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The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

Straight out of Japan or dubbed - do you still watch Anime series?

  • Yes, avidly

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Only occasionally or for specific episodes

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I only watch the movies

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Never watched it to begin with

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I liked May. Mainly because she wasn't too stupid (coughDawncough). Not to mention she was Jessie's rival and that made a nice change. Not only that but she was funny at times....Like when she was pretending she was reporter. Funny but a little annoying. Not like Dawn who is a litte funny but just plain annoying. I personally think they should have gave May the emerald outfit but whatevs.....

The cons of Dawn: A) Shes stupid. At least when May was stupid...she was funny.
B) Dawn is a complete hooch. Her "skirt" is smaller than her palms. and she's ten.
C) I know May's hairdo was out there...but wtf. What are the triangles in Dawn's head?!

i have to agree with you there... may gets my vote
as for dawn's cons...
a) yep... if you don't know how to open a pokeball..... i say just go home
b) the skirt..... ugh... and that scarf.... what's the point?
c) yeah, i think those are clips... though comparing hats, i like may's better (c'mon, what girl wears a beanie past winter?) as for hair.... i have to say i like dawn's better, but may still rules out

hehe, i guess i'm one of the few people that didn't have a problem with may's little brother max... i've stated before in another post about max taking over misty's ear tugging of brock... and croagunk just doesn't seem as funny to me...
i have to agree with you there... may gets my vote
as for dawn's cons...
a) yep... if you don't know how to open a pokeball..... i say just go home
b) the skirt..... ugh... and that scarf.... what's the point?
c) yeah, i think those are clips... though comparing hats, i like may's better (c'mon, what girl wears a beanie past winter?) as for hair.... i have to say i like dawn's better, but may still rules out

hehe, i guess i'm one of the few people that didn't have a problem with may's little brother max... i've stated before in another post about max taking over misty's ear tugging of brock... and croagunk just doesn't seem as funny to me...

A) Indeed, May's not all that bright, but at least she's not a complete idiot...
B and C) Dawn's outfit didn't look quite so bad in the game when her scarf and skirt were a bit longer (at least, I think they were longer. I know her scarf is). The only pro in the anime is that she takes off her hat a lot.

And I didn't erally have a problem with Max either; I actually thought he was kinda cute. o_O And the tugging-Brock's-ear was funny because Max was half Brock's height... XD

So I like May for her less stupid outfit and her brother, and I know I'm gonna get shot for the second reason... -_-
what kills me is that at first, may wasn't even trying when she got her pokemon and still knew what she was doing... and you're not the only one who'll get shot, cause i liked max too (i was always rooting for him to get a pokemon...)

as for the scarf... i think it was just one of those unnecessary items that she has (and looks really tacky)
Sinnoh isn't even remotely cold-looking, and if it was, she difnitely shouldn't be wearing a skirt anyway. I guess it was a bad take at fashionista stereotypes.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'm really missing the point here of how Dawn not really knowing what she was doing at first is such a bad thing (and why being a newbie = stupid, because everyone has to start somewhere). Its already been stated, but Ash had no clue what he was doing at first either. Plus, already you can see how far Dawn has come, and she's no doubt going to keep on growing as the season progresses. Did we see May have the same sort of resolve? ... Not that I can really remember. If anything, I'd say it's worse that May didn't originally even want to be a trainer.

And yes, Max... a good thing? I may have loved the Ralts episodes, and I liked his role in a few other things, but I'm certainly not missing him now. At all. XD
I think the point is that Dawn's a bit overly stupid. May wasn't all that smart either when she started but at least she could open a Pokéball. And that's saying something because Dawn WANTED to be a trainer.

And about that, I think May not wanting to train was supposed to be like opposite to Max, who wanted to train but was too young. And you have to remember that when she found out about Contests, May got really excited about Pokémon.
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I still don't see Dawn as being overly stupid either. An airhead with lots of comic relief, yeah, but... yeah. Comic relief ftw!

I have no problem with her early stupidity, and Ash getting smacked by the PokeBall was gold :)
XD Yeah, gold. I don't remember it very clearly, but I can imagine his reaction. Lawl, violent little kid...

I wish Misty was in the poll. Mallets... XD, you can't beat the mallets. Dawn is overly stupid, and May was overly annoying, IMO. Dawn looks dumb, and May looked dumb. Heck, Misty looks dumb in her new outfit.

Of course, that's my opinion.
XD Yeah, gold. I don't remember it very clearly, but I can imagine his reaction. Lawl, violent little kid...

I wish Misty was in the poll. Mallets... XD, you can't beat the mallets. Dawn is overly stupid, and May was overly annoying, IMO. Dawn looks dumb, and May looked dumb. Heck, Misty looks dumb in her new outfit.

Of course, that's my opinion.

do you mean misty's yellow and red outfit, or does she have a new outfit for d/p? (i'm just getting up to scratch with all the new eps on youtube) i love that one a whole lot more than her fist outfit... i mean c'mon, suspenders with shorts... and that skimpy excuse for a shirt... i like her second outfit much more

and i think the issue with dawn id that she's overly stupid in the fact that she doesn't even know basic fundamentals.... stuff that ash and even may and max knew (ok, given max was a bookworm and knew more than may...)
I think he means Misty's yellow outfit... I didn't like it a whole lot either, but it's better than her old one. And even that one was better than Dawn's IMO.
Yeah, they're both ugly, but I hate the colors on her new one... Yes, BTW, it's the Hoenn one.

It's kinda funny how idiotic Dawn is, I mean, look at Ash! He knew pretty much the whole Kanto Dex before he started. Pretty much. =] But, you've gotta admit, Misty was hilarious(Mallets, lawl). And Dawn's outfit IS completely stupid looking. *coughsowasMay'scough*


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
As stated on the front post of this topic, Misty was excluded because it'd make things too one-sided (she already pwn'd the previous polling like this, too). Besides, this is a standard 1 on 1 between Dawn and May, so no Misty ^^

And that's a big misconception about Ash being so-much more knowledge about Kanto Pokes verses Dawn for Sinnoh Pokes. Maybe Brock knew the Kanto Dex, but Ash sure didn't (how many times did we hear him utter the words "Who's that Pokemon?"). Hell, he'll STILL point his PokeDex at Pokemon he's seen several times before.

Also, about basic fundamentals... Who tried to catch a Pokemon with his jacket? Or needed to be told by his Dex to actually weaken it first? I'm thinking you guys need to rewatch the start of Kanto just to see how dumb early Ash truly was :p

People are also failing to mention that May and Max had a Gym Leader for a dad, so you'd expect them to know more than most other beginners. Dawn on the other hand knows a lot about the fundamentals of contests, which is also expected since her mom was a contest champ. Poor Ash... all he has is a crazy mom and an invisible father XD
Huh. I really can't remember that about Ash(Seeing as it's been ten years since I watched the whole first season...), so I'll take your word for it, Linkachu.

Misty owned a poll? I knew she would, I mean, she was hilarious. I actually started getting bored with the Anime once Misty left, come to think of it... I just hated May that much. I'm not really fond of Dawn, either. She's just better than May IMO because her arguments with Ash are more heated, XD.

And I don't have the opportunity to watch the first season....


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Too bad. Ash's stupidness is a legacy that must be remembered for future generations XD

Anyways, didn't realize this topic ended days ago, lol.

Question: Favourite Anime character of the two? (Voting closed: July 18, 2007, 11:18:27 PM)
May - 8 (38.1%)
Dawn - 13 (61.9%)
Total Voters: 21

And on the Dawn/May theme, I think I'll throw out a Torchic vs Piplup poll ^^

Which Pokemon do/did you like more: May's Torchic or Dawn's Piplup. Combusken/Blaziken are not to be included because it's not really a fair comparison then.
Uhhh.... Tough one... Piplup's a fighter, and Torchic was a scaredy-cat... I have a natural draw to both of them.
But, I'm going to say.... Piplup. DINGDINGDING, WE HAVE A WINNER.
I mean, Piplup is so cool! Add on his warrior's spirit, and we have teh pwnz0r. For one thing, he evolves into Empoleon, so that makes him even better, IMO. And another, I only liked Combusken out of May's the line of firebird pokés, mostly because I didn't get to see any episodes with Blaziken in it, and Combusken was just awesome. Once Piplup evolves(We KNOW it's gunna happen soon), He'll lose to Combusken, IMO.
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Don't get me wrong as a Pokemon I love Torchic a whole lot more than Piplup; but I going with personality and Dawn's Piplup wins. Though I haven't really been following the Sinnoh saga that much, I'm not going use that as a reason for picking Torchic. Piplup is spunky and headstrong and for some reason that appeals to me. May's Torchic isn't bad(I liked it more than May after all), but Piplup wins in personality and got my vote.
torchic, and not just because fire types are my favorites... when may got her torchic, sure it was a coward, but it was loyal and didn't cause TOO much of a ruckus... whereas piplup was straight out causing trouble by flipping out over chimchar stealing a bit of food... not to mention the rows piplup has had with dawn... that and i'm not really hot over any of the sinnoh starters...

so, torchic wins out for me ^^
I'd hvae to say Piplup. Torchic was the kind of POkemon you could bury 10 feet into the ground without a bit of feeling for it. It's severe lack in personality made it a very boring Pokemon. Although Piplup being a brat is annoying, too, but somehow that kind of relationship with Dawn is the stuff that can develop into a deep friendship just like Ash and Pikachu.
Torchic was a very underrated pokémon on mays team for so long, I hated that May used it so terribly when it evolved. Dawns Piplup is cute enough and well used, so Im not too bothered by it at the moment.
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ON a side note, Maybe the next POll could involve a POkemon with 2 forms, like Cherrim and Shellos...just laying that idea down for reference....

Back on topic, Torchic has had its share of humiliating defeats, and its a shame its potential was only realized as a combusken, but then May never really chose torchic because she severely wanted it unlike her Beautifly. She chose it as she didn't like Treecko and Mudkip so in a sense she was choosing the lesser evil of the 3 ^_^
I have another interesting idea for a Poke-Poll: Tyranitar vs. Hippowdon. For those who can't figure out why I'm suggesting this, its because they are both Pokemon with the Sandstream ability.
I liked Dawn's Piplup because it had more of a personality that May's Torchic. I don't even care about the two trainers anyway. -_-' So, for me, Dawn's Piplup wins, hands down.
Piplup was the Pokemon that held true to it's Pokedex entry. Torchic was horrifically boring and underused. The most it got used for was getting a Frisbee or any other dirty work. Then when it evolved it was horrifically OVERused. It's like saying to a Charmander that you hate it, until it's a Charizard. Then you say you love it. =|

And I'd like to say the Dunsparce is AWESOME. Supreme annoyer. Plus a little digging tail and tiny wings.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
As for a suggestion for next weeks poll, perhaps a Hitmon poll? Asking which one you like better of course.

Ahah! A split-evo poll that I don't think has been done before. Me likes :)

Question: Favourite Anime Pokemon of the two? (Voting closed: July 30, 2007, 01:34:23 PM)
May's Torchic - 6 (42.9%)
Dawn's Piplup - 8 (57.1%)
Total Voters: 14

Sorry for the delay. I've been busy and haven't been visiting the forums very often lately... and totally forgot about this topic in the process ^^;

Anyways, next poll comes from Hitmonlee Lover's quoted suggestion. If its already been done before I for one can't remember it, so I'm going ahead with it. In short, which is your favourite Hitmon? ... and I will have no "Hitmontyson!" votes xp
I love Hitmonlee. The kick attacks are awesome, and the colors just... work... for it.

(WARNING: BAD PUN AHEAD!!)I would have chosen Hitmonchan for its Thunder/Fire/Ice Punch. But, three attacks doesn't make the mon! Yes, I said it.

AL has humiliated himself.
(WARNING: BAD PUN AHEAD!!)I would have chosen Hitmonchan for its Thunder/Fire/Ice Punch. But, three attacks doesn't make the mon! Yes, I said it.

AL has humiliated himself.

I would say so too. Anyways, I chose Hitmonchan because...well...I got a Trading Card of it and I just love how it looks.
HItmonchan, just cause it has more options and has an ability to power up his specialty attacks, Punches.
He looks cooler too. Punching is just better for fighting.
Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, If it was just between those two, it would Hitmonchan all the way. But they both get pushed out of the way for Hitmontop. Hitmontop's just the coolest looking IMO and a level 100 Hitmontop is more formidable than the other 2.

Not to mention Hitmontop can learn most of the attacks of the other two. As much as I dislike Eddie Gordo and Christie off Tekken, I do like the capoeira fighting style, and for that reason; Hitmontop is made of win.
Hitmontop all the way for me.
~It's the cutest.
~Its defense isn't nearly as crappy as the other two.
~Spinning top Pokémon = WIN.
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I'm gonna hafta go with the majority here on Hitmonchan, though Hitmontop was kinda close for me.

In the end, if you're so badass that nobody notices you're a male-only Pokemon in a purple dress, you're doing something right.

Kicks > Punches.
Hitmonlee=WIN.Kicks>Punches(as said in El's quote)And Attack > Defense.
[quote author=Snapdragon link=topic=1240.msg34022#msg34022 date=1187300469]
In the end, if you're so badass that nobody notices you're a male-only Pokemon in a purple dress, you're doing something right.
Yeah,well i noticed >_>
I chose hitmonchan... I never particularly liked hitmonlee, its entire top half looks so messed up and quite frankly, ugly!

Hitmontop doesnt do much for me either, its got mediocre stats and a very limited movepool.. =S

Plus, hitmonchan is named after Jackie Chan... and hes pretty badass =)
Well, the only reason I chose Hitmonchan was for its versatility, able to take down its own weakness with a thunderpunch...But I'm currently testing out the capabilities of Lee....

Bruce Lee > Jackie Chan

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