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The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

Straight out of Japan or dubbed - do you still watch Anime series?

  • Yes, avidly

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Only occasionally or for specific episodes

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I only watch the movies

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Never watched it to begin with

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
while I do like the hula girl theme, I'm going with Vileplume because shrinking is just odd in all cases except for digi-stuff...plus vileplume just looks cooler in my opinion ;D


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've extended this another three days for anyone who wanted to vote but didn't get the chance. I'll try to think of something new to replace it with after that time period runs out. As always, suggestions are greatly appreciated =)


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I've always really liked Bellossom. I agree, it doesn't go with the rest of the Gloom line - but does that matter? Oddish in particular is cute and happy in the anime, and there's no reason for it to stay mopey forever. Look at teenagers - all angsty and depressed, but if that lasted into adulthood the human race would have given up by now!

I didn't know it shrinks when it evolves, though. That does seem wrong. Then again, a lot of the Pokemon size information seems wrong. Although the main thrust of my argument has been killed by the fact that Richard and I just spent 10 minutes calculating the volume of a Snorlax (modelled as a prolate spheroid), and in fact it transpires that his density is around that of water. There I was thinking that he'd sink through rock!
Have we done a poll for the early birds (Pidgey, Hoothoot, Taillow, and Starly) yet? I tried to go back through the pages and I don't think we have.

If not, can we?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Actually, pretty sure it has been done, so I think I'll avoid that one. But... I finally have a new idea! XD

Question: Your Gloom evolution choice? (Voting closed: March 17, 2008, 08:41:54 pm)
Vileplume - 12 (63.2%)
Bellossom - 7 (36.8%)
Total Voters: 19

New Poll is up. Since I can't seem to manage these week to week now, I'm leaving it open for two. This time, it's your favourite spin-off. "Other" applies to ANYTHING else not listed, but think video games, not board games/card games/etc. (unless it's the TCG GB game).

Also, while it goes without saying, if you want to reply with which "Other" choice you picked, don't just list it - explain why. I will smite you otherwise :p
Actually, pretty sure it has been done, so I think I'll avoid that one. But... I finally have a new idea! XD
Oh well. Guess I didn't look thoroughly enough :)

Anyway, my vote goes to the only one I've ever played and that is Stadium. My favorite part was the minigames. My cousin rocked at the Magikarp Jump and the Sandshrew games. We both kinda sucked at the Clefairy memory games, but hey. I also found the battle animation really funny.

The one I most want to play is PBR even though I've heard some less than steller reviews.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
My favorite part was the minigames. My cousin rocked at the Magikarp Jump and the Sandshrew games. We both kinda sucked at the Clefairy memory games, but hey.

I'd forgotten all about those! I loved the Magikarp jump game! I can't believe I'd forgotten...

I voted Pokemon XD/Colossuem, just because I enjoy the games. I like catching the Shadow Pokemon, plus I haven't really played the others...

I would have said I quite liked Battle Revolution, but I find the opening woman really annoying
Had to say Colosseum considering I have only played Mystery Dungeon. Found MD to just be a let down, don't know why but I was expecting more from the game. Of course I got bored with it after I got to the Zapdos mission and proceeded to get my butt handed to me and realized I really didn't want to do 8 bazillion other missions just to level up. Most wanted to try Ranger because it looked unique and fun.
I must Actually go with XD/Coliseum. I loved the intro to taking someone else's pokemon and 'purifying' it. I also liked the effects (then of course. Now Revolution wins the graphics) Plus, I got all of my Kanto Pokemon from XD!

Never could beat Firered >.>

Pokemon Gale of Darkness. Total win just because of the special moves the Shadow Pokemon get if they're purified. TOns of strategy there. Looks like Clinic work can be done anywhere hey?

That and Colosseum had the Battle Mountain or whatever it is. Epicness right there.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Heh. As unique and fun games like Pokemon Snap and Ranger were, and as nifty as Stadium 1 and 2 were for allowing us to use our in-game Pokemon in 3D for the first time, I've gotta put my vote towards Colosseum and XD as well.

As flawed as those games were, they still brought something to the Pokemon gaming world that even Stadium 1 and 2 failed to do, and for that I really appreciated them. XD in particular I felt was an okay game, even if it was a rehash of Colosseum Scenario mode in many ways. It basically built upon what Colosseum had already done and expanded it into a proper adventure, plus it took the tediousness of purifying Pokemon down a helluva lot with that chamber thing.

I'd love to play another 3D Pokemon RPG at some point in the future, especially after seeing the graphical qualities of PBR in action. It's probably only a matter of time before they announce one, though :)
Colloseum I love just for the character sprite (i don't just have it as my avatar cause i'm lazy yo) my only problem with the two games was that they were so linear if you missed one tiny thing you could end up (as I did) walking around for ages without a clue what to do. XD only annoyed me because they made the main character a child, if they'd had a similar character to Colloseum's I probably would have liked it a lot more. Also colloseum for starting you with 2 evolved pok
I really enjoyed Pokemon Snap. There was a bunch of secret things to discover, and you had reasons to replay the levels. Plus getting stickers printed out at Blockbuster of your shots was a neat feature while it lasted.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Question: Favourite Pokemon Spin-Off Video Game? (Voting closed: April 25, 2008, 10:17:34 am)
Pokemon Snap - 1 (5%)
Pokemon Stadium/2 - 2 (10%)
Pokemon Ranger - 0 (0%)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - 6 (30%)
Pokemon Battle Revolution - 1 (5%)
Pokemon Pinball/RS - 1 (5%)
Pokemon Colosseum/XD - 8 (40%)
Other (Trozei, Channel, etc.) - 1 (5%)
Total Voters: 20


New polling. Figured I'd try something a bit different, and I'm just curious to see what the majority will answer.

How many Pokemon do you raise on your average play through the gym saga/plot portion of the RPG handhelds? Even though a complete team of six has always been the standard for me, I've been noticing that a lot of people tend to have teams of 3-4 Pokemon and then just fill the remaining slots with HM slaves. So, how is it for you, and why?
I always had a balanced team of 6, but when I tried a Team of 3-4 and a few Slaves, that actually seemed more efficient at getting past the Elite Four in a faster time.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've honestly never played through the games with less than six trained Pokemon. There's just something about having less that's always sat odd with me... A team of six, whether they're balanced or not (they could be a custom team that all consist of a specific type or whatnot), just feels most natural, and I like raising as many Pokemon in one go as I can.

There was actually one game that I started off rotating between 18 different Pokemon, just because I was interested in training them all and figured "Why not? The worst it'll do is extend the gameplay and increase repetitive battling." In the end, though... ended up dropping down to 13, then to about 9. At least I DID keep rotating between those 9 or so right up to the end. Made for a bit of a debate when choosing my final E4 team xp
In Pearl, I had only five Pokemon all the way through. :p

Infernape... Palkia... That's all I remember. But I did eventually beat them!

I did this because I found it to be a lot easier! I like variety in my team, and I couldn't pick a sixth Pokemon...



Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I voted Six, because on average I do have a full team. However, one slot is normally filled with a HM slave, so I have to rotate between the HM slave a boxed team member. I generally rotate my pokemon so that they are all at the same level - they have an order on my team and they are trained in that order, with the one who gains a level going to the bottom of the 'pile' and so forth. In Silver I only had four pokemon though. I can't play the game with pokemon I don't like, and I didn't like many Johto pokemon :p
I have to say I usually had a decently balanced team of 6, plus 2 HM slaves in the box that I rotate in and out as I need them. So I guess that counts as more than 6. I have been known to train up a 7th or 8th, but they usually just end up replacing someone in the original party.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I have to say I usually had a decently balanced team of 6, plus 2 HM slaves in the box that I rotate in and out as I need them. So I guess that counts as more than 6.

Actually, no. It's kinda assumed that HM slave Pokemon don't count here. Only the ones you actually raised to battle the Gyms/E4/etc. do. After all, most anyone who raises six proper Pokemon needs to swap out for HM slaves.

I hope people haven't been voting the 'more than six' option for that reason, because it's basically just there for people who like to train more than six in one go (which isn't as common, but does happen).
I actually voted for more than six because I usually replace one about 3/4 through the game, but that other one is still a decently high level, just sorta gets left by the wayside after getting replaced.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I figured that by the second half of your post. I just hope others do, too. It'd screw up the polling otherwise ^^;
On average I have about five Pokemon and an HM slave so I voted five. In Diamond however, I had a hole in my team before the E4 and I had to fill it with Azelf because I was too stupid to realize teh coolness that is Lucario. The vast majority of the time I quickly train a Pokemon before my first E4 challenge.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I use about 5 real battle Pokemon and one HM slave, like Carmen here. Occasionally I would change it to 6 because of the elite 4 (I rotate the 6 battle Pokemon so that they would be pretty even), but that's somewhat rare. Once in a game, usually.

I voted 6 just because.
Normally I have 5-6 pokemon when I beat the E4, all of them propperly trained.

But with diamond I managed to beat the E4 with 4 main pokemon not properly trained >.
5 for most of the game, but I would have a sixth in the box, just cause of the HMs needed to get through. But I would have six Pokemon. It was annoyingly hard to keep the Pokemon equal in levels. But, using Six Pokemon is using Six Pokemon.


I usually like to challenge myself and so take only two pkmn to the gym.But obviously i take the ones with the type advantage XD
Up until recently, I've always alternated my team. I do it mostly because I'd like to train a certain Pokemon while retaining the powerhouses of my team. A certain 5 are set as the team I'd use for the Final battle, several others for specific gym battles and a handful of HM slaves.

When it comes to gym battling, I tend to overtrain my Pokemon, take the scenic route to a certain city, and find that my Pokemon are several levels stronger than the gym leader's. In that sense, I only carry one or two Pokemon for a gym battle, but substitute sometimes to make use of the EVs given off by the gym leader's Pokemon.


I take four pokemon to the gyms two as the main ones and two as backup.
But I ensure that all four have an advantage, obviously.
Normally when I go to a Gym, I try and keep my team at a distinct advantage to the Gym Leader's. Except for Winona in Fortree. I was still pretty new to Pokemon, and after my success of Crystal (with Suicune, Ampharos, Espeon and Typhosion getting rid of everyone), I was running high on smugness and...well...god, I was a twit. I actually died 5 times because I didn't have a Rock type, and my strongest Pokemon (who was about 5 levels above her Altaria I might add), was my Blaziken and HE died because he was a Fighting type.

Now I play it safe and take 5 Pokemon who are always on my Main Team (in game), and one extra, who is normally a HM slave, or a Pokemon I want to train. And I make sure that of the 5 main Pokemon I take into the Gym battles, at least two or three have type advantages over the Gym Leader.​


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Heh. Well, after being away for near about two months, I'm back home... and I totally forget what my next polling idea for this was going to be, lol.

If anyone has any ideas, share 'em. If not, I'll think of something to put up within the next couple of weeks. :)
Anyone want to vote for favorite Galactic Admin?

Alternatively, we could vote on which Sinnoh Gym Battle was the best so far.

And my last suggestion is favorite Elite Four Basically the nominees will be by region (Kanto E4, Johto E4, Hoenn E4 and Sinnoh E4)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I think favourite Elite 4 has already been done, but it was probably over a year ago. I'd say it should be fair now to redo any past polls that people want since a lot of new members have joined. I'd rather a majority of new stuff, mind, but some of the classics are classics for a reason.

So this time I'll go for the E4s. I'll also take the gym battles into consideration, but someone needs to tell me how far the dubbed version of the show has gone. It'd probably be best to stop where it does.

I'll edit this in a few minutes.


Question: Your average team sizes during your handheld RPG plays through? (ie. Gym saga/plot portion) (Voting closed: June 13, 2008, 07:59:35 AM)
Just one Pokemon - 0 (0%)
Two - 1 (4.2%)
Three - 2 (8.3%)
Four - 3 (12.5%)
Five - 3 (12.5%)
Six - 10 (41.7%)
Rotate between more than six - 5 (20.8%)
Total Voters: 23

New poll is up. :)
Hmm, as many fond memories I have of beating the E4 on Crystal (100 times, and 300 hours ^^;...) I have to say my favorite was the Hoenn Elite Four. They had good designs, cool Pokemon and it was the only one that seemed to be at the right levels, not too hard, but not too low.

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