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The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

Straight out of Japan or dubbed - do you still watch Anime series?

  • Yes, avidly

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Only occasionally or for specific episodes

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I only watch the movies

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Never watched it to begin with

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Question: Most Wanted Pokemon Game (Actual and Potential) for 2009 (Voting closed: January 21, 2009, 10:10:40 AM)
Pokemon Platinum - 8 (25.8%)
A G/S Remake - 12 (38.7%)
New Mystery Dungeon - 1 (3.2%)
New Pokemon Ranger - 1 (3.2%)
A Contest-Centric Game - 1 (3.2%)
A Wii-based RPG - 8 (25.8%)
Other (Specify) - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 29


I meant to post jerty's idea awhile ago, but doing it now. ^^

Also, after looking through all of the different shiny forms of Eevee evolutions yesterday, I know my quick answer: Umbreon. Blue-ringed Umbreon is love.
So, whats wrong with just keeping it an Eevee? :) I like Eevees, dunno why. That way, also, I get the flexibility of picking which evo I want later on, or I could even trade it on. Bet its popular.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Vaporeon, though Umbreon would be a close second. I think purple suits Vaporeon ^^
Jolteon is my favourite of them all, but barf/luminous green just isn't right


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I'd be sorely tempted to lean towards Umbreon, primarily because I'd have more use of it competitively as an Umbreon, and because blue is my favourite colour. The luminous green Espeon would draw me a bit though purely because of how crazy it looks.
Umbreon all the way ^^ The blue rings kinda remind me of the blue moon for some reason so it wins points just for that. Vaporeon is a close second because as Magpie said, the purple is pretty.

The rest of the shiny Eevolutions are either not so much different than their normal form or extremely ugly. (Puke green Espeon is ew)
I really like the Blue rings on an Umbreon. It's the only one that has a recognizable difference and still feels natural.
I'll admit neon green Espeon does make a close second though.
Umbreon. Hands down, the best Shiny next to Swellow. It looks awesome and I've always had a soft spot for Umbreon. Ever since I could get one, Umbreon has been a main stay on my in-game teams.

That and the different coloured rings are win.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Keep it. I would name it Shiny, and keep it as a shiny Eevee. Just 'cause... well, you know. XD

Besides keeping it, Glaceon and Umbreon come close after. Leafeon is a maybe, though they could've done more. And I would choose Espeon or Vaporeon if they had better colors (neon green and pink? Ew...). And as for Jolteon... meh. The green looks snotty imo. XD

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I wouldn't evolve it only because I wouldn't know which shiny Eeveeloution I would want.

Purple just doesn't suit Vaporeon IMO, nor does green on Jolteon or brown on Flareon. By far the best looking shiny of this set is Umbreon, and I could probably tolerate a green Espeon. I really didn't notice much of a change on Leafeon or Glaceon except that they got a little lighter.

But hey, what's wrong with a silver Eevee anyway?
As much as I love the blue ringed umbreon, I'm a huge fan of shiny glaceon, it looks so much better than its non shiny form and a lot well, icier lol

Umbreon was a very close second I must say, I can't see it losing this
Jolteon is my choice, with vaporeon as a close second. Umbreon is cool with blue rings, but it doesn't look that different to normal umbreon.
I would probably end up choosing my favorite evolution, which is Leafeon, though it's hard to say without actually having one. If I went by the actual way it looks, however, it would be Umbreon, all the way!
Darn you, I would've voted Espeon. >>... But yeah, maybe Umbreon cuz acid green Espeon would've given me a head ache.
Glaceon/Leafeon shinies are definitely the saddest shinies ever.​


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Question: How would you evolve a shiny Eevee? (Voting closed: March 19, 2009, 11:36:11 AM)
Jolteon - 1 (4.2%)
Vaporeon - 1 (4.2%)
Flareon - 1 (4.2%)
Espeon - 0 (0%)
Umbreon - 10 (41.7%)
Leafeon - 2 (8.3%)
Glaceon - 6 (25%)
Wouldn't evolve - 3 (12.5%)
Total Voters: 24


Hmm... After Platinum giving me that Rotom insert, me thinks I know what my next poll will be... XD

If you're a person who hasn't seen all of the forms yet, check out this thread for links to images. LoN also posted attachments of desktop images for all 5 new forms.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I picked 'Mow'

Just because of that winning 'I'm going to kill you' smile really, and the novelty of a rampaging Lawnmower XD
It has to be the toasty ghost for me. Overheat is a win move, considering it gets incredible coverage with Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt.
Though I have no problem with any of the forms, I just still like the original Rotom. Besides, it's like having all of the forms at once... right?

[size=6pt]Well... maybe not...[/size]

Anyways, if I had to choose one of the actual forms, it would be the Mow Rotom, because of the reasons already mentioned here.
Mow. Toothy Grin is made of so much win. Leaf storm is more of an incentive or a "just-in-case" option thanks to Rotom's Levitate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Rotom get a boost from switching into an appliance forme?
I voted for original, I think that that little orange Ghost/Electric type is so basic and easy to train IMO - all the other forms have like, 5pp moves and some of the moves even lower stats! But if I ever get the choice, I'd give the form thing a try. XD.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I vote Heat Rotom - how many Pokemon are there that can own hard and grill your sandwiches for you at the same time? Plus Overheat is a pretty win-some signature move to say the least.
1st: Heat rotom. Who doesn't like a toaster with boxing gloves?
2nd: Original. It's arms flap around like crazy when it gets hit in BR!
3rd: Wash. It has cool arms and has a hose! It just seems cool to me!

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