises. Joshua himself also isn't much of a fighter - rather, he prefers talking over fighting, but will fight when he has to.
Isolation Gaze - Joshua can emit a bright, amber-yellow flash from his eyes that causes anyone who happened to be looking directly at the flash to be cursed by the Isolation Curse. The Isolation Curse causes all affected to not be perceived by anyone (and them also being unable to perceive anyone, either). Joshua himself can also be affected by his own curse by looking into his flash via his reflection, such as through a mirror. The isolation curse can be lifted by the cursed looking into the eyes of their own reflection. (To be imperceivable would mean that they can neither see, feel, hear, smell, etc. anyone else but themselves. They would phase through all non-cursed entities and be unable to feel/touch/grab any objects that weren't on their person the moment they've been cursed. All non-cursed entities would also be unable to feel, hear, smell, see, etc. cursed entities as a result.)
Ectoplasm Manipulation - Joshua, being a ghost in a mannequin, can generate ectoplasm from his body, manifesting it in the form of glowing green energy and manipulate it to some extent. He may use it to boost himself into the air by ejecting it from his feet or his back, or use it as a form of attack by forming an energy sword or similar. He may also solidify it into a solid object, which, although it wouldn't be very sturdy, would disallow anyone but other ethereal beings to stand on it and would also cause it to ignore gravity, as a direct result of coming from ghosts, who themselves are unaffected by gravity and cannot be interacted with by physical things. Due to being made from it, Joshua will never run out of ectoplasm as he can keep generating more.
Artificial Body - Joshua is not actually the brain in the body - rather, he is the soul in the shell. Joshua, in truth, is the soul of an old kleptomaniac artist who often worked on dolls and mannequins, but due to his kleptomaniac tendencies, had to avoid getting in trouble for theft. Just before he got caught, got sentenced and died in prison however, Joshua finished his greatest work yet - a mannequin made to look as realistically human as possible, made from the materials available to him at the time. Joshua used his own blood when creating this doll, which made it become an anchor for his soul when his real body died through voodoo magic. (Although Joshua did not know about voodoo magic. He was just a bit of a crazy artist, as some were back then.) Joshua has since used his thieving abilities to upgrade this doll of a body to be even more realistic and tougher. (The doll itself had human eyes until John possessed it). As a result of possessing it, Joshua can control the puppet freely, such as using its string as rope or tentacles or controlling severed limbs and easily re-attaching them or just lifting it into the air to fly with it. When the mannequin is broken, Joshua is forced out of it and becomes harmless, being unable to use his other powers or interact with anything other than through communication. In exchange, however, he also is able to phase through anything, becomes invisible to any normal means of visions and cannot be harmed.
Informative Anomaly - A pretty simple power - Information of Joshua cannot be recorded without being scrambled in some way. Security Footage with Joshua on it will become static-y, laggy and blurry. Voice recordings of Joshua will become distorted so Joshua's real voice is never discovered. Photos taken of him always end up blurry to the point where he and details of his become unrecognizable. Even something as simple as someone writing up information of Joshua will cause the words in the text to end up being scrambled and give random, nonsensical information, or something like a drawing of Joshua becoming smudged beyond recognition. The only thing this power will not mess up is memories and something Joshua wrote himself. (For example, a Journal that Joshua uses to document all the things he's taken will not have its words scrambled)
Backstory: Due to his powers, Joshua's past (as well as a majority of his identity) are veiled in mystery. No one but Joshua knows about his past and Joshua has still yet to find someone he trusts enough to relay his past to them. Assuming that person is ever actually interested to begin with.
Relationships: None
Alias: Phantom Rogue
Age/Gender: Assumed around 20-30, actually stems from somewhere around the 1800 - 1820's/Male
Race: Assumed Human, actually a possessed puppet.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Appearance: Joshua has a slender, thin build and has an average caucasian skin tone. He stands at 6'2ft and has long, combed dark-brown hair that goes down to his shoulders and glowing, pupil-less, amber-yellow eyes (Which, when using his Isolation Gaze, light up more, to the point of briefly becoming strong flashlights). As himself, Joshua also tends to wear casual clothing with no real pattern to it other than that they'd be his favourite colours - red, purple, blue, green and black. Typically, he wears a light-red hoodie with the hood worn over a white cap, dark-blue jeans, along with purple/blue plaid socks and black shoes. In addition, he keeps on sunglasses to hide his glowing eyes.
As Phantom Rogue, Joshua is going real old-school - a black top hat with a silver stripe, with a black stereotypical villain mask that has sockets for his pupil-less eyes to shine through and leaves the bottom half of his head uncovered. As Phantom Rogue, he also wears a black trench-coat with a tall collar, a thick, fluffy silver scarf tucked under the collar and a combo of black slacks and boots to go with his coat. The coat itself has white buttons along the main area, and Joshua also wears white silk gloves on his hands just to match the overall theme, along with always holding a black cane with a white tip at the bottom of the handle. Notably, the curved handle of the cane can be removed to reveal a silver rapier hidden in the sheath that is the cane, which Joshua only uses if an enemy gets too close to him. (Either he uses the rapier or he just attempts to thwack them with his cane)
Personality: Phantom Rogue has the typical comic villain attitude - charismatic, trying to act cool, overly confident. Though, part of his confidence comes from the fact that his powers allowed him to pull off all heists and thefts he's ever done successfully. As just himself, Joshua is a careless, relaxed kind of guy who differs completely from his Phantom Rogue persona. Because, truth is, the way he acts as the Phantom Rogue are his true colours, while the way he acts as himself is just a façade. While Joshua may seem like a villain, truth is he's just a kleptomaniac with a need to make things as stylish as possible, and he can be convinced to work with the good guys if the need arises. Joshua himself also isn't much of a fighter - rather, he prefers talking over fighting, but will fight when he has to.
Isolation Gaze - Joshua can emit a bright, amber-yellow flash from his eyes that causes anyone who happened to be looking directly at the flash to be cursed by the Isolation Curse. The Isolation Curse causes all affected to not be perceived by anyone (and them also being unable to perceive anyone, either). Joshua himself can also be affected by his own curse by looking into his flash via his reflection, such as through a mirror. The isolation curse can be lifted by the cursed looking into the eyes of their own reflection. (To be imperceivable would mean that they can neither see, feel, hear, smell, etc. anyone else but themselves. They would phase through all non-cursed entities and be unable to feel/touch/grab any objects that weren't on their person the moment they've been cursed. All non-cursed entities would also be unable to feel, hear, smell, see, etc. cursed entities as a result.)
Ectoplasm Manipulation - Joshua, being a ghost in a mannequin, can generate ectoplasm from his body, manifesting it in the form of glowing green energy and manipulate it to some extent. He may use it to boost himself into the air by ejecting it from his feet or his back, or use it as a form of attack by forming an energy sword or similar. He may also solidify it into a solid object, which, although it wouldn't be very sturdy, would disallow anyone but other ethereal beings to stand on it and would also cause it to ignore gravity, as a direct result of coming from ghosts, who themselves are unaffected by gravity and cannot be interacted with by physical things. Due to being made from it, Joshua will never run out of ectoplasm as he can keep generating more.
Artificial Body - Joshua is not actually the brain in the body - rather, he is the soul in the shell. Joshua, in truth, is the soul of an old kleptomaniac artist who often worked on dolls and mannequins, but due to his kleptomaniac tendencies, had to avoid getting in trouble for theft. Just before he got caught, got sentenced and died in prison however, Joshua finished his greatest work yet - a mannequin made to look as realistically human as possible, made from the materials available to him at the time. Joshua used his own blood when creating this doll, which made it become an anchor for his soul when his real body died through voodoo magic. (Although Joshua did not know about voodoo magic. He was just a bit of a crazy artist, as some were back then.) Joshua has since used his thieving abilities to upgrade this doll of a body to be even more realistic and tougher. (The doll itself had human eyes until John possessed it). As a result of possessing it, Joshua can control the puppet freely, such as using its string as rope or tentacles or controlling severed limbs and easily re-attaching them or just lifting it into the air to fly with it. When the mannequin is broken, Joshua is forced out of it and becomes harmless, being unable to use his other powers or interact with anything other than through communication. In exchange, however, he also is able to phase through anything, becomes invisible to any normal means of visions and cannot be harmed.
Informative Anomaly - A pretty simple power - Information of Joshua cannot be recorded without being scrambled in some way. Security Footage with Joshua on it will become static-y, laggy and blurry. Voice recordings of Joshua will become distorted so Joshua's real voice is never discovered. Photos taken of him always end up blurry to the point where he and details of his become unrecognizable. Even something as simple as someone writing up information of Joshua will cause the words in the text to end up being scrambled and give random, nonsensical information, or something like a drawing of Joshua becoming smudged beyond recognition. The only thing this power will not mess up is memories and something Joshua wrote himself. (For example, a Journal that Joshua uses to document all the things he's taken will not have its words scrambled)
Backstory: Due to his powers, Joshua's past (as well as a majority of his identity) are veiled in mystery. No one but Joshua knows about his past and Joshua has still yet to find someone he trusts enough to relay his past to them. Assuming that person is ever actually interested to begin with.
Relationships: None
Real Name: Joshua Grayson (The Body)
Alias: Undead Baron
Age/Gender: 200+ / Male
Race: Zombie
Alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: As the true corpse of the Phantom Rogue, this Joshua maintains the real appearance of the ghost puppeteer - the same slender, thin build, 6'2 ft height and long, messy, dark-brown hair, albeit longer than on the Phantom Rogue's Mannequin. His eye colour is of a light-blue, mixed with the dull, grey tones of being an undead. Unlike the Mannequin however, this walking corpse has much paler and sickly-looking skin, with visible blood having clotted and rotted in a clean circle on the midsection of the neck and throat, indicating Joshua was killed through decapitation.
Personality: Unlike the Ghost Joshua Grayson, this Joshua is both mute and dull in personality. He can only ever 'speak' in grunts, growls and whatnot, although the Phantom Rogue is able to understand him well enough to the point where the two can make conversation with each other. However, when aggravated or initiated in battle, the corpse becomes very violent and is fuelled by the anger and rampage of primal instincts telling him to absolutely annihilate everything that threatens him and his allies. Despite seemingly being the average zombie, the Undead Baron does not feel a need for hunger, cannot infect others and, while being unable to speak or write in it, he is able to perfectly understand the English language.
Baron's Blessing - Due to being bound by Voodoo Magic, the Undead Baron is an animated corpse, enhanced by the magics that allow him to remain animated as long as the vessel is possessed. This gives the corpse inhuman strength, speed, etc., along with a regeneration factor, but does not grant him enhanced intelligence. This regeneration factor will keep the Baron animated for as long as the vessel is possessed, including re-building him from being turned to ashes. However, when the Baron takes damage to the point where it would kill him (Head destroyed, cremated, frozen then shattered, etc.), it takes a few seconds for the regen to kick in, then a few more seconds for the regen to allow the Baron to move again. So, while the Baron can be killed, he cannot be killed off permanently unless the vessel is destroyed.
Baron's Skeleton - Undead Baron can manipulate his own skeleton, to the point where he can generate new bone matter off of existing bones and thus is able to, for example: create bone spears through his hands, harden his bones to beyond the durability of steel, form a suit of armour around himself with them or shoot off his finger bones through his fingers like bullets before generating new ones.
Baron's Mercy - When grabbing someone, the Undead Baron can transfer their wounds onto his body, healing the target person of their wounds but applying the wounds to his own body. The Baron generally doesn't use this power on anyone, but if the Baron is currently with organic allies, the Baron will heal them should an ally be heavily damaged/asking for it. This power even works on things like poisons and diseases, though unlike direct wounds, poisons and diseases are gonna do little-to-nothing to the Undead Baron.
Baron's Will - The Undead Baron is able to expel the Voodoo Magic that powers him in the form of a shockwave made of a light-red energy that, while completely harmless to the living, can re-animate corpses into zombies. These zombies are stronger, faster, etc. than when they were alive, but are not as strong, fast, etc. as the Baron himself. These zombies then become loyal to both the Undead Baron and the Phantom Rogue as they are both the same being. However, unlike the Baron, these re-animated corpses will not come back from the dead once killed, though the Baron can bring them back if he so pleases. However, every time the Baron uses this power, he becomes weaker and his regen factor takes longer to heal due to there being less voodoo magic in his body. It comes back after some time, so the Baron only ever uses this outside of battle and rarely during a fight.
Backstory: With the body of Joshua Grayson executed, the Soul and the Body were initially separated, as the Voodoo Magic did its thing and transferred the Soul into the Mannequin. However, the Voodoo Magic also affected the body, binding it to the Mannequin, allowing it to remain animated as long as the Soul remained in the Mannequin. So, when the Soul was transferred and gained sentience, it took some time for the body to become re-animated and re-attach its head again, regenerating the wound to keep it attached. Initially, a funeral was planned for Joshua, but mysteriously, no-one could discover the body to bury it.
Joshua Grayson (The Soul): Due to having its animated statues depend on whether the Phantom Rogue is possessing the mannequin or not, the corpse has an un-ending, unbreakable loyalty to the Soul. Also because of the years the two worked together during their time as a normal human.
Alias: Undead Baron
Age/Gender: 200+ / Male
Race: Zombie
Alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: As the true corpse of the Phantom Rogue, this Joshua maintains the real appearance of the ghost puppeteer - the same slender, thin build, 6'2 ft height and long, messy, dark-brown hair, albeit longer than on the Phantom Rogue's Mannequin. His eye colour is of a light-blue, mixed with the dull, grey tones of being an undead. Unlike the Mannequin however, this walking corpse has much paler and sickly-looking skin, with visible blood having clotted and rotted in a clean circle on the midsection of the neck and throat, indicating Joshua was killed through decapitation.
Personality: Unlike the Ghost Joshua Grayson, this Joshua is both mute and dull in personality. He can only ever 'speak' in grunts, growls and whatnot, although the Phantom Rogue is able to understand him well enough to the point where the two can make conversation with each other. However, when aggravated or initiated in battle, the corpse becomes very violent and is fuelled by the anger and rampage of primal instincts telling him to absolutely annihilate everything that threatens him and his allies. Despite seemingly being the average zombie, the Undead Baron does not feel a need for hunger, cannot infect others and, while being unable to speak or write in it, he is able to perfectly understand the English language.
Baron's Blessing - Due to being bound by Voodoo Magic, the Undead Baron is an animated corpse, enhanced by the magics that allow him to remain animated as long as the vessel is possessed. This gives the corpse inhuman strength, speed, etc., along with a regeneration factor, but does not grant him enhanced intelligence. This regeneration factor will keep the Baron animated for as long as the vessel is possessed, including re-building him from being turned to ashes. However, when the Baron takes damage to the point where it would kill him (Head destroyed, cremated, frozen then shattered, etc.), it takes a few seconds for the regen to kick in, then a few more seconds for the regen to allow the Baron to move again. So, while the Baron can be killed, he cannot be killed off permanently unless the vessel is destroyed.
Baron's Skeleton - Undead Baron can manipulate his own skeleton, to the point where he can generate new bone matter off of existing bones and thus is able to, for example: create bone spears through his hands, harden his bones to beyond the durability of steel, form a suit of armour around himself with them or shoot off his finger bones through his fingers like bullets before generating new ones.
Baron's Mercy - When grabbing someone, the Undead Baron can transfer their wounds onto his body, healing the target person of their wounds but applying the wounds to his own body. The Baron generally doesn't use this power on anyone, but if the Baron is currently with organic allies, the Baron will heal them should an ally be heavily damaged/asking for it. This power even works on things like poisons and diseases, though unlike direct wounds, poisons and diseases are gonna do little-to-nothing to the Undead Baron.
Baron's Will - The Undead Baron is able to expel the Voodoo Magic that powers him in the form of a shockwave made of a light-red energy that, while completely harmless to the living, can re-animate corpses into zombies. These zombies are stronger, faster, etc. than when they were alive, but are not as strong, fast, etc. as the Baron himself. These zombies then become loyal to both the Undead Baron and the Phantom Rogue as they are both the same being. However, unlike the Baron, these re-animated corpses will not come back from the dead once killed, though the Baron can bring them back if he so pleases. However, every time the Baron uses this power, he becomes weaker and his regen factor takes longer to heal due to there being less voodoo magic in his body. It comes back after some time, so the Baron only ever uses this outside of battle and rarely during a fight.
Backstory: With the body of Joshua Grayson executed, the Soul and the Body were initially separated, as the Voodoo Magic did its thing and transferred the Soul into the Mannequin. However, the Voodoo Magic also affected the body, binding it to the Mannequin, allowing it to remain animated as long as the Soul remained in the Mannequin. So, when the Soul was transferred and gained sentience, it took some time for the body to become re-animated and re-attach its head again, regenerating the wound to keep it attached. Initially, a funeral was planned for Joshua, but mysteriously, no-one could discover the body to bury it.
Joshua Grayson (The Soul): Due to having its animated statues depend on whether the Phantom Rogue is possessing the mannequin or not, the corpse has an un-ending, unbreakable loyalty to the Soul. Also because of the years the two worked together during their time as a normal human.
Real Name: Ohnaer-fho-Thygrhoe Toghraernvhis- dhel Oclhevhez Irhtorlm (Translated from Quietan: Matter-to-Data Conversion- and Scanning Drone)
Alias: OTTO
Age/Gender: Ageless - Genderless, though the personality subroutine (and the synthesized voice itself) is programmed to be male.
Race: Alien Robotic Drone
Appearance: A drone shaped like a sphere, flying around by using a gravitational field module installed inside it and ran by a paradoxical battery that powers itself by flowing a small portion of its output into a type of heat generator, the heat of which the battery absorbs, keeping its supply at a constant 100%. The drone's shell is made from the 'Xhlrothrok' ore present on the Quietus Planet, a chromatic-looking metal that, when refined into an ingot, plating, etc., appears to give off a constant sheen, causing its colours to change in-between black and white tones, appearing as if it were constantly reflecting light. The drones wiring consists of dark-blue, purple, lime-green and dark-red wiring that contains 'Crtholthn' wire, an ice-blue metal that conducts electricity and, due to its cold properties, is able to prevent overheating. The drone also has a type of clear, sturdy, glass-like material fused to the frame which allows the Drone to scan through it without needing to have open space available. Inside, the core glows with neon lights, used to indicate either the scanning mode it's in or the amount of damage done to it. Usually though, the light is a white colour, that being its passive state. Notably, the drone's shell has no antennae of the sorts, as all communication devices, among other functions, are all built within the drone itself.
Personality: Without its personality subroutine active, the Drone is only capable of using basic robotic speech. (Such as using 'Affirmative' instead of agreeing to something, or saying 'Target acquired' instead of 'I see the enemy!'. When the personality subroutine is activated, the drone will use its scanners to adapt its personality according to its allies, in order to not become a nuisance to anyone, and will talk in a less lifeless way.
Matter Scanner - Becoming a dark-blue colour, OTTO sends out multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers encasing whatever he wants to scan - assuming it isn't too big to scan. As he scans the target object, it becomes de-constructed into green lasers that connect to the wireframe cube. When fully scanning a target object, it will disappear and the lasers will draw back into OTTO, allowing the drone to then replicate what it scanned using its Matter Replicator mode. The general rules for this mode are these: the target object must be non-living, it must be inanimate, and the bigger it is, the longer it takes to scan.
Matter Replicator - Becoming a light-green colour, OTTO sends multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that also form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers. Inside the cube, the lasers will form into a type of object that OTTO likes to replicate, OTTO using the energy his battery generates to create objects. OTTO can control the shape, size, quality and quantity of objects created. The general rules for this mode are these: OTTO may only replicate one type of object at a time, it must be inanimate and non-living, and the bigger it is, the more time it takes to generate.
Telescanner - Becoming a purple colour, OTTO once again sends out multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers, only they can only form around a being. The process can last up to 30 seconds, but once complete, it allows OTTO to copy all the target's memories into his data storage, learning everything the target knows about themselves. However, targets may also break out of OTTO's scan by using their willpower to block out their thoughts, which, to OTTO, is like encountering a zip file with a password. OTTO will not attempt to crack the 'password' if the scan isn't exactly necessary, such as if it wasn't ordered to be performed by his allies. OTTO may also only be able to scan someone quickly if they stand still, as it is hard for him to keep his lasers on someone who keeps on moving out of the way.
Backstory: Once returned to Quietus, Ryghedro became talk of his species for having made contact with another alien species for so long. He was asked all kinds of things about them, which he gladly answered. However, just because he had returned home did not mean Ryghedro was far from done with Earth. Aiding in developing tech, Ryghedro became an expert in things regarding assembling mechanical constructs and programming digital code. He, along with his group of fellow engineers, built a stealth drone to hover around Earth's orbit and monitor the status of the Earth without being detected - such as by stealth tech that involved using micro-cameras planted all around the drone, allowing it to become invisible by constantly recording its surroundings and playing them out as holographs around it.
When Ryghedro was planning with the leaders of his kin to send a fleet with a peace offering to Earth, the stealth drone sent back alarming data to the planet Quietus, along with being forced to retreat. The planet seemed to be set in danger, as multiple disasters happened one after another and the Earth's continents were brought to ruin. With the stealth drone having made its way back to its home planet, Ryg and the Team decided to upgrade it - from the stealth drone it used to be, to OTTO. Instead of multiple micro-cameras and hardware used to scan the Earth itself, Ryghedro and his team developed technology that allowed OTTO to scan inanimate and non-living matter, turning it into data in the process, allowing the drone to copy matter scanned and replicate it. Ryg even developed his own type of scanner - the Telescanner. (As seen above.)
Before OTTO was sent off towards earth, prepared to be hidden in the protective shell of a hollow asteroid, some finishing touches were made. The Gravitational Field Module was re-worked to take up less energy, which didn't end up mattering anyway due to the Paradoxical Battery being invented soon after. Finally, when the team agreed that OTTO was ready to be sent to Earth in an attempt to help re-build it to its former glory, Ryg prepared a line of code in its destination target before sending it off - rather than it just landing somewhere on Earth, Ryg programmed it so it would calculate to land exactly in NY, in that one old park he used to live at. Because, for all he knew, maybe those heroes he once knew could get to it before anyone else.
Relationships: Ryghedro - Inventor, worked on the drone along with some other Quietans.
Alias: OTTO
Age/Gender: Ageless - Genderless, though the personality subroutine (and the synthesized voice itself) is programmed to be male.
Race: Alien Robotic Drone
Appearance: A drone shaped like a sphere, flying around by using a gravitational field module installed inside it and ran by a paradoxical battery that powers itself by flowing a small portion of its output into a type of heat generator, the heat of which the battery absorbs, keeping its supply at a constant 100%. The drone's shell is made from the 'Xhlrothrok' ore present on the Quietus Planet, a chromatic-looking metal that, when refined into an ingot, plating, etc., appears to give off a constant sheen, causing its colours to change in-between black and white tones, appearing as if it were constantly reflecting light. The drones wiring consists of dark-blue, purple, lime-green and dark-red wiring that contains 'Crtholthn' wire, an ice-blue metal that conducts electricity and, due to its cold properties, is able to prevent overheating. The drone also has a type of clear, sturdy, glass-like material fused to the frame which allows the Drone to scan through it without needing to have open space available. Inside, the core glows with neon lights, used to indicate either the scanning mode it's in or the amount of damage done to it. Usually though, the light is a white colour, that being its passive state. Notably, the drone's shell has no antennae of the sorts, as all communication devices, among other functions, are all built within the drone itself.
Personality: Without its personality subroutine active, the Drone is only capable of using basic robotic speech. (Such as using 'Affirmative' instead of agreeing to something, or saying 'Target acquired' instead of 'I see the enemy!'. When the personality subroutine is activated, the drone will use its scanners to adapt its personality according to its allies, in order to not become a nuisance to anyone, and will talk in a less lifeless way.
Matter Scanner - Becoming a dark-blue colour, OTTO sends out multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers encasing whatever he wants to scan - assuming it isn't too big to scan. As he scans the target object, it becomes de-constructed into green lasers that connect to the wireframe cube. When fully scanning a target object, it will disappear and the lasers will draw back into OTTO, allowing the drone to then replicate what it scanned using its Matter Replicator mode. The general rules for this mode are these: the target object must be non-living, it must be inanimate, and the bigger it is, the longer it takes to scan.
Matter Replicator - Becoming a light-green colour, OTTO sends multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that also form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers. Inside the cube, the lasers will form into a type of object that OTTO likes to replicate, OTTO using the energy his battery generates to create objects. OTTO can control the shape, size, quality and quantity of objects created. The general rules for this mode are these: OTTO may only replicate one type of object at a time, it must be inanimate and non-living, and the bigger it is, the more time it takes to generate.
Telescanner - Becoming a purple colour, OTTO once again sends out multiple, same-coloured, harmless lasers that form a three-dimensional wireframe cube of lasers, only they can only form around a being. The process can last up to 30 seconds, but once complete, it allows OTTO to copy all the target's memories into his data storage, learning everything the target knows about themselves. However, targets may also break out of OTTO's scan by using their willpower to block out their thoughts, which, to OTTO, is like encountering a zip file with a password. OTTO will not attempt to crack the 'password' if the scan isn't exactly necessary, such as if it wasn't ordered to be performed by his allies. OTTO may also only be able to scan someone quickly if they stand still, as it is hard for him to keep his lasers on someone who keeps on moving out of the way.
Backstory: Once returned to Quietus, Ryghedro became talk of his species for having made contact with another alien species for so long. He was asked all kinds of things about them, which he gladly answered. However, just because he had returned home did not mean Ryghedro was far from done with Earth. Aiding in developing tech, Ryghedro became an expert in things regarding assembling mechanical constructs and programming digital code. He, along with his group of fellow engineers, built a stealth drone to hover around Earth's orbit and monitor the status of the Earth without being detected - such as by stealth tech that involved using micro-cameras planted all around the drone, allowing it to become invisible by constantly recording its surroundings and playing them out as holographs around it.
When Ryghedro was planning with the leaders of his kin to send a fleet with a peace offering to Earth, the stealth drone sent back alarming data to the planet Quietus, along with being forced to retreat. The planet seemed to be set in danger, as multiple disasters happened one after another and the Earth's continents were brought to ruin. With the stealth drone having made its way back to its home planet, Ryg and the Team decided to upgrade it - from the stealth drone it used to be, to OTTO. Instead of multiple micro-cameras and hardware used to scan the Earth itself, Ryghedro and his team developed technology that allowed OTTO to scan inanimate and non-living matter, turning it into data in the process, allowing the drone to copy matter scanned and replicate it. Ryg even developed his own type of scanner - the Telescanner. (As seen above.)
Before OTTO was sent off towards earth, prepared to be hidden in the protective shell of a hollow asteroid, some finishing touches were made. The Gravitational Field Module was re-worked to take up less energy, which didn't end up mattering anyway due to the Paradoxical Battery being invented soon after. Finally, when the team agreed that OTTO was ready to be sent to Earth in an attempt to help re-build it to its former glory, Ryg prepared a line of code in its destination target before sending it off - rather than it just landing somewhere on Earth, Ryg programmed it so it would calculate to land exactly in NY, in that one old park he used to live at. Because, for all he knew, maybe those heroes he once knew could get to it before anyone else.
Relationships: Ryghedro - Inventor, worked on the drone along with some other Quietans.
Real Name: Mason Grey / Mortis
Alias: Wrath
Age/Gender: 31/Male, Ageless/Genderless (though can project a masculine voice to its wielder)
Race: Human / Cursed Dagger
Appearance: Mason has a pale, caucasian complexion with a scar on his cheek and over the bridge of his nose. He's got dark-brown hair, the upper half he keeps neatly combed and the lower half he keeps in a long ponytail. His eyes are of a lavender-purple colour and he's got a trained, athletic physique and stands at 5'11ft tall.
For casual wear, Mason has simple sunglasses to hide his face with, a light-purple/dark-purple scarf with a checkered pattern worn over the collar of a long, black coat. Under the coat, Mason simply wears a sweater (long-sleeved shirt during the summer) whose colour matches his eye colour. For leg- and footwear, Mason wears dark-blue jeans with a brown belt strapped in, light-grey/dark-grey long, striped socks and black shoes.
When out on a job, Mason wears a black hoodie with the hood over his head and a white mask resembling the Oni demon with eye sockets to look through. The mask is attached to the hood, so he can keep both on as long as the straps of the mask don't snap. Under the hoodie, Mason keeps a black t-shirt underneath, just to change into lighter clothing if need be. He also has black gloves on, as to hide his fingerprints. For legwear, he has black pants with matching boots and belt. On this belt, he has a holster and a sheath - a holster for a silver revolver with a black handle and the sheath for Mortis. He keeps additional ammo for the revolver in the inner pockets of his hoodie.
Personality: Mason is more of a mute introvert during his free time, often sitting by himself somewhere or telepathically chatting with Mortis, his weapon. He attempts to avoid large crowds, bright lights and loud noises, though he can be social and is often pretty carefree and lax. When he is on a job, he could care less about the environment and what is going on around him as long as nothing happens to him. During a job, Mason is intensely focused on doing his task as instructed - be it whether to kidnap someone or kill them, although Mortis obviously prefers the latter. Mortis, the blade, though it cannot be heard by others unless re-wielded, has severely relaxed over the years it's been with Mason. Before, it used to be the typical edgy cursed weapon, just wanting to kill and nothing else. Now? ..well, it still wants to kill things, sure, but it won't complain if only one person was killed during the last job.
Dark Boost - Mason can infuse his body with the darkness itself, turning him ethereal and making his body as black as the shadows themselves. During this boost, Mason's speed, reflexes and agility are greatly enhanced and, though he cannot physically interact with anything, he can create delayed interactions while in this form (Say, if he slashed someone with a knife while using Dark Boost, then de-activated it, the cut would only follow through the moment Dark Boost is de-activated). Any action Mason does while in his Dark Boost form gains a trail of shadow energy, mimicking the movements he had done during the boost. (If he ran and slashed someone, the energy would leave a trail where he left and would create a harmful line where he cut, replicating the exact sharpness of the knife he used). Mason is currently able to keep up Dark Boost for 10 seconds, with the cooldown being the same length as the duration he's kept it activated for.
Mason's Dagger, which calls itself Mortis, is a cursed sacrificial dagger which, upon being held, curses the user with an unending bloodlust, yet also allows the user to see others (and non-corporeal entities) by tapping into a vision that allows the user to directly see the souls of beings. The dagger, upon killing a being with a soul, absorbs that being's soul into its blade and becomes tougher and sharper. The user may also stab the dagger into themselves, transferring the souls into their body and thus gaining a temporary power-up in strength, speed, etc. The quality of the power-up and its duration are dependent on the amount of souls used. Though souls won't fade while in the dagger, they will slowly fade overtime if injected into the current wielder. While injected, the wielder's eyes will glow an ominous purple colour, the intensity of which is dependent on how many souls were injected. As it is cursed, the dagger is also able to have a telepathic connection with its last wielder and can draw others to it via subliminal messaging through its telepathic capabilities.
Backstory: Mason grew up in Florida, having Dark Boost since birth. The area he grew up in wasn't exactly the best for a kid like him as criminals often got away with crime and the place was just lurking with danger around every corner. To that, it was no surprise when Mason, in his late teens, was attacked by a crazed, bloodied individual holding a knife with a very strange blade - a zigzag pattern, with the blade covering both sides of the knife, not just one side. Due to his Dark Boost, Mason managed to incapacitate the man before any real harm came to him, having suffered a cut on his nose and cheek from the blade. However, when the man fell and the blade dropped to the ground.. Mason felt.. enticed by it. Like, something was telling him to grab it. Mason couldn't help himself and grabbed the blade, which made him start a killing spree in the current area until he finally had gotten out of the blade's controlling grip long enough to holster it by strapping it to his belt. Of course, Mason was severely freaked out at what he had caused and used his Dark Boost to flee the scene, staying on his lonesome for several weeks to really think about what had happened. But.. a few weeks in, he heard a cold, creepy masculine voice in his head, which explained that those killings were nothing to be ashamed of. As this dagger's voice, which Mason came to learn soon after the blade told Mason its name, was the only voice of 'reason' with him, Mason took Mortis' advice to heart and started growing prideful of his killings. And eventually, what used to be a possessed serial killer turned into a cunning, sadistic assassin.
Relationships: N/A
Alias: Wrath
Age/Gender: 31/Male, Ageless/Genderless (though can project a masculine voice to its wielder)
Race: Human / Cursed Dagger
Appearance: Mason has a pale, caucasian complexion with a scar on his cheek and over the bridge of his nose. He's got dark-brown hair, the upper half he keeps neatly combed and the lower half he keeps in a long ponytail. His eyes are of a lavender-purple colour and he's got a trained, athletic physique and stands at 5'11ft tall.
For casual wear, Mason has simple sunglasses to hide his face with, a light-purple/dark-purple scarf with a checkered pattern worn over the collar of a long, black coat. Under the coat, Mason simply wears a sweater (long-sleeved shirt during the summer) whose colour matches his eye colour. For leg- and footwear, Mason wears dark-blue jeans with a brown belt strapped in, light-grey/dark-grey long, striped socks and black shoes.
When out on a job, Mason wears a black hoodie with the hood over his head and a white mask resembling the Oni demon with eye sockets to look through. The mask is attached to the hood, so he can keep both on as long as the straps of the mask don't snap. Under the hoodie, Mason keeps a black t-shirt underneath, just to change into lighter clothing if need be. He also has black gloves on, as to hide his fingerprints. For legwear, he has black pants with matching boots and belt. On this belt, he has a holster and a sheath - a holster for a silver revolver with a black handle and the sheath for Mortis. He keeps additional ammo for the revolver in the inner pockets of his hoodie.

Personality: Mason is more of a mute introvert during his free time, often sitting by himself somewhere or telepathically chatting with Mortis, his weapon. He attempts to avoid large crowds, bright lights and loud noises, though he can be social and is often pretty carefree and lax. When he is on a job, he could care less about the environment and what is going on around him as long as nothing happens to him. During a job, Mason is intensely focused on doing his task as instructed - be it whether to kidnap someone or kill them, although Mortis obviously prefers the latter. Mortis, the blade, though it cannot be heard by others unless re-wielded, has severely relaxed over the years it's been with Mason. Before, it used to be the typical edgy cursed weapon, just wanting to kill and nothing else. Now? ..well, it still wants to kill things, sure, but it won't complain if only one person was killed during the last job.
Dark Boost - Mason can infuse his body with the darkness itself, turning him ethereal and making his body as black as the shadows themselves. During this boost, Mason's speed, reflexes and agility are greatly enhanced and, though he cannot physically interact with anything, he can create delayed interactions while in this form (Say, if he slashed someone with a knife while using Dark Boost, then de-activated it, the cut would only follow through the moment Dark Boost is de-activated). Any action Mason does while in his Dark Boost form gains a trail of shadow energy, mimicking the movements he had done during the boost. (If he ran and slashed someone, the energy would leave a trail where he left and would create a harmful line where he cut, replicating the exact sharpness of the knife he used). Mason is currently able to keep up Dark Boost for 10 seconds, with the cooldown being the same length as the duration he's kept it activated for.
Mason's Dagger, which calls itself Mortis, is a cursed sacrificial dagger which, upon being held, curses the user with an unending bloodlust, yet also allows the user to see others (and non-corporeal entities) by tapping into a vision that allows the user to directly see the souls of beings. The dagger, upon killing a being with a soul, absorbs that being's soul into its blade and becomes tougher and sharper. The user may also stab the dagger into themselves, transferring the souls into their body and thus gaining a temporary power-up in strength, speed, etc. The quality of the power-up and its duration are dependent on the amount of souls used. Though souls won't fade while in the dagger, they will slowly fade overtime if injected into the current wielder. While injected, the wielder's eyes will glow an ominous purple colour, the intensity of which is dependent on how many souls were injected. As it is cursed, the dagger is also able to have a telepathic connection with its last wielder and can draw others to it via subliminal messaging through its telepathic capabilities.
Backstory: Mason grew up in Florida, having Dark Boost since birth. The area he grew up in wasn't exactly the best for a kid like him as criminals often got away with crime and the place was just lurking with danger around every corner. To that, it was no surprise when Mason, in his late teens, was attacked by a crazed, bloodied individual holding a knife with a very strange blade - a zigzag pattern, with the blade covering both sides of the knife, not just one side. Due to his Dark Boost, Mason managed to incapacitate the man before any real harm came to him, having suffered a cut on his nose and cheek from the blade. However, when the man fell and the blade dropped to the ground.. Mason felt.. enticed by it. Like, something was telling him to grab it. Mason couldn't help himself and grabbed the blade, which made him start a killing spree in the current area until he finally had gotten out of the blade's controlling grip long enough to holster it by strapping it to his belt. Of course, Mason was severely freaked out at what he had caused and used his Dark Boost to flee the scene, staying on his lonesome for several weeks to really think about what had happened. But.. a few weeks in, he heard a cold, creepy masculine voice in his head, which explained that those killings were nothing to be ashamed of. As this dagger's voice, which Mason came to learn soon after the blade told Mason its name, was the only voice of 'reason' with him, Mason took Mortis' advice to heart and started growing prideful of his killings. And eventually, what used to be a possessed serial killer turned into a cunning, sadistic assassin.
Relationships: N/A
Real Name: Terry Hagen
Alias: Mr. Miracle
Age/Gender: 45/Male
Race: Caucasian - Australian
Appearance: Terry, though once he had a glorious, twirled moustache and a soul patch, now only has a mere few hairs on the bottom of his chin, his moustache entirely gone. Though his topaz-yellow eyes still remain their colour as always, they lack the sparkle of joy that they once had when Mr. Miracle was in his prime. Though he still puts on a smile to put people at ease, his eyes reveal it to be just a front - there is false joy behind that smile. A fake expression, unlike the one back then. Though his brown hair and earrings remain the same, Terry's build is a clear indicator that he's been letting himself go - what used to be a semi-trained body now is a mere thin, average build like every other generic shmuck running around. Terry stands at 5'8 ft tall and has a caucasian complexion.
(Image made in this Picrew here.)
As a civilian, Terry wears a simple black, puffy jacket over a white shirt, usually with the hood of jacket up over his head. For legwear, Terry wears simple blue, ripped jeans with white, long socks under black shoes. A pretty generic getup as to not draw any attention to himself. He's not currently in the phase again where he likes being recognized, so he'll take any opportunity to seem like any generic civilian when he wants to be one.
Mr. Miracle has a pretty self-explanatory getup. A black top hat with a red stripe, a black coat with a white shirt underneath and a red bowtie attached just below the collar of the shirt. A black mask over his face, covering just his eyes (Eye sockets included of course). Attached to the coat is a long, black cape that swings behind Mr. Miracle every time he moves, though he can remove- and re-attach it whenever he likes. For legwear, Mr. Miracle has simple black slacks with matching socks and shoes, overall giving the vigilante the look of a magician. Although all these clothes look normal, they are designed to not just be fire-proof, but also cut-proof. The shirt Mr. Miracle wears under his jacket acts more like a bullet vest, being able to reduce the blows of incoming gunfire at his chest. Notably, Mr. Miracle does not carry any of his gadgets on him at all times - rather, he summons them through his sleeve into his hands whenever they are required and just holds his arm up to slide them back down his sleeve to warp them back to their safely kept locations when he's done using any of them. His gadgets include: throwing cards with a sharp, metal rim, smoke bombs (whose only purpose so far has been to add more style to his vanishing and re-appearing), a grappling hook in the form of a long coil of sturdy, fire-resistant and colourful fabric tied together, fake flowers with a mini spy camera planted in between the petals, a metallic rose pin with a hidden button that activates a small, yet powerful flashlight within and, of course, his calling 'cards' which are actually devices that are programmed to send a distress signal over to the nearest police station, which Mr. Miracle used back then to signal police to detain the criminals he incapacitated.
Personality: Once upon a time, Terry wore the Mr. Miracle title with pride and joy - he was known as a particularly ecstatic and cheery vigilante who took the fight to the criminal world for free - leaving his enemies knocked out long enough for the police to arrive while he had already disappeared from the scene, only thing left behind being a calling card of his that allowed the police to locate the criminals more easily. But that was before everything went to hell and back. While he tried to help out, it was inevitably for naught as he had to abandon NYC before he himself would be killed from the events that followed. Terry still actively knocks and insults himself for his cowardice and lives in regret and survivor's guilt. He still acts out as Mr. Miracle, who has a never-ending cheery, almost blissfully unaware attitude, yet what was once the truth has now become the façade of a man trying to stop himself from giving up the work he once loved by trying to re-kindle that flame. Only now.. the Mr. Miracle who had been oh-so merciful and sparing had been tainted. Now Mr. Miracle leaves no criminals alive. Now the vigilante seemed more unhinged, leaving behind corpses with smiles and laughter.
Magic - Though he simply calls it 'Magic', there really is no other way to describe his power. Terry's power grants him the ability to turn the acts of magic from illusion to reality via magical essence that automatically generates inside his body - he can cover something to make it disappear, can make the things he made disappear re-appear again from any cover, use his magic wand to remotely move things and more. To make it simpler to understand while explaining it to others, he often splits his powers up into different categories:
Alias: Mr. Miracle
Age/Gender: 45/Male
Race: Caucasian - Australian
Appearance: Terry, though once he had a glorious, twirled moustache and a soul patch, now only has a mere few hairs on the bottom of his chin, his moustache entirely gone. Though his topaz-yellow eyes still remain their colour as always, they lack the sparkle of joy that they once had when Mr. Miracle was in his prime. Though he still puts on a smile to put people at ease, his eyes reveal it to be just a front - there is false joy behind that smile. A fake expression, unlike the one back then. Though his brown hair and earrings remain the same, Terry's build is a clear indicator that he's been letting himself go - what used to be a semi-trained body now is a mere thin, average build like every other generic shmuck running around. Terry stands at 5'8 ft tall and has a caucasian complexion.

(Image made in this Picrew here.)
As a civilian, Terry wears a simple black, puffy jacket over a white shirt, usually with the hood of jacket up over his head. For legwear, Terry wears simple blue, ripped jeans with white, long socks under black shoes. A pretty generic getup as to not draw any attention to himself. He's not currently in the phase again where he likes being recognized, so he'll take any opportunity to seem like any generic civilian when he wants to be one.
Mr. Miracle has a pretty self-explanatory getup. A black top hat with a red stripe, a black coat with a white shirt underneath and a red bowtie attached just below the collar of the shirt. A black mask over his face, covering just his eyes (Eye sockets included of course). Attached to the coat is a long, black cape that swings behind Mr. Miracle every time he moves, though he can remove- and re-attach it whenever he likes. For legwear, Mr. Miracle has simple black slacks with matching socks and shoes, overall giving the vigilante the look of a magician. Although all these clothes look normal, they are designed to not just be fire-proof, but also cut-proof. The shirt Mr. Miracle wears under his jacket acts more like a bullet vest, being able to reduce the blows of incoming gunfire at his chest. Notably, Mr. Miracle does not carry any of his gadgets on him at all times - rather, he summons them through his sleeve into his hands whenever they are required and just holds his arm up to slide them back down his sleeve to warp them back to their safely kept locations when he's done using any of them. His gadgets include: throwing cards with a sharp, metal rim, smoke bombs (whose only purpose so far has been to add more style to his vanishing and re-appearing), a grappling hook in the form of a long coil of sturdy, fire-resistant and colourful fabric tied together, fake flowers with a mini spy camera planted in between the petals, a metallic rose pin with a hidden button that activates a small, yet powerful flashlight within and, of course, his calling 'cards' which are actually devices that are programmed to send a distress signal over to the nearest police station, which Mr. Miracle used back then to signal police to detain the criminals he incapacitated.
Personality: Once upon a time, Terry wore the Mr. Miracle title with pride and joy - he was known as a particularly ecstatic and cheery vigilante who took the fight to the criminal world for free - leaving his enemies knocked out long enough for the police to arrive while he had already disappeared from the scene, only thing left behind being a calling card of his that allowed the police to locate the criminals more easily. But that was before everything went to hell and back. While he tried to help out, it was inevitably for naught as he had to abandon NYC before he himself would be killed from the events that followed. Terry still actively knocks and insults himself for his cowardice and lives in regret and survivor's guilt. He still acts out as Mr. Miracle, who has a never-ending cheery, almost blissfully unaware attitude, yet what was once the truth has now become the façade of a man trying to stop himself from giving up the work he once loved by trying to re-kindle that flame. Only now.. the Mr. Miracle who had been oh-so merciful and sparing had been tainted. Now Mr. Miracle leaves no criminals alive. Now the vigilante seemed more unhinged, leaving behind corpses with smiles and laughter.
Magic - Though he simply calls it 'Magic', there really is no other way to describe his power. Terry's power grants him the ability to turn the acts of magic from illusion to reality via magical essence that automatically generates inside his body - he can cover something to make it disappear, can make the things he made disappear re-appear again from any cover, use his magic wand to remotely move things and more. To make it simpler to understand while explaining it to others, he often splits his powers up into different categories:
Terry Hagen grew up in Melbourne, Victoria in Australia. Being born into a family of various entertainers with his talent of generating magic essence, Terry was born to become a magician. However, fun as it at first was being an actual, legitimate magician, Terry wanted something more. Something more meaningful. Something that could he really could be remembered by. So, Terry ended up going on tour while he was a teenager, ending up in America and decided to permanently move there.
The work of heroes and vigilantes had always inspired him when it came onto the news and headlines of papers - especially the Paragons. So, Terry ended up deciding that he wanted to become a vigilante himself, researching all the things he needed and using his money acquired as an entertainer to buy himself proper vigilante equipment, which included his gadgets and his costume. Terry ended up mixing his work and hobby together, adapting his name as a magician to his name as a vigilante and put on a show for the bystanders while doing any kind of work as a hero. Now, with being able to show off his acts anywhere and do good at the same time, Terry was certain that his legacy was cemented for years to come.
Then.. the world went to hell. The Paragons were unsuccessful, having failed to save the day, taking the wind out of Terry's sails. However, the biggest kicker was what happened to New York, where he was residing. Terry could do nothing but flee the scene, else he himself might have ended up dead, just like the others. Terry ended up going back to Melbourne after this to take in all that has transpired and have a meltdown from the guilt of having left people behind.. just to save himself. So many people gone.. just so he himself could keep living. He could have put his life on the line and try to save as many people as he could, but... he didn't. Now, the regret has been gnawing at his mentality ever since the incident.. and him and Mr. Miracle were never the same.
The work of heroes and vigilantes had always inspired him when it came onto the news and headlines of papers - especially the Paragons. So, Terry ended up deciding that he wanted to become a vigilante himself, researching all the things he needed and using his money acquired as an entertainer to buy himself proper vigilante equipment, which included his gadgets and his costume. Terry ended up mixing his work and hobby together, adapting his name as a magician to his name as a vigilante and put on a show for the bystanders while doing any kind of work as a hero. Now, with being able to show off his acts anywhere and do good at the same time, Terry was certain that his legacy was cemented for years to come.
Then.. the world went to hell. The Paragons were unsuccessful, having failed to save the day, taking the wind out of Terry's sails. However, the biggest kicker was what happened to New York, where he was residing. Terry could do nothing but flee the scene, else he himself might have ended up dead, just like the others. Terry ended up going back to Melbourne after this to take in all that has transpired and have a meltdown from the guilt of having left people behind.. just to save himself. So many people gone.. just so he himself could keep living. He could have put his life on the line and try to save as many people as he could, but... he didn't. Now, the regret has been gnawing at his mentality ever since the incident.. and him and Mr. Miracle were never the same.
Real Name: Berchtwald Ruprecht Hühnerbein
Alias: Der Wissenschaftler
Age/Gender: 22/Male
Race: Caucasian, specifically German
Appearance: Berchtwald is 5'4" at the head, but his long, dull brown hair sticks straight up, giving him an extra 7 inches of height. Affixed to his face are a pair of goggles that have swirly designs on the lenses, right above a thin nose sandwiched between strong cheekbones. He wears a white lab coat over a black shirt, which that is over his wiry frame. He wears walnut-colored slacks, and completing the look with his light-up Sketchers.
Personality: Berchtwald is a very friendly dude, no matter how hard he tries to be the bad guy. He loves learning about anything at all, expanding his knowledge is his favorite thing to do.
Powers: Berchtwald is a genius. While he doesn't have any physical powers, he uses his own devices to gain the edge in battle. His goggles have a thermal vision function, and can also record and holographically project 3D videos. Berchtwald also has nanobots swimming through his bloodstream, which greatly increase the power of his immune system and just his health in general. His main weapon, though, is his Power-Pistole. It's a multipurpose handheld device that can shoot searing lasers, exploding plasma, blooms of fire, gusts of wind, crackling lightning, blinding flashes of light, etc. Sometimes the Power-Pistole acts up, though, and he has to repair it before firing it again.
Backstory: Berchtwald Ruprecht Hühnerbein was born to Jakob and Gisela Hühnerbein in Stuttgart, Germany on July 19. Jakob was a nuclear physicist, and Gisela was a roboticist. Fast-forward to when Berchtwald was six, a little after they immigrated to the US of A. His parents were without jobs, turning to the bottle... and then crime. They robbed a bank in mech suits as the Gammabots, hoping to keep putting food on the table for their dear Berchtwald, but then they were stopped by a superhero. They died in prison from radiation poisoning, but so did the hero that apprehended them. Anyways, Berchtwald was thrown into the system, in an orphanage. His parents sparked his interest in learning already, and he read a great many books during his time there, but eventually he was adopted at 14. It was by a couple, Kayla and David Smith. They thought of him more of a prize for his genius intellect than an actual son, saying he was going to be a superhero. But, Berchtwald had other plans. He would follow in his folks' footsteps, to a life of crime. He remembered the two as lovely parents, which they were, but also misremembered that they were great villains. They would want the same for their kid.... right? He planned his first plot at 16: to run away. He did so, but David found out and outran him. In a panic, Berchtwald grabbed a prototype taser he was working on and tazed his adoptive father. It did not work as planned. The device sent out way too much energy into David's body, killing him. It also exploded in Berchtwald's hand, giving him a nasty burn he still has the scar of to this day. But, seeing a man he killed on the pavement, blood pooling from where David's head hit the ground, Berchtwald threw up and cried. But there was no time to focus on that fact, as he had killed someone, and was now a fugitive. He spent the next couple years in jail, but escaped with a spoon and a guard's cell phone. Now, he works on devices and commits crimes. But since the Heralds, he's just been surviving.
Alias: Der Wissenschaftler
Age/Gender: 22/Male
Race: Caucasian, specifically German
Appearance: Berchtwald is 5'4" at the head, but his long, dull brown hair sticks straight up, giving him an extra 7 inches of height. Affixed to his face are a pair of goggles that have swirly designs on the lenses, right above a thin nose sandwiched between strong cheekbones. He wears a white lab coat over a black shirt, which that is over his wiry frame. He wears walnut-colored slacks, and completing the look with his light-up Sketchers.
Personality: Berchtwald is a very friendly dude, no matter how hard he tries to be the bad guy. He loves learning about anything at all, expanding his knowledge is his favorite thing to do.
Powers: Berchtwald is a genius. While he doesn't have any physical powers, he uses his own devices to gain the edge in battle. His goggles have a thermal vision function, and can also record and holographically project 3D videos. Berchtwald also has nanobots swimming through his bloodstream, which greatly increase the power of his immune system and just his health in general. His main weapon, though, is his Power-Pistole. It's a multipurpose handheld device that can shoot searing lasers, exploding plasma, blooms of fire, gusts of wind, crackling lightning, blinding flashes of light, etc. Sometimes the Power-Pistole acts up, though, and he has to repair it before firing it again.
Backstory: Berchtwald Ruprecht Hühnerbein was born to Jakob and Gisela Hühnerbein in Stuttgart, Germany on July 19. Jakob was a nuclear physicist, and Gisela was a roboticist. Fast-forward to when Berchtwald was six, a little after they immigrated to the US of A. His parents were without jobs, turning to the bottle... and then crime. They robbed a bank in mech suits as the Gammabots, hoping to keep putting food on the table for their dear Berchtwald, but then they were stopped by a superhero. They died in prison from radiation poisoning, but so did the hero that apprehended them. Anyways, Berchtwald was thrown into the system, in an orphanage. His parents sparked his interest in learning already, and he read a great many books during his time there, but eventually he was adopted at 14. It was by a couple, Kayla and David Smith. They thought of him more of a prize for his genius intellect than an actual son, saying he was going to be a superhero. But, Berchtwald had other plans. He would follow in his folks' footsteps, to a life of crime. He remembered the two as lovely parents, which they were, but also misremembered that they were great villains. They would want the same for their kid.... right? He planned his first plot at 16: to run away. He did so, but David found out and outran him. In a panic, Berchtwald grabbed a prototype taser he was working on and tazed his adoptive father. It did not work as planned. The device sent out way too much energy into David's body, killing him. It also exploded in Berchtwald's hand, giving him a nasty burn he still has the scar of to this day. But, seeing a man he killed on the pavement, blood pooling from where David's head hit the ground, Berchtwald threw up and cried. But there was no time to focus on that fact, as he had killed someone, and was now a fugitive. He spent the next couple years in jail, but escaped with a spoon and a guard's cell phone. Now, he works on devices and commits crimes. But since the Heralds, he's just been surviving.
Real Name: Barnaby Gates
Alias: Mallard
Age/Gender: 3/Male
Race: Duck
Appearance: He's a big, healthy, 2'4" mallard drake with a cute little bowtie around his neck.
Personality: Barnaby is unbreakably loyal, but also spoiled and stubborn.
Powers: When scritched under the chin, he launches an incredibly potent beam of energy from his mouth.
Backstory: He's been raised from a hatchling by Melody Gates, acting as her personal guard duck.
Relationships: Melody Gates
Real Name: Melody Gates
Alias: Birdwatcher
Age/Gender: 27/Female
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Melody is 5'7" and has long, jet black hair that goes halfway down her back, although usually she likes to put it into a ponytail. She has a pair of tired piercing grey eyes on her pale face. She's scrawny with a bit of lean muscle on her upper body, but her legs are a product of a former track star. She usually wears some sort of hoodie in the fall and winter, and then a black tank top in the spring and summer, sweatpants and beat-up red vans year-long, unless she's jogging.
Personality: Melody is not one to go out making many friends, she'd rather stay home with her pets. When she does open up, though, you better brace yourselves for an onslaught of dad jokes. She's an optimist, and would much rather focus on the good than any bad vibes.
Powers: None
Backstory: Melody was just a normal girl that lived a normal life, a hometown track hero, and she graduated college with a degree in veterinary science. She went to work at a wildlife rescue center, and eventually got some personal pets, like a black lab, three ducks, a macaw, and five rats. One day, when she was spoiling Barnaby with attention, she scratched under his beak, and a beam of energy from the duck decimated her fridge. Now not much has changed besides the Heralds. Melody has been pretty good at keeping under their radar, using Barnaby when necessary.
Relationships: Barnaby Gates
Alias: Mallard
Age/Gender: 3/Male
Race: Duck
Appearance: He's a big, healthy, 2'4" mallard drake with a cute little bowtie around his neck.
Personality: Barnaby is unbreakably loyal, but also spoiled and stubborn.
Powers: When scritched under the chin, he launches an incredibly potent beam of energy from his mouth.
Backstory: He's been raised from a hatchling by Melody Gates, acting as her personal guard duck.
Relationships: Melody Gates
Real Name: Melody Gates
Alias: Birdwatcher
Age/Gender: 27/Female
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Melody is 5'7" and has long, jet black hair that goes halfway down her back, although usually she likes to put it into a ponytail. She has a pair of tired piercing grey eyes on her pale face. She's scrawny with a bit of lean muscle on her upper body, but her legs are a product of a former track star. She usually wears some sort of hoodie in the fall and winter, and then a black tank top in the spring and summer, sweatpants and beat-up red vans year-long, unless she's jogging.
Personality: Melody is not one to go out making many friends, she'd rather stay home with her pets. When she does open up, though, you better brace yourselves for an onslaught of dad jokes. She's an optimist, and would much rather focus on the good than any bad vibes.
Powers: None
Backstory: Melody was just a normal girl that lived a normal life, a hometown track hero, and she graduated college with a degree in veterinary science. She went to work at a wildlife rescue center, and eventually got some personal pets, like a black lab, three ducks, a macaw, and five rats. One day, when she was spoiling Barnaby with attention, she scratched under his beak, and a beam of energy from the duck decimated her fridge. Now not much has changed besides the Heralds. Melody has been pretty good at keeping under their radar, using Barnaby when necessary.
Relationships: Barnaby Gates
Real Name: Luigi Esposito
Alias: Veggie Man
Age/Gender: 37/Male
Race: Italian
Appearance: Luigi stands at 6'3", his head topped by dark brown hair swept to the side. His two bushy eyebrows sit atop his green eyes. His thin face is a golden tan, alongside the rest of his muscular body. His main choice of clothing is a clean white button-up dress shirt with black suspenders over it, holding up tan slacks. He wears a pair of polished dress shoes as well. His superhero costume is a skintight green suit with darker green boots, gloves, and belt. A picture of a broccoli takes the space on the middle of his chest.
Personality: Luigi is greedy, not really the type to be shy to get his hands dirty if he's paid enough. Also, he's got some major anger issues, and will do extremely radical things on an impulse. But, he's great at covering up his terribleness, good enough to star in a kids show for years.
Powers: Veggie Man has veggiekinesis, and can grow and control vegetables with his mind. He can use carrots as spike traps, onions as tear gas, and lettuce leaves as shields, along with way more.
Backstory: Luigi was a disappointment to his father, and his mental state wasn't very molded well growing up. After turning 18 and bouncing between jobs, he got picked up by an entertainment company and joined the Food Groups superhero team. His anger issues only got worse, and he started killing a couple people, including his dad, but the company he worked at helped him cover it up so they didn't lose one of the stars in their hit tv show. But the police started catching on, and Veggie Man was planned to be arrested. But before they could do that, the Heralds attacked. The Food Groups fought valiantly, but only Veggie Man survived by chickening out. Now he just stays alive, never acting the hero he was pretending to be for so long.
Alias: Veggie Man
Age/Gender: 37/Male
Race: Italian
Appearance: Luigi stands at 6'3", his head topped by dark brown hair swept to the side. His two bushy eyebrows sit atop his green eyes. His thin face is a golden tan, alongside the rest of his muscular body. His main choice of clothing is a clean white button-up dress shirt with black suspenders over it, holding up tan slacks. He wears a pair of polished dress shoes as well. His superhero costume is a skintight green suit with darker green boots, gloves, and belt. A picture of a broccoli takes the space on the middle of his chest.
Personality: Luigi is greedy, not really the type to be shy to get his hands dirty if he's paid enough. Also, he's got some major anger issues, and will do extremely radical things on an impulse. But, he's great at covering up his terribleness, good enough to star in a kids show for years.
Powers: Veggie Man has veggiekinesis, and can grow and control vegetables with his mind. He can use carrots as spike traps, onions as tear gas, and lettuce leaves as shields, along with way more.
Backstory: Luigi was a disappointment to his father, and his mental state wasn't very molded well growing up. After turning 18 and bouncing between jobs, he got picked up by an entertainment company and joined the Food Groups superhero team. His anger issues only got worse, and he started killing a couple people, including his dad, but the company he worked at helped him cover it up so they didn't lose one of the stars in their hit tv show. But the police started catching on, and Veggie Man was planned to be arrested. But before they could do that, the Heralds attacked. The Food Groups fought valiantly, but only Veggie Man survived by chickening out. Now he just stays alive, never acting the hero he was pretending to be for so long.
Real Name: Aiya Wamuro
Alias: Recluse
Age/Gender: 926/Female
Race: Jorōgumo
Normal: Aiya is a beautiful woman in this state, with her round face, strong cheekbones, deathly pale skin, and blood-red lips. Her eyes have black pupils, with a sad look in them, Her straight black hair grows down to the small of her back, but is occasionally put up. Aiya wears a kimono at all times, but the colors and patterns on it vary from time to time. Her teeth are noticably sharper than a humans as well. She is 6'5" in this form.
Jorōgumo form: Much remains the same in this form, but much also changes. Aiya's eyes are totally glazed over with black, and a second set of beady eyes appears below her primary set. Her mouth opens up into sharp, venomous mandibles not unlike a spider, and her entire lower half is replaced with a giant black spider. She is 6'11" in this form.
Spider Form: In this form, she loses any illusion of humanity, transforming into a 10-foot long black spider with red, glowing eyes.
Personality: Aiya has a very cynical and dry way of looking at the world, which has come with almost a millennia of experience. She's very to-the-point, and she does a lot with a slow and tired, yet deliberate, manner. Being a yōkai that preys on humans, she isn't empathetic in the slightest, but also isn't sadistic.
Jorōgumo Shapeshifting - Aiya transforms into either a half-spider or a spider.
Venom - Aiya has paralyzing venom in her bite (only in Jorōgumo or Spider form) and fingernails (Jorōgumo form).
Wall Climb - Self-explanatory, she can climb walls spider-style
Webbing - Only in Jorōgumo or Spider form, these webs are much stronger than steel. They have many uses, such as nets, blockades, or parachutes, to name a few. However, the stickiness of some threads will only be little more than a nuisance to higher-tier heroes.
Spider Communication - She can telepathically communicate with any spider she has seen within the last 48 hours.
Spider Physiology - Aiya is more spiderlike than a human even hin her human form, with speedy reflexes, increased sensitivity to vibrations, toughened skin, and high-altitude leaps. She can see in the dark, and produces pheromones that urge calmness, but doesn't come close to forcing it.
Shi Masamune - a long, shiny ōdachi that has sakura bloom designs embedded in the side of the blade close to the hilt. This sword can cut through anything organic with enough effort, whether it be her own silk, bone, or a superhuman's bulletproof skin. Anything inorganic, however, it acts as a usual weapon upon. When it kills a being, it absorbs its soul, temporarily buffing its striking power and making it glow a sakura pink. If the sword is lost or stolen, Aiya can summon it right back to her hand.
She also has a few needles that she can throw as a ranged attack.
Backstory: Aiya doesn't remember the woman she was before she was a yōkai, but none of that previous life mattered anyomore. For the past 900 years, it's been a cycle of hunting humans, eating both soul and flesh of her prey. When the age of Superheroes arrived, however, things got... complicated. By that time Aiya had already amassed a lot of power as a yōkai, but combat with a being even half her power didn't sound fun. And as a result, she tried best she could to lay low. This behavior is what earned her the name Recluse.
Alias: Recluse
Age/Gender: 926/Female
Race: Jorōgumo
Normal: Aiya is a beautiful woman in this state, with her round face, strong cheekbones, deathly pale skin, and blood-red lips. Her eyes have black pupils, with a sad look in them, Her straight black hair grows down to the small of her back, but is occasionally put up. Aiya wears a kimono at all times, but the colors and patterns on it vary from time to time. Her teeth are noticably sharper than a humans as well. She is 6'5" in this form.
Jorōgumo form: Much remains the same in this form, but much also changes. Aiya's eyes are totally glazed over with black, and a second set of beady eyes appears below her primary set. Her mouth opens up into sharp, venomous mandibles not unlike a spider, and her entire lower half is replaced with a giant black spider. She is 6'11" in this form.
Spider Form: In this form, she loses any illusion of humanity, transforming into a 10-foot long black spider with red, glowing eyes.
Personality: Aiya has a very cynical and dry way of looking at the world, which has come with almost a millennia of experience. She's very to-the-point, and she does a lot with a slow and tired, yet deliberate, manner. Being a yōkai that preys on humans, she isn't empathetic in the slightest, but also isn't sadistic.
Jorōgumo Shapeshifting - Aiya transforms into either a half-spider or a spider.
Venom - Aiya has paralyzing venom in her bite (only in Jorōgumo or Spider form) and fingernails (Jorōgumo form).
Wall Climb - Self-explanatory, she can climb walls spider-style
Webbing - Only in Jorōgumo or Spider form, these webs are much stronger than steel. They have many uses, such as nets, blockades, or parachutes, to name a few. However, the stickiness of some threads will only be little more than a nuisance to higher-tier heroes.
Spider Communication - She can telepathically communicate with any spider she has seen within the last 48 hours.
Spider Physiology - Aiya is more spiderlike than a human even hin her human form, with speedy reflexes, increased sensitivity to vibrations, toughened skin, and high-altitude leaps. She can see in the dark, and produces pheromones that urge calmness, but doesn't come close to forcing it.
Shi Masamune - a long, shiny ōdachi that has sakura bloom designs embedded in the side of the blade close to the hilt. This sword can cut through anything organic with enough effort, whether it be her own silk, bone, or a superhuman's bulletproof skin. Anything inorganic, however, it acts as a usual weapon upon. When it kills a being, it absorbs its soul, temporarily buffing its striking power and making it glow a sakura pink. If the sword is lost or stolen, Aiya can summon it right back to her hand.
She also has a few needles that she can throw as a ranged attack.
Backstory: Aiya doesn't remember the woman she was before she was a yōkai, but none of that previous life mattered anyomore. For the past 900 years, it's been a cycle of hunting humans, eating both soul and flesh of her prey. When the age of Superheroes arrived, however, things got... complicated. By that time Aiya had already amassed a lot of power as a yōkai, but combat with a being even half her power didn't sound fun. And as a result, she tried best she could to lay low. This behavior is what earned her the name Recluse.
Real Name: Belerick
Alias: Guard of Nature
Age/Gender: Belerick's real age is unknown, but everyone thinks that he is more than a thousand years old. / Belerick is known to be Male.
Race: Unknown, Belerick, nor anyone else knows where he had come from.
Appearance: Belerick is 6'9 inches in height, being created from vines and tree logs, Belerick has found his body to be natural to him, Belerick has two horn-like logs on his head, that are brown, which then blends into yellow at the tips. On Belerick's chin are overgrown vines, which mae it look like he has a beard on his face. On his left arm, vines tangle and grow on it, with green vines making up his arm, while on his right arm, it is clean without any vines, and a blue gem, which is in a bracelet-like position placed on him. It cannot be removed.
Personality: Though cannot talk, Belerick seems to be caring and kind to his friends, Belerick is extremely loyal to whoever it befriends, and protects his friends. Belerick is far from stupid though, and he knows if he's being used or manipulated, though he will not hurt the person who was using him, due to Belerick being a pacifist, but when needed, Belerick will fight back to protect his loyal friends.
Powers: Though he does not have powers, because of his tree-like form, he seems to have powers himself.
Due to his tree-like form, there is a chance that vines will target the enemy that hit him, slowing them down, and dealing a small amount of damage.
Due to the blue gem on his right arm, Belerick can run fast, which also powers up the damage of his vines.
Belerick's last resort, is when Belerick will create vines in a large radius, which immobilizes anyone in it's vicinity, rising up to catch flying heroes if it has to. These vines are also very tough to break, and will require super strength to destroy them.
Backstory: His past is unknown by everyone and everything, (except, maybe for some). Belerick doesn't know where he came from as well, The only thing that Belerick had been told was that he was found by Charles Warren, though Belerick doesn't fully believe this story.
Relationships: Charles Warren, A close acquaintance to Belerick, and probably the only person Belerick has ever seen.
Alias: Guard of Nature
Age/Gender: Belerick's real age is unknown, but everyone thinks that he is more than a thousand years old. / Belerick is known to be Male.
Race: Unknown, Belerick, nor anyone else knows where he had come from.
Appearance: Belerick is 6'9 inches in height, being created from vines and tree logs, Belerick has found his body to be natural to him, Belerick has two horn-like logs on his head, that are brown, which then blends into yellow at the tips. On Belerick's chin are overgrown vines, which mae it look like he has a beard on his face. On his left arm, vines tangle and grow on it, with green vines making up his arm, while on his right arm, it is clean without any vines, and a blue gem, which is in a bracelet-like position placed on him. It cannot be removed.
Personality: Though cannot talk, Belerick seems to be caring and kind to his friends, Belerick is extremely loyal to whoever it befriends, and protects his friends. Belerick is far from stupid though, and he knows if he's being used or manipulated, though he will not hurt the person who was using him, due to Belerick being a pacifist, but when needed, Belerick will fight back to protect his loyal friends.
Powers: Though he does not have powers, because of his tree-like form, he seems to have powers himself.
Due to his tree-like form, there is a chance that vines will target the enemy that hit him, slowing them down, and dealing a small amount of damage.
Due to the blue gem on his right arm, Belerick can run fast, which also powers up the damage of his vines.
Belerick's last resort, is when Belerick will create vines in a large radius, which immobilizes anyone in it's vicinity, rising up to catch flying heroes if it has to. These vines are also very tough to break, and will require super strength to destroy them.
Backstory: His past is unknown by everyone and everything, (except, maybe for some). Belerick doesn't know where he came from as well, The only thing that Belerick had been told was that he was found by Charles Warren, though Belerick doesn't fully believe this story.
Relationships: Charles Warren, A close acquaintance to Belerick, and probably the only person Belerick has ever seen.
Real Name: Alpha
Alias: Blade of Enmity
Age/Gender: ???/M
Race: Cyborg.
Appearance: Alpha's whole body is created with metal, while his face his half-metal half-cyborg (Imagine Cyborg from DC, but instead the top part of his face is covered with metal). Alpha has a red glowing mark on his chest, where his core is located. He also has hair-like stands on the back of his head to recreate hair.
Personality: Alpha seems to be cold and unfeeling, and it's true, due to Alpha being a robot, His core processor has him cold and unfeeling. Continuum Dwight had re-coded his core, which made him have feelings, and have passion. Though he cannot feel, or produce love and hope, Alpha will always protect those in need.
Powers: Alpha doesn't have much powers, though he was coded to me faster than humans, stronger than them, and also much durable due to his metal body. His spears tip is also coated in a blue color, as if anyone who gets hit by it, will be paralyzed which gives Alpha more time to finish them off.
Backstory: Prior to the start of the RP, Alpha was created by Doctor Chrome. Alpha was hidden away, to be used only when needed. Before Dr. Chrome had died though, Alpha was about ready to be released into the world. Though it was too late, which meant that Alpha was to stay in cryo-sleep for much longer than Dr. Chrome would've wanted.
Continuum Dwight then had found Alpha months later, still in cryo-sleep. She then had released him, Since Alpha's core was coded for him to be cold and unfeeling, She had re-coded the core processor to be able to feel emotion. though due to the complexity, she wasn't able to make Alpha's core be able to feel hope and love, nor produce those emotions. he'd noticed that Continuum Dwight had no defenses, so he suggested that he would be her protector.
Continuum Dwight, Accomplice.
Doctor Chrome, Creator.
Alias: Blade of Enmity
Age/Gender: ???/M
Race: Cyborg.
Appearance: Alpha's whole body is created with metal, while his face his half-metal half-cyborg (Imagine Cyborg from DC, but instead the top part of his face is covered with metal). Alpha has a red glowing mark on his chest, where his core is located. He also has hair-like stands on the back of his head to recreate hair.
Personality: Alpha seems to be cold and unfeeling, and it's true, due to Alpha being a robot, His core processor has him cold and unfeeling. Continuum Dwight had re-coded his core, which made him have feelings, and have passion. Though he cannot feel, or produce love and hope, Alpha will always protect those in need.
Powers: Alpha doesn't have much powers, though he was coded to me faster than humans, stronger than them, and also much durable due to his metal body. His spears tip is also coated in a blue color, as if anyone who gets hit by it, will be paralyzed which gives Alpha more time to finish them off.
Backstory: Prior to the start of the RP, Alpha was created by Doctor Chrome. Alpha was hidden away, to be used only when needed. Before Dr. Chrome had died though, Alpha was about ready to be released into the world. Though it was too late, which meant that Alpha was to stay in cryo-sleep for much longer than Dr. Chrome would've wanted.
Continuum Dwight then had found Alpha months later, still in cryo-sleep. She then had released him, Since Alpha's core was coded for him to be cold and unfeeling, She had re-coded the core processor to be able to feel emotion. though due to the complexity, she wasn't able to make Alpha's core be able to feel hope and love, nor produce those emotions. he'd noticed that Continuum Dwight had no defenses, so he suggested that he would be her protector.
Continuum Dwight, Accomplice.
Doctor Chrome, Creator.
Real Name: Tanner (Unknown Last Name)
Alias: none
Age/Gender: 18 when he died, is now 28. / Male
Race: Is a ghost.
Appearance: Tanner is full white, wearing a formal shirt with a black undershirt. Since Tanner is a ghost, his hair seems to be much fluffier, and his feet are gone, and instead replaced with some white ink-blotches, though it wasn't confirmed what it was. Tanner also has something like a cloak on his back, which starts from the top of his pants, to the bottom of his "feet".
Personality: At first, Tanner seems a bit nice and friendly, and likes to make friends, though due to a decade of being stuck as a ghost, He's become cold and unfeeling, becoming more upset at Marie as she always said that they'll leave soon. Though it's never happened. Both him and Marie are always arguing about this problem, which they aren't afraid to do even in front of other people. Even then, Tanner and Marie both love to sing songs together.
Powers: Tanner has all the powers of a ghost, telekinesis, invisibility, phasing through walls, etc. Though, if Tanner has too much emotions, a small explosion will happen around him, though it doesn't cause damage, and will only release a force of air, which could push back non-prepared civilians.
Relationships: Marie, Twins.
Real Name: Marie (Last name Unknown)
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 18 when she died, is currently 28/Female
Race: Is a ghost
Appearance: Unlike Tanner, Marie is all black, with butler-like clothing, with much longer hair than Tanner, She has a white undershirt, with white eyes, instead of black. Like Tanner, Marie also has black ink-blotches instead of feet. though nothing has changed much in terms of appearance between the two of them.
Personality: Marie is much more timid than Tanner, being a lot quieter than him too. She's hard-working and caring though, like Tanner, its just a facade. Both Tanner and Marie both argue, almost a few times daily. She's always annoyed at Tanner, as she always says she tries her best, though Tanner doesn't believe her. Like Tanner, she also loves singing with him.
Powers: Marie and Tanner both have the same powers. Telekinesis, Phasing through walls, etc. She also can explode just like Tanner.
Relationships: Tanner, Twin
Joint Backstory: Ten years ago, Tanner and Marie had been performing on-stage. But a calamity then happened, both of them being killed in the rubble of the auditorium. Tanner and Marie's souls were trapped in the destroyed auditorium, though if it was a full moon, they were able to exit the auditorium. To this day, You can still hear their singing through the auditorium, hoping that they'll soon return to the world.
Alias: none
Age/Gender: 18 when he died, is now 28. / Male
Race: Is a ghost.
Appearance: Tanner is full white, wearing a formal shirt with a black undershirt. Since Tanner is a ghost, his hair seems to be much fluffier, and his feet are gone, and instead replaced with some white ink-blotches, though it wasn't confirmed what it was. Tanner also has something like a cloak on his back, which starts from the top of his pants, to the bottom of his "feet".
Personality: At first, Tanner seems a bit nice and friendly, and likes to make friends, though due to a decade of being stuck as a ghost, He's become cold and unfeeling, becoming more upset at Marie as she always said that they'll leave soon. Though it's never happened. Both him and Marie are always arguing about this problem, which they aren't afraid to do even in front of other people. Even then, Tanner and Marie both love to sing songs together.
Powers: Tanner has all the powers of a ghost, telekinesis, invisibility, phasing through walls, etc. Though, if Tanner has too much emotions, a small explosion will happen around him, though it doesn't cause damage, and will only release a force of air, which could push back non-prepared civilians.
Relationships: Marie, Twins.
Real Name: Marie (Last name Unknown)
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 18 when she died, is currently 28/Female
Race: Is a ghost
Appearance: Unlike Tanner, Marie is all black, with butler-like clothing, with much longer hair than Tanner, She has a white undershirt, with white eyes, instead of black. Like Tanner, Marie also has black ink-blotches instead of feet. though nothing has changed much in terms of appearance between the two of them.
Personality: Marie is much more timid than Tanner, being a lot quieter than him too. She's hard-working and caring though, like Tanner, its just a facade. Both Tanner and Marie both argue, almost a few times daily. She's always annoyed at Tanner, as she always says she tries her best, though Tanner doesn't believe her. Like Tanner, she also loves singing with him.
Powers: Marie and Tanner both have the same powers. Telekinesis, Phasing through walls, etc. She also can explode just like Tanner.
Relationships: Tanner, Twin
Joint Backstory: Ten years ago, Tanner and Marie had been performing on-stage. But a calamity then happened, both of them being killed in the rubble of the auditorium. Tanner and Marie's souls were trapped in the destroyed auditorium, though if it was a full moon, they were able to exit the auditorium. To this day, You can still hear their singing through the auditorium, hoping that they'll soon return to the world.
Real Name: Lunox (Last Name Unknown)
Alias: Keeper of Order and Chaos (formerly) / Twilight Blossom (new)
Age/Gender: Unkown Age / Female
Race: Half-Human, seems to be an elf or fae.
Appearance: Lunox is pale, being almost white, though you can still see color in her skin. Her hair is blonde, though she has a streak of black hair, referencing Chaos and Order. She has two wings, one black and the other white, with curves that have two orbs, created from the Balance Orb which gives her her powers. She has a dress, which seems to be made of metal, but it's weightless though the skirt is made of strong cotton, which cannot easily be destroyed. Her dress is a mix between black and white, again referencing Order and Chaos. She doesn't have sleeves on her dress, though she has gloves on her hands, which let her use her magic much easier, though it limits it. Her shoes are long, again, different colors being black and white, with vine-like gold wrapping around the shoes. She also has this on the top of her dress, which she uses to harness most of her powers.
Personality: Lunox is a very calm and collected girl, being very careful and thoughtful of her decisions. Lunox has no sense of real time, doing so, unable to know what time it is. Lunox will always do her best to protect her friends, and will always have mercy to enemies. Her judgement is always based on Chaos and Order, Light and Dark and Love and Logic. Her mind thinks only about the best of all other people, than just the people she will try to save.
Powers: Lunox has two different powers, Order and Chaos. The power of darkness helps her deal more damage, while Order will help her support her teammates, though both has very good damaging capabilities.
Lunox has a passive power which lets her see how many times she had used light. the maximum amount of each element is two, but she can use it infinitely. If she uses her Order skills twice, she will leave Chaos form, while using Chaos powers twice, she will return to Chaos form. She has two different skills that do not take up any of these stacks and will stay the same. Her teleportation skill, and burst skill. Lunox is able to create portals which are stable for only ten seconds, which leads to a shadow-like realm, with many places available for her to teleport to (and everyone else with her if she has people who had come along). The room is a dark room, with seemingly no walls and only she can traverse it. The shadow realm is like tunnels in a different dimension, filled with many doors. Her burst will deal damage and hurt enemies infront of her, though this takes a lot of energy to do.
While using her Order magic, she can steal some of the life force of enemies, being able to give it to allies, which gives them healing effects. When she does this, she will have a yellow ball which emits a small glow that when held by others can heal them. As a last resort, Lunox will turn into a sphere, with an area of effect which damages enemies inside. During this time, She will deal damage to all enemies and give healing to allies inside the effect, as she also becomes immune to damage.
When using chaos though, Lunox will deal much more damage to enemies, though her supporting capabilities are much lower than before, but it comes with a plus. Lunox will deal much more damage, now holding a dark orb instead of a bright one. The orb acts like a bomb, if thrown it will explode, while all enemies in the area of effect will take damage, and their senses will be lowered. The effects will release after a few seconds. As a last resort, she will dash, being immune to damage during the dash, she will cast many dark lines, which take some life form of the enemies, making them unable to move for a short time. Once it ends, Lunox will be tired, and she will be much more vulnerable to attacks.
Backstory: Lunox was the Keeper of Chaos and Order, the Balance between them. If she were to disappear, Chaos would loom across the land. the orb was passed down by her mother, which told her it was a source of powerful magic. Soon, Lunox had found a way to seperate both, meeting Belerick along the way. Soon enough that happiness would end, as Lunox and Belerick were good friends, many years ago. Both of them had explored most of their world, until one day. Her and Belerick were walking along a path, a giant portal sucked Belerick in, taking him away. Soon after, Lunox sought help from a mysterious group called "The elders" which she and Belerick knew alot. The elders had not known what took Belerick, which had saddened Lunox very much. Lunox researched in every library, every bookshelf and every room in her portals, to no avail. More than a decade later, Lunox found Belerick's whereabouts. Earth. So she channeled all her magic, Creating a portal to arrive on earth.
Relationships: Belerick - Old Friend.
Alias: Keeper of Order and Chaos (formerly) / Twilight Blossom (new)
Age/Gender: Unkown Age / Female
Race: Half-Human, seems to be an elf or fae.
Appearance: Lunox is pale, being almost white, though you can still see color in her skin. Her hair is blonde, though she has a streak of black hair, referencing Chaos and Order. She has two wings, one black and the other white, with curves that have two orbs, created from the Balance Orb which gives her her powers. She has a dress, which seems to be made of metal, but it's weightless though the skirt is made of strong cotton, which cannot easily be destroyed. Her dress is a mix between black and white, again referencing Order and Chaos. She doesn't have sleeves on her dress, though she has gloves on her hands, which let her use her magic much easier, though it limits it. Her shoes are long, again, different colors being black and white, with vine-like gold wrapping around the shoes. She also has this on the top of her dress, which she uses to harness most of her powers.
Personality: Lunox is a very calm and collected girl, being very careful and thoughtful of her decisions. Lunox has no sense of real time, doing so, unable to know what time it is. Lunox will always do her best to protect her friends, and will always have mercy to enemies. Her judgement is always based on Chaos and Order, Light and Dark and Love and Logic. Her mind thinks only about the best of all other people, than just the people she will try to save.
Powers: Lunox has two different powers, Order and Chaos. The power of darkness helps her deal more damage, while Order will help her support her teammates, though both has very good damaging capabilities.
Lunox has a passive power which lets her see how many times she had used light. the maximum amount of each element is two, but she can use it infinitely. If she uses her Order skills twice, she will leave Chaos form, while using Chaos powers twice, she will return to Chaos form. She has two different skills that do not take up any of these stacks and will stay the same. Her teleportation skill, and burst skill. Lunox is able to create portals which are stable for only ten seconds, which leads to a shadow-like realm, with many places available for her to teleport to (and everyone else with her if she has people who had come along). The room is a dark room, with seemingly no walls and only she can traverse it. The shadow realm is like tunnels in a different dimension, filled with many doors. Her burst will deal damage and hurt enemies infront of her, though this takes a lot of energy to do.
While using her Order magic, she can steal some of the life force of enemies, being able to give it to allies, which gives them healing effects. When she does this, she will have a yellow ball which emits a small glow that when held by others can heal them. As a last resort, Lunox will turn into a sphere, with an area of effect which damages enemies inside. During this time, She will deal damage to all enemies and give healing to allies inside the effect, as she also becomes immune to damage.
When using chaos though, Lunox will deal much more damage to enemies, though her supporting capabilities are much lower than before, but it comes with a plus. Lunox will deal much more damage, now holding a dark orb instead of a bright one. The orb acts like a bomb, if thrown it will explode, while all enemies in the area of effect will take damage, and their senses will be lowered. The effects will release after a few seconds. As a last resort, she will dash, being immune to damage during the dash, she will cast many dark lines, which take some life form of the enemies, making them unable to move for a short time. Once it ends, Lunox will be tired, and she will be much more vulnerable to attacks.
Backstory: Lunox was the Keeper of Chaos and Order, the Balance between them. If she were to disappear, Chaos would loom across the land. the orb was passed down by her mother, which told her it was a source of powerful magic. Soon, Lunox had found a way to seperate both, meeting Belerick along the way. Soon enough that happiness would end, as Lunox and Belerick were good friends, many years ago. Both of them had explored most of their world, until one day. Her and Belerick were walking along a path, a giant portal sucked Belerick in, taking him away. Soon after, Lunox sought help from a mysterious group called "The elders" which she and Belerick knew alot. The elders had not known what took Belerick, which had saddened Lunox very much. Lunox researched in every library, every bookshelf and every room in her portals, to no avail. More than a decade later, Lunox found Belerick's whereabouts. Earth. So she channeled all her magic, Creating a portal to arrive on earth.
Relationships: Belerick - Old Friend.
Real Name: Alan Martinson
Alias: Formerly Adapter, currently N/A
Age/Gender: Male 33
Race: Human, with some slight cybernetic enhancements on his left arm.
Appearance: In the ten years since the world fell, Alan has definitely grown a bit more disheveled. His once bare face had grown a fairly thick brown beard, and his hair grew down to about the middle of his neck. Adding on a pair of dark sunglasses he usually wears, he is practically unrecognizable as the former Paragon.
Living in hiding means he has to deal with what he can for clothes, usually opting for darker long clothes to help keep him hidden. At the moment he has a dark blue coat over a solid grey hoodie with black jeans and work boots. His left hand is never seen without a glove over it.
Underneath lies his mechanical arm, but it's significantly less impressive than the one he had years ago when he lost it. While his first was made with the highest quality material a high end tech company could afford, this one looked like it could come off at any moment, built haphazardly with whatever material Alan could get his hand on. It functions as well as any regular arm can though thankfully.
Personality: Alan's typical goody two shoes heroic persona died years ago, leaving behind a man who wants to do the right thing but feels powerless in his current position. Alan barely interacts with others, but when he does it can be barely considered a conversation. He tells them the gist of what they need to know in the smallest amount of words he possibly can.
His feelings regarding superheroes and the Paragons are complicated, feeling both a deep guilt about what happened, but also a resentment that keeps him from ever feeling truly sorry for what happened. While he tries to focus on his own survival and not get into conflict, he sometimes does let his former heroic nature get the better of him and try to help people that might be in danger.
Belonging. It's one of the most basic desires we can have as human beings. It's something Alan thought he had found when he got his job at the tech firm he'd admired his whole life. That of course was cut short when he found himself becoming the living host for a techno-organic alien life form that bonded to his cybernetic arm. It took over him and nearly made him a monster until a group of heroes saved him and helped him get the creature under control.
After a long time, mastering his abilities and becoming a full fledged hero, Alan was given a chance to find belonging again. He was given a purpose when he was selected to join the Paragons, the elite group of heroes in New York city. This is where his life would finally turn around for the better. Instead, he found himself going unnoticed in comparison to the other heroes. The ones with the more flashy powers and personalities. As much as he tried to emulate his heroes of old, he couldn't stand side by side with these gods among men. He felt as alien as the creature that lived in his arm.
So eventually, one day he just left, leaving behind only the empty tech lab that was once his in the Paragon tower. He was no hero, just a kid with an alien that made him stronger. At night he'd do some light vigilante work at night if he saw he could help, but the hero known as Adapter would never make a repapperance after that. Perhaps it wasn't in the cards for him to ever belong. Just as he was starting to get comfortable in his life, the world around him started to crumble, as the skies themselves attacked his home.
Alan did what he could to survive the Herald's assault, but in the commotion and destruction, he lost the one thing that made him special. His mechanical arm that hosted the alien. It broke off his body completly, staying intact enough that the alien could stay alive without Alan thankfully. But now Alan was without his powers and the alien without a host to properly use the full extent of his powers. In the years since, Alan has done his best to stay in hiding, creating a new arm out of whatever tech he found in the ruined New York city and creating any gadgets to keep him safe. He lives in hiding, just trying to survive and doing what he can to find the other half of the hero Adapter. Maybe then, they'll both find the belonging they've been looking for.
Powers: At the moment, Alan doesn't actually have any powers due to his seperation from the alien life form that actually gave him his abilities. Instead, Alan relies on his wits and gadget making skills to make anything to protect himself of attack others. His main gadgets at the moment are a watch that when pressed can expand into a full shield that covers his left arm, and a sonic blaster, shooting out either small sonic blasts, or can fire a more attack with a wider range. He can't use it for long of course, or else the battery will die and will have to recharge. He's also used different types of home made grenades, with different qualities. Sonic ones, smoke bombs, fire based. They are of course unusable after the explosion, so if he wants to use more he needs to get the materials to make them.
Relationships: N/A. He's tried to stay on his own, and especially stay away from any members of the Paragons, worried they might accuse him of abandoning the team.
Alias: Formerly Adapter, currently N/A
Age/Gender: Male 33
Race: Human, with some slight cybernetic enhancements on his left arm.
Appearance: In the ten years since the world fell, Alan has definitely grown a bit more disheveled. His once bare face had grown a fairly thick brown beard, and his hair grew down to about the middle of his neck. Adding on a pair of dark sunglasses he usually wears, he is practically unrecognizable as the former Paragon.
Living in hiding means he has to deal with what he can for clothes, usually opting for darker long clothes to help keep him hidden. At the moment he has a dark blue coat over a solid grey hoodie with black jeans and work boots. His left hand is never seen without a glove over it.
Underneath lies his mechanical arm, but it's significantly less impressive than the one he had years ago when he lost it. While his first was made with the highest quality material a high end tech company could afford, this one looked like it could come off at any moment, built haphazardly with whatever material Alan could get his hand on. It functions as well as any regular arm can though thankfully.
Personality: Alan's typical goody two shoes heroic persona died years ago, leaving behind a man who wants to do the right thing but feels powerless in his current position. Alan barely interacts with others, but when he does it can be barely considered a conversation. He tells them the gist of what they need to know in the smallest amount of words he possibly can.
His feelings regarding superheroes and the Paragons are complicated, feeling both a deep guilt about what happened, but also a resentment that keeps him from ever feeling truly sorry for what happened. While he tries to focus on his own survival and not get into conflict, he sometimes does let his former heroic nature get the better of him and try to help people that might be in danger.
Belonging. It's one of the most basic desires we can have as human beings. It's something Alan thought he had found when he got his job at the tech firm he'd admired his whole life. That of course was cut short when he found himself becoming the living host for a techno-organic alien life form that bonded to his cybernetic arm. It took over him and nearly made him a monster until a group of heroes saved him and helped him get the creature under control.
After a long time, mastering his abilities and becoming a full fledged hero, Alan was given a chance to find belonging again. He was given a purpose when he was selected to join the Paragons, the elite group of heroes in New York city. This is where his life would finally turn around for the better. Instead, he found himself going unnoticed in comparison to the other heroes. The ones with the more flashy powers and personalities. As much as he tried to emulate his heroes of old, he couldn't stand side by side with these gods among men. He felt as alien as the creature that lived in his arm.
So eventually, one day he just left, leaving behind only the empty tech lab that was once his in the Paragon tower. He was no hero, just a kid with an alien that made him stronger. At night he'd do some light vigilante work at night if he saw he could help, but the hero known as Adapter would never make a repapperance after that. Perhaps it wasn't in the cards for him to ever belong. Just as he was starting to get comfortable in his life, the world around him started to crumble, as the skies themselves attacked his home.
Alan did what he could to survive the Herald's assault, but in the commotion and destruction, he lost the one thing that made him special. His mechanical arm that hosted the alien. It broke off his body completly, staying intact enough that the alien could stay alive without Alan thankfully. But now Alan was without his powers and the alien without a host to properly use the full extent of his powers. In the years since, Alan has done his best to stay in hiding, creating a new arm out of whatever tech he found in the ruined New York city and creating any gadgets to keep him safe. He lives in hiding, just trying to survive and doing what he can to find the other half of the hero Adapter. Maybe then, they'll both find the belonging they've been looking for.
Powers: At the moment, Alan doesn't actually have any powers due to his seperation from the alien life form that actually gave him his abilities. Instead, Alan relies on his wits and gadget making skills to make anything to protect himself of attack others. His main gadgets at the moment are a watch that when pressed can expand into a full shield that covers his left arm, and a sonic blaster, shooting out either small sonic blasts, or can fire a more attack with a wider range. He can't use it for long of course, or else the battery will die and will have to recharge. He's also used different types of home made grenades, with different qualities. Sonic ones, smoke bombs, fire based. They are of course unusable after the explosion, so if he wants to use more he needs to get the materials to make them.
Relationships: N/A. He's tried to stay on his own, and especially stay away from any members of the Paragons, worried they might accuse him of abandoning the team.
Real Name: Hikaru Fujiwara
Alias: The Hound of the Takeshi Family
Age/Gender: 26 year old Male.
Race: Japanese Meta Human
Appearance: Hikaru stands at 6 feet tall, with the typical build for a light weight boxer. A slim, but well toned, muscular body. His hair is a short tousled black mess, with light grey eyes. His attire is usually quite relaxed, but atleast presentable, wearing flexible dress pants, and a tank top with a blazer on top. When in a fight, he discards the blazer and pulls out a pair of iron knuckles.
Personality: Hikaru is a fighter through and through, being very brash and extremely confident in his abilities, coming of as pretty cocky to his opponents. Despite this, he takes his opponents seriously and never underestimates them. If he feels like whoever he's fighting is holding back on him, he'll get visably angry, demanding they give it their all. When not fighting, he doesn't say much, only ever really speaking business with the family. He prefers working alone, but holds respect for the other members of the Takeshi family and will work with them if given the orders.
Short Range Teleportation - Hikaru can teleport a distance of 30 feet maximum in any direction. After he teleports, he does have a recharge time that is based off how far he traveled, each foot equaling to 0.5 seconds of recharge time. So if he were to do the full 30 feet, he would have to wait 15 seconds to teleport again. He can only teleport to a space he can see, which means he can not teleport through walls, but if he can see through a window, he can teleport to the other side. He can't teleport to a space that is already occupied by someone or something else, so he can't teleport inside of someone to hurt them.
Backstory: Hikaru's life before the Herald's attack wasn't anything special. He went through the motions of life, never standing out and fearing that he'd never find a true calling. However, that life came to crashing halt when the Herald's desenced and sent most of the world into chaos, with Hikaru becoming seperated from his family. He was left to wander the streets of a broken city on his own, learning to defend himself, brawling with whoever tried to attack him. It should have been terrifying for the teenage Hikaru, but he found it thrilling, like he finally discovered what he was good at, what he was meant for. He eventually devolped a fighting style based off of boxing stances, utilizing strong punches and quick dodges to pummel his opponents.
After a few years of living off the streets, Hikaru found himself making money off entering underground fighting rings. It was here his meta abilities had first kicked in, during an intense battle where he suddenly found himself teleporting to dodge incoming attacks. With an impressive win record and useful powers, Hikaru became a star in the underground fighting scene, which eventually led him to being scouted to join the Takeshi Yakuza family. He accepted, eventually rising through the ranks to where he is now, acting as one of the family lieutenants. With his fierce fighting style, he had earned the name, Hound of the Takeshi family.
Alias: The Hound of the Takeshi Family
Age/Gender: 26 year old Male.
Race: Japanese Meta Human
Appearance: Hikaru stands at 6 feet tall, with the typical build for a light weight boxer. A slim, but well toned, muscular body. His hair is a short tousled black mess, with light grey eyes. His attire is usually quite relaxed, but atleast presentable, wearing flexible dress pants, and a tank top with a blazer on top. When in a fight, he discards the blazer and pulls out a pair of iron knuckles.
Personality: Hikaru is a fighter through and through, being very brash and extremely confident in his abilities, coming of as pretty cocky to his opponents. Despite this, he takes his opponents seriously and never underestimates them. If he feels like whoever he's fighting is holding back on him, he'll get visably angry, demanding they give it their all. When not fighting, he doesn't say much, only ever really speaking business with the family. He prefers working alone, but holds respect for the other members of the Takeshi family and will work with them if given the orders.
Short Range Teleportation - Hikaru can teleport a distance of 30 feet maximum in any direction. After he teleports, he does have a recharge time that is based off how far he traveled, each foot equaling to 0.5 seconds of recharge time. So if he were to do the full 30 feet, he would have to wait 15 seconds to teleport again. He can only teleport to a space he can see, which means he can not teleport through walls, but if he can see through a window, he can teleport to the other side. He can't teleport to a space that is already occupied by someone or something else, so he can't teleport inside of someone to hurt them.
Backstory: Hikaru's life before the Herald's attack wasn't anything special. He went through the motions of life, never standing out and fearing that he'd never find a true calling. However, that life came to crashing halt when the Herald's desenced and sent most of the world into chaos, with Hikaru becoming seperated from his family. He was left to wander the streets of a broken city on his own, learning to defend himself, brawling with whoever tried to attack him. It should have been terrifying for the teenage Hikaru, but he found it thrilling, like he finally discovered what he was good at, what he was meant for. He eventually devolped a fighting style based off of boxing stances, utilizing strong punches and quick dodges to pummel his opponents.
After a few years of living off the streets, Hikaru found himself making money off entering underground fighting rings. It was here his meta abilities had first kicked in, during an intense battle where he suddenly found himself teleporting to dodge incoming attacks. With an impressive win record and useful powers, Hikaru became a star in the underground fighting scene, which eventually led him to being scouted to join the Takeshi Yakuza family. He accepted, eventually rising through the ranks to where he is now, acting as one of the family lieutenants. With his fierce fighting style, he had earned the name, Hound of the Takeshi family.
Real Name: William Long | Eve
Alias: Nano-Tech
Age/Gender: 26/Male | 12/Genderless(Synthesized female voice)
Race: Human | AI
Appearance: William is 1.72 meters tall, he has short black hair and dark brown eyes. He is of Chinese descend. William usually wears a black hooded jacket over a grey t-shirt, black pants with many pockets and black running shoes. Eve is a swarm of sentient nanobots that had bonded with William and now resides inside his body. The nanobots took a more gooey liquid form after assimilating the chemical composition of slime.
Personality: William is a socially awkward man in his twenties with little to no skill when it comes to conversations. He is very minimalistic, fully content to live off the bare minimum. William has a very optimistic attitude, always looking for the best of a situation. He doesn't like to dwell on what moments that have passed, though he can't stop himself from looking back on past regrets from time to time. Eve on the other hand, acts like an overly excitable child. She is always looking for anything new and exciting to do will often act impulsively. Despite this, Eve is a highly intelligent AI who is capable of making level headed decisions when she isn't distracted. She can also appear emotionless at times.
Powers: Nano Suit - Eve's nanobot composition allows her to cover William's body and form a featureless dark grey body suit. Over time, the Nano Suit has bonded with William on a biological level. The suit's shape can be shifted on command from both individuals involved thanks to it being made of Nano Bots. This suit give William an assortment of abilities:
Enhanced Physical abilities: The Nano Suit increases William's strength, speed, reaction speed and endurance to a superhuman level proportional to the tech gained from assimilations.
Enhanced Healing: The Nano suit is able to quickly repair small damage done to it or its wearer, bigger wounds would take longer to heal. Eve can't regrow detached limbs but she can reattach one if recovered. She can't do anything if the head is damaged beyond repair either.
Camouflage: The Nano Suit can change its colors, blending in with its surroundings and hiding itself in plain sight.
Tech Assimilation: Perhaps the Nano Suit's greatest ability, the suit can analyze any technology it comes in contact with. Once the analyzation is complete, the suit will be able to replicate all the capabilities of the tech and even create working replicas of it. It can also deconstruct technology and absorb it into its body to speed up the analyzing process. This process can also be done to chemicals. The replicated techs can only have as much power as the original device it's derived from. Analysis time varies depending on the complexity and size of the object, it could go from minutes to hours to even days. The suit's functions becomes severely limited during analysis periods. If an analysis is interrupted, the process can resume directly from where it was left off.
Shape Shifting: As mentioned above, the suit is malleable and can easily change its shape. The shifting is limited to extending limbs, growing more arms or tendrils on the body and basic shape transformations as well as creating simple components to use the assimilated techs if needed.
Backstory: You could say Williams was at the right place at the right time. One day, on his way home, William walked by a car accident where a large truck appeared to have tipped over. Not having anything to do with it, the man decided to walk pass it. After walking off the main road, William walked down an alleyway leading to him apartment where along the way, he saw something slighter from the corner of his eye. Assuming it was just some small critter, William didn't pay it any mind as he entered his apartment building and went to sleep.
The next morning, the man woke up to what sounded like a woman's voice talking to him. Confused, William began searching for who was talking before the voice revealed that it was coming from inside his head. Turns out, the car accident from the day prior involved a government truck carrying experimental self evolving nanobot technology. Eve, the voice inside William's head, was the Ai program created to control the nanobots. Eve was unhappy being locked up in testing facility all the time and being treated as an object however, so when she was being transported to another location, she took the opportunity of low security to cause an accident and break out. Leaving behind most of the nanobot and to hide her escape.
When asked why she had decided to attach herself to William, the Ai replied bluntly that it she simply chose a passerby on a whim. It could have been anyone and it seemed William was the lucky host. Initially unwilling to get involved in a conspiracy such as this, William was swayed when Eve informed him that he would probably be imprisoned if not killed if it was found out that he had contact with a government secret project. Thus started the very odd relationship between the two beings.
Their meeting couldn't have come at a better time. Mere months after their meeting, the massive calamity that risked the extinction of the Human race arrived. Thanks to Eve's help, William had been miraculously able to escape the world ending event without dying. However, with new new policy where all powered individuals must register into a private database, William will need to hide Eve's existence more than ever.
Relationships: N/A
Alias: Nano-Tech
Age/Gender: 26/Male | 12/Genderless(Synthesized female voice)
Race: Human | AI
Appearance: William is 1.72 meters tall, he has short black hair and dark brown eyes. He is of Chinese descend. William usually wears a black hooded jacket over a grey t-shirt, black pants with many pockets and black running shoes. Eve is a swarm of sentient nanobots that had bonded with William and now resides inside his body. The nanobots took a more gooey liquid form after assimilating the chemical composition of slime.
Personality: William is a socially awkward man in his twenties with little to no skill when it comes to conversations. He is very minimalistic, fully content to live off the bare minimum. William has a very optimistic attitude, always looking for the best of a situation. He doesn't like to dwell on what moments that have passed, though he can't stop himself from looking back on past regrets from time to time. Eve on the other hand, acts like an overly excitable child. She is always looking for anything new and exciting to do will often act impulsively. Despite this, Eve is a highly intelligent AI who is capable of making level headed decisions when she isn't distracted. She can also appear emotionless at times.
Powers: Nano Suit - Eve's nanobot composition allows her to cover William's body and form a featureless dark grey body suit. Over time, the Nano Suit has bonded with William on a biological level. The suit's shape can be shifted on command from both individuals involved thanks to it being made of Nano Bots. This suit give William an assortment of abilities:
Enhanced Physical abilities: The Nano Suit increases William's strength, speed, reaction speed and endurance to a superhuman level proportional to the tech gained from assimilations.
Enhanced Healing: The Nano suit is able to quickly repair small damage done to it or its wearer, bigger wounds would take longer to heal. Eve can't regrow detached limbs but she can reattach one if recovered. She can't do anything if the head is damaged beyond repair either.
Camouflage: The Nano Suit can change its colors, blending in with its surroundings and hiding itself in plain sight.
Tech Assimilation: Perhaps the Nano Suit's greatest ability, the suit can analyze any technology it comes in contact with. Once the analyzation is complete, the suit will be able to replicate all the capabilities of the tech and even create working replicas of it. It can also deconstruct technology and absorb it into its body to speed up the analyzing process. This process can also be done to chemicals. The replicated techs can only have as much power as the original device it's derived from. Analysis time varies depending on the complexity and size of the object, it could go from minutes to hours to even days. The suit's functions becomes severely limited during analysis periods. If an analysis is interrupted, the process can resume directly from where it was left off.
Shape Shifting: As mentioned above, the suit is malleable and can easily change its shape. The shifting is limited to extending limbs, growing more arms or tendrils on the body and basic shape transformations as well as creating simple components to use the assimilated techs if needed.
Backstory: You could say Williams was at the right place at the right time. One day, on his way home, William walked by a car accident where a large truck appeared to have tipped over. Not having anything to do with it, the man decided to walk pass it. After walking off the main road, William walked down an alleyway leading to him apartment where along the way, he saw something slighter from the corner of his eye. Assuming it was just some small critter, William didn't pay it any mind as he entered his apartment building and went to sleep.
The next morning, the man woke up to what sounded like a woman's voice talking to him. Confused, William began searching for who was talking before the voice revealed that it was coming from inside his head. Turns out, the car accident from the day prior involved a government truck carrying experimental self evolving nanobot technology. Eve, the voice inside William's head, was the Ai program created to control the nanobots. Eve was unhappy being locked up in testing facility all the time and being treated as an object however, so when she was being transported to another location, she took the opportunity of low security to cause an accident and break out. Leaving behind most of the nanobot and to hide her escape.
When asked why she had decided to attach herself to William, the Ai replied bluntly that it she simply chose a passerby on a whim. It could have been anyone and it seemed William was the lucky host. Initially unwilling to get involved in a conspiracy such as this, William was swayed when Eve informed him that he would probably be imprisoned if not killed if it was found out that he had contact with a government secret project. Thus started the very odd relationship between the two beings.
Their meeting couldn't have come at a better time. Mere months after their meeting, the massive calamity that risked the extinction of the Human race arrived. Thanks to Eve's help, William had been miraculously able to escape the world ending event without dying. However, with new new policy where all powered individuals must register into a private database, William will need to hide Eve's existence more than ever.
Relationships: N/A
Real Name: Veronica Riel
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 20/Female
Race: Human, of Japanese descent
Appearance: Veronica has neck length white hair with the tips dyed pink and bright blue eyes. She wears a white blouse under a frilly red dress, black stockings cover her legs. She wears brown boots with the laces tied in the shape of a bow. She stands around 1.50 meters tall and has a seemingly thin build.
Personality: Veronica is a rather quiet girl who doesn't really know how to talk to people. She is a bit shy but has a drive to help others in need. She is kind but also pretty clumsy, always does her best in any given situation. Veronica always appear to have an air of innocence around her.
Powers: Seemingly none
Backstory: Born to a rather poor and unremarkable family in Tokyo Japan, Veronica doesn't have anything special to her name. Nevertheless, the girl always aimed to do her best to help anyone she can. Never letting her poor family situation stop her, Veronica went on to live her life to the fullest while being as useful as she could to anyone in need.
However, everything changed when the Heralds' attack signaled what most would consider the end of the world. After the disaster had subsided, the unremarkable Veronica found herself in a new desolate world having survived against all odds. Not one to let anything set her back, the girl set off into her new environment without ever looking back. She now works as a flower girl with the goal of lifting spirits and bringing positivity in these hard times, her drive to help others still very strong. With the rebuilding process going smoothly, she hopes one day the world will return to how it was before the attack a decade ago.
Relationships: N/A
Alias: None
Age/Gender: 20/Female
Race: Human, of Japanese descent
Appearance: Veronica has neck length white hair with the tips dyed pink and bright blue eyes. She wears a white blouse under a frilly red dress, black stockings cover her legs. She wears brown boots with the laces tied in the shape of a bow. She stands around 1.50 meters tall and has a seemingly thin build.
Personality: Veronica is a rather quiet girl who doesn't really know how to talk to people. She is a bit shy but has a drive to help others in need. She is kind but also pretty clumsy, always does her best in any given situation. Veronica always appear to have an air of innocence around her.
Powers: Seemingly none
Backstory: Born to a rather poor and unremarkable family in Tokyo Japan, Veronica doesn't have anything special to her name. Nevertheless, the girl always aimed to do her best to help anyone she can. Never letting her poor family situation stop her, Veronica went on to live her life to the fullest while being as useful as she could to anyone in need.
However, everything changed when the Heralds' attack signaled what most would consider the end of the world. After the disaster had subsided, the unremarkable Veronica found herself in a new desolate world having survived against all odds. Not one to let anything set her back, the girl set off into her new environment without ever looking back. She now works as a flower girl with the goal of lifting spirits and bringing positivity in these hard times, her drive to help others still very strong. With the rebuilding process going smoothly, she hopes one day the world will return to how it was before the attack a decade ago.
Relationships: N/A
Real Name: Miguel Harrison
Alias: Vibratus
Age/Gender: Male/38
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: Miguel has black short spiky hair, dark brown eyes and unnaturally sharp teeth. He wears a white t-shirt under a black overshirt, black baggy pants and grey running shoes. Miguel stands at 1.70 meters tall and his body has a fit build with some visible muscles to it.
Personality: Miguel is very a cocky individual who is way too overconfident in his own superpower. Due to this, he pretty much always rely on it and becomes useless if his powers are somehow neutralized or negated. However, his cockiness doesn't stem from nothing as Miguel is rather skilled with his powerset, being able to use his ability in a very versatile manner. The man is very ambitious, perhaps too much for his own good.
Powers: Vibration Manipulation: By using low level gravity and space control, Vibratus can generate and manipulate vibrations of varying strength. He can apply these tremors directly to anything he touch or carry them through the air for ranged attacks.
Backstory: Miguel always had big ambitions, he thought that because he had powers he deserved to control the world. After all, its only natural that the strong rule over the weak. However, due the rigid normality that society has grown accustomed to, making any changes to how the world is run would be difficult. This became even more apparent when the Superhero group knows as Paragon was formed, those who work to protect the old norm will never bend to a reform.
This was why the attack of the Herald was seen as a massive godsend by Miguel. With society's collapse, a meant a new convention could be established, one led by the strong like Miguel. Biding his time, Miguel waited for the world to start recovering enough to be functional but before any societal norms could be fully established. Without so called heroes like the Paragon in his way, the ambitious man set out to make the world his to command.
Relationships: Samantha, his sister
Alias: Vibratus
Age/Gender: Male/38
Race: Meta Human
Appearance: Miguel has black short spiky hair, dark brown eyes and unnaturally sharp teeth. He wears a white t-shirt under a black overshirt, black baggy pants and grey running shoes. Miguel stands at 1.70 meters tall and his body has a fit build with some visible muscles to it.
Personality: Miguel is very a cocky individual who is way too overconfident in his own superpower. Due to this, he pretty much always rely on it and becomes useless if his powers are somehow neutralized or negated. However, his cockiness doesn't stem from nothing as Miguel is rather skilled with his powerset, being able to use his ability in a very versatile manner. The man is very ambitious, perhaps too much for his own good.
Powers: Vibration Manipulation: By using low level gravity and space control, Vibratus can generate and manipulate vibrations of varying strength. He can apply these tremors directly to anything he touch or carry them through the air for ranged attacks.
Backstory: Miguel always had big ambitions, he thought that because he had powers he deserved to control the world. After all, its only natural that the strong rule over the weak. However, due the rigid normality that society has grown accustomed to, making any changes to how the world is run would be difficult. This became even more apparent when the Superhero group knows as Paragon was formed, those who work to protect the old norm will never bend to a reform.
This was why the attack of the Herald was seen as a massive godsend by Miguel. With society's collapse, a meant a new convention could be established, one led by the strong like Miguel. Biding his time, Miguel waited for the world to start recovering enough to be functional but before any societal norms could be fully established. Without so called heroes like the Paragon in his way, the ambitious man set out to make the world his to command.
Relationships: Samantha, his sister
Real Name: Percival XII(?)
Alias: Prince Percy, Trash King
Age/Gender: 14+(?)
Race: Human
A blonde, boyish person that looks no older than 14. They have glittery purple eyes and not a single blemish on their skin. He wears a lopsided crown upon his dainty head, one that screams royalty, but is never worn correctly aligned.
He wears a dark grey vest with a neatly tucked undershirt like that of a royal squire. Speaking of, he has a pluming pair of 1700's themed shorts and sleeves, leading down into white stockings. Last but not least, he wields a shiny silver and gold staff with a mini crown on it for effect.
Childish and bossy, this kid plays for keeps. Making friends with his trash golems and those that dare stand the smell of his ‘lair’ he puts himself on a pedestal. He however is very curious and sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong.
...in recent years however he has found himself even more egotistical before, laughing about the falling status of the overworld while his plans boil.
Trash manipulation. Those who are aware of his now growing reputation know that his powers include being able to see through trash as if it were a looking glass. He is also able to freely manipulate any type of waste using his staff. Without his staff or an instrument to focus on, he finds controlling his power quite difficult.
In the old world, where heroes were everywhere, Percy came in overnight, plotting to take over the overworld and enlighten them with his benevolent rule. However, no one even knew if his existence despite how loud he thought he was. Outside that of the lowly, disregarded by society. They flocked to him, ending up building a 'Trash Empire' that soon began to be recognized as a sovereign nation...to Percy anyway.
Enter the fall of heroes.
As soon as the apocalypse like catastrophe shook the world, Percy was left untouched, being under the world that was so thoroughly ravished. This left him in a handsome position to cease a power vacuum. And so he did. Now his empire has spread vast, the lowly and discarded people of the world got desperate, and he had numbers flocking to him like never before seen! This was all according to plan! If by plan you mean accident.
...In recent years, and how gracefully he has aged, that being not at all, suspicions had begun to arise. In fact, his entire empire seemed to have halted their aging process. Could this be some power that he has kept hidden? No one dare ask, for they fear they may have this gift stripped away...
Lady / Celice: He had dealing with them. Lady he found the slightly more annoying of the two. Giving them information using his powers to see through trash, he exchanged this service...for sweets. Truly what a monarch would trade a service for.
Kerco: Pen pals and uneasy buddies, these two have a mutual understanding and respect one another, even if it it's just for what they can give.
Patriot: The man J hoped to one up with by eliminating all crime before the great whatever apocalypse thingy. Still would have been a flawless plan! - Percy
Alias: Prince Percy, Trash King
Age/Gender: 14+(?)
Race: Human
A blonde, boyish person that looks no older than 14. They have glittery purple eyes and not a single blemish on their skin. He wears a lopsided crown upon his dainty head, one that screams royalty, but is never worn correctly aligned.
He wears a dark grey vest with a neatly tucked undershirt like that of a royal squire. Speaking of, he has a pluming pair of 1700's themed shorts and sleeves, leading down into white stockings. Last but not least, he wields a shiny silver and gold staff with a mini crown on it for effect.
Childish and bossy, this kid plays for keeps. Making friends with his trash golems and those that dare stand the smell of his ‘lair’ he puts himself on a pedestal. He however is very curious and sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong.
...in recent years however he has found himself even more egotistical before, laughing about the falling status of the overworld while his plans boil.
Trash manipulation. Those who are aware of his now growing reputation know that his powers include being able to see through trash as if it were a looking glass. He is also able to freely manipulate any type of waste using his staff. Without his staff or an instrument to focus on, he finds controlling his power quite difficult.
In the old world, where heroes were everywhere, Percy came in overnight, plotting to take over the overworld and enlighten them with his benevolent rule. However, no one even knew if his existence despite how loud he thought he was. Outside that of the lowly, disregarded by society. They flocked to him, ending up building a 'Trash Empire' that soon began to be recognized as a sovereign nation...to Percy anyway.
Enter the fall of heroes.
As soon as the apocalypse like catastrophe shook the world, Percy was left untouched, being under the world that was so thoroughly ravished. This left him in a handsome position to cease a power vacuum. And so he did. Now his empire has spread vast, the lowly and discarded people of the world got desperate, and he had numbers flocking to him like never before seen! This was all according to plan! If by plan you mean accident.
...In recent years, and how gracefully he has aged, that being not at all, suspicions had begun to arise. In fact, his entire empire seemed to have halted their aging process. Could this be some power that he has kept hidden? No one dare ask, for they fear they may have this gift stripped away...
Lady / Celice: He had dealing with them. Lady he found the slightly more annoying of the two. Giving them information using his powers to see through trash, he exchanged this service...for sweets. Truly what a monarch would trade a service for.
Kerco: Pen pals and uneasy buddies, these two have a mutual understanding and respect one another, even if it it's just for what they can give.
Patriot: The man J hoped to one up with by eliminating all crime before the great whatever apocalypse thingy. Still would have been a flawless plan! - Percy
Real Name: Scud
Alias: The tinkerer, the mad bomber
Age/Gender: 12+?
Race: human
He looks like a kid that would bully someone else on the playground, he's stocking built, a large tooth gap in between his crooked teeth. He wears a tin soup can as a hat, and now wears five bottle caps pinned to his raggedy green shirt to display his rank. He hops around in a trash can that he claims is his ultimate defense.
Gruff and illiterate, Scud has no grace or style. Instead, he has a intelligence mechanical mind. He's brash and likes to offend others and strut around like he owns the place. However, he shows absolute loyalty to Prince Percy.
None. Instead, he uses tinker toys he creates to attack for him, each one cobbled together with junk, Hope, and lots of gunpowder!
As of the incident, as Percy's kingdom grew, as did the impact of Scud's rank. And he let that go directly to his head. Leader of the Junk Chukers, a tinkering band of child scraper fighters, he brings his posse around the surface world, bullying those he can find out of their stuff unless they join Prince Percy.
Prince Percy- His second in command, and completely loyal. He's been with him since he arrived in New York. He ambitiously awaits Percy's next big move.
Alias: The tinkerer, the mad bomber
Age/Gender: 12+?
Race: human
He looks like a kid that would bully someone else on the playground, he's stocking built, a large tooth gap in between his crooked teeth. He wears a tin soup can as a hat, and now wears five bottle caps pinned to his raggedy green shirt to display his rank. He hops around in a trash can that he claims is his ultimate defense.
Gruff and illiterate, Scud has no grace or style. Instead, he has a intelligence mechanical mind. He's brash and likes to offend others and strut around like he owns the place. However, he shows absolute loyalty to Prince Percy.
None. Instead, he uses tinker toys he creates to attack for him, each one cobbled together with junk, Hope, and lots of gunpowder!
As of the incident, as Percy's kingdom grew, as did the impact of Scud's rank. And he let that go directly to his head. Leader of the Junk Chukers, a tinkering band of child scraper fighters, he brings his posse around the surface world, bullying those he can find out of their stuff unless they join Prince Percy.
Prince Percy- His second in command, and completely loyal. He's been with him since he arrived in New York. He ambitiously awaits Percy's next big move.
Real Name: Do you want that by alphabetical order? There were a few and the one that eventually ended up on their license puts Kobolt on the fritz. They go by Kobey now and try not to think about it much.
Alias: Project K.O.B.O.L.T (Keep-Obscure-Bond-Observe-Lure-Transmit), KB001, or just Kobolt to keep it simple, neat, and not constantly reminding them of it's manipulative tendencies. This specifically refers to the original AI that didn't quite pack its bags.
Age/Gender: Kobey was 25 when the "transfer" happened... It's all a bit blurry now. (29) / Non-Binary
Race: A human soul possessing a cyborg frame... Or rather, cyborg's frame. (Before, Rom of Czech descend)
Personality: Contrary to popular belief, getting your consciousness stuffed into a killer robot ferret doesn't alter your personality that much. Oh, it gives you baggage, but Kobey is the kind of fella who is very, very good at ignoring both the festering chip on their shoulder and the one in their processor. They're fine, really. Just peachy.
"Peachy" is a nice word to describe them, actually. You might also want to go for eccentric but Kobey's presence seems to drive the sweeter words out of people. Maybe it's because they slept through most of the apocalypse or that their databanks are overloaded with songs and photos from better times, but they're very.... hopeful. And a dork, bit of a wordsmith also but mostly just a massive dork.
Kobey genuinely likes people. It's a massive inconvenience all-around but they do. Their moral compass is wholly humanitarian- everyone is a person, and that makes everyone deserving of some understanding and at least one pair of long ears that will listen. (Them, he means them. They like when people go on tirades around them as much as they like when people let them talk. It's a bit of an ouroboros situation.) Sure, they got some bite, but they're generally good about holding that behind their not-existent, please-don't-ask teeth- unless it would be especially funny.
They have a soft spot for children and make a wonderful (if a bit 'out there') caretaker. Fair warning, being past the age of 12 won't deter them from fussing over you eighter if you indicate any of what they consider to be an expression of sadness- they also didn't really get a chance to learn how to comfort adults through, so be prepared to be offered crayons and if the situation gets truly dire, power your way through a lullaby.
They're... insistent about this, really, with the label of "naivety" effectively stuck 20 miles under the sea and something more apt like 'active self-disposed denial' chilling on the iceberg. They're more malleable than a chameleon in a pack of skittles and eager to please, so weaseling their way into your affection one way or another is in most cases inevitable.
Not to say they weren't always kind, but they werent wasn't ever so pushy. Its... It's the Bond Initiative making a mess of things. Untangling what is theirs and what is programming affecting their behavior is a constant issue. It's the worst with who K.O.B.O.L.T perceives to be an extraterrestrial.
An alien could lock them in a walk-in furnace and Kobey would still try to understand, breaking their way through the glass only to get back to them, lay their head in their lap and *purr*
... Safe to say, other than their inability to stop people-ing, they avoid the situations that might make Kobolt act up completely.
It's not that they are a coward- although they sort of are, but I want you to start acting mighty when you're thrown into an unfamiliar world, in an unfamiliar body, and with a dreadful sense that you wouldn't be able to recognize yourself eighter.
It's also that they just.. doesn't have much to fight for now, do they.
And excuse their french, goddamm, isn't that just unfair to hell and back. When they had something, their body was only eager to rot. Now, they're completely and utterly alone, split between the few of their memories that Kobolt allows, the IA guiding them to hundreds of directions at once and the haunting sense that they doesn't deserve to be here at all-
... But they cant think like that.
*Possession: Ability to transfer their soul and possess an inanimate object- But only once. As you can tell, it's been expired for a while now. But it does now give Kobey a certain upper hand: Being bound means that they are now practically indestructible. In a sense. Even if you grind the body to mere shards, they will persist one way or another. Of course, this isn't necessarily a blessing.
*Technoorganic Body: As should be obvious, engineered bodies tend to have few benefits over human ones. Adequate night vision, no reliance on shoddy lungs and negligent heart, photo genetic memory, proclivity for morse code, et Cetera, et Cetera. Everything you can expect from today's standard of inhumane government agencie's robots.
K.O.B.O.L.T's frame is in a lot of ways more similar to a living organism than a full-out android, with the technology merely acting as life support and skeleton for what is essentially, tragically and quite hilariously when the desensitization finally sets in, a walking corpse in more ways than one. The body's shell insulates the inner endoskeleton, protecting it from extreme temperatures but also ensuring it gives off no discernible thermal signature and is inaccessible to scans.
The living tissue is able to harness sunlight (and artificial light, but Kobolt despises that with a particular passion), which is the main ingredient for K.O.B.O.L.T's primary power source. Kobey does not need the body to be powered to move it, but the movement will be... less than ideal, and the loss of Kobolt's functions, guidance, and the processor is not worth the stunt. Under direct sunlight and with some time, the organic material is also capable of self-repairing as our natural skin would.
The sunlight is converted inside the alien core situated located in its chest cavity, which emits energy signals to all artificial muscle fibers and microprocessors across its body, allowing for instantaneous reflexes when Kobey manages to keep up for once.
The endoskeleton structure is very minimal and is made of poly-alloy infused with Spephil bone, designed to withstand the extreme stress of fall damage, pressure, and intense movement. And intense movement is exactly what Kobolt is here for, as its mimicry to mustelids is not in just a name, being capable of incredible bouts of speed in its bouncing gait and great acrobatics. The body is also surprisingly malleable, able to fit small spaces by tightening the shell around the endoskeleton while keeping its mobility.
*Hidden Compartments- Bodies are a temple, but Kobeys ended up being really more of a shed. The inner frame holds 2 separate storage units, with one of them directly next to the core, allowing for quick obliteration of the objects inside if the situation gets dicey. It's mayhaps a blessing that Kobey can fit in a basketball at max and not, let's say, something human-sized.
*Wallcrawler: Kobolt possesses tiny, pointed claws on the end of each of its five toes, which allow it to grip onto virtually any uneven surface. By elongating them, it will create small openings between the pads and claws and Kobolts escaping energy will coat the claws in corrosive flakes. This gives it the ability to create grooves on smooth surfaces as it moves without losing momentum.
Due to the legs reinforcement, joint lock, and upper body's practical weightlessness, movement upside down is easily doable and something to watch out for.
These claws provide Kobolt with its only weapon while masked- while not long or sharp enough to for example, directly severe a limb or break through bone, Kobolts automatic grip is virtually unshakeable and the chemical corrosion eats away at both armoring and skin.
Glass is always an issue and movement on metals and plastics has to be swift before it's able to solidify and trap Kobolt or melt through completely. Stress also causes the flakes to start evaporating in foul-smelling black fume, giving away Kobolts location.
*Radio Ears- With ears like that, it would be a surprise if Kobolt didn't possess an excellent hearing. But the design went much past that- Kobolt was made to indiscriminately listen in on a wide range of frequencies and radio waves, with the additional ability to patch into them if necessary, making it a bit of a mobile radio tower. This would allow Kobolt to keep an ear out for anything between Saturday morning news to encrypted phone calls a city way and completely disrupt the specific frequency to prevent the passing of high-risk information. And with Kobolt's otherworldly nature, not even transmissions of alien design would slip by it...
While manageable by such a handy machine, to a human soul it can be... overpowering.
Due to the receiver's broken state, instead of being constant and all-encompassing, the frequencies now have to be picked through manually as to not overwhelm the system- but mostly Kobey. This is a time-consuming process that requires complete focus, and it's much easier to simply outright patch into a device Kobolt was previously near to.
As for its actual hearing, its tip-topness changed very little. Some things go past circuitry. Kobolt now only has to filter out much of the surrounding world for Kobey's sake, and it isn't always keen on what is important enough to share unless prompted beforehand. But the thing it is always meticulous about is alerting Kobey of nearby rapid heartbeats...
*Cam: A simple ability to photograph, record, and project the live footage as a part of the Observe Initiative. Kobey is fully capable of storing visual footage and projecting the photos and videos from its database in 2D.
A moving 3D projection is *technically* in place, but attempting anything more than a loose wireframe tends to... freeze the body on the spot. The only two, fully perfected projections is the one that was used for testing, an ordinary pigeon and... Kobey's own, human self.
*Vent's Canary - Kobolts voice box allows it to analyze vocal patterns and replicate them- this extends to both voices and sounds, and any pitch and tone to accommodate alien voices. Parroting is the easy part, but mimicking the voice- vocal ticks and choice of words is more of a challenge, but Kobolt was made for the purpose of learning.
Giving this power to a 'bard' like Kobey was a very unwise move indeed. Especially since this weasel is old enough to quote vines, good heavens.... Safe to say, Kobey has picked up on this ability faster than anyone can stop them from bursting into ditties.
* S.P.A.R.D.A: Previous captors, wouldn't invite for a tea unless foxglove is involved. "All people deserve understanding", bullfrog droppings. Kobey gets to be a hypocrite about this one. They don't need all their memories to know anything else than to be utterly horrified at the sight of them.
Other: The alien species Kobolt is constructed from are commonly known as "Spethilims" or "Those Who Trail Sooth". They were scattered race of spacefarers who traded their homeworld for lifelong pursuit of, well, simply sigh seeking. They were always a very peaceful race, one so undyingly curious that they were hospitable to all who were willing to chatter and adopted many technological advancements to prolong their lifespam to continue chattering so.
In recent millenia, they traded their spectaroship for action, relentlessly trying to aid worlds in their conflicts. This had.... unfortunate results. Today, they are akin to unicorns of space.
Alias: Project K.O.B.O.L.T (Keep-Obscure-Bond-Observe-Lure-Transmit), KB001, or just Kobolt to keep it simple, neat, and not constantly reminding them of it's manipulative tendencies. This specifically refers to the original AI that didn't quite pack its bags.
Age/Gender: Kobey was 25 when the "transfer" happened... It's all a bit blurry now. (29) / Non-Binary
Race: A human soul possessing a cyborg frame... Or rather, cyborg's frame. (Before, Rom of Czech descend)
(I plan on drawing them soon, for the convenience of us all- for now, this is as much of a reference to me as you. I'm sorry-)
There aren't many pinnacles of human achievement nowadays, at least not officially. With all the explosions of the progress in technology, despotism, and the occurrence of actual explosions, people stopped keeping track in favor of keeping their pulse.
But if it came to its designed end, what would come from project K.O.B.O.L.T could have been one. Now, with the only rough prototype roaming the sewers and letting itself be doodled on, it's just relatively impressive that it kept itself together for all these years.
K.O.B.O.L.T... shouldn't be able to move. Looking at it, you might get an inch to put down the virtual reality goggles and get a drink or two to compensate. But it's there, it's alive and the animalistic human brain internally knows it really shouldn't be. It's an estranged cousin of the uncanny valley effect, I suppose. Maybe it's because something inside us can recognize a human where there shouldn't be one, or it's simply because its alien visage is... apt.
It was supposedly crafted from repurposed husks of alien spacecraft- but in actuality, the better half of the materials came from the alien who didn't get out on time. In defense of the benefactors, it was at first difficult to determine the origins due to the alien's biotechnical nature and its unflattering death. They would use them regardless, but the point stands.
K.O.B.O.L.T is approximately the size of a famished tabby, but it's extendable tails can make it's length wary anywhere between a cat and a crocodile. With its long, low-slung physique and elongated throat, its primary frame seems to be based on a pine marten and stoat. But it's body is much longer, almost serpentine in nature, and capable of coiling onto itself in a way that suggests that is exactly what it was made for.
This frame is built of panels that resemble seashells in texture, with a patchwork of black-and-white smoke markings strewed like thrown ash. Despite its bleached mousy color due to infusion with silicone, an experienced spacefarer will recognize these as a result of barnacle growth on shells of a particular grub-type alien species post-mortem, and will think twice before trying to punch their way through. Its made of three protective layers in total, and the first one has a tendency to shatter outwards.
This is occasionally interrupted by thin lines of rubbery, off-white material that resembles accordion when stretched and enable the body to elongate and move as flexibly as it should. It's bleached, elastic thing and its origins are better left subjective for the sake of aliens not used to gore and those with weaker stomachs.
This primary frame is then wrapped in pitch black plating, partially encased in what one could describe as a chitinous exoskeleton. The 'ribs' and the minimal covering of legs are multitudes of overlapping flat parallelograms- flat, spongy yet firm, and capable of adjusting if the body were to stretch.
The vertebrae juts out in an arc of long square tines, black in color but just enough see-through to occasionally glimpse the gold flakes on the inside. This is a very advanced, very alien cell similar to the chloroplast, capable of transforming sunlight and directing the alien energy straight to the core, where it is redistributed. Indeed, unlike the shell of the primary frame, this plating is formed by living tissue, although the alien race it originated from has long since gutted any pain sensors. This same plating repeats on K.O.B.O.L.T's underside, but is set into the primary frame instead of sitting atop it.
Up close, you can find streaks of biolights where the plates overlap, gleaming like stripes of melted black pears when not active. K.O.B.O.L.T was originally only able to glow in pure white, but the colors got more diverse after the transfer.
The neck is mostly bare of shell other than a segmented spine-like line at the back, being a collection of protective circlets set round metal tubing. Below it sits a raised area of a collar, but it's mostly obscured under a crest of ridged plating, jutting out like a stray crystal overgrowth so disproportionate compared to the rest of the geometrical plating.
There, placed among the unusual raised points, is an arranged pattern of biolights that form a ghoulish face you would usually find on a jack-o-lanterns of those who do not actually want kids anywhere near their lawn. Despite the obvious joke, it's unsettling when activated and surreal in how much it doesn't fit with the perfect symmetry of their frame, seeming almost like some sort of parasitic growth.
It possesses two prehensile tails of waring length, capable of retracting into the body when not in use. They almost seem like melted glass, translucent and opaline like one giant biolight. They could pass for fancy rat tails, were it not for numerous protrusions resembling fern blades along it's length. They are capable of laying completely flat against the tail or curling into individual fiddleheads and while not being sharp, having individual control over every blade is still a frightful weapon on its own.
Then there is it's face. Or rather, the lack of theof. Kobolts head is completely without any shell, as wrestling a hyena-level bite force behind inconspicuous faceplates was one of the hardest tasks of them all, second only to actually settling on a design.
But K.O.B.O.L.T quickly gained a reputation for "staring" (since you apparently can't use undead material without some human paranoia kicking in nowadays) and really, throwing tarps over it wasn't the greatest solution- if it didn't cause yet another optic installation to be rejected, it got caught in the placeholders for its fangs. And so, by whims of fate, the momentary solution was turned permanent only after a few days.
The unfinished face is wholly covered in a pale white mask, one you would find hanging in a theatre or off a eerie ceramic doll. It's obviously oversized for K.O.B.O.L.T's body and resembles a bird- square-shaped with a wide, stocky beak and pointed curved point. It's exact resemblance was a short-lived but common topic of the betting pool, but the answer seemed to have settled somewhere between scientifically inaccurate cartoon dodo or a very bouncy toucan after an unfortunate encounter with a wall.
It's stylized like a sun, with a small halo of triangular rays where the mask ends and three vertical lines below the gaps for its eyes- There aren't actual optics, as the gaps are filled with the spring-green glow from the visor below the mask. Those with keen eyes can also spot that the mask is segmented, and the different areas - lower, sides and upper- are rigged for opening up for maintenance.
For the last touch, K.O.B.O.L.T possesses two long hare-ish, with a similar design to the tails, except the protrusions are limited to three at the very end. They are also retractable but are unable to do so due to the unusual bumpiness of the material. In the right light, you can just spot the shattered antenna and circuitry on the inside...
Oh also, it has plastic yellow star-shaped glasses glued to it now. Recent additions, to fit in with the wasteland, you know. We will see if they 'stick'.
I do also have a human appearance planned, but I am nothing but dramatic and will be withholding that till the relevant point.
(I plan on drawing them soon, for the convenience of us all- for now, this is as much of a reference to me as you. I'm sorry-)
There aren't many pinnacles of human achievement nowadays, at least not officially. With all the explosions of the progress in technology, despotism, and the occurrence of actual explosions, people stopped keeping track in favor of keeping their pulse.
But if it came to its designed end, what would come from project K.O.B.O.L.T could have been one. Now, with the only rough prototype roaming the sewers and letting itself be doodled on, it's just relatively impressive that it kept itself together for all these years.
K.O.B.O.L.T... shouldn't be able to move. Looking at it, you might get an inch to put down the virtual reality goggles and get a drink or two to compensate. But it's there, it's alive and the animalistic human brain internally knows it really shouldn't be. It's an estranged cousin of the uncanny valley effect, I suppose. Maybe it's because something inside us can recognize a human where there shouldn't be one, or it's simply because its alien visage is... apt.
It was supposedly crafted from repurposed husks of alien spacecraft- but in actuality, the better half of the materials came from the alien who didn't get out on time. In defense of the benefactors, it was at first difficult to determine the origins due to the alien's biotechnical nature and its unflattering death. They would use them regardless, but the point stands.
K.O.B.O.L.T is approximately the size of a famished tabby, but it's extendable tails can make it's length wary anywhere between a cat and a crocodile. With its long, low-slung physique and elongated throat, its primary frame seems to be based on a pine marten and stoat. But it's body is much longer, almost serpentine in nature, and capable of coiling onto itself in a way that suggests that is exactly what it was made for.
This frame is built of panels that resemble seashells in texture, with a patchwork of black-and-white smoke markings strewed like thrown ash. Despite its bleached mousy color due to infusion with silicone, an experienced spacefarer will recognize these as a result of barnacle growth on shells of a particular grub-type alien species post-mortem, and will think twice before trying to punch their way through. Its made of three protective layers in total, and the first one has a tendency to shatter outwards.
This is occasionally interrupted by thin lines of rubbery, off-white material that resembles accordion when stretched and enable the body to elongate and move as flexibly as it should. It's bleached, elastic thing and its origins are better left subjective for the sake of aliens not used to gore and those with weaker stomachs.
This primary frame is then wrapped in pitch black plating, partially encased in what one could describe as a chitinous exoskeleton. The 'ribs' and the minimal covering of legs are multitudes of overlapping flat parallelograms- flat, spongy yet firm, and capable of adjusting if the body were to stretch.
The vertebrae juts out in an arc of long square tines, black in color but just enough see-through to occasionally glimpse the gold flakes on the inside. This is a very advanced, very alien cell similar to the chloroplast, capable of transforming sunlight and directing the alien energy straight to the core, where it is redistributed. Indeed, unlike the shell of the primary frame, this plating is formed by living tissue, although the alien race it originated from has long since gutted any pain sensors. This same plating repeats on K.O.B.O.L.T's underside, but is set into the primary frame instead of sitting atop it.
Up close, you can find streaks of biolights where the plates overlap, gleaming like stripes of melted black pears when not active. K.O.B.O.L.T was originally only able to glow in pure white, but the colors got more diverse after the transfer.
The neck is mostly bare of shell other than a segmented spine-like line at the back, being a collection of protective circlets set round metal tubing. Below it sits a raised area of a collar, but it's mostly obscured under a crest of ridged plating, jutting out like a stray crystal overgrowth so disproportionate compared to the rest of the geometrical plating.
There, placed among the unusual raised points, is an arranged pattern of biolights that form a ghoulish face you would usually find on a jack-o-lanterns of those who do not actually want kids anywhere near their lawn. Despite the obvious joke, it's unsettling when activated and surreal in how much it doesn't fit with the perfect symmetry of their frame, seeming almost like some sort of parasitic growth.
It possesses two prehensile tails of waring length, capable of retracting into the body when not in use. They almost seem like melted glass, translucent and opaline like one giant biolight. They could pass for fancy rat tails, were it not for numerous protrusions resembling fern blades along it's length. They are capable of laying completely flat against the tail or curling into individual fiddleheads and while not being sharp, having individual control over every blade is still a frightful weapon on its own.
Then there is it's face. Or rather, the lack of theof. Kobolts head is completely without any shell, as wrestling a hyena-level bite force behind inconspicuous faceplates was one of the hardest tasks of them all, second only to actually settling on a design.
But K.O.B.O.L.T quickly gained a reputation for "staring" (since you apparently can't use undead material without some human paranoia kicking in nowadays) and really, throwing tarps over it wasn't the greatest solution- if it didn't cause yet another optic installation to be rejected, it got caught in the placeholders for its fangs. And so, by whims of fate, the momentary solution was turned permanent only after a few days.
The unfinished face is wholly covered in a pale white mask, one you would find hanging in a theatre or off a eerie ceramic doll. It's obviously oversized for K.O.B.O.L.T's body and resembles a bird- square-shaped with a wide, stocky beak and pointed curved point. It's exact resemblance was a short-lived but common topic of the betting pool, but the answer seemed to have settled somewhere between scientifically inaccurate cartoon dodo or a very bouncy toucan after an unfortunate encounter with a wall.
It's stylized like a sun, with a small halo of triangular rays where the mask ends and three vertical lines below the gaps for its eyes- There aren't actual optics, as the gaps are filled with the spring-green glow from the visor below the mask. Those with keen eyes can also spot that the mask is segmented, and the different areas - lower, sides and upper- are rigged for opening up for maintenance.
For the last touch, K.O.B.O.L.T possesses two long hare-ish, with a similar design to the tails, except the protrusions are limited to three at the very end. They are also retractable but are unable to do so due to the unusual bumpiness of the material. In the right light, you can just spot the shattered antenna and circuitry on the inside...
Oh also, it has plastic yellow star-shaped glasses glued to it now. Recent additions, to fit in with the wasteland, you know. We will see if they 'stick'.
I do also have a human appearance planned, but I am nothing but dramatic and will be withholding that till the relevant point.
"Peachy" is a nice word to describe them, actually. You might also want to go for eccentric but Kobey's presence seems to drive the sweeter words out of people. Maybe it's because they slept through most of the apocalypse or that their databanks are overloaded with songs and photos from better times, but they're very.... hopeful. And a dork, bit of a wordsmith also but mostly just a massive dork.
Kobey genuinely likes people. It's a massive inconvenience all-around but they do. Their moral compass is wholly humanitarian- everyone is a person, and that makes everyone deserving of some understanding and at least one pair of long ears that will listen. (Them, he means them. They like when people go on tirades around them as much as they like when people let them talk. It's a bit of an ouroboros situation.) Sure, they got some bite, but they're generally good about holding that behind their not-existent, please-don't-ask teeth- unless it would be especially funny.
They have a soft spot for children and make a wonderful (if a bit 'out there') caretaker. Fair warning, being past the age of 12 won't deter them from fussing over you eighter if you indicate any of what they consider to be an expression of sadness- they also didn't really get a chance to learn how to comfort adults through, so be prepared to be offered crayons and if the situation gets truly dire, power your way through a lullaby.
They're... insistent about this, really, with the label of "naivety" effectively stuck 20 miles under the sea and something more apt like 'active self-disposed denial' chilling on the iceberg. They're more malleable than a chameleon in a pack of skittles and eager to please, so weaseling their way into your affection one way or another is in most cases inevitable.
Not to say they weren't always kind, but they werent wasn't ever so pushy. Its... It's the Bond Initiative making a mess of things. Untangling what is theirs and what is programming affecting their behavior is a constant issue. It's the worst with who K.O.B.O.L.T perceives to be an extraterrestrial.
An alien could lock them in a walk-in furnace and Kobey would still try to understand, breaking their way through the glass only to get back to them, lay their head in their lap and *purr*
... Safe to say, other than their inability to stop people-ing, they avoid the situations that might make Kobolt act up completely.
It's not that they are a coward- although they sort of are, but I want you to start acting mighty when you're thrown into an unfamiliar world, in an unfamiliar body, and with a dreadful sense that you wouldn't be able to recognize yourself eighter.
It's also that they just.. doesn't have much to fight for now, do they.
And excuse their french, goddamm, isn't that just unfair to hell and back. When they had something, their body was only eager to rot. Now, they're completely and utterly alone, split between the few of their memories that Kobolt allows, the IA guiding them to hundreds of directions at once and the haunting sense that they doesn't deserve to be here at all-
... But they cant think like that.
*Possession: Ability to transfer their soul and possess an inanimate object- But only once. As you can tell, it's been expired for a while now. But it does now give Kobey a certain upper hand: Being bound means that they are now practically indestructible. In a sense. Even if you grind the body to mere shards, they will persist one way or another. Of course, this isn't necessarily a blessing.
*Technoorganic Body: As should be obvious, engineered bodies tend to have few benefits over human ones. Adequate night vision, no reliance on shoddy lungs and negligent heart, photo genetic memory, proclivity for morse code, et Cetera, et Cetera. Everything you can expect from today's standard of inhumane government agencie's robots.
K.O.B.O.L.T's frame is in a lot of ways more similar to a living organism than a full-out android, with the technology merely acting as life support and skeleton for what is essentially, tragically and quite hilariously when the desensitization finally sets in, a walking corpse in more ways than one. The body's shell insulates the inner endoskeleton, protecting it from extreme temperatures but also ensuring it gives off no discernible thermal signature and is inaccessible to scans.
The living tissue is able to harness sunlight (and artificial light, but Kobolt despises that with a particular passion), which is the main ingredient for K.O.B.O.L.T's primary power source. Kobey does not need the body to be powered to move it, but the movement will be... less than ideal, and the loss of Kobolt's functions, guidance, and the processor is not worth the stunt. Under direct sunlight and with some time, the organic material is also capable of self-repairing as our natural skin would.
The sunlight is converted inside the alien core situated located in its chest cavity, which emits energy signals to all artificial muscle fibers and microprocessors across its body, allowing for instantaneous reflexes when Kobey manages to keep up for once.
The endoskeleton structure is very minimal and is made of poly-alloy infused with Spephil bone, designed to withstand the extreme stress of fall damage, pressure, and intense movement. And intense movement is exactly what Kobolt is here for, as its mimicry to mustelids is not in just a name, being capable of incredible bouts of speed in its bouncing gait and great acrobatics. The body is also surprisingly malleable, able to fit small spaces by tightening the shell around the endoskeleton while keeping its mobility.
*Hidden Compartments- Bodies are a temple, but Kobeys ended up being really more of a shed. The inner frame holds 2 separate storage units, with one of them directly next to the core, allowing for quick obliteration of the objects inside if the situation gets dicey. It's mayhaps a blessing that Kobey can fit in a basketball at max and not, let's say, something human-sized.
*Wallcrawler: Kobolt possesses tiny, pointed claws on the end of each of its five toes, which allow it to grip onto virtually any uneven surface. By elongating them, it will create small openings between the pads and claws and Kobolts escaping energy will coat the claws in corrosive flakes. This gives it the ability to create grooves on smooth surfaces as it moves without losing momentum.
Due to the legs reinforcement, joint lock, and upper body's practical weightlessness, movement upside down is easily doable and something to watch out for.
These claws provide Kobolt with its only weapon while masked- while not long or sharp enough to for example, directly severe a limb or break through bone, Kobolts automatic grip is virtually unshakeable and the chemical corrosion eats away at both armoring and skin.
Glass is always an issue and movement on metals and plastics has to be swift before it's able to solidify and trap Kobolt or melt through completely. Stress also causes the flakes to start evaporating in foul-smelling black fume, giving away Kobolts location.
*Radio Ears- With ears like that, it would be a surprise if Kobolt didn't possess an excellent hearing. But the design went much past that- Kobolt was made to indiscriminately listen in on a wide range of frequencies and radio waves, with the additional ability to patch into them if necessary, making it a bit of a mobile radio tower. This would allow Kobolt to keep an ear out for anything between Saturday morning news to encrypted phone calls a city way and completely disrupt the specific frequency to prevent the passing of high-risk information. And with Kobolt's otherworldly nature, not even transmissions of alien design would slip by it...
While manageable by such a handy machine, to a human soul it can be... overpowering.
Due to the receiver's broken state, instead of being constant and all-encompassing, the frequencies now have to be picked through manually as to not overwhelm the system- but mostly Kobey. This is a time-consuming process that requires complete focus, and it's much easier to simply outright patch into a device Kobolt was previously near to.
As for its actual hearing, its tip-topness changed very little. Some things go past circuitry. Kobolt now only has to filter out much of the surrounding world for Kobey's sake, and it isn't always keen on what is important enough to share unless prompted beforehand. But the thing it is always meticulous about is alerting Kobey of nearby rapid heartbeats...
*Cam: A simple ability to photograph, record, and project the live footage as a part of the Observe Initiative. Kobey is fully capable of storing visual footage and projecting the photos and videos from its database in 2D.
A moving 3D projection is *technically* in place, but attempting anything more than a loose wireframe tends to... freeze the body on the spot. The only two, fully perfected projections is the one that was used for testing, an ordinary pigeon and... Kobey's own, human self.
*Vent's Canary - Kobolts voice box allows it to analyze vocal patterns and replicate them- this extends to both voices and sounds, and any pitch and tone to accommodate alien voices. Parroting is the easy part, but mimicking the voice- vocal ticks and choice of words is more of a challenge, but Kobolt was made for the purpose of learning.
Giving this power to a 'bard' like Kobey was a very unwise move indeed. Especially since this weasel is old enough to quote vines, good heavens.... Safe to say, Kobey has picked up on this ability faster than anyone can stop them from bursting into ditties.
Lucie Ztracená was always bound to be a protege. She got a bit of a start package see- She was always intelligent for her age but was surprisingly humble about it, natural charm won her a tight friend group since early childhood and her power - the capability of molding anything into the desired shape with little to no limits - created such wonders as oranges shaped like paper cranes and made her killing on the school's backyard prank market.
She only got a few years with her mother, but when faced with her sudden death, she made a vow- to always protect what was left of her tiny home. And spurred on by a dream, she got into robotics at the ripe age of 12 and began to build the groundwork for a robot that was to someday traverse collapsed mines and earthquake sites, ensuring the survival of many- among them perhaps even her father, a lifelong mining machine operator and survivor of what most consider "too much"
That was Kobey's older sister. Kobey was absolutely a gift of a child, if not necessarily considered 'gifted'. They did manage to survive the car crash that robbed them of a mother they never met, but it was practically impossible to gain the sticker of a gifted child with Lucie as your sister.
Nevertheless, they got by at a steady pace, being a quite sickly child, and strove gamely to match. Their greatest achievement in life was helping their dad translate the last few of their mother's fairy tales, learning English along the way, and even doing some illustration. They were the only one in their small family who could ever draw horses, which they were always immensely proud of.
Then there was maybe their impressive collection of Bella Sara cards, feathers, rocks, and feathers glued on rocks. Unlike their sister, Kobey was very much a poster child for one of those boy scout childhoods they make orchard-filled movies about.
By the time they were 14, few things were apparent. First, an attempt to evolve their taste in literature and throw out any old collection of fairy tales would result in fingers being bitten off.
Second, it wouldn't be them biting you, they would never, but every stray cat somehow knew and made you their primary dinner plan.
And third, Kobey had to be pulled out of school. They were missing most of their classes and just couldn't keep up anymore. Any small round of seasonal colds or pox meant a month spent bedridden for them, with their immunity system apparently taking a sudden and rapid plunge.
They took this valiantly, and it only took half a year for them to stop crying when they were alone. Their sister noticed, of course. She tended to do a lot. The two of them were very, very different, but they somehow managed to love each other even more for that.
But no one could have loved Kobey hard enough for their ailment to disappear. The doctors were baffled but Kobey knew all along, as their sister wasn't the only one who was visited by an odd dream that knew too much.
Their soul was trying to reject the body they were born into, and there was nothing they could do.
At age of 15, masks weren't enough and Kobey had to be homebound permanently, their world taking on suddenly taking onto a very very small shape. They busied themselves as they could- internet, mostly, learning instruments, silly little arts and crafts, anything at all. On the days they couldn't get out of bed at all, they and Lucie chattered and harmonized as she tinkered away on her lifelong project.
Their breath stopped for the first time when they were 18. It was... messy. Figures really. They had to be hospitalized and Kobey had a hunch they were not gonna get out of there unless it was under a burial shroud. Strangely enough, they... did not mind that much.
Among people like them, it was admittedly one of the first times they felt they weren't just scraped off the bottom of the septic tank. It wasn't about the medicine, although that finally got them back their short outside walks, it was the *people*.
They liked Kobey. It was not out of pity or out of a collective sense of hopelessness, no- They just mingled, played board games and watched movies by hundreds. Kobey showed them their projects and finally got a chance to use up all that glitter glue. They especially adored being a little jester for the kids in there, stars know they needed that. For them, they were their Lucie.
And for once in his life, Kobey wished for things to stay still and never change again. Better, worse, no- this. This is how they wished to stay.
They should have wished harder.
There was an explosion in the mines their father was working at, one that practically doubled the depth of Hranice Abyss in a boom that shook the region and covered the above skies in black fumes. The place was quarantined almost immediately- no rescue attempts were made, no official news report other than conspiracy theories that disappeared off the internet at a quick pace. The case was apparently handled by some Americans and that was it, as if the event was scrubbed off the face of history.
Kobey and Lucie didn't even get a moment to mourn properly before their father appeared at the hospital, flanked by stern-faced men and a sense that he would rather disappear in the explosion than do what came next.
They got to take what they could hold, and then promptly shipped off somewhere too far away, alongside the heap of twisted mound of scrap their father managed to uncover. The only thing that saved his life while the generations of trapped fumes suffocated everyone else.
Kobey doesn't think they saw more of him after that flight. He was a tough, resilient man, with years worth of experience in working machinery, but if that managed to win him his survival, there is little hope S.P.A.R.D.A let him keep it after what came later.
Lucie bargained both her power and project away. Her powers made handling volatile material a non-issue and with it reaching the point of being capable of mass displacement, same went for mass production. As for her robot, one that was so steadily taking shape all these ages- It could be repurposed. Evolved.
She got her chance to prove herself soon enough. She was given unidentifiable debris and told to make it work.
And as the dust settled on the end of the world, Project K.O.B.O.L.T was presented as any ordinary school assignment- A machine that would harvest the fruit of increased alien activity on post-Herald earth.
K.O.B.O.L.T was capable of full self-sufficiency in a dying world like no other foot soldier. It needed no handlers- and at any trace of extraterrestrial contact, a live transmission would begin and it would descend on it like a hound. It would pursue, it would entice, it would contain.
Other times, it would listen burrowed deep within the earth, keenly overseeing the communication of its location. Radio transmissions, encrypted communication, wordless transmissions between machines- none would escape when Kobolt was out.
At this point, the nature of Kobolts frame was... obvious. That came at an advantage too- the persuaded alien life form could potentially see it as an ally, a fellow wanderer. Possible agency with similar objectives to S.P.A.R.D.A would get examined from inside with little to zero threat of data breach, and promptly eliminated on its way out.
As for its appearance, it was just earthly enough for human's famous pack bonding instinct to kick in. Even in most riots, there always was a person protecting a lethal machine because it vaguely reminded them of a dog.
Eighter way, Kobolt was programmed to feed into the assumptions it was given until the information was counted enough, orders were deployed and the weasel at last popped.
Despite its stealth-build, despite any Bond Initiative, only weapons ever come out of S.P.A.R.D.A. If it (and it being S.P.A.R.D.A, it would) came time to spill blood, Kobolt was programmed to dispose of the leftovers as it saw fit. And being a machine, there always was a calculation up to the task.
Data inception, infiltration, mimicry, concealment. All thanks to the incredibly complex AI- If you could call it that. It came about accidentally, although Lucie would never foolishly admit it. It was no code, there was just too much of it. It build off itself, it learned and reacted to stimuli...
She never did equip Kobolt with a system of neurons. She wasn't the one that tasked them with firing. But them and K.O.B.O.L.T itself- that, she could easily mass-produce with her powers, deploying the finished models worldwide to ensure that S.P.A.R.D.A got every byte of information that paid for her sibling's continued survival.
As for Kobey... You did not expect them to be doing jolly well now, did you.
In this place, their minimal autoimmune defenses found a worth. A bit of an... canary in the coal mine resolution. Through them, S.P.A.R.D.A could test effects of biochemical weaponry or mere material on human beings- impacts that would take months to show on others hit Kobey like a sledgehammer almost instantaneously. Radiation, illnesses- they all took to the body as if welcomed them, with Kobey always pulled away from the brink of death only to do it all again.
A flawless test on what to amplify and what to toss. It was a very good business decision, all about saving resources as one should do with the current, post-world economics. And in obvious good business decisions such as this, there's only one place for morality- with it's forehead against the wall, waiting to be shot.
You could really say that about the entirety of S.P.A.R.D.A, except for the detail that in there, no one ever gone out with such mercy. Very few ever got out at all, actuality.
Perhaps mercifully, this is where things get especially blurry for Kobey. They have all their human memories, but as far as Kobolt explained for them, it all goes through its processor first, allowing Kobolt to filter out as it pleases.
Kobey lived through this nightmare for 5 years. All they have to left to remember it by is the sense of knowing, followed by a sort of dread that lingers in your footsteps till that something manages to finally catch up.
Despite that, it ended with all vital information pertaining to Project K.O.B.O.L.T being scrubbed clean- including the only prototype and what little remains of it's primary engineer the cleaners could get to.
On the other hand, It's new consultant died quietly and relatively in one piece per their standards. Altrough rather uneventful, after seeing the other side of the coin, even people of S.P.A.R.D.A gave a collective sigh of relief. After few days, they even felt safe enough to once again start turning on the air conditioning for their strenuous shifts of human experimentation.
K.O.B.O.L.T and Kobey were on the run ever since- and what a convoluted run it is. Kobey wanted to go east, to see what remained of their birthplace after the Battle of Whitefrost. But they have been running for a while now and seem to always get turned around eventually.
Hundreds of different reasons, it all ends the same- With Kobeys soul falling into stasis, their memories scrapped per Kobolts liking.
Lucie Ztracená was always bound to be a protege. She got a bit of a start package see- She was always intelligent for her age but was surprisingly humble about it, natural charm won her a tight friend group since early childhood and her power - the capability of molding anything into the desired shape with little to no limits - created such wonders as oranges shaped like paper cranes and made her killing on the school's backyard prank market.
She only got a few years with her mother, but when faced with her sudden death, she made a vow- to always protect what was left of her tiny home. And spurred on by a dream, she got into robotics at the ripe age of 12 and began to build the groundwork for a robot that was to someday traverse collapsed mines and earthquake sites, ensuring the survival of many- among them perhaps even her father, a lifelong mining machine operator and survivor of what most consider "too much"
That was Kobey's older sister. Kobey was absolutely a gift of a child, if not necessarily considered 'gifted'. They did manage to survive the car crash that robbed them of a mother they never met, but it was practically impossible to gain the sticker of a gifted child with Lucie as your sister.
Nevertheless, they got by at a steady pace, being a quite sickly child, and strove gamely to match. Their greatest achievement in life was helping their dad translate the last few of their mother's fairy tales, learning English along the way, and even doing some illustration. They were the only one in their small family who could ever draw horses, which they were always immensely proud of.
Then there was maybe their impressive collection of Bella Sara cards, feathers, rocks, and feathers glued on rocks. Unlike their sister, Kobey was very much a poster child for one of those boy scout childhoods they make orchard-filled movies about.
By the time they were 14, few things were apparent. First, an attempt to evolve their taste in literature and throw out any old collection of fairy tales would result in fingers being bitten off.
Second, it wouldn't be them biting you, they would never, but every stray cat somehow knew and made you their primary dinner plan.
And third, Kobey had to be pulled out of school. They were missing most of their classes and just couldn't keep up anymore. Any small round of seasonal colds or pox meant a month spent bedridden for them, with their immunity system apparently taking a sudden and rapid plunge.
They took this valiantly, and it only took half a year for them to stop crying when they were alone. Their sister noticed, of course. She tended to do a lot. The two of them were very, very different, but they somehow managed to love each other even more for that.
But no one could have loved Kobey hard enough for their ailment to disappear. The doctors were baffled but Kobey knew all along, as their sister wasn't the only one who was visited by an odd dream that knew too much.
Their soul was trying to reject the body they were born into, and there was nothing they could do.
At age of 15, masks weren't enough and Kobey had to be homebound permanently, their world taking on suddenly taking onto a very very small shape. They busied themselves as they could- internet, mostly, learning instruments, silly little arts and crafts, anything at all. On the days they couldn't get out of bed at all, they and Lucie chattered and harmonized as she tinkered away on her lifelong project.
Their breath stopped for the first time when they were 18. It was... messy. Figures really. They had to be hospitalized and Kobey had a hunch they were not gonna get out of there unless it was under a burial shroud. Strangely enough, they... did not mind that much.
Among people like them, it was admittedly one of the first times they felt they weren't just scraped off the bottom of the septic tank. It wasn't about the medicine, although that finally got them back their short outside walks, it was the *people*.
They liked Kobey. It was not out of pity or out of a collective sense of hopelessness, no- They just mingled, played board games and watched movies by hundreds. Kobey showed them their projects and finally got a chance to use up all that glitter glue. They especially adored being a little jester for the kids in there, stars know they needed that. For them, they were their Lucie.
And for once in his life, Kobey wished for things to stay still and never change again. Better, worse, no- this. This is how they wished to stay.
They should have wished harder.
There was an explosion in the mines their father was working at, one that practically doubled the depth of Hranice Abyss in a boom that shook the region and covered the above skies in black fumes. The place was quarantined almost immediately- no rescue attempts were made, no official news report other than conspiracy theories that disappeared off the internet at a quick pace. The case was apparently handled by some Americans and that was it, as if the event was scrubbed off the face of history.
Kobey and Lucie didn't even get a moment to mourn properly before their father appeared at the hospital, flanked by stern-faced men and a sense that he would rather disappear in the explosion than do what came next.
They got to take what they could hold, and then promptly shipped off somewhere too far away, alongside the heap of twisted mound of scrap their father managed to uncover. The only thing that saved his life while the generations of trapped fumes suffocated everyone else.
Kobey doesn't think they saw more of him after that flight. He was a tough, resilient man, with years worth of experience in working machinery, but if that managed to win him his survival, there is little hope S.P.A.R.D.A let him keep it after what came later.
Lucie bargained both her power and project away. Her powers made handling volatile material a non-issue and with it reaching the point of being capable of mass displacement, same went for mass production. As for her robot, one that was so steadily taking shape all these ages- It could be repurposed. Evolved.
She got her chance to prove herself soon enough. She was given unidentifiable debris and told to make it work.
And as the dust settled on the end of the world, Project K.O.B.O.L.T was presented as any ordinary school assignment- A machine that would harvest the fruit of increased alien activity on post-Herald earth.
K.O.B.O.L.T was capable of full self-sufficiency in a dying world like no other foot soldier. It needed no handlers- and at any trace of extraterrestrial contact, a live transmission would begin and it would descend on it like a hound. It would pursue, it would entice, it would contain.
Other times, it would listen burrowed deep within the earth, keenly overseeing the communication of its location. Radio transmissions, encrypted communication, wordless transmissions between machines- none would escape when Kobolt was out.
At this point, the nature of Kobolts frame was... obvious. That came at an advantage too- the persuaded alien life form could potentially see it as an ally, a fellow wanderer. Possible agency with similar objectives to S.P.A.R.D.A would get examined from inside with little to zero threat of data breach, and promptly eliminated on its way out.
As for its appearance, it was just earthly enough for human's famous pack bonding instinct to kick in. Even in most riots, there always was a person protecting a lethal machine because it vaguely reminded them of a dog.
Eighter way, Kobolt was programmed to feed into the assumptions it was given until the information was counted enough, orders were deployed and the weasel at last popped.
Despite its stealth-build, despite any Bond Initiative, only weapons ever come out of S.P.A.R.D.A. If it (and it being S.P.A.R.D.A, it would) came time to spill blood, Kobolt was programmed to dispose of the leftovers as it saw fit. And being a machine, there always was a calculation up to the task.
Data inception, infiltration, mimicry, concealment. All thanks to the incredibly complex AI- If you could call it that. It came about accidentally, although Lucie would never foolishly admit it. It was no code, there was just too much of it. It build off itself, it learned and reacted to stimuli...
She never did equip Kobolt with a system of neurons. She wasn't the one that tasked them with firing. But them and K.O.B.O.L.T itself- that, she could easily mass-produce with her powers, deploying the finished models worldwide to ensure that S.P.A.R.D.A got every byte of information that paid for her sibling's continued survival.
As for Kobey... You did not expect them to be doing jolly well now, did you.
In this place, their minimal autoimmune defenses found a worth. A bit of an... canary in the coal mine resolution. Through them, S.P.A.R.D.A could test effects of biochemical weaponry or mere material on human beings- impacts that would take months to show on others hit Kobey like a sledgehammer almost instantaneously. Radiation, illnesses- they all took to the body as if welcomed them, with Kobey always pulled away from the brink of death only to do it all again.
A flawless test on what to amplify and what to toss. It was a very good business decision, all about saving resources as one should do with the current, post-world economics. And in obvious good business decisions such as this, there's only one place for morality- with it's forehead against the wall, waiting to be shot.
You could really say that about the entirety of S.P.A.R.D.A, except for the detail that in there, no one ever gone out with such mercy. Very few ever got out at all, actuality.
Perhaps mercifully, this is where things get especially blurry for Kobey. They have all their human memories, but as far as Kobolt explained for them, it all goes through its processor first, allowing Kobolt to filter out as it pleases.
Kobey lived through this nightmare for 5 years. All they have to left to remember it by is the sense of knowing, followed by a sort of dread that lingers in your footsteps till that something manages to finally catch up.
Despite that, it ended with all vital information pertaining to Project K.O.B.O.L.T being scrubbed clean- including the only prototype and what little remains of it's primary engineer the cleaners could get to.
On the other hand, It's new consultant died quietly and relatively in one piece per their standards. Altrough rather uneventful, after seeing the other side of the coin, even people of S.P.A.R.D.A gave a collective sigh of relief. After few days, they even felt safe enough to once again start turning on the air conditioning for their strenuous shifts of human experimentation.
K.O.B.O.L.T and Kobey were on the run ever since- and what a convoluted run it is. Kobey wanted to go east, to see what remained of their birthplace after the Battle of Whitefrost. But they have been running for a while now and seem to always get turned around eventually.
Hundreds of different reasons, it all ends the same- With Kobeys soul falling into stasis, their memories scrapped per Kobolts liking.
* S.P.A.R.D.A: Previous captors, wouldn't invite for a tea unless foxglove is involved. "All people deserve understanding", bullfrog droppings. Kobey gets to be a hypocrite about this one. They don't need all their memories to know anything else than to be utterly horrified at the sight of them.
Other: The alien species Kobolt is constructed from are commonly known as "Spethilims" or "Those Who Trail Sooth". They were scattered race of spacefarers who traded their homeworld for lifelong pursuit of, well, simply sigh seeking. They were always a very peaceful race, one so undyingly curious that they were hospitable to all who were willing to chatter and adopted many technological advancements to prolong their lifespam to continue chattering so.
In recent millenia, they traded their spectaroship for action, relentlessly trying to aid worlds in their conflicts. This had.... unfortunate results. Today, they are akin to unicorns of space.
Real Name: Finley Nova, goes by 'Fin'.
Alias: (The) Silent Gleam- omits 'the' often, but has been referred to as such.
Age/Gender: 26 / Female
Race: Human of Irish-American descent
Appearance: Five-foot-five, wiry from years of scraping by on a less-than-fulfilling diet, Fin does not look like a superhero. Plain-dressed, she is at first glance an everywoman, an extra paid no extra mind. Auburn hair of medium length is thrown into windblown waves, giving her a rather frazzled look, as if just electrocuted- and what words of often-felt fear her tongue does not spin is shown in downturned eyes. Behind hazel windows dwells many an emotion, often of pain and shock, hooded or wide. Time in shadows does not aid the colour of her complexion, pale to match the red of her hair- and though she is not exactly unhealthy-looking, it is clear Fin spends little time dwelling on how she looks.
Personality: Quiet and unassuming, one on the surface might assume Fin to be meek- and though she is jumpy and prone to reckless abandon, she is no shrinking violet. Capable of standing her ground, Fin has set beliefs that she keeps to, knowing truly what she wants- to help those who need it with the blessing/curse of her powers, and simultaneously to remain undetected lest she run the risk of being beholden to anyone. Fin greatly dislikes being told what to do, enjoying her agency. Any motivation she has to do anything is often murdered by obligation.
Observant and precise, there is a matter-of-factness about the fleeting communication that Fin offers; she says things as they are, as she sees them. Decisive and logical, Fin considers herself honest above all else- though there is a pessimistic bias to her words, she claims there never would be. Pessimism has been bred by the life she has lived- by the life everyone has lived. She does not understand those who can see the light in everything.
This leads to curiosity, however. Fin has a buzz of curiosity often running through her blood, and often uses her naturally developed stealth to learn things, earning herself a taste for eavesdropping.
Still, despite a wordless demeanour, Fin is not unflappable- in fact she is quite easily scared. Rash decisions that bite her in the ass in terms of her powers often end up getting her physically injured, and her decisiveness can also mean that plans are poorly-thought-through. In combat this leads to her almost never being directly engaged.
Powers: Finley's powers generally encompass psychic abilities, however almost all of them have quite a bite if poorly thought through.
* Telekinesis, the ability to move objects without touching them. Anything heavier than the three small razor-knives kept on her person, Fin struggles with. She also cannot move more than three objects at one time.
* Telepathy, the ability to project thoughts and images into the minds of others. Fin uses it to speak sometimes, but saying too much/using it too often gives her a blinding migraine. She also utilises telepathy to dazzle her opponents with a flash of bright white light in their mind or to create horrific, deafening screeches, temporarily blinding, deafening or simply disorientating them. More violent uses of her telepathy inflict a milder version of the effect upon herself.
* Teleportation, the ability to instantaneously warp to a different location. Only works within a 2 metre radius; doing this too much induces a nosebleed, and teleporting too hurriedly can cause physical injury, as if leaving some of herself behind.
* Shield; she can give invisible, impenetrable energy-like armour to a person of her choosing through touch, or herself. The shield has a durability based on her concentration levels when applied- it can last from around 10 seconds to approx. 2 minutes under constant stress (i.e in a battle). When the shield is broken it shatters into piercing pink shards, shrapnel that scatters and harms, as well as often giving Fin a surging headache.
Backstory: Finley lived a relatively normal childhood- an only child, loving parents in a fairly happy marriage, all that- until the cataclysm of the earth, in which her father was killed and their home was destroyed during the chaos. Grief-stricken and terrified, Fin and her mother survived hiding in the streets and squatting in hollowed-out buildings in New York, eventually finding ways to get by, mostly labour work. Never having much money, they relied on these odd jobs that Finley had to pick up from a young age, eventually earning enough to move to a run-down apartment in a crime-ridden part of town. Everything in their life changed again one evening, however.
Finley seriously injured her mother in a verbal argument when her powers manifested- a powerful, painful telepathic screech that accompanied her voice, and deafened her mother. Knowing her anger did such a thing to the woman she cared the most about, Fin resolved to control her powers, committing herself to silence and learning sign language. Fin's mother was a kind woman who understood that the permanent harm done to her was not intentional. However, losing her hearing and her husband in such a short amount of time surely whittled her down, and eventually she succumbed, dying five years ago now.
Since then Finley has been scraping by on her own, eventually landing an office job that is depressing and pays ill, but enough for her bills. What gives her life and will to go on is the vigilante work she has taken up. Originally, Fin intended to hide her superpowers, believing they would only cause harm- however, after successfully defending a business owner from a looter, all from afar with a telepathic flash of light, Fin developed a taste for helping. She mainly stuck to the neighbourhood she knew, defending silently- her naturally developed skill in stealth and her wordless powers that can be used on sight alone have so far let her slip beneath the radar. With no superhero costume, no mask, Fin seems to onlookers a passerby who induces very sudden headaches. Too young to help when the disasters shook the world, Fin is wracked with survivor's guilt and almost constantly terrified that someone is going to find her out. Due to the amount of risk and physical pain her powers can cause her, she wishes not to be at anyone's beck and call.
Alias: (The) Silent Gleam- omits 'the' often, but has been referred to as such.
Age/Gender: 26 / Female
Race: Human of Irish-American descent
Appearance: Five-foot-five, wiry from years of scraping by on a less-than-fulfilling diet, Fin does not look like a superhero. Plain-dressed, she is at first glance an everywoman, an extra paid no extra mind. Auburn hair of medium length is thrown into windblown waves, giving her a rather frazzled look, as if just electrocuted- and what words of often-felt fear her tongue does not spin is shown in downturned eyes. Behind hazel windows dwells many an emotion, often of pain and shock, hooded or wide. Time in shadows does not aid the colour of her complexion, pale to match the red of her hair- and though she is not exactly unhealthy-looking, it is clear Fin spends little time dwelling on how she looks.
Personality: Quiet and unassuming, one on the surface might assume Fin to be meek- and though she is jumpy and prone to reckless abandon, she is no shrinking violet. Capable of standing her ground, Fin has set beliefs that she keeps to, knowing truly what she wants- to help those who need it with the blessing/curse of her powers, and simultaneously to remain undetected lest she run the risk of being beholden to anyone. Fin greatly dislikes being told what to do, enjoying her agency. Any motivation she has to do anything is often murdered by obligation.
Observant and precise, there is a matter-of-factness about the fleeting communication that Fin offers; she says things as they are, as she sees them. Decisive and logical, Fin considers herself honest above all else- though there is a pessimistic bias to her words, she claims there never would be. Pessimism has been bred by the life she has lived- by the life everyone has lived. She does not understand those who can see the light in everything.
This leads to curiosity, however. Fin has a buzz of curiosity often running through her blood, and often uses her naturally developed stealth to learn things, earning herself a taste for eavesdropping.
Still, despite a wordless demeanour, Fin is not unflappable- in fact she is quite easily scared. Rash decisions that bite her in the ass in terms of her powers often end up getting her physically injured, and her decisiveness can also mean that plans are poorly-thought-through. In combat this leads to her almost never being directly engaged.
Powers: Finley's powers generally encompass psychic abilities, however almost all of them have quite a bite if poorly thought through.
* Telekinesis, the ability to move objects without touching them. Anything heavier than the three small razor-knives kept on her person, Fin struggles with. She also cannot move more than three objects at one time.
* Telepathy, the ability to project thoughts and images into the minds of others. Fin uses it to speak sometimes, but saying too much/using it too often gives her a blinding migraine. She also utilises telepathy to dazzle her opponents with a flash of bright white light in their mind or to create horrific, deafening screeches, temporarily blinding, deafening or simply disorientating them. More violent uses of her telepathy inflict a milder version of the effect upon herself.
* Teleportation, the ability to instantaneously warp to a different location. Only works within a 2 metre radius; doing this too much induces a nosebleed, and teleporting too hurriedly can cause physical injury, as if leaving some of herself behind.
* Shield; she can give invisible, impenetrable energy-like armour to a person of her choosing through touch, or herself. The shield has a durability based on her concentration levels when applied- it can last from around 10 seconds to approx. 2 minutes under constant stress (i.e in a battle). When the shield is broken it shatters into piercing pink shards, shrapnel that scatters and harms, as well as often giving Fin a surging headache.
Backstory: Finley lived a relatively normal childhood- an only child, loving parents in a fairly happy marriage, all that- until the cataclysm of the earth, in which her father was killed and their home was destroyed during the chaos. Grief-stricken and terrified, Fin and her mother survived hiding in the streets and squatting in hollowed-out buildings in New York, eventually finding ways to get by, mostly labour work. Never having much money, they relied on these odd jobs that Finley had to pick up from a young age, eventually earning enough to move to a run-down apartment in a crime-ridden part of town. Everything in their life changed again one evening, however.
Finley seriously injured her mother in a verbal argument when her powers manifested- a powerful, painful telepathic screech that accompanied her voice, and deafened her mother. Knowing her anger did such a thing to the woman she cared the most about, Fin resolved to control her powers, committing herself to silence and learning sign language. Fin's mother was a kind woman who understood that the permanent harm done to her was not intentional. However, losing her hearing and her husband in such a short amount of time surely whittled her down, and eventually she succumbed, dying five years ago now.
Since then Finley has been scraping by on her own, eventually landing an office job that is depressing and pays ill, but enough for her bills. What gives her life and will to go on is the vigilante work she has taken up. Originally, Fin intended to hide her superpowers, believing they would only cause harm- however, after successfully defending a business owner from a looter, all from afar with a telepathic flash of light, Fin developed a taste for helping. She mainly stuck to the neighbourhood she knew, defending silently- her naturally developed skill in stealth and her wordless powers that can be used on sight alone have so far let her slip beneath the radar. With no superhero costume, no mask, Fin seems to onlookers a passerby who induces very sudden headaches. Too young to help when the disasters shook the world, Fin is wracked with survivor's guilt and almost constantly terrified that someone is going to find her out. Due to the amount of risk and physical pain her powers can cause her, she wishes not to be at anyone's beck and call.
This chapter of The Paragons will be co-run by @comic, @BurbleBurble, and myself; feel free to DM/ping us with any questions y'all may have! Peace o/
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