The girl that wished to be referred to as "River" had spent all morning preparing for the con. Scrambling for minute cosplay adjustments due to the classic costume issues had left her exhausted, which wasn't necessarily a good thing for an introvert who was tuckered out enough by social interaction alone. The wig she was wearing, despite having doctored it up quite a bit, still appeared mildly synthetic, but River didn't care. If someone had time to bash on a girl who was cosplaying just for fun, they probably need to re-evaluate their life choices. Nonetheless, she was nervous as she walked down to the nearby con, gaining odd looks from strangers (to which she replied to by awkwardly shooting them finger guns and hoping they'd quit staring). Eventually she made it to the con, her arms hugged tight around her lavender sweatshirt for warmth in the chilly March air. A quick login for authentication later she was in, the con packed with fellow Charmers, some of which she knew but didn't recognise and others whom were completely foreign to her. The purple contacts she was wearing didn't help her recognization skills either, restricting her vision considerably.
For a moment, River stood amongst the chattering crowd, drinking in the noises and colours that emerged from the convention. Anything and everything Pokémon related imaginable and more was there, but what stuck out to the cosplayer the most was a booth containing a wide array of Pokémon plushies. She spotted an Espurr, and quickly bought it without a second thought, practically slamming the money into the vendor's hand. Of course, this action was short-sighted of her seeing as she didn't bring a bag. She shoved it in her hoodie pocket along with her phone, hoping no one would notice... okay, everyone would notice, but at least there was an effort. Scooting over to the side of the booth, River quickly checked her phone, noticing a flood of posts on the newest status updates board pertaining to the current convention. Heck, maybe she could find someone she knew.
However, just as she was about to navigate her way to someone that had announced 'Look for a guy in a banette hoody if you want to find me

', she noticed a somewhat large crowd consisting of... did that guy just say he was Ry_Burst? She recognized the username from a few roleplays, always as a character named... well... Ry Burst. Maybe his actual name
was Ry Burst. The guy in the Banette hoodie (who after a quick check she found to be Noire) could wait. Plus, with multiple people there would be minimal social interaction because they're all talking to each other. Bonus!
River stumbled over to the small group of what appeared to be around four or five (though she could be wrong), inhibited by the cat toes on her shoes and the tunnel vision gifted to her by the contacts. As per usual, she found the most awkward way possible to introduce herself. "Uhh... someone over here said they were Ry_Burst or something? And... uhh... I kind of know him I guess?" Yep. Excellent work.