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The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

Straight out of Japan or dubbed - do you still watch Anime series?

  • Yes, avidly

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Only occasionally or for specific episodes

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I only watch the movies

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Never watched it to begin with

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I like Mow rotom the best actually XD Spin rotom makes a close second.
yeah, it was hilarious X3 Not much else to say ^^;

(The 'Get Your Rotom Running!' episode did not influence my decision. Nope. >>)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Hmm... I've blanked on this again.

Anyone have a suggestion for the next poll? If so, PM me and I'll put it up unless the question has been asked recently.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Thoughts on the Pokewalker thingymajig? :D

*LoN's got nuthin'

Hmm... Sounds alright.

I'll give it three voting options :D (Dig it, neutral, pointless piece of junk xp).

*Goes to update topic*


Your favourite forme for Rotom?
Original - 7 (28%)
Mow - 8 (32%)
Frost - 2 (8%)
Heat - 6 (24%)
Fan - 2 (8%)
Wash - 0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 25

Voting closed: April 16, 2009, 09:09:35 AM


The next poll is up, and if you aren't sure what the PokeWalker is - read about it here: http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/index.php?topic=6263.0


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Neutral because, to be honest, I don't know what to make of it. I can't say I've ever heard of the original that came out alongside Gold and Silver... so this is new to me XD

It sounds fun, although I doubt I'd want to put any of my team onto it while I'm playing through the game (assuming it removed the Pokemon from the game of course). I'd probably use it to level Pokemon up for 'Dex entries and such if anything. Or of course I'd put the team member on it that would usually be left behind while a HM slave got me through a cave. That way it'd still gain something.

I , too, am neutral. I love the idea of going through day-to-day objectives while training your Pokemon and also making it love you at the same time.

However the idea of losing the 'Walker and therefore losing the Pokemon inside is... disturbing to say the least.

I actually like the idea, assuming it works. :p

I like being able to train while working outside or around school, or even just walking around the house. After all of a Pokemon's EV's are in, and it's learned all possible moves, I could use it to get them stronger while not actually playing the game. Or just use it to train those Pokedex Pokemon. The thing that makes me say that I "dig it" instead of being neutral about it is that you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Although for 'Dex Pokemon you don't really care about sometimes, it can't hurt to try it.

So yeah, I definitely dig it very much!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Meh, even though I do have worries on some parts of it, it seems like a good little device, overall.

See my full argument-thingie in the actual thread: http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/index.php?topic=6263.0
I'm digging it big time ^^ I think it's a really fun idea and gives us a fun new way of leveling up Pokemon. And as for Pokemon forgetting moves? That won't really be a problem for me because I'll make sure the Pokemon doesn't have irreplaceable moves on them if that's the case--just as I would in the Daycare. But yeah, this seems like it'll be nice and just gives me more of a reason to want SoulSilver.
I dig it ^^

It sounds like an quirky attempt at irl Pal Park, but it does merit a lot of uses. And it totally promotes exercise :V I won't see much use for it other than randomly showing people I has a pixel Buizel or Cyndaquil proudly stuck to my belt...
If I get one of the new games, I know I'll never use it. That being said, I don't necessarily have a negative view of it, so I picked "Neutral."
I am really excited for the Pokewalker. I saw the screenshot of the black and white pixelated pikachu against what looked like a Kangaskahn in the coro coro magazine scans and I was reminded of the gameboy color red and blue days. I would love to have one of my pokemon from my party be put into the Pokewalker to level up and take everywhere I go.
It can even find items for you!
Pointless piece o' junk!!!!!! It's just a Poketch with a flip-open screen. In fact, I believe the Poketch was better, and they should've used it again!

I have to say that I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about.

I'm really looking forward to it. This is really just going to be an added way to run around exclaiming to people that I love Pokemon.

heh. "my pokeymans, let me show u them."


I am neutral towards it, mostly because it will feel very odd if we go around our daily routine while carrying that thing in our hands. :p If it were something in-game, then it would have been a bit different, as it would not have felt as odd.

Moreover, it would be quite a shock if you transfer one of your best Pokemon into it and it gets stolen/ lost.
i think its a good idea because it encourages us Pokéfans to go outside and get some exercise.
after I ev train, my feraligatr is coming to school with me!
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I dig it. I think it's a good idea to put a pedometer in there to encourage exercise....but couldn't you just sit on the couch and shake it to level up your pokemon "the easy way"? That being said, I'm looking forward to seeing it. It should be interesting.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Your feelings on the new PokéWalker device?
I dig it - 16 (53.3%)
Neutral - 10 (33.3%)
Pointless piece of junk - 4 (13.3%)
Total Members Voted: 30
Voting closed: June 29, 2009, 01:23:09 PM


HOO HAH! I really had no idea what to make the next poll, so I went with the first one off the top of my head...

How many of you still follow the Pokemon Anime series, and how frequently? Maybe you never watched it at all, or stopped at a very specific point never to watch it again. There's always the chance you solely follow the movies, too... So, tell us how it is for you :)

Yes indeedy. Shall edit it in within the next couple of minutes.
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I've been an avid watcher of the anime from the very beginning just because I like seeing how all the attacks actually interact in the world environments and in certain situations. I'm not really in it for the random plot devices any more, but there are occasionally gems that do shine that isn't just the random 'flavor of the day pokemon and friends gets captured by TR and oh noes big surprise gets rescued again'. But, like I said, I'm mostly in it to see the battles.
I'm pretty much the same as Pheo. The days of me avidly watching the anime are long gone, but I still watch it to see how attacks are executed or if there is a person (Paul is my favorite) or Pokemon I particularly want to see. Now, if I just want to keep a general idea of what's going on, I just read plot summaries on Bulbapedia or Serebii. There are some really good things about the anime, but somethings that are seriously annoying.
I am now an avid watcher, I never really was til Battle Frontier started probably because I didn't know when it was on and it was before DVRs. I'd occasionally watch episodes, but not often. Now I watch em all the time. I also LOVE the movies. I can't wait til Arceus and the Jewel of Life airs this Friday.
I used to watch them a lot as a kid. I guess I fell out of watching them aroudn the same time I fell out of watching TV regularly. I have been going back and watching old episodes online recently, and I've been trying to catch up on the movies, but I'm still way behind.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I voted 'Only occasionally or for specific episodes'

After seeing the first ever episode one morning before school, I was hooked. I watched it avidly each morning with my younger brother and it was my favourite programme for ages. I stopped watching it after the Orange League, for reasons I can't seem to remember. Possibly it was because I moved up to secondary school (7th Grade) and it meant that I couldn't watch it due to my school day starting earlier. After Gold and Silver I completely lost interest in Pokemon and didn't get back into it until just before Diamond and Pearl were released. 'Tis good to be back
Well, I don't really watch them anymore. More or less, I stopped during Johto, got back during Honnen, and now I'm currently stopped watching it except when it's a special, like Legend of Thunder or Mystery Dungeon. Basically, if there's no Ash, I might watch. XD
As for movies, I'll watch them if they're on Cartoon Network... I did see Lucario and the Mystery of Mew on Youtube to see what the fuss with Lucario was all about and became a Lucario fangirl myself...
As of late, I've been unable to follow the anime series faithfully due to the lack of time to download the episodes and space on the computer to save them. And even then, I only watch specific episodes that peak my interest. If a Pokemon I like is featured, an important battle occurs, or the episode's plot is just that amusing, I'd definitely watch it.

When I was younger I was very faithful to the series. A severe lack of a Game Boy meant that the anime was the only way I could enjoy Pokemon, barring the dozens of figures and imaginary battles I had. I once even threw a tantrum because I missed an episode of Pokemon, which at the time aired every friday night weekly. I'm not as committed now but still make some effort to watch the series, as the severe lack of a DS means that the anime is the only other way I can enjoy Pokemon.

Now if you'll excuse me, there are some screenshots of Buizel I should be taking and adding to my collection. >>;
I don't quite avidly watch the anime anymore, and haven't since first and second season. I've seen... 99% of the movies, and actually re-watched Rise of Darkrai on Halloween XD;;

Well, those who know me may know of my ...affinity?... for a certain episode of DP:Galactic Battles. My current count for number of times I have watched that episode is eight. ...Not to mention a few (four) episodes in DP. In other words, any episode that features Roark, I have seen more than once. Guaranteed. What a wonderful fangirl I am ^__^;;

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Of course, it doesn't help that even without your internal fangirlism, Ancient Family Matters is the best thing to ever come out of the dub. EVER. (And still, I love this hole!)

As for me, I don't really follow the anime - I catch an episode here or there, in Japanese (I normally can't stand the dub and all that it stands for - AFM is a rare exception because it's such a damn lolcow). I do however love the movies - especially 8, 2 and 10. (Of which, only 2 dubbed. P2k is one of the rare cases where the dub beats the original in awesomeness levels).

I'm not a sub-elitist by any means - I just can't stand the voicework in the dub normally. >>;


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
As of late, I've been unable to follow the anime series faithfully due to the lack of time to download the episodes and space on the computer to save them. And even then, I only watch specific episodes that peak my interest. If a Pokemon I like is featured, an important battle occurs, or the episode's plot is just that amusing, I'd definitely watch it.

Huh. That actually surprises me a bit. You've always seemed as informative with the series as I am, and I watch every episode I can =O (I guess that's what episode synopsis are for though, lol)

Myself, I've basically been watching the Anime avidly since October '98 (when it first aired dubbed in Canada). There was only one time that I started to lose interest in it... and that's as much the G/S video games fault as it was the shows. Possibly more. I just... didn't really enjoy those games, and it started affecting my love for the Anime, too >>;

But then I caught the Johto episode "Wired For Battle" and fell completely in love with the show again. Haven't faltered for a moment since. The only times I don't keep up with it regularly now are when I physically can't (because the subs just aren't up yet or available whatsoever) or if I'm really busy/distracted IRL. I've also made a point to collect the entire Sinnoh saga on DVD (partially because my little sisters love the show as well), so those help catch me up on the dubbed end of things. I can has no cable/satellite TV and don't enjoy watching full episodes on YouTube and the like - so it's tough for me to follow the dub unless it's by DVD.

I love all of the movies, too, and have watched them repeatedly more times than I can count. =X

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I used to watch the Anime. I saw every episode of the first two seasons but after that I gradually stopped watching. These days I only pay attention when the movies are premiering.

I do still watch the Anime occasionally when it's on and I have nothing better to do, especially if there is an episode that sounds interesting.
I just noticed this poll changed XD

I used to watch it regularly a long time ago (first and second seasons), but then lost track of it due to it airing at different times on different channels that I couldn't keep track of. I caught a few episodes throughout Hoenn, though.

Now, with D&P, I only watch it either when I'm bored, or when I'm looking for specific episodes. The only episodes I'm truly interested in are the ones where something out of the ordinary happens (like catching a Pokemon, a Pokemon evolving, gym battles, major trainer battles (Paul), and even contests). I'm so sick of team rocket right now in the series that I sometimes change the channel when they attempt to steal someones Pokemon, and then change it back near the end of the episode once they're gone.

In general, I try to keep track of the major plot episodes, but that's it, really.
I finished watching the anime after the first season, which is sad, really, because I have caught a couple episodes whilst babysitting and admit that I enjoyed them quite a bit.

I still have fond memories of the ghost episode where the ghosts want to play with Ash and the gang, and the quality, from what I've seen, seems to be staying relatively steady. There is no real place, to my knowledge, to watch episodes and the showing times are rather erratic.

Be assured however that, if I ever found it on Tv when I had time I would watch, but that hasn't happened yet.

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