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The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

Straight out of Japan or dubbed - do you still watch Anime series?

  • Yes, avidly

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Only occasionally or for specific episodes

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I only watch the movies

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Never watched it to begin with

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How about all butterfly/moth-ish Pokemon while we're at it...

Beedrill (though I guess its simply because it comes from a cocoon)


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I'm catching up with some old, old posts in this thread because I missed voting for my favourite Hitmon and I'm annoyed about that :p. (Hitmontop all the way!).

I know a Pokemon character is bad when I like the person's Pokemon better that I like the person and that was the case with May. I liked Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken a lot more than I liked its trainer. I agree with Artiste. I can't believe I forgot the ridiculous bandana.

I feel like that about just about all the regular humans in the anime :). My favourite episodes are the ones like "A Hot Water Battle" that focus entirely on the Pokemon because the trainers are doing something else, leaving the Pokemon to play by themselves. The only annoying thing about those type of episodes is the way Meowth is used to provide subtitles for the hard-of-thinking. "What's that, Cyndaquil? You think we should all be friends?" - when decent drawing & action would make it clear what the Pokemon were saying even if none of them could speak human! Argh!

[quote author=UC link=topic=1240.msg28158#msg28158 date=1184385838]
IThe cons of Dawn: A) Shes stupid. At least when May was stupid...she was funny.
B) Dawn is a complete hooch. Her "skirt" is smaller than her palms. and she's ten.
C) I know May's hairdo was out there...but wtf. What are the triangles in Dawn's head?!

Richard thinks I'm strange because I'm disturbed by May's breasts. At least, by the end of Hoenn she's 13 or so - but at the beginning she was 10. I developed early but even then I didn't have a bosom of that size when I was 10 - it took until I was 18!!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
How about all butterfly/moth-ish Pokemon while we're at it...

Beedrill (though I guess its simply because it comes from a cocoon)

Sounds fine by me, but would Masquerain count?

I'd also take Vespiquen and Beedrill out because they're bees, not moths/butterflies like the rest. Your call, tho. You could easily do a seperate "bee" related polling later and toss in Ninjask and/or Shedinja.

[quote author=David466 link=topic=1240.msg34627#msg34627 date=1187805229]
Have we done a poll for the Early-Game Bird Pokemon yet? If we haven't, that should be our next one!

I honestly can't remember, but it'd probably mean more now anyways since people have had the time to get used to the DP Pokemon. So I guess it'd be Pidgeot, Fearow, Noctowl, Swellow, Pelipper, and Staraptor?

Whichever response I get first will get the next poll XD We'll just do the other one afterwards.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I guess that decides it then. If I'm missing a birdie, someone let me know, but I think I have them all included.

Question: Favourite Hitmon? (Voting closed: August 23, 2007, 11:57:39 AM)
Hitmonlee - 5 (25%)
Hitmonchan - 8 (40%)
Hitmontop - 7 (35%)
Total Voters: 20

We're gonna do the Early Birds first, and Rocket's moth poll idea next time. Still waiting on a response from you tho, Rocket X ^^

So, vote away.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Swellow for me, too! I almost always have one on my Emerald/Sappire team. Until now. I always use my Swellow for contests (He has great cool moves!) and battle (his moves and stats are terrific!). I mean, Swellow has great speed stats, and has good attack stats, too! I also like how it looks, the red and blue goes so well together, at least for me. Go Swellow!
She typed the things I was thinking. xD Matter of fact, I always used it for contests as well. o.O I should transfer my good ol' Swellow from one of my games, but first I have to check which stats are better; Swellow's, or Staraptor's.

Linkachu, I'm guessing you put in Staraptor?
Swellow all the way. It focus in the same areas as a Staraptor, but has a way better ability and evolves only once, making it useful quite early. Pidgeot and Staraptor come at a close second though.
Staraptor all the way. Cool cry, looks; intimidate ability and it learns close combat. As close to fighting/flying as we've gotten so far.

Although Swellow comes a close second because of the guts + toxic/flame orb + facade combo it has going on.

PS. - Still waiting for the fave Eeveelution poll.
I liked Swellow, It was fast, in terms of attacking and levelling, you should never leave home without one! Although I have to give reps to Pidgeot fore being the original Early bird, and also because I like 3 stage POkemon. ;D
I like Noctowl because of its looks. It looks pretty awesome and it can learn some good moves, in my opinion. If trained well enough, it can have some potential.

Orangen: I agree, but Staraptor's cry really does sound...*wait for it*... awesome!
I prefer Swellow. IMO it lloks the best... And the whole Guts/Facade. Also I like two-stagers better. Fearow comes in a close second for Drill Peck though.

(No offense Staraptor fans, but I think Starly and Staravia both have reaaaaaaaaally annoying cries. >_>)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
PS. - Still waiting for the fave Eeveelution poll.

Then you'll be waiting awhile now. Its already been done.

Try back in '08 ;)

[quote author=Artiste link=topic=1240.msg34837#msg34837 date=1187971955]
Linkachu, I'm guessing you put in Staraptor?

Aye. As far as liking the Pokemon for the Pokemon goes, I'd vote Pidgeot in a heart beat (nostalgia rules), but after training them all... Staraptor is the first 'early bird' that I actually find useful. It can easily stand up along side my other original Diamond team members and managed to get me out of some tight spots. The power is great, and I love Close Combat on it. As useful as my Pidgeot in FR was... it just doesn't hold a stick to my Staraptor.

Now I feel bad for excluding Swellow too, but what can you do? ^^;
I voted Swellow...It was between Staraptor and Swellow, but Swellow just looks cooler and has a better cry. Even though Staraptor has Close combat...Which is very useful.
I agree about Staraptor being really useful, mine helped me out of a LOT of tight spots, mostly against Aaron, and while she was still a Starly/Staravia(Can't remember lol), against Gardenia. Too bad I got a crap nature. xD

But, you've gotta admit, that thing's head is uuuugly. :]


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Waiting to start the next poll. Just wanted the opinion of someone who knows better: does Masquerain count as a moth? I wouldn't want some bug fanatic smiting me for mislabeling it XD

If so, the next poll will be favourite moth/butterfly Pokemon and consist of Butterfree, Beautifly, Venomoth, Dustox, Masquerain, and Mothim.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Masquerain is sort of a moth (Its japanese name literally means Rain Moth, too). Dog knows how does a moth evolve from one of those water-walking bugs, but this is a world where Archerfish-Remora combos mutate into octopus-like creatures, so. >>


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Question: Favourite Early Bird? (Voting closed: August 31, 2007, 01:19:57 PM)
Pidgeot - 3 (15%)
Fearow - 0 (0%)
Noctowl - 1 (5%)
Pelipper - 0 (0%)
Swellow - 9 (45%)
Staraptor - 7 (35%)
Total Voters: 20

That settles it then. I'll knock the new poll together now. Next time we'll do Plapti's fossil idea :)
I feel like such a big traitor right now... In Sapphire I had a kickass Beautifly that never left my party until I started breeding competitive teams, it was initially stronger than my starter and my strongest in my party for a long time... Now however Mothim is my all time favourite flying bug, even more than venomoth which ever since I first saw Venonat I thought was completely badass. Mothim however is just too awesome to pass over... Forgive me Beautifly and Venomoth...
Masquerain is the only bug I'd ever continue to use for competitions, and for that reason alone is why I'd choose it above all the other moths and butterfly pokemon.
Dustox all the way. It's totally the coolest of all. A Poison Bug cross is asking to be shot by an Alakazam, but Sliver Wind just pwned it, that's why Dustox rules.
I've had a butterfree on my team for a ridiculously long time. It's quick to level and has a diverse moveset, and gains the best of beautifly and dustox's worlds...
Masquerain is sort of a moth (Its japanese name literally means Rain Moth, too). Dog knows how does a moth evolve from one of those water-walking bugs, but this is a world where Archerfish-Remora combos mutate into octopus-like creatures, so. >>

At least the concept of a carp mutating into a sea serpent has an inkling of logic to it as shown by this excerpt from its Bulbapedia article:
Magikarp is based on a legend about how carp that leapt over the Dragon Gate would become dragons. Several waterfalls and cataracts in China are believed to be the location of the Dragon Gate.

Anyway, I think I'll go with Mothim.
I picked Butterfree right away, so far it's my favourite! First off, I like the shiny one, it's a nice shade of pink. And, it's the most butterfly-like. Nostalgia slightly was a factor, in fact I've rather liked them for a long time. (Remembers hearing that one lady mentioning a pink Butterfree, and going frantic finding one for self.) Yes, I do have one that I spent awhile training, but stopped about level 45. Yeah, that one is a legit shiny one, it was one my FireRed, but migrated it immediately. So all of this influenced my vote. I know it's a lot, and makes me seem like a Butterfree-freak.
Oh, that's tricky. D:

I had a Butterfree waaay back in the RBY days. Not counting my starter, he was the first Pokemon to join my team, and there he stayed until the very end. I have so many memories of the little bugger. I caught him as a Metapod, not Caterpie, so I had such trouble raising him. XD I remember having a Metapod vs. Metapod duel with some Bug Catcher that I only won because they had infinite PP and I didn't, so Metapod struggled the other guy into submission.

Butterfree was actually the one responsible for bringing down Sabrina. Her and her overpowered level 40 Alakazam of doom.

However, there's also Mothim.

I've got a lot of nostalgia attached to Butterfree, but nowadays I only use it for Compoundeyes/Thief item hunting. Mothim sadly has no place fighting metagame's ubers, but he's got pretty good attack stats and a fair movepool. I also happen to really like his design, and I loved his Japanese name way before we ever knew what he was in English. Garmeil. Garmale. Gaameiru. Mothmale? Hee.

Plus, y'know, there's Basil. XD I get attached to characters, so writing him just made me love Mothims all the more. Sorry, Butterfree, but the naive typist sidekick wins the day. Mothim has my vote.

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